Chapter 343 Goodbye to the Other Side
This is an angel with only one pair of wings, but they are neither pure white nor ink-colored like fallen angels.

The wings of the headless angel are golden and glowing with divine light, making him look divine.

Although it only has a pair of wings, the power fluctuations it emits invisibly are more terrifying than those of so-called high-level angels.

"Are you the master here?"

Looking at the figure of the headless angel, Chen Nan slowly asked.

"Yeah! That's right. At the very least, this sea area is under my control."

A dull voice sounded from the belly of the headless angel.

"This sea area is under your control? In other words, each place has a different owner. Who are you?"

Hearing the voice of the headless angel, Chen Nan continued to ask in a seductive manner.

"Hehehehe! Little guy, are you trying to trick me? But what's the point of telling you, I am the God of War in the Western Heaven Realm, will you believe it?"

The headless angel laughed loudly, but it exuded a sense of desolation and sorrow.

"Ha! This is the first time I know that the cultivation level of the main god of the Western Heaven Realm is not lower than the realm of the God King!"

Seeing Chen Nan and others gradually being confused by the voice of the headless angel, Xu Yu immediately sneered.

"Boss, I know who he is. He is the sea demon Galis in myths and legends."

"My own cultivation is not very strong, but I know a kind of mental charm technique, which can seduce the other person's soul when people are not prepared!"

At the same time, Zijin Shenlong, who was awakened by Xu Yu, immediately said in a loud voice.

"You damn birdman, I heard that you used to be a little god in the heaven. Later, for some unknown reason, your head was beheaded by the God of War, and then you became a sea demon. Uncle Long, am I right?"

Then, Zijin Shenlong pointed at the sea demon's nose and cursed loudly.

"Haha! I didn't expect you to have heard of my name. It seems that the world has not forgotten me yet!"

After the Purple Gold Divine Dragon revealed his origin, Sea Demon Galis not only didn't get angry, but actually laughed out loud.

"Bah! You're just notorious on the sea, what's there to be proud of! You damn birdman, you're just a hairy god, Uncle Long is going to tear you apart!"

Hearing the sea devil's laughter, he almost got plotted, and the furious Zijin Dragon immediately cursed.

At the same time, Dan saw the purple golden dragon's dragon power overflowing from his body, ready to fight at any time.

The waves of the blood-red Sea of ​​Bitterness surged into the sky, and the pale-white bone mountains stood majestically.

The surging dragon power rose from the body of the Purple Gold Divine Dragon, causing the surrounding sea waves to gradually subside, and headed straight towards the Sea Demon Envelope.

"Haha! Come and kill me if you can!"

Seeing the menacing power of the Purple Gold Divine Dragon, Sea Demon Galis chuckled and said confidently.

He stood quietly in front of the Bone Hall, looking up at Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others above the bloody sea of ​​bitterness.

Silently, a strange aura slowly spread from his body.

"Uncle Long has been alive for so long, and no one has ever made such a despicable request to Uncle Long. It doesn't matter, Uncle Long is kind enough to grant it to you!"

An angry curse came out of his mouth, and then the Purple Gold Shenlong swung his nunchucks across the money in his hand and attacked directly towards the sea demon Galis.

The moment the two sides' auras collided, they were already entangled together and started a fierce battle.


It exploded with a violent collision, and the powerful purple golden dragon directly suppressed the sea demon Galis.

Although Zijin Shenlong is usually arrogant, his cultivation at the peak of the God King is not for nothing, and it is vividly displayed at this moment.

"Ah! Damn it!"

In just a moment of fighting, the sea demon Galis suffered a heavy blow.

At this moment, he no longer had the same air as before, and he kept shouting in fear: "You four-legged snake are actually a god king?"

Although he is a god in the legend of the Western Heaven, his cultivation level is only equivalent to that of a high-level angel. How could he be the opponent of the Purple Gold Dragon?

"I hit! I hit!"

There was a series of strange screams in the mouth, and the Purple Gold Divine Dragon struck without mercy, directly making the sea demon Galis become agitated.

"Boy Chen, swallow him!"

