Chapter 349

The stones flying over looked much taller and more like tombstones than the many tombstones of gods and demons.

Traces of bright red blood stained it, making it look so evil, like the emperors with many tombstones.

"Suppressing magic stone!"

Thanks to the Demon Lord's extensive knowledge, Xu Yu recognized the origin of this stone tablet almost instantly.

The entire cemetery of gods and demons suddenly became quiet due to its arrival.

The death energy emanating from the demon-suppressing stone is so strong and powerful that it seems to be even better than this cemetery of gods and demons.

The bone claws and stiff arms that had been stretched out were slowly and quietly retreating into the tomb.

In just a moment, all the corpses of gods and demons that crawled out of the graves returned to the ground.

The cracked tombs of gods and demons were closed in an instant, and the fallen tombstones were re-erected by an unknown force.

The cemetery of gods and demons returned to its original silence, as if nothing had happened.However, such an unusual silence is actually

Heart palpitations.

At this moment, the elf saint Catherine, the dragon baby, the purple golden dragon and the little phoenix in the distance all felt an unspeakable oppression, making it extremely difficult for them to breathe.

A feeling of fear couldn't help but rise in their hearts, causing them to retreat and retreat involuntarily, constantly moving away from the Cemetery of Gods and Demons.

However, a holy light rose from Chen Nan's body, enveloping his whole body, but he didn't feel too depressed.

But at this moment, he still felt an unusual wave of death, and a dangerous aura filled his heart.

Looking from a distance, I saw that the general worship platform of Imperial Ambassador Xu Yu was already in confrontation with the Demon Suppressing Stone.

Suddenly, the platform trembled slightly, carrying Xu Yu at low altitude around the Demon Suppressing Stone, and began to rotate continuously.

At the same time, the demon-suppressing stone was no longer silent. The bright red blood stains on its body were more dazzling and more gorgeous, emitting bursts of evil light.

Then, traces of blood began to flow down from the tall monument. The scarlet blood dyed half of the black stone monument red, and then slowly dripped to the ground.

Not long after, the body of the stele, which was originally dark, has now become blood red all over, like a blood stele.


Suddenly, a wave of blood rose into the sky, causing a huge roar.

From that strange demon-suppressing stone, a huge wave of blood surged upwards against the sky and swept towards Xu Yu and the General Worship Platform.


Seeing such a situation, Xu Yu, who frowned slightly, couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Then, as his thoughts suddenly moved, he saw the boundless light of blood flashing again on the general meeting stage.Rolling up a terrifying and huge power, it went straight towards the monstrous blood wave and the demon-suppressing stone.


With a deafening loud noise, it exploded in and out, and the huge wave of blood was suddenly scattered on the spot, evaporating into nothingness.

The bright red color gradually receded, revealing the demon-suppressing stone like the King of Monuments below.

But then, extremely abnormal changes occurred on the demon-suppressing stone. Four large, blood-red characters were mapped on the four directions of the blood-red monument;

'Exterminate, destroy, kill, seal!


Magnificent and majestic, it collided with the bloody light in mid-air and erupted into a deafening sonorous sound. There is no doubt that this is the clear sound of death.

The General Worship Platform is controlled by Xu Yu, and there seem to be other controllers behind the Demon Suppressing Stone.

"Don't you dare to come out and see people if you hide your head and show your tail?"

After a brief confrontation, Xu Yu, who was standing on the platform with his hands behind his back, suddenly spoke.

Those cold words and the invisible coercion filled the entire cemetery of gods and demons, making it difficult for those hiding in the dark to control themselves.

Along with a burst of yellow mist, a figure appeared vaguely.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

The strange and inexplicable figure seemed to have stepped out of endless reincarnation, stepping on the node of life and death, and gradually stepped forward.

I saw that his red hair was as bright as blood, the red was dazzling, and the red was shocking.

But his face looked extremely old, and the wrinkles on his cheeks were wrinkled and piled up, like dried orange peels.

In the deep-set eye sockets, a pair of blue eyes were extremely cold, a bit more terrifying than the eyes of a beast that glowed green in the dark.

