The words that Sniffle Baby said unintentionally made the children of those aristocratic families furious.

Especially Jiao Peng, the genius of the Jiao tribe, is extremely angry. He has been regarded as the most talented person by his elders since he was a child, but now he is said to be worthless by a snot-nosed kid in the wilderness, so he is naturally furious.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Jiao Peng, who was fighting fiercely, was furious, his eyes were cold, and he shot two cold lights and looked at Da Zhuang and his group at the entrance of the village.

"Hey, he heard us talking, his ears are really sharp." Ermeng muttered, a little unbelievable.

"Really, those idiots can hear us talking." Pihou said in surprise, eyes widening.


A chuckle came over. The two beautiful female dolls standing on top of Xue Yu were laughing forward and back, very happy. Although they were dressed differently, they looked the same, and their skin was white and beautiful.

"It's really interesting. Are you just naturally stupid, or are you doing it on purpose?"

"It must be intentional. Didn't you see that Jiao Peng was already angry to death?" The two little girls couldn't stop laughing. It was obvious that they were both beauties. Their eyelashes were very long, sparkling and cute, and they would surely become the king of the country in the future. .

"You wild kids, who dares to laugh at me!" Jiao Peng was furious. Who was he? A genuine tribal genius, but he was teased by a country boy, which almost made him furious.

After the truce, Jiao Peng jumped up, leaping tens of meters, and rushed towards the village, wanting to attack a few people.

The faces of several children in Shicun changed. Even though they now have extraordinary physiques and have eaten the meat of many spiritual beasts, they still cannot compare with the geniuses of the big tribes.

After all, strictly speaking, they have not truly entered the path of spiritual practice, so they are naturally inferior to each other.

"hold head high……"

Suddenly, a roar that shook the world came out, and a demon ape more than two meters tall walked out, with thick black hair and thick and ferocious horns on its head.

The most important thing is that on the shoulders of the demon ape, there is a little baby about three or four years old sitting, as naive as a porcelain doll.

The terrifying sound of wind and thunder swept across the world. As the demon ape flew across the sky, sand and rocks flew, the ground shook, and terrifying large cracks appeared one after another on the ground.

He moved over and stood in front of many young children in Stone Village.


Jiao Peng was in pain. It felt like he had hit a copper wall. His skin was torn and his arms were almost broken.

Then, Jiao Peng flew out, his face extremely pale, and his whole body was trembling. When he saw it clearly, he was almost scared out of his mind. The ferocious beast opposite was too terrifying!

hold head high!
The demon ape has cold eyes and is wrapped in demonic aura. He is tall and majestic and has an extremely terrifying sense of oppression that makes everyone change their color.

"Er Hei, be good, don't hurt anyone!" Shi Hao, a little boy, patted the demon ape's head and signaled him not to hurt anyone. Although the demon ape was extremely dissatisfied, he did not dare to disobey and stopped, his eyes extremely cold. , staring at Jiao Peng, wanting to tear him into pieces.

Everyone was shocked and completely dumbfounded. What they saw was that there was a demon ape in this village, and it was a domesticated demon ape.

This is a powerful alien species that can rival the princes. It is dormant here. If word spreads, it will definitely cause an uproar.

And what is the origin of the little one sitting on his head, who dares to order him?And calling him Erhei, this demon ape has no temper at all, which is too surprising.

They felt that it was too ridiculous, as if they were in a dream. Even their big family couldn't catch this kind of strange beast, let alone subdue it. Now, such a strange phenomenon happened in the village.

"Could it be a hidden family? This kind of demon ape cannot be easily surrendered even by the clan leaders like us."

"It's so scary. That demon ape looks like it came out of hell."

Many strong people guessed that this was definitely not a deserted village, but a hidden family. It might not have a large population, but everyone was definitely a top-notch strong person.

"Who dares to make noise here!" At this moment, a cold snort came out, and a cat covered in smoke came out, looking in all directions, with golden light flowing all over its body, so dazzling that it was hard to open your eyes.

