Chapter 356 The Original True Solution
"Oh, it's so delicious!" The little boy tore off a piece of golden meat, smeared it with honey, took a bite, and his mouth was filled with saliva.

Xiao Shihao closed his eyes, with a look of intoxication on his face. One sip almost made all the pores in his body open, feeling warm and comfortable.

"Hurry up, Xiaohong, there's a lot more." The little boy greeted the little red bird, slurred his speech, and ate more than two catties in a blink of an eye, so satisfied that his big eyes narrowed.

"There are also Dajin, Erhei, and Sanhong. You all can come over." Shi Hao greeted enthusiastically.

The eyes of all the ferocious beasts lit up and they were all drooling. They quickly gathered around and began to feast. The smell was so tempting.

"Hahaha, so happy." The little red bird exclaimed with great satisfaction. The essence of the two beasts was billowing, making his blood thunder.

"It's really a great tonic." Suan Ni was also extremely pleasantly surprised. His golden pupils burst out with endless glow. He felt that he would be able to break through to the realm of the venerable soon.

The Demon Ape and the Lihuo Divine Ox were also filled with joy. At this time, they had completely understood that staying in Shicun was their greatest blessing. This kind of heaven-defying blessing would be difficult to find even if they searched for the wilderness.

To put it bluntly, they are unwilling to leave now if we have to drive them away. After all, this place may have more blessings than the average ancient country.


Not long after, everyone in Shicun, many of them were covered in energy, like clouds and smoke, raging crazily. They ran wildly to consume this energy.

Although Xu Yu took action to resolve most of the terrifying power for them, that kind of energy was not something ordinary people could bear.

Then, Fa Ni, Li Huo Niu Demon and Demon Ape also had bursts of white air coming out of their mouths and noses, and their whole bodies were red, like big furnaces burning blazingly.

Later, Xu Yu explained part of the cause and effect to the clan leader and borrowed the black cauldron. Shi Yunfeng was very happy to hear this and directly handed the black gold cauldron to Xu Yu.

Not long after, the banquet came to an end, and everyone left one after another and began to practice.

Late night
The willow tree at the head of the village suddenly emitted a halo of light, shrouding the entire stone village, and finally emerged from its slumber.

The charred willow tree had a hazy mist on its main trunk, which looked like chaos, but there were five more branches.

"Congratulations, fellow Taoist, on your great improvement in strength." Xu Yu smiled.

"Thanks to you." Liu Shen said calmly, the branches swayed gently, and the green clouds filled the air. He noticed the beast meat not far away, and felt a little emotional in his heart.

Without this young man, he would never have been able to recover so quickly. Even if he faced such a beast master, he might just be able to protect himself.

Xu Yu then took out the mountain treasure and rubbed the white bones.

It doesn't look like bone, but has the warmth and moist feeling of jade. It is extremely strong. Even if you squeeze it hard, the mountain treasure will not move at all, without any cracks.

"This is... that mountain treasure. It seems to be really extraordinary." Liu Shen said in surprise. She also sensed some inexplicable aura. Xu Yu held the mountain treasure and sighed slightly in her heart.

"As expected of the quasi-immortal emperor." Xu Yu sighed in his heart. This immortal phoenix incarnation is quite extraordinary in the eight realms of the lower world, but it can't shake this bone at all.


Suddenly, his mind moved, and he seemed to have thought of something, and he actually directly performed six kinds of treasure techniques, with an astonishing aura.

The hexahedral white bone made a crisp sound, and he opened it. There seemed to be a cover inside, which automatically separated from the bone, revealing the scene inside.

Its interior is dotted with rays of light, giving people a very empty feeling, just like the night sky, extremely deep.

Among them, there were several pieces of animal skin, which were extremely old and stained with blood. It was unknown how many years they had been in existence.

"The Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art." Xu Yu sighed softly.

Gu Lao/span This is the inheritance of the Supreme Palace, and it clearly records the supreme heavenly skill of this religion - the Six Paths of Reincarnation!
"The law of the Supreme Palace." Liu Shen was also touched.

The Supreme Palace is also the legacy left by the Immortal King of the Endless Immortal and the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation!
In a sense, it is more precious than the ordinary ten evil arts. It allows people to control six terrifying treasures at the same time, and its divine power is earth-shattering!

Xu Yu sat cross-legged under the willow tree and began to form seals continuously. Her whole body was like the incarnation of the great road, and six black holes emerged, swallowing everything.
Then, time rained down and everything changed!

