Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 320: Chaos emerges, shaking light falls

Chapter 320: Chaos emerges, shaking light falls

As soon as the voice of Chaos Body challenging Ye Fan came out, the entire universe shook.

You must know that Ye Fan is at the height of his power now, and the Golden Crow Emperor was defeated by him not long ago.

He became No.1 from Xu Yu down, and his reputation resounded throughout the universe.

Even some of the young supremes he brought with him at the same time kept Ye Fan at a distance.

There are even some good people who expect Ye Fan to challenge Xu Yu, who defies heaven and proves his way, and want to see who is stronger and who is weaker among these two supreme beings.

However, once such an idea spread, it was ridiculed by other young supremes.

Strictly speaking, when the Golden Crow Emperor was enlightening, he was attacked by many supreme beings because of his impact on the road to immortality, leaving indelible wounds on his body.

This also makes his Great Emperor Dao Fruit always flawed and belongs to the Youque Emperor.

Therefore, people can still accept the defeat of Emperor Jinwu to Ye Fan.

Otherwise, the defeat of Emperor Wuque to Dacheng Holy Body would make many people in the world unable to sit still.

They yearn for the Emperor Wuque who has been pursuing them all their lives. If the real combat power is just like that of the Golden Crow Emperor, it will be a very cruel result for them.

The true supreme embodies all the luck of an era.

Moreover, the Supreme Master is an unrivaled master who has defeated all opponents in his generation.

Definitely the most powerful person of an era in the world.

What's more, in the incomplete Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the Supreme Enlightenment will merge with the Tianxin Seal.

The Tianxin Seal was also called the Immortal King's Foundation in the chaotic ancient times.

In other words, the Supreme One who has integrated the Seal of Tianxin will have the opportunity to become a peerless figure like the Immortal King in the future.

Even the best among them have stepped into the indescribable realm of Godlessness and become true Taoist ancestors.

But this also reflects from the side that the strength of the Supreme is high and low.

Even though a supreme being like the Golden Crow Emperor is also called a great emperor, in terms of overall strength, there is still a big gap between him and the real supreme being.

On the other hand, Xu Yu was different. He broke the shackles of heaven and earth and trampled all the ways of heaven and earth under his feet to become emperor when the emperor had already attained enlightenment.

There is a fundamental difference in combat power between Daoguo and Youque Emperor like the Golden Crow Emperor.

With Ye Fan's current state, facing the great emperor with perfect Dao Fruit, the ninth level one may fall.

Many people even think that Ye Fan may not be able to pass the level of the chaotic body in front of him.

After all, the Chaos Body's recorded achievements in ancient history are too terrifying.

Before reaching the ninth level of the Quasi-Emperor, he almost dragged a Heavenly Lord on the road.

Ten days later, the mythical battlefield.

Everything was silent, there was no sound, Ye Fan was alone, staring into the depths of the star field.

All the people were looking forward to this battle, but apart from Zhang Bairen, Dao Yi, Hou Zi, Human Devil and a few others, not many people dared to come.

In the star field, the Heaven-reaching Dharma Eye and the Heaven-watching Divine Formation have already been lined up, and the major powers hope to see this battle.

Xu Yu, who is far away in the heaven of God's Domain, naturally does not need the magic circle to watch this battle.


Roaring in the distance.A bolt of blazing electricity tore through the universe and entered the mythical battlefield. Chaos energy surged, and there was one more person on the scene.

As soon as he appeared, there was no peace everywhere, and the most terrifying war was about to begin.Many people clenched their fists and were actually more nervous than the people in the field.

His true appearance cannot be seen clearly, only the chaos surging. He seems to be standing in an era before the world opened. Various runes appear, and thousands of ways harmoniously sound, just like a ruler.


A bell rang, shaking the universe, and the Golden Crow Emperor appeared and said:
"Fellow Taoists, we withdraw from this battlefield, the decisive battle is about to begin."

The old lunatic, Shengfo, Huoqizi, Shenzun, Yin Tiande, etc. nodded, and all left immediately, and the mythical battlefield became even more silent.

In the galaxy outside, everyone was horrified. This battle was indeed no small matter. Even a great emperor could only maintain order here, not a participant in the battle.

No matter what, this battle is destined to be recorded in the history of the strongest gods.

"Is the Chaos Body really that powerful?"

Before the decisive battle, people thought of those intermittent legends that almost disappeared in the age of mythology. In that period, a chaotic body appeared and existed side by side with the nine heavenly gods.

This kind of blood is known as the most terrifying, and it caused headaches and hardships for the ancient Tianzun.

According to legend, if such a constitution appears, enlightenment is only a matter of time, and sooner or later one will succeed.