"Suan... Ni!"

Everyone's eyes almost popped out. It was just a demon ape. Now even Suanni appeared, making them all dumbfounded. They no longer knew how to react. This was even more terrifying than the demon ape.

How many generations of creatures are there?

Creatures like Suanni are extremely powerful. If their blood is slightly pure, they can become ferocious. Not to mention the ancient relics, they are absolutely terrifying to the extreme.

After a few months, Suan Ni has become thoroughly familiar with Captain Shicun's profession. He is quite dedicated and rushed out quickly.

"You bastard, get over here quickly!" the middle-aged man from Luofu Daze said. He stared at Jiao Peng angrily and almost broke his teeth. This child was too cruel. Just because of his words, he would bring them annihilation. disaster.

"Third" Jiao Peng is a child after all. Although he is cruel, people who have seen such a scene are scared to death.

"I, Luofu Daze, am always kind to others. How did I teach you that I could do something to these little brothers?" The middle-aged man from Luofu Daze's eyes flickered and he gave strict instructions. His name was Jiao Cang, and he was Jiao Peng's third uncle.

At this moment, he had the desire to strangle this cheap nephew to death. If the opponent showed his power, none of them might survive. He even thought to himself that if he could go back alive, he would definitely kill Jiao. Peng was hung up and beaten!

"I didn't mean it..." Jiao Peng whispered, murmuring, his face was red. He was an unruly and unruly person, and his face was almost distorted at this moment. He lowered his head to admit his mistake, and it seemed that he was more powerful than killing. He still felt uncomfortable.

"get out."

The Lihuo Bull Demon also appeared. His whole body was as red as fire, like silk, and his feet seemed to be stepping on flames. He looked down at the world and had an unparalleled power.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and saw a terrifying ancient beast again. Now they realized that even the powerful princes of their tribe could not be easily provoked here.

"The death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime can't be escaped!"

The demon ape snorted coldly, stretched out a big furry claw, and actually grabbed the flying dragon in Luofu Daze, opened his head, and sucked the gray dragon's brain dry in one gulp.

Everyone took a breath of air.

"The devil ape loves to suck people's brains."

The Lei Clan, the Zishan Family, and the Yunfu Daze were all frightened. This kind of change was so terrible. A flying dragon that was so powerful that it could rival all the powerful ones was eaten like this. This village was really a crouching tiger. Hidden Dragon.

A group of strong men trembled. Just one demon ape was enough to sweep them away. Now that they heard that they could leave, they ran away, for fear of further angering the ferocious beasts in Shicun.

More than a month later, suddenly, an earth-shattering sound occurred in the center of the vast mountain range. Rocks penetrated the air and cracked. Chaos energy spread and swept through the entire mountain range.

"Shanbao is born!" Many people exclaimed.

"It's time to take action." Xu Yu stood up from under the willow tree, staring into the depths of the mountains with bright eyes...

Xu Yu opened and closed his eyes, and a bright rune condensed and took shape in his eyes, traveling through endless time and space and reaching the depths of the primitive mountains.

In the primitive mountain range, there is endless immortal light soaring into the sky, as if before the opening of the sky, it is like a treasure of chaos born, spreading continuously, sweeping the entire mountain range.

Wisps of mist rose up there, and the scenery in the mountains was blurred, as if in chaos. The sounds of wild beasts suddenly became silent, and then disappeared.

An incomparably huge figure appeared, wrapped in thick mist. Ordinary people could not see his true form clearly, but the aura he exuded was extremely terrifying. The mountains and valleys were shaking, and all the birds and animals were shaking.
He trembled and kowtowed towards that place.

Xu Yu saw it and saw that this was a Qiongqi, one of the rulers of this vast wilderness.

He stood up to the sky and stood at an unknown height, with a pair of blue eyes, like two lakes inlaid on the sky.

"This fetish belongs to me!" He let out a dull roar, like a thunderclap, echoing in the sky, and grabbed the mountain treasure first.


