The river water, which was yellow and turbid like corpse water, made roaring sounds.


As soon as they felt the breath of living creatures' flesh and blood, those demonic figures immediately roared and rushed towards them with their teeth and claws bared, swirling the terrifying Yin Qi like a rolling demon cloud.


Seeing the invasion of several demonic figures, Xu Yu suddenly let out a cold shout.

Immediately, the invisible power came out and swept across the entire Naihe Bridge. The demonic figure was killed on the spot just halfway through the flying attack, and his soul was scattered.

Seeing such a scene in their eyes, Chen Nan and others couldn't help but be stunned.

Then they stepped onto the Naihe Bridge without saying a word, followed Xu Yu and began to cross the bridge.

With a powerful god like Xu Yu existing, there was no need for them to be afraid of ghosts and monsters.

Moving forward quickly along the way, Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others soon reached the center of Naihe Bridge.

However, at this moment, a large wave suddenly rolled up in the turbid yellow river. The river, filled with a strong aura of death, roared towards the crowd.

Xu Yu looked around, his eyes piercing through the void. The big wave was instantly defeated and turned into yellow water splashes scattered on the Naihe Bridge.

At the same time, an eerie aura rose into the sky from the Huangquan River under the bridge.

A long and shrill roar pierced the sky, causing the entire Naihe Bridge to tremble violently.

Immediately, a tall demonic figure was seen gradually emerging from the Huangquan River by stepping on the water.

The quiet Huangquan River and the long Naihe Bridge.Arriving at the center of Naihe Bridge, Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others were blocked by monsters that suddenly appeared in the Huangquan River.

A strange and demonic atmosphere filled the surroundings silently, and an unspeakable terror was shocking.

The person who came was a half-clothed man with long gray hair hanging loosely on his shoulders.

The strong body muscles were coiled like strands of a horned dragon, and the blood-red eyes glanced coldly at Xu Yu and the others.

"This look is really uncomfortable!"

Little Phoenix lay in Chen Nan's arms. After taking a look, he said with some fear.


The quiet Huangquan River and the long Naihe Bridge.Arriving at the center of Naihe Bridge, Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others were blocked by monsters that suddenly appeared in the Huangquan River.

Live the way forward.

A strange and demonic atmosphere filled the surroundings silently, and an unspeakable terror was shocking.

The person who came was a half-clothed man with long gray hair hanging loosely on his shoulders.

The strong body muscles were coiled like strands of a horned dragon, and the blood-red eyes glanced coldly at Xu Yu and the others.

The most incredible thing is that he actually has three heads, except for the human head in the middle.

There are an ox head and a sheep head on his left and right shoulders respectively, and he also has a snake-like tail.

"This... what kind of monster is this?"

As soon as he looked at the monster blocking the front, the little Phoenix couldn't help but murmur weakly to himself.

"What a wicked sect, what a wicked sect! Look at this guy, he looks like a great devil in the legend of heaven.

But no matter how miserable that guy is, he can't come here to be a bridge guard! "

The Purple Gold Shenlong held the Purple Gold Nunchaku across his chest and spoke in surprise.

Baby Long asked curiously: "Which legendary devil does he look like!"

"It seems to be called Asmode, or something. I can't remember exactly. I just know that he is one of the 72 great demon kings in Western mythology!"

Zijin Shenlong spoke slowly, his words filled with disdain.

Now that his cultivation has returned to the peak of the God King, he naturally has the qualifications to be proud.

"Then let's call him Ade! Ade, why are you blocking our way? Do you want to start a war with us?"

Baby Dragon shouted at the three-headed monster in the air.

"That's just a dead thing. There's no way to communicate with him!"

Hearing Baby Long's voice, Xu Yu chuckled and said.

"Pilong, kill him!"

Then, Dan saw his eyes suddenly turn and fall on Zijin Shenlong, and he said softly.

"Okay, boss!"

After hearing Xu Yu's instructions, the purple-gold dragon screamed and responded, and then he walked over with the capital nunchaku in his hand.

At the same time, he saw the three-headed monster roaring loudly, leaving an afterimage in the air, and pounced down, causing him to quickly wave his magic stick to attack.

"I'll beat you. I don't care if you are some 72 Demon King. If you meet Uncle Long, you will become my punching bag!"

After arriving in this forbidden land, Zijin Shenlong felt an unspeakable sense of oppression and seemed particularly violent. Now that Xu Yu ordered him to fight, he immediately started to attack violently.

The purple-gold dragon and the three-headed monster in human form left afterimages in the air, and a fierce battle broke out between the two in an instant.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

However, what is surprising is that the arms of the three-headed monster seemed to be cast from fine iron. When they continuously clashed with the purple-gold nunchucks of the purple-gold dragon, not only did they not suffer any damage, they instead emitted bursts of huge roars. A sonorous sound.

"What kind of monster is this? It's actually a fight with a divine dragon at the level of a god king. Such a body is so strong that it's really scary!"

Looking at the purple-gold divine dragon and the three-headed monster that were fighting fiercely in the sky, Chen Nan couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

At the same time, a trace of worry arose in his heart.

