The ending that has been awaited for eternity, and the deductions of countless ancient Yellow Emperors and Great Emperors, finally have a clear result in this life.

The path to immortality has really opened up. The existence of the immortal realm that has always been doubted by people really exists. It is like a guiding light, illuminating the path forward for all monks in the spiritual world.

However, it is very unfortunate news for those ancient supreme beings who have abandoned their relatives and friends.

They have been waiting for eternity, but are blocked by the laws of the Immortal Realm and cannot enter the Immortal Realm.

However, a human woman who is neither of the two supreme beings can easily enter the fairyland without being hindered by the rules of the fairyland.

This made those ancient supreme beings who had been waiting for eternity mad with hatred and couldn't accept it at all.


The Supremes roared, and they were even more heartbroken. They had been waiting for eternity, but was this the result?

Even the supreme emperor cannot be an immortal.But let two mortals in their eyes take that step.

The unstable Heavenly Gate was shaken by the beating, but it was still difficult to open. The Supreme Being was desolate and helpless. He had calculated his whole life and survived until now by any means necessary.There is only regret, watching a grand fireworks, but in the end it is empty.


Several people fought desperately, and Ye Fan also wanted to stare at his wife and daughter for a while, not wanting to be hindered by the four gods. This battle was inevitable, and it turned out to be more intense than before.

Even Xu Yu on the side is no longer their biggest enemy now.

Unfortunately, there was no result after all.

Seeing that Tianmen was unstable, those supreme beings became more and more anxious.

“There’s still one spot left!”

Taoist Baihu, Beast King and four others charged forward together.

Wanting to break in, we all blocked in front of the Tianmen, unable to go up or down. We were stuck there, and endless light rushed towards us.

Ye Fan took action coldly.Holding the Immortal Cauldron and slapping it forward, the four of them yelled and were beaten out again. They were hateful, sad, and crazy.

At the last moment, if we don't break through, we really have no chance.

But.Ye Fan was standing outside, and there was nothing they could do unless three of the four of them joined one person to guard the door for him.

"Two Taoist friends, since you are here, if you don't want to fight for this immortal sect, can you restrain others for me? If I become an immortal, I will take you into the immortal realm in the future!"

The four of them couldn't bear it any longer, they transmitted voice almost at the same time, and asked for help from the two supreme beings who rushed to the back. Now, anxiety spread in their hearts, and everyone was dripping with cold sweat. It was so anxious that it was unbearable.

The two sighed, knowing that they could not enter in this life no matter what, the gate of heaven was already unstable and there was not enough time.

And they haven't fully sublimated yet, they don't want to waste their lives here, so they turned around calmly and left, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and left decisively.


"Holy Body, what do you want?" the beast god yelled.

No one thought that at the last moment, the holy body would become the biggest obstacle for them to enter the fairyland.

"Even if I don't make a move, only one of you can go in. How will the other three face it? Will they just watch?" Ye Fan asked back.

While saying these words, he kept looking at the other realm inside Tianmen, where there were two hands trying to reach out, but they couldn't reach them no matter what.

"Benefactor, you go in, we will block for you for a moment." Sakyamuni and Lao Tzu came, and they wanted to make a move.

Hundreds of years have passed, and these two people have already achieved good fortune and become enlightened. They are many times more terrifying than they were back then, and they are qualified to fight against the Supreme.

"Father!" Xiao Zixi yelled, her face full of longing.

Ye Fan's heart was shaken. He looked at his wife and daughter and wanted to take a step forward like this, but he thought of those promises to lead the Heavenly Tribe to fight. If he left, what would happen to those people in the future?

Needless to think, he knows that if he becomes an immortal at this time, the four supreme beings will inevitably launch the most terrifying dark turmoil, and none of the heavenly tribes will be able to survive, they will all be found and killed by them.

Taking a step back, even if these four people don't have many lives, they may not be able to find the Heavenly Tribes, but there is still a powerful person in the restricted area of ​​life who has a great enmity with him. If he is not there, the Heavenly Courts will still not be able to survive.

But Xu Yu on the side didn't have many words.

He knew that Ye Fan would not enter the fairyland at this moment.

Because there are many people and things here that he cares about.

"Ye Fan..." Ji Ziyue Ying's white face was full of despair and sadness. She knew that she knew Ye Fan and understood his intentions. What else could she say at this time, there was only one trembling call .

"I will become a fairy, see you someday!" In the end, he only said these eight words, something seemed to be blocked in his throat, and his eyes were a little blurred.

These eight characters determine the rest of his life. This will be a farewell to death, which means that heaven and man will be separated forever, or it can be said that they will never see each other again.

It is impossible to open the road to immortality all the time, and the next time may be tens of millions of years later. Those eight characters are as heavy as a mountain, and Ye Fan is about to suffocate and his body is shaking.

