Chapter 323 Ancient Sky Road

The ancient Xuantian sky is completely uniform, and the sky is filled with gray lead clouds, making the world in front of us look extremely depressing.

On the nearby land, these mountain peaks are vaguely located, and they are extremely desolate, with no trace of green at all.

A thin layer of black mist lingered on the surface of the stone mountain, making it look extremely gloomy and gloomy.

Some dry bones, half exposed and half covered, tell the story of the brutal killings that took place countless years ago.

Under the erosion of the long years, these skeletons, whether human or animal, had already begun to weather.

There are even holes in the skeleton, and if you step on it, it will turn into bone powder in an instant.

There are not particularly many white bones, but their distribution is extremely wide.

From Xu Yu's feet to the nearby stone mountains, they are scattered everywhere.

While making this place look desolate and lonely, it also adds a layer of evil and horror to it.

"What the hell is this place?"

A murmur came from his mouth, and Xu Yu raised his eyes and looked around.

As far as the eye can see, there is such a desolate scene.

The new world Xu Yu is currently in is not only desolate on the surface, but the spiritual energy of heaven and earth contained in it is also extremely thin to an outrageous level.

Fortunately, Xu Yu practiced the method of planting seeds through the body and did not need to rely on the support of external objects in the world.

Otherwise, if it were other monks, even the most powerful ones in the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal realm would gradually weaken and decline in such a desolate world.

In the end, he couldn't even withstand the erosion of time and completely died.

"Forget it, let's leave this place first!"

Frowning slightly, Xu Yu spread out her spiritual thoughts while taking steps.


Not long after, suddenly, an unusual sound suddenly reached Xu Yu's ears.

His spiritual sense went away, and on the deep black ground, a pale skeleton was rolling towards him with a rumble.

With a flick of his finger, a sliver of starlight shot out, breaking open the skull. Immediately, a huge rat jumped out of the skull, squeaking and escaping into the distance.

Seeing such a situation in his eyes, Xu Yu's brows couldn't help but relax a little.

It's good to have living creatures, at least it means that the desolate world in front of him is not the desperate and dead place he imagined.

Without stopping at all, Xu Yu continued to move forward without stopping.

There was no skimming flight, and even out of caution, Xu Yu even restrained his spiritual thoughts a lot.

Along the way, many skeletons and some weapons that had been rusted into shape came into Xu Yu's eyes. He carefully took the weapons into his hands, and Xu Yu looked at them carefully.

The next moment, the expression on his face suddenly changed.

Among those weapons, Xu Yu felt a strange power.

Moreover, the hardness of these weapons is not even weaker than the material of the Ji Dao Emperor's weapons in Zhetian World.

This must have been an extremely cherished magical weapon, but I don't know how long it has gone through before it was corroded into what it is now.

"These dead people were probably some great people in the past!"

Looking at the sparse white bones, Xu Yu murmured with emotion.

Time is indeed ruthless. No matter how great your cultivation is, you will eventually decay after your death.

With a slight wave of his hand, Xu Yu took those broken weapons into his own world.

Although these weapons were corroded and disfigured, after being decomposed, their materials were found to be rare.

Immediately, Xu Yu continued to carefully observe every inch of the place enveloped by divine thoughts.

Soon, a rocky mountain came into Xu Yu's eyes, making her brows tighten even more.

Although the stone mountain is only four to five hundred feet high, it is extremely steep and does not look like a naturally formed mountain.

On the contrary, it seemed as if it had been cut off or chopped off with some sharp weapon.Even several other nearby stone mountains are in the same situation.

"A divine weapon equivalent to the ultimate emperor's weapon, countless mysterious and powerful monk bones, what on earth is this place!"

Even with Xu Yu's cultivation strength, he couldn't help but feel a touch of sadness again in his brows.

Full of doubts and confusion, Xu Yu rose into the air and climbed to the top of the stone mountain.

The moment he stepped onto the top of the mountain, Xu Yu's mind moved slightly, and his eyes suddenly turned.

Not far from the top of the mountain, he actually sensed a rather strong wave of life.

Xu Yu's figure suddenly flashed, and he shot away in the direction of the fluctuation of life.

It was a pile of rocks, and there seemed to be a big crack hidden under the countless huge rocks.

Before Xu Yu could stop, a powerful palm force suddenly shot through the rocks and hit him head-on with a huge force.

Seeing this situation in his eyes, Xu Yu did not panic at all, and flicked a finger towards the pile of rocks with a few fingers.

Not only did the palm power instantly defeat him, but it also exploded the pile of boulders into pieces.

If it weren't for the purpose of clarifying the information about this world, the life under the boulder might have been suppressed by Xu Yu with a snap of his fingers.

As the boulder turned into fly ash, the life in the crack also appeared in front of Xu Yu's eyes.

