Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 317: Changes in the restricted area

"That's... the former Dapeng Emperor!"

The Emperor God's face was filled with joy. This was also a powerful master of the Imperial Way, and he came from the most mysterious restricted area - God.


The vast sea of ​​stars moves, and the Dapeng Emperor appears!

He stood tall and majestic, with golden hair flying all over his head. He walked out of the dark universe. Suddenly, billions of golden lights illuminated the sea of ​​stars in the universe.

He seemed to be made of gold, full of a kind of magic, his eyes were sharp, and he was holding a rod-shaped sword with a total of 28 knots, which was unrivaled in the world.

"That's the case, then I'll drink the emperor's blood today!" A cold voice sounded, and another forbidden zone supreme was born.

His Imperial Dao Qi was surging overwhelmingly, extremely fierce, and his eyes were bloodthirsty.


The starry sky shook wildly, and two beams of light rose from the Taichu ancient mine, running through the nine heavens and ten earths, and two more supreme beings appeared one after another.

"Then let me see if the emperor's blood can restore me to my former peerless appearance."

The immortal mausoleum also trembled, and an ancient beast raised its head.It looked like a divine lion, with red glow all over its body. It walked out of a large tomb that had been cracked open. On top of it was an old woman in strange clothes, whose breath shocked the world.

"That's... Immortal Grandma, what a surprise. She is still in the world!"

"The Immortal Tomb may be earlier than the mythical age. It is the cemetery of immortals left over from the chaotic ancient times. Unexpectedly, the Immortal Grandma actually lived in seclusion there, and the goddess of the past generation reappeared."

The Supreme Being of the Forbidden Zone sighed with great emotion. Existences from ancient times appeared in this world and were about to conquer a powerful enemy.

All souls were silent, and all the heavens and all the realms lost their voices at this moment. The great emperor of the world conquered Shenxu, but unexpectedly he attracted the supreme beings from the other three forbidden areas, and nine former ancient emperors reappeared.

What kind of concept is this? Nine emperors and emperors who were once invincible for an era are enough to kill the world. Even if a true immortal comes to the world, he will die under their hands.

Although Xu Yu, the great emperor of the human race, has amazed both ancient and modern times and achieved the throne of Heavenly Emperor, facing such a terrifying lineup, he may have no choice but to suffer from hatred.

"There are nine emperors and emperors, who can stop them? Are they going to destroy the world?"

"After the defeat of the Great Emperor, the Forbidden Zone Supreme will definitely launch a dark turmoil. I am afraid that there will be big changes in this life!"

The powerful men in all the heavens and realms all turned pale in horror.

"Hahaha, the great emperor of the human race, you are too arrogant. There have been so many supreme beings in the restricted area for all eternity, how can you alone be able to pacify them!

"Wu Shi was so strong back then, but he didn't dare to forget to touch the restricted area of ​​life. You are asking for death."

The Spiritual Emperor, whose imperial body was shattered several times, roared and laughed, and his origin was almost exploded. The silver imperial sword driving his body penetrated the sun, moon, and stars, flooding the majestic curved roof.

"Nine fellow Taoists are gathered together today, let alone the Chaos Emperor like you, even if an immortal comes, we will kill him!

The Emperor God's eyes were cold. He suffered a big loss in the previous duel and was almost chopped into pieces in the Immortal Platform. Even now, there is a terrifying crack running through his face, making him look extremely ferocious.

"Xu Yu, after you die, all sentient beings in the universe will not be lonely. I will personally send them to hell together later!" The gray-haired Supreme sneered.

Not to mention him, even the supreme beings present felt that they had a sure chance of victory. From ancient times to the present, there had never been such a situation.

The nine ancient emperors came out together, and even the emperor back then could not match them. Such terrifying strength was enough to overwhelm the world and kill all enemies in the nine heavens and ten places!

"Boom Lulong!"