Then, birth, old age, illness and death, all things in the world are also changing. This is the reincarnation of the world. Then, the universe and galaxies collapse, the light of chaos emerges, the light of the beginning shines, and all things revive, as if they have entered the opening era again.

By the end, various scenes emerged one after another, ranging from the universe to the reincarnation of ants and insects.

"One thought brings about a hundred lifetimes of silence; the eyes turn, and the world changes!" He temporarily ended his practice and continued to read other ancient scrolls.

This is an ancient sutra. In addition to the Six Paths of Reincarnation, there are also other methods and many treasures, such as the Howler Clan, Luanniao Clan, Bi Fang...

Then, he continued to turn it up, and suddenly his expression changed slightly, and he turned over a piece of animal skin that recorded the 犊宝法, but the 犊法 was just a cover-up, there was another reason behind this animal skin.

Suddenly, the hide moved.

At this moment, Xu Yu also directly waved his hand and exerted a pulling force.


The silver sword energy flew straight up into the sky, piercing the void and knocking down all the stars outside the territory. If Xu Yu hadn't taken action in time, Shicun would have been reduced to the ground.

In Shicun, Fa Ni, Little Red Bird, Lihuo Bull Demon, and Demon Ape were all startled. They looked in the direction of Xu Yu, with shock that could not be concealed on their faces.

The animal skin recording the Yin method has been reduced to ashes, leaving behind a silver metal page with patterns and mysterious symbols on it.

Grass word swordsmanship!

Among the ten evils, the unrivaled divine art left by the nine-leaf sword grass is a terrifying existence of the four immortal kings, although he also fell in the end.

Because of this terrible record, it was listed as one of the ten evils. Unfortunately, this vein is a plant, and its population has always been thin. It will take many years for a grain of grass to take root and sprout from the calamity soil, and reappear in the world.

"It turned out to be this kind of magic." Liu Shen sighed slightly, seeming a little moved, secretly sighing that Xu Yu's creation was able to gain so much in the eight realms of the lower world!

"Cao Zi Sword Technique, it's a pity that I have it." Xu Yu shook his head. This kind of breath was too familiar to him. He had also cultivated the divine form of the sword.

The three major sword techniques have been collected by him before.

According to legend, if these three sword techniques can be practiced to the extreme, one can cut through the past and present and see eternity.

Liu Shen was silent and didn't know what to say. This man actually had a complete sword formula with cursive characters.

"Why do I have a feeling of familiarity with him? It's getting stronger now. Unfortunately, my memory loss is too severe." Liu Shen said in his heart, secretly sizing up Xu Yu.

Then, Xu Yu took out the black cauldron in which the two beasts were stewed. He raised his hand and wiped it gently. The black metal skin fell off and became as white as jade, forming a bone cauldron.

"Sure enough, the original true solution given by the patriarch Shi Yunfeng is the same material," Xu Yu's mind moved slightly.

He started to operate the original true solution, time passed quickly, the mountain treasure box and the bone tripod merged to form a complete tripod.

Shanbao disappeared!

On the small cauldron, densely packed, there are pictures and symbols everywhere, and an ancient method is recorded, primitive and unsophisticated, it is the original and true interpretation-the chapter of detachment!

Xu Yu stared at the small white bone cauldron, her eyes bright, reflecting all the ancient symbols into her heart.

"The mystery is infinite." After an unknown amount of time, he opened his eyes. This detachment chapter is like the divine introduction chapter, using the simplest and simplest heaven and earth runes to construct the profound meaning of the Dao.

The so-called detachment is to spend time in the sea of ​​suffering in the mortal world, and finally be able to survive forever and exist in the world forever.

There are no specific Dharma, only the simple Tao, which uses various simple runes in the world to outline the various mysteries between heaven and earth and explain the essence of the Tao.

"It's different from the path I took, but it has extraordinary significance." Xu Yu secretly thought in his heart that this chapter of transcendence will definitely have great significance for him to enter the immortal path.

The Transcendence Chapter is very mysterious and powerful. It is a truly supreme law and a way to gain a glimpse of eternal life. It must be said that the quasi-immortal emperor who created this method is also amazingly talented.

Later, Xu Yu handed over the treasures of Qingluan, Bifang and other ancient beasts to Fa Yi, Lihuo Niu Demon and Demon Ape, as well as the little red bird for enlightenment.

