Chapter 327 God and Demon Cemetery
The terrifying power seemed to tear Xu Yu into pieces completely.

The momentum alone is enough to shock people.

Although the Divine Thunder of Punishment is powerful and almost unstoppable, Xu Yu's strength is also extraordinary.

The purple thunder that kept falling from the sky and the Qianzhang Dharmakaya manifested by Xu Yu started fighting fiercely in this time and space tunnel.

Suddenly, thunder and lightning flashed and roared, and the energy of chaos danced wildly, stirring up dazzling sparks, which were gorgeous, bright and extremely dangerous.

Such a fierce battle lasted for an unknown amount of time.

The God of Punishment Thunder that day was indeed the decisive move set by Heaven, but Xu Yu had the blessing of one side of the world.

Facing the continuous bombardment of the God of Punishment, he was also dizzy.

Even his extremely powerful physical body showed signs of burnt black marks.

As time goes by, the power of the God of Punishment Thunder has also been greatly strengthened.

Huge lightning, accompanied by rumbling thunder, continued to strike wildly, and the thunder raged.

It seemed like it was about to tear Xu Yu into pieces, so he had to grit his teeth and try his best to hold on.

However, no matter what, there is a limit after all.

The luster on the Yuanshi Seal became increasingly dim and obscure, and even the world projection summoned by Xu Yu gradually became illusory.


In the void, thunder clouds surged, and another destructive thunder with a thickness of tens to hundreds of feet fell.

Unparalleled pressure, unstoppable power.

In an instant, the entire space-time tunnel was completely filled with the power of thunder.

The purest power of destruction comes. This is the way of heaven that has taken away the creative energy in the thunder, leaving only the most extreme destruction.

Although Xu Yu had also experienced the natural punishment of destruction, in that natural punishment, the ultimate destruction was the evolution of its own life.

Compared with this time's Divine Punishment Thunder, it is undoubtedly much easier.

What's more, although they are both Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Dao in this world has given birth to evil thoughts, destroyed countless epochs, and devoured endless creatures.

Compared with Xiangtian Dao in Zhetian World, its strength is naturally much more powerful.

If the fierce battle continues for a long time, Xu Yu's life may be in danger.

At this critical moment of life and death, Xu Yu could only choose to use his last trump card.

Accompanied by the surging waves of immeasurable immortal light, a Kunlun Immortal Bell covering the sky slowly appeared above Xu Yu's head.

After Xu Yu became a Taoist in the world that covers the sky, he spent a lot of time and energy to find the Kunlun Immortal Bell and brought it to this world.

Kunlun Fairy Bell lowered its dazzling divine light, and placed overlapping restrictions around Xu Yu's body to protect him.

The Kunlun Immortal Bell is also a treasure equivalent to the life and death plate in the world of the Tomb of Gods. As soon as Shi encountered the punishment of destruction, an extremely terrifying torrent of energy burst out in an instant, stirring up a steady stream of ripples, causing the entire space-time tunnel to collapse. It shattered suddenly.

Although the power of Kunlun Immortal Bell is extremely mysterious, Xu Yu's cultivation strength is limited after all.

Even though the Immortal Bell withstood the final punishment of destruction, Xu Yu herself fainted due to her heavy injuries, and was eventually lost in the endless flow of time and space.

The Cemetery of Gods and Demons is located in the central area of ​​Tianyuan Continent. In addition to the burials of the strongest people in the history of mankind and the top cultivators among aliens, the entire cemetery is buried there.

Each of the remaining tombs is buried with an ancient god or demon king. This is a resting place for gods and demons.

The interior of the cemetery is covered with green grass and fragrant flowers. Without the forest of steles, it would not be an exaggeration to call it a garden.

Surrounding the cemetery are tall snow maple trees, which are unique to the Cemetery of Gods and Demons. According to legend, they were transformed by the spiritual energy of the deceased gods and demons.

The lush green branches and leaves of the snow maple trees sway gently with the breeze, as if recalling the glory of the past.

The snow-white petals are pure and flawless, floating in the air like snowflakes.

These are the tears of the gods, seeming to express the sorrow of the past.

During the day, the place is full of immortal energy, and the holy brilliance sprinkles every inch of the cemetery. You can see all kinds of gods transformed by the immortal and powerful divine thoughts of ancient gods and demons.

You can even see western angels dancing and hear eastern fairies singing, and the whole cemetery is in a sacred atmosphere.

However, the day and night in the cemetery have completely opposite scenes. If it is the paradise of God during the day, then it is the pure land of the devil at night.

Whenever the sun sets and night falls, dark demonic energy begins to surge out from the cemetery, making the stars and the moon pale and the heavens and the earth bleak.

At this time, you can see the legendary hallucinations of fierce gods and phantoms of demons raging in the cemetery, and you can hear the scalp-numbing howls of ancient evil spirits.

Only the cemetery of gods and demons is the quietest at dusk. The entire cemetery is silent and there is no sound.

It was sunset again, and it was the time when gods and demons alternated. The afterglow of the setting sun rendered the cemetery of gods and demons solemn and a little weird.

Every tomb of gods and demons has been carefully taken care of, and flowers are placed in front of each tomb.

Next to the tall tombs of gods and demons, there is a low, small tomb. The small tomb is unobtrusive, with no tombstones, no flowers, and a simple small mound almost flush with the ground.

Looking at the fragrant soil around his tomb, it was obvious that the tomb was not long established, probably only about a year old at most.

