Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 350 The first visit to the wilderness

When Xu Yu stepped into the light door, everything changed. The sky and the earth were hazy, entwined with mist, and it seemed that he had arrived at the time when the world was undecided and the Hongmeng first opened.


Then, a long river appeared, flowing slowly at first, and then unexpectedly began to rush and roar.

This is not a real river, but a manifestation of a law. It actually flows with the breath of time, overwhelming the sky and the earth, and making thousands of thunders.

One wave after another splashes, just like one big world rotates after another, the heavens are arising and dying, and every roll seems to represent the changes in ancient history.

"It's a little different from the previous trip to Dou Qi Continent. Could it be a problem with the timeline?" Xu Yu's mind moved slightly, and he looked at the long river of time with some inexplicable reason.

At this moment, he was in the downstream area of ​​​​the long river of time. Endless fragments of time and space were floating bit by bit, flying around his body, carrying him forward and upstream.

Not long after, Xu Yu disappeared into the long river of time. A wave splashed, and when it came down, there were ripples and everything disappeared.

"A variable has appeared." A faint sigh came from the upper reaches of the long river of time.

The vast mountains, the mountains are towering, the night is dark, the scenery is invisible, but the mountains are not peaceful, the beasts roar, shaking the mountains and rivers, and the leaves are falling down, a wild scene.

Among the mountains and ravines, there are prehistoric beasts running rampant, ancient relics haunting, and all kinds of terrible voices come and go, wanting to split the heaven and the earth, and tear the universe apart.



Suddenly there was a great deal of light in the sky, and an astonishing trembling sound was emitted. It seemed as if the dome was torn open, and a huge gap appeared. Wisps of light shone through, and then thousands of rays of light illuminated the entire pitch-black mountain range.

A humanoid figure appeared from the gap, his whole body was gushing fairy light, filled with astonishing auspicious colors, standing on the void, exploring the world, it was Xu Yu who finally descended into the perfect world.

The avenue drips with immeasurable brilliance, hanging in the sky like waterfalls, surrounding this splendid and blazing body.

A golden-winged divine ape jumped out. It was tall, several feet tall, with a pair of golden wings on its back and wide-mouthed fangs. It pounced on Xu Yu.

This is a beast king, there is no opponent within a thousand miles, and all birds and beasts must submit to him.


Xu Yu's expression remained unchanged, and he pointed lightly, penetrating his skull, and a bright blood hole appeared from the front and back. The golden-winged divine ape died, and he directly put it away.

An inexplicable breath emanated, and the mountains and valleys were as silent as death. All the ferocious birds and beasts lay dormant, not daring to make a sound. They were all shocked by this terrifying existence. No temper at all.

Then Xu Yu came back to her senses and felt quietly

After realizing the aura of this side of the world, he looked at this side of the world. His body was blurry and dim, wrapped in mist, and no one could detect his true appearance.

This is a completely different world, belonging to that mysterious and chaotic ancient time, and it is very different from the avenue that covers the world.

In the chaotic ancient times, the rules of practice were not strict. As long as you had enough resources, you could achieve something, and getting started was relatively simple.

Practitioners in this era pay more attention to the understanding of the great ways of heaven and earth, and make progress with the help of the power of heaven and earth.

The practice of the Zhetian era is a secret practice system. If you want to get started, it will be more difficult. What is important is to tap your own human body potential, rely less on heaven and earth, and form your own world.

In the mountains not far away, there is a soft light emerging, full of greenery, guarding a village, rippling green clouds, surrounding the entire village.

It was a huge piece of dead wood, the whole body was scorched black, except for half of the trunk, there was only a weak wicker left, but it was exuding vitality, and soft light diffused, covering a village.

There is only one willow tree, and the green clouds are like a divine chain. The halo is filled and the light curtain is slightly rippling, covering the entire village.

Then, Xu Yu restrained his aura, all the light disappeared, and the entire wilderness became pitch black again.

At the head of the village is the courtyard of the old patriarch Shi Yunfeng, which is made of huge stones, next to the scorched and huge willow.

"The wilderness today is so quiet and scary. The light just now was..."

Village chief Shi Yunfeng opened the door and walked out of the stone house quickly, but when he just came out, everything returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

"Is it possible that the birth of Shan Bao caused too much noise?" Shi Yunfeng sighed, looking a little worried.

