Chapter 346 Elf Princess Catherine

No one would have thought that although Zijin Shenlong was a great figure with a shocking background in his previous life, his aloofness in his previous life was exactly the same as in this life.

It can be said that a person's nature is easy to change but hard to change. Although he has changed his body, his character has not changed at all.

"Ouch! What a disappointment to Long Sheng. I thought I was the reincarnation of Dugu Baitian, the most ancient taboo god. Who would have thought that I have nothing to do with him! Alas, helpless Long Sheng, my life has lost its luster since then. !”

The old ruffian shook his head, looking like he deserved a beating.

Chen Nan was quite regretful that he could not see his past life in front of the "Mirror of Past Life" at the Gate of Reincarnation.

However, what disappointed him even more was that the past life mirror, which could clearly show the Purple Gold Divine Dragon, the baby dragon and the little phoenix's previous life, could not catch a glimpse of Xu Yu at all.

For a moment, Chen Nan was even more shocked and curious about Xu Yu's origin.

“The past has long since faded into smoke, let’s keep moving forward!”

With a soft sigh in his mouth, Xu Yu, who didn't want to stay any longer, immediately walked towards the depths of the Land of Reincarnation.

Chen Nan, Zijin Shenlong and others still needed Xu Yu's protection, so they naturally followed them without hesitation.

In this empty passage, the auras of life and death appear alternately, and at the same time, a majestic force is constantly fluctuating.

Whether it was Chen Nan, the Purple Gold Divine Dragon, the baby dragon, or the little phoenix, all were in awe of this.

If it weren't for a tyrannical power like Xu Yu exploring the way ahead, they probably wouldn't be able to think about moving forward.

As Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others moved forward, after walking for about half an hour, a blazing red light blocked the way forward.

In front of the red light, a stone tablet stood impressively, with a few lines of shocking words written in blood: 'In front of the Samsara Pond, take a step back to see the sea and the sky, and take a step further to lose your soul and disappear into ashes'!
"It belongs to Uncle Long! there any way out here?"

Seeing this sudden change, Zijin Shenlong couldn't help but cursed.

Because behind Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others, there was only mist.

And there was a force that blocked the way back, and the original passage had completely disappeared.

Xu Yu, who still looked calm as usual, reached out and took out a divine angel who was raised by him from the world he created.

Then without hesitation, he was thrown into the blazing red light ahead and used as a chess piece to explore the path.

The next moment, a shocking scene happened.

As soon as the four-winged angel came into contact with the red light, it melted very quickly like ice and snow meeting the sunlight, leaving only a wisp of soul floating into the Samsara Pond.

"Oh, God of Light, come on, is this the so-called reincarnation? It's too scary!"

Seeing the four-winged angel die instantly, Baby Dragon immediately exclaimed.

At this moment, Chen Nan's body was surrounded by bright black and gold light.

Then, two balls of light, one black and one gold, suddenly rushed out of his body and turned into a Tai Chi God and Demon Figure and rushed into the Samsara Pond.

The blazing red light could not melt it away. After the two-color light ball rushed into the samsara pool, bursts of powerful light burst out, making the scenery inside vaguely visible.

Inside the Samsara Pond is an extremely open void, where a huge Tai Chi diagram is suspended, with a radius of no less than a few hundred feet.

It rotated silently, exuding a majestic power fluctuation and a desolate atmosphere, as if it had existed since ancient times.

Except for Xu Yu who knew some secrets from the Demon Lord, Chen Nan and others did not know until this moment.

It turns out that the power they sensed originally originated from this mysterious Tai Chi diagram.

The auras of life and death that coexist in the passage are constantly coming out from the two huge yin and yang eyes.

The small Tai Chi diagram rushed out of Chen Nan's body. After entering this space, it hovered opposite the super large Tai Chi diagram.

It rotated quietly, vaguely establishing some subtle connection with the oversized Tai Chi diagram.

In the void above the Samsara Pool, two very similar Tai Chi diagrams, one large and one small, stand facing each other.

Suddenly, the fake picture of Xiaotai burst out into a ball of light. The golden and black light balls separated at that moment, and the little Taiji picture no longer existed.

