Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 352 Beheading the village to worship the spirit

Xu Yu concealed his supreme strength in the method of covering the sky and started practicing the ancient method again.

He began to use the method of covering the sky to integrate into the first realm of chaos and ancient methods, the blood-moving realm.

Xu Yu mobilized all the essence and blood, rolling like thunder, melting the bone inscriptions, urging the divine light in the blood to nourish the body.

Afterwards, his body was brilliant, as if it were made of nine-color immortal gold, with precious light flowing, and one rune after another turned into an immortal furnace, shining in his blood, tempering the creation of heaven and earth.

This is the cave-heaven realm, which opens up an immortal passage inside or outside the human body, either a pure land or a world.

A loud sound came out, piercing through Xiaohan, as if the sky had collapsed, as if pieces of stars had fallen down.


A pattern of formations emerged and quickly intertwined to block all the power, otherwise the stone village would be reduced to dust, but there was still an inexplicable divine light that soared into the sky, alarming the wilderness, and countless beasts raised their heads one after another. A look of astonishment was revealed.

Then, a piece of runes appeared, densely packed and extremely bright, like fairy gold, imprinted between heaven and earth, completely submerging Xu Yu's body.

A stream of blood energy penetrated the heaven and earth, and a fairy phoenix could be vaguely seen rising into the sky, tearing the heaven and earth apart. Its brilliant feathers shone brightly, even more brilliantly than the sun, and it actually rushed out of the formation.

Then, in the top of his head, a rock hole appeared, like a volcano, gray-brown in appearance, atmospheric and simple, hanging above his celestial spirit cap, with a height of three feet above his head.

On it, there is endless vigorous vitality, which is bright red and brilliant, like magma. It communicates with the terrible power of the natural order of heaven and earth, and melts into one's body.

Generally speaking, opening up a cave and entering this realm is tantamount to taking away the creation of heaven and earth and using it to replenish one's body.

"Boom boom boom!"

The second, third, and fourth caves appeared one after another, and finally ten caves were formed, gushing auspicious clouds, peaceful and sacred.

When the Ten Cave Heavens were opened, the divine clouds rose into the sky, like divine chains of order, flowing one by one in the void, filled with the aura of immortality.

"Sure enough, the Immortal Phoenix Treasure Technique has the most vitality and can be used to evolve the divine power of the cave." Xu Yu thought to himself.

The other nine holes of the cave sky rotated around the tenth hole of the cave sky, bursting with brilliant light, unparalleled, like ten days across the sky,


The world trembled, and the dozens of Yaowang plants planted around Xu Yu quickly withered and withered, leaving only a few behind.

At the same time, waves of tsunami-like sounds erupted from Xu Yu's sea of ​​suffering, and chaotic light shone, accompanied by lightning and thunder.

"It's still not enough, I want to evolve a brand new path!"

The ten holes in the sky were formed, emitting a terrifying wave that swept across the sky and earth, shattering the clouds, like the undulating ocean.

Ten heavenly suns appeared side by side across the sky.People who were so dazzled could not open their eyes. This was an astonishing spectacle, enough to shock the entire ancient history.

Many birds and beasts became even more frightened, crawling on the ground and trembling in fear.

Xu Yu sat there cross-legged, exuding a hazy treasure.

The blood in his body was soaring to the sky, and there was a feeling that all things were born, the world was at its beginning, and he was actually full of hope of life.

In Stone Village, the surrounding vegetation is growing, sprouting, and growing, creating an astonishing sense of vitality that permeates every corner of Stone Village.

His body was filled with vitality, surging and spreading like a river.

Something puzzling and incredible happened. Under the big willow tree, wisps of blood turned into light rain and rushed in all directions.

This terrible essence can regenerate dead trees, make fallen flowers bloom again, restore greenness to the old and decayed, and can also moisturize things silently, making them soft and peaceful.

"What's going on here."

Everyone in Shicun was shocked, and all the young and old were surprised. All diseases were alleviated, and their spirits were extremely high.

Infinite rain of light flew up, and on this day many people in Shicun were cured of all diseases and became much stronger. This was an act of blessing to all living beings.

