A full month has passed since the night when Xu Yu met Chen Nan for the first time, and the Eastern Earth Emperor Tournament that originally shocked the Eastern and Western continents has long since ended.

In this Eastern Earth Emperor Tournament, Chen Nan's outstanding performance is naturally eye-catching and eye-catching.

He actually became the first strong young man to reach the sixth level among the young generation in the Eastern Continent, and even the entire Tianyuan Continent’s cultivation world.

Such a result was far beyond the expectations of those mysterious and secretive sects.

Being able to cultivate to such a state in his youth is enough to be called a peerless genius that is rare to see in thousands of years.

In this shocking Eastern Earth Emperor Tournament, except for Chen Nan who has entered the sixth level realm.

There are also many young experts who are about to enter the sixth level realm, and there are several of them in Dongtu alone.

Dongfang Changming, a mysterious and powerful young man from the far north, carries the long-lost magic inheritance.

Like Chen Nan, he was both a person from ten thousand years ago.

Because of his unexpected sleep, his years were frozen, and he traveled through the long river of time, only to wake up again after thousands of years.

Tantai Saint Meng Ke'er is one of the six holy places. Tantai Holy Land was founded by Chen Nan's enemy Tantai Xuan ten thousand years ago.

As Tantai Xuan's cultivation became stronger and stronger, Tantai Holy Land gained a good reputation both in the heaven and in the human world.

As a Tantai saint, Meng Keer's cultivation is naturally extraordinary.

In addition, she herself was the reincarnation of Qijue Tianli. Not to mention her own talents and qualifications, she was naturally the best in the world.

In addition, although the Du family was beheaded by the Purple Gold Divine Dragon, Du Hao, the number one young master in the contemporary era, as an Eastern Tu royal family, the Du family's profound heritage cannot be underestimated.

Soon a new generation of young masters was born, Du Ling, Du Hao's younger sister, whose cultivation level was not inferior to Du Hao's at all.

There is also Li Ruolan, the strongest member of the young generation of the Luan Zhan Sect, the fifth-level peak powerhouse who was the first to fight against Du Wu.

The strongest members of the young generation in other major Holy Lands of Good and Evil are also not weak in strength, and many have reached the peak of the fifth level.

So many young masters are springing up like mushrooms after a spring rain, emerging one after another.It has to be said that the news came with
Later, the Western cultivation world was shocked.

Obviously, the young generation in the Eastern Land is extremely powerful, far surpassing the young generation in the cultivation world in the Western Land.

However, what attracted the most attention in the cultivation world was Chen Nan, the Purple Gold Dragon and the baby dragon who entered the Dujia Xuan Realm after the Eastern Earth Emperor Tournament.

As Chen Nan, the Purple Gold Divine Dragon and the baby dragon continued to stir up troubles in the Du family's mysterious world, they naturally brought out those old monsters who had been hiding in the Du family for countless years.

Even though there are many masters of the seventh-level immortal realm among the old monsters of the Du family, facing the purple-gold dragon's peak god-king cultivation level, they are a bit unsatisfied.

After seeing that the Du family had no choice but to acquire Chen Nan and Zijin Shenlong, Xu Yu, who was secretly paying attention to them, gradually felt relieved.

Xu Yu, who left the capital of Jin with peace of mind, rushed straight towards the destination of his trip, the City of Freedom.

Although he walked leisurely among the ordinary people, relying on Xu Yu's powerful cultivation.

Even though he didn't go all out, he soon arrived near the City of Freedom.

Looking up, Xu Yu's eyes pierced the sky. Immediately, Xu Yu saw the figure who was fighting fiercely above the Divine Wind Academy in the city.

Feeling the faint energy fluctuations coming from there, Xu Yu, who was curious, flew straight towards Shenfeng Academy.

On the way, they happened to meet Chen Nan and his group who had left the Dujia Xuan Realm and also rushed to Shenfeng Academy.

After a month of continuous fighting with the Du family, Chen Nan's cultivation has reached the peak of the sixth level.

Xu Yu, who had a very high vision, couldn't help but sigh.

In addition to the great improvement in cultivation, Chen Nan also has one more member in his team.

That is a phoenix. Although it is still in its young stage, as long as it grows up, it will definitely be no weaker than the baby dragon.

Xu Yu also knew that the origin of that little phoenix was also extraordinary. It was one of the reincarnations of the Phoenix Goddess from the ancient times.

"Senior, long time no see!"

The moment he saw Xu Yu, Chen Nan immediately stepped forward and saluted.

As his cultivation became more and more advanced, he became increasingly unable to see Xu Yu clearly.