Moreover, there is no need to worry about someone having already attained enlightenment at that time.

Therefore, there is a rumor that in that era, the Heavenly Venerables and Taoist Venerables who lived in the same era as the Chaos Body would feel helpless and have seen blood.

It's a pity that in a certain era when we knew about it, the chaotic body failed to grow up, and was beheaded by Tianzun on the ascending ladder, and that ancient Zun himself was bloody and suffered heavy injuries.

With such qualifications and such achievements, how can it not be shocking to the world?

After the death of the Chaos Body, its body was refined into a peerless formation and became the body of the Supreme Being engraved with Dao patterns. It was stationed in Beidou and used to pave the path to immortality.

Various rumors reveal the supreme power of this physique.

"It's that person." Zhang Qingyang and Long Yuxuan stood beside Xiaosong and exclaimed. On the way from Beidou to Tianting, they saw a person who had overcome the tribulation. It was this blurry figure with a temperament.

At the same time, Ye Fan also recognized his opponent and said: "It is indeed you!"

"Yes, I'm here to fight you for the last time!" The man said calmly in the chaos aura,

There is no strength or arrogance as imagined by the outside world.

Without warning, the battle between the two broke out, and the chaotic energy spread, flooding the entire battlefield, and the outside world couldn't see through it, and couldn't see the battle between the two.

There was a big collision in that place, which was extremely fierce, like a battle between great emperors, which caused the Golden Crow Emperor who was watching the battle to change color several times.

Such a strong chaotic body, well-deserved of its reputation, everyone was shocked, and the visitors did not disappoint them. You must know that in the various battles that happened in this life, Gu Tianzun may not be so fierce.

"Proud Roar"

With the fierce fighting, the chaotic air gradually thinned out, and a blurry scene emerged.

A blurry figure is as fast as a fairy, not only the law of chaos shoots out, but also surrounded by various fairy spirits, setting him off like a fairy king.

He galloped up, and the vibrating chaotic battlefield collapsed, driving all kinds of fairy spirits such as Qinglong, Huasnake, Suzaku, Baihu, Kunpeng to attack and fight against Ye Fan.

"So fierce!" Even Huo Qizi, a stubborn and determined man, sighed.

Every kind of fairy is a kind of avenue, which is formed by the oldest rune emperor. The chaotic body can drive ten thousand Taos, representing the will of heaven and earth, killing all things.

Ye Fan struck with one punch after another. The body of the green dragon, which was as long as a river, collapsed, and the dragon's blood splashed everywhere. The Suzaku screamed, as sad as the sun falling from the sky. The White Tiger roared sadly, and the body as huge as a mountain fell into a pool of blood.
Ye Fan is cold and ruthless, and when the Emperor of Heaven punches out, the universe collapses.This kind of fighting power intimidates the human world.Huge fairy spirits fell into a pool of blood one after another, but they were endless and not the same. These fell, as did the knee snake, fairy phoenix, prayer machine, etc.

The chaotic body is proud of the world, surrounded by immortals.

Palm fingers slapped down.The law was like the sea, and Ye Fan's body shook in shock, and he began to shake the Emperor's Fist hard.

"What a powerful person. He deserves to be the strongest bloodline. His physical body is not weaker than the strongest holy body in history. It's really terrifying!"

Everyone was surprised. People discovered that Ye Fan's tiger's mouth split open during the big collision between the two.

There was a little bit of blood splattered, it was unbelievable.

What made everyone let out a sigh of relief was that the man's palms and fingers were also stained with blood. He was also scarred by the Emperor's fist. There was blood.


As for the laws of the great road, they crash like waves.Collision between the two, the bright brilliance is constantly flying, blooming like a fairy flower, each one is extremely gorgeous.

"Fluttering Light, he is actually Fluking Light!"

Everyone was stunned. When the chaos energy became thinner, people could not believe their eyes.

The man revealed his true face, as rich as jade, transcending the world of mortals, and there was actually a shaking light

"In the battle that year. Didn't he die? He was killed by Holy Body Ye Fan at the Fifth Emperor Pass. How come he came back alive and became a Chaos Body?"

Many people's hearts were filled with disbelief, and it was difficult to accept this fact, because many people had witnessed that battle with their own eyes.

As soon as the news came out, all races were shocked, especially the monks in the Beidou Star Territory, who had complicated emotions. What was going on? In the end, it was him who came to fight Ye Fan.
"I see, he just used Ye Fan to break the shackles that day, and that body imprisoned him."

"Yes, do you still remember what he said that day?"

Everyone's heart trembled. All the things that happened back then came to mind, but Yaoguang decided to fight to the death that day.