"Hey, my strength seems to have increased by several thousand kilograms." Stone Forest Tiger was surprised. The blood in his body became more and more abundant, comparable to that of a dragon elephant, like an ancient ferocious beast.

"It's amazing, it feels like a completely different person." Shi Feijiao also said in surprise, showing a surprised look.

"Old man, I feel dozens of years younger." An old man said in shock. His face gradually became much younger, and his body no longer hunched. He jumped up in one step, soaring dozens of meters into the air.


The overwhelming surge of energy enveloped Shicun.

"It's... the direction of elder brother's cultivation. All this is his doing." The little one shouted. Although he practiced diligently, he was still a child over three years old, and his childlike innocence was still intact.

I was chasing a colorful sparrow when I saw these amazing sights. I stopped and looked in the direction of the willow tree at the end of the village.

"Sir, we are so kind and kind that we will never be able to repay him in this lifetime." An old man sighed. After two years of getting along, they already knew his name.

They are not as innocent as Bubudian. They know that this adult has a terrifying origin. He is friends with Liu Shen, so they have to be in awe and treat him as an adult. Now, because of him, everyone in Shicun has been reborn again. How can they not Feeling grateful?

under the willow tree.

Xu Yu's wheel sea moved, and the divine flowers bloomed in the sea of ​​suffering, shining brightly. The waves rolled continuously, like gods and demons chanting sutras, and together with the ten caves, they emitted infinite divine light.

"The wheel sea and the cave sky will vibrate together, and there will indeed be different changes." Xu Yu sighed softly.

In fact, if the ten caves are suppressed to the extreme, like a sun, the wheel and sea will eventually evolve. The two have the same origin!

Xu Yu's immortal phoenix incarnation was originally based on the method of covering the sky. Now he is practicing the ancient method, which is like a countercurrent to the system. It is a process of tracing back to the origin.

Xu Yu was as quiet as a rock, with an extremely crystal clear body. There was a kind of majesty, exuding holy brilliance. Ancient characters jumped out one by one in the five secret areas and revolved around him.

Every word was cast like divine gold, dazzling and dazzling, imprinted in the void, turned into a shout, and the sky rumbled in shock.

The scriptures roared, and Xu Yufan, the masterpiece of the wheel and sea, became more and more solemn and sacred. He remained motionless. The first secret realm that he had originally cultivated melted away inch by inch, and actually began to be re-melted, exuding an astonishing aura.


"This is..." Shi Hao's eyes suddenly lit up, and he could faintly sense the aura emanating from Xu Yu's body. His heart palpitated, as if his heart had been touched.

In Xu Yude's sea of ​​suffering, just like all things being born, everything is in the stage of rebirth, mysterious and unpredictable, overflowing with wisps of immortal energy, changing into various forms, and constantly rotating.

"Perhaps, I can create a brand new system," Xu Yu felt quite uneasy in his heart. The intersection of the chaos ancient method and the sky-shielding method system greatly touched him.

Xu Yu sat cross-legged under the willow tree, having finished her retreat, silently thinking about her own path.


A few months have passed in a hurry, and now Shicun is getting stronger and stronger. Every time he goes out, he must come back with a full load, but it has attracted the attention of the neighboring Ao Village. Finally one day, they couldn't help it.

They actually came to visit Shicun. To their surprise, the sacrifice spirit of Shicun seemed to be in good condition now.

"Big brother." The little boy Shi Hao looked at the people in the embarrassing village outside, showing a worried expression.

"Go ahead, why don't men experience the tempering of blood and fire?" Xu Yu said lightly. Now that Shi had a good opportunity to sharpen his skills, he had no need to take action.

"I understand." Shi Hao nodded, with a determined look on his face.

Embarrassed Village originally thought that there was an accident in Shicun's sacrifice spirit, and the victory was sure. But what they didn't expect was that it turned out to be another result.

But today's Shicun is no longer what it used to be. They are so powerful that they far surpassed the embarrassing village. The hunting team dispatched and killed all the people in the embarrassing village.

The most brave one was Shi Hao. He was almost like a ferocious beast cub. He looked around and knocked down all the strong men in Ao Village. Even Ao Feng, the most outstanding young man in Ao Village, was suppressed by the little one with a raised hand.