The skinny body is as tall and slender as a bamboo pole, and the skin without any luster is wrapped around the skeleton-like body, which can really be called skin and bones.

With just one more layer of skin than a skeleton, he really looked like a living ghost from hell.

"You humble human being, do you really think I can't do anything to you? In my eyes, you are just as weak as a bug, and I can trample you to death at any time."

The mysterious person stood up in the air and looked at Xu Yu from high in the sky. When he spoke, there was no emotion in his words. His eyes were cold and murderous, and he was approaching Xu Yu.

"You don't know how to live or die, I want to see what qualifications you have, how dare you insult the human race!"

Hearing the mysterious man's voice, Xu Yu's eyes couldn't help but flash a hint of murderous intent.

Immediately, I saw him slowly walking out of the general worship platform and walking towards the visitor step by step.

With every step he took, he could see the pressure on Xu Yu becoming stronger, like the power of heaven shrouding the mysterious man.

"Hmph! Don't put that dirty, weak race on my head. I have already jumped out of the human category. I am the top existence of the pyramid! And you, in my eyes, are just as small as a particle. Take a breath. , I can even kill you!

The mysterious man snorted coldly and said expressionlessly, his words full of arrogance.

Hearing the arrogant words of the mysterious man, Xu Yu was not moved by it at all, but still walked towards him.

However, the strong coercion rising around him suddenly changed, as fierce and terrifying as a murderous intention from heaven.

Seeing Xu Yu getting closer and closer, he felt the strong murderous intention surrounding him.

The mysterious man was no longer as arrogant as before, and he couldn't help but feel a hint of panic in his heart.


A cold shout suddenly came from his mouth, causing a storm in the air and echoing in the huge cemetery of gods and demons for a long time.

At the same time, the mysterious man who did not want to sit still and wait for death suddenly took action, his eyes full of horror.

With a sharp palm, he stirred up the wind and clouds in the world, gathered supreme divine power, roared through the air, and came directly towards Xu Yu, but he wanted to kill Xu Yu, the uninvited guest who ruined his chess game, with one blow.


Looking at the mysterious man who took the lead, a hint of disdain appeared at the corner of Xu Yu's mouth.

Without seeing any movement from him, a barrier of stars naturally rose up around him, dazzling and dazzling, protecting his entire body within it.


Along with a dull sound burst out, heavy energy fluctuations overflowed.

The star barrier that seemed to be extremely thin was actually like an indestructible copper wall. No matter how hard the mysterious man struck with his sharp palm, it remained motionless.

"The peak of heaven? Although you have surpassed the realm of immortals and gods, you will not enter the supreme realm of defying heaven after all. As far as I am concerned, you are just an ant.
Okay, is this your contempt for the human race? "

An extremely cold voice came out of Xu Yu's body, and divine power suddenly surged out of Xu Yu's body.

The star barrier suddenly bloomed with countless dazzling and bright starlight, deriving unparalleled terrifying energy, which vibrated towards the mysterious man like water waves spreading.

In an instant, it penetrated through many spaces and affected the mysterious man, forcefully knocking him down from the air.


But a loud noise suddenly exploded, and the mysterious man fell hard to the ground, immediately making a huge hole in the ground.

"Damn it, I'm going to tear you into pieces!!!"

The embarrassed mysterious man slowly crawled out of the underground pit, his face even more livid. He couldn't help but look up to the sky and let out a huge roar towards Xu Yu.

The rolling sound waves were so powerful that white clouds exploded in the sky and scattered in all directions.

Several large mountains on the ground collapsed, rocks shot in, and smoke billowed.

Large tracts of forest fell to the ground, fallen leaves were falling, and several surging rivers in the distance roared out of the river banks and changed their courses.

It has to be said that although this mysterious man is no match for Xu Yu, his huge roar fully demonstrated his cultivation beyond the realm of gods.

It can be said that the situation is changing, the sky and the earth are eclipsed, making the whole world seem to be about to collapse.Logically speaking, such a huge power cannot be endured by Chen Nan, Zijin Shenlong and others.

However, at this moment, a flawless piece of jade Ruyi was seen floating on Chen Nan's chest, exuding a warm and holy radiance.

