Chapter 332 Western Heaven
The vast void is vast and boundless, filled with endless dangers and terrors, and from time to time, there are even fierce void storms.

However, according to Xu Yu's profound legal attainments, he has long been able to shuttle freely among them without any harm.

Not to mention, at this moment, his cultivation level has completely broken through to the realm of the Red Dust Immortal.

Although he was teleported into the endless void by the Demon Lord, this would never affect him in the slightest.

But seeing Xu Yu slowly walking in the depths of the sky, at this moment, both time and space seemed to have ceased to exist.

Only the eternal and endless silence accompanies Xu Yu's continuous drifting in the endless void.

The sword fingers in his hand were drawn side by side, and the longitudinal fingers were lightly drawn in front of him. Immediately, a long and narrow space-time crack slowly appeared in front of Xu Yu.

He stepped forward slowly and stepped straight into the rift in time and space.

The next moment, Xu Yu's figure had disappeared into the endless void and landed in a brand new world.

In one step, the world changes, and a pure and rich spiritual energy rushes towards you, making people feel relaxed and comfortable all over.

Xu Yu took a gentle breath, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth filled his body, reaching all his limbs and bones.

Compared with the previous human world, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this world is densely printed with several layers.

At the same time, the purple-gold divine dragon fell from mid-air very quickly, causing a huge splash of water.

After all, the Purple Gold Divine Dragon's cultivation level is completely different from Xu Yu's, and he cannot freely travel through the endless void.

The sudden change between heaven and earth made it difficult for him to control himself, and he fell directly into a pool of spring water below.

Seeing the Purple Gold Dragon in such embarrassment, Xu Yu couldn't help but feel a flash of amusement in her eyes.Immediately, he slowly fell from the air and landed on the water.

For a moment, Xu Yu felt the misty water vapor lingering around him, and at the same time, there was a refreshing fragrance from the building.

This is a beautiful dwarf mountain, the mountains are full of flowers, and the air is full of intoxicating fragrance.

The hot springs flowing down from the peak form dozens of connected spring pools on the mountainside.

The hot spring pools are like pearls, dotted among the flowers all over the mountains and fields. It is really a holy place with beautiful scenery.

"Uncle Long, why do I feel like I've changed world when I wake up? What on earth is this place? It's such a rich aura of heaven and earth. It's great. I like it so much, Uncle Long!"

The purple-gold divine dragon dragged its body for several feet and rolled around in the hot spring happily.

Dragon nature loves water. It's no wonder he is so happy when he encounters such a spiritual spring.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

Suddenly, the Purple Gold Divine Dragon, who was playing in the water, let out a series of exclamations of surprise.

Immediately, I saw his pair of squinting dragon eyes looking straight into a hot spring pool thousands of miles away, with saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth.

Xu Yu, who was also curious in her heart, couldn't help but follow the purple golden dragon's gaze and look over.But seeing that wet spring pool thousands of miles away
In the middle, there are several snow-white delicate bodies splashing happily in the water.

A group of beautiful women playing in the water at the same time is simply a great temptation. The beautiful Rong Dun and white and tender skin flash at the same time, which really makes people think endlessly.

The most important thing is that these women all have white wings on their backs, with their saintly faces covered by long golden hair, and their enchanting bodies, they are extremely irritating.

Uncle Long is willing to borrow another 360 pairs of eyes from various masters, so that Uncle Long can see everything in [-] degrees!

But seeing the purple gold dragon's mouth constantly dripping with saliva, he couldn't help but laugh to himself.

"Look at your little potential, I've totally embarrassed you!
Hearing these words, Xu Yudangyin flicked out a finger light, which directly hit the Zijin Shenlong's forehead, and cursed with a smile.

There is a noble oriental dragon here, and he is clearly a ruffian. I have never seen the word "danger" in him.

"Boss, that's an angel! Uncle Long, I haven't seen an angel take a bath in a long time!"