He could only faintly feel an extremely terrifying intimidation in Xu Yu, more terrifying than any existence he had ever encountered.

When she first met Xu Yu, the little Phoenix, who had extremely sharp senses, was so frightened that she hid behind Chen Nan, not daring to show her face at all.

Baby Dragon greeted him with a milky voice:

“The Great Divine Stick of Light is above, the supreme taboo exists, I’m glad to see you again!
"Boss, I miss you so much." In contrast, only Zijin Shenlong was very enthusiastic.

However, his complexion was extremely haggard, as if he had lost a lot of vitality, and even his cultivation was about to fall below the threshold of the divine king realm.

After chatting for a long time, Xu Yu soon learned the tragic experience of this rogue dragon from the words of the Purple Gold Dragon.

Perhaps it was a destined disaster. When Zijin Shenlong was walking with Chen Nan, he came into contact with a piece of jade Ruyi on Chen Nan's body out of curiosity.

As a result, a large amount of vitality was sucked away, and he was extremely lucky not to be sucked into a dragon.

"It's your own fault! Let's see if you, the ruffian, will still be so bold in the future!"

After hearing the complaints of Zijin Shenlong, Xu Yu couldn't help but laugh and curse.

Although Zijin Shenlong lost a lot of vitality, it would take him an unknown amount of time to regain his cultivation by himself.

But for Xu Yu, this issue is not worth mentioning at all.

With a flick of Xu Yu's finger, an extremely rich energy of heaven and earth emerged from his fingertips and went straight into the body of the Purple Gold Divine Dragon.

Following this, the aura around the Purple Gold Divine Dragon rose involuntarily, and in the blink of an eye it regained its cultivation level at the peak of the God King.

"Brother Long, congratulations on your return to the peak level of cultivation!"

Seeing such a scene in his eyes, Chen Nan, who looked ecstatic, quickly said to the Purple Gold Dragon.

At the same time, the eyes of Baby Dragon and Little Phoenix also flashed with surprise.

Through this period of fighting side by side, the relationship between Zijin Shenlong, Chen Nan, Long Baobao, and Little Phoenix has grown by leaps and bounds, and they have become life-or-death friends.

Now that the Purple Gold Divine Dragon's cultivation has been restored, they are naturally extremely happy.

After the Purple Gold Dragon General's breath stabilized, Xu Yu, Chen Nan and the others rushed towards the Divine Wind Academy while talking and laughing.

After a while, the figure fighting in the sky above Kamikaze Academy was clearly reflected in their sight.

"Is that the big devil? Why is he here?"

Looking at the party fighting in the air, Chen Nan immediately let out an exclamation.

Although Xu Yu had never seen this big demon with his own eyes, he was not unfamiliar with it.After he reached a deal with the Demon Lord that day, the Demon Lord naturally told Xu Yu some secrets, including about this big demon.

The Great Demon is not only the biological son of the Demon Lord, but also the direct disciple of the Demon Lord's junior brother, the Demon Master.

The battle in the air was extremely fierce, and the big demon was not losing at all when fighting one against two. He was even on the stronger side.

But when he saw the great demon, he was as motionless as a mountain, and when he moved, he ran as fast as thunder, showing the demeanor of a strong man, as if the whole world was under his control.

Although the Demon's strength is extraordinary, his opponents cannot be underestimated.

One of them was a middle-aged man with flowing black hair and elegant clothes. He looked like a fairy, with an aura of transcendence all over his body.

The other one is even more shocking. It is actually a seraph with three pairs of white wings on its back. It is obvious that this is a high-level angel, a Western god whose strength has reached the seventh level.

"What on earth is going on? High-level angels have appeared in the human world. Could it be that the heavens of the East and the West have sent gods to the lower world? It's incredible!"

Looking at the black-haired middle-aged Dongfang who was fighting fiercely with the demon, he was as strong as the Seraphim. It was obvious that he also had the strength of an immortal god.
Chen Nan couldn't help but murmur to himself and guessed.

"The gods in the heavens ignored the agreement and went to the mortal world in private. It seems that they can't go back this time."

Hearing Chen Nan's murmur, Xu Yu immediately chuckled and said.

"Senior, why did you say that?"

Hearing this, Chen Nan couldn't help but change his face, and couldn't help asking Xu Yu.

"Watch the battle carefully! For you, such a battle at the level of an immortal is the most suitable opportunity. Watching it carefully can give you a lot of insights!"

Faced with Chen Nan's question, Xu Yu did not answer it, but spoke to herself.

While Xu Yu and Chen Nan were talking, they saw the seraphs moving as fast as lightning in the air, leaving behind afterimages.

