Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 314: Defying Heaven and Enlightenment

Chapter 314: Defying Heaven and Enlightenment
Just when Ye Fan was fighting madly with the four ancient supremes, Xu Yu did the opposite.

He did not choose to help Ye Fan suppress the four ancient supremes.

Because he knew that at this moment, whether it was Ye Fan or the four ancient supremes, there was a breath of anger in their hearts that needed to be released.

Especially Ye Fan, such a proud person, was unwilling to join forces with others to fight against the enemy.

In this world, the world has been overturned, and many of the results deduced by the ancient supreme beings have errors.

As a result, they did not seize the opportunity well to conquer the Immortal Road in this life.

In addition, the mentality of those ancient supreme beings has changed after a long period of time.

Xu Yu is worried that if they see others becoming immortals, and coupled with their own problems with receiving support, dark turmoil is likely to occur.

So he returned to the Beidou Star Territory alone to scare the ancient supreme being who had evil intentions in the first place.

In fact, it was fortunate that Xu Yufa came back in time.

Some of the beings in Beidou do have some ancient self-esteem. Their own lifespan is already running out and they urgently need supplements of life essence to delay the spread of the rift in Sendai.

So they planned to be born at this time of extreme chaos and fish in troubled waters.

However, with the arrival of Xu Yu, they were forced to give up their previous ideas.

Due to Xu Yu's brilliant achievements in the past, those ancient supreme beings who were ready to make a move finally retreated into the forbidden area of ​​​​life.

With the help of Emperor Zun's Immortal Cauldron, Ye Fan slowly gained the upper hand in the battle with the four ancient supremes.

I have to say that an immortal weapon is an immortal weapon. Even if the four ancient supremes bombarded it with all their strength, it took a lot of effort to disintegrate it.

This was achieved only after the divine residence within the Chengxian Cauldron voluntarily disintegrated.

Finally, as time went by, the four ancient supreme beings were killed by Ye Fan one after another because they were not at their peak, and their reputations were ruined.

As the battle between Ye Fan and the others in the universe ended, people who had not been devastated by the dark turmoil cried with joy.

This was something they had not dared to imagine in the past. After all, four ancient supreme beings came together. Even the most prosperous emperor had to pay a price of blood in order to quell the turmoil.

Even the emperor might fall in such a war.

The vegetation withered and flourished, the snow and green shoots came and went, the world changed, and the mortal world did not know how many generations passed away and became dust.

The long river of time, gone forever, has been moving forward, 500 years have passed in a blink of an eye, and great changes have taken place in this world.

Talking about the road to immortality and longevity, the world has been buzzing for 500 years, but all the monks are talking about it, and becoming a fairy has become the hottest topic.

Someone has become an immortal, breaking the myth of the ages, and shocking the human world. At first, people didn't believe it, but the truth came from the restricted area, from the heaven, and shocked the entire cultivation world.

The unattainable fairyland has been successfully broken into. The threshold that used to be insurmountable is now difficult to stop, which makes people feel trembling.

At the same time, all the monks were excited, like travelers who had been walking in the darkness for a long time, finally saw the beacon of hope, and their confidence was strongly inspired.

Over the years, Xu Yu spent most of his time sitting cross-legged on a towering black cliff, meditating and thinking.

Sometimes it lasts for decades, often motionless, as if it has become a part of the mountain. He is neither happy nor worried, and his eyes occasionally open and close, as if the eternal years are flowing.

Here is the Immortal Mountain, with majestic mountains and towering cliffs, all of which are as black as ink, towering into the sky, surrounded by the sun, moon and stars. The forbidden area of ​​life in the past has now become an important place in the heaven.

This is such a heaven-defying method. When the Immortal Mountain was first established in the Heavenly Court, the whole world was trembling. Xu Yuping removed this forbidden area of ​​​​life and turned it into the courtyard of the Heavenly Court. It was truly an unrivaled power.

There is no doubt that today's court has become a colossus, and it is difficult to find a few rivals in the world of mortals.

