"The big devil will not appear here for no reason. It seems that there must be someone behind him pushing this matter."

Looking at the increasingly fierce battle in the sky, Xu Yu chuckled and said, "And this person knows the big devil very well, at least he must know his details!"

"The details? Senior, what exactly is the background of this great demon!"

Hearing Xu Yu's words, Chen Nan's eyes flashed with doubts, and he couldn't help asking Xu Yu.

The baby dragon and the little phoenix also looked at Xu Yu very curiously, while the purple golden dragon looked over with a bit of horror and a bit of verification.

"His father is a demon lord, and his master is a magician. Both of them are not weaker than me!"

Feeling everyone's curiosity, Xu Yu did not show off and slowly told the origin of the great demon.

Hearing these words, Chen Nan, Long Baobao and Little Phoenix looked stunned for an instant.

The look in their eyes was just like that of the Purple Gold Divine Dragon just now, full of horror.

They have all heard the legends of the Demon Lord and the Magician. Although they have never seen them with their own eyes, they also know how terrifying these two people are.

For a moment, they were not only shocked by the origin of the great demon, but also horrified that Xu Yu could rival these two legendary taboo beings.

"The human world may seem inferior to the heavenly world, but in the dangerous places of the various mysterious realms, there are also many real masters living in seclusion, who are no weaker than the immortals and gods in the heavenly world."

After a moment, Xu Yu spoke again to Chen Nan, Zijin Shenlong and others: "It is said in the ancient legend that in every era of the human world, there is a person with unparalleled cultivation who guards him, and there is another

The invincible enforcer. "

"This is the secret passed down from generation to generation. This great demon has either become the guardian of the human world, or it has become the law enforcer of this era.
By! "

"Boss is right! Uncle Long heard this thousands of years ago. There is indeed a guardian and a law enforcer in the human world, and there are both in the Eastern and Western continents!"

At the same time, Zijin Shenlong also answered.

"The human world is really complicated!"

This was the first time for Chen Nan to hear such a thing, which made him sigh in his heart.

There is a mysterious world in the human world, and many people with strong cultivation are unwilling to ascend to the heavenly world and always stay in the human world.

And he vaguely felt that Xu Yu's words seemed to be vaguely hostile to the heaven.

Is there still a conflict between the human world and the heavenly world?

Who are the guardians and law enforcers selected?
What kind of inheritance is this?
The senior in front of him has unfathomable cultivation and is definitely a being that is hard to beat even in the heaven.

But he refused to break the void and enter the immortal world. Could it be that the guardians and law enforcers were appointed by a group of supreme taboos like him?

If this is the case, the human world seems to be a mess, but in fact, there is a group of extremely powerful people behind it to support it!
Thinking of this, Chen Nan couldn't help but take a deep look at Xu Yu.

At this moment, the fierce battle in the air had come to an end.

The great demon was indeed so powerful that he summoned a huge blood sword and split the immortal in half.

Then, Dan saw the great demon's sword turned and quickly and sharply cut the seraph in two, causing blood and wine to rain all over the sky.

In an instant, the two gods sent by the heaven were killed one by one. The many spectators on the ground immediately became excited, and the noise reached into the sky.

The big demon slowly descended from the sky. At this moment, his body still exuded endless killing intent, which was daunting.

"Woo! That terrifying existence seems to be coming towards us!"

Feeling the power of the big demon, Little Phoenix immediately hid in Chen Nan's hair and spoke weakly.

At the same time, Chen Nan also felt an extremely cold murderous aura enveloped his whole body.

The big demon actually locked onto him with his spiritual consciousness, which made his heart tremble wildly.

However, it was impossible for him to back down, as the Xuan Gong in his body began to circulate crazily.


But he heard a sudden sound of gold and iron, and a dark magic sword broke out of its sheath and flew into his hand.


At the same time, a solid black ancient shield was placed on his left arm, making a rumbling sound like a mountain shaking wildly.

Seven black weapons were rising and falling around Chen Nan, but they were not very clear. A black shadow stood silently behind him.

The mysterious weapon in the black shadow's left hand finally revealed its true appearance this time. It turned out to be a figure bound by chains.

It can be up to one meter long, but the portrait is very blurry and it is difficult to see the body shape clearly.

But the chains tied to it are very clear and the binding is very strong.

