Several other supreme beings also retreated and came to the edge of this false fairyland. Fortunately, this place is vast enough, comparable to a vast galaxy, and they watched coldly.

In the process of retreating, everyone was struck by lightning, their heads were ashamed, their skins were torn apart and bloody, because they didn't fight with all their strength, they were afraid of attracting catastrophe.

The Great Emperor Golden Crow uttered a long cry, resonating with this world, like an immortal king with a golden light of billions of feet, repeatedly impacting the heavenly gate, and bombarded and killed it with catastrophe.

Amidst the rumbling sound, the gap in the fairy gate widened a bit, but it never moved after all.


The big clock was long, and the Golden Crow divine clock made of Dao Tribulation gold was ablaze. Dao Bo impacted and pierced through the gap, trying to break into the Immortal Realm.

"You are overestimating your own strength, and you have not really achieved Dzogchen yet, and you just want to become an immortal. I don't think you even know how you died!" Several supreme beings sneered.

The Great Emperor of the Golden Crow Clan came just in time, and they were going to sacrifice him alive.

Coincidentally, everyone including Xu Yu and Ye Fan were ready to take action and use taboo methods to kill Lao Jinwu in front of Tianmen and perform a blood sacrifice.

However, those who become emperors are psychic, especially now that he has been recognized by heaven and earth. The Golden Crow Emperor has been baptized by Tao all over his body, and he suddenly realizes that he cannot become an immortal now.

Moreover, if he delays any longer, he will be in great trouble. He will risk endless calamity and turn around.


Several great supreme beings shot, but they all changed their colors. The immeasurable catastrophe arrived, and they were submerged again.


Amidst the brilliant light, a fierce battle took place here. The supreme beings were a little depressed and did not dare to bombard them with all their strength, because they were afraid of the imminent disaster.

But even so, the place boiled and was beaten to pieces.


The Golden Crow exploded, his body was covered in blood, and golden feathers flew all over the sky, but he quickly reorganized his body, let out a wail, and rushed out.


The golden bell swayed, and then exploded with a bang. His Daoist device was shattered right after it was born, turning into golden fragments all over the sky.

Jin Wudi's blood spattered on the Tianmen, making it rumble, and the gap became bigger again, as if it was about to open.

The Great Emperor of the Yaozu roared, the wind and thunder blew up, and the chaotic thunder flashed. He did not hesitate to invite a devastating disaster, dragged the catastrophe down, and slashed at everyone.

I have to say, this is really scary.But several supreme beings had also come through this step, and used forbidden secret techniques to launch another attack.

Although the Great Emperor of the Golden Crow Clan went far away, his body was shattered three times in a row, and each time he reorganized and then collapsed, staining the place with blood, but he finally escaped with the fragments of the big clock.

"I was lucky enough to survive, but it may not be possible to achieve consummation."

"His state is very bad, but it is completely self-inflicted. Even Emperor Consummation dares to fight with us. His ambition is too great!"

The people behind all sneered.

Suddenly, the Wanlong Emperor changed color, and he found bloodstains on the corner of Taoist Baihu's mouth, showing a satisfied expression.

Not only was all of the Golden Crow Emperor's blood sacrificed on the Tianmen, but part of it was swallowed by Taoist Baihu. He was the closest just now and got this opportunity.

Originally, he was one of the targets hunted and killed by everyone, and he was already weak, but now that he has replenished blood essence, he has recovered more than half.

"You guys have also seen that the Golden Crow is not yet perfect, but his blood also has an effect, making the gap in the opening of the Heavenly Gate much wider. How about we calm down and send the Human Race Supreme or the Holy Body on its way first?" Beast God suggested this.

"I have no objection!" Taoist Baihu nodded, he gained confidence after drinking blood, he was already calm and fearless.

"Then it's settled. Let's get rid of him first. We must not attack each other before. This time we must abide by the agreement." Wanlong Huang said, the purple and gold imperial weapon on his head flickering with terrifying light.

"Human Sacred Body, we want to ask you to help us open this door, otherwise you will understand the consequences!" The golden phoenix wings flashing with red light vibrated, and a ruthless roar came out.