The Zijin Shenlong was in pain, while rubbing the place where Xu Yu had shot him, he screamed repeatedly.

Yes, those women playing in the water are none other than the gods and angels from the Western Heaven.

The legendary angel has wings on his back and possesses strength comparable to that of a sixth-level practitioner since birth.

The birth of the Four Hopes is the sixth level of Dacheng, approaching the seventh level.

If you give birth to six wings, you will have steadily entered the seventh level and stepped into the immortal level.

By analogy, the eight-winged angel is comparable to the existence of the God-King, and the ten-winged angel is equivalent to the realm of the God-King.

As for the twelve-winged angels, they are already beyond the level of immortals.

The skeleton that Xu Yu saw in the third realm was that of a twelve-winged angel, a powerful being that could rival a heaven-level master.

The few Western angels playing in the hot spring pool in front of Yinqian are four-winged beings at worst.

There are two angels among them who have already given birth to six wings and are the true goddesses of the Western Heaven.

Although Tianting's cultivation these days is not as good as Xu Yu and Zijin Shenlong, Xu Yu and Zijin Shenlong did not deliberately hide their whereabouts.

Therefore, those western angels who were playing in the water naturally noticed something strange here.


"That shameless guy is peeping?"

The angels suddenly screamed and fled out of the hot spring, looking for their clothes. The scene instantly became chaotic.

"Boss, the wind is so tight!"

Hearing the screams of those angels, the expression on Zijin Shenlong's face suddenly changed.

Without saying a word, he revealed himself as a hundred-foot-long dragon, carried Xu Yu into the air, and fled towards the distant sky very quickly.

“The voyeur pervert is here!

"Hurry up and don't let them run away!
"I saw it, it was a nasty four-legged snake!
Hearing these words, the Purple Gold Dragon, which was flying rapidly, almost fell from the air.

Thinking that he was a majestic Eastern dragon, but now he was regarded as a four-legged snake, this really made him feel depressed.

Fortunately, the Purple Gold Divine Dragon is worthy of being the Eastern Divine Dragon that is comparable to the God King. It soars very fast and disappears into the clouds in the sky in the blink of an eye.

A group of disheveled Western angels only pushed forward for a short distance. Seeing that they could not catch up, they cursed and finally gave up.

The Purple Gold Divine Dragon carried Xu Yu thousands of miles away and landed on another tall sacred mountain.

"Boss, why are we running away? After a moment, Zijin Shenlong raised his head and asked Xu Yu with a confused expression.

In terms of cultivation strength, those Western Angels are only at the seventh level, and even Xujin Shenlong can easily deal with them.

You must know that after absorbing the rich vitality of heaven and earth in Xu Yu's world, the Purple Gold Dragon has already restored its own cultivation.

The masters of god kings who are comparable to the heavenly realm are existences that are indistinguishable from the realm of the main gods of the West.

What's more, Xu Yu, who absorbed the essence of refining heaven and advanced to the mortal realm.

That is comparable to the ancient forbidden god Dugu Baitian, the demon lord and other heaven-defying existences, who are enough to compete with the sky for supremacy, and are one of the top powers in the world.

Hearing Zijin Shenlong's inquiry, Xu Yu couldn't help but sigh. He felt that his face was about to be completely humiliated by the Zijin Shenlong.

Boss, why don't we rush back now and capture all those angels? What do you think?
Before Zhou Chen could say anything, the look of understanding on his face disappeared, and Zijin Shen regained his sickliness.
Long spoke again.

For a moment, this made Xu Yu feel speechless.

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will really roast you today!"

After taking a deep breath and suppressing the emotions in his heart, Xu Yu just said angrily.

"Don't! Don't! Don't! Boss, I don't dare anymore!"

Seeing Xu Yu's dark expression, Zijin Shenlong responded quickly.

Then honestly, he took Xu Yu into the sky and flew towards the city in the heaven.

The heaven is an extremely sacred place in the eyes of all living beings in the human world, full of all kinds of mysterious auras.

