Chapter 330 Nameless Demon God
Although Zijin Shenlong has a bit of a bad temper, he still attaches great importance to his own strength. Naturally, he cannot withstand the temptation of this extremely pure heaven and earth energy.

Without saying a word, the purple-gold dragon shuddered and carried Xu Yu forward into the air.

Not long after, a light fragrance suddenly drifted from the front, like orchid and musk deer, refreshing the heart and mind.

This made Zijin Shenlong's eyes suddenly light up, and he seemed to have forgotten the fear just now.Licking his mouth, his face was full of excitement.

Flying to the desperate place, I saw the devilish energy surging in the valley and it was pitch black.

The light that shines through the billowing demonic energy in the sky is very dim, barely enough for people to see clearly the scene inside.

There was a tragic scene in the valley, with bones all over the ground, faint phosphorus fire, and a strong aura of death.

The faint fragrance is the only trace of vitality in the valley. Xu Yu steps on the purple golden dragon and follows this fragrance towards the source of the fragrance.

Along the way, no matter how much demonic energy surged around him, it was unable to affect him at all.

And the Purple Gold Divine Dragon is protected by treasure armor, and with Xu Yu's help, there is naturally no obstacle.

The valley is very vast, and the purple-gold dragon has flown for several miles, but it has not yet reached the source of the fragrance.In this vast valley, every inch of the ground is covered with white bones. There are not only the remains of many huge monsters that have never been seen before, but also the skulls of many giants and the white bones of giant dragons.

I have to say, this is really a terrifying picture, a terrifying scene.

Most of the giant skulls are piled together. Each skull is larger than a house. A dozen giant skulls are stacked together like a hill.

Along the way, Xu Yu has seen at least dozens of such mountains of human skulls.

In addition, there are many dragon bone mountains piled up with the bones of giant dragons. This is really a dangerous and evil place.

After continuing for several miles, a little light came from among the thousands of dead bones on the ground. They were the remains of several immortal gods.

The dismantled pieces were scattered in the pile of bones, emitting a faint light, making this place of death look particularly strange.

The Purple Gold Divine Dragon, who had always been fearless of heaven and earth, now completely shrank his head because he sensed great fear.

In this ghost place, there are not only the skulls of ferocious giants, the keel bones of powerful dragons, but also the remains of immortal gods.

If given a choice, Zijin Shenlong would never step foot here.

The source of the fragrance is on a bone mountain not far ahead, where a strange blood-red flower can be seen, taking root on the Yingying bone powder.

The blood-red stems, blood-red leaves, and blood-red flowers look particularly strange on the dense Bone Mountain.

This is definitely not some fairy treasure, but a legendary evil thing: the flower of death.

Legend has it that this rare evil creature mostly lives in mass graves and specializes in sucking the breath of the dead, using it as nourishment for its own growth.

Although it exudes a strong fragrance after maturity, it is the most evil and evil thing in the world. No matter people, animals, grass, or trees, it will die if it touches it. It is extremely evil.

Xu Yu didn't find it strange at all that the Flower of Death could appear here.

Endless white bones and a strong smell of death, what place is more suitable for it to grow than here?

But the Purple Gold Divine Dragon's expression showed a little unwillingness. He originally thought that there would be some treasure of heaven and earth that he cherished, but he didn't expect to encounter such a most evil thing in the world.

"Go on!"

Xu Yu urged the Purple-Gold Divine Dragon to continue heading deeper into the valley. Although the Purple-Gold Divine Dragon showed fear, it still flew forward according to Xu Yu's instructions.

The further forward, the more divine bones there are.Moreover, it can be distinguished from the aura remaining on the divine bones that their strength became stronger during their lifetime.

It's a pity that these divine bones were all broken into pieces, until the two complete preserved bones of the divine kings appeared in front of us, clearly showing the reasons for their fall.

There were actually five shocking finger holes on the skull of a divine corpse. It was astonishing that someone had brain-broken him to death.
There is a hole the size of a fist in the sternum of another divine skeleton. It is conceivable that this divine king had his heart taken out by life.


The Purple Gold Dragon subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of ambergris saliva, feeling a chill rising from the bottom of his heart from the dragon's head to its tail.

The death of two god-kings with similar strength to him was so tragic. It seemed that they were not at the same level as their opponents, which made him feel like a thorn in his back.

