Chapter 342
An inexplicable look flashed across Xu Yu's eyes, but he didn't say much. Instead, he continued to step in the air, riding the bloody wave quickly toward the depths of the blood sea.

The unspeakable dangers and dangers that filled the boundless sea of ​​blood beneath his feet did not concern him at all.

The waves rolled, and the blood-red seawater seemed to be boiling. The sea surface was turbulent, and big waves came one after another.

In the blood-colored waves, it was a scene that made one's scalp tingle.

Countless pairs of bone claws stained with blood were dancing, sometimes protruding from the sea, and sometimes hiding under the sea of ​​blood.

"Oh, come on, the Great God of Light, this is really a dangerous place!

If you accidentally fall into the sea of ​​blood below, the endless bone claws may immediately tear it into pieces.
It's really unbelievable, how could there be such a boundless sea of ​​blood? How could there be so many bone claws in the sea?How many lives will be slaughtered? "

While following Xu Yu, Long Baobao kept exclaiming in surprise.

This is actually the question in Chen Nan's heart. He really can't imagine how the scene in front of him was caused.

It is certain that the blood sea definitely exists and is not an illusion formation, because his spiritual consciousness clearly senses everything below.

"Without him, countless creatures would have died here, and they would have naturally gathered into this sea of ​​blood!"

Hearing Baby Long's voice, Xu Yu calmly opened her mouth to explain.

However, Xu Yu's words made Chen Nan and others even more horrified.

It was really hard for them to imagine how many lives had died before they could gather into a nearly boundless sea of ​​blood.

"How many times have I been born, how many times have I died? It has been like this from ancient times to the present. There are so many gods and ghosts, and there is no way to return to the original.

After studying the Exoteric teachings and practicing Tantric Buddhism, I have returned to the same origin through different methods. Since I have walked on the road to Nirvana, I understand that life and death are originally empty..."

Suddenly, in this vast sea of ​​blood, there was a clear sound of Buddha singing.

This leisurely Buddha singing seems to have existed here since ancient times. It is melodious and far-reaching, gently and mightily in the sky above the sea of ​​blood, and can't stop circling around the ears.

"Who? Get out, Master Long!"

The moment the Zen sound entered his ears, the Purple Gold Dragon, who had already been impatient with the boundless sea of ​​blood, immediately let out a roar.

"Hey, where is the person? Where is the person?" Little Phoenix looked around curiously.

Except for Xu Yu, whose expression remained as usual, everyone felt a lot of pressure.

The Buddha's chant contains endless magic power. If it were an ordinary person, it would have been soul-seizing long ago. Even Chen Nan was furious about it.

"Walking is empty, sitting is empty, speech and silence are all empty, even if the white blade is brought to the head, it is like a sharp sword cutting through the spring breeze.

I suddenly fell asleep, the source of wonderful mind, the shell of ignorance is always cracked, there are clearly six interests in the dream, but after waking up, there is nothing holy..."

The Buddha sings leisurely, still echoing in the sea of ​​blood.Chen Nan let go of his spiritual consciousness and swept across the void around the sea of ​​blood. However, he was still unable to find the source of the sound.

In the end, he had no choice but to look at Xu Yu, hoping that the terrifying and unpredictable Xu Yu would take action.

"You hidden rat, get out of here!"

But when Xu Yu opened his mouth and let out a slight scolding, the sound containing great power echoed over the sea of ​​blood for a long time.

Then, an extremely terrifying force stirred up the boundless sea of ​​blood below, set off huge waves, and threw the blood-stained skeletons out of the sea.

Although the Buddha's singing has a great lethality, one layer overlaps, and in the end, the plain singing is like thunderbolts smashing in the sea of ​​blood.

This is a pure spiritual coercion, even more terrifying than the materialized lightning.

However, in comparison, although Xu Yu only gave a light scolding, the power contained in his words far exceeded the Buddha's chant, and he actually suppressed it forcefully.

After a while, the sea of ​​blood slowly returned to calm, leaving only endless ghost claws dancing on the sea.


At the same time, an old and deep Buddha's name sounded in the sea of ​​blood, giving people a solemn and sacred feeling.

"Omi hair!"

Sea surface.

Although the Buddha's singing has a great lethality, one layer overlaps, and in the end, the plain singing is like thunderbolts smashing in the sea of ​​blood.

