Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 318 The Immortal Tomb of the Immortal Ruins is Lost

Facing the encirclement of the nine ancient emperors, Xu Yu had a solemn look on his face, but he showed no fear at all. His whole body was shrouded in chaotic light, which melted many imperial magics into the invisible, making it difficult to hurt him at all.

Now his body is more powerful and terrifying compared to other ancient emperors and great emperors.


Xu Yu's big hand swept across, and the terrifying energy was surging all over his body. The invincible will opened up the world, flowing with bright fairy light, and the most powerful force rolled in.


The Ruyiyuan World, the Ancient Emperor's Divine Sword, and the combined efforts of all the emperors were all destroyed.

Cover the sky with one hand and kill all enemies!
In an instant, he shattered Grandma Xian's jade Ruyi into pieces, and the fingers of his palm were crystal clear, like glass and magical iron.

Immortal lines appeared on his palms, and mysterious runes flashed, waving boundless magic power.


The bodies of the two ancient emperors in the restricted area were exploded, and the emperor's blood spattered, making the vast sea of ​​​​stars scarlet, extremely tragic.

At this moment, the nine supreme beings in the mythical battlefield all changed their colors, and there was a faint fear in their hearts.

It is simply unimaginable that the peerless emperor who was once invincible would ever encounter such oppression.

But his unparalleled combat power has really reached the level of the Emperor of Heaven, and is not inferior to the strongest people in ancient and modern times such as Emperor Zun and the Immortal Emperor.

In the blink of an eye, the shattering Ji Dao weapon can shatter the immortal emperor's body with every move. The supreme and powerful power of the Dao can easily make the world tremble and thousands of people wail.

That kind of terrifying supreme power, as if a true immortal came to the world, made the nine former ancient emperors feel awe and fear. They felt the huge gap, felt chilled in their hearts, but had to face it.


Suddenly, an accident occurred on the mythical battlefield. A figure covered in golden light broke in and punched the God of God in Shenxu. The ancient emperor's blood and bones flew everywhere and shattered into pieces in the dark sea of ​​stars. .

"The great holy body of this world!"


The supreme beings in the restricted area were shocked again. The golden figure was none other than Ye Fan. Now he has completed the Holy Body and also has emperor-level combat power.

When he first entered the realm of the Quasi-Emperor Ninth Heaven and reached the Great Perfection of the Holy Body, he fought against his ancient enemy, the Cangtian Hegemony, and finally killed the two old Dacheng Hegemons one after another.

Obviously, the supreme beings in the forbidden area understand very well that Ye Fan, the great holy body, is young and prosperous, and his blood is as strong as the sea. It also poses a very fatal threat to them who are self-destructing.

Now he has also joined this battle, where a human emperor and a great saint face off against their nine ancient emperors.

For Ye Fan, all forbidden areas in life are his enemies, whether they are Supremes who have launched dark turmoil or not.

More than 1000 years ago, too many friends around him died because of these ancient supreme beings.

In addition, even some of the young geniuses of the world have come to the vicinity of the mythical battlefield.

After more than 500 years of practice, many young supremes have been able to break through the quasi-emperor's ninth level of heaven, and their strength has improved even more.

Even the figure of the Golden Crow Emperor appeared near the mythical battlefield.

Although they have no intention of becoming enemies of these ancient supreme beings, they will still choose to take action if dark turmoil breaks out.

The ancient supreme beings in the mythical battlefield also discovered their presence.

Although those ancient supreme beings didn’t know what their purpose was?
But they were definitely enemies rather than friends, which made their hearts sink even more.

"Fellow Taoists, don't hold back any more, and strive to sublimate to the utmost, otherwise we will all fall on the mythical battlefield!" The Emperor coughed up blood, roared to the sky, and began to burn the original power of the emperor's blood.

"Yes, it's time for you all to go all out. Previously, a Heavenly Emperor beat us to the point of being bloody every step of the way, and now we are joined by a Dacheng Holy Body with overwhelming energy and blood. If we don't go all out, there will be no chance of survival at all! "

The Taoist priest of Xianling also shouted. His imperial body was smashed several times and he could no longer hold on.

"Okay, then we will ascend to the highest level, regain our former imperial status, kill the Emperor of Chaos and the Holy Body of Dacheng, and devour the flesh and blood essence of both of them. Maybe we can live for a while longer."

The nine Forbidden City Supremes were no longer retained. One by one, they were fully sublimated, returning to their original state without self-destruction, and reappearing the complete power of the emperor.


A terrifying phantom appeared behind the Spirit Emperor, in which stood the majestic ancient palace. The huge portal at the entrance had the three divine inscriptions of the Nantianmen, which was the restricted area of ​​Shenxu.

Of course, he did not move the divine ruins here, but the supreme imprint of this forbidden area of ​​life. All the traces of the emperor's path bloomed and the supreme divine formation was laid out.

