Facing the three ancient supremes of Shenxu, Xu Yu's emotions did not fluctuate at all, as if they were not the invincible ancient emperors, but just three mortals.

Before Xu Yu became emperor, he had already killed several ancient supreme beings with the weak fighting against the strong with the combat power of a quasi-Earth Emperor.

Now that he has become an emperor, as the most powerful being in the world today, he is naturally very confident that he can deal with these ancient supreme beings in Shenxu.

So after both sides broke up, there was no need to continue talking on the street.Both sides started fighting at the same time.

However, overall the region still occupies a very large advantage.

That is, he is young enough and has a constant flow of blood in his body, unlike those who are proud of themselves in ancient times.

Long years have passed, and the essence of their lives has passed away, causing them to not remain at their peak state all year round.

Although doing this has some meaning of bullying the elderly, it is for the sake of the stability of all sentient beings in the universe and for Xu Yu's own arrangements and plans in the future.

After he becomes emperor, he must show his supreme power to the world, so that people will not dare to provoke him easily.


He suddenly took a step forward, and all the paths roared together, shaking the nine heavens and the earth. A huge foot stepped down in the air, dominating the world, as if a supreme immortal king came to the world to trample all the heavens and all the worlds under his feet. .


The Spiritual Emperor who became enlightened by the Holy Spirit shouted, the expression on his face changed drastically, and he felt an unparalleled fatal threat. This was the first time since he became emperor that he felt such oppressive power.

"He is worthy of being the emperor who broke the rules of the avenue!"

The faces of the other two supreme beings also changed wildly. At this moment, they realized that they had underestimated the young human emperor opposite.

A person who can break the rules of heaven and earth and defy heaven and attain the throne is truly powerful and terrifying.


The three ancient supremes shouted loudly, and all of their strength broke out in unison. They all reached the highest level of sublimation, returned to their former imperial positions, and displayed their unparalleled methods.


The entire vast divine ruins shook wildly, and all the imperial laws left over from ancient times were destroyed, unable to withstand such power.

If Xu Yu hadn't previously blocked the Divine City with the Godless Formation, the aftermath of the fight between the four powerful emperors would have been enough to destroy the entire Beidou Star Territory.

Even so, there are still four pillars of light rising into the sky, spreading across the galaxy, and the terrifying energy of the emperor is advancing, making all creatures in the world tremble.

"There are actually three ancient supreme beings dormant in the Divine Ruins. Can the Great Emperor defeat them by himself?"

"Xu Yu has already attained the title of Heavenly Emperor, which is comparable to that of Emperor Zun and other the strongest people in ancient and modern times. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a Heavenly Emperor in this world. He will definitely be able to clear up the restricted areas and restore peace to the world."

Countless powerful people are looking at Beidou from a distance, paying close attention to this battle, hoping that Xu Yu, the emperor, can wipe out the gods.

However, the simultaneous appearance of three ancient supreme beings in this forbidden area of ​​life has made many people worried. After all, they were also former emperors and emperors. Without a real confrontation, who can say who is weak and who is strong.

What's more, now it's three ancient emperors versus one current emperor, and the outcome is unpredictable.

"Since there is already a great emperor who has achieved enlightenment in this world, we might as well use the help of three fellow Taoists with kidney deficiency to see how strong he is."

In the three forbidden areas of Taichu Ancient Mine, Xianling, and Shangcang, there are ancient supreme beings whispering and communicating. They want to see Xu Yu's true strength now and assess how big a threat he poses to them.

"The only one in ancient and modern times, the Tao cuts through the world!"

One of the ancient supremes shouted loudly and displayed his forbidden secret skill. A sword light that cut through the past and present was cut out from his hand, aiming to cut through the nine heavens.

"That's..., it can't be wrong!"

"The Emperor God from the ancient times, I didn't expect that he is still in the world!"

There are countless races in the universe, and some traditions and races have been passed down to ancient times or earlier mythological times.

Their clan has records of the supreme figures who appeared in ancient history.

So even though eternity has passed, some people still recognize the Emperor God.

"The Wheel of Ten Thousand Calamities!"

When the Emperor God took action, the Volatile Supreme beside him also displayed his own forbidden secret technique.

Three Thousand Worlds rotated with the gray-haired Supreme's action.

However, facing the attack of the two men, he had already become the emperor but did not choose any way to retreat.

Not even a trace of dodge was done.

Today, he is no longer what he used to be and has become one of the most powerful people in the world today.

Even for masters of the same level, it is very difficult to fight against him or cause some damage to him.After all, he is different from the previous great emperors. He has experienced the most cruel catastrophe in the world and trampled all the ways under his feet.

Therefore, the attacks of some mediocre ancient emperors will not cause any substantial damage.

In fact, it was exactly like this. The attacks of the Emperor God and the Gray-haired Supreme hit Xu Yu's body without giving up at all.

Instead, with Xu Yu's counterattack, the two of them suffered huge injuries.


The violent divine power raged in the Divine Ruins. The gray-haired Supreme roared in pain, flew upside down and smashed into the ground. Half of his body was directly shaken into blood mist, and he suffered terrible injuries.