Stained with blood, but not running away, he faced off with Ye Fan.

Because at that time, his path had come to an end, and the demon body imprisoned his path, unable to develop any further.

"The last battle, liberation, or detachment, it's all in this last battle."

The desolate words of that day still rang in people's ears, and at this moment people realized that until he died, he was telling his own way.

"Yoguang Dangji, this Heaven Swallowing Demon Art, this demon body, has imprisoned too much, and only Brother Ye can break him." Those were the words that made people feel very sad before his final fall.

At that time, he was somewhat tragic. Before he died, he seemed to be crying but not crying, smiling but not smiling, with sadness and joy, his expression was very complicated, and finally, in the tears, he showed a sunny smile and waved at everyone, his flesh and blood body exploded.

It has such true meaning.

Everyone suddenly realized that Ye Yaoguang was reborn with Ye Fan's hand back then.

In fact, in the end, after his death, the essence in his body turned into [-] spirits and rushed towards the ten wastes of the universe. Everyone saw it, and it actually contained the hope of life.

"Shaking light!" Ye Fan shouted.

"No, the fluttering light is dead, I am Chaos." He smiled softly, but there was an unspeakable loneliness and sadness that was hard to hide.

"No matter who you are, if you fight with me today, you will be defeated." Ye Fan said.

"Maybe, but I'm here anyway, because this battle is inevitable!" Yaoguang, or Chaos, is as bright as the sun.

This sentence alone is enough to express his feelings. This battle is indeed inevitable. The two have known each other since they were young. Along the way, too many things have happened. After all, they are on opposite sides. The only way is to decide.

One person emerges as the supreme person in the world, and another person falls.

They are all dragons among men, they are all rare geniuses in the ages, and they are all talented, but one of them is destined to perish.


The most intense battle broke out. A chaotic cauldron appeared on Shaking's head, which was a four-legged square tripod, while a mother-qi tripod appeared on Ye Fan's head, which was a three-legged and two-eared round tripod.

The two faced each other tit for tat, and even their weapons were similar. Their tripods collided together and had a big collision.

In this battle, the sun and the moon have lost their light, and the world has lost its color. The original law and way have been completely abandoned.

Ye Fan's Dao showed signs of being restrained. As soon as the spell came out, it was fused by the opponent's chaotic light and became a part of Fluctlight itself.

Everyone knew that Ye Fan had really met his opponent, and this battle was destined to be very difficult. The Chaos Body was indeed terrifying. No wonder the legend said that the Heavenly Venerable was bloody and almost died miserably before he became enlightened.


Ye Fan's eyes were shining brightly, his tiger's mouth burst open, and there was blood all over him, but he was determined, and he continued to blast forward unchanged.


The divine power is overwhelming, and the earth-shattering blow from both sides shattered the mythical battlefield and spread to the outside world. This is shocking. The supreme battle was not necessarily so terrifying back then.

"Both of them used Ji Zi Mi, which increased their combat power tenfold, so they struck such a shocking blow."

Zhang Bairen sighed.

Yaoguang has also mastered the secrets of all characters, but this kind of secret technique is not necessarily the key secret technique to win. It is terrifying if any technique reaches the extreme, but it is only at this time that it is used at the same time, which shows its power.

In this battle, the world was darkened, the universe was shattered, and the mythical battlefield was destroyed. Thousands of moves were fought, but there was still no winner.

This is the most terrifying battle that Ye Fan has encountered since he came to the world.

In the end, Yaoguang turned into a chaotic furnace, rushed forward, wrapped Ye Fan, and wanted to refine him.

Ye Fan, on the other hand, turned into a tripod, which was first refined in the furnace, and then recoiled out, incorporating the chaotic light into his body, turning it into a furnace fire, and his body roared.

The two fought, constantly churning.

This battle lasted for a day, and the intensity was shocking. In the end, two people covered in blood fell out, their bodies broken.

"It's really an ending. This time, Yaoguang will die forever." Yaoguang sighed desolately.

"You can survive." Ye Fan said.

In the golden brilliance, he was bloodstained and coughed up blood continuously, but he was smiling and said, "The universe is huge, but it can't hold you and me at the same time."

Ye Fan was silent.

"My chaotic body is ultimately lacking, and I can only cultivate so far in this life." Yaoguang smiled sadly, as if mocking himself, and also as if telling Ye Fan a message.


He exploded, blood spattered, and the real withering was hard to be seen in the world.

"I can have an opponent like you!" Yaoguang's last words were not finished, and only the residual sound echoed in the mythical battlefield.

The sky wind blew, whining and weeping, and a generation of outstanding figures came to an end. This ending left many people speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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