Chapter 321

Time passes, and in the blink of an eye, thousands of years pass.

Since Ye Fan's battle with Yaoguang, the universe seemed to have fallen into a period of extraordinary peace.

God and the ancient mines of Taichu have hidden their traces, and no one in the world can find them.

Even Xu Yu couldn't deduce their traces.

The younger generation of supreme masters are practicing hard in silence, hoping that Zi Hao, like Xu Yu, will break the world and become the next person to achieve enlightenment.

The atmosphere in the universe has become more depressing, and too many people want to give it a try.

Xu Yu is almost three thousand years old. He is becoming more and more powerful. His blood is as strong as the sea. He can break the world with a single thought and is invincible for nine days and ten places!
The name of the Emperor of Heaven has shaken the past and present and the future. No matter how hard it is to find an opponent, even Ye Fan, who has become a different kind of enlightenment, still has a long way to go before he can catch up with Xu Yu.

This year, an earth-shattering event happened, that is, a second person became emperor.

Needless to say, that person was Ye Fan. He not only broke the shackles of the Holy Body that could not achieve enlightenment, but also broke the rules of heaven and earth. Under the suppression of the great avenue, he defied heaven and attained enlightenment, shocking the world.

Although Xu Yu, the Emperor of Heaven, was alive, he took the initiative to restrain his own path and avoid interfering with Ye Fan's tribulation.

As for the Golden Crow Emperor, he could not suppress Ye Fan.

Of course, because of the example of Xu Yu, Ye Fan did not choose to preach with his relatives and friends this time.

Although the catastrophe was still terrifying, Ye Fan got through it with his incomparable tyrannical fighting power.

But this time, Ye Fan did not use himself as bait to fish for those forbidden areas of life hidden in the universe like in the original work.

Therefore, if Ye Fan wants to prove the Tao, he only needs to break the rules of heaven and earth and be locked with the Holy Body.

Of course, Xu Yu's existence still affected many events. For example, Ye Fan became emperor 300 years later than in his original fate.Lan
Moreover, this time he transcended the tribulation, and he did not resist ten thousand rules for others like in his original trajectory. He just broke through ten thousand rules himself and achieved the throne of the emperor.

Even so, this life shocked everyone. In the same era, three great emperors appeared. It was simply unprecedented. Compared with the mythical period when Emperor Zun established the ancient heaven, they were more glorious and dazzling. The golden age reached The pinnacle moment.

Time is like water, rushing away and never going back. Another 2000 years have passed.

When Xu Yu reached about five thousand years old, his vitality became more and more vigorous and he kept climbing upwards. He was an eternal immortal body and had attained the throne of Heavenly Emperor. It is difficult to say how long he could live.

But for other outstanding figures in the world, they all started to go downhill.

The same is true even for Dao Yi, Yin Tiande, Sheng Prince and other talented people who can reach the level of quasi-emperor.

Although these extraordinary figures and the emperor's children can enter an alternative state of enlightenment and have strength close to that of the emperor, their lifespan is only 1 years at most.

After passing the threshold of five thousand years, they are like the sun in the sky, slowly starting to set in the west, and their lives are moving downwards.

Only Ye Fan, who became emperor, is still climbing as high as Xu Yu.

For characters of the older generation, time seems even more ruthless, constantly harvesting their lives.

During this period, bad news came one after another from Beidou, and the older generation of people in Zifu Holy Land began to wither.

Soon after, news came from Ye Fan's heaven that the fighting saint Buddha had exhausted his life and died.

And Princess Shencan, who briefly protected Xu Yu, also followed the Dou Zhan Holy Buddha and disappeared from the world.

"Those two missed thousands of years in the ancient times, so it can be considered a perfect ending!" Xu Yu put his hands behind his back, looked at the stars in the distance, and sighed softly.Lan
The deaths of older people he knew one after another made him feel a little uncomfortable, but he also understood that this was the case in this world. Except for a very few special people, no one could live forever.

Even Xu Yu, who is the Emperor of Heaven, is far from entering the realm of immortality, but is still on the way to explore.