He remembered that on that night decades ago, there were thunder and lightning, heavy rain, howling wind, and many mountains and lightning were broken down.

At that time, a big willow tree reaching the sky appeared in the clouds, bathing in the sea of ​​thunder, entwined with lightning as thick as a mountain, and thousands of willows turned into flaming chains, piercing the entire sky, like fighting something.

Finally, the big willow tree broke, covered in incomparable darkness, shrunk to its current size, and fell into the stone village. When the heavy rain subsided, the strange stone that the village had supported left.

He raised his head to look at the sky, then turned his eyes to the willow tree, saluted reverently, then turned around slowly and walked into the house with very light steps.

Lying on the bed was a young child, about one year old, sleeping soundly, stretched out, sleeping in a big shape, and even kicked the quilt off the bed, with milk stains on the corner of his mouth.

"This child."

The village chief Shi Yunfeng looked at the young child with a doting smile on his face. He gently walked over again and helped the little boy put the quilt on him.

"In the chaotic ancient world, if you practice the great ways of this world, you can turn it into your own nourishment." Xu Yu said silently, descended from the sky, walked forward, explored all directions, and soon appeared in Shicun. Under the willow tree.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

A wicker tree exuding a gleaming green glow swayed gently, and if ripples spread, a soft light bloomed, sending out spiritual thoughts.

Suddenly, Xu Yu's eyebrows were clear, and his dark jade-like eyes seemed to penetrate far away, staring at the willow tree.

The wicker swayed slightly, seeming a little uncomfortable being looked at.

"I don't mean any harm. As for the origin, I can't tell you."

Xu Yu chuckled lightly, looking a little confused. The willow tree in front of him should be the ancestral sacrifice spirit from the Immortal Ancient Period, and is now dormant in Shicun to recover from his injuries.

Then, the bright red blood disappeared from his fingertips, emitting an astonishing divine light, which was so piercing to the eyes. His vitality was extremely strong, and every drop of blood was like a divine furnace, rising up with blazing divine flames and dripping towards it. willow.


After a drop of Xu Yu's blood dripped down, it quickly penetrated and was absorbed by the willow tree. She was trembling slightly, and the entire branch was dyed red.

Not long after, a few more branches grew, extremely green and rippling with an extremely soft brilliance.

"Could this be...the divine bloodline?"

Willow sent out spiritual thoughts, and his mood seemed to be fluctuating again.

Xu Yu's Dao body is an eternal immortal body, which naturally contains rich divine substances, and has an extraordinary effect on Liu Shen, who is currently seriously injured.

"Not bad." Xu Yu smiled.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist." Liu Shen then remained silent for a moment and solemnly thanked her. She knew that she owed Xu Yu a great cause and effect.

At the same time, he also felt grateful in his heart. She was almost at her weakest moment, and these divine blood was undoubtedly very crucial to him.

He estimated that the origin of this man should be extremely amazing. There should not be such a talent in the eight wild realms of the lower world. The quality of this sacred bloodline is extremely high and scary. This man's cultivation level should also be very extraordinary, otherwise it would be impossible. There is such incredible blood.

Xu Yu shook his head. He didn't care about the blood in this body. He wanted to use this body to endure the ancient tribulations and practice the ancient methods. When the time comes, everything will be cut off. This blood is also redundant to him. It’s okay to give up.

In fact, if Liu Shen was not too weak now and was afraid that she would not be able to get enough, he could even pour more blood into her.

Afterwards, the two fell silent again without saying a word. Liu Shen knew that the other party seemed unwilling to disclose and did not ask, while Xu Yu's immortal phoenix incarnation sat directly next to Liu Shen.


The night passed.

Shicun is located in the Cangmang Mountains, surrounded by high peaks and ravines, and the vast mountains are towering.

In the early morning, the morning glow is brilliant, and the wine falls like broken gold, bathing people in warmth.

Xu Yu sat cross-legged under the willow tree. On the second day, he quickly attracted a group of men as strong as tigers to stop. The men carrying bone clubs and broad swords were looking at him curiously.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

"Is this young master a descendant of a big force or an ancient country?"