Xu Yu knew in his heart that the Purple Gold Dragon was frightened, so he quickly jumped off the dragon's back.

Immediately, Xu Yu raised his hand and turned the purple golden dragon into a foot long, wrapping it around his wrist.

As Xu Yu moved forward, an unspeakable and inexplicable momentum escaped, forcibly splitting the demonic energy in front of him.

A path was revealed for him to walk until he came to a cliff like a knife.

There is a huge hole under the cliff, from which billowing demonic energy spurts out intermittently.

Just as Xu Yu arrived in front of the cliff, a large amount of demonic energy suddenly poured out of the dark cave in front, and a tragic blood-red light flashed in the cave.

With the help of the miserable light that was not bright, Xu Yu saw a horrifying scene.

I saw a tall demonic figure standing sideways in the cave.

His right eye was closed, but the left half of his head, including the left eye, had long been broken.

On the other half of his intact head, there was waist-length blood-red hair, and it seemed that white brain matter could be seen stained on the blood-red hair.

The remaining eyes, ears, nose, and mouth on the head would look perfect if they weren't stained with bits of blood and brains.

If this person is in a healthy state, he can definitely be called a beautiful man.

At this moment, the torn clothes on the man's body were covered with blood stains, the original color could no longer be seen, and the style was extremely ancient.

It's impossible to tell which era it belongs to.

On the back of this man are several pairs of wings, which are symbols of angels and devils in the West.

On the left are two pure white wings, but on the right is a completely opposite gray-black wing. The colors of the two wings are actually different.

God and demon, this is definitely an ancient god and demon.

All angels in Western myths and legends do not have two-color wings.

Only the most ancient gods and demons would have such anomalies that are difficult to fathom.

There were shockingly huge wounds on the left and right sides of the abdomen of the god-demon with a mutilated head. The back extending all the way back must be connected to the roots of his wings.

It can be further guessed that the origin of these two wounds must have been caused when the wings on his back were torn off by a human being. How many pairs of wings he had originally could not be guessed.

The chest of this nameless god and demon is a big bloody hole, and his heart has been taken out. However, his chest is heaving at this moment, and he is still alive.
"Oh my god, it's so fucking bloody"

Purple Gold Shenlong subconsciously screamed strangely and was about to run away on the spot.

But it is a pity that he was tightly held by Xu Yu's dragon body and could not struggle to escape.

Xu Yu cursed angrily: "Don't move around, you may lose your life, I will not be responsible."

Immediately, Xu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly and he looked directly at the nameless gods and demons in the devil's cave.At the same time, the nameless god and demon was completely

The ground woke up with a start, and his remaining right eye shot out with a terrifying light.

Slowly standing up, the nameless god and demon walked towards the outside of the devil's cave.

Step by step, neither hasty nor slow, with boundless demonic energy surging, endlessly.

Seeing this, the Purple Gold Divine Dragon felt its entire body tremble, and it even wrapped tightly around Xu Yu's wrist.

"No, Uncle Long is going to faint!"

Seeing the nameless god and demon getting closer and closer, the Purple-Gold Divine Dragon let out a soft groan, and he actually rolled his eyes and closed them completely.

Xu Yu lowered his head when he heard the sound, and was shocked to find that the purple-gold dragon's belly turned white and he actually fainted.

"This old ruffian!!!"

Although Xu Yu never hoped that the Purple Gold Divine Dragon could help him, seeing such a situation in his eyes, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

At the same time, the nameless god and demon also completely walked out of the devil's cave and came to Xu Yu.

Silently, a monstrous demonic energy overflowed, filled with a thick aura of death.

In the dead end, billowing black clouds continued to surge, covering the sky above.

Among the black clouds, the tall figures of the nameless gods and demons stepped forward, stirring up the wind and clouds in the world, forming a huge pressure.

The thick aura of death lingered against the white bones all around, making it especially weird and terrifying.


Suddenly, a cold snort sounded, and a word came out of the mouth of the nameless god and demon.

Immediately, he saw his body vertically and already in mid-air.

Amidst the black clouds surging in the sky, a dark magic light, carrying a huge force, struck straight down towards Xu Yu.

The supreme demonic power, once exerted, has unimaginable power, and the whole world is shaken by it.