It was a skeleton lying on the ground, with a faint light flowing from it, shooting rapidly in different directions.

"Huh? A race I've never seen before?"

Looking at the skeleton, a strange color flashed across Xu Yu's eyes.

Although the skeleton was in human form, there were six pairs of wings on its back. It looked no different from the Western angels that Xu Yu knew.

Although the skeleton looks very ordinary, almost the same as the bones of ordinary people.

But Xu Yu could feel the hardness of his bones, which was no less hard than ordinary innate spiritual treasures.

"Who are you?"

Staring at the skeleton, Xu Yu said calmly.

Although Xu Yu doesn't know his strength for the time being, what level he belongs to in this world.

However, he could clearly feel that the twelve-winged angel in front of him, which had turned into a skeleton, was no match for him.

Hearing Xu Yu's words, the skeleton angel, with no flesh and blood on its body, raised its head with difficulty.

The ghost flames flashing in his eye sockets couldn't help but become a little more intense, as if he was thinking about this.

However, in the next moment, the skeleton let out a terrifying howl like a ghost crying or a wolf howling.

He stretched out a pair of ghastly white bone claws and grabbed Xu Yu fiercely.


Seeing such a situation in his eyes, a stern look flashed in Xu Yu's eyes.

Without saying a word, he struck down with one palm, instantly cutting off the opponent's ghost claws.Immediately afterwards, Xu Yu couldn't help but frowned.

Because in this moment of fighting, Xu Yu had already sensed the mental fluctuations of the skeleton.

He found that the other party was in a very manic mood and could not communicate with him at all, as if he was a madman.

For such a mentally disabled existence, Xu Yu knew that she could not rely on normal communication to get the information she wanted.

Therefore, Xu Yu did not hesitate. His spiritual thoughts surged out instantly, penetrated the remaining mental imprint of the skeleton, and began to read the information in it.

Using thunderous means to search for souls, Xu Yu quickly got what he wanted.

At this moment, the look on Xu Yu's face couldn't help but show a little astonishment.

He never thought that among the remaining souls of the twelve-winged angel skeleton, there were only four words: Bastard Demon Lord!
These four words were like the deep-rooted obsession in the heart of the twelve-winged angel skeleton, constantly emerging back and forth in his remnant soul.

It is conceivable how much resentment and resentment the twelve-winged angel skeleton has towards this so-called demon lord.

Although there are only four words, it is completely enough for Xu Yu.

This scene reminded Xu Yu of the general situation of this world.

After half a while, Xu Yu couldn't help but have a wry smile on his lips.

He never imagined that he would come to such a world.

This world is a world where heaven destroys all living beings and all living beings destroy heaven.

But when it comes to the degree of danger, this world is definitely more terrifying than the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

No matter which world you are in, there are the most fundamental rules and order.

For example, the way of heaven in the prehistoric world.The operation of everything in the prehistoric world belongs to the way of heaven, which is impartial and selfless!

The world Xu Yu is currently in also has the existence of heaven.

However, the difference between this world and the prehistoric world is that the way of heaven in this world has completely changed.

Because this world has existed for so long, under the erosion of the evil thoughts of all living beings, the way of heaven, which should be ruthless and selfless, actually gave birth to its own selfishness.

She wants to keep getting stronger and exist forever.

As a result, the Heavenly Way in this world has launched great catastrophes again and again to strangle all living beings that may transcend the Heavenly Way.

Calamity after calamity, such a repeated cycle makes the fate of all living beings in this world sink into the calamity of life and death, and they are all under the control of heaven.

However, there are always surprises in everything, even under the law of heaven, there will be oddities.

The first one to discover the anomaly that the way of heaven had deteriorated was the demon lord who was filled with resentment in the heart of the twelve-winged angel skeleton.

The Eternal Demon Lord can be said to be the No. 1 person who initiated the rebellion against Heaven.

In his previous life, he was called the Great Demon King, and he was a top powerhouse in the last era.

Every time a world-destroying catastrophe breaks out in Heaven, it is the beginning of an era.

How many catastrophes of destruction have occurred in this world cannot be determined.

During this period, it is also an unsolved mystery whether anyone else discovered the degeneration of Tiandao.

However, since the beginning of the last era, the Great Demon King in the previous life of the Demon Lord relied on the original magic technique "The Great Technique of Sacrifice to Become a Demon" to bring the demons to an end. He finally discovered that the way of heaven was born out of selfishness.

How could such a being who has reached the end of the road and is at the top of this world be willing to have his destiny controlled by others?
In order to pursue the secret of heaven, he did not hesitate to put down everything, not afraid of being misunderstood by others, and finally faked his death to create a situation that was against the heavens.In the ancient times of this era, the reincarnated Demon Lord, who had not yet returned to his peak state, powerfully slaughtered a heaven under the law of heaven.

