Chapter 326 Huang Tian’s Tomb
"I'm here to see who you really are!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Xu Yu, who was expressionless, snorted and said a few words.

Then, he saw the sword fingers in his hand coming out and slashing a huge star sword towards the tomb.

"Ants dare!"

The moment the majestic sword light pierced the sky, a loud shout was heard from the huge tomb, and suddenly rang in Xu Yu's ears.

This powerful mental wave is as breathtaking as thunder from the sky, and the supreme power contained in it is truly beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"I'm just a rat who doesn't dare to meet people, so why don't I dare?!"

Hearing the sound of the divine thought in his ears, Xu Yu immediately responded with a cold snort.

At the same time, the anger in his heart became even more intense, and the star sword in his hand became much more powerful.

"Humble reptile! How dare you disrespect me?! I will destroy you both physically and mentally!!"

Seeing that Xu Yu not only did not stop, but instead increased the power of the sword, a mental wave came out of the huge tomb again.

The coercive and huge sound continued to reverberate throughout the sky, causing the entire world to shake.


Then, a thunder suddenly sounded in the sky.

A large piece of light of divine punishment suddenly fell down, with a terrifying power, and hit Xu Yu head-on.

Seeing the light of divine punishment in his eyes, Xu Yu couldn't help but feel slightly startled.

You must know that this is not a magical power that ordinary monks can display, but a supreme magical power used by heaven to punish and deal with rebels, just like the purple sky thunder in the ancient world.

In just a moment, Xu Yu guessed the identity of the person buried in the tomb.

However, in Xu Yu's induction, the light of divine punishment that appeared now had some supplementary power, and it did not even reach the power level of the Great Emperor.

It is precisely because of this that Xu Yu's face did not show the slightest worry at all.

But seeing a sneer appear on the corner of Xu Yu's mouth, he slowly raised his hand and pointed, and the extremely sharp and terrifying star sword instantly rose from the ground and shot straight into the sky.


As a series of ear-piercing and deafening sounds sounded, in the blink of an eye, the bright sword light destroyed all the light of divine punishment with unparalleled power.

"Among the six realms, which one are you that has managed to survive?"

Slowly putting his hands behind his back, as Xu Yu's sarcastic words gradually fell, the huge tomb above the ground suddenly trembled for a while, and then completely calmed down.

For a moment, the nearby area became silent, and there was no more sound.

He has experienced too many strange things, so even if the tomb in front of him really contains Yifantian, Xu Yu would not find it weird at all.

The heaven in this world is actually a fruition created by the heaven in this world to assist the heaven in managing the heaven and earth.

Compared with the creatures in heaven and earth, they are just more powerful.

According to Xu Yu's current cultivation level, he may not be able to resist an intact Tian without using his trump card.

However, relying on the power just now, Xu Yu discovered that the sky in this tomb is at most equivalent to the mortal immortal in the world that covers the sky.

It can be seen from this that the imprisoned Tian is by no means in its peak state, and Xu Yu is naturally not afraid.

"Rat, which heaven are you from? Didn't you just want me to be completely destroyed? Why are you silent now?"

A flash of sarcasm flashed deep in his eyes, Xu Yu said with a cold smile.

Faced with Xu Yu's ridicule, if Tian buried in the tomb didn't react at all, then I'm afraid there would really be no face left at all.

"You humble reptile, you actually dare to do this to me. If I hadn't been sealed in the six realms, you would have died long ago!"

After a long silence, the huge roaring sound sounded from the tomb again.

The words were filled with anger and resentment, as if Xu Yu was being eaten alive.

However, as soon as he said these words, Xu Yu guessed the identity of Tian buried in the tomb in an instant.

"Hahaha! Who do you think you are? You must be the most unlucky Huang Tian!"

Xu Yu said with a loud laugh, but Huang Tian's heart was suddenly filled with doubts.

"You actually know? Yes, I am Huang Tian. Since you know who I am, how dare you be so disrespectful? Do you know that it won't be long before a new round of great destruction is coming. If you surrender to me, Help me get out of trouble, then I can keep you safe and sound.