The ancient supreme beings born in Taichu, Heaven, and Xianling arrived, and they joined forces to tear apart the Godless formation pattern under Xu Yu's cloth and entered the ruins of the gods.

"The nine ancient supremes are indeed very powerful when they join forces, but don't be too happy too early."

Xu Yu's hair was dancing wildly, and his eyes were so blazing that they seemed to be able to ignite the supreme beings. His Qi was soaring, rising steadily, making the whole world tremble.

He stepped up to the sky with each step, surrounded by chaotic energy, and thousands of ways joined him, and his power seemed to have no end!He took one step forward, instantly crossing the endless starry sky and arriving at the mythical battlefield.

The Supreme Beings of the Nine Restricted Areas also followed.They are very calm and confident.

At this time, the expressions of the three Supreme Beings of Shenxu changed somewhat. In the previous fight, Xu Yu did not use all his strength at all.

His current aura is much more terrifying than before, and he is worthy of having cultivated the Avenue of Chaos with his mortal body.

"The Emperor of Heaven is invincible and dominates the world!"

There was a huge earthquake in the universe, and all living beings felt the crisis of annihilation. They roared together and chanted the name of the Emperor of Heaven. Endless sentient beings' thoughts surged forward.

All the souls in the world worshiped Xu Yu and respected him as a god, hoping that he would put an end to the turmoil.


An ancient fairyland manifested itself, surrounding the Xu Yuzhou Kingdom, evolving into thousands of ways, and tyrannizing the world.Terrifying visions appeared, as if God's will had revived and was watching the battle.

In that mysterious fairyland, a phoenix roared, spread its wings and struck the sky, causing the galaxy to collapse.

There is a real dragon flying across the sky. With a movement of its long body, countless big stars are shattered. The Suzaku opens its mouth and spits out fairy fire, which wets everything and burns everything.

Surrounded by all kinds of strange phenomena, Xu Yu's aura reached its peak, and his unparalleled power made the entire universe shake, suppressing the great avenues of heaven and earth to wail. "Today, I will send you all to reincarnation!"

His Qi machine is so powerful that it sweeps across the sky and the earth, dominating the universe. It is like a supreme immortal king coming to the world, flicking his palm fingers to move the vast sea of ​​​​stars.

The terrifying power turned into huge waves, sweeping the heavens.

Its power can split the heavens and gods, and subvert the universe!

The White Tiger Supreme, one of the nine supreme beings, was directly shattered into pieces, and his whole body was crushed by the huge waves.Each wave contains countless worlds and carries immeasurable power.

It was like the entire universe was crushing down, and he let out a fierce roar. The fire of his soul was dim, and he was almost killed by one blow.

"Damn it, you...!"

The gray-haired Supreme Being, Spirit Emperor, and Emperor God of Shenxu looked angry. They understood that Xu Yu was using the three of them as bait to lure other restricted area Supreme Beings out.

Their majestic emperor, who was once invincible for an era, is now so despised.

"What are you afraid of? With the nine supreme beings here, they can break through even the path to immortality. They are even a Chaos Emperor!
The Dapeng Emperor coldly rebuked, turned the golden divine whip, shattered the mythical battlefield, and made a terrible whine, cold and ruthless, and tens of thousands of avenue runes bloomed.

The golden whip in his hand can kill gods at the top and suppress demon kings at the bottom. He is the most brave in the world and his divine power is unstoppable. Once Hajime takes action, he never stops and moves forward to kill.

He was extremely sublime and used supreme magic.

It was like the arrival of the ancient true roc, one after another of golden light tearing apart the sea of ​​stars, and the divine whip shattering everything in the world.

"The world actually respects me as the Emperor of Heaven. Naturally, I have to put an end to the chaos in the world and suppress all enemies!"

Xu Yu's eyes flashed with cold electricity, and his five fingers pressed down like pillars holding up the sky, shattering billions of miles of void. Every wisp of energy could frame a large area of ​​stars, and he clenched it into a fist.

