
At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

One hand after another, one claw after another stretched out from the earthen pot, using ancient magical powers, with overwhelming arrogance and black energy, directly attacking Xu Yu, and a war broke out!
"Too weak!"

Xu Yu was a little disappointed. This caged earthen jar was much weaker than the statue in the main hall. He moved his palms and fingers together, like fairy gold, shining brightly. With a wave of his hand, the sky and the earth collapsed, and soon all the big hands were destroyed. , giant claws were all forced back.

"It's so fierce."

Lord Bird and Lord Jingbi clicked their tongues and were shocked. The fighting power of the other party was so heaven-defying that it seemed to be able to overwhelm everything. How could he!
"It's better to get the True Phoenix Treasure Technique first, and then go to open the statue and fight," Xu Yu nodded, already thinking about it. At this moment, he had no interest in those earthen jars.

He walked in the cage, his eyes were bright, his face was calm, and he was surrounded by fairy light. He was like an immortal king walking without disturbing the dust.Then, wisps of black mist floated, filling every inch of space, trying to get into Xu Yu's blood, corrode his body, and pull him into

In the dark abyss.

"Dark erosion, unfortunately, these are not enough at the moment!" Xu Yu whispered, his hair full of flowing luster, standing with his hands behind his back, like an unreachable divine front.

However, in just an instant, Xu Yu suddenly opened his innate divine eyes, and two dazzling golden lights shot out at once, like the rising sun at dawn, dispelling the darkness, the clear air rose, and the turbid air sank,

All the black mist was dispersed.

Master Bird and Master Jingbi were both silent. They finally understood why Xu Yu had the confidence to fight with the statue. Such an extreme fighting effort was only for the convenience of ancient and modern times. It was rare to see it, and it was unknown in this world.
Something weird happened.

No wonder he and the ancestral sacrificial spirit are acquainted. Now that he looks at it, he is indeed extraordinary.

In fact, these earthen jars are also extremely terrifying. There is a creature sealed in each earthen jar, and they are all unrivaled and peerless figures in the past.

Later, Xu Yu came to the center of the prison area to observe the true phoenix magic. This magic is extremely complex and concentrated in the bones, and needs to be understood.

The patterns on it are very complex, like the stars in the sky, which is indeed wonderful. However, Xu Yu has already obtained the True Phoenix Art in Zhetian World, and now it is just a verification. Coupled with his terrible understanding of the Emperor of Heaven, this is very important to him. It's not particularly difficult.

"There are some immortal texts that are indeed innately miraculous." Xu Yu whispered. He realized that this was not an ordinary scripture. There were some immortal texts, but more than [-]% of them were Dao patterns, interpreting the most essential terrifying rules. It is the power of the Great Dao, and it is also the ever-changing original meaning of the True Phoenix.

In Xu Yu's pupils, those terrifying

The pattern is burning with fire, accompanied by the real phoenix, spreading its wings and hitting the sky. After falling, it is reborn from the fire, the law squeezes the heaven and earth, and tears the sky apart.

This is the profound meaning of the True Phoenix Treasure Art, which is broad and profound.It is so vast and unpredictable that it takes an astonishing talent to really comprehend it, otherwise you will not understand it at all.

Later, Xu Yu understood the magic of the cage and returned to the main hall again. As he was walking forward, another black mist came, but under the illumination of his innate divine eyes, it all dispersed...

When he returned to the main hall, the stones struck again, and Xu Yu easily resisted them. After all, they were just a few hands and had not been completely unsealed, so they could not pose a real threat to him.

He did not unseal the stone statue for the time being, but first imprinted the true meaning of the last part of the True Phoenix Art in his mind and understood it carefully.

Xu Yu quietly realized that on his body surface, there was a layer of flame beating, like phoenix feathers, very bright and brilliant, wrapping his body, and a vitality filled the air.

