After being baptized by Emperor Xu Yu's blood, Shi Hao has now regained the Supreme Bone. This is the most suitable treasure for him. It is innate and unique in this world.

"Little one... a born supreme!"

Shi Yunfeng's lips trembled and he could barely hold back the tears. This child's hidden illnesses were not only cured, but his supreme bones were also revived. Now he seemed to be on par with the young children of the ancient country.

"Born to be supreme."

The people of Shicun were shocked and couldn't help but exclaim. This was so shocking. What these words meant was self-evident.

Their village is about to give birth to such a terrifying existence. Can it be compared with many large tribes and ancient countries in the future?Thinking of this made their hearts beat loudly.

"Could this little one be comparable to the young Golden-winged Dapeng and Zhen Kong?" Shi Linhu said. He was extremely tall, more than two meters tall. He looked like a human bear, but at this moment he showed an expression of extreme shock.

Then, the piece of bone became silent, and the blazing villain disappeared directly, turning into a symbol, hidden in the bone, only the red glow was still wrapped around his body.

"Yeah ah!"

The little one jumped directly from Shi Yunfeng's arms. The red glow was still flowing all over his body, and the divine glow was diffused for a long time. He kept babbling and seemed a little excited.

Everyone was surprised. They didn't know what happened to the little one, and they were inexplicably worried.

"Sir... is this?" an old man asked anxiously.

"It's okay." Xu Yu smiled, and everyone in Shicun felt slightly relieved. Since the adults said it was okay, he probably wouldn't lie to them.

The little boy took steps, as agile as a spiritual ape, faster than lightning. He took one step forward and came to the foot of a black gold cauldron.

Because his body was too small, he could only lift a tripod with both hands. Then under the eyes of everyone in disbelief, he threw the big black tripod like a stone, and it was a hundred meters away.

And that cauldron weighed nearly [-] kilograms.

"It's outrageous."

Everyone was in a daze and speechless.A one-and-a-half-year-old child can actually have such heaven-defying strength. He is indeed a born god, and now he has truly demonstrated his heaven-defying power.


A terrifying light shot out from its chest and penetrated the sky, causing the whole world to shake. The earth cracked open and ravines spread out one after another.

Thousands of miles around the wilderness, whether they were ancient beasts or humans, they all looked at the sky in disbelief, showing expressions of surprise.

"Immortal blood...supreme bone..." A few willow branches at the end of the village swayed gently, filled with green clouds, swaying with divine light, and said softly.

"Little guy..."

The people in Shicun were almost petrified. Their eyes almost stared at the ground when they saw the little boy showing off his power. The blazing divine light erupting from his chest could destroy the world.

Born to be supreme!

At this time, everyone truly understood the meaning of this sentence. It is as heavy as a mountain and can collapse the sky!
"Little one, how are you feeling?"

A group of maidservants gathered around the little boy, squeezing and touching him, full of worry.

"Bah, bah, bah, I'm fine. Now I feel that I have endless strength." The little one replied in a daze, his big eyes flashing.

"That's great. In the future, little one will definitely become the number one master in our wilderness, comparable to the ancient ferocious beasts." An old man was pleasantly surprised, stroking his beard and smiling with great joy, as if he had seen the scene of Shi Cun's future in the wilderness.

"With the regeneration of the Supreme Bone, the path of cultivation will become smoother." Xu Yu whispered.

Today's little boy Shi Hao, covered in smooth jade, with energy and blood dormant in his body, is like a vast ocean. He is like the young son of a true dragon alive. He is incredibly tyrannical. Even if the world in the lower world is lacking, it is enough for him to be ahead of most of the people in the upper world. Genius.

"Dear Sir, thank you so much!"

Shi Yunfeng was so excited that he directly led a group of clan members to express his gratitude to Xu Yu. He was extremely grateful.

He knew that Shi Hao was born with extraordinary looks and qualities, but in Shicun, his talent was somewhat deficient and his starting point was low. He could not compare with some big tribes, but now he was far behind the geniuses of those tribes.

"It doesn't matter, just do it casually." Xu Yu waved his hand and said indifferently.

"Thank you, big brother." Although the little boy was confused, he was very polite and thanked Xu Yu in a sweet voice. He knew that the change in him now had something to do with Xu Yu.

Xu Yu's mind moved slightly, looking at the naive Shi Hao, he directly picked up the little Shi Hao, rubbed his chubby little face, and then flicked him gently.


The little boy's face turned red, which immediately made him look embarrassed.

"Haha, the little one is so shy." A group of adults joked. They had done this before, but now he is also shy.

Time flies, two years have passed in a flash. Xu Yu has stayed in Shicun for the past two years, quietly comprehending this world, and the people of Shicun have gradually adapted to his existence.

The red sun sets in the west, and in the afterglow of the sunset, the entire stone village is dyed with a layer of pale golden brilliance. In the distance, tigers roar and apes crow, and the large stone houses are as sacred as temples.

Dozens of people appeared on the horizon, stretched by the sunset, and the outlines of their bodies were rimmed with gold by the sunset. Shicun's hunting team was back.