This is a pure spiritual coercion, even more terrifying than the materialized lightning.

However, in comparison, although Xu Yu only gave a light scolding, the words contained

However, Han's power far exceeded the Buddha's chant, and he actually suppressed it forcefully.

After a while, the sea of ​​blood slowly returned to calm, leaving only endless ghost claws dancing on the sea.


At the same time, an old and deep Buddha's name sounded in the sea of ​​blood, giving people a solemn and sacred feeling.

"Omi hair!"

However, this atmosphere was soon destroyed. The baby dragon put its two golden paws together and said in a sweet voice.

Seeing how naive the baby dragon was, Xu Yu and Chen Nan looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh.

Just when everyone couldn't help but laugh, they saw the sea of ​​blood below churning, and endless bones sinking and floating, being torn apart by countless pairs of bloody claws.

A skeleton as white as jade slowly emerged from the sea, breaking free from the shackles of those white bones.

His bones were white and crystal clear. He clasped his hands and sat cross-legged, exactly like a Buddhist disciple worshiping the Buddha.

The jade-like color of his bones showed that he must have been a master who had reached the realm of immortality during his lifetime.

The white jade skeleton slowly rose into the air, facing Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others head-on.

However, what is surprising is that the white skeleton is not empty, there is a flash of light in the chest cavity, and there is also a bright light in the head that shoots out from the eye socket.

"The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, turn back to the shore!"

Although the skeleton has no skin and flesh, it really emits an old and deep voice, as if it is as compassionate as a master monk.

"Look back? The other shore is where we are, so why look back! What's more, your shore has long since disappeared, so how can we turn back?"

Hearing the words of the skeleton, Xu Yu immediately said with a half-smile.


The skeleton monk first recited a Buddha's name, and then continued: "So, the donor and others are all demons! Only the devil can't turn back, so let Lao Na come and help you to be saved, so that you can escape early. sea ​​of ​​bitterness……"

"Damn you, you damn monk. Your eyes saw that we were demons. You're pretty good at labeling us!"
I think you are more like a demon monk. You are obviously just a skeleton, but you are still greedy for the world of mortals and refuse to die.

Moreover, you have violated the Eight Precepts of Buddhism by flirting and entangled with those female skeletons in the sea of ​​blood..."

When it comes to the ability to talk nonsense, there are really few people in the world who can match the Purple Gold Dragon. This ruffian looks like he needs a beating, talks dirty words, and keeps throwing dirty water on the skeleton monk.

"How can Lao Na be greedy for the world of mortals when he is in the underworld and in the sea of ​​misery?"

The skeleton monk fell into the void, as if listening quietly. He didn't speak until the Purple Gold Dragon stopped speaking.

Zijin Shenlong didn't expect that this skeleton monk would actually talk to him, and even look serious. He didn't want to think that he was just messing around again, and finally said: "Since you are a
How come you, a serious monk, come to such a ghost place? Why do ghosts believe that you are a monk?"

"Buddha said: If I don't go to hell, who will? The poor monk wanted to be equal to all living beings, so he gave up his stinky skin and immersed himself in this endless sea of ​​blood! Facing the millions of struggling bones and souls, the poor monk

The monks should save them with compassion! "

Seeing that the Purple Gold Dragon continued to mess around, the skeleton monk did not get angry, but continued to speak slowly and compassionately.

"Let me ask you, who are you? And how are you going to save us?"

Hearing the words of the skeleton monk, Chen Nan immediately stepped forward and shouted coldly.

The skeleton monk replied: "If we have to trace the origin, the poor monk was the Buddha's previous life.

But all living beings are equal, and I am just an ordinary monk.

I am here just to save all sentient beings, so that hundreds of millions of evil souls can be liberated as soon as possible and ascend to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

I treat you all the same. You are demons, and only for me, the Buddha, can you save them. This poor monk must liberate you from demons and become a Buddha! "

"You said you are the Buddha's previous life, haha, that's ridiculous. If you are really the Buddha's predecessor, I would still be the reincarnation of the first ancient demon, Dugu Baitian!"

Hearing the voice of the skeleton monk, Chen Nan immediately burst out laughing.

"What this young monk said is true, he is indeed the Buddha's previous life!"

Just when the skeleton monk was about to speak again, Xu Yu smiled indifferently, but he had already figured out the origin of the skeleton monk.