"Father, I really can't live without you!" Xiao Zi cried loudly.

Ji Ziyue's eyes had long been blurred by tears, she was full of helplessness and sadness, and whispered: "I have been with you these years, I am very happy, I...wait for you!"


Ye Fan roared, his black hair stood on end, sad and helpless, he wished he could shatter the sky with his fist, break through the gate of heaven, and go straight in, but he couldn't.

"The two seniors, please become immortals and take care of them for me!"

In the end, Ye Fan yelled out such a sentence, and pushed Shakyamuni and Lao Tzu in, while he turned around abruptly, facing the four supreme beings alone.

"Father!" Xiao Zi's face was covered with tears, struggling and shouting.

"Your father has his own choice. The brothers and sisters in Heaven cannot do without him. He must fulfill his promise. In the future...we will meet again." Ji Ziyue comforted her, but her heart felt like a knife was twisted, and tears kept flowing Drip.

They stared at it stupidly, enduring their grief.

Sakyamuni and Lao Tzu didn't want to become immortals like this, but they were bumped in by Ye Fan with the Immortal Cauldron, blocked in the door to accept baptism and undergo transformation.

The Beast God, Wanlong Emperor, Baihu Taoist and others were naturally angry, and in desperation, they exerted their strongest combat power and fought here.

Ye Fan was covered in blood and shattered several times, but he refused to back down and used the Immortal Cauldron to fight against it.


Inside the Tianmen, a torrent rolled in, it was formed by the convergence of light and rain, and swept away Ji Ziyue and Xiao Zi at once, sinking into the golden ocean.

Those were the last two calls. They waved their hands vigorously, sad and helpless, and burst into tears.

Tears rolled down Ye Fan's eyes and he shouted:

"I love you!"

He is not a person who is good at expressing his emotions. These four words have never been uttered. It was only at this moment that he struggled to utter them, facing the world inside the Tianmen.

Ji Ziyue smiled, a happy smile, a sad smile, she had never heard these words after getting along for nearly a thousand years, but she always understood his intentions, what she wanted to shout at this time, in the end a golden rain of light surrounded them drowned.


The Tianmen collapsed, the lower half of Sakyamuni and Lao Tzu's bodies were cut off on this side, and the upper half entered the fairyland, and passed this level dangerously and dangerously.

"Only two or three people can become immortals in one life!"

"I won't give in!" "Eternal scam!"

The four supreme beings roared and attacked and killed Ye Fan frantically.

At this time, the road to immortality began to collapse, endless cracks spread, the gate of heaven was closed, everything would cease to exist, and this life was over.


There was a loud noise at the end, and the entire fairy road exploded, light and rain flew, and it was a dream, nothing was left.

The Four Great Sovereigns charged up and frantically chased and killed Ye Fan. They wanted to fight him to the death. They were completely desperate, and they had no hope in this life.

They have worked hard for it all their lives and struggled for thousands of years, but in the end it was such a lost ending, and there was no possibility of stepping on the road to immortality again. How could they not be sad and fearful.

"I want to be free, I don't want to be an ignorant weapon anymore, I'd rather be an ordinary mortal, and jump out!"

Cheng Xianding spoke to Ye Fan with a deep obsession.

"Okay, I'll fulfill you!" Ye Fan said, staring at the four supreme beings, and wanted to use their hands to crack the cauldron, hoping to destroy the four of them.

"Oh my god, someone really became an immortal!"

"Li Xia soars, the day is flying immortal!"

At this moment, the light and rain on the road to becoming an immortal are flying, rushing to all parts of the universe, it is extremely brilliant, it looks like an immortal is dancing, if the immortal world is wide open, it is connected with this world.

Seeing all of this, Ye Fan could only sigh sadly, his face was full of sadness, it was too sudden, he separated from his wife and daughter just like this, can they see each other again in this life?
"The next time the Road to Immortality will open will be a million years from now!"

Some people in the restricted area of ​​life sighed, there were regrets, but also desolation and helplessness. This time they deduced wrongly, and they could really become immortals in this life, but they missed it!
"It takes millions of years to become an immortal and build the Tao... Hahaha..." Ye Fan laughed, tears streaming down his face.

This time, it turned out to be goodbye forever!

The four supreme beings were extremely crazy and culled them to the front.

The road to immortality that has been awaited for eternity was actually passed by two women who were not the supreme emperor. The most precious remaining spot was also wasted in the hands of Ye Fan. Laozi and Sakyamuni who let the corpse channel Go inside.

The Four Supremes' hatred for Ye Fan reached the extreme, even Xu Yu and the others didn't care. They killed Ye Fan crazily to vent their resentment.

The road to immortality ends, and the ending is regrettable and surprising, beyond everyone's expectations.

