Chapter 353 Suan Ni comes to vote
"Kill!" Lao Nian shouted.

Under the command of Lao Nong, the remaining few stone wolves were not afraid of death and still rushed forward. However, the villagers of Nian Village were left in a state of chaos. Linglao Ao didn't care at all, there was only nod in his eyes.

Because he noticed that the little guy in Shicun seemed to be standing extremely forward, maybe it was his chance.

A cold and vicious light flashed in his embarrassed eyes, and he let out a loud cry, and several giant wolves came out of Siye one after another to cooperate with his attack.

Lao Nong kept getting closer, staring eagerly, and his cold killing light almost condensed into substance. Is this still the same Stone Village? Except for a little kid, the rest of the people are actually that powerful.

"Little guy, die."

The old embarrassment shook its wings, the runes flickered, its short front paws flashed golden light, the original treasure talisman condensed, and when it was bombarded, one could clearly see a big golden claw taking shape and coming across the sky .


Everyone in Shicun shouted, and their faces began to change color slightly. They knew his real target, and it was the little one. The big claws were the embodiment of the original mark. They rushed out of his body and attacked Shi Hao.

Little Shi Hao didn't panic, his eyes were like golden lamps, a terrible energy storm raged around his body, almost tearing apart the space.

His chest glowed, bone inscriptions emerged, and accompanied by the sound of scriptures, it was truly a manifestation.

"This is wrong!" Lao Ao felt a crisis, and the hair on his body stood up. He quickly wanted to move his body to avoid it, but the young boy opposite was too weird.

Shi Hao rushed over, the Supreme Bone glowed, a layer of sacred symbols came out through the body, the runes condensed into shape, and when he rushed out, traces of the secret of reincarnation emerged.


A big collision of energy broke out. The big golden claw touched the rune of the Supreme Bone, and it disappeared inch by inch. Then the rune swept directly towards Lao Hao's body.


Lao Ao roared, feeling that his whole body was decaying. He had suddenly aged another hundred years and was actually disintegrating.

"I'm not reconciled..."

Xeon's fluctuations came, and the old embarrassment fell from the sky.

His hair was white as snow, his skin was sagging, his old eyes were dim, he was extremely decayed, his body was disintegrated, and his old skin was cracked and peeled off.

All the vitality in the body has been deprived, the essence has been lost, the power of life has been completely exhausted, and longevity has come to an end.

Then, his body became cold and hard, gradually turning into a pile of bones, and then all shattered into dust...


Lao Ao roared, feeling that his whole body was decaying. He had suddenly aged another hundred years and was actually disintegrating.

"I'm not reconciled..."

Xeon's fluctuations came, and the old embarrassment fell from the sky.

His hair was white as snow, his skin was sagging, his old eyes were dim, he was extremely decayed, his body was disintegrated, and his old skin was cracked and peeled off.

All vitality was deprived of him, his energy was lost, and his life force was completely exhausted. His longevity came to an end. Then, his body became cold and hard, gradually turning into a pile of bones, and then all shattered into a pile of bones. The dust of the ground...

"Sure enough, the Supreme Bone born from Nirvana is indeed extraordinary."

Xu Yu sat cross-legged under the willow tree, her eyes slightly closed, and she spoke with some emotion.

The Supreme Bone born from Nirvana actually has the secret of reincarnation, and it has the power to deprive the body of time. This is undoubtedly terrifying.

Everyone in Shicun was in a daze, and they couldn't believe what they were seeing. The little boy had just stepped into the path of spiritual practice, but he actually killed all the sacrificial spirits in Yao Village. Is this going against the will of heaven?

"Little one, you are really amazing." Shi Linhu sighed and touched Shi Hao's head.

"Well done. If you don't kill a pure-blood beast in the future, you will be sorry for your uncle and me." Shi Feijiao also laughed, feeling extremely happy.

"Born to be supreme." The old patriarch Shi Yunfeng nodded, quite pleased with Shi Hao's performance. This is a seedling that defies the will of heaven, far surpassing his past.

Perhaps it won't take long for little Shi Wu to become the most powerful man in the wilderness, capable of fighting pure-blooded ancient ferocious beasts.