What responded to him was an iron rod, as thick as a pillar supporting the sky, sweeping towards him, the wind howled, the mountains and rocks rolled, and the clouds and mist surged.

This blow seemed to destroy the world, piercing even the sky and the earth, and the ancient beasts confronted each other to compete for the mountain treasure.

It was also a tall figure, as tall as the mountain, and it turned out to be a vermilion head, but at the moment this vermilion head is not in a good condition, it seems to have suffered a serious injury.


A dull voice erupted, and a fierce aura swept across the nine heavens. Qiongqi unexpectedly stretched out a big claw, covering the sky and covering the ground, enough to crush several mountains.


The big claws collided directly with the iron rod, the sky was torn apart, the clouds and mist spread out, and various rays of light emerged, flooding the heaven and the earth, sweeping the universe.

"Chi, chi, chi!"

On the sky, one after another strange bones fell, some were as black as ink, and some were as red as blood diamonds, emitting precious light.

These are all fallen off from the ancient relics, and those bones anchored the mountains and rivers, otherwise the battle between the two would surely sink the vast land and kill countless living beings.

Xu Yu nodded slightly, Zhu Yan's character was pretty good.

"The benevolence of a woman!" Qiongqi snorted coldly, his green eyes were like two lakes, and he opened his mouth extremely cold.

Zhu Yan remained silent, his eyes were bright, and the attack in his hand became more and more fierce. An iron rod stabbed the sky and descended to Jiuyou, and his breath shook the sky and the earth.

"Both you and the little red bird will suffer losses. Retreating is your only choice." Qiongqi said coldly, his eyes as cold as an ice cellar.


On the other side, in the depths of the mountain range, the sky was filled with endless flames, dyeing the sky red, a little red bird was fighting another creature, and his opponent was a sky-swallowing sparrow, ferocious to the sky.

There are a total of four Xeon creatures fighting, and their levels are beyond imagination, and they are already the ultimate combat power in the wilderness.

The strong men from all over the wilderness couldn't help showing horror on their faces. The energy was so terrifying that it almost turned the world upside down.

Everyone was trembling all over, couldn't help prostrating and worshiping, they were all hairy, staring at each other in amazement, from head to toe cold.

In the deepest part of the mountain range, the terrifying aura shocked the world, as if at the beginning of the beginning of the world, for a while, the fire was overwhelming, and for a while, it covered the sky and the sun.

In the chaotic mist, a bird's song shook the sky, and the fiery little bird screamed, fighting fiercely with his opponent, the Sky-Tuning Sparrow.

The little red bird was in great difficulty because she was injured. She had fought a protracted battle with Zhu Yan Kuangshi, and she was still injured at this moment.


Suddenly, Qiongqi took a step forward, abandoned Zhu Yan, and together with Tiantianque, went to kill the little red bird.

Xiao Hongwu was already seriously injured, and now he was even more defeated. He was beaten and retreated, and had to withdraw from the battle for Shan Bao.

Xu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and saw the little red bird coming towards Shicun.

Not long after, a streak of red electricity pierced the sky, so gorgeous that it suddenly dyed the entire sky red, like a large sunset glow.

A fiery red sparrow, crystal clear and bright red, only the size of a palm, fell from the sky and landed in front of the big willow tree at the head of the village. It was a little red bird that was hunted.

"Ah, Xiaohong, why are you here..."

The little boy Shi Hao shouted, stood up immediately, and rushed out quickly.

The bird's body was red, like a flame burning, but now it was dim. A terrible wound almost penetrated the chest and abdomen, and there were several claw holes on his head, which almost penetrated between the forehead bones.

"Big brother, save Xiaohong." Xiao Budian said, he saw this little red bird resting on a willow tree before, so he recognized it.

He didn't move rashly, because when the little red bird fell, it scorched the ground, and the temperature was so high that it was scary.

The little red bird was speechless, and glared at Xiao Shi Wu with its black and white pupils.

"Are you in pain?" the little one asked with concern, his eyes were big and showed concern.

