Chapter 322 The Prosperity Comes to an End
After bidding farewell to Ye Fan and the Nan Yao brothers and sisters, Xu Yu embarked on the road alone and became an unknown traveler in the universe.

This trip lasted more than half a year. They passed through many galaxies, which caused a great commotion. The Heavenly Emperor paraded, awe-inspiring all clans. Many clans came out to greet him and invited him in, but they were all declined.

Along the way, they saw a lot, and they sighed in their hearts. This glorious world has come to the end, and it is really coming to an end.

Zhang Bairen, Taichu and others have long since disappeared, and it is rumored that they have declared themselves to leave their hopes and aspirations in this life in the future, hoping to return against the sky.

Afterwards, they saw that some of the shocking bloodlines had gone into decline in their later years, and more people were also beginning to age and show signs of fatigue.

"Our youth, is it finally going to end in this prosperous world?"

"Haha, the most splendid life, the most glorious era, what I saw was just like this, nothing was left. We ended up passing by in such a hurry, just a passerby, nothing more!"

Someone was laughing, and tears were streaming down my face.

The autumn wind is blowing, the yellow leaves are withering, and a prosperous world is finally coming to an end.

The stars are shining brightly, the people who used to shine can't open their eyes, so many people with the emperor's appearance are fighting for hegemony, in the end there is only one emperor standing in the nine heavens, looking down on many generals and stars.

The stars are dim, and the heroes are dejected.

It has been prophesied since the age of mythology that the real road to immortality will be opened in this life, and the road of glory will lead to the other side, to a world of immortality.

However, this is also empty, leaving too many regrets for people, the fairyland is so lofty.

The blood and tears of the supreme, the sorrow of the heroes, all of these ended in this current age of mythology, and countless strong men died in the great world hegemony.

Too many Tianjiao are buried in the galaxy, 6000 years of war, 6000 years of glory, maybe it will continue, make up a thousand years, but the curtain will end after all, no one can stop it.

"I wrote the sonorous battle song with my blood, I used my life to shine, and finally listened to a song of great sadness. Is this the end?"

Many people raised their heads and asked the sky.

The outstanding people back then were all full of vigor and vitality, but now they are all white haired roots, and many people have died, and the rest have been stained with years of wind and frost.

"Is this the end? I'm not willing to accept it. What can happen in the golden age?"

Long songs should be cried.The hero sheds tears.

How can we forget, how can we let go, a great era is coming to an end like this, the heroes in their prime are getting older, and they are about to come to an end.

After a great life, see a prosperous life.Like fireworks blooming.To wither like this.

Xu Yu marched, speaking less and less, and the more he saw, the more silent he became. Is he finally going to bid farewell to this life?
"Look, the Emperor of Heaven is seeing us off, haha!" Someone laughed, tears already flowing down his face.

"Yes, the Emperor of Heaven is in our practice, and he once competed with us in the same generation. Hey, haha, farewell to this life!" Sad laughter filled the sky, and he staggered away.

Xu Yu and the others walked all the way and came to the ancient land where they had fought in the past. It was a star field that had been shattered in the dark and turbulent years and was in ruins.

that time.Xu Yu had not yet become an emperor, so he fought with passion, and with the determination to die, he threw himself into the battlefield like a moth to a flame.

Looking back, there were bloodstains all the way.

There are ruins here, countless star ruins, and the blood of all kinds of creatures stains the ancient land red.Still never dried up.The dream breaks through the stars and earth, the people of the past can never come back.

The Golden Age has come to an end, and the star-studded scene is no longer there. The heroes and heroes of the past are all old, and many of them have even died of old injuries.

After the extreme brilliance, the zero adjustment has begun to appear.

During this period, Xu Yu went to the ancient road once, and then went to all parties. Unfortunately, there were not many strong people left who competed for hegemony on the ancient road. He met a few.

Years have gone by, but when Xu Yu was more than 20 years old, she was still so young that it was unbelievable. Her body was crystal clear and her head of black hair was thick, no different from when she was [-] years old.

While traveling around various places, he met Ditian, Xinlan, the Human King, the Great Demon God, and Fairy Qingshi. However, they were all old and relatively depressed. The last glass of wine melted away all the resentments of the past.

"The Emperor of Heaven is invincible, not only in terms of strength, but also in his state of mind. All the enemies in the past have become old friends in his heart. I hope we can live longer and live with him!" Emperor Tian looked at the sky and sighed at the stars and the moon.

The golden age has come to its end, all kinds of heroes are hard to see, and it is really coming to an end.

The great world sighs for thousands of years, how many arrogances and beauties are buried in the years.