Otherwise, all sentient beings in the six realms will be destroyed by then, and you will be just like them! "

A moment later, the huge voice of Huang Tian's remnant soul rumbled and echoed across the entire sky, truly powerful.

It can be seen from this that even if it is only one-sixth of the soul of heaven, it still possesses awe-inspiring power.

"You are so brazen. A loser who has been tricked and reduced to such a situation dares to attempt to surrender to me?"

With a slight sound of disdain, Xu Yu, expressionless, said to Huang Tian who was buried in the grave.

At the same time, as Xu Yu's thoughts moved, countless bright stars spread out in an instant, shrouding the huge tomb that sealed Huang Tian.

"Humble bug!"

Seeing Xu Yu's brazen attack, Huang Tian's remnant soul couldn't help but become furious, and couldn't help but curse loudly.

Huang Tian's remnant soul tried to trick Xu Yu in order to break the seal of the tomb and see the light of day again, but Xu Yu was not plotting against Huang Tian's remnant soul.

Although this place only sealed one-sixth of Huang Tian's soul power, it definitely contained one-sixth of Huang Tian's heavenly origin, which naturally made Xu Yu's eyes extremely hot.

The vitality of the third realm is extremely thin, and part of Huang Tian's remaining soul has been sealed here for endless years, and has already become extremely weak.

With Xu Yu's current strength, it is definitely not difficult to kill him.

If he obtains this source of heaven, then Xu Yu's realm cultivation is very likely to take this opportunity to break through to the realm of the mortal immortal.

At that time, even if Huang Tian comes back to life, he will no longer have any fear.

Now Huang Tian has no power to resist at all. Part of the origin of heaven contained in him is like a benefit delivered to his door. How could Xu Yu give up for nothing?
Hearing the roar of Huang Tian's remnant soul, Xu Yu

But he was not moved by it at all, and instead immediately moved towards
The tomb struck a blow.

"You humble insect, you really pissed me off.
Now! ”

But seeing a light of divine punishment suddenly appear, and after defeating Xu Yu's palm print, the majestic voice of Huang Tian's remnant soul came out from the tomb again, and the huge power of the Nine Heavens stirred up the universe.

As a god, to be forced into such an embarrassing situation really made him extremely angry.

"Wait for me to kill you and refine you!"

Faced with Huang Tian's rage, Xu Yu replied calmly.

Then, he saw his body sway suddenly and turned into a rainbow light and rushed straight into the tomb.

Although he encountered great resistance in the thick soil of the tomb, Xu Yu's cultivation was so tyrannical.

Almost instantly, he found a passage into the tomb. It was a passage made of piles of huge rocks, and the huge rocks were carved with the vicissitudes of time.

The passage was extremely dull, so he moved forward step by step, heading straight into the depths of the tomb along the spiral passage.

This passage was not too long, but Huang Tian's constant harassment greatly slowed down Xu Yu's speed.

After walking for a full cup of tea, he arrived at the deepest part of the tomb.

The catacombs are very simple, without any superfluous items.

Huge boulders formed an extremely vast underground platform, with a huge sarcophagus parked in the center. As expected, Huang Tian was sealed in it.

Xu Yu stepped forward step by step, and with lightning-like eyes, he discovered that there were many faint Tai Chi diagrams floating on the ground made of huge rocks, which contained mysterious power.This should be one of the main strengths of the seal.

Xu Yu walked to the sarcophagus with a solemn expression.

At this closest distance, he felt a majestic and unfathomable energy flowing on the sarcophagus. This was the divine power of the seal.

"You...what do you want?"

Seeing with his own eyes that Xu Yu really came in unscrupulously, Huang Tian couldn't help but panic at this moment.

With such a close contact, how could he not realize that the other party was a truly top expert.

If Huang Tian was in his prime, he would naturally be a little afraid of Xu Yu.

But now that he was being plotted against, he could only silently pray to heaven.

Hearing Huang Tian's remnant soul's frightened voice, Xu Yu couldn't help but sneer at the corner of her mouth.

As the power of the world within his body surged out crazily, it was like a roaring hurricane, impacting the surrounding void.