The little boy's face was red. Although he could kill ferocious beasts and sacrifice spirits, he still maintained a pure and innocent heart. He was a little embarrassed to be praised by his tribe, but he was also very happy.

Not long after, the little one jumped up and down with a group of friends again, chasing a colorful sparrow together.

"The happiest childhood time." Xu Yu sighed slightly. This period should be his happiest memory.

"The gears of fate are quietly changing, and all trajectories will change. In this life, I will be there." Xu Yu secretly thought.


It's been a few more days!
In the depths of the wilderness, the sound of beast roars could be heard from time to time, the vibrating mountains were shaking, the rocks were rolling, and the leaves were flying.

Suanni died of old age!
In the wilderness, there was an uproar, and such a news came, which stirred up the sky and caused a major earthquake in the ten directions.

Suan Ni, that is an ancient alien species, in the depths of the mountains, it is considered a giant, and now it is about to fall.

If one could get the true blood and bones of this ancient beast, what a fortune it would be, especially its talent rune, it would be against the sky, and many tribes could hardly sit still.

Even Shi Cun has put his mind to planning the Suan Ni Divine Treasure. Now that their background has been greatly improved, they naturally become more active and want to get a share of the pie.

If we can get Jun Ni's body, it will be a huge treasure. Its true blood will definitely have amazing magical effects. It is the real medicine in blood.

"Xuan Ni's lifespan is exhausted. Before he died, he entered a cave and collapsed it." Soon, news spread.

"Go, hurry up!" Shi Yunfeng, the chief of the Shicun clan, shouted.

Suan Ni's life energy is exhausted and he has died, which means that all his true blood and precious bones will become treasures without an owner. How can people not be excited!
"Hurry up, the speed is too slow." Shi Feijiao and the others were in a hurry, fearing that they would be late and they would get there first.

"No need to go, he's here." Xu Yu, who had been sitting cross-legged under the willow tree, finally spoke again, with a calm tone.

"Big brother, Suan Ni has come to Shicun?" Little Shi Wu said in surprise, his big eyes flashing in disbelief. Everyone else in Shicun was also shocked when he heard this.


deep in the mountains.

The majestic mountain peaks are in pieces, the forests are endless, the ancient trees are towering, towering straight into the sky, the vines are endless, shaped like horned dragons, ancient vicissitudes, just like the ancient times.

It's very quiet here, even the calls of birds and beasts can't be heard, it's surprising, even rats and ants can't be seen, they are dormant in unknown places, but it didn't take long before the calm was broken, many birds and beasts rushed over, and the battle stand up.


Soon, the sound of beast roars and birdsong resounded through the vast mountain forest, and the ground was directly stained red with blood. Many huge beast bodies fell down, and they were trampled into flesh, which was very bloody.

In front of the collapsed stone mountain, there was a dense crowd of terrifying creatures, fighting crazily, trying to fight for the treasure body they had found.

There are striped lynxes several meters long, huge roaring Kui beasts, and silver pangolins seven or eight meters long...

There are many types, all of them are powerful alien species, otherwise they would never dare to appear here. They are all intelligent races. In order to make a difference, they almost come out in full force.


Many ferocious beasts went crazy and opened up the boulder that was suspected of hiding the hairy beast. Suddenly, a brilliant golden glow bloomed, like a small sun rising, shining among the rocks, and it seemed to be the body of the wild beast.


The eyes of many ancient beasts were red, and they rushed like crazy, but something surprising happened to them. The Fa Ni in front of them was just a shadow, not the Suan Ni's true body.

"How could this happen, Suanni!" Many ancient beasts were shocked and angry. They felt that they were being tricked and felt a little inexplicable.Dahuang, Shicun.

A golden figure traversed the world and landed in front of Shicun.

The golden light flourished, the brilliance spread, and everything was dyed golden. No one expected that the Suan Ni would rush towards the direction of Shicun.


It was like thunder rang out in the nine heavens, causing the heaven and earth to tremble.

"Is it really Suanni?" Everyone in Shicun was shocked and walked out one after another to look at the figure.

In front of Shicun, a huge creature appeared, shaped like a divine lion, with golden dragon horns on its head and golden scales on its forehead. Its whole body was extremely bright, even brighter than golden silk and satin.