However, at the end of this period, some heroes suddenly reappeared in the world. They screamed and screamed to the sky, and they were about to make the last fight of their lives, and the light illuminated the entire universe.

They ignited the sky like comets, engraved in the history books forever, and ended tragically.

During this period, Yin Tiande came and asked for a final battle with Xu Yu.Xu Yu looked at him quietly. This former great enemy and the first prodigy to show the divine forbidden power was really old and gray-haired, but his eyesight

The light in his heart was so hot, like fire. He was so eager to have a final showdown with Xu Yu.

"Okay." Xu Yu nodded and agreed to his request.

There is no suspense in the result. Even if Yin Tiande goes against the will of heaven, he still cannot resist the attack of the Emperor of Heaven. The world is so vast that Xu Yu has been unable to find an opponent for thousands of years.

Xu Yu used her own blood to heal his injuries, then turned and left. More than a thousand years later, Yin Tiande passed away.

During this period, the gods and others came to challenge them. They burned themselves in the fire, hoping to fight the Emperor of Heaven and end without regrets.

One is the leader of the God Clan, who is tenacious and unyielding, cultivates magical skills as hard as he can, and has unparalleled magical power.

Xu Yu fulfilled their wishes, letting the warriors walk sonorously on the road, making them sublime in the firelight, and burst into bright smiles.

In the blink of an eye for thousands of years
In the last years of this life, the splendor of the shining stars was reappeared, one hero after another screamed in the sky, soared to the sky, released brilliantly under the stars, and made the last fight of life without yielding.

It's a pity that in the end, there is no way to defy the sky, no one can become the emperor, and the flowers of war are turned to zero one after another.

Who can marry all the way to the golden age has finally come to an end and is about to end.

The unyielding like Zhou Yi, the stunning like Jiang Yifei, the stunningly beautiful like the Holy Maiden of Yaochi, etc., one after another have been adjusted to zero, and they will never be seen again in the world.

Xiang Yufei, the unrivaled god and man, finally passed away in front of Qinling Lake, but he slept with his beloved woman, but he was also lonely.

The golden age has come to an end.

The years are like knives, and the whole world is silent. Xu Yu looks at the sky alone without saying a word. No one knows his mood at this time.

The whole world is vast, and there is no familiar person to be seen anymore, not to mention relatives and friends. Except for Xu Yu, who has attained enlightenment like him, everyone of his generation has reached the end and all passed away.

The whole world is silent.

Late at night, Xu Yu looked up at the starry sky and did not move for a whole night. The heroes in this world had finally withered away and could no longer find any of his contemporaries.

Sighing lightly, he got up in the morning glow and left the Heavenly Court without returning for many years.

The heavenly court is powerful and spreads all over the universe. Even if the great world ends and the outstanding people in the sect wither, it is still the number one sect in the universe, and there is no sect comparable to it.

Xu Yu turned into a mortal and walked alone in the world of mortals. He walked from one place to another for many years, but even in the sea of ​​people, he still felt lonely.

There are no friends and relatives, and even the enemies are dead. It is a terrible silence.

He is the Emperor of Heaven, with qi and blood like the sea, so strong that it is difficult for the years to leave traces on his body, but he is so lonely, traveling alone, and never wants to stop.

There are all kinds of things in the world of mortals and all kinds of life. He walked all the way, traveled all over the world, his heart remained the same, and he was always silent.

At the age of 1, Xu Yu had his first white hair. Looking back, even in the vast sea of ​​people, he felt that the world was quieter.

Although he was standing in the crowd, he couldn't feel the mortal atmosphere of this world. Instead, he seemed to hear the call of another world. It seemed to be the voice of the previous era, and he was incompatible with this world.

So what if he is invincible in heaven and on earth.

In this world of mortals, he doesn't know anyone. There are so many people, but they are so far away, even if they go to the end of the world.Will be accompanied by an eternal loneliness.

Huosang star.There was an uneasy feeling, and everyone in the clan was panicked, because the news spread throughout the world that the Golden Crow Emperor's blood had dried up.

Xu Yu raised his head and took the next step to reach the big star.The fire is beating, the mulberry trees are growing into pieces, and there is a magnificent heavenly palace suspended above.The fire was blazing.

The Emperor of Heaven came to visit the Golden Crow Emperor, which surprised the powerful men of this clan and other clans.Then there was some fear, fear of his majesty and invincible momentum.

Xu Yu has never been too close to the Golden Crow Emperor, but now she extremely hopes that he can live a longer life.

Into this withered world.Even enemies seem very close to each other. It is really not easy to meet a contemporary.

"Emperor of Heaven. I am really old, but you are still so young. It is really awe-inspiring." Old Jinwu sighed.