Even though the Demon Lord died in the end, a trace of his soul remained.

Not only that, he even sealed that sky and used it as nourishment for his own resurrection.

After the death of the demon lord, his tomb connected the two realms of heaven and man, becoming a taboo place that gods and men in both realms could not enter!
In Xu Yu's view, this demon lord is actually a powerful person in this world who can be called taboo.

If calculated based on the realm of cultivation between the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the Demon Lord would at least be in the realm of the Red Dust Immortal.

At the peak of his combat power, he was even more terrifying than the Immortal Emperor.

Otherwise, this demon lord is not qualified to start the war against the sky and cause trouble for the heaven in this world.

What makes Xu Yu's heart uneasy the most is that there are quite a few tabooed powerful people like the Demon Lord in this world.

Whether it is the few heavens on the side of heaven, or the companions who plan to conquer heaven with the devil, they are all existences that Xu Yu can't reach now.

This world is truly the most dangerous of all the worlds Xu Yu has experienced.

Fortunately, there is still a long way to go before the battle between the Demon Lord and other forbidden powerful men.

With Xu Yu's current cultivation strength, as long as he is careful and low-key, there will be no danger for the time being.

After quietly calming down the turmoil in his heart, Xu Yu once again looked at the twelve-winged angel skeleton in front of him.

At this moment, Xu Yu finally knew why these twelve-winged angel skeletons were so angry with the Demon Lord. Even after their death, the remaining souls still cursed the Demon Lord.

Xu Yu, who knew a lot of inside information about this world, knew very well what kind of plans the Demon Lord and other taboo powerhouses had laid out in order to defeat the way of heaven.

Among them is the matter of repairing the reincarnation gate, the most precious treasure in this world, to attract the ancient gods to come and start a decisive battle with heaven.

Repairing the Reincarnation Gate requires an extremely terrifying and huge amount of power, so the Demon Lord once planned to exile all the heaven-level experts in this world to the third realm, one of the six realms in this world.

Using the power of these heaven-level experts as nourishment, they will repair the reincarnation gate bit by bit, which will play a vital role in the battle against the sky.

The extremely desolate world in front of us is most likely the third realm of this world.

And this twelve-winged angel skeleton probably died after all its power was drained of it.

In this case, how could he not bear grudge against the Demon Lord, the culprit?

No matter who dies after all his cultivation strength is drained, the resentment in his heart will probably not be much lighter than that of these twelve-winged angel skeletons.

Shaking his head slowly, Xu Yu couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for what happened to the twelve-winged angel skeleton.

Immediately, a star flashed in Xu Yu's palm, and he immediately stamped his palm on the face of the skeleton.

Rather than letting this twelve-winged angel skeleton continue to sink, Xu Yu might as well give him a ride to relieve his pain.

Chapter 3 The fairyland among the Jedi took care of the twelve-winged angel skeleton, and Xu Yudang was ready to leave the mountain.

However, at this moment, Xu Yu suddenly discovered something extremely special among the powder on the ground.

With a wave of his sleeves, the powder that the skeleton had turned into dispersed, and a small wooden plaque, two fingers wide and one finger long, black and without any luster, came into Xu Yu's eyes.

The whole wooden sign exuded an ancient atmosphere, and it was very heavy. It was several times heavier than fine iron of the same volume.

Although he had not examined it carefully, Xu Yu was able to conclude that the wooden sign was definitely not some mortal mist.

You must know that some of the magical weapons found nearby have been corroded to the point of disgrace.

However, this small wooden sign is still intact after endless years of baptism, which can be called miraculous.

In this world, there are few things that can endure the erosion of time forever.

A burst of mana spurted out, and Xu Yu directly took the wooden sign into the palm of his hand, and he looked at it carefully.

On the wooden sign, there are some twisted tadpole inscriptions carved on it.

Xu Yu couldn't understand these words at all, so he could only shroud them with his spiritual thoughts.

As soon as the wooden sign felt Xu Yu's spiritual thoughts, it immediately shone with a bright and gorgeous light, illuminating the entire stone mountain with its divine brilliance.


Accompanied by a violent tremor that shook the ground and the mountains, the huge stone mountain suddenly broke from the middle. The mountain peak lifted Xu Yu up from the ground and flew over it in the air.

The entire hazy sky was illuminated, and a huge stone platform carried Xu Yu quickly towards the east.

Along the way, there was desolation, endless hills of rocks, without any green.

The scene below quickly retreated, and the wind whistled in my ears.

Xu Yu was not unable to fly away or jump off the stone platform, but he was a little surprised. He wanted to see where the stone platform carved with mysterious symbols wanted to take him.