If it were a weapon, it would be really strange.

The big demon landed directly not far from Chen Nan and walked towards him step by step.

Suddenly, Chen Nan felt a great pressure and slashed with his sword at any time. The Purple Gold Dragon and Baby Dragon couldn't help but get ready for a fight.

"Don't worry, he doesn't have any ill intentions towards you!

Just when Chen Nan was about to chop the big demon with his sword, Xu Yu suddenly pressed him on the spot and said calmly.

Although Chen Nan didn't know what Xu Yu meant, he still trusted Xu Yu.

At that moment, the power was dissipated, and the demonic shadow behind him also dissipated.

Only the Death Demon Knife was left in his hand, which was the last warning in his heart.

At the same time, the murderous aura exuded by the demon also disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"I've seen seniors!"

But seeing the big devil slowly approaching Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others, he first bowed his hands to Xu Yu.

"Very good. With such a level of cultivation at such a young age, you are really good!"

After Xu Yu nodded, the demon looked at Chen Nan with admiration and slowly said:
"Don't be nervous. I don't mean any harm. I just want to come closer and see what the cultivation level of the person who woke me up is."

Chen Nan had already guessed what the big devil meant by awakening. The first time he followed the old monster into the ancient tomb under the palace.

At the request of the old monster, he once sent power into the body of the big demon to explore the truth.

Unexpectedly, after that time, the demon gradually began to wake up.

"Huh? This knife of yours is very familiar. I seem to have seen it before!"

Before Chen Nan could reply, a soft sigh came from the demon's mouth.

Then, I saw him pressing his head with his right hand, showing a painful expression.

"What’s wrong with you!"

Seeing such a situation in his eyes, Chen Nan couldn't help but exclaimed in shock.

"It's nothing. You should know something. The demon's soul has merged into my body. His spiritual consciousness almost merged with mine. After this,
After suppressing it for such a long time, I finally refined him. "

After a while, the big demon recovered and said, "But my memory is a little damaged. Every time I try to recall it, my head hurts!"

Then, without waiting for Chen Nan to say anything, the demon suddenly exclaimed: "I remembered, I have seen this sword, it's called Dalong."

"What? This...is this the Great Dragon Sword? Is he really the Great Dragon Sword?"

Hearing the demon's exclamation, Chen Nan also exclaimed.

The Great Dragon Saber is known as the treasure of the gods. It is a sacred weapon that has been handed down since ancient times. It is the most mysterious weapon, and it has never been heard of being obtained.

"Senior, have you seen the Great Dragon Sword?"

Chen Nan asked in surprise. He knew that his sword was not a dragon sword in the true sense. It was more like the soul of a dragon sword.
"The memory is a little fuzzy, it seems to be in the west, it seems to be the eternal forest!

The big dragon sword I saw seemed to have been broken, uh... I really can't remember it!I vaguely remember that even if it is a broken knife,

It seems difficult to get it in hand. It seems to be guarded by people or animals. That place seems very special! "

The demon showed a painful expression, shook his head and said.

Hearing these words, Chen Nan couldn't help but froze on the spot and didn't make a sound for a long time.

Chen Nan really felt a little unbelievable. Who on earth had such great magical power and was able to break this first holy weapon?

"It's not easy to know the reason. Let's go and see it together and you'll find out!"

Seeing Chen Nan's expression, Xu Yu couldn't help but chuckle and said.

"Senior, are you serious?"

Hearing Xu Yu's words, Chen Nan suddenly looked overjoyed and said.

Even without the big dragon sword, Chen Nan was originally planning to go to the Eternal Forest, and now the trip to the Eternal Forest is even more inevitable.

Now Xu Yu, whose strength was terrifying and unpredictable, actually planned to go with them, which naturally made him extremely surprised.

"I just have nothing to do, so I'll let you guys have a go!"

Just listen to Xu Yu chuckle and say, since he knows that the "god-making plan" in Shenfeng Academy has not yet been completed, he will naturally not stay here. Going to the Eternal Forest with Chen Nan and the others is not a good place to go. .

As for the "god-making plan," it won't be too late to come back after Kamikaze Academy has perfected it.

After leaving the Divine Wind Academy in the Free City and crossing the Hundred Thousand Mountains, Xu Yu and Chen Nan arrived at the boundary of the Western Continent.

