
Suddenly, the eyes of the two burst out with brilliant light, which was extremely shocking. Runes appeared in the eyes of both of them. An invisible aura erupted, like a shocking storm, and the terrifying pressure was like The wave generally wreaks havoc in all directions.

Many people fell back, including many strong men. Their hearts were shaken, they closed their eyes and staggered back.

"Does double pupil have such a strange phenomenon?" Xu Yu's eyes flashed as he looked at Shi Yi in front of him.

Shi Yi frowned slightly, his face could not help but turn pale, and he was extremely shocked. Just like him, this person was also a strong man with ancient eye skills, and he seemed to have evolved the eye skills to an extremely advanced stage. The other party released The breath gave him a great sense of oppression, and his whole body couldn't help but start to tremble.

Almost instantly, Shi Yi judged that this was definitely a great person.

Especially when Xu Yu's eyes opened and closed, wisps of runes flickered, and chains of order were swimming, making this world completely different. It was actually changing the rules of heaven and earth. As a person with double pupils, he knew what this meant. !

The terrifying pressure continued to spread, and many people in the back were coughing up blood. Those were all masters, but under the pressure of Xu Yu's innate divine eyes, they suffered heavy injuries. Their whole bodies were trembling and almost torn apart completely.

"Innate Divine Eyes, this is a supreme pupil technique that is no less than double pupil..."

Many people fell back, blood flowed from the corners of their mouths, and great terror arose in their hearts.

In ancient times, the innate divine eye was sacred and a god. The few people who appeared were all earth-shattering and powerful figures who shocked the world. And this young man has obviously reached an incredible realm.

The person who just raised his hand to destroy a large clan actually had such a pupil technique. He didn't know what state he had reached. Could he be a venerable person?
"The old man lost his sight, it turned out to be the innate divine eye!" Master Bird's face was moved.

"It's really amazing. What kind of world is this? Innate divine eyes actually appear." Uncle Jingbi's gray beard stood up, showing a shocked look.

The Virtual God Realm was in turmoil and uproar. The news of the appearance of the Innate Divine Eye in the Virtual God Realm spread everywhere, and finally entered the major ancient countries and forces.

But Xu Yu always looked cold, just looking at Shi Yi. It had to be said that people with double pupils were extremely talented. Although Shi Yi was young, his cultivation was extraordinary, and he had a majesty that no one dared to underestimate. "The strength is good, but if it's just to move the blood realm, Shi Yi is no match for the little ones."

Xu Yu's eyes were intertwined with runes, shining brightly and creating a mysterious pattern, which analyzed Shi Yi thoroughly.

Today's little one has experienced the baptism of the blood of the Immortal Phoenix, plus the bones of the Nirvana Supreme are in his body, coupled with his own guidance, coupled with the secret practice of the Immortal King level, he is no longer the same as before, and has created a solid Taoist foundation. These are incomparable to Shi Yi.

"I've met senior." Shi Yi cupped his hands and saluted Xu Yu. He was neither humble nor overbearing. He was very calm despite his young age.

He understood that this person was absolutely powerful, and he was not a being that he could compete with in the beginning of the False God Realm.

And he also saw the Immortal Phoenix Liquid in Xu Yu's hand, and knew that what he brought could never be exchanged, so he simply gave up.

Xu Yu's eyes flickered slightly, she looked at Shi Yi and nodded slightly.

"Double pupils are the way to invincibility, so why take another person's bones."

Xu Yu sighed, and the sound only echoed in Shi Yi's heart, but it made Shi Yi startled. Then his face turned pale, his eyes flickered, and his expression was inexplicable. For a moment, he fell silent, not knowing what he was thinking.


Xu Yu smiled brightly, glanced around at the awed people around him, and left straight away, very chic.

Afterwards, Xu Yu, Master Bird, and Master Jingbi left quickly, leaving Shi Yi and others in Prince Wu's Mansion in a daze.

Not long after, they came to a new land.

This place is very remote, but very unusual, entwined with chaos.

As for Master Niao and Master Jingbi, after they arrived at this place, they seemed to be a little confused, as if they were suddenly unconscious.

"Are you going to fall into a demonic state again?" Xu Yu frowned slightly. The current state of these two people was very wrong.

"You two, do you really have no memory of yourselves now?" Xu Yu said in a deep voice.

"Too many things are missing." Master Niao said with dilated pupils, and the bird on his shoulder was also confused and absent-minded.

Xu Yu sighed in his heart, the so-called one thought becomes a god, one thought becomes a devil, this is the current state of Master Bird and Master Jingbi.

The state of these two people is very special. Their spirits have been entrusted to the False God Realm for a long time, and some major problems have unexpectedly appeared.

They have been injured, and they are still suppressing some things, so they are showing more and more signs of demonization.

"I came here this time for the Dark Prison." Xu Yu said calmly.


The two of them were startled, and they seemed to wake up suddenly. Their eyes were no longer distracted, as if they had been stimulated and revived.