Almost everyone dragged a huge beast and returned with a full load, and a small figure was also among the hunting team, and now he seemed to have become the main force.

And the little one finally had his own name - Shi Hao.

When he was more than a year old, due to the regeneration of the Supreme Bone and the baptism of Emperor Xu Yu's blood, he had become the most powerful existence besides Xu Yu and Liu Shen.

Even the Stone Forest Tiger, Shi Feijiao and others in Stone Village are no match for him now.

The growth rate of the Supreme Bone was so great that he was far beyond his age, not to mention the presence of Xu Yu, the Emperor of Heaven, who greatly developed Shi Hao's potential.

"I'm back."

A group of old, weak, women and children smiled and looked very peaceful. They no longer looked worried as in the past. Now that Shi Hao is here, they can easily hunt successfully every time, and there will be almost no damage.

"Nowadays, Xiaodian is so amazing. Many ferocious beasts are no match for him. Otherwise, he would never have been able to catch his prey so easily in the past."

Stone Village is located in the wilderness, where ancient alien species are rampant. If you went out before, it would inevitably be accompanied by bloodshed and death, but now this will not happen.

"Yes, he is indeed a born supreme. Xiao Wu is amazing."

"Also…thanks to that young adult."

Everyone looked at the figure sitting cross-legged under the willow tree not far away, with expressions of respect on their faces. Without him, Shi Cun would probably still be worrying about the next meal. Xu Yu respected almost everyone.

"Brother, look what I have caught now." Xiao Shihao ran over, dragging a dragon-horned elephant with his big eyes twinkling, and looked at Xu Yu.

Xu Yu opened his eyes and saw that little Shi Wu was dragging an elephant-like creature, as if he was asking for credit.

"Amazing." Xu Yu touched Shi Wu's little head with approval.

This dragon-horned elephant's body is as hard as iron and is difficult for iron spears to penetrate. Its horns are as sharp as drill knives and can easily crush boulders.

Wu was overjoyed to be praised by Xu Yu. He talked happily about the hunting experience and was very happy.

"I saw that this ferocious beast seemed to be suffering from heatstroke, so I..." "It's time to eat..."

It didn't take long before the smoke from every household was rising, and the stewed meat in the iron pots of each household was about to rot, and the barbecue on the fire became extremely golden and shiny.

Xiao Shihao also very considerately tore off a part of the barbecue meat and handed it to Xu Yu.

The children couldn't wait any longer, and those burly men couldn't bear it anymore, and began to tear the meat with their hands, their appetites whetted, and their mouths were full of juice.

"Big brother, tell us about the outside world." A group of children gathered around while eating barbecue, showing extremely hopeful expressions.

They knew that the powerful man in front of him was a friend of God Liu, and his strength was terrifying. He might have been to the end of the earth and seen the scenery of many ancient countries.

After two years of getting along, a group of children got along very well with Xu Yu, and the initial unfamiliarity gradually faded away. Especially Shi Hao, who almost always stuck to Xu Yu and was particularly close to him.

"The outside world is vast and endless, and it can easily take millions of miles to travel from one domain to another..." Xu Yu spoke eloquently, describing the customs and customs of the outside world, and a group of children listened with fascination.

"Besides the Great Wilderness, is there a wider world, and is there better animal milk in the outside world?" Shi Hao blushed, raised his face, and asked with a look of anticipation.

A group of adults laughed, this little Shi Hao is more than three years old, and his favorite is animal milk, it is really speechless.

Xu Yu's expression froze. This question really showed the demeanor of someone who loves eating animal milk.

"Of course, as long as you are strong enough, it's no problem to capture the stars and the moon, let alone the mere beast's milk." Xu Yu said slowly.

All the children were in a daze, catching the stars and picking the moon, what a state it was, like a fairy tale, the children were fascinated leisurely, and they were stunned for a while.

"Catch the stars and the moon..." Xiao Shihao's eyes showed a hopeful look.

"I will do it sooner or later." Xiao Shihao said solemnly.

"Okay, if you are ambitious, you must remember that the road is in your heart and under your feet." Xu Yu said, touching Shi Hao's head, which was meaningful.

Shi Hao was in a daze, he half understood, but he still nodded solemnly, with a charming expression on his face.


Gradually, the night fell and the moon quietly climbed into the night sky.

When everyone dispersed, only Shi Yunfeng and Xu Yu were left.

"Sir, Xiao Hao is a good boy. I can't teach him. You are a real god. Can you teach him?" Shi Yunfeng looked at Xu Yu and asked.

Then, he took out a bone piece from his arms, which was crystal white and shiny, like a piece of palm-sized suet jade, white and clear, and handed it to Xu Yu.

He had traveled around the outside world and knew that many cultivation techniques were secrets that were not taught to others. He did not let Xu Yu teach him directly. Instead, he took out this unexpected bone and asked him to teach Shi Hao with it.

Although it is not very big, it is densely packed, and I don't know how many symbols are engraved on it. It seems that there are singing voices of gods and demons in the sky.