Xu Yu didn't speak, just looked at him like this. "Oh, life is short, and I realize how good it is to live. Emperor God, you should cherish it." Most of Lao Jinwu's blond hair has turned white.Sitting on the fire crystal treasure chair, he said: "I finally understand. The Ancient Emperor
Why did you choose to change the restricted area? Even I have the impulse. "

"If you do this, I will kill you immediately." Xu Yu said.

The Golden Crow Emperor smiled bitterly and said: "Can I do that in the same world as you? But I think you should make preparations. Even if you don't change the restricted area, you should seal yourself while you have enough blood, or find ways to delay the growth of your body."

machine consumption. "

"You really want me to proclaim myself, right?" Xu Yu's eyes were as sharp as lightning, as if he could penetrate the heart of a great emperor.

Emperor Jinwu was immediately embarrassed and said nothing more.

Xu Yu stared at him for a long time, smiled for the first time in 2000 years, and said, "I think you can live for another 2000 years."

"Heavenly Emperor, you are flattering me too much, I think I will die within 500 years." The Golden Crow sighed.

"Really? I will come see you in 500 years. If you are still alive, I will help you escape." Xu Yu chuckled.

"Forget it, life and death are destiny, if you can survive for a while, and live with the Emperor of Heaven, it is also an honor." Old Jinwu said.

Xu Yu met Lao Jinwu. After saying a few words, his loneliness weakened a bit. He let out a long breath and ended his lonely journey and practice in the world of mortals.

"The years."

Xu Yu looked at the first white hair that had fallen down. He was running his mysterious skills, and his own blood was rumbling. The whole world was trembling, and the sound of thunder was heard in all nine heavens and ten places.

His body glows, his whole body is crystal clear, and the last white hair has turned from white to black again. His strength and abundant life force are absolutely astonishing.

"It's time to go back."

Xu Yu took a step forward and suddenly appeared in front of the heaven.

When Xu Yu was more than [-] years old, he came to Huosang Planet. This time, there was no need for the Golden Crow clan to spread the news. Everyone knew that the Demon Emperor was going to die because he could no longer control the avenue and spread overwhelmingly. Shocking the human world.

"You're here." The Golden Crow said calmly.

"I'll send you on my last journey." Xu Yu said.

"Alas" Lao Jinwu sighed. Being with Xu Yu was the greatest sorrow in his life as an enlightened man.

"Do you have anything to say?" Xu Yu asked his last words.

"You really want to hear it." The Golden Crow Emperor had been majestic and repressed his whole life, and now he was speaking with a kind of self-mockery.

"I want to hear it," Xu Yu said.

"Okay then." The Golden Crow Emperor nodded, and then his eyes suddenly became very bright, a little oppressive, as if he was a different person, and said: "Fuck you Emperor, I will never see you again."

Xu Yu was in a daze, these were his last words. The Golden Crow Emperor died very quickly. After finishing his words, he ended his life, leaving Xu Yu with a stunned look on his face. After a long time, he touched his chin.

The universe was shaken, a great emperor died, and all the heavens and the earth trembled.

Time passed by, Xu Yu was eighteen thousand years old, and finally entered his twilight years. It was rare in ancient times to live such a long life.

His hair has turned white, but his blood energy has not been severely reduced, it is still astonishing.

Another 1000 years later, Xu Yu was [-] years old, and nothing happened.Since he did not commit suicide or use any means of immortality, he finally grew old.

However, his determination has never changed, and he wants to break the longevity.

Quiet and thinking of moving, he started to travel again this year. This journey lasted for thousands of years, and he traveled all over the starry sky. He is already more than [-] years old.

Suddenly looking up, he found that he had come to Beidou that day, standing outside the cave of Lingxu, standing in the ruins.

After standing still for a long time, Xu Yu suddenly turned around. As the Emperor of Heaven, after the whole world was silent, this was the first time in the past 1 years that he had a strange feeling.

The moment he turned around, he saw a figure from the back, which was going away. The thin body was erratic in the dark night, which was a bit weird.

It can be imagined how terrifying it is to make him, the Emperor of Heaven, feel like this.

"Stay!" Xu Yu shouted. He had glanced at this figure from behind tens of thousands of years ago.

"Cough!" An old and violent cough came from the figure in the distance, as if his heart was about to be vomited out.

Xu Yu is the Emperor of Heaven. Not only is he invincible in this world, but there are few people who can compare with him in all eternity. With such a shout, the sound of the Tao shook the 33rd level of heaven.