For a moment, Chen Nan's smile stopped abruptly, and he couldn't help but froze on the spot.

Although Chen Nan didn't believe what the skeleton monk said, he firmly believed in what Xu Yu said.

"Senior, is this skeleton really the Buddha's previous life?"

After slowly coming back to his senses and calming down the shock in his heart, Chen Nan whispered to Xu Yu in surprise.

"Legend has it that when the Buddha became a Buddha, he had a total of twelve relics. Later, after he ascended to the Paradise of Paradise, for some reason only nine were left. One theory is that they were destroyed in order to subdue several gods and demons.

Another theory is that the other three relics were left by him in the bones of his predecessor in the human world to eliminate and overcome demons on his behalf. "

Chen Nan's surprise was heard in his ears, and Xu Yu slowly explained his confusion.

"Look at the three relics suspended in his chest. Each one is the size of a fist, and they are all emitting blazing sacred light."

Then Xu Yu pointed at the chest of the skeleton monk and said in a calm voice: "Obviously, this is the first-level relic of the Buddha. It shows that what he said is true!"

Hearing Xu Yu's voice, Chen Nan, Purple Gold Dragon, Baby Dragon and Little Phoenix all looked in the direction Xu Yu pointed.

It was only then that they learned that the relic on the skeleton monk's chest actually had such an origin.

For a moment, Chen Nan and others couldn't help but feel a headache. They really didn't expect to meet such a person.

This may be the predecessor of the patriarch of the Heavenly Realm. Although it is a skeleton, the relic is real.

If you want to compete with it, you have to place your hope on Xu Yu, who is terrifyingly powerful.

"Little monk, are you sure you can save us?"

Ignoring the various thoughts in Chen Nan, Zijin Shenlong and others, Xu Yu took a deep look at the skeleton monk and said jokingly.

"Amitabha, it seems that you are indeed deeply seeded with demons, and you can only be saved by using my Buddha's profound Dharma. Let me save the demons and become Buddhas."

Hearing Xu Yu's sarcasm, the skeleton monk sitting cross-legged was not angry at all and still spoke calmly and compassionately.

Then, I saw that one of his arms had been raised.

Ruyu's hand bones emitted a golden Buddha light, which shrouded Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others.

"Little monk, you are too presumptuous!"

Seeing that the skeleton monk dared to attack violently, Xu Yu immediately let out a cold snort.

His mind suddenly moved, and without any movement from him, an invisible and terrifying power surged around his body.

Before the golden Buddha's light could get closer, it was directly blocked in the middle, and then slowly dissipated and turned into nothingness.

"Amitabha, my compassionate Buddha, can conquer demons and become a Buddha!"

When the attack failed, the skeleton monk chanted a Buddha's name and stood up.

Then, the magnificent Buddha's light suddenly appeared in the air, like a surging tide, sweeping over the sky and covering the earth.

Seeing the skeleton monk attacking again, a hint of disdain suddenly appeared in Xu Yu's eyes.

Immediately, I saw him taking the next step forward.

In an instant, the void of heaven and earth trembled, and the sea of ​​blood and bitterness surged.

An extremely terrifying and huge power emerged out of thin air, directly destroying the golden Buddha light in the sky, and hit the skeleton monk hard.


But a muffled sound suddenly erupted, and the severely injured skeleton monk suddenly fell backwards and flew out.

The three holy relics in his chest were also blown out, and were thrown high into the air, spinning around.

The skeleton monk, who had already experienced Xu Yu's terrifying power, did not dare to slack off at all. He immediately held up the broken skeleton and retreated, preparing to escape into the depths of the bloody sea of ​​suffering.

Even the three Buddha relics in the air were ignored.

"Since it is the body of the previous life, then dust to dust, dust to dust, and go to reincarnation!"

Seeing the skeleton monk abandoning the Buddha's relic and preparing to escape, Xu Yu immediately let out a cold snort.

Immediately afterwards, Dan saw him slowly raise his right hand and press it gently towards the back of the skeleton monk.

Immediately, a terrifying and awe-inspiring palm print rose up in the wind and was stamped hard on the back of the skeleton monk.

His bones were directly smashed into powder, and finally merged into the bloody sea of ​​suffering, completely dissipating.

After the death of the skeleton monk, another shocking incident suddenly occurred in the bloody sea of ​​suffering.