During this period, the humanoid elixir, enlightenment tea tree, Xuanwu elixir, and ancient tree of life all matured one after another and were picked and preserved.

Some of the elders in Zifu Xianting have never taken it, leaving it to the next generation of talented people, because the road of these elders has come to an end, and even if they take the elixir of immortality and live another life, it will not mean much.

Although Xu Yu is in the world, he is powerless now. He cannot lead others to immortality. He has no way to deal with the passage of time and cannot restore the youth and lives of those people.

In the following years, a large number of heavenly soldiers in the Purple Mansion Immortal Court began to grow old, and some heavenly generals began to die. A generation began to age, and the Great Age of Yingjin came to an end.

Looking around, there are many stone tablets standing in the heaven. Heavenly soldiers and generals have died in large numbers and been buried in the cemetery. Some familiar friends have completely disappeared.

As the cold air passed by, Xu Yu stood in front of the cemetery, looking at the clusters of tombstones, feeling silent in her heart.

Whether it is this golden world, whether it is the heaven he founded, or the heaven established by Ye Fan, after its glory reaches its extreme, it begins to wither like all things in the world, like a different kind of reincarnation.

The world is about to wither!

This law of change cannot be resisted by anyone. When everything develops, its prosperity must decline.

In the years that followed, news came one after another, one after another, the most outstanding people came to the end of their lives, and the kings of the past were constantly coming to an end.

Xu Yu sat cross-legged in the depths of the Immortal Mountain and did not move for a long time.

"Master, seal me!" A voice came from behind Xu Yu.

That was Jin Qiong, the golden lion he brought out in the God Realm back then. It followed Xu Yu over the years and gained a lot of benefits.

In addition, the power of his own bloodline is extraordinary, and he has reached the realm of Quasi-Emperor Ninth Level, becoming one of the most powerful people in the world.

"I know that the master doesn't care much about Heaven, but I want to protect it. When one day even the master is no longer young, I will be born again so that this huge power can continue gloriously." The golden lion said seriously.

Xu Yu looked at him, sighed slightly, nodded and said, "That's fine!"

Although he knows the way forward and is confident that he can become an immortal in the future, it is necessary to prevent accidents from happening and seal some powerful people.

Xu Yu got up and walked in the heaven. Most of the faces he saw were new faces. Thousands of years have passed, and a new generation has replaced the old one. The heavenly soldiers and generals are constantly changing!
The starry sky was boundless. Xu Yu walked out of the heaven and passed by galaxy after galaxy. A fairy light avenue spread under his feet, and he could soon cross to the other side of the starry sky.

All races in the universe were in awe when they saw this. People knew that this was the Emperor of Heaven who was traveling. Although he had not appeared for many years, his invincible reputation was always spread.

"The Emperor of Heaven is immortal and lives forever!"

Someone shouted sincerely that Xu Yuping lost the forbidden areas of the Immortal Mountain, Immortal Tomb, Underworld, and Divine Ruins, shocking the human world and solving the source of the dark turmoil.

This has to be awe-inspiring. Although there are still ancient Taichu Mines and the Forbidden City of Heaven hidden in the dark, the world believes that as long as the Emperor of Heaven is alive, the two restricted areas can only shrink and dare not make the slightest difference.

"Sooner or later, one day I will be able to break the law of immortality and change this world." Xu Yu said to himself.

He understands that the method of immortality cannot be understood through seclusion alone. Since ancient times, so many outstanding people have been stuck. It is not easy to break through.

This journey lasted for several months, and he passed through many galaxies, causing a great sensation. The Emperor of Chaos paraded around, making all the races in the sky stand in awe.Lan
Along the way, he saw a lot, and he sighed in his heart that this glorious world was coming to an end and was about to come to an end.

The top peerless talents such as Taichu, Emperor, and Zhang Bairen have long since disappeared. It is said that they have proclaimed themselves, hoping to become emperors in a certain life in the future.