The red bird opened its eyes wide and blocked him angrily, leaving all the whites of its eyes to him, looking very angry.

Then her pupils suddenly shrank and her eyes wandered.

She looked directly at the figure standing under the willow tree, and her mind moved slightly. She sensed the abyss-like power behind the figure, which made her extremely awed.

"Xiao Hong, you are here to see Liu Shen, right? Liu Shen is not here now. This big brother is Liu Shen's friend." Xiao Shi Hao said crisply and took the initiative to introduce to Xiao Hongniao.

The flaming bird fluttered its wings and stood up with difficulty. The runes flashed on the wound between its chest and abdomen, constantly destroying its vitality.

"Liu Shen's friend?" the little red bird looked at him again

Guang shrank slightly, confused, he couldn't see through this person who gave him a strange feeling, and then he looked at a willow tree again.

The thick and charred willow tree was silent at the moment. The five willow branches swayed gently, filled with glow, but there were no shocking fluctuations. They seemed to be in a deep sleep.


Xu Yu flicked his fingers, and a drop of blood rolled down like a dewdrop and submerged into the little red bird's body.

The little red bird chirped softly, the red light flickering all over its body, and then let out a cry of pain, as if it was enduring the energy of that drop of blood.

"Such rich fire energy." Although the little red bird felt extremely uncomfortable, he knew that he had received amazing benefits and was extremely shocked.

Soon, the wounds on his chest and abdomen were completely healed, and his whole body was filled with rays of light. It was so dazzling that people couldn't open their eyes. It made him look extremely dazzling, and he looked even more divine.

"My body has awakened some real ancestral blood!" The little red bird was shocked. The young man opposite took action and gave himself a drop of blood, which actually purified his own blood a lot. "Senior, I owe you a big favor."

The little red bird restrained his breath and asked respectfully.

Xu Yu shook his head slightly and just pointed at Shi Wu and Shi Cun.

He knew that it was his blood that had an effect, and this little red bird was probably the sacrificial spirit from the Fire Kingdom, with the blood of the Suzaku clan, and his blood was already evolving into immortal blood.

As long as the world of mortals reaches perfection in the future, they can fully establish themselves in the immortal world and become immortal beings.

Now that the little red bird has been nourished by his immortal blood, it has brought her indescribable benefits.

The crimson bird is now full of vigor and has completely recovered. Its feathers are soft and shiny, and it has regained its vitality all of a sudden. It seems that even its cultivation base has increased a little.


The little red bird was very happy. A red feather fell from his body. The flowing glow was like lightning, which was very magical. It stuck on a rock with a chirping sound.

"Put it away. If someone comes to trouble you, show this to them." The little red bird said, with a beautiful voice, like big beads falling on a jade plate, and then the little red bird turned its eyes to Xu Yu.

"Senior, don't you want to take the mountain treasure?" Little Red Sparrow whispered, his eyes were like torches, his strength was one step closer now, and he was very excited. If this senior came out, wouldn't the mountain treasure be within his grasp?

"Of course." Xu Yu couldn't help but said with a faint smile. He had waited for so long just for Shan Bao. He had a chapter about the original true solution and transcendence, so naturally he would not let it go.

Deep in the vast mountains, Zhu Yan, Qiong Qi and the Sky-Swallowing Bird are fighting for each other. The battle is so fierce that the world has collapsed. However, at this moment, Zhu Yan's situation is also very bad and he is in a dangerous situation.


The battle was fierce, and from the depths of the mountains there were roars of beasts like tsunamis from time to time, sweeping through the nine heavens, roaring in the sky and on the earth, the sound was astonishing, and the astonishing chirping of birds, like the voice of gods from outside the territory.

"This fetish is very important, the less people know about it, the better." Qiong Qi said coldly.

"I agree, then let's kill them all. Starting from the human race, kill all the races and creatures on this land that are not strict with their mouths."

The sky-swallowing bird also said in a cold voice, fierce and ferocious.Xu Yu took a step forward, and a golden avenue stretched out, overwhelming the sky and the earth, surging forward.

go with.