Seeing that the aura of the Sea Demon Galis was getting weaker and weaker, in line with the principle of no waste, the Purple Golden Dragon turned around and shouted towards Chen Nan, and then he threw the Sea Demon Galis directly in the direction of Chen Nan.

"Thank you, Brother Long!"

Hearing the voice of the purple golden dragon, Chen Nan opened his inner world without saying a word, shrouding the sea demon Galis in it.

Then, Chen Nan saw a simple long bow appear in his hand. He opened the bow and nocked an arrow, and shot five arrows at the sea demon Galis in an instant.

At the same time, half of the sacred mountain in his inner world suddenly rushed out from the edge of chaos and smashed towards the sea demon Galis fiercely.

Sea Demon Jialis had already been beaten half-mutilated by Zijin Shenlong, so he didn't have the slightest strength to fight back at this moment, all the magic arrows shot by Hou Yi's bow were inserted into his body.


The sea demon Galis let out a heart-rending howl, and five arrows pierced through his five internal organs, and finally burst open, and blood spattered, gurgling like a spring.

Immediately afterwards, half of the sacred mountain crashed down, knocking the dying sea demon straight into the ground, and then sucked him into the Chaos Zone.

First, he was ravaged and severely injured by the Purple Gold Divine Dragon, and then suffered a series of fatal attacks from Chen Nan. The result of the Sea Demon Galis can be imagined.

Without exception, it turned into the nourishment in Chennan's inner world without leaving any traces.

After the sea demon was completely dead, the mountain of bones in the sea of ​​blood began to collapse, and the huge bone hall was completely overturned.

Endless bones rolled into the sea of ​​blood, creating waves of waves.

"Not bad!"

Seeing the tacit understanding between Zijin Shenlong and Chen Nan, Xu Yu expressed his appreciation without hesitation.

Now that the sea demon Galis who blocked everyone is dead, Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others set foot on the road forward again.

All the way forward, as they continued to go deeper, the huge sea of ​​blood and pain was endless as far as the eye could see.

Even with everyone's speed and flying for about three days, there was still no end in sight.

If it weren't for the fact that Xu Yu's expression was still extremely dull, I am afraid that Chen Nan, Zijin Shenlong and others would have become impatient and wondered whether they had been lost in this bloody sea of ​​suffering.

In the next few days, there was an unusual calm in the huge sea of ​​suffering, and no monsters or monsters were seen again.

Except for the dazzling bloody sea water that remains unchanged all day long, there is no other scene, and it is extremely silent.

"Look! Look! Land, people see land!"

Until the fifth day, when everyone was flying above the bloody sea of ​​bitterness, the little phoenix standing on Chen Nan's shoulder suddenly screamed excitedly.

After hearing the words, everyone looked forward. Wherever they looked, they could suddenly see a gray shadow in the distance, and the shadow of the land vaguely appeared at the end of the sea of ​​blood.

"We have arrived at the shore so quickly. If Uncle Long comes here, this so-called sea of ​​suffering will not be difficult to cross!"

After flying non-stop for several days, Zijin Shenlong, who had already become impatient, immediately shouted triumphantly.

At the same time, Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others also had happy expressions on their faces.

I have seen the same scene every day these days, as if there is no end to it.

If Xu Yu continues to fly in the bloody sea of ​​suffering, Xu Yu himself will be fine, but the xinxing of Chen Nan, Zijin Shenlong and others will inevitably be affected.

It slowly fell from the air, and as soon as it landed on the shore, Chen Nan and others were stunned on the spot.

Not far in front of where everyone landed, a huge stone monument was standing on the shore.On the stone tablet are engraved eight simple and large figures.
Words: 'The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, but when you turn around you will find shore'!
This was definitely the stone tablet they saw in the depths of the Blood Sea a few days ago. Unexpectedly, it moved here after being repelled by Xu Yu.

How could this not be shocking?This situation can only be described as evil!
"What's Lao Shizi's saying, 'The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, but turning back is the end'! Uncle Long has already overcome the sea of ​​suffering, why should we turn back? The Buddha has already crushed us into powder!"

After coming back to his senses, the Purple Gold Dragon suddenly let out a roar.