But in the tomb, all kinds of inexplicable changes occurred, the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, earth, etc., all appeared.

In the blink of an eye, a real world began to be slowly projected in the tomb chamber, crushing towards Huang Tian's surroundings.

"Swallow!" There was a light scolding in the mouth, and as Xu Yu pointed a little, the vast swallowing power emitted from that area, sweeping across the world and covering the entire tomb.

Not only was the sarcophagus swallowed up, but the tomb was also swept in.

"Ah! Despicable insect, how dare you do this to me?! How dare you devour the sky?"

Seeing such a scene, Huang Tian couldn't help but let out a huge roar.

At the same time, the terrifying devouring power spread in an instant, causing the huge tomb to completely collapse in an instant.

The ancient tomb that has stood in the third realm since ancient times has finally completed its sealing mission.

Then, vast stars that could shake the heaven and earth appeared in the sky above the rolling black clouds.

The power of countless stars flickered and disappeared, and under Xu Yu's urging, endless destructive power was derived, flowing around the sky.

The sharp star swords condensed into lines swept out like a blanket of heaven and earth, intending to strangle the remaining soul of Huang Tian.


At the critical moment, Huang Tian's remnant soul was heard shouting loudly, exploding with incomparable power.

Immediately, all the star swords that were strangled around him shattered and turned into endless fragments that flew away.

Seeing such a situation in his eyes, Xu Yu couldn't help but nodded.

This Huang Tian lived up to the name of Yi Fang Tian. At his peak, he was definitely a supreme being in the mortal realm.

Under such circumstances, there is still the power to shatter the star sword condensed by the power of the stars.

You must know that as Xu Yu's cultivation continues to improve, the power of the star sword he condenses also increases greatly, which is definitely not something that ordinary monks in the supreme realm can shake.

However, although Huang Tian's strength was tyrannical, unfortunately he was really unlucky. He was extremely unlucky.

First, he was severely tricked by the Demon Lord and others, and was divided into six realms. Now he has met ruthless people like Xu Yu who want to refine his original power.

As Xu Yu's thoughts suddenly moved, he saw that the star sword, which had been shattered, recovered in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, it continued to strangle Huang Tian without even a hint of pause.

At the same time, the vast power emanating from the world projection also greatly increased, imprisoning Huang Tian below.

"No! I won't give in..."

Huang Tian, ​​who could no longer resist, could only watch as he was slowly strangled by Xu Yu and slowly refined.

After taking care of Huang Tian's remnant soul, Xu Yu was ready to find a suitable place to retreat and refine and absorb the essence of heaven he had obtained.

In addition to part of Huang Tian's heavenly origin, Xu Yu also found a way to leave the third world.

With Xu Yu's current cultivation strength, and his own knowledge of the laws of time and space.

Therefore, if he goes all out, he will have enough power to break through the time and space barriers around the third realm.

It's just that Xu Yu didn't have the coordinates of the other five realms in this world before. If he leaves the third realm directly very recklessly, he will definitely get lost.

In the turbulence of time and space outside the third realm.Although the turbulence of space and time may not necessarily harm Xu Yu, it will definitely trap him in it and waste his time.

However, after getting the memory of Huang Tian's remnant soul, Xu Yu would no longer worry about it.

Among the six realms today, only the human realm, which is the lowest in strength and the calmest, is the most suitable for Xu Yu to retreat to refine and absorb the essence of heaven.

Therefore, he planned to leave the third world and go to the human world to start retreat.

But he saw a sword finger coming out of Xu Yu's hand, and gently swiping in the void in front of him.

Then, a long and narrow space-time crack appeared in front of Xu Yu's eyes.

Without the slightest hesitation, Xu Yu stepped straight into the rift in time and space with a sudden movement, heading straight to the human world.

As soon as he stepped into the rift in time and space, endless darkness filled Xu Yu's eyes.

There is no daylight here, only the eternal loneliness.

Maybe it was an instant, maybe it was eternity. Just as Xu Yu was rushing towards the human world, sudden changes and fatal crises came in an instant.


In the dark space-time tunnel, a thunderous explosion was heard, and a dazzling light suddenly flashed out.

