Chapter 347 The Great Dragon
Chen Nan was originally an extremely smart person, but it was his first meeting with the elf saint Catherine, who had the same appearance as Yuxin, that made him confused.

Now after hearing Xu Yu's comfort, he once again thought that Xiao Chenxi also looked very similar to Yuxin. After calming down, he had already guessed the mystery of Yuxin's life and death.

The three of them are probably a trinity, they are the same person.

According to legend, a supreme being with powerful magic can separate the seeds of the soul from his own body and recreate the same self.

This is a method that is a thousand times more brilliant than incarnation outside the body, and its risk is also a thousand times higher.

The external avatar is, in a sense, a humanoid fighting tool.

It needs to be controlled by the main body, once the main body dies.The incarnation also vanished into ashes.

However, the soul seeds separated from the legendary people with powerful magic and recreated individuals will not have such disadvantages.

They can be regarded as independent beings. When the body suffers a devastating blow, they can try to merge with the individual to restore the true body.

Chen Nan has already guessed that Xiao Chenxi and Catherine may have grown up from Yu Xin's soul seeds.

One of them was 'planted' in the divine jade, while the other was 'planted' in the tree of life.It's just a pity that Yuxin was not able to wait until the "soul seed" matured.

Yuxin, who was seriously injured that year, only left the seeds of her soul in the ancient elf tribe, but not herself.

Even the elders of the Elf tribe may not know the truth.

Of course, he didn't believe that Yuxin had really completely disappeared.

Because he had seen a huge image of Yuxin appear when the void of Yuxin shattered in the seminary.

It was precisely because of the suggestion of that image that he thought of coming to the West to find the truth.

Although Chen Nan guessed these causes and effects to a very close degree, he did not tell Catherine, Zijin Shenlong and others about them.

After all, this is a soul-shattering blow to the elf saint Catherine.

After Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others chatted with Elf Saint Catherine for a while, everyone was led by Elf Saint Catherine.

We went to the most taboo existence in this fairyland-like world, an extremely evil place called the Mysterious Grand Canyon.

Passing through the formation barrier and entering the interior of the canyon, one can clearly see that the space here is extremely vast.

Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others walked forward along the canyon for more than half a day, but they were still far from the end.

Along the ground, many skeletons can be seen one after another, all left by powerful immortals.

Looking at the skeletons in his sight, Xu Yu couldn't help but feel a trace of emotion in his heart.

Even though his current cultivation level is considered to be at the top level, he has never slacked off in his heart and always maintained this vigilance.

Stepping forward, everyone marched forward for about half an hour. The baby dragon of the Purple Gold Divine Dragon in the team suddenly became restless.

At this moment, both dragons could not help but feel a sense of fear in their hearts.

"Suppression from the bloodline, boy Chen, it seems that the big dragon sword you are looking for is not far from here!"

Feeling the fear of the purple golden dragon and the baby dragon, Xu Yu chuckled and said.

"Look, there is a city ahead!"

At the same time, the little Phoenix, who was being held in Catherine's arms, suddenly shouted.

Everyone heard the sound and turned around, just in time to see a small ancient city faintly appearing on the horizon.

This discovery made them sigh again, this canyon is too big!
The ancient city was unusually quiet, even deathly silent.Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others used their spiritual thoughts and headed towards the ancient city.

After a while, they discovered that this place was really a dead city, with no one entering or leaving at all.

After approaching, from the mottled ancient city wall, it can be seen that this ancient city has long gone through a long time.

Because the city wall is made of diamond rock that is said to never decay. However, this kind of city wall, which is stronger than metal, has already begun to gradually weather, showing the vicissitudes of time.

Walking into the city, the architectural style inside is extremely old, and it is impossible to tell which era they belong to.

After entering the city, Zijin Shenlong and Baby Dragon became even more frightened. They were unanimously sure that there was the legendary Dragon King's aura in this city.

Following this breath, everyone walked through streets one after another. In this ancient city without a single resident, there was deathly silence everywhere, and everything seemed so strange.

"right here!"