A group of men in Shicun looked at Xu Yu with vigilance and curiosity, looking slightly nervous. After all, the sudden arrival of such a stranger would inevitably make people uneasy.

"I am the patriarch of this village. I don't know where you come from. Why do you come to our stone village?" The old patriarch Shi Yunfeng walked out from a group of people. His old face was full of ravines and covered with the wind and frost of time.

His expression was solemn, and something strange flashed across his eyes. From the way the other person was dressed, he could clearly tell that this was definitely not a man from an ordinary tribe. He was definitely someone with a great background, not a small one.

Ishimura can afford it.

"I am Liu Shen Gujiu." Xu Yu said with a smile, stood up, looked around, and saw these villagers, with a bright light in his eyes.

"Liu Shen's friend?!"

Almost everyone's eyes widened with incredulous expressions. Liu Shen was their sacrificial spirit. If he could be the sacrificial spirit's friend, his origins would be astonishing.


At this time, several branches of Willow God swayed gently, rippling endless green clouds, and actually made a sound.

"The sacrificial spirit really showed up!"

The men, women, and children in Stone Village exclaimed that this was the first time that this charred willow tree had spoken. In the past, he had never reacted and had not even enjoyed the sacrifice, but now he actually spoke.Moreover, many people looked surprised. Yesterday, there was only one willow branch to worship the spirit, but now there are four or five more branches.

Moreover, a small part of the charred tree body turned green.

"Distinguished lord, please come in!" Shi Yunfeng cupped his hands, his eyes were blazing, and invited Xu Yu. He vaguely guessed that now Liu
The change in God is probably related to the extremely handsome man in front of him.

"That would be disrespectful." Xu Yu smiled slightly, with a calm expression and a detached attitude.

He followed the old patriarch Shi Yunfeng and a group of men into the stone village.

When Xu Yu left, a few willow branches swayed gently and made an imperceptible sound. He seemed a little confused: "Why does it feel familiar?"

Stone Village is not very big. There are only more than 300 people, men, women, old and young in total. The houses are all made of huge stones, simple and natural.

A group of children were running. They were all little guys, ranging from three or four years old to ten years old. They were all very lively.

Soon, Xu Yu's arrival attracted the attention of many people. Many old, weak, women and children also came out and looked at him curiously.

"There are guests!"

A child with sharp eyes looked around and suddenly shouted.

In the village, many men, women, and children turned around and looked towards the entrance of the village, all showing surprise.

A young man, tall and tall, dressed in white as snow, walked step by step, like the son of God coming into the world, even his hair seemed to be pure and clear, walking step by step.

"Is this... the immortal coming out of the painting?" Many people in Shicun stared at Xu Yu.

"This gentleman is Liu Shen's friend." Shi Yunfeng quickly introduced.

"Is Liu Shen's friend also a god?"

"This lord is so young..."

Many people in Shicun were in an uproar. They had lived in the wilderness all their lives and had never seen such an extraordinary person.

A group of adults brought a large water vat, and when they opened the mud seal, the aroma of wine overflowed, which was extremely tempting, to entertain Xu Yu.

Later, the village chief Shi Yunfeng brought some pickled animal meat to the table.

"Sir, I'm sorry. We are so poor in the wilderness, and we only have this food. I hope you don't dislike it." Shi Yunfeng said with a bitter smile.

"It doesn't matter." Xu Yu shook his head, tore off a piece of animal meat, took a sip of wine, and looked calm.

"Bah, bah, bah, grandpa patriarch," a childish voice came, and then Xu Yu saw a little kid walking over with a staggering step, and there was still a faint milk stain on the corner of his mouth...

"This is little one."

The patriarch, Shi Yunfeng, picked up the little one, his eyes showed affection, his expression was both pity and love, and he took the initiative to introduce it to Xu Yu.

"Bah, bah, bah." The little boy's eyes were like black gems, and he looked around at the strangeness of the patriarch Shi Yunfeng, with milk stains on the corners of his mouth.

"The future Huangtian Emperor is still a milk baby now, but he looks quite cute." Xu Yu laughed in his heart and looked at Shi Hao, who was carved in pink and made of jade.

The little one is very fair and pretty, with big eyes that are moving around in black. She is like a porcelain doll, with a cute and naive attitude. Her face is as red as a big apple, and she is looking at it curiously.
The stranger in front of me seemed to be searching.