His white hair was disheveled and he strode forward to chase after him. However, the man was also very fast and did not catch up immediately.
They ascended to the sky and entered the sea of ​​stars.This is definitely an emperor-level figure, otherwise it would be impossible to have such unparalleled magical powers, and his cultivation reaches the heavens and the earth, which is rare in ancient times.

After walking and chasing, the distance gradually approached, and finally the old man returned to Beidou, and stopped to stand on the ruins outside Lingxu Cave.

"Who is it?" Xu Yu asked with a dull expression.

"Cough!" The skinny figure coughed violently, turned around slowly, sighed, and sat on a Crouching Tiger Stone next to him.

Xu Yu strode over and sat on a large bluestone next to him. With his level of strength, he could face it calmly even if the most powerful people from ancient times were resurrected.

"Qing Emperor!" Xu Yu tried to ask.

"It's me." The skinny old man nodded. This is not the real body, but the Supreme Being deified and manifested in the human world.

A simple question and answer is very dull, but if it spreads, it will definitely shock the ages. The legendary Qing Emperor is still in the human world and has not completely died, which is different from what the world knows.

"Fellow Taoist is indeed powerful. He is proud of the past and the present. He single-handedly suppressed chaos and swept away restricted areas. His brilliant achievements will shock the ages." The skinny old man said while coughing.

"The predecessors have paved the way and have almost slaughtered the masters in the restricted area. These achievements of mine are nothing, it is just a matter of course in this life."

Xu Yu said.

Although he was surprised by Emperor Qing's reappearance, he was not too surprised. After all, the only person who became enlightened in 10 years after the ancient times, it was too abnormal to die like that, and he should be against heaven.

In fact, just from the perspective of longevity, the Qing Emperor should not be extinct.

"I dismembered myself, and the Yuanshen entered the Immortal Artifact Barren Tower. I never thought that I would almost send myself to a dead end." Qingdi sighed.

At this time, he revealed his true appearance. He was a thin-faced old man with gray hair, a tall figure, and deep eyes. He had the radiance of wisdom and insight into everything in the world.

There are only two immortal weapons left in this world, one is the Immortal Bell and the other is the Desolate Tower. Being able to get one by Qing Emperor and take possession of it shows how powerful he is.

"You came out to meet me. Do you have any advice?" Xu Yu asked calmly.

"Fellow Taoist has come to this point. As the Emperor of Heaven, what else can I teach you? I just hope to see you." Qing Emperor smiled.

Xu Yu was dumbfounded, this was naturally not true because he had seen the back of Qing Emperor here when he came back from outside the territory.

I think it was just because the Emperor of Heaven was in his twilight years and the Qing Emperor came to see him, just like Xu Yu went to visit the Golden Crow Emperor. Is this a similar farewell?
Their conversation was ordinary, but if word spread to the outside world, it would definitely cause huge waves. No one knew that there was a Qing Emperor still alive and alive again.

One is the Emperor of Heaven, and the other is No. 10 in 1 years after the ancient times. Such a dialogue between two legendary emperors will definitely shock people if they see it. This is even more astonishing than the most glorious battle of gods in history.

This is a dialogue between Gaidai powerhouses. They don't speak much, but they involve various taboo topics such as Dao and longevity.

Qingdi explained his way. Now perhaps only the Huangta and the Immortal Bell can accommodate his soul. This is far better than Huangxu's father who smelted his body and the gilded phoenix wings into one body.

The Qing Emperor suppressed the divine realm in the Desolate Tower and opened up a small divine realm there. He wanted to evolve into the immortal realm. He wanted to open up a fairy realm in this human world where he could live forever.

It has to be said that the Qing Emperor has amazed the past and the present, and is really too powerful. He wants to evolve the fairyland world that the ancient emperor desires so much by himself.

Not asking for help, not borrowing the power of the external heavens, but creating and creating a real fairyland by yourself, which is astonishing and heaven-defying.

The two talked about the great road and elaborated on the method of immortality. It can be said that they were very speculative. The plain words contained the supreme truth and they felt like they were mutual confidants.

"It was just a failed world. In the barren tower, although my life was passing slowly, it was still being consumed day by day. When I reappeared in the world one day, it would prove that this road would not work. At that time, it would be me. It's time for the last fight."

After Qingdi finished speaking, he stood up and said goodbye to Xu Yu. At the same time, he gave a meaningful look and said:
"Fellow Daoist, take care."

Xu Yu nodded, left, and returned to the heaven. He sat here for thousands of years, and in the process, he became older and his vitality was diminished.

With white hair and shawl, Xu Yu could no longer see an old friend in the vast world. Xu Yu showed fatigue, and his face was full of traces of time. He stood alone in the familiar palace, but the seat of the old friend was empty, just like him. My heart is empty.

(End of this chapter)

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