However, the little boy was kind-hearted after all and did not kill him. Otherwise, no one in the village would survive. "Sooner or later, I will shoot you all!"

The young man from Yao Village spoke coldly, with a tone that made people angry. He was actually suppressed by a milk baby, which made him extremely depressed. He almost wanted to vomit blood and couldn't help but threaten him.

"What a vicious brat." Everyone in Shicun was furious.

"You have gone too far. You want to come to my stone village to plunder and let you go, but you actually want to kill our whole village?" Shi Hao's face turned red, and his eyes were filled with anger. It was the first time that he was so angry, and the other party actually
It seems like their lives are nothing.

Shi Hao was so angry that he jumped up and smacked it out with a palm. A blazing symbol lit up. The wind in his palm was like thunder, rumbling and shaking. The shaking trees fell down, exploded in the air, and rocks shattered.Suddenly, a bright spot of light suddenly appeared and rushed towards it at a very fast speed. It turned out to be a precious phantom, shaped like a string of animal teeth, each piece of snow-white crystal clear, very beautiful.


Although Shi Hao was young, his reaction was very fast. His palm was so bright that he even smashed the precious phantom into pieces with a slap.

Huo Feng couldn't react at all, Shi Hao's offensive continued unabated, and he continued to attack Huan Feng, and his slap was split into two pieces, blood gushed out, and Shi Hao was also a little dazed, after all, this was his first time killing people,
"Ah... the wind..."

The head of the village, Liqing, screamed, covering his chest with his hands, and spat out a mouthful of blood in pain. It was his own grandson, who was beheaded to death by a little boy.

"The spirit of worship will come soon." Li Qing's hair was disheveled, his face was flushed, and his expression was extremely ferocious, as if he had gone mad.

"I still want to summon the sacrifice spirit, but it seems that I will fight to the death!" Shi Linhu and Shi Feijiao were extremely angry and led everyone to kill them. In an instant, they destroyed the attack of Ao Village and left several corpses behind.


Although the people in Shicun are simple, they are not pedantic. Now that the other party treats them, they will naturally act resolutely and display terrible methods.

They all knew that if Shicun was not what it used to be today, even if they could beat Embarrassed Village, it would probably be very difficult.

Embarrassed Village was killed so much that he lost his helmet and armor, and kept shouting for the spirit of worship, but unfortunately he was disappointed, the spirit of sacrifice did not appear.

"Run away..."

The people in the embarrassing village collapsed, and they all ran for their lives, but Ji Ling did not appear.

"Today's Stone Village seems to be a bit different." Not far from Stone Village, in the dark mountain and sky, a strange creature spread its wings.

It is only two meters long, and its yellow-brown fur is very oily. It looks extremely old. There are wrinkles on a wolf face. This is a rare embarrassment.

His front legs are very short, and he can hardly walk independently, but fortunately, his own blood is strong, and he has a pair of wings that can fly.

"Sacrifice the spirit, why don't you take action?" The village chief of Yao Village was a little excited.

"Don't worry, Shicun is a little different now. Don't act rashly." Spirit Sacrifice Lao Nong said calmly.

"That Feng'er's hatred..." Li Qing said unwillingly.

"Don't worry, I have my own way." The old man said coldly, looking in the direction of Liu Shen coldly, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth...

The face of this old embarrassment is cloudy and cloudy, and the original runes on his body are shining. He is already old and mature, and he is more cunning than humans.

He seemed to have sensed some strange changes in this village, so he became more and more vigilant. He could be described as cunning and cunning.

"Feng'er... the most outstanding young man in our village died in Shicun. This revenge must be avenged."

Aili Qingcang sighed, roared, his eyes flashed with murderous light, and he spoke again.

"Feng'er's revenge will definitely be avenged." The old embarrassment speculated, in fact, he also took a fancy to that young man, and gave him all the treasures, but unexpectedly died.

"But speaking of it, the state of that willow tree seems to be really special." The old embarrassing Jiling whispered, a little surprised, even though he had already sensed that something was wrong, it seemed that the willow tree couldn't make a move, but he was still vigilant .

He naturally knew that one branch of the willow tree before was very extraordinary, but now it has grown five or six branches.

