Chapter 331 The Spirit of Heaven
Xu Yu, who was walking in the dark cave of darkness, slowly found out his soul thoughts and explored the situation inside.

The dark ancient cave, the surrounding stone walls are engraved with the wind and frost of the years.

Every ten feet or so, there is a dim night pearl dotted.
Perhaps the years are too ruthless, but those pearls are almost broken, and they only emit a faint light.

There is a thick layer of dead bones on the ground. When you step on it, you will hear the sound of broken bones.

Although it was unknown how many years had passed, Xu Yu could still tell from the aura remaining on the broken bones that these must have been powerful gods and demons with extremely strong cultivation levels in life.

It stands to reason that the divine bones are the hardest, but now they were easily crushed.

It is conceivable that it must have gone through endless years before the bones of the gods were ruthlessly obliterated by time.

Following the guidance of the soul's thoughts, Xu Yu continued to go deep into the devil's cave, along the passages, and passed through deep ancient caves one after another.

However, along the way, apart from the endless skeletons of gods and weapons and magic weapons that had long been corroded, no valuable discoveries were made.

But as he continued deeper, he could feel the heavy demonic breath flowing in the air.

It felt like there was an ancient troll secretly watching him ferociously.

It seems that he may break out at any time and bring him the most powerful killing blow.

This is the first time Xu Yu has felt such a heavy breath since she came to this world.

Even the divine punishment he experienced when he left the third realm never gave him such a feeling.

A high degree of vigilance emanating from the deepest part of his soul made him keenly aware that a great danger was slowly approaching, as if an ancient troll he had never seen before had locked onto him.

"Boss, why do I feel that we are trying to escape the tiger's mouth? Let's go back quickly!
At this moment, the Zijin God who had woken up was trembling all over, crying and persuading, but he did not have the demeanor that a god-king level powerhouse should have.

"If you talk too much, I will roast you!"

Seeing that the Purple Gold Dragon was so unsatisfactory, Xu Yu couldn't help but laughed angrily.

Then, he bitterly hit Zijin Shenlong on the head with an extremely loud bang.

"Uncle Long, I'm going to feel cold again!"

Feeling Xu Yu's firm determination, Zihui Shenlong actually fainted again with two somersaults in front of his head.

It has to be said that this ruffian dragon really completely lost the face of the Shenlong clan.

He glanced at the purple and gold divine dragon pretending to be stunned on his wrist, dumbfounded, and then Xu Yu continued to walk forward.

As Xu Yu gradually went deeper into the Demon Cave, he not only saw more bones of gods, but also many statues of gods enshrined in the ancient caves along the way.

But he was a stranger after all, and although he could recognize some of them, he couldn't fully identify all the gods.

Those ancient statues have long been dilapidated, but each statue seems to exude a great spiritual pressure, as if it has a soul.

"Clatter! Crash! Crash!
Suddenly, in the darkness, there was a sound of shaking chains, suddenly resounding in this terrifying cave, as if some undisputable existence had been awakened.

A strong wind blew ahead, and eight dark and terrifying holes appeared in succession.

It was pitch dark inside all the magic caves, without any light, and the sound of shaking ropes seemed to come from these caves.

Feeling the aura coming from those eight caves, the look in Xu Yu's eyes suddenly lit up.

For Xu Yu, this breath was no stranger, and it was almost the same as the original soul of Huang Tian that he had refined.

What exists among those eight moist points must be the heaven suppressed by the devil.

Therefore, Xu Yu walked straight towards the depths of the Demon Cave without any hesitation.

In front, there is a stone gate in the middle of the eight deep demon caves. The eight caves are centered on this stone gate and divided on both sides.


As Xu Yu pushed open the ancient stone door, a harsh friction sound echoed throughout the entire Demon Cave.

Then, a dazzling bloody light was seen overflowing from it.

At the same time, an unimaginably powerful coercion suddenly surged out.

Even though he was as powerful as Xu Yu, he was still knocked backwards by the impact despite all his strength.

"Demon Lord!"

A deep shout blurted out, and a fierce pressure rose up from Zhou Zhan's body, supporting his body and resisting the demon lord's aura.In an instant, the huge demon cave was shaken.

Immediately, under the pressure of the powerful auras of Xu Yu and the Demon Lord, it gradually returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

After forcibly stopping the retreating figure, the light in Xu Yu's double formation flashed away, and he slowly looked into the stone gate.

As far as the eye could see, he saw a pile of skulls of gods on a bone bed.

A 27-year-old young man was lying quietly on it. His whole person exuded supreme majesty, making people unable to help but have the urge to worship him.

Although he has a young body in peak condition, his half-lived eyes are full of the vicissitudes of time.

That shiny silver hair seems to tell that he has experienced thousands of reincarnations and seen the ups and downs of the world.