With just one step, he came to the depths of the vast mountains.

The little red bird was dumbfounded. He could cross tens of thousands of miles in one step. This was such a profound cultivation. Is there such a thing in this world? Could it be a true god!

The world trembled and shook violently. After Xu Yu arrived, he stretched out a palm, and the chaos energy wrapped around him, covering the heaven and earth and encompassing the world.

The unrivaled breath is surging, and all souls are trembling.

If he hadn't intentionally controlled his breath, the world would have collapsed, and all spirits would have died!
This kind of scene is frightening, and the souls of all creatures are trembling, and it is impossible to fight against it.

At this moment, Swallowing Bird and Qiongqi were shocked, and looked at that big hand in disbelief.

The bone as white as jade was so easily grasped by Xu Yu in his hand, and the light shone brightly, making Qiong Qi, Tianshou Que, and Zhu Yan stunned.

"Who are you, report your name, dare to take away our fortune!?"

The sky-swallowing bird spread its wings directly, overwhelming the sky and covering the endless mountains below. It was huge and unparalleled. A pair of blood-moon-like eyes stared at Xu Yu with a terrifying aura.

"I risked my life and let a human pick peaches!"

Qiongqi also scolded angrily, his faint eyes scanned all directions, revealing a deep coldness, they have been fighting for so long, and they were cut off, how can these fierce beasts not be angry?
Chaos energy filled the air in Xu Yu's hand, and the white holy objects floated up and down.

Qiongqi and the Sky-Swallowing Bird howled, wanting to attack together and take back the mountain treasure.

But Zhu Yan was a little hesitant, staring at Xu Yu, a little confused and afraid to take action. In fact, he had already run out of energy, so he chose to escape.

"Qongqi, Tianshenque, I can barely cook a dish."

Xu Yu smiled faintly and ignored Zhu Yan. As he finished speaking, he raised a hand and slowly pressed down on the two ferocious beasts from afar.


Sky Swallowing Bird was furious. For many years, no one dared to despise him so much. He wanted to suppress him with one hand and turn them into food.

"How could this be? Could it be that this person has already ignited the divine fire? No!" Qiongqi was very keen. Although he could not detect Xu Yude's realm, he felt that there was a huge danger coming.

You can clearly capture every trace of the palm across the air, and as you stare, the palm magnifies in front of your eyes, like a five-fingered mountain, towering into the sky, and suppressing it towards them.

Afterwards, an unprecedented fear welled up in my heart, and it was an unprecedented terror.

In the next second, the two of them shrank rapidly and were held in Xu Yu's palm. They were unable to move at all. Even though they tried their best, they could not break free at all.

"Well, there is one more." Xu Yu's eyes were shining, staring at another place in the void.

"Senior really has a profound morality." A soft sigh came out.

Then, an old Taoist appeared, with gray hair and exhausted blood.

"How is it possible, why are you not dead!" The sky-swallowing bird, which was still held in Xu Yu's hand, was so shocked that its eyes almost fell off.

The body of this old man turned out to be a swan, that is, the master of the sky-swallowing bird.

"Evil disciple, what you swallowed at that time was just my spiritual body." The Honghu Saint looked at the Sky-Swallowing Bird with a look of hatred in his eyes.

He taught him supernatural powers to seek the Dharma, but in his later years, he was betrayed by his disciples. If it weren't for a spiritual body, he would have fallen. This feeling is really hard to understand.

"It's incredible. In the eight realms of the lower realm, it's rare to be able to practice to such a state." Xu Yu looked at the man and said.

"At the beginning, I was lucky enough not to die, but accidentally ignited the divine fire."

"Are you here to seize the mountain treasure too?" Xu Yu said with a half-smile.

"I came here to find an opportunity to get rid of this evil disciple. With a little bit of divine power, I can clean up the door for me. I'm very grateful." Saint Honghu's brows jumped, and then he was silent for a while before speaking like this.