He was completely using instant magic, there was no need to chant a spell at all, and from time to time, streaks of holy light were shot out from his hands, which was extremely terrifying.

His shadow was everywhere in the sky, and he launched a fierce and swift attack on the big demon.

The blazing fire burned the sky red, it was obviously a fire forbidden spell.

However, the big demon was like a raging diamond, completely unafraid, and dispersed the blazing fire next to him with a single stroke of his palm.

The black-haired middle-aged man's attacks were equally fierce, and the thunderbolts from his palms seemed to explode the sky as they continued to bombard him.

At the same time, he controlled a flying sword to continuously chop at the big demon, his moves were extremely cruel, and the sky was trembling violently with the vitality of heaven and earth.

"Oh, come on, the Great God of Light, these three people are too powerful."

Seeing the battle between the two gods and demons, Baby Long couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Those two heavenly gods are nothing to be afraid of, but that big demon, I sensed a terrifying aura from his body, and his strength has not yet reached its bottom."

The Purple Gold Dragon also spoke, and a hint of fear even flashed in his eyes.

"Indeed, this great demon's cultivation is also at the peak of the God King. However, his potential is more than that, and it is not inferior to you, a ruffian. Coupled with the teachings and help of the people behind him, this great demon Future achievements must not be underestimated!”

Hearing the voices of everyone, Zhou Chen said with a light smile.

"Boss, are you saying there is a strong person behind this guy?"

Hearing this, Zijin Shenlong's eyelids twitched subconsciously, and he couldn't help but speak with full surprise in his mouth.


"He didn't jump out of the stone. Isn't it normal to have other people behind him? There's nothing to be surprised about! And his father and master are both no less than me! Have you ever seen him before? Where is his father!
After giving the Purple Gold Divine Dragon a slight warning, Xu Yu said slowly and calmly.

"To be able to teach such a fierce man as Da Mo, his father and master can definitely be regarded as an unfathomable and unparalleled powerhouse!"

Hearing Xu Yu's words, Chen Nan also sighed with a bit of emotion.

Although he, Long Baobao and Little Phoenix didn't know what Xu Yu's cultivation level was, they also knew that Xu Yu must be terrifying and unpredictable, so a hint of shock flashed in their eyes.

After Zijin Shenlong pondered for a moment, he suddenly looked at the big demon in the sky, his eyes full of disbelief and horror.

When Xu Yu came to the City of Freedom this time, he certainly wasn't just wandering around aimlessly. He came specifically for the Divine Wind Academy in the city.

As one of the top forces in the human world, Kamikaze Academy contains many secrets.

The 'god-making plan' in Shenfeng Academy is the goal of Xu Yu's trip.

The "God-Creation Plan", as the name suggests, is a plan to create immortal gods.

This project is a mysterious research that Kamikaze Academy has been conducting in secret since its establishment.The road to spiritual practice is extremely difficult and dangerous.

A practitioner wants to cultivate from a mortal to an immortal
In the divine realm, even a peerless genius has to go through many difficulties and dangers.

However, many, many practitioners do not have this qualification at all, and even if they exhaust all sentient beings, they cannot reach the realm of immortals and gods.

Therefore, it is enough to show how horrifying and whimsical the Kamikaze Academy's plan to create artificial gods is, and it is completely against the will of heaven.

However, what is even more outrageous is that through the unremitting efforts of successive generations of Kamikaze Academy members.

This important and mysterious research finally achieved a major breakthrough not long ago.

But the result was unfortunate, because several 'experimental subjects' had attracted heavenly punishment one after another, causing strange phenomena to occur, as if several cultivators were about to ascend at the same time.

What's even worse is that for several days in a row, some 'experimental products' attracted divine punishment.

The great turmoil caused by this caused many people to mistakenly believe that people in the Free City have continuously ascended to heaven these days.

You must know that the heavenly world and the human world are inextricably linked.

This unusual incident naturally attracted the attention of the Eastern and Western heavens.

So the heavens in the East and the West secretly dispatched immortals and gods to the human world to investigate the matter.

It's just that the immortals in the heaven underestimated the power of the Free City. They didn't know that this was a holy land on the Tianyuan Continent, and many masters secluded themselves here.

The masters in the human world may not be inferior to the gods. This sentence has the final interpretation here.

Immortals sent by heaven have been blocked by mysterious figures several times, causing trouble in the Free City.

And just today, the mysterious demon suddenly appeared in the Free City and quickly found the immortals and angels hiding here.

The meaning of the devil is very clear. Since you immortals and gods dare to violate the rules of non-intervention between immortals and mortals, you will have to pay the price with your lives.

So a war involving heaven and earth completely broke out.

(End of this chapter)

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