Although Xu Yu had never met the Demon Lord in person, at this moment, he could confirm it at a glance.

The person in front of him is the immortal demon lord who has been passed down through the ages.

A terrifying existence that has disappeared for many years in legends. Only he can have such a supreme momentum that can look down on the world.

Step by step, Xu Yu stepped forward steadily.

The demon lord in front of him seemed to have no trace of life fluctuations, nor could he feel his heart or breathing.

It can even be noticed that his body is extremely cold, no different from that of a dead person, but there are still strong fluctuations of vitality all over his body.

Even if it has been dead for tens of millions of years, its demonic power can still last through the ages.

"Sinking between life and death? Let me give you a helping hand!"

With a sudden movement in his mind, a spiritual thought suddenly appeared, conveying Xu Yu's thoughts to the demon lord's remnant soul.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Yupiao pointed a little, and the heavy and rich power of the world spread out from his fingers, slowly filling the huge devil's cave.

Then it seemed like there was a vast and boundless world, suppressing it forcefully.

For a moment, time and space continued to solidify, and everything was frozen at this moment.


At the same time, a long roar suddenly sounded in the originally silent Devil's Cave.For a long time.

The roar travels through time and space, shaking the reincarnation, as if reversing the rules of life and death.

This caused a demonic soul that should have been dead for tens of millions of years to break free from the shackles of life and death, and gradually embark on the road to rebirth from the city of death.

With the awakening of this wisp of demonic soul, the young man lying on the god's bone bed suddenly felt powerful demonic aura rising from his body.

There seemed to be a divine light and aura between his eyes.

Intangible magical power permeates the void, as if it has accumulated countless years of history.

Silently, a conspiracy belonging to Xu Yu and the Demon Lord was going on.

"Crash! Crash!"

It seemed that he sensed that Xu Yu was helping the Demon Lord to resuscitate, and the faint sound of chains coming from the Demon Qi Shen could not help but become louder at this moment, and became more intense as time went by.

Tian, ​​who was suppressed by the banished lord, began to resist, because he had realized that the end was coming.Countless years have passed by, and under the suppression of the demon lord's remnant soul, the sky has become more and more empty.

Originally, the remnant soul of the Demon Lord was enough for him to bear, but now Xu Yu was added to it, making it even more unbearable for him.

"A mere incomplete Tian dares to resist me?!"

Yin saw that Tian, ​​who was suppressed by the Demon Lord, began to resist continuously, and Xu Yu, who was rescuing the Demon Lord, immediately let out a cold snort.

With a thought in his mind, Xu Yu also received the will of his own world and assisted the Demon Lord in suppressing the sky.

When Xu Yu's own world will came to the Demon Cave, the originally rapid and sharp sound of the chains suddenly stopped.

One side is Xu Yu's complete will of his own world, and the other side is part of the original power of the sky. The most dangerous confrontation directly broke out between the two.

For a moment, the entire Demon Cave was filled with tremors, and even more so, the vision of death was aroused.

On the Tianyuan Continent, countless monks Xi responded to this change and also focused their attention on it. In an instant, an undercurrent surged.

But at this moment, Xu Yu couldn't care so much.

After all, the Demon Lord Cangui has just woken up, and it is not very easy to completely lock this part of the sky.

Therefore, Xu Yu could only serve as the main force and go all out to suppress this part of the original power of the sky.

The surging will of the world, under the guidance of Xu Yu's thoughts, penetrated the overlapping time and space and descended into the desperate place of death.

With the restraint of the Demon Lord's remnant soul and Xu Yu's all-out efforts, Tian, ​​who was suppressed in the Demon's Cave, could not resist.

In just a moment, Xu Yu and the Demon Lord's remnant soul jointly suppressed them completely.

After feeling that Tian was no longer able to resist, Xu Yu slowly stepped forward and entered the deepest part of the devil's cave.

Not long after, he suddenly saw a vast expanse of void reflected in Xu Yu's eyes, like an abyss as deep as the bottom.

There are ancient taboo runes all around, forming a curtain of light that seems to be closed, completely isolating this void from the world.

Under the earth, where the origin cannot be seen, where the Death Jedi's veins extend, dark iron ropes that are almost ten feet thick extend out.

The iron ropes are also densely covered with countless taboo runes, brewing terrifying sealing power. Each of them is a taboo iron rope that can bind a heaven-level master.

There are hundreds of such dark iron ropes, intertwined with each other, forming a huge cage, binding a huge light group with a diameter of a hundred feet.

That huge light group is the essence of heaven, or the origin of heaven.

The hot light in his eyes disappeared in a flash, and Xu Yu stared at the huge light ball.

As long as the origin of this mass of heaven can be completely refined, Xu Yu's cultivation will inevitably be further improved and he can completely break through to the realm of the mortal immortal.