Although Xu Yu and Ye Fan successively broke the emperor's curse of non-parallelism, other outstanding figures did not have such heaven-defying fighting power.

They can only proclaim themselves in the divine source, wait for a certain period when there are no enlightened people, and then compete for the throne in another life.

In the golden age, the stars were bright, and there were many emperors competing for hegemony. But in the end, there was only one Chaos Emperor and one Holy Body Emperor, standing high in the sky, looking down on the world.

The world sighs, thousands of years have passed, and many talented people and beauties have been buried in the years.

At the end of the golden age, some geniuses who had disappeared reappeared in the world. They roared to the sky and made a last-ditch effort in life. They wanted to be like Xu Yu and Ye Fan, go against the will of heaven and climb to the top of the world.

The pinnacle of the human world.

It's a pity that they are just like comets, lighting up the sky again and again, briefly illuminating the universe, and finally ending tragically.

The golden age has come to an end, and the whole world is silent!

Xu Yu turned into a mortal and walked alone in the world of mortals, from one domain to another. Although there were often crowds of people around him, he still felt lonely.

He is the current Emperor of Heaven who has cultivated the Avenue of Chaos. His Qi and blood are as strong as the sea of ​​stars. He is so strong that it is difficult to fathom. Time has hardly left traces on his body. But in the vast world, only Ye Fan knows him.


All the relatives and friends in the past have either disappeared in the years or been sealed in the divine source. No one can live for thousands of years without becoming an emperor.

Although he was standing in the crowd, he couldn't feel the mortal atmosphere of this world. Instead, he seemed to hear the call of another world. It seemed to be the voice of the previous era, and he was incompatible with this world.

When he was [-] years old, Ye Fan, his only contemporary, came to visit and sat with Xu Yu under the ancient tea tree of Enlightenment.

A faint mist rose from the Enlightenment tea boiled in the divine spring, and was poured into two flawless jade cups.

Ye Fan picked up the tea cup and took a sip gently, and sighed: "In the golden age where the arrogance once existed, now only you and me are left!"

Hearing this, Xu Yu slightly raised his forehead and said, "Although monks have a lifespan far longer than that of ordinary people, and those of us who have attained enlightenment and become emperors have even longer time, but it is nothing to the vast universe."

Although a strong person who can attain enlightenment and become an emperor can live for tens of thousands of years, this length of time is still insignificant compared to the entire world.

After a long time, Ye Fan came back to his senses and said: "Since you and I are already standing on the Nine Heavens, let's find out the Taichu Ancient Mine and the Forbidden City of Heaven to completely solve the two sources of trouble."

The seven forbidden areas of life in the Beidou, including the Divine Ruins, the Immortal Tombs, the Immortal Mountains, and the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, were destroyed one after another. Today, only the Ancient Forbidden Lands, the Ancient Mines of Taichu, and the Forbidden Areas of Heaven still exist.

Although the Ancient Forbidden Land is a forbidden area of ​​life, the ruthless emperor lives in it, so it is naturally not a source of unrest.

What should be wiped out now is the Taichu Ancient Mine and Burial Sky Island, but now these two forbidden areas of life, fearing the two great emperors of the world, are hidden in the unknown of the universe and are no longer visible.

"Okay, then let's jointly conduct deductions to find them and completely eliminate the source of the black chaos!" Xu Yu nodded.Lan
Next, the two current emperors took action together, using their supreme supernatural powers to trace back time, space and years, explore the nine heavens, and peer down into the nine underworlds.

For a time, the entire world was completely reflected in the eyes of Xu Yu and Ye Fan, and all secrets were hidden.

"Burial Sky Island, found it."

"Hey, that Taichu ancient mine is really extraordinary, it can actually avoid your detection!" Ye Fan was a little surprised.

"This is not too unexpected. The Heaven-Bearing Underworld Treasure left by the Hades Emperor has evolved into a real immortal weapon. It should be that it has covered up the traces of the Taichu Ancient Mine."