Of course, the restricted area of ​​life is always the enemy of the human world. No matter how powerful the power is, no matter how glorious the inheritance is, facing the ancient supreme will still cause headaches and fear.

In addition, during these 500 years, two other forces have also emerged, which are very powerful. They want to establish the Demon Clan Immortal Court just because of the appearance of the Golden Crow Emperor.

After 500 years of self-cultivation, the Golden Crow Great Emperor has continued to cross tribulations to make up for the shortcomings of the past, and the entire universe is filled with his aura, almost wanting to condense the heaven and the earth into one.

This is the most terrifying omen. The emperor claims to be invincible, not just talking about it, because he will suppress all ways, and he will be the only one who is the only one, and he will enjoy the glory of being invincible for the rest of his life.

The other one is the Heavenly Court founded by Ye Fan. Since his battle with the Ancient Supreme Being 500 years ago, he has completely established his reputation in the universe and has become one of the three people who stands side by side with the Golden Crow Emperor like Xu Yu. The invincible supreme being.

Huosang Star has become a place of pilgrimage over the years. The leaders of the demon clan all lead their heroes and geniuses to pay homage to the current demon emperor, who dominates the world.

If it hadn't been for someone in this life who defied the heavens and became an immortal, the Golden Crow becoming an emperor must have been the hottest topic in the past ten thousand years. This is a miracle.

How many people can see a living emperor? In this life, people are lucky enough to see him overcome the tribulation and become a supreme existence. All races in the universe are trembling. Regardless of whether they have friendship with the Golden Crow tribe, they all have to go to see him.

Because no one wants to offend a real emperor.

Over the years, the Golden Crow clan ruled the world, tyrannical and domineering, becoming an incomparably supreme royal family.

The only thing they felt was lacking was that there was Xu Yu in this world, and an invincible holy body that could kill the supreme being in the restricted area, which took away part of the power of the Golden Crow Emperor.

In fact, over the years, more and more people have come to heaven to worship, and Xu Yu has truly achieved an invincible and brilliant record, dominating the world, which is even more terrifying.

However, after the battle on the Feixianxing Road to Immortality, Xu Yu returned to the Divine Realm and Heavenly Palace, sitting under the Enlightenment tea tree all day long.

Everyone in heaven knew that he was preparing to become emperor.

Although there has been a Golden Crow Emperor in this world, Xu Yu's defiance is undeniable.

Especially since he possesses the same supreme physique as the eternal immortal body.

This kind of physique, which is comparable to the Chaos Body, showed his extraordinary ability in the battle many years ago.

Whether fighting across ranks or defeating the strong with the weak, Xu Yu cannot do without the help of this physique.

On this day, in the Immortal Mountain, Xu Yu suddenly opened his eyes, his aura became stronger, and thousands of wails were heard above his head.

Everyone was shocked. At this moment, everyone in the universe felt an inexplicable aura, and they couldn't help but tremble. Does anyone want to become an emperor?
Before the calamity has passed, an inexplicable aura of catastrophe has enveloped the entire universe, causing the Quartet Star Sea to shake.

"It's in heaven!"

"It must be the banished immortal Xu Yu!"

"Is he going to defy heaven? In the era of the Great Emperor's suppression, he can actually reach this point. Is he going to truly go against the will and become the Great Emperor?"

People simply couldn't believe all this. Emperor Zhang Bairen was alarmed at the beginning, woke up from seclusion, opened his eyes, and the bright light pierced the sky.

Even Ye Fan, who had not been dispatched for 500 years, was alarmed. Like Xu Yu, Ye Fan had been thinking about me for the past 500 years to break the limitations of heaven and earth and go further.

But he didn't expect that Xu Yu would find a way to break through the ten thousand ways before him.

Huo Sangxing, the Golden Crow changed color, he felt an inexplicable breath, his heart palpitations, his Tao and Tianxin combined, and he was trembling at this moment.

He simply couldn't believe it. Someone wanted to become an emperor and would coexist with him for a lifetime. This had never happened before in ancient times. Later, all the most powerful people knew that Xu Yu, the banished immortal, was going to defy heaven and create miracles that had never been seen in ancient times. He was going to become an emperor. , the light of the great calamity flashes and rumbles.