This is much faster than his struggle from life to life in Zhetian World.

The main goal of this trip is right in front of you, and Xu Yu will naturally not hesitate at all.

He slowly calmed down the excitement in his heart and immediately sat cross-legged in the void.

Then, Xu Yu saw complex and mysterious seals formed in his hands, and began to slowly swallow up the mass of the origin of heaven that was bound by the iron rope.

As the thoughts of Xu Yu's soul slowly emerged, boundless misty rainbow light suddenly appeared, penetrating straight into the origin of heaven like countless root systems.

"Crash! Crash!"

At the same time, the origin of the sky, which was bound by the iron rope, seemed to be aware of its impending fate.

It began to sway continuously, making its final struggle, causing the countless dark iron ropes to tremble.

However, restricted by the suppressive seal of Xu Yu and the Demon Lord's remnant soul, the Origin of Heaven could only watch Xu Yu gradually refining and absorbing itself bit by bit.

All the pounds of magnetic energy that escaped were turned into the purest life energy.

It was completely absorbed by the remnant soul of the demon lord who had just awakened, and turned into the nourishment supply for the demon lord's resurrection.

As the origin of heaven was refined bit by bit by Xu Yu, endless visions began to evolve in the void around him.

In an instant, countless crisscrossing lines appeared in the void behind him.

Every line is the most fundamental manifestation of the rules of heaven and earth.

There are countless more that represent destiny, cause and effect, stars, time, space, the five elements, etc., and the visions of the original laws of heaven and earth are involuntarily derived.

There are three thousand in total, which symbolizes that none of the three thousand avenues is missing or missing.

Among them, the most lustrous, perfect, and dazzling vision, which seems to be as real as reality, is an infinite galaxy and a hexagonal roulette. This is the law of stars that Xu Yu relies on as the fundamental source, as well as the law of reincarnation with great attainments.

"Crack! Kick!"

As the origin of heaven is continuously refined and absorbed by Xu Yu, the dark iron ropes bound to it are also shaking.

There were waves of terrifying and huge noises, causing the entire Demon Cave and the Death Jedi to tremble.

This is the origin of heaven that is unwilling to die and is making a death struggle.

I saw countless phantoms of gods and demons from ancient times, constantly appearing from the void around the origin of heaven.

They used all kinds of killing techniques and divine passages to attack Xu Yu from all directions, with the intention of completely killing Xu Yu.

However, everything was completely blocked by various strange phenomena that emerged from the sky around Xu Yu's body.

But in the void of Xu Yuzhou's path, countless laws and phenomena interspersed, and one could vaguely see that the world was constantly flowing.

The vast and vast projection of the world crushed all the great killing techniques and divine passages to pieces.

Then it turned into the original power of heaven again, and was continuously absorbed and refined by Xu Yu.


Suddenly, in Xu Yu's sea of ​​consciousness, there was a loud sound like a thunderbolt from the blue, like dawn breaking through the darkness, and Hongmeng restored.

As vast as the eternal sand, numerous thoughts of the soul appeared one after another, just like the infinite stars from ancient times and eternity, shining with the most brilliant brilliance.

Eventually, it gradually condensed into a single extremely crystal clear crystal, emitting a soft luster that was indistinguishable from the source of heaven.


Suddenly, a buzzing sound exploded in and out of Xu Yu's body, as if the heaven and earth were opening for the first time, piercing through the mist.

Suddenly, a huge and terrifying power surged through his body like a river, and quickly penetrated all his limbs and bones.

At the same time, Xu Yu's powerful and terrifying physical body also emerged with trembling and mysterious divine chains of order.

It was as if he was constantly celebrating, celebrating that Xu Yu's cultivation realm had finally broken through the shackles.

"Good! Great good!
At this moment, Xu Yu, who had finally reached the mortal realm, suddenly stood up from the sky and couldn't help but let out a long roar of joy.

At the same time, the white-haired demon lord lying on the ancient bed of the gods also suddenly opened his eyes.

"A person who is not under the will of heaven, who is outside of destiny, you... have you finally made a breakthrough? It seems that the war against heaven in this era is expected to succeed!
But I heard a murmur slowly coming from the Demon Lord's mouth, saying to himself: "But I don't want you to complete the breakthrough here! If not, wouldn't this place be completely destroyed by you!"

The moment the Demon Lord finished speaking, he slowly raised a hand and released an indescribable amount of terrifying magic energy, which shocked the entire Death Jedi.

The next moment, the magic energy quickly condensed and turned into a torrent of energy.

In the blink of an eye, he penetrated the limitations of time and space and rushed into the absolute void where Xu Yu was.

Xu Yu, who was breaking through the shackles of the realm, was sent into the depths of the endless void.

(End of this chapter)

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