The holy radiance rippled out and enveloped Chen Nan, Zijin Shenlong and others like water waves.

It was as if a faint bubble covered their bodies, blocking out all the sound waves of the unparalleled demonic roar. This allowed them to watch the battle safely.

Seeing that the mysterious man's expression was as sharp as a ghost, Xu Yu remained unmoved by it, as if he was standing quietly in the mid-air like an eternal taboo.

But the bone-chilling murderous intent that overflowed from all around him was pressing towards the mysterious man.

Wherever it passes, the surrounding void can't help but be twisted and broken.

The mysterious man's scarlet eyes, like those of a fierce ghost, also stared at Xu Yu fiercely.

He shouted loudly, raised his hand and punched Xu Yu straight away.

Although there is a distance of a hundred feet between the two sides, this distance is nothing to experts like them.


The punch that dominates the world clearly reveals the cultivation level of this mysterious man at the peak of the heavenly level, causing the whole world to be in turmoil.Within the Cemetery of Gods and Demons, all the mountains were trembling, and the mountains and forests on the ground were undulating like ocean waves.

Countless tombstones of gods and demons started to move in alarm, and huge auras naturally generated power to guard the earth.

Seeing the mysterious man fighting with all his strength in a life-and-death crisis, Xu Yu couldn't help but feel a hint of mockery that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

Immediately, with a thought, the power of the bright stars lingering around him began to flow, deriving an indescribable terrifying power and crashing down towards the mysterious man.

The majestic and terrifying power caused the heaven and earth to collapse immediately, the mountains and rivers immediately rolled back, and even the mysterious cemetery of gods and demons began to tremble uncontrollably.

Even though the mysterious man's cultivation is considered a master in this world, the gap between the heavenly level and the heaven-defying level is as big as the world.

In just the moment of the fight, the outcome of Xu Yu and the mysterious man was completely clear.


In the midst of the chaotic air waves, the mysterious man fell down and flew back. He groaned and a stream of blood suddenly spurted out and fell into the air.

"You ants who don't know how high the sky is, today I want you to know that the human race cannot be humiliated!"

As he spoke indifferently, he saw Xu Yu slowly reaching out.

In an instant, the power of the stars lingering around his body turned into a torrent of stars.

Slowly gathered in his hand, condensed into a dazzling sword of stars.

The sharp sword light pierced through the air, carrying unparalleled killing intent, and headed straight towards the mysterious man who was knocked back by him.


Every time the Star Sword strikes down, the space along the way will be shattered.

At the same time, more brilliant meteors flashed past, leaving the mysterious man unable to dodge.

Although Xu Yu was not good at using a sword, the huge gap in cultivation between the two was enough to kill the mysterious man with his sword.

But he saw the Star Sword facing the wind, growing to a size of a thousand feet, and sweeping towards the mysterious man.

Although the mysterious man broke through the confinement of space and teleported thousands of feet away.

However, the Star Sword seemed to follow him like a shadow, cutting him in half.

"it is good!"

Not far away, Chen Nan, Zijin Shenlong and others who were watching the battle saw Xu Yu being so tyrannical and couldn't help but cheered.

However, before the words in their mouths stopped, they saw that the mysterious man's broken body was quickly put back together again.

Although the huge wound was covered with blood, it was eventually glued back together.

In the blink of an eye, this mysterious man started fighting Xu Yuyou again as if he was not hurt.

For a moment, Chen Nan, Zijin Shenlong and others who were watching the battle couldn't help but be stunned.

Although their cultivation is not as good as Xu Yu and the mysterious man who are fighting, their knowledge is not short-sighted.

Naturally, it can be seen that this mysterious man has such magical powers and has clearly achieved the legendary immortality.

Just thinking about such an unkillable and powerful enemy is a headache.

That mysterious man was worthy of being the one who dared to plot the Demon Lord's general worship platform. Not only had his cultivation reached the peak of the heavenly level, but he had also practiced a lot of secret techniques.

"Immortal body? It's just a small trick. I'll refine you completely!"