Xu Yu knew how powerful the Emperor Wushi was back then. He wanted to wipe out the mysterious underworld, but he escaped because the Tongtian Mingbao hid this restricted area.

Later, Emperor Wushi passed away, and several ancient supreme beings in the underworld left one after another. Among them, the Corpse Emperor and a monster with the bloodline of all spirits entered the ancient mine of Taichu with the fairy weapon Tongtian Mingbao.Lan
Coupled with this forbidden area of ​​life, there are the most dormant ancient supreme beings. They are combined with an immortal weapon to avoid anyone's detection. Even Xu Yu now cannot trace their traces.

"In that case, let's destroy Burial Sky Island first."

Ye Fan stood up, took one step forward, and a golden avenue emerged, spanning the vast endless sea of ​​​​stars and reaching a hidden place at the edge of the universe. "boom!"

Soon, the hidden life restricted area of ​​Burial Sky Island was found, and a shocking war broke out quickly. The imperial power was so overwhelming that it shocked the whole world.

"How is this going?"

"Could it be that the two great emperors of the world are at war, or is there someone who can defeat them?"

Everyone was shocked, wondering how the universe, which had been peaceful for 1 years, suddenly broke out into an imperial-level war.

This terrifying world-shaking war broke out quickly, but ended quickly. It didn't take much time. The last ancient supreme being dormant on Burial Island was completely killed by Ye Fan.

As for Xu Yu, he didn't take action at all.

When the emperors fought, two supreme beings were born in this restricted area. After the path to immortality on Feixianxing was opened, another supreme being was born. Now in this restricted area of ​​life, at most one or two supreme beings are still dormant. .

The result was as expected. There was only one ancient supreme being on Burial Sky Island. When its traces were exposed, the outcome was already doomed.

A fairy light avenue spans across the starry sky of the universe, filled with brilliant nine-color light. Xu Yu stepped on it, and in a few steps he came to the edge of the universe, and entered this restricted area of ​​life with Ye Fan.

Buried Sky Island is a mysterious place. Even the great supreme beings who once lurked there have difficulty understanding its origins, and there is nothing they need in this magical void island.

I just know that it has been around for a long time and has experienced countless catastrophes. Over the years, it has never been destroyed, just like a sacred place where God is buried.

There is an aura of immortality in it that can slow down the flow of time, or it can be said that there is a kind of longevity that can give people vitality and prevent premature decay.

This kind of supreme divine land has naturally become the best place for the ancient supreme being to hibernate. It has been turned into a forbidden area of ​​​​life by many former imperial figures.

The sky is empty and silent, and it is destroyed!

Ye Fan stood tall with his hands behind his back, his black hair disheveled, and his clothes stained with the blood of the Supreme. His brilliant achievements were astonishing.

Xu Yu stepped forward slowly, scanning the sacred soil in front of him, and said: "The last remaining source of disaster is no longer something to be afraid of. We will slowly look for it in the future."

Nine dragon veins run across, in the shape of a real dragon, if the real dragon with its head raised and hissing is about to leap the nine heavens and rush into the fairyland.

"This mysterious ancient island is so similar to the Nine Dragons Coffin!" Ye Fan looked at the whole view of Burying Heaven Road. He was very surprised that this kind of mountain topography was rare in ancient and modern times.

The most incredible thing is that the island behind is naturally a coffin-shaped island, formed naturally and connected with nine dragon veins.

If you observe carefully, you will see that this is a product of nature and not a man-made arrangement. It is truly a marvelous and amazing workmanship.

"I'm afraid that the ancient coffin was created based on this island." Xu Yu said.

He knew that the name of the Kowloon coffin was the Third Generation Bronze Coffin, which symbolized the past, future, and present. Its origin was so ancient that it was unimaginable, even earlier than the Ancient Era and the Ancient Era.

And this Shangcang Island may have a great connection with the Nine Dragons La Coffin. I am afraid it used to be some kind of supreme fairyland, but it only became what it is now with the changes of time.

Xu Yu and Ye Fan entered the center of the coffin-shaped island and discovered an ancient cave, which was filled with immortal energy and steaming, making it appear mysterious and strange.