"He is truly worthy of being the most outstanding figure in the past and present, he is unique!" There was a commotion all over the place.

The breath in the universe is so suppressed that it makes people suffocating. Even if they are separated by an endless distance, people can still feel it, as if there are a million mountains pressing down on their hearts.

The universe is deserted, and there are countless dead stars. At this time, all of them have become dust, and there is nothing that cannot be broken down under the thunder tribulation that destroys the world.

Chaos was surging, and the scene of the creation of the world was unfolding. People were surprised to find that there were not only Kunpeng, Prayer Machine, Soaring Snake, etc. in the thunder sea, but also elixirs floating up and down. This was shocking.

The difference is that those immortal medicines are different from usual, and now they are extremely terrifying, exuding the energy of the law of immortality, and exerting great power.

Behind every elixir, there is a face, both male and female, which shocks the human world. They are too strong and cannot compete with that kind of law.

Of course, this can only be seen by people like Ye Fan, Taichu, and the Emperor. They showed strange colors and looked silently in the distance.

In the thunder sea, Xu Yu broke through the sky with one force, and the divine light, thunder light, laws, etc. in the center were all directed at him. The vastness was boundless, the stars were shattered, and the universe was reopened.

This kind of scene is too terrifying, the power of destruction is unparalleled, even if the ancient emperor is resurrected, he will be surprised.

Xu Yu's whole body was glowing, and the immortal golden cauldron above his head was rising and falling. He was advancing and retreating with him, constantly hitting the sky, trying to break the heart of heaven and tear apart the suppression of ten thousand ways.

On the Huosang Star, the Golden Crow Emperor's eyes flashed, his expressions kept changing, and finally he sighed: "Unprecedented!"

"Is he really going to defy heaven? He actually wants to defy heaven and attain enlightenment at a time when the current emperor is at his peak!"

Some peerless powerhouses from all over the universe sighed.

"It's unbelievable. He is so powerful beyond imagination that he is even more powerful than his father back then." Huo Lin'er whispered, her beautiful eyes filled with radiance, her blue hair flying, her figure slender, her skin like gelatin, stunning to the world.

Next to her, Huo Linzi also showed an unprecedented dignified look, like a dragon and leopard with a slender and strong body, and eyes as sharp as knives, piercing the depths of the universe.

"Are you really going against the sky?" In the god organization, the white-haired sword god carried a long sword on his back, showing a strange look.

"What a banished immortal, he is so powerful as never before!" In the Taoist palace, the old man chopping firewood sighed.

At this moment, the peerless masters in the universe were shocked. Huang Xudao, Yin Tiande and others were silent for a while. This kind of power was really beyond their expectations.


In the sea of ​​thunder, Xu Yu struggled, and the elixir plants one after another turned out to be the most terrifying killing calamity. Behind each plant was a human face, exuding the vicissitudes of eternity, as if it had existed for countless epochs. old.

"Sure enough, the elixir hides the biggest secret in the universe. No wonder even the emperor raised one to observe and study it." Xu Yu whispered.

Even though it was a catastrophe, he still couldn't help being startled. While thinking, he tried his best to fight against the punishment of heaven, and all the thunder and lightning were intertwined.

Including the Suzaku, Chilong, and the phantoms of the Chaos Divine Energy, it was difficult to seriously injure him. Only the human faces behind the elixir were as terrifying as the immortals descending from the lower realm.

"Is this the highest level of punishment in the Great Emperor Tribulation?"

The thunder became more powerful, and all the endless thunder tribulations came to assist, trying to strangle Xu Yu with all their strength to prevent him from becoming emperor.

In the end, immortality was in doubt, and other rays of light flooded the universe, almost penetrating the past, present and future.

Tens of thousands of thunder seas, blazing light, all kinds of palaces and towers appeared, and the nine levels of immortal tribulation, the chaos that destroyed the world, and the catastrophe of too many immortals killing the sea, all fell together.