"Natural and handsome, with a sharp head and horns, he is a good seedling." Xu Yu said with a smile.

Everyone was extremely happy when they heard this. The little one was the porcelain doll of the village and the one they loved and cared for. Now being praised by this mysterious adult naturally made them feel equally happy.

"I'll give you a blessing." Xu Yu's eyes were like an abyss or a vast ocean, unpredictable.

Xu Yu touched the little one's head, and there was red cloud flowing in the palm of his hand. It rushed towards the little one's body at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a flowing river, intertwining in the body.

Immediately, every inch of flesh and blood in the little Shi Hao's body was shining brightly, and that blazing aura reflected the entire world transparently, which was very astonishing.

A mysterious aura emerged, most of the red clouds evaporated and poured into Shi Hao's body, and a part of the remaining aura actually entered Shi Yunfeng's body, turning it into nourishment to nourish his body.

"This is……"

Shi Yunfeng was shocked. His body seemed to have been injected with a strong vitality. His body was glowing, and a gentle force roamed among his limbs, actually removing all his hidden diseases.
, and his realm, which has not been loosened for a long time, is about to improve.

Moreover, in his body, the blood energy suddenly became strong, the wrinkled skin gradually regained its vitality, and his eyes became a little brighter, as if he had suddenly become 20 years younger and rejuvenated.

And at this moment, the little one was covered with red clouds flowing around him, like a red dragon flying, so magical that it nourished his young body.

"It's itchy." The little one muttered, his face became more and more rosy, his eyes were clear, his body was like a bottomless pit, devouring crazily, absorbing all the red glow, and rushing toward his chest.

Suddenly, something happened suddenly, his chest was glowing, and an earth-shattering and terrifying aura erupted, making the world tremble, as if a supreme being had revived.

"little guy!"

Many villagers were shocked. The bone that was born in the little boy's body was so terrifying. It seemed to be more terrifying than the ancient ferocious beast.

Even though they didn't know what that bone was, they could still feel the terrifying aura. The little one seemed a little different now.

At this moment, Shi Hao's chest was incomparably blazing, like a small sun, unexpectedly blooming with infinite divine light.

The bones in his body crackled, and the whole body exuded a brilliant light, as if he was giving birth to a fetish.

"Could it be..."

The patriarch Shi Yunfeng held the little one in his arms, his eyes widened suddenly, and his body couldn't help but tremble slightly. Although the villagers didn't know it, he knew a lot.

Many people in Shicun were shocked, and they could clearly see that Shi Hao's chest was crystal clear, and a blazing little sun appeared there, blood essence was circulating, and a bone was formed, which gradually took shape.

"Small, a bone has grown out of his chest!"

"What a magical breath!"

"He's shining, so bright."

Everyone was amazed, staring at the bone, and felt their eyes sting a little. They all had incredible expressions on their faces. They probably knew that the little one had received a great blessing and seemed to have undergone an astonishing transformation.

In the little one's chest, the supreme blood revived and became extremely strong. There was a small golden sun shining, continuously concentrating, revealing white bones.

The most frightening thing is that there are symbols flickering on it, and then a fiery villain is formed, sitting cross-legged on the Supreme Bone, as if chanting sutras.

"The Supreme Bone."

Xu Yu nodded slightly. The combination of this bone and Tao was a true innate magic, extremely powerful.

This is actually very different from some other magical powers. Generally speaking, many people in the human race now do not have their own runes, but study and imitate monsters.
And a supreme rune like Shi Hao, who was born to give birth to himself, can command the world, across the nine heavens and ten earths. Among the eight realms of the lower world, it is almost unique if not unique.

"The sacred blood has a very good nirvana effect on Shi Hao's Supreme Bone."

Xu Yu secretly thought that this kind of divine object was most suitable for Nirvana, and it was a priceless treasure for Shi Hao's current body.

According to the original trajectory, Shi Hao was able to resurrect the Supreme Bone with the nirvana liquid left by the ancient Suzaku. Now it is considered to be many years ahead of schedule, and Xu Yu's own precious blood is infinitely more divine than the blood of the ancient Suzaku. How many times more powerful. (End of chapter)

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