The True Phoenix Treasure Technique is obtained!This is another extremely unparalleled magic!
Today, Xu Yu has gathered all the unparalleled ten evil treasures such as the True Dragon Treasure, the True Phoenix Treasure, the Qilin Treasure, and the Nine-Leaf Sword Grass!
"I want to see if they are really invincible!" Xu Yu took action and directly chose to unlock the seal of the stone statue.

"must be careful!"

Master Bird and Master Jingbi changed their expressions and quickly reminded them, with worries in their eyes and some uneasiness in their hearts.

The aura of the stone statue that was unsealed suddenly became many times stronger. There was an unrivaled aura, as if an immortal had revived. Even if there were several hands put together before, they were far less powerful than this stone statue!


Xu Yu scolded him coldly and took action directly. He turned his palm down and struck Jiutian. There was a terrifying aura permeating the air.

"This breath..."

Master Bird and Master Jingbi were moved. This aura was so terrifying that they couldn't help but feel horrified.

In the small lower realm, there is such a powerful person dormant. In their hearts, even such an existence in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths should be as rare as a feather or a unicorn.

On the other side, Xu Yu fights against a strange stone statue, with amazing power!
The void shattered. This was an extremely astonishing blow. Xu Yu's five fingers flowed with five-color sharp edges, twisting the void and creating fine black cracks, conveying the terrifying devouring power.

There was a terrifying aura circulating throughout the hall, the void was shattered, and ripples appeared. It was as if the world had been penetrated, and it began to tremble slightly, and the stone statue retreated continuously under Xu Yu's continuous terrifying offensive.

"Come again!"

Xu Yulang smiled, and under the shocked eyes of Master Bird and Master Jingbi, he unsealed a stone statue again.

In an instant, before the two stone statues took the lead, Xu Yu took action directly. He struck out sharply and decisively, with a bright and bright punch. The light of his fist was as bright as the sky exploding, sweeping across the universe and sweeping towards the two stone statues.

The next moment, Xu Yu stepped into the void and showed extreme speed. Master Bird and Master Jingbi were shocked. Xu Yu's figure was lost in the blink of an eye.


There was the sound of the chain being pulled, and at this moment the other stone statue also broke free completely, emitting a terrifying and fiery aura.

"hold head high!"

The two stone statues were furious and erupted with terrifying boundless energy, sweeping across the sky and filling the sky with endless black mist, shocking people's hearts.

Many terrifying magical arts are emerging one after another. Each of them was once invincible and terrifying to the extreme. At this moment, the power of the gods is so great that it has surpassed the extreme!

Xu Yu stretched out a palm and dropped it from the top of the two stone statues. The roar of dragons filled the sky and earth, shaking the universe.

"This is the true dragon magic!"


Master Bird and Master Jingbi looked horrified at the same time. They didn't expect this man to even have the True Dragon Treasure Technique.

"Real dragon..." Mr. Bird's eyes were inexplicably confused and he couldn't help but mutter to himself, as if he had touched some kind of memory again.

hold head high!
As Xu Yu's palm fell, it seemed as if the whole world turned upside down and fell down. A real dragon with golden light all over its body, like a condensed light, roared out from the palm. The dragon's claws were like light knives, cutting through the void. The ripples swept across the two stone statues in an instant. The figure is submerged.

This is an ultimate palm power, extremely bright and terrifying!
The two stone statues are also extremely extraordinary. They are worthy of being the invincible ones in the past. They burst out with terrifying power of heaven and duel with Xu Yu. The sonorous sounds are endless.

At this moment, the entire ancient palace was shaking violently, as if it was about to collapse, as if the sky was overturning, and it was extremely terrifying.

"What a terrifying combat power!"

Master Bird and Master Jingbi turned pale when they looked at each other, their expressions changed drastically. The battle between these two people seemed to be about to penetrate the virtual god world!
If it weren't for the miraculous powers of the Virtual God Realm, the power of rules was densely spread and stabilized in all directions, not only the eight lower realms would suffer, but even the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths would be affected.