Now we haven't gone deep into the depths of the Eternal Forest. We have already encountered such powerful opponents just on the outside. God knows what kind of perverted monsters there will be in the innermost part.

"Where is this? They are just a group of small characters on the stage. Now is not the time for the real strong ones to appear!"

Xu Yu seemed to have read through Chen Nan's thoughts, and said with a slight smile.

Hearing Xu Yu's words, Chen Nan and others' expressions suddenly turned aside in horror.

A monster at the level of a god king is actually just a small character. How terrifying a real strong person must be?

"I'm angry, Uncle Long is angry!"

At this moment, the Purple-Gold Divine Dragon, who was fighting fiercely in the sky, roared angrily.

Immediately, the pair of purple gold nunchucks in his hand seemed to be burning with a raging purple gold fire, and the purple energy flames were beating.

An extremely powerful aura burst out.

The purple-gold dragon was like a man possessed by a mad demon, his fighting spirit reaching its peak.


But when he saw a purple shadow passing through the air, the nunchaku in his hand hit the bull's head on the monster's left shoulder without any bias.


In an instant, the three-headed monster that was beaten let out a shrill scream, and streams of scarlet blood spurted out from his head-turned mouth.


Gaining the upper hand with one move, the Purple Gold Divine Dragon was unyielding, like a violent storm.

The sharp attacks instantly broke the three-headed monster's defense, blasting him with roars.

In the end, the Purple Gold Dragon smashed the monster's sheep's head with a stick, and red blood and white brains splashed out.

Then, the sudden war came to an end with this stick.

The three-headed monsters let out an extremely miserable howl, broke out, and finally plunged into the deathly yellow river water.

There seem to be some monsters living in the underworld under the Naihe Bridge, and their heads appear from time to time in the waves.

But they seemed to know how powerful everyone was, and no monster dared to charge forward anymore.

"Let's go!"

Seeing the three monsters escaping, Xu Yu didn't go into details, just said hello and continued to move forward.

Chen Nan, the Purple Gold Dragon, the baby dragon, and the little phoenix also quickly followed Xu Yu's pace.

The rest of the journey was uneventful. Everyone walked across the Naihe Bridge calmly and reached the other side of the bridge.Looking around, the surrounding yellow fog gradually dissipated, and the scene ahead was clearly revealed to everyone.

The scene in front of me can only be described as evil, a sea of ​​flowers, blood red, all the flowers seem to be dripping with blood.

However, the atmosphere in front of me was a bit depressing, and there were obviously flowers blooming all over the ground.

But the place is lifeless, there is no life at all, these flowers seem to bloom only for death.

As soon as he saw these flowers, Xu Yu knew their origins. They were the legendary flowers of the dead: the flower of the other side!

The other side flower is also known as the flower of greeting. Its fragrance has magical power and can evoke the memory of the deceased.

You can't see the leaves when the flowers bloom, and you can't see the flowers when there are leaves.

Flowers blooming in Huangquan are the only scenery on Huangquan Road. From a distance, they look like a carpet paved with blood.

Those who go to the kingdom of death follow the guidance of this flower to the hell of the nether world.

The flowers on the other side bloom on the other side, but there is nothing on the bridge!

Although the flowers on the other shore here are somewhat far away from the Yellow Spring and Naihe Bridge, and are somewhat inconsistent with the legend, they are closer to the deepest place of the netherworld.

As in the legend, there are no leaves under the blood-red flowers, and only blood-colored filaments are coiled on the stems of each plant, dancing like blood claws.

The red flowers everywhere are indeed beautiful, but the beauty is evil, the beauty is frightening, and the beauty is dead silent, giving off an endless breath of death, which makes people shudder.

According to ancient legend, there are two evil flowers in the world, one is called the flower of death, and the other is this shore flower.

The Flower of Death is located in the Shiwan Mountains in the central area of ​​Tianyuan Continent. This flower specializes in eating the breath of the dead and sucking out the souls of dead people. It is extremely evil.

But as long as you don't get close to the Flower of Death, there is no danger at all.

The other side of the flower is different, it also absorbs the breath of the dead, and as long as you see it.

Then it means entering the kingdom of death, and life will come to an end, so the last thing people want to see is the flower of the other side.

There is also a beautiful flower called Bianhuahua in the world, but it is obviously just the same name.

Although the leaves fall off when they bloom, there is no hint of death at all.

However, the sea of ​​blood-red flowers in front of us exudes a strong aura of death, which indicates that this is the flower of righteousness and the flower of evil that truly blooms in the kingdom of death.
"It takes 1000 years for the flowers to bloom and 1000 years for them to fall. The flowers and leaves will never see each other again in all our lifetimes. It is indeed a magic flower that indicates life and death!"

With a sigh in his mouth, Xu Yu slowly walked forward and came to the sea of ​​blood-red flowers.

At the same time, a gust of dark wind suddenly blew by, and then the entire sea of ​​​​flowers continued to surge, with layers of bloody waves.

The blood-colored evil flowers danced wildly like crazy, and suddenly wrapped around Xu Yu's feet.