The two colored light balls were as fast as lightning, rushing towards the yin and yang eyes of the Great Tai Chi Diagram.



The aura of life and death surged out like a vast ocean, and the two-color light balls disappeared into the eyes of Yin and Yang respectively.

At the same time, the blazing red light outside the Samsara Pond also disappeared.

Before Chen Nan and the purple golden dragon, baby dragon and little phoenix could understand what was going on.

The space where the land of reincarnation was located seemed to have collapsed, and a majestic force pulled them towards the two huge yin and yang eyes.

Although this pulling force was extremely powerful, it could not affect Xu Yu at all.

Fortunately, Xu Yu knew that this pulling force was only generated after the teleportation circle in the Tai Chi Diagram began to operate.

Therefore, Xu Yu did not make any resistance and followed the traction force behind Chen Nan and others, flying towards the two huge yin and yang eyes.

The stars move, and the situation changes.

In an instant, Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others felt that they had entered a strange space.

In front of their eyes, everyone passed through them like meteors, rushing forward at extremely fast speeds.

Time seemed to be passing quickly, and Xu Yu and Zijin Shenlong, who had traveled through the endless void countless times, did not feel any discomfort.

But Chen Nan, Long Baobao and Little Phoenix felt as if a long and long time had passed.

This strange feeling made them feel very uncomfortable, as if they had turned into a speck of dust in the universe and were drifting in the long river of time.

In an eternity, when Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others saw a dazzling light flashing in front of them, they had already appeared in another world.

This is a brand new world, the sky is extremely blue, as crystal clear as peerless sapphire.

Nearby, there are fragrant flowers and green grass, and the tangy aroma is refreshing.

The chirping of birds sounds melodious, like beautiful music, and the tinkling tinkling of the stream flowing in the distance is like a cheerful beating note.

This world of fragrant flowers and singing birds is as beautiful as a fairyland.

Thinking about the many dangerous restricted areas Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others had experienced before this, including the Underworld, the Sea of ​​Bitterness, and the Realm of Death, they felt as if they had ascended from hell to heaven.

For a moment, Chen Nan, the Purple Gold Divine Dragon, the baby dragon, and the little Fenghuang couldn't help but look stunned.

This huge contrast made them feel a little uncomfortable for a while. They really couldn't figure out why they suddenly came to this fairyland. "Oh! I am blessed by the Great God of Light. Could it be that because of the Reincarnation Pool, I...we have been reincarnated and reborn?

After a while, the baby dragon came back to his senses and kept feeding Bai Yu.

Don’t worry, it’s just the teleportation formation contained in that Tai Chi diagram! "

Hearing Baby Dragon's beeping in his ears, Xu Yu chuckled and said.

After hearing Xu Yu's words, Chen Nan, who was originally frightened by the baby dragon, felt relieved again.

Seeing that Xu Yu and others around him were still the same as before, Chen Nan also realized that they must not have been reincarnated.

The most likely thing was that the two colored light balls broke into the yin and yang eyes of Tai Chi Net and caused some kind of change, causing them to come here inexplicably.

Thinking of those two colored light balls, Chen Nan's heart moved and he tried to sense their breath.

The result made him a little surprised. The two-colored light ball had returned to his Dantian without knowing when.

He really doesn't understand what the origin of these two colored balls is. There are too many secrets hidden in them.

"Ouch! It's such a good place! After knowing that there was nothing strange about him, the golden dragon returned to his usual piglike appearance. He only heard a loud roar from his mouth: "I'll make peace with you now that I've come. We need to make some repairs. , Uncle Long has been tortured to death these days!
Then he manifested the Divine Dragon and flew towards a lake ahead.

At the same time, the little phoenix also flew into the distance, dancing gracefully with several cranes there.

The baby dragon, who was drooling at Xiandu, saw the little phoenix flying over.

It had no choice but to reluctantly avert its gaze, taking three steps and turning back, soaring towards the orchard not far away.

"Boy Chen, go to the lake over there! There are surprises waiting for you there!"

The thought in the soul suddenly moved.After exploring the situation here, Xu Yu said to Chen Nan with a half-smile.

