Chapter 357 False God Realm

Xu Yu entered a new world. The surroundings were hazy and hazy, like chaotic chaos. Everything looked blurry and very misty.

Then, the mist gradually dissipated, and everything became empty, extremely desolate and distant. It seemed like an abandoned world that had been around for unknown lengths of time.
"I don't know how many powerful people are imprisoned in the real cage world," Xu Yu whispered with bright eyes, thinking of a lot.

His white clothes are as white as snow, and his eyes are bright, but they are the spiritual body of his true self.

What you see is desolate, with rubble everywhere. The once magnificent palaces and majestic palaces have been destroyed, giving it an aura of vicissitudes and ancient times.

This is...the Virtual God Realm!

In this world, there is a saying about the Virtual God Realm that this is the world that you will enter after becoming a god, and it is endlessly mysterious.

Another theory is that this is a mysterious world built by the gods, the most powerful creatures worshiped by the ancient ancestors, who worked together with their spiritual thoughts.

And Xu Yu understands that the Virtual God Realm can almost be regarded as the biggest secret of the eight realms of the lower world!

The Virtual God Realm has already existed in the Ancient Immortal Era. It was built by many Immortal Kings. It is actually a dark cage, and Liu Shen Butcher and the others are one of the creators of the Virtual God Realm.

In the Immortal Ancient Station, some famous Immortal Kings joined the darkness and launched an attack on the Immortal Realm. Later, many Immortal King giants in the Immortal Realm joined forces to suppress these Dark Immortal Kings, because they remembered the previous achievements of these people. , couldn't bear to kill them, hoping to rescue them one day, locked their souls, and suppressed them in the Virtual God Realm, where many of the Dark Immortal King's men and the Immortal King of the foreign land were also suppressed.

Therefore, the Virtual God Realm is a prison in the Immortal Realm. The spiritual power of the powerful people in the Immortal Realm of all ages will be guided into the Virtual God Realm to maintain its operation.

The False God Realm is very mysterious. After the spirit enters, it will be tempered here. After returning to reality, it will bring all the insights to the physical body and undergo transformation together. Therefore, many people will enter the False God Realm to practice and increase their Taoism.

Normally, the whole country is sacrificed at the same time. After the entire ancient country is recognized, it will receive blessings. When the whole person has cultivated to a certain level, he can feel enlightened and enter and exit the False God Realm.

Xu Yu did not enter according to the laws of the ancient country, so he entered a ruins. However, after walking for a short time, he was not far from the real prosperous place of the Virtual God Realm.

Afterwards, the fog gradually diminished, and Xu Yu finally emerged from the ruins, and his true body appeared in a bright world.

He stepped on a huge bluestone with flashing runes and saw several pieces of white animal bones inlaid on it, which belonged to the rune passage of the Virtual God Realm.

He realized in his heart that if he completed his practice, he could enter a higher level region with the help of the rune channel.

"This should be the starting point!" Xu Yu said softly.

Initially, it corresponds to the realm of moving blood.

At this moment, in this initial place, there are people coming and going, men, women and children, monks with swords on their backs meditating, peddlers shouting, and even tall and horny young girls dueling.

The cries of vendors and the shouts of duels were heard one after another. It was so lively, just like in a real market. It is hard to imagine that this is a country built by the spirit, but it is so real that you can't be polite.

"The realm of the Immortal King is indeed extraordinary." Xu Yu sighed secretly, full of emotion. He didn't know what kind of amazing power it would take to build this virtual god realm.

When Xu Yu appeared, many eyes were cast over her, some curious, because this was a brand new face, and many people stared at him with a searching look.

Xu Yu stands proudly, has a young and handsome face, black hair like a waterfall, and is full of energy. She is like an immortal. It is not easy for her not to attract people's attention.

People can tell at a glance that this must be a dragon and a phoenix among the people, with extraordinary nobility, and it is not something ordinary people can offend.

Some young girls looked at Xu Yu with stunned expressions and a gleam in their beautiful eyes. They had never seen such a handsome man in their lives.

"Could it be the son of a great power, or even the emperor of the ancient country?"

Some men looked extremely dignified. Although they were not high-level, their vision was astonishing. Although this man was young, he was as majestic as a prison. It seemed that he had been in a high position for a long time.

They know that even though this place is the original place, there are often many big shots coming.