And this last battle, the fierceness of the battle also exceeded everyone's imagination, the sky fell apart, ghosts cried and gods howled, and the galaxy was dimmed.

The Four Supremes want to kill Ye Fan, because they have completely lost hope, and they have already been sublimated to the utmost, and they can't survive this life anymore, they want to vent and take revenge.

And Ye Fan also wanted to kill them, fearing that an unprecedented dark turmoil would come, and even more fear that they would seek revenge from everyone in heaven.

They fought from one area to another, endlessly, and now they have nothing to say, they can only let the enemy fall down until the blood is dry.

Everyone is shocked, can Ye Fan fight against the four gods alone? This is like a myth, too unreal.

"Impossible, unless Emperor Zun is reborn, how can he have such combat power?"

"It's the Immortal Cauldron, it's revived, recast, and reappeared in this world."

The Immortal Cauldron was roaring and colliding continuously, shining billions of green clouds among the stars and rivers of the universe, swallowing the essence of the universe, and shaking the four statues.

In the end, it covered Ye Fan in the middle and withstood all the attacks. Ye Fan only needed to activate the cauldron, and did not fight or fight with those supreme beings in close quarters.

The four emperor-level figures, if they attack with all their strength, they will naturally destroy the star field, but it is difficult to smash it into an immortal cauldron, even if the four of them work together.


At the end, the sound of the shattering of the Emperor's Dao Magical Artifact came, and blood splashed into the starry sky.

No one knows what kind of tragic battle took place. The world is vast, the universe is desolate and no one can approach it, and the five masters fought to the point of madness.

Ye Fan coughed up blood, and was shattered once across the cauldron. His whole body was covered in wounds, and Dao marks intertwined, affecting his body.


In the end, the Immortal Cauldron couldn't bear it anymore, and cracks appeared. This battle was head-on, and it tried hard to find a chance to fight head-on, just to get rid of it.

The four supreme beings are also bleeding, and the most important thing is that the time is coming, they will fall from the state of sublimation and cease to exist.

Yes, there is no suspense this time. Even if they can swallow endless life essence, it will not work. They have survived for too long and have sublimated, unless a miracle happens.boom!

In the vast sky, the star field exploded, meteorites flew, and there was chaos, and the star field was completely boiled.

"Is this battle going to destroy the world?!"

All living beings are trembling, the intensity of this battle is not weaker than the most terrifying dark turmoil, if this continues, the universe will be smashed, and all ethnic groups will be robbed.

It is obvious that the scope of the battlefield is getting bigger and bigger, and in the end, many stars of life will be affected.


Finally, a supreme being yelled and died at the end of his life. He fell from the peak, and all the brilliance in his body turned into darkness. He was hit by the immortal tripod and exploded in the sky.


And the cracks on the green copper tripod were getting bigger and bigger, and it was about to disintegrate. The other three Supremes attacked wildly, trying to pull Ye Fan even if they died.

In their eyes, Ye Fan deserved to die, shattering their hopes of becoming immortals. If they didn't kill him with their own hands, even if they died, they would not be able to dissipate their anger.


In the end, the brilliant awns danced, the Immortal Cauldron exploded, and finally disintegrated under the intentional shaking, turning into countless fragments and rushing into the distance.

The god broke free and let out a long howl. It sublimated to the fullest and sent a brand mark to Ye Fan, and then cracked itself, and the terrifying aura was fading rapidly.

One after another, the supreme gods flew away, turning into streamers and disappearing into the universe.

A white and chubby little fat man broke free, only two or three years old, full of confusion, it turned into a human body, and became a real living being.

This is a reincarnation, and in the end, it escaped from the cauldron after all, and it was useless for Emperor Zun to set up a backhand.

Ye Fan carried him over, and then put the shattered Mother Qi Cauldron into the Meixin Xiantai, and tried his best to protect him.

If it weren't for the Immortal Cauldron today, he would definitely not be able to fight against the four masters. He is still a junior, and he has not truly become an emperor.

However, it was the existence of Chengxian's cauldron that changed everything. Ye Fan suppressed this great turmoil by himself and let them drink their hatred.


Someone screamed again, exited the state of sublimation, his whole body was dim, and was killed by Ye Fan's punch, turned into a blood mist, and ceased to exist.

Of course, he also took away the blood essence of the two who died at the same time, not leaving it to the other two, lest they prolong the time of death.

The situation was over, and the remaining two people sighed. The four of them didn't kill Ye Fan. What kind of shame would it have? They were all once the ancient emperors, invincible in the world, but there would be such a day.

The fairy road ended, the ultimate battle, no one knew what happened in the end, only saw the light spread, and the universe collapsed!

A small number of the most powerful clans saw some light and shadow through the ancient magic circle, and heard the mournful howls and wild songs.

(End of this chapter)

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