Xu Yu's black hair was disheveled, and her eyes were extremely bright, blooming with rays of rays of light, which contained the order of heaven and earth, intertwined with natural textures, and the amazing light beams tore the world apart, fighting with the two!

The entire Virtual God Realm is shaking, the sky is falling apart, and the earth is cracking, it seems that it is really going to collapse, the kind of shocking divine power is almost immortal.

"how is this possible!"

"Oh my God, is the world about to be destroyed?" "Run quickly, there seems to be a big problem in the Virtual God Realm!"

In the Virtual God Realm, many strong men's expressions suddenly changed. They didn't know why. Those fluctuations even spread to the outside world. The creatures in the eight realms couldn't help but tremble and tremble.

In the border wasteland, in a majestic city, one after another terrifying figures stood on the city wall. The terrifying aura of the Supreme was permeated, and they were startled.

Above the Three Thousand Daozhous, a bronze immortal palace floats, surrounded by divine rainbows and auspicious colors, filling the air with immortality.

"This kind of aura... It's impossible. Is there still a true immortal in the nine heavens and ten earths!"

A fearful voice came from the Bronze Immortal Palace, which seemed to be very confusing, and there was a vague feeling of uneasiness in the bottom of my heart.

"Stop it quickly, otherwise there will really be a big problem." Master Bird said anxiously. If the fight continues, a big disaster may really happen in the Virtual God Realm.

"It doesn't matter, just see what I can do!"

Xu Yu laughed. Since he became the Emperor of Heaven, he has never taken action like this. After hundreds of consecutive moves, he became more and more fierce, and his whole aura became more powerful.

The two stone statues were extraordinary, but they were still suppressed by him. Then Xu Yu repelled them all and sealed them again. The remaining two stone statues seemed to be quite angry and wanted to take action at this moment, but they were locked tightly. .

At this moment, Xu Yu's eyes were filled with black mist. After experiencing a long battle, they seemed to have been eroded, and the whole person seemed to have fallen into darkness.

"Are you... okay?" Uncle Jingbi said worriedly and took a few steps back in fear.

It would be a pity if such a young and strong man was corrupted by darkness.
"It's okay!"

Xu Yu shook his head, walked towards the distance, and sat down cross-legged. The fairy light outside his body was extremely brilliant, and the amazing divine brilliance burst out, like a burning oven, actually forcing back wisps of black mist.

Not long after, Xu Yu stood up, her eyes were clear, wrapped in fairy light, flawless, and she recovered directly.

"Goodbye, both of you." Xu Yu said goodbye to Master Bird and Master Jingbi.

These stone statues are extremely amazing. They are a good place to fight and hone his Taoism in the future. He will definitely come back in the future.

Then, Xu Yu took a step forward and appeared in a deserted place. Not long after, his spirit returned again and he sat cross-legged under the willow tree.

"You're back..." Just when Xu Yu came back, Liu Shen suddenly spoke.

"Over there in the Virtual God Realm, you have caused quite a stir." Liu Shen said, her voice was magnetic, and she seemed to have a rare mood swing.

"Where to start?" Xu Yu asked, curiosity rising in his heart.

"What did you do there? That kind of fluctuation has probably spread throughout the nine heavens and ten places, and it probably alarmed many people." Liu Shen asked.

"Did you make a big fuss? That doesn't matter." Xu Yu laughed, but he didn't expect that what he did had caused an uproar, but he was not afraid. Unless the Immortal King took action, otherwise
In the first nine days and ten places, no one should be able to do anything to him.

Later, Xu Yu told Liu Shen some things about the strange and dark caged creatures, which immediately made Liu Shen fall into silence.

"I have lost too many memories, and I can't remember much about the Virtual God Realm." The mountain breeze blew slowly, and the green branches swayed, Liu Shen said softly.

Xu Yu nodded slightly. Now Liu Shen has reached nirvana again and again, but many memories are normal.