Xu Yu's pupils opened and closed, and a brilliant beam of light burst out, which was astonishing. He kept looking at this initial place, his eyes were deep, as if he wanted to burn everything in his eyes.

Just as Xu Yu was exploring the Virtual God Realm, a shouting sound suddenly came from a distance. .

"Silver scale breastplate, five pieces of fine jade in one piece, little friend, don't miss it, you will make a profit if you buy it!"

Not far away from him, an old man was holding a young man with a smile on his face. He opened and closed his mouth with the word "Jingbi" and his face was full of incomprehensible expressions. He looked like a magic stick.

"Yes, little friend, I see that you are also a real person. I can tell you clearly that this breastplate is definitely worth more than five jade stones."

Next to the old man, an old man with white beard and hair smiled, and on his shoulder stood a bird with bright wings.

These two old guys couldn't get away from each other. They were bragging about themselves and spitting, just like big liars. At first glance, they were not good people.

In front of them, there was a young man, who was probably entering the initial land for the first time. He was a little dizzy from what the two said, and his expression was a little confused.

"This..." The young man seemed a little hesitant, his eyes flickered, and he was already moved under the two people's strong persuasion.

But he had just arrived, and he didn't understand the rules of the Virtual God Realm at all. He was a little worried and seemed a little at a loss.

As for the many people watching, their expressions were a little strange, and they couldn't help but mourn for the young man.

The two old men cheated and deceived them. People who didn't know it would most likely be deceived when they saw their age. However, many people initially knew about them and couldn't help but roll their eyes at them.

Xu Yu laughed and walked over.

"Hey, here's a new look." Suddenly, Master Bird's eyes lit up and he stared at Xu Yu, who was slowly walking over.

"Young man, come and see if this silver scale breastplate is of good quality." Uncle Jingbi introduced it to Xu Yu enthusiastically.

"This... we'll talk about it later, I'm here to find you two specially." Xu Yu smiled, with an incomprehensible look on his face.

"Looking for us specifically?" Uncle Jingbi and Master Bird were in a daze, a little inexplicable.

The young man on the side also came back to his senses at this moment, and noticed the strange looks of the people around him, and took this opportunity to escape.

"Hey, little friend, don't leave. I'll sell you four fine jade stones..." Uncle Jingbi suddenly became anxious, but the young man ran faster.

"Two... one head office." Uncle Jingbi continued to speak and wanted to chase after him, but was held back by Xu Yu.

The people who were watching were slightly embarrassed. How shameless this guy was. He had five jade stones just now, but they were instantly reduced to one jade stone. He probably earned every jade jade in blood.

"Boy, let go quickly, men and women can't bear it." Uncle Jingbi's face turned dark and he angrily scolded Xu Yu. The sudden appearance of this young man disrupted his plan and ruined a good business. .

"My little friend, did you just say that you were looking for us?" Lord Bird next to him had a look on his face and said with a smile.

"Yes, boy, what are you looking for us for?" Uncle Jingbi came back to his senses and continued to speak angrily.

"Yes, I'm here to do something for you." Xu Yu smiled slightly and said.

"Do you know us?" Uncle Jingbi frowned slightly, a little surprised.

"Don't we know each other now?" Xu Yu said with a smile.

"If you have something to do with us, it's easy. Then this price..."

Master Bird's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly came closer. He pushed Master Jingbi aside, rubbed his hands directly, and showed an expression you know. His gray beard was raised, and he smiled brightly.

"Yes, you can do things, but you can't use us old people for no reason, not to mention you disrupting my business." Uncle Jingbi also came back to his senses and showed greed,

Xu Yu laughed. The two powerful men, the former Immortal Gold Taoist, and the second best in the world have now ended up like this. They were once giants of Immortal Kings, but now they have become two old liars. It makes people feel sad. Nothing is permanent.

The predecessors of Master Bird and Master Jingbi, No. [-] in the World, and Taoist Immortal Jin were immortal kings, so they were one of the main forces fighting against the foreign land in that battle.

Like the Ten Evils such as the True Dragon, the Sky-horned Ant, and the Nine-leaf Sword Grass, they were besieged by the Immortal King from a foreign land. In the end, the Immortal King's body was broken after being beaten. Only a wisp of immortal soul remained, which was collected by a mysterious man and thrown into the Void God Realm. , the memory is also incomplete due to the fragmentation of the soul.

"Good to say."