"Give us?"

Several ancient beasts were stunned at first, and then they were extremely grateful. They really couldn't believe that among the mountain treasures, these were extremely precious treasures, and they were actually allowed to refer to them, which soon was enough to stimulate their fighting power.
increased to an appalling level.

Treasure skills, as a racial inheritance, are too precious and are generally difficult to obtain.

"I came to Shicun, this move is really wise." The little red bird couldn't help but secretly feel proud.

As for the Demon Ape, the Lihuo Bull Demon, Jun Ni and others, their eyes were shining and they could not wait to scream with excitement. There were so many unparalleled treasures that could be browsed at will, just like a dream, which was very unreal.

Next, several ancient relics began to study treasure techniques without sleep or food, speeding up their cultivation progress and striving to reach a higher level.

Xiao Shi Hao, who was born to cope with the calamity, is even more remarkable. Observing and practicing the treasures at will has greatly broadened his horizons and created a solid foundation. It can be said that in the eight realms of the lower world, no one has a higher starting point than Shi Hao. .

Today's Shi Wu is only four years old, but he has already reached the Great Perfection of the Blood Movement Realm. When he just practiced the original true solution, with a flick of one arm, he could weigh 15 kilograms of ancient ferocious beast's cubs, which were far beyond the heaven level.

Today it has reached a level that no one can imagine.

Everyone in Shicun gradually entered a state of cultivation, and then Xu Yu also removed the talisman bones of the Sky-Swallowing Bird and Qiongqi, and obtained two amazing treasures, which he passed on to everyone.

Finally, he handed over the Caozi Sword Technique, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art, and the Original True Interpretation and Transcendence chapter to Liu Shen for him to observe and keep for safekeeping. When the time was right, he would hand them over to Shi Hao.

"Do you think so highly of this child?" Liu Shen asked with an incomprehensible tone.

"Don't you think so?" Xu Yu smiled.

"Extraordinary appearance and quality. When he was sent to Stone Village and was close to dryness, he finally survived." Liu Shen's branches swayed, filled with green clouds, and spoke softly.

Xu Yu nodded and said no more words.

"Do you want to leave?" Liu Shen was silent for a while before speaking.

"I will leave eventually, but the time has not come yet." Xu Yu shook his head. All he is doing now is just to prepare for a rainy day.

"Six Paths of Reincarnation, Sword Art with Grass Characters, or the Original True Solution and Transcendence Chapter. Now, the cause and effect I owe you is a bit too great, so I will also give you a technique." Liu Shen was silent for a while, and then slowly spoke. road.

Xu Yu nodded, looking a little surprised for no reason.

Zu Cha Ling’s method is definitely extraordinary!A crystal wicker stick came out, green and translucent, exuding holy light, covering Xu Yu's body

shrouded.Soon, the willow disappeared and turned into a faint golden color. It looked like a golden willow branch, very mysterious and rippled.They were golden symbols one after another. They spread like ripples and were actually filled with the aura of the avenue. The gold was light and sparkling, very magnificent and extraordinary.

Xu Yu's eyes were extremely bright and shining, and he carved one symbol after another into his heart, turning them into primitive runes.

This is Liu Shenfa, ever-changing, and finally unified, embodying the great simplicity.

Xu Yu also sat down cross-legged and began to meditate quietly. In a flash, two years passed.

Suddenly, one day.

Suddenly, the clouds steamed, the rays bloomed with auspicious colors, and the sacred aura surged. A horse flew up into the sky, its body covered with golden light, entangled in endless clouds and smoke. The aura of the whole person suddenly improved a lot.


Suanni looked up to the sky and roared. He actually broke through and entered the realm of the venerable that he had dreamed of. In two years, he can now truly overlook the wilderness. Maybe it won't be long before he can stand shoulder to shoulder with the former Sky-Swallowing Bird and Qiongqi.

The Demon Ape and the Lihuo Bull Demon couldn't help but cast envious eyes when they saw the majestic Fa Ni. Although they were strong, there was a certain distance between them and Fa Ni.

Xu Yu opened her eyes and looked at Shi Hao, who was already four years old, with an inexplicable expression. Shi Hao was only six years old now, and he had already opened five caves.

"Big brother, Liu Shen, can you help me look at the things in my subconscious? I want to know what happened." Xiao Dian Shi Wu saw Xu Yu open his eyes, walked over, and looked at Xu Yu and Liu Shen , feeling uneasy.