In the next period of time, Xu Yu would enter the False God Realm from time to time and fight with those stone statues to hone himself. His fighting ability became more and more terrifying, and it could be said that he had made great progress.

And those stone statues seemed to be really angry, becoming more and more terrifying, and their attacks became more and more fierce, as if they were really about to regain their former terrifying power.

Xu Yu was quite happy to fight. It seemed that Master Bird and Master Jingbi had a much more stable control over the Virtual God Realm during this period. When Xu Yu was fighting several stone statues, there were no terrible fluctuations spreading out. The world was shocked.

But what left Xu Yu speechless was that when he occasionally appeared in the False God Realm, Master Bird and Master Jingbi were frantically selling information about him during this period.

"If you want to know the news about the person with innate clairvoyance, please throw in ten pieces of Jingbi." Master Jingbi actually hung up a sign in a crowded place, with a kind smile and the appearance of an old magician, which made many people look strange.

Master Bird did the same. He pulled over a piece of rag with the words: "Shocking, the secret that the mysterious innate eye has to tell..."

Then the price of the information was marked below, and it needed to be exchanged for precious blood.When they released such news, they actually attracted a group of people to watch and stop.

"Do you know the news about the innate divine eye? Is it true?" Someone rushed to the origin and asked with great curiosity.

"Of course, no child can be deceived." Master Bird said with a smile, with a loyal face, but a glint in his eyes inadvertently.


The man was happy and gave him a jar of precious blood.

"It's within these eight realms." Uncle Jingbi said with a smile.

"It's really the best." In the initial land, many people despised them. They fully understood that these two idiots, Master Bird and Master Jingbi, could actually say such things. How vast is the Eight Realms? Isn't this a clear deception? .

However, there are also many people who believe that these two strange old men probably really know something, because many people have already seen the innate clairvoyant leave with these two old men, and they probably really have some special relationship.

"Old guy, you're kidding me!" the middle-aged man's face darkened.

Later, some powerful people appeared, who were in the same group as your middle-aged man, and they immediately got angry and wanted to forcefully ask for information about Xu Yu.

But Lord Bird's bird showed its might and slapped all the strong men away, shocking everyone.

Everyone was shocked and couldn't help but start to retreat. This was definitely a master, and it seemed to be ridiculously powerful.

Everyone's expressions changed, and they didn't dare to act rashly. They suddenly understood why these two old liars were so notorious, but they could still be so cool, and they were still two terrible enemies.

Xu Yu shook his head, ignored these things, and went to fight the stone statue again.

Time flies, and more than two months have passed in the blink of an eye. Xiao Shi Hao is back, riding on the unicorn, and he even brings a child and a furry little monkey with him.

Both of them were bloody, and it looked as if they had gone through a great battle.

"Who is this child and this little monkey?"

"He is Shi Qingfeng, my brother. This little monkey is called Maoqiu. I picked it up." Shi Hao introduced.

"Great, you're finally back." A group of adults were excited. The little one had been away for more than two months, but they were worried to the core.

A child bravely ventured into the wilderness, traveled 30 miles alone, and came back alive, which can be called a miracle.

The patriarch Shi Yunfeng nodded directly to Xu Yu, with tears in his eyes, expressing his gratitude.

"The little one is outstanding. I haven't made any moves during this trip." Xu Yu responded.

"Okay, okay!" Patriarch Shi Yunfeng nodded repeatedly, extremely happy, and came back relying on his own strength, which is really a heaven-defying thing.

Many clan elders were extremely excited. With this child, Shicun will surely move towards the glory of the ancient times in the future, truly leading them to rule the world in the future.
"This is Qingfeng." The little one introduced to the many uncles, uncles, grandparents in Shicun.Then he told the story of Qingfeng's experience of suffering on his behalf in the territory of the Stone Kingdom, which made everyone sigh and cry secretly. (End of chapter)

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