A loud explosion was heard, and waves suddenly surged above the blood sea. The huge stone tablet that originally stood in the depths of the blood sea was quickly moving in this direction.
The eight characters engraved on it, "The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, turn around and find the shore" are becoming more and more clear and dazzling.

This is really weird. This vast sea of ​​​​blood does not know how many thousands of feet deep it is, but there is a huge stone monument standing in the sea, which is really unimaginable.

Moreover, it can move very fast, which can only be described as strange.

The huge stone monument is getting closer and closer, and it seems to contain endless magic power, making everyone unable to look away.

It seems to be able to attract people's hearts and minds until they are swallowed up.

As if they felt that Xu Yu and others were the culprits that caused the death of the skeleton monk, the huge stone tablet shuddered and emitted huge power, heading straight towards Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others.

Seeing such a situation, Xu Yu's expression did not change at all. He saw a sword finger in his hand coming out and pointing directly towards the stone tablet.

Immediately, I saw a bright and dazzling starlight shooting out, penetrating the stone monument with extremely sharp force.

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and above the sea of ​​blood, a huge wave of energy surged from the stone tablet, making the entire ocean turbulent.

Then endless waves surged, and streaks of black lightning flashed in the sky.

In the end, it rained blood, and a big storm broke out from the stone tablet. The sky and the earth were blood-red, and the scenery gradually blurred.

Faced with such a huge power, Chen Nan and the others had to hide in the inner world.

Following the huge energy fluctuation, they had to close the entrance again.

However, even though this stone monument is extremely magical, how could it possibly defeat the terrifying Xu Yu.

When Chen Nan opened the inner world again, the bloody sea of ​​bitterness had calmed down and returned to the way it was when he first saw it.

Deathly silence, no wind, no ripples, not even the slightest fluctuation.

The huge stone monument standing in the depths of the sea of ​​​​blood has also disappeared, and the eight characters that remind people that "the sea of ​​​​suffering is boundless, turn back and find the shore" are naturally no longer there.

Only Xu Yu, who stood with his hands behind his back, stood tall in the air above the sea of ​​blood, like an eternal taboo. Xu Yu exuded a terrifying majesty that was inviolable.

"This Buddha relic is a great opportunity for you, take it to refine and absorb it!

After seeing Chen Nan, Zijin Shenlong and others walking out of Chen Nan's inner world and casually throwing the three Buddha relics to them, Xu Yu said with a chuckle.

"Thank you senior!"

"The boss is mighty!"

"Praise the existence of the supreme taboo!"

"Thank you...thank you!

Chen Nan, the Purple Gold Divine Dragon, the baby dragon and the little phoenix were all beaming and thanked the Buddha relics again and again.

They can naturally sense that the powerful energy contained in the Buddha's relics is also a rare nourishment for them.

"Let's go!"

Seeing Chen Nan and others put away the Buddha's relics, while speaking, Xu Yu continued to walk forward, and they followed closely, walking towards the depths of the vast sea of ​​blood.

Only by crossing this boundless bloody sea of ​​suffering can we further reach the forbidden land where the secrets are hidden.

Accompanying Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others, they flew into the sky at lightning speed, and in just a moment, they had already flown thousands of miles away.

Until then, something finally appeared in the depths of the dead sea of ​​blood.

After flying for a certain distance again, the scenery in front of everyone began to become clearer, and finally they could see it clearly.

I saw a majestic mountain of bones standing in the dead sea of ​​blood, with demonic energy swirling around it.

At the top of the Bone Mountain, there is a majestic Bone Hall.

The scene like the Sea of ​​Blood and Floating Bone Mountain is really extremely evil and terrifying.

The pale bones piled up into mountains looked particularly dazzling at a glance.

"Ho! Someone actually broke into my place. It's unbelievable!
Suddenly, a huge roar was heard from the Hall of Bones, breaking the silence of the Sea of ​​Blood and echoing endlessly over the Sea of ​​Blood and Bitterness.

Immediately, the Bone Mountain trembled, and the sound of heavy footsteps came from the White Bone Hall.

A tall figure flashed at the entrance of the Hall of Bones, with golden light shining all over his body, exuding a blazing divine light.

Unlike the skeleton monk before, the character who appeared this time was flesh and blood, no longer just a skeleton.

However, this body of flesh and blood is not complete, missing an important part - the head.

(End of this chapter)

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