Immediately, a purple thunder and lightning was seen, carrying an almost unimaginable power, roaring through the void like a roaring dragon in the sky.

In the midst of Thunder's wrath, the entire space-time tunnel couldn't help but burst into pieces.As far as the eye can see, in Xu Yu's sight, there is only

Only the purple thunder pillar hanging down from the sky was left.


The fatal crisis approached instantly, and a look of horror suddenly appeared on Xu Yu's face.

The terrifying power contained in the purple thunder pillar falling from the sky was something Xu Yu had never seen before.

Facing such a terrifying and powerful thunder, Xu Yu directly used the Immortal Golden Cauldron without saying a word.


He didn't dare to neglect at all, but when he heard a loud shout from Xu Yu's mouth, the Immortal Golden Cauldron floated over his head and protected him.


As soon as the purple thunder pillar hit the Immortal Golden Cauldron, several loud noises burst out from it, as if it was the beginning of the world.

The entire space-time tunnel is in turmoil.

Although the purple thunder pillar was defended by the treasure, the terrifying power erupted from it also spread to Xu Yu's body, making his face instantly pale.

The third realm is the place of exile for heaven-level masters, and it is the prison of heaven-level masters.

The people who exist here are all the most powerful masters in the past and present. Almost every one of them has been brilliant for an era and is almost invincible in the world.

It is precisely because of this that the space-time barrier around it is so strong that it is simply unparalleled.

It is extremely difficult for ordinary monks to enter it, let alone get out of it.

That is to say, beings like Xu Yu have strong cultivation and are proficient in the law of time and space.

Only then can we grasp the momentary flaw in the oscillation of time and space and open up a channel to leave.

However, it is not easy to leave the third world after all. It is only now that the real test has completely begun.

Since Tiandao wants to imprison the heaven-level masters of the third world, it naturally does more than just strengthen the world's barriers.

The God of Punishment guarding the space-time tunnel is the real trump card.

But these Heavenly Punishment Thunders never existed in Huang Tian's memory.

After all, when Huang Tian was divided into six realms, the way of heaven had not yet trapped the powerful monks in this world.

The power of the Heavenly Punishment Divine Thunder is extremely terrifying right now. If you are not careful, even monks like Xu Yu, who are in the supreme realm of humanity, will directly dissipate under the power of the endless thunder punishment and turn into ashes.

After all, Xu Yuxian has not yet broken through to the realm of the Red Dust Immortal. Although he relied on the treasure to defend against a divine thunder of punishment.

But since this Heavenly Punishment God Thunder can be used by Heaven as a trump card to imprison the third world, how can it be such a simple existence?

In the deep and dark space-time tunnel, bursts of roaring sounds suddenly came from the ground, like thousands of troops galloping forward.

Immediately, in the void above Xu Yu's head, endless thunderclouds quickly gathered, and terrifying pressure filled the entire space-time tunnel.

There was a sound of thunder in the ears, and the power of the second thunder of the God of Punishment had already cut through the void, and with the force of thunder, it suddenly hit Xu Yu.

Seeing such a terrifying situation in his eyes, Xu Yu felt extremely awe-inspiring.

As his body swayed, he immediately chose to defend and wait for attack, and rushed forward to face the thunder of the God of Punishment.

Xu Yu could clearly feel that if he chose to defend again, he might not be able to withstand this more powerful divine thunder of punishment.

With a sudden thought in his mind, Xu Yu immediately sacrificed the Yuanshi Seal, the most valuable offensive weapon.

At the same time, his own world was suddenly projected.

The vast and infinite power of the world surged instantly, blessing the power of the Yuanshi Seal.


In just an instant, the entire space-time tunnel was shattered into cracks.

Endless space-time turbulence poured into it instantly, forming a huge space-time storm that swept towards Xu Yu, which was menacing and terrifying.

But in an instant, the Yuanshi Seal, which was blessed with the power of the world, suppressed them all.Above the void, the clouds of calamity continued to roll and surge, and the divine punishment thunders roared through the void one after another like purple horned dragons, crashing down from the nine heavens.

(End of this chapter)

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