"Let's test it first, and see if this willow tree can be shot. If it can't be shot, it can naturally flatten the stone village. If it can be shot, it needs to be taken slowly." The old embarrassment said to himself.


Stone Village, under the willow tree.

After some persuasion from Xu Yu, Xiao Shi Wu finally erased the feeling of guilt in his heart. After all, it was his first time to kill someone with his own hands. After all, he was still a young child, so he would inevitably feel a little at a loss.

"Aww..." Shicun was there, and the low whistle resounded through the sky, one after another.

In the dark mountain forest far away from Shicun, there appeared pairs of green eyes, like ghostly ghosts floating, forming a siege around Shicun.

"Ao Ming..."

The old embarrassment screamed and encouraged many giant wolves to attack Shicun.

A group of black-backed and white-bellied wolves appeared, each one as big as a house, with a mouth full of blood, with fangs more than half a foot long, snow-white and sharp, extremely ferocious, staring at Shicun.

There were forty or fifty of them, and a group of ferocious behemoths surrounded them, which was much more threatening than the villagers of the embarrassing village before.

Those wolves had pairs of emerald green eyes, the size of a small bowl, and they were very hostile, cold and gloomy, and they didn't know how many ferocious beasts died in their hands.

Moreover, people from the village have also come, and now the sacrificial spirit appears with an army, giving them endless confidence.

"Your doom has come, I will tear you into pieces!" Nian Liqing yelled.

"Remember, think more about the people behind you who need to rely on, some things
, there will naturally be a decision. "

Xu Yu said lightly, but Xiao Shi Hao's figure shivered slightly, he nodded solemnly, and ran to the outside of the village, gathering with Shi Feijiao, Shi Linhu and other adults to protect the village.

"Hateful embarrassing village, unexpectedly mobilized a pack of wolves to attack my stone village!"

Shi Linhu, Shi Feijiao, and a group of hunters in the stone village were furious. They bent their bows and set arrows, and streams of blazing light burst out, like meteors, almost burning, whizzing past, and sparks shot in all directions.

"Pfft, puff!"

A dozen or so giant wolves rushed to the front, some with their frontal bones pierced, and some with their stomachs thrown away. They screamed and rolled on the ground, excruciating pain.

Many people in the village were even more miserable. A large number of people were killed or injured in an instant, and even the most powerful screamer, Nongli Qing, was shot to death by random swords.

However, there were still a few wolves who were so tenacious that they managed to get to the edge of the stone village. This made the old embarrassment happy. The sacrifice spirit of the stone village did not make a move, which was a good sign.

"That willow tree really has a problem."

The old man's eyes were burning, and at this moment he was finally calm, and his chest was almost on fire.

He knew that in this stone village, there was probably a huge opportunity, which might allow him to take a step forward.

"Puff puff!"

The little Dom Shi Wu was in action. The runes between his raised hands were bright and fierce. He knocked down a group of giant wolves and ran through a group of wolves, causing their bones to break and their tendons to break. They were like ancient cubs, invincible.

His body was like a big furnace, with divine light gushing out all over his body, which suddenly attracted the attention of the spiritual sacrificer Lao Nong.

"Such a strong force of energy and blood. If it can swallow him up, no wonder it can easily crush that kid Jiufeng..."

At this moment, Lao Hao's eyes are like poisonous snakes, extremely cold, staring at Shi Hao, as if there is no one else in front of him, just like looking at the medicine of the human body.

As for the giant wolves bleeding blood, he was indifferent. They were just cannon fodder, let alone giant wolves. Even if all the villagers were dead at this moment, it would not affect her mood at all.

He is really old, and if nothing unexpected happens, he will die soon, and little Shi Wu saw his chance to be reborn.

Groups of giant wolves died one after another. Lao Hao discovered that Shi Linhu and Shi Feijiao of the hunting team in the stone village were also extremely frightening. With a wave of one arm, they had the power of tens of thousands of catties, which was even stronger than before. More than double,.

Lao Nong showed a strange look. He finally understood why Nong Village was defeated. At this moment, he was both surprised and greedy. He stared at the little Shi Hao with increasing intensity. (End of chapter)

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