"Okay." Before Xu Yu could speak, Liu Shen simply responded with these two words.

The charred ancient trees, with a hazy light flowing on the trunk, spread outwards, and the world suddenly became silent, which suddenly alarmed everyone in Stone Village.

The little one was shrouded in mist, his whole body was hazy, and he couldn't see clearly.

Xiao Shiwu remained motionless, as if standing at the end of the world, filled with chaos. He had seen it before but could not remember it because he was young, and the scene hidden in his subconscious reappeared in front of him.

"Your Majesty Youyou, Your Majesty Youyou, the beginning of the people's reign. The emperor was built, and Yi Lun was established. The five virtues were more prosperous, and the seal script received the talisman..." The huge voice resounded through the world, and the little boy suddenly fell into a trance. .

When all the scenes passed by in a hurry, Shi Wu, a little boy, had already blurred his eyes and burst into tears.

Xu Yu and Liu Shen were both silent, letting the little one digest it slowly.

After a long time, Xu Yu spoke: "How do you feel?"

"I feel very sad," Father, mother, where are you now. "The little one burst into tears, which was heart-wrenching to watch.

He saw the aunt taking off her Supreme Bone and giving it to her little brother, and even taking out all her essence and blood. She was extremely cold and ruthless.

Later, because of this incident, his father stood up for him and made a fuss in the palace.

And that cousin with double pupils, with his Supreme Bone and a pair of pupils, became the genius of Prince Wu's Mansion and attracted everyone's attention.

And his father, after making a big fuss in Prince Wu's Mansion, was unable to get the Supreme Bone back again, so he could only search for the ancestral land, and finally found Shicun.

"Father and mother, where are you now?" The little one cried.

The Supreme Bone was taken away, and he was fostered in Stone Village. His parents went to the Ancient Sacred Mountain to find the holy medicine for him. The first thing he thought of was not unforgettable hatred, but his parents' comfort.

Shi Wu burst into tears, his delicate face covered with tear stains. It took a long time before he recovered.

"Don't you hate losing the Supreme Bone?"

Liu Shen sighed and looked at Shi Hao.

"Isn't it just a piece of bone? The Supreme Being is not sealed or determined by a piece of bone, but is broken out step by step.

The wild fire cannot burn out, the spring breeze blows and regenerates, but my bones are already regenerating.

Now, in Stone Village, I have the patriarch, a group of uncles and aunts, as well as many friends, big brother and Liu Shen, which is good enough for me. "

The little boy Shi Wu said calmly. Although he is young, he is very calm.

"You are a kind child, and you have not lost your mind inspired by hatred and shouted for revenge." Liu Shen said happily.

"That's right. Even if you don't have that bone, you are still born to be a supreme being."

Xu Yu patted Shi Wu on the shoulder to show encouragement. He felt pity in his heart. This child had gone through too much hardship. His childhood was so miserable. It would be too much to follow the original trajectory without any companions and continue to be arbitrary for eternity. desolate.

"Your Supreme Bone has reached Nirvana, and it will be more powerful now than before. The runes are so complex that they have surpassed the past." Liu Shen said softly, with a sigh.

Afterwards, the chaotic fog dissipated, and the village regained its clarity.

A large group of people from the clan leader gathered around. Seeing the tears on Shi Wu's face, they all comforted him and wiped them away. They all loved him very much.

"Little one, Shicun is your home. Regardless of whether you know your life experience or not, we are also your relatives." A group of middle-aged women said.

"It's no big deal. Even gods have been born in our Shicun. Besides, now that we have adults and Liu Shen, you will definitely achieve extraordinary things in the future." A group of old men stretched out their rough hands and rubbed his head. , said with a cracked smile.

"Don't cry, little one. There are still us. We are good brothers who grew up. We will fight together in the future." A group of children shouted.

A group of ancient relics also gathered around. After two or three years of getting along, they got along very well with Xiao Shi Hao, and they had already regarded him as their own relative.

"Damn it, whoever dares to bully the little one, I'll kill him in a minute!" the demon ape said angrily, beating its chest and making a thunderous sound.

The Lihuo Bull Demon also spoke out, threatening to defend Shi Hao. He was very angry and would not let him be bullied, and threatened to help him get revenge.

"When will we kill him?" Suan Ni was gearing up, his anger boundless. Now that he was a venerable man, he could conquer the vast world.