In the eyes of the world, it is an absolute pure land, a holy paradise without worries or evil.

But in the eyes of practitioners at the pinnacle of the human world, heaven is not that beautiful.

The peerless experts who hide in the human world and do not want to go to the heaven, have a very different view of the heaven than the world.

These people have the strength to go to heaven, but when they were in Wu Po Void, they chose to stay in the human world.

Some people even entered heaven and then returned to earth again.

Environmentally speaking, the heavenly realm is indeed beautiful. The mountains, rivers, grasslands, and lakes are countless times more beautiful than the human realm.Moreover, the spiritual energy is rich and there are many immortal mountains and blessed places, which are indeed worthy of the title of fairyland.

But such a paradise is also full of killings. Once the conflict between gods and demons intensifies, it will be an extremely brutal battle.

With cultivation levels as strong as theirs, the destructive power they bring is far beyond what ordinary practitioners can compare to.

In the eyes of the world, the immortals and gods in heaven are surrounded by a sacred aura, but the reality in heaven is extremely tragic.

Fighting and killing not only exist in the human world, but are especially brutal in the heavenly world.

The immortals in the world's mouth are said to be immortal, elegant and uncontaminated, and not contaminated by worldly thoughts. This can be called the biggest lie.

Whether they are gods, demons, or immortals, they all have desires, and they are better than mortals.

If you can really achieve no desires and no demands, then why do these gods and demons pursue more and more advanced realms of cultivation?
However, the so-called immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas think that they are superior beings.

Therefore, they must try their best to create a noble image of themselves in the eyes of the world, so that ordinary people will believe in them and worship them.

For this reason, some battles often break out between these gods, demons, immortals and Buddhas.

However, although the killing battles in the heavens are more brutal, the gods, demons, immortals and Buddhas are still trying their best to avoid large-scale holy wars.

It’s not like there have never been divine wars between the Eastern and Western Heavens. Every time, corpses litter the fields and there are countless casualties.

This is a tragedy that neither the East nor the West wants to see, so more than 5000 years have passed since the last war between the East and the West.

For thousands of years, both sides have tried their best to improve relations and avoid another war.

Having said that, in fact, the relationship between the east and west heavens is now very harmonious.

Free communication, entering each other's domain, no longer restricted, has become a peaceful scene.

Although this kind of peace is only a superficial phenomenon, it is still much better than the original fight over a disagreement.

At this moment, Xu Yu and Ruffian Long, who had left the short mountain hot spring, were walking in a harmonious city.

This is neither a fairy palace dojo for powerful immortals nor a temple belonging to the Western God Lord. It is just an ordinary city that seems to be in the human world.

Compared to mundane cities, the people living in this city are just a little more powerful.

Facing Xu Yu and Zijin Shenlong, this strange combination of a man and a dragon, the people in the city did not show any signs of surprise or panic.

After all, this is the place where the heaven is located. Powerful monsters or monsters often appear in human cities.

People have long been accustomed to this, and they don't find it surprising at all.

"Sugar-coated haws……"


Walking on the street, looking at the bustling crowds around me, I heard the constant calls to buy and sell, especially when I saw a few Orientals selling Eastern specialty foods in this Western city.

Xu Yu couldn't help but reveal a hint of smile in her eyes, and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

I have to say, this scene is really too funny.

Who would have thought that the majestic Western Heaven would look like this.

Even special snacks such as candied haws and kebabs from the human world are sold in cities in the western world.

This made Xu Yu feel quite awkward, as if he was selling rags in a magnificent and magnificent palace.

So weird, so incongruous.

"Boss, I heard that the God of Thunder is not far from here. How about we go and visit the God of Thunder?"

Suddenly, the purple-gold dragon surrounding Xu Yu's wrist spoke calmly.

"is it?"

Glancing at the Purple-Gold Divine Dragon, Xu Yu spoke slowly and calmly, but did not take up the subject of the Purple-Gold Divine Dragon at all.