"No wonder there is an ancient emperor dormant here. It is really a fairy land."

The two sighed softly and saw some traces on the ground, measuring and understanding them with their hearts.

Its size and shape are almost the same as those of ancient bronze coffins, which is surprising. Perhaps that coffin once stood here and finally passed away in an unknown era.

Xu Yu and the others wanted to find out, use their unparalleled magical powers to trace history, but unfortunately they failed.

This ancient cave once dormantly housed many supreme beings, obliterating all the secrets of cause and effect. It was even stronger than Xu Yu and Ye Fan, and could not detect anything.

But they sensed that there was an atmosphere of immortal law here that could delay the aging of life.

"In that chaotic ancient era, I'm afraid there were real immortals who lived here." Xu Yu sighed. He only remembered some major events in Emperor Huangtian's era and didn't know much.

Finally, Ye Fan moved Burial Island back to the heaven and became another amazing courtyard.

God was destroyed. This news shocked the universe. The prestige of the Holy Body rumbled in the human world, and its glory reached its extreme.

Many people marveled that the two enlightened persons in the world were too terrifying. One stood above all the ways with his true body, and the other broke through the shackles of the holy body and could not become an emperor. Moreover, they both had someone who had achieved enlightenment in front of them, and they were suppressed by the rules of the ten thousand ways. Under restrictions, he defied nature and conquered the road to become an emperor.

"Both of the two great emperors have surpassed the average great emperors in history. They have pacified the six forbidden areas of life and eliminated almost all sources of disaster. Their achievements have shocked the past and present. They can be called emperors of heaven!"

All living beings in the world are amazed and feel that this is an unprecedented time.


The Immortal Light Avenue spread out, carrying Xu Yu and Ye Fan across the galaxy and came to a deserted land.

They discovered this place while exploring the two restricted areas, and came here after dealing with the Burial Sky Island matter.

I saw a vast expanse of fog here, boundless, gray and thick as lead clouds, and the compressed void of the universe was cracking, covering the sun, moon, and stars.

"This kind of thing is a bit scary!"

Ye Fan frowned. When he saw the gray mist covering a large area of ​​stars, it swallowed them up. After absorbing the essence, only dust was left.

"This... seems to be the corpse aura of an imperial figure." Xu Yu's powerful spiritual mind scanned the gray haze and said.

There is energy in the gray mist, with a hint of the aura of the ancient emperor, as if it was left by an ancient emperor's transformation.

Under normal circumstances, even if the emperor's powerful person dies, he will be immortal for all eternity. When his body is not preserved, he will dissipate through the Tao. It is almost never heard of a rotten emperor's corpse.

But extremes turn against each other, and there will always be abnormal things.

"Could it be there, the corpse energy left by the Immortal Emperor?"

Xu Yu suddenly remembered that the Immortal Emperor seemed to have left something like this behind.

The two of them walked forward. In their current state, there was nothing in the world that could stop them, not even the things left by the Immortal Emperor.

This kind of gray mist is very strange and terrifying. Anyone else would definitely not be able to stay there for a long time. The closer you get to the core, the more shocking it becomes. It will definitely turn the quasi-emperor into pus and blood.

"The further you go, the more terrifying the fog becomes, enough to easily obliterate the quasi-emperor of the Nine Heavens."

Although Xu Yu and Ye Fan were not afraid of the gray fog, they felt its terror. When approaching the core area, the gray fog in this area was particularly shocking, like an imperial beast that could swallow the essence and blood of the Supreme Being.

Deep into the mist, there is a floating stone island with a deep pool on it.

"Shenhuntan!" Ye Fan said in surprise.There are three kinds of strange flowers in the world, namely: demon flower, god flower, and hedao flower.

There are also three strange substances related to longevity in the world, namely: Samsara Sea, Soul Pool, Feixian Waterfall.

The Soul Pond is what the Immortal Emperor left behind. His soul completed a transformation like a rebirth. After the essence of the physical body or the remains was absorbed, it was abandoned and decayed, forming the gray mist just now.

