Looking at the strange gods enshrined in the temple, Chen Nan couldn't help but have many thoughts in his heart.

"What does this mean? Does it mean that you don't respect gods or demons, but only respect yourself?"

For a moment, Chen Nan, who had complicated thoughts, looked at Xu Yu beside him with a look for advice, hoping that he could answer some questions for him.

However, Xu Yu didn't seem to feel it. He left the temple and continued walking forward.

After sighing helplessly, Chen Nan could only follow Xu Yu's pace with Zijin Shenlong and others.

On the next journey, the scenery in the mysterious Grand Canyon gradually became more vivid, the greenery became thicker, and the vegetation grew more and more, but no animals were seen.

When Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others continued to move forward for more than a thousand miles, the area they were in was already like a fairyland.

The Yao flowers are in full bloom, the grass is spreading on the ground, and the clear spring is flowing, creating a pleasant scenery.

However, despite the countless beautiful scenery in this area, the strong evil spirit brewing and surrounding the space has become more intense, making people feel frightened.

Suddenly, a refreshing fragrance of flowers came from the front, and when everyone found the source of the fragrance.

The expression on Chen Nan's face suddenly changed, and his heart was pounding because he saw a rare plant that was extremely impressive: the snow maple tree!

The tall snow maple trees have luxuriant green leaves, and countless snow-white petals are dotted between the branches and leaves, blooming like snowflakes in this scorching summer.

Chen Nan really didn't understand why there was this kind of plant in this place, because he had only seen this kind of plant in a special place in the outside world, and that was the Cemetery of Gods and Demons.

Legend has it that such tall snow maple trees can only grow in the cemetery of gods and demons, because these trees are transformed by the aura of the deceased gods and demons.

"What a beautiful tree!"

At the same time, Xu Yu, who was no stranger to snow maple trees, couldn't help but sigh.

This snow maple tree is indeed derived from the spiritual energy of gods and demons, and it is truly pleasing to the eye.

After suppressing their respective emotions, Xu Yu, Chen Nan and others continued to move forward.

Along the way, there are rows of tall and lush snow maple trees.

Snow-white petals fell one after another along with their footsteps.

It's like a rain of flowers. It's so beautiful that it's intoxicating, and at the same time, it's also so beautiful that it's frightening.

It was daytime at this moment, and the holy light spread over every inch of the cemetery. There were eight-winged angels dancing there, and there was the main god holding a golden holy sword wandering around.

There is no doubt that these are the illusions of ancient Western gods and demons, phantoms transformed by the immortal and powerful spiritual thoughts of ancient gods and demons.

After passing through the tall snow maple trees on the periphery, a scene appeared before everyone's eyes, which was extremely shocking.

Rows and rows, rows and rows, are all tall tombstones, standing between the vast sky and earth.

This is a cemetery with thousands of tombstones gathered together, so dazzling.

The most important thing is that the owners of these tombs are not ordinary people.

Those tall diamond stone tombstones have long been weathered, and most of them are in dilapidated condition. There are even a few tombs with only half of the stone monuments left standing in the field.

The tombstone is engraved with ancient oriental characters. Even Chen Nan, a man who lived thousands of years ago, cannot understand the inscriptions on it.

After all, even the diamond rock, which is said to be immortal for ten thousand years, has been ruined like this.

It is conceivable how long this cemetery of gods and demons has existed, but it is already elusive.

The only thing that can be guessed is that in the unknown long ago, there was an oriental who built this cemetery for the dead western gods and demons here.

"In the Cemetery of Gods and Demons, all the gods gathered together to make wedding clothes!
Suddenly, such a line of text sounded in Chen Nan's mind, making his expression instantly frightened.

He suspected that someone was using his body to raise two-color light balls.

But in the end, the two-color light ball containing the power of gods and demons will be taken back sooner or later.

When that time comes, there is no guarantee that he will not be brutally murdered.

"What are you kid afraid of? No matter what the final outcome is, isn't it good enough for you, for a person who has been dead for thousands of years, to be able to crawl out of the grave and live again?"

As if feeling Chen Nan's heavy mood, Xu Yu suddenly looked towards him and spoke slowly.

"Maybe the kid is too greedy! But now that the kid has come back to life, he just wants to live according to his own wishes, instead of becoming a pawn to be plotted!"

Hearing Xu Yu's words in his ears, Chen Nan couldn't help but fall into silence. After a long pause, he just sighed and said.

"It's not greed, it's just human nature! I am very optimistic about you, and I hope you can get what you want!"

Xu Yu suddenly raised his hand and patted Chen Nan on the shoulder, with a soft smile and praise.

"hope so!"

For a moment, Chen Nan couldn't help but have a wry smile on his face.

His family knew his own affairs, and although he spoke with great pride, he had no confidence at all whether he could do it.