The two supreme beings, the Spirit Emperor and the Emperor God, were also having a hard time. The immortal emperor's body was covered in cracks and dripping with blood, which looked so shocking.

The three most advanced ancient emperors, even though they joined forces, were still defeated by Xu Yu's casual kick. Xu Yu's unparalleled power showed his terrifying side for the first time.

"The ruins of the gods must be destroyed!"

Xu Yu's eyes were cold, and Pinying's palm fingers slashed down like fairy gold, like a brilliant fairy sword, and instantly killed the Emperor God, starting a fierce collision.


Large ripples of the Imperial Law surged up, the space collapsed, and the entire Divine Ruins was crumbling. If this was not the ruins of the Ancient Heavenly Court, and the Supreme Immortal Formation with the Emperor inscribed on it would definitely have been blown to pieces.

Xu Yu's power shook the heavens, and his palms crushed down like millstones of chaos, making all the laws of the world scream. The blood of the emperor was splashed for thirty thousand feet, staining the entire heavenly ruins red.


Xu Yu punched the Emperor God with his right hand and sent him flying. His left hand instantly grabbed the Kunpeng Wing behind him and tore it off. The blood filled the air and was bright red.

"The power of feathering, the light of flying fairy!"

At this time, the Spirit Emperor Pan drove an ancient chariot to kill him. His black hair was like a galaxy, bright and thick, and his eyes were as cold as a blade.

A spiritual sword appeared in his hand. It was made of bright white gold and was extremely sharp. It turned into a bright bolt and slashed at him.

This sword may seem ordinary, but it is extremely sharp. It contains the immortal will and murderous intention of the Spirit Emperor, cutting through eternal time and space.

Immortal feathers are flying one after another, holy and flawless, following each other around the sword light, drawing out the immortal aura, huge, like a vast galaxy pouring down.

"I'm looking forward to the blood essence and blood of the Emperor of Heaven."

Xu Yu's eyes were filled with cold light. He raised his arms high and the whole sky was shaken. One by one, thousands of paths were created, overwhelming the human world.

A hazy sea of ​​chaos emerged from nothingness, and ancient figures emerged one after another. They were the emperor's imprints in history, evolved by Douzi Mi.

Not far away, the gray-haired Supreme repaired his body. Seeing this, his heart was shaken, and he felt the terror of that supreme method.

If all the emperor's Dao Fruits were reproduced in the past, who could compete in ancient and modern times?

It is too terrifying for those who have become enlightened in this world. The Qi of the Emperor's Dao submerges everything and destroys all things.


The divine light in the ancient battlefield was so violent that it penetrated the sky and the earth, and the boundless sword energy spurted out, but it was shattered under a fist surrounded by chaotic light.

One after another, the figures manifested, all unfolding their former supreme imperial method. The world was glorious, and the aura of destruction of all things overflowed.


With just one encounter, the Spiritual Emperor flew away far away, the laws of the imperial way shattered, the emperor's body exploded open, and blood splashed all over the sky.

He is the one in the best condition among the Supreme Beings in the Forbidden Zone. He is now extremely improved, and his strength is not much different from that in his heyday, but his imperial body was still destroyed by one blow.

"Fellow Taoist from Taichu, Xianling, and Heaven, this Xu Yuqiang is beyond common sense. You haven't been born yet, how long will it be!" The Emperor looked up to the sky and roared his filial piety, shaking the entire Beidou, and the voice spread to the other three restricted areas.

"If our Shenxu is destroyed by him, you will definitely be wiped out by him one by one. Why don't we join forces to kill Xu Yu and take his blood and bones to prolong our lives." The Ling Emperor also yelled, wanting Taichu and Xian to The mausoleum, the Supreme Being of God, was born.

After just one or two exchanges of blows, the three ancient emperors of Shenxu, Spirit Emperor, Emperor God, and Gray-haired Supreme, suffered terrible losses. They felt the crisis of death and had to seek help from the other three restricted areas.

At this time, the supreme beings dormant in the ancient mines of Taichu, the Immortal Tomb, and the Heaven were all silent. They also observed Xu Yu's terror.

If Shenxu is destroyed, Xu Yu, the great emperor of the human race, will definitely slash his butcher knife at them. What will happen then?
Now Xu Yu has just entered the realm of the Great Emperor and has shown supreme power. He will only become stronger in the future. If he cannot be killed now, the three restricted areas will surely follow the footsteps of Shenxu in the future.

The best way is for a few more Supremes to be born now, and to join forces with the Spirit Emperor, Emperor God, and the Gray-haired Supreme to kill him completely to avoid future troubles.

"Yes, now he has the power that Wu Shi had before, and he will definitely become stronger and stronger in the future. Do we really have to wait until he comes to attack!"

A cold voice sounded from the forbidden area of ​​​​the Heaven Burial Island. The words were sonorous, cutting through the hearts of all souls like a blade.

This is a supreme emperor, and the power he exudes makes the three ancient supremes of Shenxu beam with joy. Some people in other restricted areas support them. (End of chapter)

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