Xu Yu smiled slightly, knowing that these two people were the type who couldn't afford to be early without any benefit.

Master Bird and Master Jingbi’s eyes shone and they rubbed their hands excitedly. In their opinion, this young man definitely had a lot of potential.

Xu Yu flicked his fingers, and then two drops of Immortal Phoenix Liquid emerged, showing five colors, dreamlike, crystal clear, extremely magical, and fragrant, making people's pores open.

"This...this is!" The two of them opened their eyes almost at the same time.

These two drops of immortal liquid were brilliant and full of terrifying divinity. They were like two immortal phoenixes and ten evil spirits. They were besieged by the immortal king from a foreign land. In the end, the immortal king's body was broken after being beaten. Only a wisp of immortal soul was left. People are gathered together and thrown into the virtual god world, and their memories are incomplete due to the fragmentation of their souls.

The shadow appears, shining brightly.An invisible divinity surged toward the Beginning Land, and that fragrant atmosphere suddenly attracted the attention of many people.

The expressions of Master Bird and Master Jingbi gradually became solemn at this moment, completely losing their previous attitude of playing in the world. This person probably has an extraordinary origin and should be taken seriously.

"Forget it, I really think the cause and effect is a bit big." Master Bird shrank his neck. The other party brought out such a magical object, but it made him hesitate. What the other party wanted must be amazing.

"Yes, fellow Taoist, it would be better to hire someone else." Uncle Jingbi was frightened and reluctantly glanced at the Immortal Phoenix Liquid, then quickly looked away.

"Right now, there are only two people who can help me! Xu Yu seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and his whole body was filled with terrible fluctuations. These two old guys are the bosses of this initial land, and they are also the controllers of the Virtual God Realm.

The faces of Master Bird and Master Jingbi turned green. Now they were riding a tiger and couldn't get off. They had seen so many outstanding people in ordinary times. None of the princes or even the emperor of the ancient country had brought them such great pressure.

"It's incredible, what those two old guys don't dare to accept, how extraordinary it will be." People around whispered, staring at the drop of Immortal Phoenix Liquid in Xu Yu's hand.

Before that, many forces had returned to reality from the Virtual God Realm and returned to their clans to sue.

The birth of the divine liquid has a huge impact and is destined to make all the major forces restless.

"Fellow Taoist, please take a step to speak." Master Bird and Master Jingbi looked solemn and wanted to pull Xu Yu aside.

"Brother, don't leave, I am willing to exchange divine fluid with you.

Suddenly, a young man walked over and stopped Xu Yu with long strides. His eyes radiated divine light and he stared at the divine liquid in his hand.

"No change." Xu Yu looked cold.

"You don't want to know what was exchanged for you?" The young man did not give up and continued. He thought that the other party might have a strong background, and he did not dare to offend him easily at this moment.

"Leave quickly, don't say you didn't predict what you said."

Xu Yuyun said calmly, and walked past him with Master Bird and Master Jingbi.

"You're looking for death!" the young man shouted coldly, unable to bear it anymore.

"Let's do it!" the young man shouted, and then a group of people appeared around him.


A piece of rune flew over and bloomed like a firework, shrouding Xu Yu's back. These people actually tried to get rid of him.

"Key, number,..."

Above the sky, red feathers were flying with an extremely terrifying sound. They were eighteen rays of red light, making a chirping sound and entwining a large area of ​​rays of light. Their aura was astonishing.

"Noble Phantasm, that's a Noble Phantasm!" Someone was shocked.

"If my guess is correct, this must be the weapon belonging to Master Chiyun in the high-level Cave Heaven Paradise!"

"It's too scary. It shouldn't be the young master Akabane who personally triggered it, but it's so extraordinary!" someone exclaimed.

"This is a treasure feather among the ancient relics. It can be used as a treasure for the clan.

There are life fluctuations, so it can be concretely manifested in the virtual god world! "

They looked carefully and saw that it turned out to be Shiba and Akabane, scattering and directly covering the sky.I want him to have nowhere to retreat.

"It's really a treasure that touches people's hearts." Xu Yu had a smile on his lips, very cold. Sure enough, there was always a shortage of young people, and they thought they were sure to win over Xu Yu.

Xu Yu has a tall and straight figure, a white robe fluttering slightly, and black shiny hair hanging down from the temples. He is just a silhouette, but he looks like a sacred mountain standing for eternity.