After patting Chen Nan on the shoulder again, Xu Yu said nothing, leaving him standing there in a daze, while he walked towards the depths of the Cemetery of Gods and Demons on his own.

Not long after, he had entered the deepest part of a snowy maple forest.

At this moment, three huts suddenly appeared in front of him.

His thoughts suddenly changed, and he sensed that there was no life fluctuation in the hut, and Xu Yu slowly walked over.

When I came to the hut, I gently opened the door. The furnishings inside were very simple, just a bed, a table, a chair, a stone platform, and no other items.

It can be seen that the owner has been away for a while, because there is a thick layer of dust on the table.

As soon as he entered the hut, Xu Yu's eyes fell on a stone platform.

The shape of this stone platform is a bit strange. On both sides of it, two shocking words are engraved: "Billions of creatures are soldiers, and millions of gods and demons are generals!"

The purpose of Xu Yu's journey with Chen Nan and others was for this square stone platform.This square stone platform is called the General Worship Platform, and it is the treasure of the eternal demon lord.

In the deal he made with the Demon Lord in the Death Jedi, he helped the Demon Lord get back the general worship platform.

I saw Xu Yu walking slowly to the edge of the general worship platform. As soon as his mind moved, a pure demonic aura emerged from his body, which was clearly the aura of the Demon Lord.

Inspired by this breath, the platform in front of him suddenly trembled violently, and then began to grow rapidly.


In just an instant, the small thatched hut was squeezed open by the surge of worshipers.

The table instantly turned into a hundred-foot radius, carrying Xu Yu quickly into the sky.

At this time, this stone platform with a radius of [-] feet and exuding strong demonic energy became the original appearance of the general worship platform.

Then, a force so majestic that it was impossible to calculate suddenly erupted, sweeping through the entire world and causing great changes.

The sky was dark, and the boundless black pure devilish energy gradually enveloped the clear sky.

The light is about to disappear, just like the devil is about to rule the world again.

This world seems to have turned into a realm of death, vitality is gradually disappearing, and the breath of death is spreading and mighty, about to fill every inch of space.

However, when this space completely fell into endless darkness, when the air of death swept across the entire land, a colorful brilliance suddenly lit up in the endless darkness.

High in the sky, the platform of worship emits dazzling rays of light. After falling into a state of extreme death, the breath of death gradually weakens from the platform.
It slowly exuded wisps of 'breath of life'.The ultimate in death is full of vitality!

The brilliant brilliance, like lightning, gradually broke through the dark void.

At this moment, although the energy of death was still overwhelming, the energy of life was also rolling out, surging away until it filled every inch of this space.

There is a balance between life and death. The extreme of death is life, and the extreme of life is death.The cycle of life and death continues, forming a delicate balance that is difficult to describe in words.

The general worship platform exudes auspicious glow, but at the same time, its periphery is also shrouded in heavy evil aura.

Xu Yu stood quietly on the high platform, motionless, like a stone statue carved from diamond rock, as if he had existed here since ancient times.

Reawakening the general worship platform on behalf of the Demon Lord was one of the deals between him and the Demon Lord.

And helping the general worship platform absorb the life and death energy of gods and demons in the cemetery of gods and demons is also a transaction between the two.

But when they saw the royal envoy's general worship platform flying up, Chen Nan and others looked at them with great amazement, reaching the sky above the cemetery of gods and demons, facing the endless tombs of gods and demons below.

At the same time, the cemetery of gods and demons was already in chaos, and the tombs of gods and demons were cracked.

In each grave, either a defeated arm stretched out, or a white bone claw stretched out.

But everything happened quietly without making even the slightest sound.

However, at this moment, when Xu Yu flew the general worship platform over the gods and demons cemetery and gradually landed, the entire gods and demons tombs were completely boiling.

Huge roars rushed out from the ancient cemetery.

What I heard was the terrifying roars of gods and howls of demons everywhere, as if they were going to penetrate the heaven and earth and reach directly to the three realms and six realms.


Rows of tombstones of gods and demons were falling down, and each tomb was shaking violently, as if the evil spirits trapped in hell were about to break out of their cages.

The earth was rumbling and trembling, and the whole cemetery of gods and demons was shaking.

The aura of life and death, the aura of gods and demons, is endless, mighty, rushing up quickly, spreading to every corner of this world.

Seeing this situation in their eyes, Chen Nan and others looked horrified. They really did not expect that such a terrifying scene would happen.

How could those gods and demons who had been dead for tens of millions of years suddenly become turbulent?Are they going to be resurrected?Wouldn't this lead to chaos in the world?

Endless claws were dancing in the tombs of gods and demons. Some were bloody and fleshy, and some were bones. It was like waves turbulating, but not a single body of gods and demons rushed out.

It can be seen that every corpse of the gods and demons is struggling, as if there is an unimaginable force imprisoning them, making it difficult for them to escape from their respective tombs.


In the continuous struggle of the gods and demons, a tall tombstone of gods and demons finally collapsed completely.