Seeing such a scene in his eyes, Xu Yu was not afraid at all.As he raised his hand, a palm print suddenly appeared, majestic
The strength of his palms gathered into a bright starlight in mid-air, roaring into the sky.


Accompanied by bursts of earth-shaking loud sounds, two huge and unbelievable surging forces were seen joining together.

Suddenly, the originally calm sky of a hundred feet high seemed to be thrown into the lake by a huge meteorite, showing huge and strange ripples.

The sound of distant explosions spread throughout the world, and the solid space was torn apart at this moment.


Seeing that one attack failed to defeat the powerful enemy, the nameless god and demon with long blood-red hair roared loudly again, and attacked Xu Yu again without hesitation.

But he saw a huge magic light roaring through the air, flying from top to bottom, pointing directly at Xu Yu, who was standing in front of the devil's cave.

In an instant, there was another loud explosion, and the space that had already begun to shatter became even more unbearable, with ferocious cracks appearing one after another.

The strength of this nameless god and demon in its heyday was almost likely to be close to the peak of the heavenly realm.

Even if he is as strong as Xu Yu, he is not willing to cause such trouble when there is no grievance or hatred.

However, the origin of Huang Tian suppressed in the demon cave ahead was something Xu Yu was determined to obtain.

In addition, the nameless gods and demons attacked Xu Yu one after another, which made him feel a little impatient.

But seeing the iron fist in Xu Yu's hand clenched tightly, a fist force composed of the power of the stars suddenly rushed up from the ground.

The huge fist shattered the empty space and defeated all the attacks of the nameless god and demon, causing him to fly backwards.

At the same time, a surging coercion overflowed from Xu Yu's body, and in an instant, it permeated the entire Death Jedi.

As this coercion spread, Xu Yu's figure suddenly flashed into the sky, his feet stepped on the void, and he stood in the sky.

The power of immeasurable stars continued to circulate around him, like a vast sea of ​​​​stars that was as vast and bright as dazzling.

This caused the space that was already broken and cracked to become even more turbulent, as if it was about to collapse under the surging power of the immeasurable stars.

Being knocked back by Xu Yu's blow, the nameless god and demon looked even more crazy.

"You deserve to die for trespassing!"

Immediately afterwards, a roar broke out from his mouth.

But seeing the nameless god and demon's sad and incomplete wings suddenly shake, the devil's palm turned into an overwhelming black light, and fell straight towards Xu Yu.

The nameless god and demon actually gave up long-range attacks and prepared to fight Xu Yu in close combat.

The immeasurable terrifying power is fluctuating, and the huge and tyrannical pressure instantly shakes all directions.

The giant hand that covers the sky and the sun seems to contain unimaginable power, making people unconsciously horrified by it.

"To be able to integrate the power of gods and demons so perfectly, this person must have surpassed the realm of ordinary heaven-level experts during his lifetime.

As expected, he is worthy of being the inheritor of the eternal demon lord, and his cultivation strength is really terrifying! "

The thoughts in his heart were spinning, and the light in Xu Yu's eyes flickered.

Xu Yu is quite familiar with some of the inside stories of this Death Jedi.

The moment he saw the nameless god and demon, he immediately vaguely guessed the origin of the nameless god and demon.

But when he raised his hand, he made an awe-inspiring stroke in the void with his fingers.

Then, a fierce energy appeared through the air, as if the supreme divine weapon was constantly waving, roaring and sweeping out. The majestic power instantly forced the nameless gods and demons back.

However, the nameless god and demon seemed to be completely irrational, and the attacks in his hands became more and more fierce.

As the strength gradually increased, it soon exceeded the limits of the mortal world, and every blow was enough to destroy mountains and collapse mountains.

"Oh my god! Uncle Long is really in a tragedy now!"

While Xu Yu was fighting with the nameless gods and demons, the purple-gold dragon wrapped around Xu Yu's wrist was trembling, and he was screaming in his heart.

Not only could the Purple Gold Dragon clearly sense the majestic power in Xu Yu's body, but he was also deeply frightened and uneasy about the fierce nameless gods and demons.

Although the strength of both warring parties is stronger than that of immortals and gods, it is obvious that this is not the bottom line of their cultivation.

Although the nameless god and demon is unconscious, his tyrannical strength cannot be underestimated at all.

Although he was only fighting with instinctive magical powers, his tyrannical strength and brutal fighting style really made Xu Yu frown slightly.