It's like suppressing the heaven and the earth.


The divine whip made of Dao Tribulation dollars was directly exploded, the Ji Dao weapon was shattered, and the two arms of Emperor Dapeng were shattered inch by inch and turned into powder.

Chaos divine power spurted out, passing over the fist.

It was as if a heavenly sword was torn apart, cutting the Dapeng Emperor into four pieces.

If his soul hadn't escaped in time, he would have completely fallen under Xu Yu's blow.

"Fellow Taoists, work together, don't be defeated by each one!" The color of the Spirit King's face suddenly changed, and the silver magic sword shot out. The sword energy was like the sea, and a silver spirit dragon transformed into a silver spirit dragon and rushed forward.

Immortal Grandma also took action quickly, and a piece of Jade Ruyi flew out from the sparse hair, and the light loomed, and each ray of light was like a star, covering the sky and the earth.

This kind of method that goes against the will of heaven is horrifying, destroying the starry sky and creating the world is not a problem at all.

This is no longer an enlightened person in this world. It is too terrifying. The imperial energy has submerged everything and destroyed everything.


The divine light in the ancient battlefield was so violent that it penetrated the sky and the earth, and the boundless sword energy spurted out, but it was shattered under a fist surrounded by chaotic light.

One after another, the figures manifested, all unfolding their former supreme imperial method. The world was glorious, and the aura of destruction of all things overflowed.


With just one encounter, the Spiritual Emperor flew away far away, the laws of the imperial way shattered, the emperor's body exploded open, and blood splashed all over the sky.

He is the one in the best condition among the Supreme Beings in the Forbidden Zone. He is now extremely improved, and his strength is not much different from that in his heyday, but his imperial body was still destroyed by one blow.

"Fellow Taoist from Taichu, Xianling, and Heaven, this Chaos Emperor is so powerful that it is beyond common sense. If you haven't been born yet, how much longer will it be!" The Emperor looked up to the sky and roared his filial piety, shaking the entire Beidou, and his voice spread to the other three restricted areas. .

"If our Shenxu is destroyed by him, you will definitely be wiped out by him one by one. Why don't we join forces to kill this Chaos Emperor, take his blood and bones, and prolong our lives." The Spirit Emperor also yelled, wanting Taichu to , Xianling, the Supreme Being of God was born.

After just one or two exchanges of blows, the three ancient emperors of Shenxu, Spirit Emperor, Emperor God, and Gray-haired Supreme, suffered terrible losses. They felt the crisis of death and had to seek help from the other three restricted areas.

At this time, the supreme beings dormant in the ancient mines of Taichu, the Immortal Tomb, and the Heaven were all silent. They also observed Xu Yu's terror.

If the Divine Ruins are destroyed, the Chaos Emperor of the human race will definitely slash his butcher knife at them in the future. What will happen then?
Now Xu Yu has just entered the realm of the Great Emperor and has shown supreme power. He will only become stronger in the future. If he cannot be killed now, the three restricted areas will surely follow the footsteps of Shenxu in the future.

The best way is for a few more Supremes to be born now, and to join forces with the Spirit Emperor, Emperor God, and the Gray-haired Supreme to kill him completely to avoid future troubles.

"Yes, now he has the power that Wu Shi had before, and he will definitely become stronger and stronger in the future. Do we really have to wait until he comes to attack!"

A cold voice sounded from the forbidden area of ​​​​the Heaven Burial Island. The words were sonorous, cutting through the hearts of all souls like a blade.

This is a supreme emperor, and the power he exudes makes the three ancient supremes of Shenxu beam with joy. Some people in other restricted areas support them.

The simple jade Ruyi contains a big world within it, which will suppress, crush and crush the opponent into ashes.

At this moment, several other ancient supremes also took action, showing their supreme means to surround and kill Xu Yu. (End of chapter)

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