Chapter 325 The source of life
"Endless breath of life? There shouldn't be a source of life here?!"

Feeling the rich vitality between heaven and earth, Xu Yu couldn't help but sigh.

As the saying goes, the ultimate in death is derived from life. This source of life can only be derived by chance after the death of a monk with strong cultivation.

The source of life derived from the essence of the corpses of tyrannical monks is naturally extremely rare, not to mention the flesh and bones of living and dead people.

Looking around, what you can see is a sea of ​​spiritual roots.

All kinds of unheard of and unseen spiritual roots are spread all over this pure land, and they are growing extremely vigorously.

There is not even a mortal grass or a mortal tree among them. All the spiritual roots are of a magical variety, revealing divine light and filled with aura.

The number of spiritual roots growing in this small world is comparable to the spiritual roots growing in the world opened by Xu Yu.

Although Xu Yu was well-informed, he was also shocked at this time.

What kind of place is this?Could it really be a gathering place of life sources as he suspected? That was really surprising.


He casually picked out a crystal clear fruit and put it into his mouth and took a bite. A flash of light suddenly appeared in Xu Yu's eyes.

The fruit melted in the mouth and was extremely sweet and refreshing, filling Xu Yu's lips and teeth with a rich fruity aroma. At the same time, a spiritual energy rushed from his belly into his limbs and veins.

Judging from Xu Yu's current cultivation strength, ordinary fairy fruits would have no effect on him.

However, this fruit is able to appear extraordinary, which is enough to illustrate its miraculousness.

Even if it cannot be compared with the top spiritual root fairy fruits such as Xiantian Peach and Ginseng Fruit in the ancient world, it seems that it is not too far behind.

And this fruit seems to be just a common fruit in this endless forest garden.

It can be imagined from this that this small world is really unusual.

Xu Yu, who was full of curiosity, immediately jumped into the air and rushed towards the depths of this small world.

At the same time, his majestic and vast spiritual thoughts, with him as the center, spread out to the surroundings and began to explore this mysterious little world.

Chang's fairy fruit has long since had no effect on him.However, this fruit is able to appear extraordinary, which is enough to illustrate its miraculousness.

Even if it cannot be compared with the top spiritual root fairy fruits such as Xiantian Peach and Ginseng Fruit in the ancient world, it seems that it is not too far behind.

And this fruit seems to be just a common fruit in this endless forest garden.It can be imagined from this that this small world is really unusual.

Xu Yu, who was full of curiosity, immediately jumped into the air and rushed towards the depths of this small world.

At the same time, his majestic and vast spiritual thoughts, with him as the center, spread out to the surroundings and began to explore this mysterious little world.

Not long after, the powerful spiritual thoughts seemed to be overwhelming, covering the entire small world.

In Xu Yu's perception, this area is about hundreds or thousands of miles in size, and it turns out to be a completely enclosed space, as if it is completely isolated from the outside world.

For a moment, Xu Yu couldn't help but show a thoughtful look on his face.

The small wooden sign that was needed to enter this small world seemed to be a product of a long time ago.

Could it be that this strange little world probably existed before the world was opened in this era?

It has to be said that this speculation made Xu Yu both surprised and expectant.

It's a pity that in this small world, except for countless spiritual roots, there are no other living beings.

Therefore, Xu Yu could not confirm his guess and could only explore on his own.

In this way, Xu Yu continued to walk forward slowly with a curious heart.

After walking through the dense forest of sacred trees and the sea of ​​fairy flowers, Xu Yu came to the center of this strange world.

Immediately, an extremely shocking sight came into Xu Yu's eyes, making him froze in place.

But I saw an ancient tree standing in front of Xu Yu, a towering ancient tree connecting the sky and the earth.

The huge trunk is thousands of feet in diameter, and the branches that stretch out disappear into the sky. It is so huge that it is unbelievable.

Although there are many magical trees growing in the world created by Xu Yu.

But compared to the towering ancient tree in front of him, there is a world of difference between the two.

So far, this towering ancient tree is the largest tree Xu Yu has ever seen. It is truly the most sacred tree in history.