Then, behind the Immortal Grandma, there are also ancient tombs bulging up. They are like immortals, stretching into a continuous piece, flowing with the aura of immortality, and billions of rays of aura. They are the immortal tombs.

Then an ancient mine appeared behind the other two Supreme Beings. It was pitch black and unfathomable. The mountains were undulating and vast, like a real dragon dormant, as if it could swallow up all the heavens and the universe.

Although the restricted areas did not really come out of nowhere, they moved the most terrifying imperial magic circle to recreate the mythical battlefield.


With the last loud noise, the nine mountain ranges were majestic and boundless, with a huge island connected behind them. They suppressed the sound and appeared behind Emperor Dapeng and Taoist White Tiger. The scene was shocking.

This is the forbidden area of ​​​​life - God, also known as Burial Island. It is suspended in the sky of the Eastern Wasteland. It is usually hidden in the void and is difficult for ordinary people to see.

Its main body is shaped like a giant coffin, connected with nine huge dragon veins. It is a form of nine dragons pulling a coffin. It is majestic and majestic, and looks extremely mysterious.

The ancient emperors of the nine forbidden areas all displayed their supreme means, shocking the ancient mines of Taichu, the heavens, the Immortal Tombs, and the Shenxu Emperor Formation. Mysterious runes were endless, covering the vast mythical battlefield.

These restricted area formations were jointly set up by many ancient emperors over a long period of time, which were enough to give them more powerful power and kill all powerful enemies.

"The era you've been waiting for has passed. No matter what, it's just a dying struggle!"

Xu Yu was like the king of the gods. When his eyes opened and closed, cold lightning shot out. Deep in his eyes, there seemed to be a long river of light flowing, with mysterious figures crossing from upstream and downstream.

It seems to be the past and future bodies, blessing the current deity, integrating the power of God and Tao.He entered the four forbidden imperial formations alone, shattered the sky with one palm, and shattered the universe with one foot. His power surpassed the past and present, and shocked the human world.

Ye Fan also surged with golden energy and blood, and exploded with monstrous power. He killed the nine supreme beings from the other side and became the most brave in the world.


The supreme immortal formation under the steps of the nine supreme beings began to sway, as if it was about to be destroyed by two world-shattering forces.

The Emperor of Heaven controls the world and kills all enemies in the world!

Lu Chen used one move to strike out the Immortal Seal of War. Countless universes were born and destroyed between his palms, directly shattering the head of the Supreme Spirit Emperor of Shenxu and smelting his Immortal Platform.


The Supreme Being, who was enlightened by the Holy Spirit, was screaming, the origin of the Imperial Dao was ignited, and the fire of life was extinguished in the blink of an eye, and he fell into the ancient battlefield.

From the beginning to the end, Xu Yu was confident and fierce, and nothing was beyond his control, showing his invincible power. "It's really a Heavenly Emperor that has reappeared. This may be comparable to the legendary Huangtian Emperor."

Within the three restricted areas of Taichu Ancient Mine, Heaven, and Immortal Tomb, there are still ancient supreme beings dormant. At this moment, beams of light are shooting straight into the sky, the imperial energy is surging, and there are supreme beings who are about to be born to join this unprecedented battle.

They were not fools. They had already noticed something was wrong. Xu Yu could easily kill Zeng Guhuang. If he was allowed to continue to be strong, what height would he reach?

In the end, all restricted areas will probably be wiped out, and no one will be left alive.


Peng's cries shook the sky, and the emperor's blood splattered.

Xu Yu's invincible fist seal struck out, blasting the body of the Supreme Dapeng into pieces, causing broken bones and residual blood to dance wildly.

The immortal empty body exploded, and Dapeng Kong's weak soul escaped, spreading its wings and flying 900 million miles.

Unfortunately, Ye Fan on the other side stepped on Xing Zi Mi, and when he came to kill, the golden energy and blood shook, and the Heavenly Emperor's Fist was punched out, blasting his distant god into ashes.

Another forbidden area supreme, the ancient emperor who once ruled for an era has fallen.

The bloody battle is still going on, Xu Yu is so handsome, with the golden golden cauldron above her head, she is extremely powerful.

He was bathed in the blood of the emperor and was unparalleled in his domineering power. Even the ancient warriors who once dominated an era looked so unbearable in front of him who had attained the throne of Chaos Emperor.

"Ahem..., the great emperor of the human race is truly extraordinary. No wonder almost no one has achieved this great path over the ages!
There was a Supreme Being whose body had been blown up many times, and the soul's fire had dimmed, but his whole body was shaking violently as if he had discovered something.

Xu Yu's combat prowess is so incredible that he can almost kill his peers, and he truly deserves the title of Emperor of Heaven.

This is a crushing of absolute strength, one day.One place is the difference between cloud and mud. Unfortunately, they realized it too late.


The Emperor God roared angrily, punching the sky with his fist, Kunpeng's wings, wild bull's horns, and Qilin armor suddenly shined brightly, almost burning.