"Yes!" The little boy wiped away the tears on his face and nodded vigorously. His heart was not filled with hatred. He looked at the people in Shicun and several ancient relics, and his heart was filled with warmth.

"I want to become stronger." Little Shi Hao has never been so eager for power.

Of course, he will definitely have to go to the ancient country in person in the future.

Xu Yu nodded secretly. It was the simple environment of Shicun that allowed him to grow up happily. His childhood was not filled with hatred. This is why, no matter whether it is the prosperity or decline of the years,
As eras change, Shicun will always be the place where Shi Hao's soul rests, the softest place in his heart.

From then on, Shi Hao practiced more diligently, because he already knew that the realm of cave heaven could open up the legendary ten cave heavens.

The little one also began to work hard in the direction of the Ten Caves, as if he was possessed, studying the Shen Yin Chapter of the original true solution, as well as various bone inscriptions and treasures.

"The little one is so crazy." Many people in Shicun were surprised. He practiced very hard, which made many people dumbfounded and couldn't help but feel sad. In any case, this is just a five or six-year-old child.

But it seems to be burdened with too much.

Of course, the effect was astonishing. Shi Hao's whole body was like a small furnace, constantly shining brightly, like a sun burning. It was extremely magical, and his cultivation level improved by leaps and bounds.

"Today's Xiao Shi Hao is much stronger than before at this age." Xu Yu sighed in his heart? .

It is unimaginable to the world that a little kid of five or six years old has actually opened four holes in the sky. Speaking of it, it will definitely shock the world. It seems that such a miracle has never happened before, at least in the eight realms of the lower world, it has never been heard of.

"Let's go out and try our best. Real strong men need to be tempered by blood and fire." Xu Yu said to Liu Shen.

Liu Shen nodded slightly, how could he see a rainbow without going through wind and rain.

The little boy's eyes brightened slightly, and he nodded directly, and then went to bid farewell to the clan leader, because he had also wanted to do so recently.

"Child, do you really want to go?" The old patriarch touched Shi Hao's little head, looking very worried.

Even though Shi Hao has opened up several caves now, he still can't rest assured that the wilderness is too dangerous.

"It doesn't matter, I don't really want to leave Shicun, but I want to complete the training given by my elder brother and Liu Shen."

There was mist in his eyes, and he missed his family and his parents in his heart. After many years of separation, his father had not returned from the ancient sacred mountain, and he was extremely worried.

"I won't take risks, I'm just going to the frontier of the ancient country." Shi Hao said softly.

"You are still so young..." Shi Yunfeng, the patriarch, hesitated to speak, feeling deeply worried in his heart.

"It doesn't matter, let him go. I will keep him safe secretly." Xu Yu sent a message to the clan leader Shi Yunfeng.

The patriarch's eyes suddenly lit up, and he nodded gratefully towards Xu Yu. With Xu Yu's protection, he instantly felt relieved.

After all, he is Liu Shen's friend, and he is probably a real god. Otherwise, how could he catch the Sky-Swallowing Bird and Qiongqi? With his secret protection, there should be no problem.

"My child, go ahead and pay attention to your safety." The patriarch finally relented.

"Thank you, Grandpa Patriarch." The little girl's long eyelashes trembled slightly and she finally smiled.

Later, everyone in the village knew about it and firmly opposed Shi Hao going out. This long road was too scary and dangerous.

When the clan leader stated that this was the will of the Lord and God Liu, they fell silent, not wanting to object.

The next day, the little boy got up and spotted an extremely tall unicorn. He burned like silver flames, with slender limbs and a strong body.

With his current strength in the Cave Heaven Realm, he could easily subdue the unicorn.

Then, under the worried eyes of everyone, the little boy waved his hand, left Stone Village directly, rode the unicorn on the road, turned into a golden light, and rushed towards the endless mountains with lightning speed.

Xu Yu, on the other hand, separated a dharma body and hid it, following behind Shi Hao to protect him.

Later, Xu Yu sat cross-legged under the willow tree again.

"It's time to go to the False God Realm." He whispered.

A ray of brilliance escaped, and a ray of eyes actually tore Cang Yu apart, opening a door of law.

In the sky, the light and mist are thick and hazy, mysterious and profound.

"Buzz!" With a slight tremor, Xu Yu left the place directly, passed through the hazy portal, and came to a strange world.

(End of this chapter)

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