Immediately, a purple-gold nunchuck suddenly appeared in his hand, and he smashed it hard.

For the past few days, Zijin Shenlong had already held back his anger, but at this moment it suddenly erupted.


Only a loud sound of gold and iron clashing was heard, followed by a cry of pain.

"Ouch! It hurts so much, Uncle Long. What the hell is this? Ouch!" I saw Zijin Shenlong clutching his right hand and jumping and screaming in pain. The tiger's mouth of his right hand, which was originally holding the Zijin nunchaku, has cracked. There were wounds, and golden dragon blood continued to fall from them.

However, the stone tablet remained motionless, not even the slightest trace of damage.

"You deserve it! If you don't understand the situation and act rashly, you deserve this bad luck!"

Seeing the Purple Gold Divine Dragon in such a state, Xu Yu laughed and cursed, and then used a burst of life energy to heal his wounds.

"Boy Chen, this is your chance, go up and collect the stone tablet!"

Then, Xu Yu turned back to Chen Nan and said.

"My chance?"

Hearing Xu Yu's instructions, Chen Nan murmured in surprise.

However, he had great trust in Xu Yudao and hurriedly followed the instructions and walked to the stone monument.

After carefully observing the stone tablet, Chen Nan suddenly felt that the mysterious patterns on the stone tablet were very familiar, and they were very similar to the half of the sacred mountain in his inner world.

After looking at it carefully again, Chen Nan felt that this stone tablet was part of the half-walled stone mountain, and the eight big characters on it seemed to have been carved on it by someone later.

"Could it be that this stone monument is really part of Half-wall Sacred Mountain?"

With a sudden thought in his mind, Chen Nan immediately opened his inner world and forcefully absorbed the huge stone monument.


Accompanied by bursts of loud sounds, the huge stone tablet fell into the chaotic zone of Chennan's inner world.

Then, Dan saw the huge stone tablet shudder suddenly and turned into half of the sacred mountain in an instant.

It has the same color and substance as the original half of the sacred mountain. At first glance, it looks like they are of the same origin.

After looking at it carefully again, Chen Nan felt that this stone tablet was part of the half-walled sacred mountain, and the eight characters on it seemed to have been carved by people later.

"Could it be that this stone monument is really part of Half-wall Sacred Mountain?"

With a sudden thought in his mind, Chen Nan immediately opened his inner world and forcefully absorbed the huge stone monument.


Accompanied by bursts of loud sounds, the huge stone tablet fell into the chaotic zone of Chennan's inner world.

Then, Dan saw the huge stone tablet shudder suddenly and turned into half of the sacred mountain in an instant.

It has the same color and substance as the original half of the sacred mountain. At first glance, it looks like they are of the same origin.

"Is it really part of the mysterious sacred mountain?"

Seeing such a scene, Baby Long couldn't help but exclaimed: "The stone tablet outside turned into half of the sacred mountain?
If I remember correctly, the Huangquan Stone Stele and the Bitter Sea Stone Stele that I saw first seemed to be made of this kind of material. Could it be that they are all part of this sacred mountain? "

"That's right! Whether it's a sacred mountain or a stone tablet, they are all fragments of a legendary ancient shield!

A long time ago, this face was shattered and cracked.

But it will reunite one day. If you miss it now, it just means that your fate with it has not come yet! "

Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Xu Yu slowly opened his mouth to explain.

As he spoke, he stepped forward and walked towards the depths of the land. Chen Nan and others also quickly followed.

The land in front of me is gray everywhere.

As far as the eye can see, everything within sight is rocky mountains and cliffs.

Not covered by any vegetation, it also looked lifeless.

Going deeper inward, you can see strange peaks and jagged rocks everywhere.

Following Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others, they climbed over the stone ridges.After crossing the ravines, dark clouds suddenly hit the front, the devilish energy lingered, and the darkness covered a large area.

Almost all the rocky mountains and ridges there were shrouded in pitch-black clouds and mist, and the vast sky and earth were covered in darkness, as if there was no end.

A shrill ghost howl came from the demonic cloud, and countless ghost shadows floated on the edge of the black area, as if there were thousands of evil spirits swimming and roaring in it.