Until they arrived at the central square of the ancient city, Zijin Shenlong and Baby Dragon said in horror at the same time.The square is different from other places. Although there are no living people here, there are hundreds of skeletons of gods scattered here and there.The city wall should be strong, but it has already begun to gradually weather, showing the vicissitudes of time.Walking into the city, the architectural styles inside are so ancient that it is impossible to tell which era they belong to.

After entering the city, Zijin Shenlong and Baby Dragon became even more frightened. They were unanimously sure that there was the legendary Dragon King's aura in this city.

Following this breath, everyone walked through streets one after another. In this ancient city without a single resident, there was deathly silence everywhere, and everything seemed so strange.

"right here!"

Until they arrived at the central square of the ancient city, Zijin Shenlong and Baby Dragon said in horror at the same time.The square is different from other places. Although there are no living people here, there are hundreds of people scattered here and there.
Skeletons of gods.

Among the scattered bones, a broken knife covered in rust was seen, lying quietly on the ground.

This rusty knife was not only broken in half, but even the rusty blade was almost broken into a fishing net.

The rust has corroded countless small holes, making the front and back transparent.

"I said, you must have sensed it wrong, right? If this is the Great Dragon Sword, I'm afraid that whatever I spit on is a supreme artifact!"

Looking at the broken knife, Chen Nan sighed and said helplessly.At the same time, he also kicked the rusty knife on the ground.

However, what is surprising is that the broken knife did not move at all.


With a sigh in his mouth, Chen Nan felt a little strange and kicked him again, but it still didn't move.

"No way, is it really weird?" Chen Nan was a little unsure, bent down and reached out to grab the rust knife.

However, what surprised him was that with his sixth-level peak cultivation, he was not able to catch the rusty knife.

The broken knife, which was as rusty as a fishing net, turned out to be as hard to shake as a rock.

It was not until this moment that Chen Nanfang realized that he had made a mistake. This rusty and rotten knife was most likely the legendary dragon sword.
"Boy Chen, open your inner world, and I will help you subdue that sword!"

Seeing that Chen Nan was tinkering there, but there was no reaction from the dragon sword, Xu Yu couldn't help but chuckled.

After hearing Xu Yu's advice, Chen Nan opened his inner world without any hesitation.

At the same time, Xu Yu gently moved his sleeves, and in an instant, he picked up the half of the dragon sword from the air and sent it into Chen Nan's inner world.


As soon as the half of the dragon knife entered the inner world of Chennan, a bright and dazzling light suddenly erupted, followed by a huge dragon roar, exploding like wild thunder.

Immediately, the rusty knife turned into a dragon body, and a thousand-foot-long green dragon rushed into the chaotic zone.

To be precise, it should be half, because this green dragon was cut in half, only the upper half, not the lower half.

Moreover, this half of the dragon body was covered in blood, with many huge wounds that were shocking.

Countless blood holes penetrated its body, making the front and back translucent. It could be said that this green dragon was too miserable to see. Half of its body was a thousand feet long, and its blood-stained thick dragon body was like a continuous mountain peak.


At this moment, this half of the huge green dragon's body was rolling continuously in the chaotic area. The huge sound it made echoed for a long time, and it was unknown how many chaotic areas were shattered.

"Alas! I didn't expect that the once unparalleled Dragon King, a supreme being at the supreme level, would end up like this. It's so sad and deplorable!" Xu Yu couldn't help but sigh when he saw the azure dragon being so miserable.

Then, with a flick of his finger, a burst of heaven and earth energy poured into half of the green dragon's body.

The Qianzhang Qinglong slowly calmed down, and the bloody dragon body slowly turned to stone. Finally, half of the flesh and blood body turned into bluestone.

In the chaotic zone of heaven and earth in Chennan, a blue mountain range was formed.

When the half of the dragon sword was stable, Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others left the ancient city and continued to travel deeper.

The road is still very desolate, with rocks and sparse weeds being the main sights, and occasionally one or two skeletons of gods appear.

After about hundreds of miles, another new building came into view in the distance.

It was a temple, a temple entirely made of diamond rocks.

The scale is not very large, with only one main hall and two side halls.

There are no special artifacts inside, except for a few enshrined gods.

These statues are very strange. Not only are there no statues of gods under them, but there is only one big word written on each of the enshrined positions: '人'!
(End of this chapter)

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