The Four Supremes cut off the Immortal Road and blocked Xu Yu and Ye Fan there. They revealed their murderous intentions one by one and asked them to attack Tianmen among them, otherwise they would kill him together.

Ye Fan's eyes flickered, and with a wave of his hand, the green copper tripod fell down and appeared in his palm, crystal clear, bright and auspicious.


Suddenly, before Ye Fan could make any movement, behind him, the gate of heaven opened slowly, revealing a strange, vast and unpredictable fairy world!
The gate of heaven opens, and a vast world appears!

Is that a fairyland? The mountains are vast and as high as the sky. Divine vines and fairy trees grow there, with ancient vicissitudes of life, as if they have grown for tens of millions of years.

But why is there a layer of fog that seems to be far away?

People are eager to see it thoroughly, but they are too delusional to understand it thoroughly.


The blazing rain of light rushed over, like a flower blooming one after another, bright and warm, shining through the ages, spanning the entire ancient history of life.

"Is it really a fairyland?"

At this moment, the voice of an ancient supreme being trembled. After dormant for millions of years, could he finally see the fairy world?It's surprising and scary, it feels unreal.

"Is it the fairyland, the place where dreams enter?" Wanlong said.

The Supreme Being was once young, and like Xu Yu, he was once as full of blood as the sea, standing at the highest peak of the era, admired by all living beings, full of pride, and looking down upon the nine heavens and ten earths.

They had dreams, passion, and great ambitions, but all of them were ultimately lost on the road to immortality, and they gave up too much for this.

"Relatives, friends, and beauties." All of them have left behind and turned into dust. They are the only ones who do whatever it takes to survive, living a difficult life and suffering.

What is it for, just for this moment, to come to the Immortal Realm and become a true immortal!
Now the time has come, the dream has come true, why are my eyes blurred?There were tears shed. "Daughter!" Emperor Wanlong let out a heartbreaking roar, looking at the fairyland, and then stared at Ye Fan with a murderous intent.

In order to become a fairy, he gave up everything, including the dragon girl who was asleep when she died, accumulating strength in ignorance, and now looking back, there will be endless pain.

"Hahaha..." Taoist Baihu laughed out loud, almost insane, his snowy hair was like a mess of grass, and finally burst into tears.

How many old brothers, how many partners, once fought side by side with him, sacrificing their lives, and he succeeded in the end, but those closest to him have long since become dry bones, lying on the road that passed away.

He reached the peak, but no one accompanied him to see the splendid scenery.

"At this moment, why is my heart so lost, even a little painful!" Another Supreme sighed desolately.

Clearly standing on the most glorious peak, but there are fewer people from back then, and I am lonely and independent. Without family, friendship, and love, there are only a few opponents left.

"Isn't the most important thing just the journey? When the wish comes true, only the eternal loneliness is left. I am unwilling to accept it. I long to share the glory with you. Whether the years can look back again, I will bring you here.
Step into the fairyland with me...


A muffled thunderous sound woke up everyone, and the Immortal Cauldron flew up, trying to crash into the Immortal Territory, but suffered a heavy blow, and there were Immortal Dao runes flashing at the entrance.

"Hey, what happened?" Several people were taken aback.

The Chengxian cauldron was stuck in front of the gate of heaven, unable to advance or retreat, shaking violently, one rune after another was about to be branded on it, changing all the original divine chains of laws in the cauldron wall.

"Is this the baptism of the Immortal Boat? Stop it!" Several Supremes shouted.

This is to become a fairy, the light and rain are endless, all submerged in the green copper tripod, making it look even more sacred, many runes are branded on the tripod wall, to make it transform and sublimate.

Several supreme beings rushed forward to stop all this, because the number of places to become immortals is limited, if the green copper tripod occupies a position, they will lose hope.

At this time, Ye Fan is not their chief enemy anymore!
The blazing light came and hit the cauldron. Several people joined forces to crush it.