Xu Yu raised his hand, and at that moment it seemed as if he was holding up the entire sky. The endless runes suddenly stopped in the void, as if there was an invisible big hand holding it up.


Xu Yu raised his hand firmly, and the next moment, the eighteen red feathers cracked, and then exploded with a bang, and the sharp edges splashed out, piercing the gold and cracking the stone.
The entire sky of the Beginning Land was like a rag, being torn apart with hideous black cracks.

At this time, Xu Yu's hands were at eye level with the young man and the group of people, and then he turned his palms and pressed them down towards the group of people in the distance.

It is difficult to describe the majesty of this palm. The entire initial land was dimmed for an instant, and seemed to be plunged into darkness. Only an invisible big hand appeared at this time, entangled with chaos energy, and slapped downwards.

There was just a moment of stagnation, and a group of people exploded to pieces. The Chaos Palm fell, and the people flew out like straw, faster than a meteor. Blood was sprinkled in the sky, accompanied by the sound of broken bones and muscles, and finally exploded completely.

"too frightening!"

"Is this... the blood-moving realm?"

The powerful people who were watching couldn't help but their breaths froze. This was too terrible. It was unbelievable that this young man could destroy a group of people with just a few hands. Moreover, that group of people seemed to have extraordinary origins and came from a large family. , was wiped out like this?
They are both in the blood-moving realm, why can he be so powerful!

"Could he really be the emperor of an ancient country?"

Everyone's hearts trembled. To suppress a group of people in such an understatement was countless times more shocking than when Shi Yi killed several beast kings in a row. Even if he was the real human emperor, suppressing a group of people in the blood-moving realm, I'm afraid

It's not that simple either.

Although Shi Yi was strong at the beginning, it took a lot of effort to kill several beast kings, but this strong man killed the enemy like pulling weeds, it was so easy!

"Let's go."

Xu Yu looked at Master Bird and Master Jingbi with a cold expression.

"it is good!"

Master Bird and Master Jingbi also had shocked expressions on their faces. This master was so ferocious that a group of strong men were just shot to death. If word spread to the outside world, it would definitely cause an uproar.

However, just when they were about to leave temporarily, there were exclamations, and the figures of several people appeared in the initial place.

“Oh my God, Shi Yi is here!

"The man with double eyes appears!"

There was a commotion in the Virtual God Realm, and a young Supreme came to the original land at this moment!

The ground was boiling at first, but Shi Yi came to the Virtual God Realm again, causing an uproar.

The word Shi Yi seemed to have a magical power, making everyone present excited. He was a god-like young man who could not be surpassed and left behind a god-like legend.

Whether in the real Shi Kingdom or in the Virtual God Realm, the word Shi Yi is as bright as the sun in the sky. When he is mentioned, everyone's heart trembles.

The moment those figures arrived, almost everyone's eyes were focused on them.

They were a group of people, old and young, and they all had a majestic aura. At first glance, they looked like they were people who had been in high positions for a long time.

The eyes of the leaders were opening and closing, runes were flowing, and they were extremely terrifying.

"They are from Prince Wu's Mansion!"

Everyone watching the battle was shocked. Sure enough, the treasure liquid also attracted the royal family of the Stone Kingdom.

The crowd surrounded a young man, and stars surrounded him like the moon. In the center, it was Shi Yi, the man with double eyes.

Rumor has it that he has entered a higher level of Cave Heaven Paradise and is looking for Pixiu's cubs and Taotie Beard's descendants, hoping to start a duel with them.

Shi Yi has set many records in the Virtual God Realm. He is extremely talented and is known as one of the most promising young men in the Eight Realms. He may even hope to compete for the position of Human Emperor in the future!
Shi Yi has a heroic appearance. Although he is only 90 years old, his body is slender and strong. At a glance, he looks like a dragon among men, which no one dares to underestimate.

He is very steady, his eyes are like a galaxy, his double pupils are shining, the sun and moon are rising and falling, and there is chaos in the air.

Everyone present lamented that some people were born to be gods and saints, destined to illuminate this land, and no one could stop their rise.

"The most powerful divine liquid!" The disciples of Prince Wu's Mansion breathed rapidly and stared at the two drops of treasure liquid in Xu Yu's hand.

Shi Yi seemed to have something in his heart and did not look at Bao Ye. He looked in the direction of Xu Yu's eyes. At the same time, Xu Yu also stared over.

(End of this chapter)

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