Suddenly, huge bolts of lightning burst out from the rocks ahead.

Electric snakes and thunder dragons danced and danced all over the sky, tearing open long and narrow gaps in the surrounding void.

Seeing such a scene in his eyes, Xu Yu couldn't help but frown slightly.

He could clearly sense the power contained in the thunder and lightning in the sky, and it was unable to cause any harm to himself.

However, Xu Yu didn't know what the material of the stone platform under his feet was like, and whether it could withstand the power of those thunder dragons and electric snakes.

To be on the safe side, Xu Yu immediately waved his hand and laid out a thin mana barrier on the stone platform, rejecting all thunder dragons and electric snakes.

The stone platform carried Xu Yu smoothly through the thunder and lightning, and a strange scene appeared in front of him.

The world that was still lifeless just now is now filled with vitality, with many plants suspended in the air.

There are still rocks below, and there are still endless gray clouds high in the sky.

But between the sky and the earth, there is a scene full of vitality, and all the vegetation is floating in the void.

It seems to be a very mysterious picture, which makes people very puzzled.

The colorful flowers, the tall green trees, their fresh raindrops are so refreshing and definitely not an illusion.

This is a jungle in the air, covering an extremely vast area. The stone platform carried Xu Yu through dozens or hundreds of miles before reaching the end.

Just ahead, there is a waterfall-like sky hanging down from the endless clouds.

It was a huge and extremely mysterious wall of light that stopped Xu Yu from moving forward.

The holy rays of light radiated softly, and within the glistening wall of light, there was clearly a strange force flowing, and strange fluctuations slowly rippled out.

Shitai carried Xu Yu straight towards him, wanting to just pass through.


A loud noise suddenly erupted, and the wall of light seemed to contain extremely evil power. In an instant, it shattered the stone platform into powder.

Even the magic barrier arranged by Xu Yu suddenly collapsed.

Fortunately, Xu Yu had already taken precautions and jumped down in advance.

Hanging in the air with his hands behind his back, Xu Yu looked at the scenery in front of him curiously.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the small wooden sign in his hand began to tremble continuously.


A look of understanding flashed across his eyes, and Xu Yu had some guesses in his heart.

Immediately, he flew straight in front of the light wall, raised his hand and printed the small wooden sign on it.

The next moment, a very strange scene happened.

The light wall that had just shattered the stone platform into powder was actually penetrated by Xu Yu's arm effortlessly.

The small wooden plaque in Xu Yu's hand seems like a key, a key that can open a new world.

Without any hesitation or hesitation, Xu Yudang penetrated directly into the light wall with the help of the mysterious little wooden sign.

A moment ago, this gorgeous light wall was like a copper wall and an iron wall, crushing the approaching stone platform into pieces.

The next moment, the light wall suddenly became blurred and became as soft as water waves.

Walking inside, it felt warm, as comfortable as a spring breeze, which made Xu Yu couldn't help but feel relaxed.

The light wall was unexpectedly long, and Xu Yu walked among it. He walked for a long time without seeing the end, as if he could go on like this forever.

Until, another hour passed, and Xu Yu couldn't see a way out, and Xu Yu felt that something was unusual.

However, this is not a simple formation seal, and he cannot destroy it at will. In the end, he can only continue to be patient and go all the way.

Just like that, another hour or two passed.

Just when Xu Yu was about to test the light wall, the light wall seemed to gradually become thinner, as if it had reached the edge.

Even the light is not as bright as before, it seems that the road not far away can be seen clearly.

"It's finally over!"

Xu Yu suppressed her thoughts and continued to move forward quickly.

The further we move forward, the thinner the thickness of the light wall becomes.

Until the light flashed, Xu Yu had suddenly walked out of the mysterious wall of light and appeared in a brand new world.

At the same time, endless spiritual energy rushes towards the face, and the heaven and earth are filled with fragrance.

Compared to the desolate world outside, where the spiritual energy was so thin that it was shockingly thin, this place was simply a piece of supreme holy land.

As far as the eye can see, there are endless vegetation, all glowing with divine light, including exotic flowers and plants, sacred trees and vines.

The rich vitality is flowing, the petals are dancing all over the sky, and the mellow spiritual energy is comparable to the blessed land of Lingshan in the prehistoric world.

Slowly walking through the light wall, Xu Yu entered a brand new small world.

As far as the eye can see, the endless vegetation is all glowing with divine light, and exotic flowers and plants are everywhere.

The sacred trees and vines are shining brightly, the petals are dancing in the sky, and the endless breath of life is flowing.

Not only are the plains and mountains covered with magical vegetation, but endless flowers and plants also grow in the sky.

Without soil or moisture, the flowers are still colorful and the trees are still green.

This place is simply a divine garden, everything is so incredible!

(End of this chapter)

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