Although Chen Nan didn't understand what Xu Yu meant, he didn't refuse and flew towards the tide.

After traveling ten miles, Xu Yu and Chen Nan arrived near the lake.

But in front of me, I saw a small sapphire-like lake appearing on the ground. The Biying lake reflected brilliant light. Flowers were blooming around the small lake and the grass was paved. It was like a fairy tale world. It was so beautiful that people couldn’t believe it. .

Xu Yu was enjoying the beautiful scenery nearby, but Chen Nan was already stunned on the spot.

Because on the shore of the lake, there were women sitting on a bluestone by the lake, holding a hymn in their hands, looking at the lake, in a daze.

Although it was just a silhouette, it showed off the woman's perfect figure, and her graceful curves were extremely beautiful.

Dressed in white clothes, Shengxue made her look a bit dusty.

The forearm holding the lower collar is white and crystal clear, and is exposed outside the clothes, which attracts people's endless reverie.

Her long green hair is spread over her shoulders, and against the backdrop of her white dress, her silhouette looks unique.

Chen Nan was extremely shocked, because the moment he saw this woman, he felt a familiar aura.

He quickly changed direction and finally saw the woman's appearance.

The girl's figure is peerless, without a trace of earthly atmosphere. She is like the reincarnation of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady, and her breathtaking appearance makes people take their breath away, but there is no hint of blasphemy.

A thunder exploded in Chen Nan's mind, and he almost fell from the sky.

Except for the color of her hair, this girl is exactly the same as Yu Xin in terms of appearance and figure.

"How is this possible? But is it true?"

Chen Nan couldn't believe his eyes. In this unknown world, he actually saw a woman who looked the same as Yuxin. He almost shouted out.

The old vows of friendship are still hidden in our ears, the voices and smiles of the past are still in front of our eyes, and the understanding of the past is still unrespected.

After a stabbing pain in his heart, a warm feeling surged into his heart.

"Is she really... Yuxin? Is this true?

Chen Nan, who was usually calm and composed no matter what kind of danger he faced, was very worried at this time. He kept mumbling that he was afraid that this was an illusion.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

At this time, the girl by the lake also noticed everyone. She looked over with surprise, and finally couldn't help but asked Xu Yu and Chen Nan.

The girl's voice was clear and sweet, which made Chen Nan even more breathless. This was the voice he was most familiar with.

"We are travelers from the outside world, entrusted by others to come here to find you!"

Just when Chen Nan was extremely excited and was about to respond, he heard Xu Yu next to him take the lead and say with a smile.

"Looking for me? I understand, it must be the great elder of the ancient elves who requested you!"

The girl seemed very happy. She stood up from the blue stone and flew over gracefully. At a glance, she knew that her cultivation level was already above the sixth level.

At this time, the Purple Gold Dragon, Baby Dragon and Little Phoenix had also arrived.

"Why do you look exactly like Yuxin? Are you Yuxin?"

I saw the baby dragon fluttering in front of the girl. The little thing didn't seem to be alive at all, so he asked curiously.

"What a cute little dragon! I'm not Yuxin. You got the wrong person. My name is Catherine."

The girl's face was filled with a smile. She hugged the little dragon in the air and said with a sweet smile.

"Impossible! You obviously look exactly like the Fairy Yuxin I know!"

Hearing Catherine's denial, Zijin Shenlong quickly shouted loudly.

"Indeed, you are exactly the same as Yuxin in my memory. Are you really not her?"

At the same time, Chen Nan also sighed and said with disappointment.

"I'm sorry, I'm not! Although I may really look exactly like the Yuxin you are looking for."

Perhaps affected by Chen Nan's emotions, the Elf Saint Catherine's tone couldn't help but be a little apologetic: "But I'm really not the Yuxin you are looking for, because I was born from the Tree of Life! "

Hearing Elf Saint Catherine's denial again, Chen Nan's face couldn't help but darken instantly.

This feeling of turning from hope to disappointment really made him worried.

"Boy Chen, although she is not Yuxin, she is inextricably related to Yuxin."

Seeing that Chen Nan looked so lonely, Xu Yu patted his shoulder slowly and comforted softly: "As for what the reason is, you need to find it yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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