Xu Yu's eyes opened and closed, interweaving a splendid rune, staring at his body, making Saint Honghu shudder subconsciously, almost being completely seen through.

This swan was not a vicious person and was not stained with too much blood, so Xu Yu let him go.

"Master, save me, have you forgotten our old master-student relationship!" Tun Tianque was frightened and couldn't help shouting.

The sage Honghu had everything he wanted to strangle him at this moment, and he was so annoyed that he was asking him for help, and he wanted to slap him to death.

"Evil barrier, you deserve to die." The sage Honghu said coldly.

"My lord, please forgive me." Qiongqi and Tuntianque yelled again. As beast masters, they are now prisoners.

Xu Yu was too lazy to pay attention to them. He was originally here to get the mountain treasure, but now he easily got rid of the two ferocious beasts and made them into food. Then the Honghu Saint said goodbye and left, and Xu Yu returned to the stone village.

"Wow, big brother, what delicious food did you bring?"

The little kid ran over and stared at the Qiongqi and Sky-Swallowing Birds in Xu Yu's hands. He drooled and stayed. Every time Xu Yu goes out, he will definitely hunt down the best in the wilderness.

"What a fat bird, why is there a monster, so ugly."

The little boy's eyes were bright, staring at the Sky-Swallowing Bird and Qiongqi, looking left and then again, extremely curious.Qiongqi and the Sky-Swallowing Bird were extremely angry. The majestic beast was actually called a fat bird and a monster, and was also called ugly. This almost made their lungs explode with anger.

"Qiongqi, Sky-Swallowing Bird..." The little red bird ran over, opened his eyes wide, and looked at them with gloating. He was so shocked that he didn't expect that this adult would catch them both.

"Senior is indeed mighty and mighty, and I admire him very much."

The little red bird boasted about Xu Yu unscrupulously. In his opinion, this thigh must be hugged tightly. Originally, he wanted to leave Shicun and return to the Fire Country, but now he doesn't really want to leave.

"Little Red Bird, how come it's you, and you're not dead yet?" The Sky-Swallowing Bird was shocked, its eyes flickering, why did this guy get mixed up with him, and all his injuries were recovered, and he seemed to be stronger.

"Hey, mountains and rivers meet, your doom has come,"

The little red bird said angrily that he already knew that the battle between the Sky-Swallowing Bird and Qiongqi was just a pretense, and there was no real battle at all. The purpose was just to let him and Zhu Yan fight, and the two of them would divide the mountain treasure.

Not long after, a group of people in Shicun were alarmed. Seeing the two beast masters being captured, they felt stupid. This was too outrageous.

"What an ugly bird." Snotlout pointed at the sky-swallowing bird and said loudly.

"The other monster, although it doesn't look good, is really fat. It will be delicious when grilled." Shi Dazhuang was also surprised.

"Damn it!" The two beasts vomited blood. What kind of village is this? Why are they all so cruel? Then a group of aunties pointed at the two ferocious beasts and talked about how to eat them.

But the patriarch, Shi Yunfeng, was even more shocked. Others couldn't recognize it, but he probably knew the origin of these two ancient beasts.

He knew that this was the beast king that caused headaches to the ancient kingdom, and he was captured. What a terrifying level of cultivation this friend of Liu Shen had!

This is a peerless beast that spans tens of thousands of miles across the wilderness. Once born, it will inevitably become the source of trouble in the wilderness.

It is estimated that only the top experts in the ancient country can resist, but now Master Xu has captured him like a chicken.

"This is……"

Several ferocious beasts such as Suanni, Demon Ape, and Lihuo Bull Demon also came over. They stared at the two beast masters and were speechless for a long time. These were terrifying figures at the level of masters.

Normally, even if they were called, they would be as afraid of them as tigers, and they would not dare to compete with them. The level gap was too big, but now a being like the Beast Lord would end up like this and be captured alive.