"This is..." Xu Yu's mind suddenly moved.Shi Yunfeng turned his head and looked up at the thick and blackened willow tree.

"Original True Solution." Suddenly, Liu Shen spoke, speaking these four words softly, seemingly filled with endless emotion...

The original truth!

Xu Yu's mind moved slightly. Sure enough, it was this unparalleled method. When it comes to the original true solution, he has to mention the current way to improve his strength.

The old patriarch was also moved. Only now did he know the name of this bone book.

"It's very extraordinary. Ordinary monks can't practice it at all." Xu Yu sighed slightly.

In the chaotic ancient times, there were only a few ways for monks to improve their strength. One was to rely on external forces, such as good equipment, transplanted immortal bones, etc., or battle clothes that could enhance their realm.

Another is to strengthen one's body, break through the limits, and reach the ultimate in each realm. The other is to cultivate extremely powerful magic runes to increase one's offensive methods.

The Original True Interpretation is the supreme practice method. What it explains is not a fixed treasure technique, but conveys some basic rune concepts. Practicing the Original True Interpretation is equivalent to using the treasure technique.

He has a complete understanding of the basic concepts, and can simplify the complex with each move. He is not limited to how powerful the magic is, but has the power to turn decay into magic.

"The method of a quasi-immortal emperor." Xu Yu thought to himself, his eyes brightening. He knew that if he completed the three parts of the original true interpretation, he would be on the path to a quasi-immortal emperor.

The original true explanation is divided into three parts, one is divine guidance, the second is transcendence, and the third is ultimate. What the patriarch Shi Yunfeng took out is the introductory chapter, the divine guidance chapter, and it is also a supreme foundation-casting god.

"The Divine Introduction Chapter... If I find the Transcendence Chapter again, it will definitely be of great significance to my promotion to the Fighting Immortal." Xu Yu thought silently, and his eyes became brighter.

Xu Yu's eyes sparkled as he carefully stared at the original solution, and unexpectedly intertwined brilliant runes, imprinting the symbols on the original solution into his heart, shining brightly.

"Worthy of being a friend of God Willow." Patriarch Shi Yunfeng's face was moved. He had observed this bone inscription before, and the complexity of the symbols on it almost made him vomit blood at a glance.

But Xu Yu's performance was very dull, and he didn't seem to be affected at all, which made the old patriarch more and more in awe.

"Could he be a powerful person at the level of a prince?" the old village chief thought to himself. He had traveled all over the country and met many powerful people, but he had never seen such a mysterious and powerful person as Xu Yu. In his mind, maybe Xu Yu is most likely the prince of a country.

"Don't worry, I will take care of that little guy Xiao Shihao." Xu Yu nodded gently.

"Then I'll leave it to you, my lord." Shi Yunfeng showed joy. It's great that such a strong person is willing to teach the little one. The future achievements of the little one are bound to be limitless.

"Sir, you just said that ordinary people can't practice the original true understanding. Does the little boy meet the requirements now?" The old patriarch hesitated again.

"To understand the original true solution, you need to lay the solid foundation. When you are young, you must be like a cub of a heavenly beast, lifting one hundred thousand kilograms of divine iron with the strength of your physical body, and you must hone your spiritual will to be better than iron. Even harder." Xu Yu smiled.

"Is this... possible?" The old patriarch was a little trembling. How could a child do it? Not even an adult master could do it. Without using the power of bone inscriptions, few people's bodies could be that powerful.

He never expected that practicing this kind of bone inscriptions would require so much depth. To be recognized by Liu Shen and this master, it was really not a mortal thing. It was indeed defying the heavens.

"It doesn't matter, he was born a Supreme. Now that the Supreme Bone has reached Nirvana, it will not be difficult to do this soon." Xu Yu said with a smile.

"That's it." Shi Yunfeng, the old patriarch, looked happy and finally felt relieved, having finally settled his worries.

the next day.

Xu Yu began to teach Shi Hao. From then on, it continued for several months. Shi Hao was very obedient and began arduous training, constantly tempering his body and strengthening his muscles and bones.

And Xu Yu also started all over again, tapping into the power of his physical strength step by step and polishing every level of the ancient method.

As usual, he sat cross-legged under the dead tree of Liu Shen and gave him some of his transformed emperor's blood. Liu Shen was speechless, as if his blood was worthless...

But for the current Liu Shen, this blood is indeed a great supplement, which can help her recover her strength faster.

And Liu Shen seemed to be gradually getting used to Xu Yu sitting cross-legged next to him...

Later, after Liu Shen absorbed a lot of Xu Yu's emperor blood, he fell into a dormant state, waiting for transformation.

Today, Xu Yu has also begun to formally refine the Dharma of the chaotic ancient times, and has set up a large array, throwing out many divine sources, and even a few Medicine Kings. He knows that practicing the Dharma of this era requires a huge amount of energy. He was angry, but Dahuang couldn't hold it back at all.

Moreover, he did not cut off his practice of the Heaven-Shielding Technique, but chose to practice the two together, so that the benefits would be greater, they could mirror each other, and they would not lose their combat power. (End of chapter)

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