"How do you know there is a dark cage in the Virtual God Realm? You can't move in that place." Uncle Jingbi said anxiously.

"It doesn't matter, I have my own means." Xu Yu smiled.

"No, your origin is unknown, we can't let you go in at will." Master Bird sighed.

"That's easy to say." Xu Yu's eyes flickered slightly and she said in a deep voice.


Xu Yu opened his palms, and the endless green clouds bloomed, turning the world into green. A few wickers turned into divine chains of order, rushing towards the sky.

"This is... the ancestral sacrifice spirit!" Master Bird's eyes suddenly lit up, like a torch burning, and he seemed to be sober again.

"It turns out that you still have a relationship with the ancestral sacrificial spirit. We were rude. I didn't know that the ancestral sacrificial spirit was so ridiculous." Uncle Jingbi asked excitedly.

"She's pretty good now, but you two are confused and in a demonic state." Xu Yu said with a smile. It's really not easy for the two immortal kings to be in this state now.

"I don't know how much longer I have to be confused. Forget it, I'll take you to get the treasure technique and see if you can succeed. By the way, you can take a look at what we suppressed." Lord Bird sighed.

Then, the three continued on the road.

They walked directly along a road, climbed into the sky, broke through the clouds and mists, passed through the ancient road, and came to a boundless and chaotic area.

The bluestone road was paved in the void. Xu Yu and the others walked toward the end, where they found a huge ancient palace and a cage.

There is no doubt that this is a secret that the False God Realm has never disclosed to the public. Under normal circumstances, no one can get involved.

"Be careful, this is the place where we are imprisoned for a world-class vicious creature, and we are also demonized because of it," Master Niao said solemnly, with a look of fear on his face.

"it is good!"

Xu Yu strode forward, his eyes opened and closed, and his breath was surging as he gradually approached that place.

"Don't get too close." The two old men trembled in fright, seeming to be extremely afraid of this place.

The creatures imprisoned here are too terrifying. They are real giants, terrifying existences that can bring chaos to the world and overturn the universe.

It was an ancient black temple, extremely dark. There were some ancient statues in the temple, ancient and mysterious. Many of them turned into dust and fell to the ground.

Moreover, chains were wrapped around the statue, firmly binding it.

"They are all transformed by the power of the spirit, but they are extremely magical."

Xu Yu whispered to himself, knowing that everything was governed by rules.

As soon as he approached, he felt a force that transcended extremes, and it actually posed a huge threat to him.

"The creatures imprisoned in this place are somewhat unusual, even immortal kings," Xu Yu was slightly shocked.

Even as the Emperor of Heaven, he felt that he was being stared at by wild beasts. You can imagine how terrifying this place is. If an ordinary person comes close, he will definitely die instantly.On several ancient stone statues, there is still a faint black mist floating out, and there is actually a demonic power.

"You two, you are contaminated by this." Xu Yu looked at Master Bird and Master Jingbi.

"There are others," Bird said.

Xu Yuming realized that this was only one of the forces that led to the demonization of the two Immortal Kings, not all the energy.

Afterwards, his mind moved slightly, his pupils opened, and he looked forward. If he passed through this hall, it would be a prison.

There is a strange altar on that topic, and on each altar, there is an earthen jar sealed with mottled blood.

There are ten altars and dozens of crocks!

Those earthen pots are also spreading black mist outside, with magical power, which is also one of the sources of the weirdness.

"Weird and unknown." Xu Yu's pupils opened and closed, interweaving brilliant beams of light, and submerged into the black mist to explore the world.

"Well, the treasure technique you want is suppressed in that position. I'm afraid it can't be easily obtained." Bird Master said.

Xu Yu's eyes were focused, and he looked in that direction. There were two pieces of bone books, one in the black palace, and the other in the cage.

"The invincible art in the world, the treasured art of the real phoenix." Grandpa Jingbi was also feeling emotional.

Xu Yu's eyes were bright, and the two bones were extraordinary and simple. There were mysterious words faintly visible, and they were filled with fairy spirit.

The true phoenix technique is infinitely powerful, and can be reborn from ashes, resurrected from nirvana, it is most suitable for his incarnation of the phoenix.

The two bones floated quietly, they belonged to the phoenix bone. To be precise, they were interwoven with the phoenix bone inscription, and they were born with extremely powerful power, purifying the black mist here.

"Be careful not to be affected by these dark moments and fall into the darkness." Uncle Jingbi reminded him with a solemn expression.

"Don't worry, these things can't do anything to me." Xu Yu said confidently. After analyzing it with double eyes, he had roughly estimated it.

"I hope so. If you fall into darkness, your life will be completely destroyed, and the Tao Fruit will become the source of darkness." Bird Master said.

"Don't take him away, you can only study in this place, but that will be extremely dangerous, you have to think carefully."

There are many dangers here, whether it is those stone statues or those pottery pots that have been sealed, they are extremely terrifying.