Seeing this scene in their eyes, Chen Nan and others immediately let out an exclamation of surprise.

However, it was too late at this moment, but I saw the other shore flower growing crazily.

All the flower plants quickly rose from more than three feet high to the height of one sheet, completely submerging Xu Yu in it.

The bloody flower vines, like tentacles, tightly strangled Xu Yu's body.

However, with Xu Yu's unparalleled strength, how could he be harmed by these little flowers of the other side.

But Xu Yu slowly opened his hands, and then a little starlight suddenly appeared.

A huge and vast projection of the world slowly emerged from behind him, and in the blink of an eye, it enveloped the entire sea of ​​flowers on the other side.

" is this possible? The death energy in the Bana flower is passing away?"

"It's the boss, the boss is swallowing the death energy of Bianhuahua!"

"The Great Divine Stick of Light is worthy of being the supreme taboo existence!"

" awesome!"

Seeing such a situation in their eyes, Chen Nan, Zijin Shenlong, Baby Dragon and Little Phoenix's eyes were full of horror, and they murmured in disbelief.

For a living being, if death energy appears on the body, it means that it has begun to die.

Only the undead would regard death energy as delicious food. How could it be that Xu Yu was an undead?
No, of course not!They all knew that Xu Yu could never be an undead spirit.

In this situation, there seems to be only one possibility, and that is that Xu Yu's powerful cultivation has reached a level that they cannot imagine.

That's why he was able to swallow the death energy in the Flower of the Other Side so wantonly on a large scale.

This other shore flower contains pure death energy, which is a rare nourishment for the place of reincarnation in Xu Yu's own world.

Therefore, Xu Yu naturally would not give up in vain, seeing the sea of ​​flowers on the other shore right in front of her.

As the death energy passed, large swaths of the other shore flower began to wither, and the bloody wave retreated instantly.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others saw a deserted landscape in front of them, and a quiet path that continued forward gradually appeared.

After Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others walked along the quiet path through the sea of ​​flowers on the other side, the front was also blood red, extremely quiet, and there was no sound.

Ahead was a sea of ​​blood, boundless and endless as far as the eye could see.

The surface of the Blood Sea was very calm, without any fluctuations.

"This...this ghost place is so evil! How could there be a sea of ​​blood?!"

Looking at the calm sea of ​​blood in front of him, the Zijin Shenlong looked shocked and said: "How big this place is! It can become a whole new world!"

The baby dragon looked around curiously, feeling extremely fresh.

After seeing Xu Yu's unparalleled and terrifying strength, this little thing no longer has the slightest fear.

"Look! Look! There's a stone tablet there."

Suddenly, a little phoenix flew onto Chen Nan's shoulder, fluttering its wings and shouting.

Everyone looked in the direction pointed by Little Phoenix, and saw a huge stone monument standing on the coast in the distance.

Walking closer, on the huge stone tablet, two simple and vigorous characters came into everyone's eyes: Sea of ​​Suffering!

These two characters already explained the location of the sea of ​​​​blood in front of them, and the two large characters full of ancient meaning seemed to exude an aura of compassion.

It seems to be persuading the world that the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, turn back and come to the end, and don't persist in realizing it.

"Ha! What a boundless sea of ​​suffering, but you can finally turn around!

It's a pity that I never retreat in my life, I only move forward! "

Looking at the endless bloody sea of ​​suffering in front of him, Xu Yu couldn't help but feel a hint of mockery at the corner of his mouth.

As he spoke, he saw him rising into the air and stepping forward.

Chen Nan, Zijin Shenlong and others also followed closely, and together they set foot on the bloody sea of ​​suffering.


As soon as he came to the sky above the blood-colored sea of ​​bitterness, the originally calm sea of ​​bitterness suddenly churned up huge waves, causing ear-piercing splashes.

Waves of blood shot up tens of feet high, and the huge waves seemed to sweep across the entire world. The air was filled with the pungent smell of blood.


Seeing the bloody sea of ​​​​bitterness surge up into endless huge waves, blocking everyone's path forward, Xu Yu immediately heard a light scolding in the air.

Then, the monstrous huge wave was directly divided into two, revealing a passage that can continue to move forward.

Not long after, Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others rode the waves for hundreds of miles. Until then, they could vaguely see a huge stone monument standing deep in the sea of ​​blood.

It seems to be far away from here, but it also seems to be very close to here, giving people a strange feeling, making people unable to tell how far away the ethereal stone monument is from here.

However, in a blur, one can clearly see the large characters on the stone tablet: The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, turning back is the shore!

After seeing the stone monument, when Chen Nan and others looked back subconsciously, they saw only a bloody patch behind them. The Bitter Coast embankment where they were previously had completely disappeared.

"Fuck! Go back? Go back, monk! The coast is gone. Where do you want Uncle Long to go?"

Seeing such a situation, Zijin Shenlong couldn't help but curse.

"It seems to be related to Buddhism. Buddha likes to save demons, so let them try to save me today."

At the same time, Chen Nan also said with a chuckle.

(End of this chapter)

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