Speaking of which, the Western Continent can be considered the home ground of the Purple Gold Dragon.

But ever since he set foot on the Western Continent, the expression of this ruffian dragon has begun to change.It gave Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others a very guilty feeling, which made Chen Nan, who was curious, couldn't help asking him about the reason.

In desperation, Zijin Shenlong finally had to reveal the reason. It turned out that Zijin Shenlong had also lived in the Western Continent for a long time.

During this period of time, the Purple Gold Dragon not only took over the lairs of two Western dragons, but also blatantly robbed the treasure of the youngest daughter of the ancient dragon god Kunde, which can be said to be a heavy debt.

However, judging from Zijin Shenlong's vague words and constantly flashing expression, this is probably just a part of the hatred he has provoked.

God knows how much of a bastard this old ruffian was back then and how many enemies he had made.

For a moment, Xu Yu and Chen Nan could not help but look at each other speechlessly. Although they were not afraid of the hatred caused by the Purple Gold Dragon, they could not avoid these troubles after all.

Just like the Eastern Continent, the huge Western Continent is also divided into several major hegemonic powers, as well as many small countries struggling to survive in the cracks.

There are four hegemonic powers in the Western Continent, namely the Newland Empire, the Manro Empire, the Latvian Empire and the Aix Empire.

Between the Manro Empire in the south and the Aix Empire in the west are endless mountains, which retain the most primitive features.

The largest virgin forest in the Western Continent is located there, with an area almost half the size of the Manro Empire.

An ancient elf tribe is located in that primitive forest, and it is said that many strange things have happened there.

In addition, there are many mysterious and powerful people living in seclusion there, not just the elves.

Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others rode the divine dragon across the sky over the Xinlan Empire, flying directly towards the rolling mountains between the Roman Empire and the Aix Empire without stopping.

The first stop of everyone's trip was the ancient elven tribe living in the primeval forest.

After Chen Nan learned some information about Yu Xin from the ancient elf tribe, everyone set off non-stop to the Eternal Forest, the no-man's land in the deepest part of the primeval forest.

This is the most mysterious place spread in the Western continent. Every year, many Western cultivators go there to explore and explore the secrets hidden there.

Many people in the Western cultivation world believe that the most powerful cultivator in the Western Continent lives in seclusion in the deepest part of the primeval forest, because some people have seen flying warriors appearing there.

Rumor has it that in the distant past, there were several Dharma Gods and Fighting Gods from different eras who walked into that primeval forest in their later years and never returned.

Therefore, the deepest area of ​​the primeval forest has become the holy land of the cultivation world in the Western Continent.

You know, the God of Law and the God of Fighting are extremely cultivators who are comparable to gods.

They can enter heaven, but they do not want to enter heaven. They are equivalent to gods wandering in the human world.

In the history of cultivation, cultivators who can reach this level are as rare as a feather.

Various legends passed down over time have made that primitive land more and more mysterious.

However, Chen Nan believed that there was a very ferocious and evil forbidden land of the God of Death.

If he hadn't followed a peerless strongman like Xu Yu this time, he would have had to muster 12 points of courage before he dared to set foot in that dangerous territory.

Moving forward, Xu Yu and Chen Nan soon arrived at the edge of the eternal forest.

As soon as they approached the Eternal Forest, although the powerful Xu Yu did not feel any danger, Chen Nan and others clearly felt an indescribable sense of depression.

"I...I'm a little scared!"

Little Phoenix shrank his neck, stood on Chen Nan's shoulder, and spoke timidly.

"It's so weird, I seem to smell a bloody smell.

The Great Light God Stick is on top, this seems to be an ominous place! "

Baby Dragon also whispered softly.

"This is such a bastard place, it actually gave Uncle Long a hint of fear."

As for the old ruffian Zijin Shenlong, he was already restless as he flew around in the air and said.For them, this eternal forest is too evil.

Among the people, Xu Yu was the only one who was at ease. Although the forest in front of him was full of dangers, he didn't notice it at all.

The forbidden forest was gloomy, and even though it was under the midday sun, it exuded an eerie chill.

Looking up, there seemed to be many demonic shadows lingering there, and the more carefully I looked, the more I realized that I couldn't see anything clearly.