This scene was too terrifying to be resolved at all.

The Golden Crow Emperor stood on the Huosang Star, extremely silent. What would have happened if he had encountered these catastrophes?

In the end, Xu Yu launched a counterattack, covered in blood. It was the first time in so many years that he suffered such severe trauma, and his body even exploded several times.

He rushed upwards, blasted the mark of Tianxin, shattered all obstacles, and struck a bright light path like a god and demon, leaping into the nine heavens, hoping to compete with God.

Now, no one can hurt him. He was already invincible hundreds of years ago. Otherwise, how could he have conquered several restricted areas? But now, his body explodes from time to time, dripping with blood. It is so horrific that his unparalleled body is almost turning into blood. , bone fragments scattered everywhere.

The Immortal Golden Cauldron has also been broken into pieces, and the country is reorganizing as it revolves around him.

"Father, don't force yourself." Xu Yu's child Xu Daolin shouted loudly. After many years, he also reached an alternative realm of enlightenment, taking full advantage of the two physical advantages of the innate Taoist fetus and the eternal immortal body. On the ancient road Left behind endless legends.

On Huosang Star, the Golden Crow Emperor looked pale and his body
Trembling, his way is wailing, he can't help it

At Fayu, there was no certainty of what to expect.

"If he breaks through the sky and overwhelms all realms, will the mark of my union with the universe be shattered? I will no longer be the great emperor of this world!" The Golden Crow Emperor's face was as white as ashes, showing a look of horror.


Xu Yu roared angrily, narrowly escaping death, his body was covered in blood, and he didn't know how many times he was broken into pieces.

After so many years, he finally had this feeling of severe pain again, facing the threat of death all the time. The Butterfly Blood Universe was deserted, and the entire sky was stained with his blood.


Xu Yu exploded again and was shattered into pieces. Like his tripod, it was undergoing thousands of tempers and was reorganized again and again. His hair was disheveled, but his eyes were even more intimidating and he refused to give in.

He has opened the Tianxin Seal, penetrated these ten thousand Dao, and created a bright universe. At this moment, everyone in the universe was shocked, and suddenly they could no longer feel the Dao. Yes, all the Dao marks seemed to have disappeared, and the universe was like Being deposed, at this moment everyone’s heart


The same was true for the Golden Crow Emperor. He was shocked, his whole body convulsed, his knuckles turned white when pinched, and lost all color. He said with a face: "Am I about to fall to the Lower Emperor Realm?"

Naturally he was not reconciled, and rushed to the sky to ask for an explanation.

However, a bigger catastrophe struck in the distance, making him freeze for a moment. The catastrophe was the eternal fairy light that shattered Xu Yu and turned him into dust.


Xu Daolin and everyone in the heaven shouted. They saw clearly that behind the immortal elixirs, human faces appeared one after another. Each of them spit out a ray of light, turning into disaster and destroying Xu Yu.

"I have come this far, no one can take me back!" A roar sounded in the ashes, and Xu Yu's blood and bones reorganized in the void and reappeared.

Furthermore, the Immortal Golden Cauldron was reforged with the help of thunder and hung above his head, accepting the baptism of the Heavenly Tribulation together with him.

In the end, a Dao sound shook the heavens of all ages, tore apart all Dao, and went straight up through the sky.

At this moment, that beam of light became the only one in the universe, everyone trembled and trembled, it penetrated the heart of the sky and was higher than the sky.

The Golden Crow Emperor's heart contracted as he just let go. He let out a long sigh and said: "What a banished immortal. You are really good. Even so, do you still want to create a miracle?"

At this moment, Xu Yu broke through the shackles and no longer killed Wan Dao, but penetrated them, surpassed Wan Dao, and stepped on all the rules below.

The imprint of the Great Golden Crow is below Wan Dao, but above it, he has never combined his imprint with this universe, beyond the heavens, the great emperor's aura blooms.

However, it was precisely because of this that the catastrophe he encountered was even more violent and shocked the world.

(End of this chapter)

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