Immediately, there was a roar that resounded throughout the world, and the roaring sound waves stirred up the wind and clouds, making people deafening.

In the endless surging air waves, a tall figure could be seen quickly rushing out of the mausoleum.

With an earth-shattering roar, the tomb of the god exploded, and a tall figure stood proudly.

This is a twelve-winged angel, an ancient god with six pairs of white wings.

The tall figure is like a mountain, exuding a powerful aura like a vast ocean.

At the same time, Xu Yu, who was standing on the general worship platform, instantly felt this powerful aura.

I saw a sudden thought in his mind, looking down at the huge cemetery of gods and demons at his feet, his eyes were cold and cold.

It seemed to have penetrated through layers of space, traveled across infinite time, and landed directly on the first twelve-winged angel to break out of the ground.

The twelve-winged angel has long golden hair, shining brightly under the sunlight.

However, the cheeks covered by the long hair are shocking and frightening. Half of the face is bloody and bloody, revealing deep cheekbones and white teeth.

Although the flesh on the other half of the face was still there, it was extremely gray and exuded a deathly aura.

A pair of eyes were also gray, empty and lifeless.

There are five finger holes on his chest, and the five finger holes penetrate the front chest and the back, making the front and back transparent.

Through the finger hole, one can see that a broken heart is quietly hanging in the chest, and has already stopped beating.

This ancient god actually died like this, he was actually killed by a fatal blow like this.

It is conceivable that his opponent must have boundless power, and he must be an unparalleled person. This tall ancient god exudes boundless power.

With all his power, he looked up at the general worship platform high in the sky, hesitating slightly and wanting to kneel down.

But he seemed to be very unwilling to do so. After struggling several times, he finally roared viciously at the top.

Then it suddenly rose into the sky and pounced towards Xu Yu who was high in the sky.


Seeing that the twelve-winged angel didn't think about how to survive, and actually dared to attack him first, Xu Yu, who looked extremely indifferent, couldn't help but snorted.

Then, I saw his feet stepping lightly, and the two lines of shocking blood-red characters that were originally carved on the general worship platform suddenly shone brightly and were reflected in the sky.

"Hundreds of millions of creatures are soldiers, and millions of gods and demons are generals!"

One horizontal and one vertical, criss-crossing, emitting endless blood, the ancient god who was the first to rush out from the ancient tomb was directly suppressed by these two blood-red characters.


With a loud bang, under the pressure of blood, the ancient god was instantly wiped out, submerged in endless blood, not even a drop was left.

"This...the terrifying twelve-winged angel died so easily?"

Seeing the terrifying power of the General Worship Platform, Chen Nan and others could not help but marvel at it.

"Why are the corpses of the dead gods and demons acting strangely? They have all lost their lives a long time ago. Can they still come back to life? Why are they struggling and about to climb out of their respective graves when there is obviously no trace of life fluctuations? Is someone summoning them? ?"

Looking at the dancing arms and bone claws in the tombs around them, at this moment, their hearts were full of questions, they were extremely shocked, and they couldn't help but murmur to themselves.


At the same time, in the Gods and Demons Cemetery, the ancient gods and demons buried in various tombs seemed to sense the death of the twelve-winged ancient god, and they all let out loud roars.

The tremors in the tombs became more intense, as if the corpses of all the ancient gods and demons were about to emerge from the ground.

High in the sky, with Xu Yu's power, the two bright blood-red characters became brighter and brighter in the sky.

Finally, they crisscrossed and circled, forming a blood-colored light curtain, slowly pressing down towards the Cemetery of Gods and Demons.

As the blood surged, an unimaginably majestic and powerful force emerged, like a vast ocean or a great mountain, surging down in mighty force.

Chen Nan and others were like a few fallen leaves in the strong wind, and they flew away from the Cemetery of Gods and Demons quickly.

The surging force swept them over and over again, until they flew more than ten miles away before they fell to the ground.

At this moment, they were already far away from the area just now, and they could only fly high into the sky and look at the cemetery of gods and demons from a distance.

The dead ancient gods and demons moved strangely for some unknown reason. When many gods and demons were about to rush out of the tomb again, the bloody light curtain had completely descended on the cemetery.

Endless bloody light shot straight into the sky, covering the sky and the sun, completely covering this cemetery of gods and demons that originated from unknown ancient times.

The cracked tombs were shaking violently, pairs of divine hands and bone claws were dancing, and the roaring sound was even more deafening.

However, no more corpses of gods and demons can break out of the surface. An ocean-like force is confined in the cemetery of gods and demons, preventing many dead gods and demons from making any changes.

Just as Xu Yu was about to descend from the sky, suddenly, he heard a rapid sound breaking through the air from far to near.

Immediately, a tall stone tablet flew from the distance and landed directly in the center of the Cemetery of Gods and Demons. (End of chapter)

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