But it is a pity that there is not only no life on this ancient tree, but also no leaves.

Although the huge branches spread out into countless branches, they were all bare and lifeless.

The atmosphere of vicissitudes and ancient times is permeating, this giant tree seems to have existed here since ancient times!
Other locations are full of vitality and endless aura.

Why is it that only one huge tree here has lost its vitality and lacks any vitality? ! "

There was a sound of surprise in his mouth, and then Xu Yu shrouded the ancient tree with his spiritual thoughts.

Keeping this in mind, he discovered that the ancient tree had lost its vitality

The source of loss.It turns out that for some unknown reason, this ancient tree
The heart of the tree was actually hollowed out, making the ancient tree lifeless.

"Oh, it is a pity that such a sacred tree had its heart taken away and almost died here!"

Xu Yu couldn't help but sigh: "Forget it, I will give you a chance of life. Whether you can be resurrected by this means depends on your luck!"

Then, with a sudden movement in Xu Yu's mind, he saw that the world he had opened was suddenly projected in this small world.

A huge suction force suddenly appeared, completely peeling off this small world and swallowing it into the world.

The towering ancient tree was moved by Xu Yu to a feng shui treasure land full of spiritual energy.

At the same time, because that magical little world was swallowed up by Xu Yu, he also reappeared in that desolate world.

Looking at the grass beneath my feet, there is no grass for thousands of miles, and it is all black and red, as if the barren land has been washed by blood.

Xu Yu's figure suddenly moved, and he embarked on a journey to explore the world again.


As Xu Yu continued to penetrate deeper into the desolate world, a huge howling sound suddenly sounded from his ears.

Xu Yu looked in the direction of the source of the sound and saw a huge beast rushing towards him.

The giant beast was as big as a hill and looked like a lion, but it was not a lion. It was covered with earth-yellow scales.

Its bloody mouth was constantly dripping with extremely foul-smelling saliva, which made Xu Yu couldn't help but frown.

The disgust in his eyes flashed away, and with a flick of his finger, he saw an extremely bright star shoot out from Xu Yu's fingertips and penetrated towards the giant beast.


Along with a muffled sound, the starlight suddenly penetrated the body of the giant beast, bursting out with bright red blood.It's a pity that the giant beast's vitality was extremely tenacious, and it didn't die directly under the starlight.

Although the starlight was just something Xu Yu could do with his fingers, the power contained in it should not be underestimated.

In today's desolate world, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is so thin that it is so thin that it cannot even provide for the cultivation of beings above the Daluo Golden Immortal realm.

But it is precisely because of the harsh environment of this world that all the giant beasts living in it have extremely tough bodies.

The fact that this giant beast can survive is enough to show that this desolate world is not as simple as it seems.


After being injured by Xu Yu, the giant beast not only showed no trace of fear on its face, but instead launched another more ferocious attack at Xu Yu regardless of life or death.

Seeing such a situation, a sharp cold light suddenly appeared in Xu Yu's eyes, and a sword pointed out from his right hand.

In an instant, he swung an extremely bright star sword, blooming with dazzling starlight, and chopped off the giant beast head-on.

The next moment passed, there was a flash of blood and a fishy smell. The giant beast suddenly fell to the ground and was split into two pieces by the sword light swung by Xu Yu.

Although the body of this giant beast was extremely tough, it was never taken seriously by Xu Yu.

To him, it was just a small episode.

Now that this giant beast is completely dead, Xu Yu cannot prepare to delay it any longer.

But he saw his figure suddenly rise into the sky, and once again embarked on a journey to explore this desolate world.

Flying through the void and the sky, Xu Yu kept looking for a way to leave this desolate world.As Xu Yu killed more and more giant beasts, even those giant beasts had extremely low intelligence.

But he also gained a clearer understanding of the information about this desolate world from the shallow memories of those giant beasts.

This area of ​​heaven and earth is divided into six worlds. Under the way of heaven, each small world was once dominated by a heaven.

It wasn't until the heaven-defeating war broke out between heaven and living beings that these worlds were freed from the dominance of heaven.

As the war against the sky intensified, countless strong men perished, and the heavens fell one after another, and even the world was drying up.