"There are living beings in that clay pot, and they will attack if they get close. They are extremely terrifying living beings!" Master Bird reminded him to be careful.

Xu Yu nodded and stepped into the black palace.

At this moment, the shaking sound of the icy iron chain came, piercing one's soul, it was too sudden and extremely terrifying.

Those statues were originally made of stone, but now they actually moved. They stretched out their big hands and patted Xu Yu.

"Hmph, go beyond the extreme realm and let me see how much power you have!" Xu Yu scolded coldly.

Xu Yu is very tough, crushing the world with one fist and pressing against several big hands.

His fist bursts with immeasurable light, entwined with chaotic energy, which is indestructible. It quickly amplifies, and the energy and blood surge like a dragon, with boundless power.

There was a clang, a sound like a bell, but Xu Yu's fist was as strong as a sacred mountain, and even if it was pressed down by the big hand of the stone tire, it could not be shaken at all.

Almost instantly, Xu Yu waved his hand and suppressed it. Several palms exploded with a bang, unable to block Xu Yu's terrifying punch.

“It’s really outrageous, these are the brands of some of the most powerful people, and they can’t stop him when they join forces!

"This is a supreme figure. I don't know what age he lived in. He was once enshrined in a statue by a world. The powerful figures of the ancestors locked some of their imprints here."

Master Bird and Master Jingbi were shocked. These stone statues were all invincible and almost impossible to defeat, yet they were able to block the attacks of several big hands so easily.

"I remember someone said that the strongest can be cultivated and tempered here!" Master Bird said suddenly.

"It's not fun enough. Let go of all the stone statues. I will fight them with all my strength!" Xu Yu said in a deep voice, looking at Master Bird and Master Jingbi...

"Don't!" Grandpa Jingbi was startled.

"Don't do that!"

Master Bird was also shocked and waved his hands hurriedly, saying that this was absolutely not possible and he was very serious.

Every stone statue was invincible, but the young man in front of him actually wanted to directly challenge four invincibles, which almost turned their faces green with fear.

"There are some records here, take a look. Uncle Jingbi motioned to Xu Yu.

Not far away, there are some vague words there, warning future generations that they must not open the shackles easily.

Because, according to the records, every stone statue is truly invincible, and no one in the world can conquer it. If it is opened, it cannot be suppressed, and it may really cause trouble.

"Who is claiming to be invincible? It doesn't matter, you let go of one of them first, and I'll give it a try." Xu Yu said with a faint smile, his eyes were bright, and his whole aura was as deep as the sea, exuding a terrifying and terrifying wave.

"Farewell for now. If you have to give it a try, why don't you go to the prison room, where you can also fight, but you have made an agreement in advance that you should return as soon as possible after breaking into it, and don't delay too long." Jing Bi The uncle said worriedly.

"Okay, then let me get the True Phoenix Treasure Technique first."

Master Bird and Master Jingbi were speechless. This man with double eyes was too confident and didn't seem to take the danger here too seriously.

They all felt a little headache. If something really happened later, it would be really troublesome, and it might trigger a series of chain reactions.

Xu Yu knew that if according to what the two men said, the creatures sealed on the jars on the other side of the prison were also extremely terrifying and could not continue to fight for a long time, otherwise they would fall into the danger of darkness again.

"Forget it, I'll try the creatures in the jars first and then make a decision!" Xu Yu made up his mind and went in first to test them out.

He stepped in, and his figure was like a stream of light, crossing a splendid divine rainbow, and he directly approached the prison area.


As soon as he approached, a bloody hand suddenly protruded from the earthen jar and attacked him fiercely. The power of the avenue was vast and terrifying, as if it wanted to smash him into blood mist.

"But so!"

Xu Yu's face was dull, and his five fingers caressed him, making a clanging sound, like a sword from the sky, and the blood-soaked palm shook hard, sparks flying everywhere!


At the same time, many earthen jars shook, and as long as they approached, there would be bloody palms or sharp claws poking out, bombarding them, and the terrifying aura engulfed people's hearts and souls, and was entwined with a terrifying black mist.

"This is a corner of the dark prophecy, and it's just a preview. Part of the battle locked here will be used to sharpen future generations."

Master Niao and Master Jingbi said such words like in a dream at this moment, but they themselves were also surprised, and seemed a little confused at the moment.

Obviously, this is a memory deep in their minds, which was once forgotten due to demonization, but now it is stimulated and touched, and they can't help but say it.

"Master Bird, Master Jingbi, it seems that there is still a lot of missing." Xu Yu looked back and heard the two people's words, his eyes were shining and thoughtful.

It seems that the First World War was too fierce, and now the memories of both of them are incomplete, and some memories can only emerge in a certain state.

Then he turned his head again, and the altar in front of him was in a piece, all of which were filled with earthen jars, stained with blood, and seemed to contain something very ominous.

(End of this chapter)

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