This is Suan Ni, a real ancient relic, although the blood is no longer pure, not as heaven-defying as his ancestors, but he can still look at one side in the mountains.

"Sure enough, as your lord said, Suan Ni has come to our stone village." Shi Feijiao murmured.

Everyone in Shicun was stunned, and their hearts were a little shaken.

"Ancestor worship weapon." Village chief Shi Yunfeng's expression was extremely solemn. Although the Fa Ni opposite him was in danger of death, he was still extremely terrifying and could compare with a princely and powerful man from a wealthy family.

Shi Linhu and Shi Feijiao nodded. They are truly strong, and they are many times stronger than that old embarrassment.

"My hope of surviving may be here."

Suan Ni's pair of golden pupils shot out an astonishing beam of light, the whole body was filled with clouds and smoke, and golden lightning shot up into the sky. He looked at the stone village not far away, and many villagers waited in full force, not daring to neglect in the slightest.

His eyes swept across many villagers, and he was surprised. Although these people were nothing in his eyes, they far surpassed the average human tribe, which further convinced him of the purpose of his trip.

He had previously seen an immortal phoenix rising into the sky, containing a rich vitality. Coupled with his psychic skills in his later years, he realized that there should be an extremely terrifying existence dormant here, and his own way of survival was here.

"Seniors in Stone Village, the little beast Suan Ni has offended me. Now I feel that my end is approaching, so I came here to ask my seniors for help..."

Suanni said in a deep voice, bending her legs slightly and making a cupped hand gesture, as if she was saluting at this moment!

"Hey, what is he doing?" The little boy Shi Wu scratched his head, confused, and somewhat inexplicable about Suan Ni's behavior.

The faces of everyone in Shicun changed slightly. They were stunned by him and felt a little pity. This Suan Ni seemed to be asking for help?It seems to be facing the direction of that adult...

This is a powerful man at the level of a prince. He would actually bow down to others and call himself "senior". This is so astonishing.

Everyone in Shicun almost subconsciously thought of Xu Yu. It seemed that except for him and Liu Shen, no one had such great energy.

"It seems that Mr. Xu has a more extraordinary origin than I imagined." The old patriarch Shi Yunfeng felt quite uneasy. Originally, he thought that Xu Yu was most likely to be a prince-level powerful man, but he did not expect that his origin was even greater, even very powerful. Possibly a real sage.

Suanni's body was dazzling with brilliance. Although he was already old, he was still very attractive. There was a powerful aura permeating and surging, as if a real ancient ferocious beast had come to life. At this moment, he seemed a little uneasy, as if he was waiting for the judgment of fate.

Its pupils showed a light golden color, and the invisible brilliance spread, which was astonishing. But now it had a human-like awe. It looked at the young man under the old willow tree at the head of the village, and felt a wave like the vast sea.

"Junni, in this vast wilderness, it is rare to have such a strange species. Although the blood is not very pure, it is rare."

Under the willow tree, Xu Yu spoke lightly, her voice a little erratic, seemingly traceless, like it came from outside, but it clearly reflected in everyone's heart.

"So strong."

Suanni's pupils contracted, and he looked at the figure sitting cross-legged under the willow tree. A storm was already stirring in his heart. He had a vague feeling that this young man was definitely the strongest being he had ever seen.

The man was tall and slender, with white skin, a face like jade, shining with crystal luster, a pair of eyes as deep as the stars, and a full head of black and thick hair. He was like a son of the gods. He had an otherworldly aura that he had never seen before in his life. of.

"Could it be that a top venerable person, or the legendary...god, has taken that crucial step and ignited the divine fire?" Suan Ni's mind was spinning, and he was extremely shocked.

"It's not impossible to save you. The price is to guard Shicun for a hundred years, are you willing?" Xu Yu asked lightly, with a compelling power, and the words fell like thunder on the ground.

"The little beast is willing, as per the senior's instructions." Suan Ni felt a little cold in his heart, and nodded quickly, with a happy face on his face. No matter what, life is the most important thing at the moment.

A hundred years is nothing, it is nothing compared to life extension!His dignity is even more ridiculous. The longer he lives, the more he cherishes his life!Otherwise, why has it survived for so long?