Above the stone island, there is an ancient palace. This ancient building is very mysterious. It hangs in the universe and is isolated from all energy. Even the emperor-level figures cannot detect it without exploring.

"There are people inside, and there is also an emperor-level powerhouse." Xu Yu said calmly as he looked at the ancient building.

That fog needs to be transformed by the immortal emperor's legacy. Even the most powerful person is unwilling to be contaminated. Naturally, those who can survive in it are not simple people.

"It turned out to be two old friends. I didn't expect to meet them after being separated for tens of thousands of years." Ye Fan stepped into the door of the ancient palace and instantly understood who was inside.

The door of the ancient palace was pushed open, and there were two huge divine sources inside, sealing a man and a woman.

The man was tall and majestic, with a body as strong as a dragon. He was bronze in color, and his long hair was loose and thick, but there were a few strands of white hair in it.

"South demon!"

Xu Yu nodded and smiled. He was one of the most talented people in Beidou back then. They had not seen each other for thousands of years, and now they meet again. It feels like the passage of time.

At that time, Nan Yao was in his prime and full of vitality. Later, he reached the pinnacle of quasi-emperor and became an alternative enlightened person.

It's a pity that the Golden Crow Emperor has reached enlightenment in front of him, blocking the path of countless people. Many talented people with the potential of the emperor have proclaimed themselves, looking forward to a certain life in the future.

Back when they were in Beidou, the four of them, Beidi, Zhonghuang, Nanyao, and Xibodhisattva, were regarded as the most powerful geniuses in the human race, and they were in the limelight for a while.

Xu Yu and Ye Fan have naturally interacted with Nan Yao, and they once drank and talked happily.

Now that tens of thousands of years have passed, it is really touching to see it under such circumstances.

"Brother Qi, why are you proclaiming yourself here?" Ye Fan looked at Nan Yao and his sister in the divine source and asked with a smile.

"Back then, my sister and I were practicing in the universe. We accidentally came here and were trapped by the weird gray mist for many years. Later, when I reached the peak of my practice, I had the strength to take Qi Qi out." Nan Yao said.

When Nan Yao reached another kind of enlightenment and had combat power comparable to that of the Supreme Being, he broke through the terrifying gray fog left by the Immortal Emperor.

It is a pity that the Golden Crow Emperor has already achieved enlightenment in this world, and he can conquer all the ways together. Although Nan Yao is amazing and extremely talented, he does not have the fighting power to defy the heavens and conquer the ways.

In the end, like other top geniuses, he chose the path of success and hoped for the future. He took his sister back to this stone palace and proclaimed himself in the source of the gods.

Because this stone temple is where the Immortal Emperor once enlightened
The land of Tao is definitely a first-class treasure land in the world.

"Brother Xu and Ye Fan have to be admired. They actually broke the rules of heaven and earth and became emperors!" Nan Yao looked complicated and sighed. In the past, he and the two of them were also geniuses of the same generation, but with the passage of time, With the changes, the gap between the two has become so wide.

There was another person among the gods beside him. She was tall and graceful, but her hair had turned into white hair. Although she used magic power to keep her appearance youthful, she had obviously suffered the impact of the years.

She is Nan Yao's sister, Qi Huoshui, who knows both Xu Yu and Ye Fan.

The four of them reminisced about old times and recounted some of their own experiences. In the end, Nan Yao and Qi Huoshui fell into a deep sleep again, while Xu Yu and Ye Fan began to study the Soul Pond.

"It's really strange what the immortal emperor's soul transformation left behind." Xu Yu stood in front of the pool for a long time, silently comprehending the mystery.

"Some people also say that the Soul Pond was left behind by the Underworld Emperor!"

The origin of Shenhun Pond is extremely long. The earliest time can be traced back to the Tribulation God, Ming Zun in the mythical age.

He went further than other great emperors in pursuing immortality.

Many ancient emperors in later generations have learned from his immortality method.

(End of this chapter)

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