Xu Yu looked at it indifferently, easily stepping on the star sea for hundreds of millions of miles, the chaotic energy was surging, and thousands of things merged and rose. He stepped down with one foot, directly turning the Emperor God into flesh, and kneaded the whole thing together.

There seemed to be a death knell ringing between heaven and earth, playing the funeral song of the Forbidden City Supreme.

In a short period of time, ancient supreme beings such as the Dapeng Emperor and the Emperor God fell one after another, staining the sea of ​​stars with blood and laying corpses on the mythical battlefield.

The more Xu Yu fought, the more courageous he became, and his whole body became even more terrifying. His eyes shattered the universe, and the scattered divine light changed the entire mythical battlefield.

The murderous intention penetrated into the bones, the air of emptiness overwhelmed the sky and the earth, and there was chaos between heaven and earth. It was difficult to distinguish up and down, and no form could be seen.

Even the imprints of the restricted areas of life are the same. They are all assimilated into chaos, annihilated into nothingness, and become part of the ten thousand ways.

At this time, another ancient supreme being from Xianling joined the battle, but he soon felt regretful.

"They are here, so let's die with them."

Xu Yu laughed, moved his body horizontally, and blasted the gray-haired Supreme with one palm, then grabbed his soul and directly refined it into ashes.

This is a feast that belongs to him. Every Forbidden City Supreme is his food, being smelted into his Chaos Avenue to help him move towards a higher realm.

"Hey, I don't believe you are really invincible!"

The gray-haired Supreme roared with murderous intent, and unleashed a peerless blow. Behind him, the other two Supremes roared to the sky, and together they unleashed supreme power that shook the heavens and the earth.

The mythical battlefield is torn apart. It has never been as tragic as it is now, with so many strong men participating in the battle.

Xu Yu forcibly overcame all the emperors to join forces to attack and kill. With the flapping of his palms, thousands of paths resonated, the world collapsed, and chaos emerged and died, as if he was creating the world and recreating the universe.

He kneaded seals and struck horizontally, using the anode in his left hand and the cathode in his right hand, connecting Jiuxiao and Jiuyou, overturning the world and killing the true immortal!


The manifestations of ancient characters one after another are all reflections of the most original power between heaven and earth, surrounding Xu Yu and suppressing them.


The emperor's blood splashed thousands of miles, and the sky fell silent. There had never been a day like this, when the blood of the emperor and the emperor was shed so much.

This overturned the world and was a terrifying war that made all the world wailed.

The body of the gray-haired Supreme was torn into pieces. He was smashed onto the Immortal Platform by Xu Yu's seal and fell directly. The other two Supremes were also captured by him and smashed into pieces with a slap.

All of a sudden, three more supreme beings from the restricted area died. Their bodies were covered with blood and their bones were lying on the ground.

The remaining supreme beings in the restricted area were a little confused. This was all too dreamy and terrifying.

What kind of state is that? Killing a master of the Imperial Way is like killing a chicken.

"The road to immortality in this life may be prepared for him."

In the restricted area of ​​Taichu's life, the sigh of the Supreme was echoing. Such strength was too terrifying.

It was no longer something they could resist. If they had known this, when the Emperor of Heaven came to Shenxu, they would all come out together. Maybe there would still be a chance.

If nothing goes wrong, a dozen supreme beings will entangle him, and the rest will directly launch a dark turmoil, which also has a chance to reverse the situation of the war.

It's a pity that the Forbidden Zone Supremes are not one family, and they are also jealous of each other. Even if the enemy is at hand, they are not willing to die, and only seven of them are born to help.

"The ancient emperor's avenue can push me to a higher realm."

Xu Yu stretched his arms and slowly lowered them. The heavens were trembling for eternity. He was like the God of creation who created the world, looking down at the vast universe.

The only remaining supreme being in the restricted area could not escape the disaster. He was closed by two big hands that covered the sky with billions of rays of chaotic light hanging down, and was crushed to death in the palms of his hands.

Xu Yu used their imperial ways to complement the chaos and strengthen himself.

In the end, he and Ye Fan stood in the ancient battlefield of broken myths, and the battle between the ten forbidden zone supremes that were born was completely reduced to history.

Outside, all souls were silent, their hearts were pounding in their chests, almost jumping out, and their blood was rushing, making their faces turn red.

This battle was too dreamy, even more mythical than the Age of Mythology. The Chaos Heavenly Emperor ruled the world, killing enemies from the past, present and future. Together with the Dacheng Holy Body, he killed ten supreme beings in the restricted area in a row. He was extremely powerful.

All creatures in the universe have left an indelible impression on everyone’s heart.

Never before in ancient times, only in this lifetime, has such an unparalleled existence been born.

"The ruins of the gods and the Immortal Tombs will become a thing of the past." Xu Yu looked down at the vast universe. Nothing could stop him now. The remaining Taichu ancient mines and God were no longer worthy of fear. (End of chapter)

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