Against the backdrop of the sunset, the tombs of gods and demons appear taller, while the unnamed tombs appear even more inconspicuous.

However, at this moment, something happened to this low tomb.The small tomb slowly cracked open, and the soil above the tomb began to roll down.


But there was a deafening loud noise, and the new tomb that had just been erected suddenly exploded, startling the birds that were originally inhabiting the cemetery.

Immediately, a figure broke out of the new tomb, rose into the sky, and stood in the mid-air above the cemetery.

At the same time, a surging and heavy coercion overflowed and rose from the figure, causing the entire void to tremble, and there was no cloud in the sky.


It seemed that he was aware of the power beyond this world, but he saw that above the sky, the wind and clouds suddenly surged, thunder rushed, and a dark and deep calamity cloud slowly gathered.

"Huh? This damn way of heaven, damn punishment from heaven!"

Glancing lightly at the gathering clouds of calamity above the nine heavens, I heard a curse coming from the mouth of the figure standing over the cemetery.

Then I saw a long sigh from the man's mouth, and then the surging coercion emanating from his body began to slowly converge, and finally he seemed to become as ordinary as an ordinary person.

At the same time, the calamity clouds that had been gathering above the nine heavens gradually dissipated.

After the calamity cloud completely faded, the man gradually descended from the sky and landed next to the tomb that had just been dug out of the ground.

His eyes swept across, and wherever he looked, he happened to be looking at a tombstone next to the tomb.

The tombstone leaning on the ground and made entirely of snow maple trees was clearly inscribed with the words 'Tomb of the Unknown God', and the person who signed the inscription was named Chen Nan.

"I didn't expect that I, Xu Yu, would see my own grave one day, and that the person who erected the monument was the son of destiny in this world?"

Looking at the words engraved on the tombstone, the look on the man's face couldn't help but be startled, and then he murmured to himself with a rather wry smile.

This person is none other than Xu Yu, who ruined the plan of evil heaven.

When Xu Yu broke through the third realm that day, he was sniped by the Evil Heavenly Dao in this world and was severely injured by the divine thunder of punishment cast by him.

Fortunately, he had the vast star map for protection, which allowed him to survive the thunder of the God of Punishment.

However, even so, due to his lack of cultivation strength, he suffered quite serious injuries, and eventually fell into a state of suspended animation, lost in the turbulence of time and space.

Fortunately, when Xu Yu entered the state of suspended animation, the Kunlun Fairy Bell still followed Xu Yu's wishes and broke through the overlapping time and space barriers and sent him to the human world in this world.

But for some unknown reason, Xu Yu happened to fall into the Cemetery of Gods and Demons, and by chance she was buried in the cemetery by Chen Nan.

Although this cemetery of gods and demons is filled with endless dangers because of the burial of so many gods or demon kings.

But it is precisely because of this that the underground of the Gods and Demons Cemetery also contains a strong essence of gods and demons.

Although Xu Yu fell into a state of suspended animation, his consciousness was sleeping and unable to control his body.

However, after reaching his level of cultivation, the physical body will naturally absorb the vitality contained in the world.

With the help of the rich essence of gods and demons, Xu Yu's recovery speed undoubtedly accelerated a lot.

So much so that within a short period of time, he was able to regain consciousness and break out of the ground.

While repairing his own injuries, Xu Yu's own world also completely refined and absorbed part of the essence of heaven that he had plundered from Huang Tian.

After recovering from the injury, Xu Yu's cultivation strength has become even closer.

Although he has not broken through the shackles yet, he is getting closer and closer to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

If there is another equal amount of the origin of heaven, then his cultivation strength will definitely be able to break through.

However, this source of heaven is so precious that Xu Yu will not be able to get another copy within a period of time.

Frowning and sighing, Xu Yu simply put down the Origin of Heaven for the time being, and then raised his eyes to look at his tombstone.

After gently raising his hand and wiping away the crooked tombstone on the ground, Xu Yu could not help but sigh.

I just heard him say aloud: "Hey! No matter how you say it, he is kind to me, but this unintentional favor must be paid back!"

Compared to beings like Xu Yu, the more advanced their cultivation is, the more unwilling they are to owe others karma, let alone that other person is the child of destiny in this world.

Fortunately, this unintentional debt to Chen Nan can be settled as long as he contributes a small amount during the Battle of Defying Heaven.

What's more, the origin of Heavenly Dao in this world was originally what Xu Yu was determined to obtain, and there was absolutely no way he would miss the future battle against Heaven.

He shook his head to hide all the thoughts in his heart, but saw Xu Yu's figure swaying slightly, instantly rising into the air and flying out of the cemetery of gods and demons.

Ling Xu stepped forward, and just when Xu Yu was about to leave the Cemetery of Gods and Demons, he suddenly paused in the air, turned around and looked at the snow maple forest behind him.

For a moment, Xu Yu's gaze couldn't help but pass through a forest path composed of snow maple trees, and landed directly on the three thatched huts standing deep in the snow maple forest.

A hint of a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. After Xu Yu stared deeply at it, he turned around again and continued flying.

Until Xu Yu was completely far away from the Cemetery of Gods and Demons, a skinny old man walking on crutches, with white beard and hair, and weather-beaten wrinkles on his face, staggered outside the hut.

"I didn't expect that boy to bury such a terrifying existence. I hope he won't affect our plans!"

At this moment, a look of surprise and uncertainty flashed across the old man's face, and he murmured to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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