Often after a fierce confrontation, even though the nameless god and demon was wounded, he would act as if nothing had happened, ignoring the injuries on his body and frantically starting to attack Xu Yu again.

Although this nameless god and demon looks terrifying, his hands are slender and white, as if they are as jade-like as the palms of a beautiful woman.

It looks weak, but it contains unimaginable power.

With every movement of his hands and feet, the majesty swept across the universe, and his power was earth-shattering.

Fortunately, Xu Yu was surrounded by the power of countless stars. No matter how crazy the unknown gods and demons attacked, he was able to resist them all.


The more severe the injuries on his body, the crazier the nameless god and demon's expression became, and he could only hear the roars and roars coming from his mouth.

Then, a ray of divine light was seen fleetingly, and the nameless god and demon suddenly appeared in front of Xu Yu without any warning, and his white and slender palms went straight towards Xu Yu's heart.

Facing the sudden attack of the unknown gods and demons, Xu Yu was not afraid at all.

As he raised his hand, he pressed down with a sudden palm, and the incomparable force roared through the void and went straight to the chest of the nameless god and demon.

Along the way, even the space was twisting and turning at this moment.

The palm force, which was as solid as a substance, roared through the air, and the space it passed through actually folded layer by layer. This was a reaction caused by the inability to withstand this force.

The strange sound resounded throughout the whole world at the moment when the palm power was stirred up.

The nameless gods and demons roared, furiously attacking without hesitation, and their endless killing energy shook the sky.

Amidst the surging black clouds in the sky, the slender white palm seemed like a soul seducer from hell sacrificing the blade of death, carrying the endless aura of death, and headed straight towards Xu Yu.

With a bang, the void suddenly burst open, and the berserk force rushed around, stirring up the endless demon energy entrenched in the death jedi, like overwhelming the river.

When the void was disillusioned, Xu Yu instigated the waves of the boundless sea of ​​stars to suppress the churning of demonic energy.

At the moment when both sides were shocked, he suddenly punched out with all his strength, and the dazzling power of the stars gathered into a beam of light and shot through the air.

The distance between the two was only a hundred feet, and in the blink of an eye, they appeared on the chest of the nameless god and demon without any warning.

In the vacuum of starlight, Xu Yu used her pure and terrifying magic power to directly shatter the void and shake the long river of time.

Faced with this terrifying punch that instantly penetrated the limitations of time and space, the nameless god and demon had no time to dodge, and was immediately punched through his body.


With a dull sound, it exploded into the air, and with the force of the fist piercing the body, the nameless god and demon's blood immediately spilled into the sky.

A tragic red light shone in the sky and the earth, and the nameless god and demon shuddered, falling directly from the sky.

It hit the ground in the dead end and was trapped thousands or hundreds of feet underground.

"It's really difficult!"

Xu Yu glanced at the huge pit on the ground and murmured to himself.

This nameless god and demon is really terrifying. If he were in his prime, Xu Yu would probably turn around and leave without saying a word.

However, the nameless god and demon has not yet fully recovered, and is only considered a strong person in the heavenly realm. Xu Yu does not feel that it is very difficult.

It's just that this nameless god and demon is the disciple of the eternal demon lord after all. Xu Yu is not willing to offend such taboo existence, so he does not go all out to fight the nameless god and demon.

If it had been a real life-and-death fight, I'm afraid the nameless gods and demons would have been killed on the spot by Xu Yu's own methods.

It's definitely not like this now, just being smashed deep underground without any fear of life.

Since it was difficult to kill him, Xu Yu simply stopped entangled with this nameless god and demon.

The moment he repelled the nameless gods and demons, his steps suddenly staggered, and he directly used the vertical golden light method to move the void, past the nameless gods and demons, and broke into the depths of the devil's cave.

How could the nameless god and demon remain calm when he saw that the intruder had surpassed him?
"Intruder, you deserve death!"

But hearing an angry roar burst out from the mouth of the nameless god and demon, he suddenly jumped up from the depths of the ground, then instigated the demonic clouds that filled the sky, and chased Xu Yu tightly.

However, when the nameless god and demon had just penetrated less than a thousand feet into the devil's cave, he suddenly stopped.

In his remaining eyes, there was a look of horror.

(End of this chapter)

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