The harsh ghostly sound makes people feel cold and chilly all over their body.

This place is clearly a completely real ghost land!

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Suddenly, a weird laugh came from the dark and lightless ghost land ahead, and several nearby peaks trembled, followed by countless roars.

Endless evil spirits are howling, and countless resentful spirits are roaring.

This is really a living hell on earth, a taboo ghost land where gods and demons in the heavens dare not set foot, a kingdom of death that should only exist in legends.

Without stopping at all, Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others stepped straight into the edge of this black area.

Here, the scene inside can be seen clearly. Endless bones are piled up in the valleys and mountains. The mountains and fields are covered with white snow, and countless resentful spirits are floating in the air.

There are also many skeletons making "creaking" sounds, walking back and forth in this world of death, bringing a different kind of vitality to this silent country of the undead.

In the sight of everyone, on top of a stone peak, a tall figure could be seen standing on the top of the peak.

Its whole body is covered with white bone scales. It looks like a human but not a human, and looks like an animal but not an animal. It is five meters tall.

It has a humanoid body, but it has a snake tail, and its hands and feet are like wild beasts.

The claws are long and sharp, and there are five gleaming special horns on its head, like sharp daggers.

In addition, there are two pairs of bone wings on the back of the monster. It looks like it is made from the bones of angels, just like a skeleton emperor.

There was a terrifying aura exuding from his whole body, and his cold eyes were strange, staring straight at everyone.It's like a ferocious beast that has encountered its prey and is about to launch the most violent attack.


In an instant, the Skeleton Emperor roared, his body suddenly moved, and he flew down from the mountain peak and rushed towards Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others.

Suddenly, the death energy surged continuously, and the black clouds stretched forward, heading straight towards the faces of Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others.

"You're so big! I'll take a stick from you Long Dugu!"

Facing the skeletal emperor's brazen attack, the Purple-Gold Divine Dragon showed no fear. He let out a loud roar and rushed over with the Purple-Gold Nunchaku.

But when he saw the Purple Gold Divine Dragon stepping out, his body was disillusioned and he flew directly into this dead city.

Swooping down from high in the air, the purple and gold nunchucks in his hands rolled up huge waves, flashing with dazzling light, and smashed directly at the Skeleton Emperor.


In an instant, the tall stone peak at the feet of the Skeleton Emperor was destroyed by the violent force of the Purple Gold Dragon.

The rocks splashed into the space, drowning the countless armies of bones nearby.

However, the Skull Emperor was not injured at all. His movements were extremely fast, leaving afterimages in the air, and he avoided the heavy attacks of the Purple Gold Dragon.

"Ignorant and humble insect, you dare to come to my territory to retreat. I will make you regret coming to this world!"

Seeing that his army suffered heavy losses, the Skeleton Emperor immediately let out an angry roar, and then he fought with the Purple Gold Dragon with his bare hands.

"Clang, clang, clang! clang, clank!"

In an instant, huge sounds burst into the sky, which was truly extraordinary.

The skeleton emperor's limbs and bone tail were indestructible weapons. When they collided with the purple-gold divine dragon, the sound of gold and iron clashing was deafening.

Demonic energy surged in the Dead Realm, and the tens of millions of undead armies kept howling with great force.

The Skeleton Emperor and the Purple Gold Divine Dragon hit the ground from the air, and then hit the mountain peak.


As many mountain peaks shattered, there were huge sounds, and countless legions of bones were buried underneath.

This was a close battle. Not only did the Purple-Gold Dragon unleash real fire, but the Skeleton Emperor roared again and again.

After several rounds, both of them were already stained.

The Purple-Gold Divine Dragon spit out a mouthful of dragon blood after being hit, while the Skeleton Emperor was grabbed off a large piece of bone scale by the Purple-Gold Divine Dragon's dragon claw hand.

"Don't look at me! This little skeleton's cultivation level is only on par with that of a ruffian, and I won't take action!
Feeling the expectant looks of Chen Nan, Long Baobao, and Little Phoenix on her, Xu Yu said with a chuckle.

(End of this chapter)

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