He knew that the purple-gold dragon had always been lazy, full of bad ideas, and had even more bold and bizarre ideas.

If Xu Yu really agreed, he would probably be in a lot of trouble.

Although Xu Yu didn't take the Lord of Heaven seriously at all, he was unwilling to cause trouble for himself. After all, he had no grudge against the God of Thunder.

Moreover, provoking the God of Thunder would not bring any benefit to Xu Yu.

"Of course, I know that you, boss, have unparalleled magical powers and are invincible in the world. You don't even notice the Western God of Thunder!
But I am very curious about him and want to see him. "

Seeing that Xu Yu didn't seem to be interested in his proposal at all, a depressed look suddenly appeared on Zijin Shenlong's face.

Then I saw his eyes rolling, and he smiled again and said, "If you don't want to go, boss, why don't you... why don't you just give me a day... uh, half a day off!"

"Huh? As I know, the God of Thunder is not a goddess.

With your scoundrel temperament, why do you insist on seeking his bad luck? "

Frowning slightly, Xu Yu looked at the Purple Gold Dragon with a strange face, and slowly asked, "Tell me, what is your purpose?"

"Don't try to make up any lies to deceive me."

Then, before Zijin Shenlong could open his mouth to defend, Xu Yu spoke again, interrupting him neatly and saying: "You should know clearly that your little tricks can't stand in front of me!"

Then, seeing Xu Yu's eyes slightly narrowed, he said slowly and softly: "Say it! As long as you tell it truthfully, I may agree with you!"

"I... ow... I... ow..."

Hearing Xu Yu's inquiry, Zijin Shenlong couldn't help but feel confused and choked up anxiously.

Seeing the Purple Gold Divine Dragon in such a posture, Xu Yu did not rush to ask questions, but just waited there quietly.

"Don't worry, speak slowly!"

It wasn't until Zijin Shenlong's emotions slowly calmed down that he spoke slowly.

"I have a love dragon. Her name is Xiaobailong. She is the guardian dragon of Fairy Yuxin in Hengyao West Continent 5000 years ago.

At that time, I followed her from the Eastern Continent to the Western Continent, in that era when powerful people emerged in large numbers..."

After a while, Dan saw a nostalgic look on Zijin Shenlong's face, and slowly opened his mouth to reminisce.

"Later... then Xiao Bailong died in a battle between gods. I... I vowed to avenge her!"

At this point, Zijin Shenlong had already burst into tears.

"You are so determined to find Thor, is he your enemy?"

Xu Yu looked at the Purple Gold Dragon quietly, and was silent for a while. It was not until a long time passed that he asked in a deep voice.

"No!" Zijin Shenlong cried.

"No? Why are you going to find Thor?"

Xu Yu asked with a puzzled face.

"I heard that the main gods in the Western Heaven Realm have very good relations with each other. As long as I catch one of them, I might be able to find out the whereabouts of my enemy."

But seeing a trace of hatred flashing in Zijin Shenlong's eyes, he said in a deep voice.

There are many main gods in the West, such as the god of thunder, fire, thunder, water, moon, sun, light, goddess of life, etc. There are dozens of main gods at least.

Moreover, these main gods often change, and the factions among them are mixed, whether they are enemies or friends, it is almost difficult to distinguish.

Based on hearsay, Zijin Shenlong concluded that catching the modern thunder god would be able to find his enemy, which made Xu Yu couldn't help but feel a headache.

"Are you sure your method will work?"

Immediately, Xu Yu couldn't help but said with an angry smile.

"How about we change the main god? Boss, do you think the God of Fire or the God of Moon is better? Or the God of War..."

Hearing this, Zijin Shenlong couldn't help but feel discouraged, and then he asked Xu Yu again and again.

"That's all! I will accompany you on this journey!"

Seeing the Purple Gold Divine Dragon look so startled, Xu Yu couldn't help but show a look of unbearability on his face, and let out a long sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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