"It's too scary." Several ancient beasts were slightly frightened and looked at Xu Yu with eyes that became more and more awe-inspiring.Soon, a large black cauldron was brought out. On it were the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, birds, animals, fish and insects, as well as scenes of ancient ancestors making sacrifices. It looked mysterious and unpredictable.

"Half of the lower part of the original true solution belongs to this big cauldron. This black cauldron is just the color on the surface."

Xu Yu's eyes showed a strange color. This big black cauldron is extraordinary. It can be fused with the mountain treasure and turned into a transcendent chapter of the original true solution.

"Leave us alone." The sky-swallowing bird's face turned green. After so many years in the wilderness, it is really going to be reduced to food.

"Spare your life, we are willing to do anything." Qiongqi also trembled, his green eyes flashed with fear, and no longer had the arrogance he had during the wilderness period. At this moment, his heart was full of panic, knowing that the iron plate was mentioned, and he was completely There is no thought of resistance.

"Pfft, puff!"

Xu Yu pointed out, and a divine torrent rushed out, and the forehead bones of the two beasts were penetrated. Their eyes dimmed instantly, they didn't even scream, and they lost their breath in an instant.

"It's so fierce... You really are a boss." The little red bird's eyes almost popped out, and he raised his hands to destroy the two big beasts, like pulling weeds, which made him feel a deep sense of awe.

Although her strength has improved now, but before, if he faced these two beasts at the same time, he would only have to flee. Now he was killed with a snap of his fingers. One can imagine how powerful this young man is.

Soon, the swallowing bird and Qiongqi were carried over. Their bodies were resplendent and miraculous. They shone brightly under the setting sun. Afterwards, the villagers washed the two beasts with the purest sweet spring water. clean.

All kinds of spices were added by everyone.

It didn't take long, and various medicinal fragrances came from the boiling water, which was refreshing. After a while, the color became extremely golden, and a faint fragrance permeated the air.

Shi Hao, Pihou, Snotboy and all the little ones opened their mouths slightly, swallowing saliva frantically, and their small eyes were rounded. The old, young, women and children in Shicun also had their pupils shining, and they would never have dreamed of a day when they would eat the Beast Lord.

Not only them, but also Fa Ni, Demon Ape, and Lihuo Bull Demon also had their Adam's apples twitching, secretly swallowing saliva, because this is not ordinary flesh and blood, but Qiongqi and Sky-Swallowing Sparrow. Several people can eat it. If Once eaten, there are bound to be endless benefits.

"It smells so good. When I succeed in cultivation, I will also catch a few beasts to eat like my elder brother..." The little boy Shi Hao's eyes were bright at this moment, and he said with great anticipation, and he admired Xu Yu extremely.

The sky-swallowing bird and Qiongqi's fleshy bodies have endless divine brilliance flowing, even if they are dead, they still have the majesty of the strongest, permeating invisibly, it is extremely amazing.


Xu Yu opened his five fingers, making a clanging sound. Chaos energy filled the air, instantly wiping out all the murderous aura. Otherwise, ordinary people would not be able to bear that kind of aura.

It didn't take long for the poor beast masters of the two halls to become thoroughly familiar.

With the ray of sunlight, the bodies of Qiongqi and Tiantianque become golden and shiny, making people salivate.

This is definitely a great tonic, eating it can make people full of energy, with infinite power, and their strength can definitely be greatly improved.

"Damn it, you guys still have today." Even though the little red bird is also a relic of the ancient times, her index finger is twitching, wishing to get closer and share a piece of meat.

"Xiao Hong, aren't you a bird? You also eat meat." Xiao BuDian asked curiously.

"I'm not afraid of meat and vegetables." Little Red Bird put his head around and said with a calm face, extremely eager. He glanced at Xiao Shi Hao and then carefully looked at Xu Yu.

"Then come over and eat. It's delicious." Little Shi Hao raised his hand and called to the little red bird again.

The little red bird nodded slightly, a little surprised, looking into the eyes of the little one, she was no longer so dissatisfied, and the resentment of being called Xiaohong gradually disappeared in her heart.

This kid is still on the right track! (End of chapter)

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