It was clearly a scorching sun with no obstruction, but that area seemed to be hidden in a huge shadow. What they faced seemed to be an extremely empty and silent death place.
"Why, do you feel scared? If you want to pursue the secrets buried deep in the long river of time, you will inevitably experience many unpredictable things.
The ordeal! "

"If you can't bear it, why not quit now?"
It's too late, lest you lose your life in vain. "

Looking at the people with horrified faces, Xu Yu's mouth curved slightly, and he joked softly with a half-smile.

Then, I saw him stepping lightly and walking straight into the depths of the eternal forest.

After Chen Nan hesitated for a moment, he finally made up his mind and followed Xu Yu closely.

The Purple Gold Divine Dragon, the Baby Dragon, and the three sacred beasts of the Little Phoenix also quickly followed into the forest.

In the quiet mountain forest, although the trees are growing vigorously, there are no roaring wild animals, let alone soaring birds.

It's absolutely quiet here, and it's deathly depressing.

The only sound of Xu Yu and Chen Nan's feet stepping on fallen leaves in the forest of Nuo Da was that flying in the air was only the simplest task given everyone's cultivation level.

But in order to avoid sudden crisis situations, they chose this down-to-earth method.

Step by step, we must use the most direct and primitive method to feel the fearful atmosphere of this dangerous place.

The sun was shining brightly in the sky, but the forest was gloomy, absolutely gloomy, and terrifyingly dead.

Everyone walked forward for about ten miles, when suddenly a sound like thunder rang in everyone's ears.

Immediately, I saw a huge river roaring ahead, with rolling waves and unstoppable rapids.

The thunderous sound was actually the roar of the river.

However, all of this was so strange. Before this, I had never heard the slightest sound of the rushing river.

It wasn't until he got close to a certain distance that a rumble suddenly reached his ears.

"Oh, come on, the Great God of Light, there's something bad here!"

The baby dragon stood on Chen Nan's shoulder, with a small golden paw, firmly grabbing a lock of Chen Nan's hair. It could be seen that the little thing was very nervous.

The Purple Gold Divine Dragon manifested into a human form, holding the Purple Gold Divine Staff in his hand and looking around with vigilance.

As for the little Phoenix, she had already hid in Chen Nan's arms.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a dead river!"

Looking at the dead river in front of him, Xu Yu chuckled, and then he walked at the front, leading Chen Nan and others towards the river bank.

When Chen Nan and the three-headed beasts approached the roaring river, they suddenly felt waves of dizziness.

The water in the dead river turned yellow and exuded an evil aura, which made people feel disgusted involuntarily.

When everyone walked to the river bank, a stone tablet standing near the river bank came into view.

Yellow Spring!

On the huge stone tablet, two ancient characters with vicissitudes of life are particularly eye-catching.

Some ancient patterns can be vaguely seen on the stele. Seeing that it is engraved with the wind and frost of the years, it is conceivable that it must have experienced endless years.

Everyone is from the East, so how could they not understand the meaning of Huangquan.

"Let's go! Since the Huangquan River is right in front of us, the Naihe Bridge is probably not far away either!"

With a sigh in his mouth, Xu Yudang walked along the embankment towards the upper reaches of Huangquan River with Chen Nan, Zijin Dragon, Baby Dragon and Little Phoenix.

The further forward, the stronger the deathly aura coming out of the yellow river water, and there was a nauseating feeling constantly emanating from it.

At the same time, the sun in the sky seemed to have lost its vitality.

Although it was still bright at this moment, I could no longer feel any heat.

It was obviously a hot summer day, but it was bitingly cold near the Huangquan embankment, as cold as a severe winter.

Not long after, a long bridge came into the eyes of Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others.

But I saw a misty yellow fog shrouding the front, and a long, dazzling white bridge crossing the river.

There seemed to be human-shaped shadows floating on the long white bridge.

Only when I got closer did I see clearly that the long white bridge was actually made of snow-white bones.

There are indeed several extremely vicious demonic shadows floating on the bridge. At the head of the bridge is a tall stone tablet with three characters written on it: Naihe Bridge!
The blood-colored font is particularly glaring, spreading the sound of death to people.

On the Naihe Bridge, several demonic shadows emitted bursts of shrill howls, which made one's scalp feel numb, just like the soul-stirring sounds of the underworld. (End of chapter)

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