Among them, the third realm has become a dead world that is almost completely exhausted, and the fourth realm has been shattered into pieces, with only a few fragments remaining.

And this desolate world like Xu Yu's is the third realm among the six realms.

The lonely third world has become a place of exile for the strong a long time ago.

Except for some original ferocious beasts, the powerful people who are qualified to be exiled here are at least heaven-level beings and above.

Based on those rotten bones and the memories of these ferocious beasts.

In Xu Yu's view, Tian level should be equivalent to the realm of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

As for the stronger heaven-defying realm, if nothing unexpected happens, it is naturally the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Even Xu Yu, who is as powerful as terrifying, is now looking for an opportunity to break through the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

The vast land is extremely barren, and there is no vegetation at all as far as the eye can see.

Not even an ordinary animal appears, only the ancient vicissitudes of life and rolling magic clouds.

After flying for several days and covering an unknown distance, Xu Yu only came across a dozen ferocious beasts.

As for the human figure, I have never seen it at all, let alone found a way to leave the third world.

Several days passed like this, and Xu Yu, who was flying in the air, suddenly heard the ground in front of him shaking violently, as if thousands of troops were galloping.

Not long after, a group of galloping ferocious beasts came into Xu Yu's eyes.

All of those ferocious beasts were the size of hills, and looking at the expressions of fear on their faces, they seemed to be running away in a hurry.

Behind them, a terrible hurricane swallowed up everything, even the mountains in its path were crushed into powder, and nothing could stop it.

Seeing such a situation in his eyes, Xu Yu subconsciously prepared to take action, but before he could get angry.

In an instant, a huge sense of crisis suddenly emerged in his heart, causing him to stop his movements abruptly.

Sudden whims are unquestionable, not to mention this

The sudden sense of crisis was so strong.


A cold snort sounded from his mouth, but Xu Yu's eyes suddenly bloomed with dazzling and immeasurable starlight.

As far as the eyes could see, waves suddenly appeared in the void, and strange fluctuations appeared like ripples, causing the void to be in turmoil.

In an instant, everything in front of Xu Yu's eyes turned into nothingness.

There were no groups of ferocious beasts, nor that huge hurricane.

There is only a huge tomb like a mountain,

Standing alone in front of Xu Yu, he almost rushed in just now.

At this moment, the distance between him and the tomb was only a few feet away.Ancient, bloody, cruel, vicissitudes, etc.
The breath of harmony filled the air from the tomb and spread.

This third realm is really extremely terrifying. There is even such a lonely tomb that can affect Xu Yu's mind. It can be called an incomparable evil.

You know, with Xu Yu's current cultivation strength, how can ordinary illusions confuse him?
The barren land has no human habitation for thousands of miles and no trace of greenery.

The nearby mountains are undulating, and the land is dark red. A huge tomb stands here, far higher than the nearby low hills of 200 meters high, which is particularly eye-catching.

It is 300 meters high. There are no tombstones, no pines and cypresses, only a huge earth bag.

I don't know how many years have passed, but the dark red grave soil on it has solidified, as if it has turned into a rock.

There are hurricanes blowing in the distance from time to time, but all the eyes of the wind will not get close to this place, and they will be collapsed by an invisible force if they are hundreds of feet away from here.

Looking at the huge and mysterious tomb in front of him, Xu Yu couldn't help but feel solemn in his heart.

But seeing Xu Yu's monstrous momentum rising, all the muscles and bones in his body became even more tense, ready to strike boldly at any time.

"Whose grave is this? It's so huge!"

After taking one step and retreating dozens of feet, Xu Yu, suspended in mid-air, looked down at the large tomb below and couldn't help but wonder.

But what is certain is that the existence buried in the tomb cannot be an ordinary person.

As long as any monk who can enter the third realm, his cultivation strength is at least heaven level.

However, even so, how could the tomb left behind by an ordinary heaven-level monk release the illusion that affected Xu Yu's mind?

At this time, Xu Yu couldn't help but have another suspicion in his mind. Are the people buried in this giant tomb really dead?
(End of this chapter)

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