Seeing that the mysterious man had recovered from his injuries, Xu Yu was not surprised at all, and only heard a cold snort from his mouth.

Then, a majestic seal emerged from above his head, suppressing the heaven and earth and imprisoning the void.

The seal exudes a strong and terrifying pressure, and the surroundings are filled with scenes of chaos being shattered and reappearing. This is the Yuanshi Seal.

"If you hadn't tampered with my general ceremony and had that damn demon-suppressing stone causing trouble, how could I have been forced to this point by you?"

When the mysterious man saw this, he couldn't help but said angrily.

"Ha, you are so bold! Does the platform of worship really belong to you?

Even I don’t want to provoke the owner of this general worship platform!
With your ant-like existence, how dare you be so bold? "

Hearing the mysterious man's words, Xu Yu couldn't help but sneer and said.

"Damn it, don't be proud of yourself. When I take back control of the general worship platform, I will kill you to pieces!"

Xu Yu's voice full of ridicule made the mysterious man immediately become angry, and he roared in anger.

He had always thought of himself as the secret planner, so how could he tolerate Xu Yu's contempt for him.

After all, this mysterious man is still a living creature, far from reaching the transcendent state he said himself, and he is even very prone to anger.


At that moment, I saw a roar from his mouth, stirring up the storm, and there were countless phantoms of gods and demons inside, filled with lifeless energy and overwhelming demonic energy.

Seeing this huge vision of gods and demons, Xu Yu was not moved at all.

I saw the Yuanshi Seal above his head suddenly trembled, slowly rotating between the sky and the void, intertwined with the strange light of heaven and earth, and produced boundless mist, suppressing it towards the mysterious man.

In an instant, the storm that the mysterious man stirred up the heaven and earth suddenly stopped, and countless remnant souls of gods and demons dancing ferociously also fell silent.

Everything stopped changing, and even Chen Nan, Zijin Shenlong and others who were watching the battle from a distance could not help but pause suddenly.

All of a sudden, the sky and the earth are vast, everything is silent, the sun is still shining, but the light no longer swings, and the wind and clouds are also solidified, and everything is frozen at this moment!

Seeing that everything in time was suppressed by the Yuanshi Seal, Xu Yu slowly pointed forward, only to see a huge world power piercing through his fingertips.

In the blink of an eye, it was packed with unparalleled power and transformed into the most dazzling light curtain, overwhelming the mysterious person.

Caught in the power of the world, the mysterious man couldn't help but tremble continuously, and his mouth screamed with anger and horror.

However, no matter what the mysterious man did, he could not stop the power of the world at all.

As the power of the world continued to rotate, the mysterious man suddenly felt that his huge body was being crushed continuously, and even his soul was gradually being destroyed.


With a whisper from Xu Yu's mouth, the power of the world immediately swept the mysterious man back and swallowed him into the world he opened up.

After all, this mysterious man also has a cultivation level at the peak of the heaven level, but he is the only choice to serve as the nourishment of Xu Yu's own world. Xu Yu naturally cannot waste him.

After refining the mysterious man into his own world, with a thought, Xu Yu fell towards the place where Chen Nan, Zijin Shenlong and others were.

"What happened here is over, but it's time for me to leave. Take care of yourself, Mr. Chen!"

Xu Yu said with a chuckle as his eyes swept over Chen Nan and others one by one.

Then, he was seen staring at the Purple Gold Dragon tightly and said: "When I come back, if your strength is still so bad, don't blame me for taking advantage of you!"

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Chen Nan, Zijin Shenlong and others to persuade him to stay, Xu Yu broke through the infinite void and left the Cemetery of Gods and Demons.

As for the general worship platform and the demon-suppressing stone, Xu Yu left them in the cemetery of gods and demons. Chen Nan will take these two magic weapons to find their owners.

Before leaving, he took a meaningful look at the piece of jade Ruyi in front of Chen Nan, and at a place deep under the ground of the Cemetery of Gods and Demons.

At the same time, a woman in Yu Ruyi's heart and a man deep underground in the Cemetery of Gods and Demons also invariably stared at the place where Xu Yu broke through the void.

(End of this chapter)

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