Ye Fan would not stand by and watch, not to mention other things, he would not be able to watch with his own eyes just because of his relationship with the god baby, and he would use taboo secret techniques to attack and kill several supreme beings.

The place suddenly became chaotic, scuffle broke out, divine spells danced, laws were densely covered, intertwined one after another, forming a brilliant light net.

But at this moment, Xu Yu has become the most leisurely person on the immortal road. The ancient supremes have gone to prevent the immortal cauldron from transforming.

Even Wanlong Emperor, who had been confronting him just now, was desperately attacking the Immortal Cauldron at this moment.

"Are you destined to become an artifact? I don't want to go in like this, help me get out!" Suddenly, a divine thought came from the Immortal Cauldron, reaching Ye Fan's heart.

At this critical moment, the will in the green bronze cauldron is full of unwillingness and unyielding, and if it wants to be detached, it doesn't want to be just a weapon.

The green copper tripod was knocked out by several supreme beings, and it was difficult to stay there for a long time.


A white tiger rushed over, entered the Tianmen, and replaced the green bronze tripod. The same thing happened. It was stuck there, and the immortal runes flickered and disappeared into his body.


This is a kind of tragic pain, and it wants to obliterate his original Dao, and the order of another world wants to replace it, but how can the Dao of the Great Emperor be destroyed immediately?fierce confrontation.

Baihu Taoist's flesh and blood exploded, and the runes flickered. He almost exploded on the spot. This is a painful transformation, which makes people's hair stand on end. If it is about to be broken, it will be reassembled.

The endless rain of light rushed out, submerged into the body of the white tiger, and also rushed into the flesh and blood of Ye Fan and several supreme beings, extremely holy.

Ye Fan had a feeling, just as he had thought when he established Tao, when he escapes from the original universe, everything will cease to exist, and will the former Dharma and Tao still stand?Now it’s time to say it, everything will be


This is a terrible catastrophe, and no one knows whether it can be transformed successfully.


The Beast God, the Supreme Master of Blood Phoenix Mountain, and the Wanlong Emperor acted together, not wanting the white tiger to become a fairy and launch the most terrifying bombardment.


The huge white tiger exploded, covered in blood, and then rushed back, reorganizing its body in the distance, full of hatred and anger.

Being interrupted like this made him angry and helpless. It couldn't change the fact that it took time to transform, but no one gave him a chance.

In this way, the Ten Thousand Dragon Emperor and the Supreme Being who came from Blood Phoenix Mountain and had turned into phoenix wings and golden rivets also entered the Tianmen one after another, but in the end they were all beaten out by others.

If you want to go in and transform, this process takes time, there is no way, no one wants others to become immortals first, and several people are stuck here in Tianmen.

Only Xu Yu and Ye Fan did not try. Ye Fan was with the Immortal Cauldron, hoping to find another way to break through. He did not want to become an immortal alone. There were too many concerns in this world.

And Xu Yu wants to find a path to true invincibility, and coupled with the ties of his wife and children, he doesn't want to enter the fairyland at this moment.

And these supreme beings have already given up everything, and have only one goal in this life, to enter the fairyland themselves!
"I guess, this kind of baptism will bring unpredictable changes. After all, it is to erase the traces of our imperial way. If there is a change, the whole life of practice will be empty." The beast god frowned.

"Well, I suggest that you let one person in first to see how he will change, and finally Yingtou stops him." Taoist Baihu said, staring at Ye Fan.

Several people immediately understood what it meant. They wanted to find someone between Xu Yu or Ye Fan to be the test subject. To be on the safe side, they absolutely had to do this.

Ye Fan is a strong man of this level, and he is destined to be a threat. It may be the best choice for him to sacrifice to Tianmen, and the four of them surrounded him together.

"If you want to keep me, you can keep me?" Ye Fan sneered, holding a fairy cauldron in his hand, and hid in the distance with one step.

Then, he took another step, and went away without looking back. He wanted to rush out of the fairy road and enter the original big universe world, leaving everything here.

The few people were stunned for a moment, then looked at each other, and then looked at Xu Yu next to them, with a cold look in their eyes. (End of chapter)

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