"Little one, just watch." Xu Yu suddenly said. Little Shi Wu was still a little confused, but he still nodded solemnly, being extremely well-behaved and seriously respecting Xu Yu's teachings.


Xu Yu stretched out her fingers and flicked them lightly.

A drop of blood flew out, like a red agate carving, the whole body was bright red, glittering and translucent, the fragrance was refreshing, making people feel comfortable and submerged into Suanni's body.

When the drop of blood fell into his body, it seemed that the shadow of an immortal phoenix appeared, roaring for nine days, tearing apart the sky, pouring into Ni's body, the blood instantly transpired, and penetrated into every pore of his face. Go in.

Junmao's whole body trembled slightly, and bursts of blood filled the air, blooming with rays of light. It was improving the hairy physique and reshaping his life force.

The radiance flowing all over its body is filled with a kind of divine power. Its body is constantly shining, and the sound of blood flowing in its body is clearly audible.

It's like a long river surging, it's astonishing to the extreme.Xiao Shihao stared at Suanni, who was gradually regaining his youth and vitality. His eyes moved slightly, and a blazing light came in and out. The glow was dotted, and it seemed that his mind was vaguely touched.

At the same time, the Supreme Bone in his body was glowing, and there was a little person sitting on it, communicating with the essence of the heavens. It seemed to be vibrating with the heaven and the earth, a little bit.

The profound meaning of Hui emerged, and it was extremely astonishing.The Supreme Bone is a thing of Nirvana, and it is quite similar to the blood of the Immortal Phoenix in regenerating life. This is the creation of the little one.

"Thank you senior!"

Suanni was overjoyed, raised his head and roared. He looked like a lion, with golden light all over his body. There were clouds and smoke rising around him. His eyes shone with golden light, as if he had suddenly become hundreds of years younger.

He was so satisfied that he suddenly returned to his peak years. His blood was as strong as the sea and his divine power was overwhelming. Moreover, he felt that soon he would be able to enter the realm of a venerable and be able to dominate the world.

Everyone in Shicun was a little stunned. Such a powerful and terrifying Suan Ni was not only rejuvenated by Xu Yu's treatment, but now belonged to Shicun, which gave them an unreal feeling.

"In our Stone Village, a Suan Ni is about to take over." Shi Linhu was stunned, with an unbelievable look on his face.

Once upon a time, the people of Shicun dared to take advantage of this ferocious beast, which was about to fall except for them, but now they have trained it for their own use, and it has become the foundation of Shicun.

"Big brother, Suan Ni is fierce, what should I do if I don't keep my word?" Xiao Shi Hao's big eyes suddenly widened as he asked. Although Xiao Shi Wu is quite innocent, he is also extremely smart. Everyone in Shi Village reacted, Also looked at Xu Yu.

"Don't worry, everyone, I, Suan Ni, will naturally keep my word." Ni made the human words and gave the assurance, feeling quite helpless.

"It doesn't matter, I put a restriction in his body. If he has any intention of betrayal, he will be shattered to pieces." Xu Yu smiled and glanced at the little one with a smile, expressing his approval.

Although Xiaoshi is only three years old, he is extremely smart and can quickly grasp the key issues, which makes Xu Yu quite satisfied.

"A restriction was placed in my body..." Suanni was in a daze, and he didn't feel it at all.

Suanni Ji Lingling shivered, and his spine felt a little chilly. He didn't know when he was restrained, but he felt in his heart that if he really betrayed Shi Cun, he would definitely die instantly.

Disappear, disappear into ashes, there won't be any accidents.

"Since Suanni has returned to Shicun, Cong will be a member of Shicun from now on. Please give him a name, little one." Xu Yu suddenly spoke and looked at Shi Hao.

"The horse is incomparable, the golden clouds are surging..." Xiao Shihao looked at Ni seriously, his little head nodded frequently, Suan Ni's expression moved slightly, although he was unwilling in his heart, he did not dare to resist.

At this moment, I just want to know what kind of name this little guy will give him.

He looked at the little one with some anticipation in his heart.

"Let's call it Dajin." Xiao Dodian said with a smile, making Suan Ni almost lose his breath.

What the hell kind of name is that?

(End of this chapter)

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