Chapter 360 I love to drink animal milk
The people in Stone Village were very simple people. After hearing what happened to Qingfeng, they felt deep sympathy and had infinite pity in their hearts. This was also a child who had suffered a lot, and since he was also from the Stone Clan, it was natural for them to get close to him.

Xiao Qingfeng was very moved. After his grandfather left, he felt at home again from the stone village, which made him cry continuously.

"From now on, tell us our names and let me see who dares to bully you!"

The Demon Ape, the Lihuo Bull Demon, and the Suan Ni also arrived. They opened their mouths angrily and beat their chests loudly. They were so heroic that Xiao Qingfeng also smiled.

Although these ferocious beasts look scary, they are more humane than the people on the border of Stone Kingdom.

It didn't take long for him to get along with the children in Shicun and he was very happy. Then the little boy introduced Xu Yu and Liu Shen to him.

Xu Yu nodded slightly, with a faint smile on his face, and looked at Qingfeng.

Xu Yu snapped his fingers, and a blazing five-color glow flew out. Xiao Qingfeng suddenly groaned, and the injured leg bone recovered in an instant.


Xiao Qingfeng was pleasantly surprised and looked at Xu Yu in shock. What kind of person was he? His leg injury had been tormenting him for a long time, but he recovered in an instant.


Xiao Qingfeng thanked her seriously and instantly admired Xu Yu, her eyes sparkling.

After everyone dispersed, Xiaodian came under Liu Shen again.

"You did a good job and completed the trial perfectly." Liu Shen said.

"You are extraordinary in nature, but you are in the wilderness and too isolated to see real geniuses, let alone have a decisive battle with Pixiu's cubs. Now there is a mysterious world, which is the real place of training. Are you willing to go take a look, maybe you can also meet your 'little brother' Shi Yi, of course, that is not an encounter with his real body, what do you think?"

"I do." The little boy's mind moved slightly and he nodded, his face solemn and extremely determined.

"Well, go and say hello to your tribe so that they won't worry, and then we'll set off again." Liu Shen said in a message.

"I understand." The little boy nodded resolutely, rushed to the patriarch's courtyard, and expressed the situation concisely and clearly.

"This child, I don't know where he can go in the future." Liu Shen sighed softly.

"Unlimited." Xu Yu nodded.On the other side, Shi Yunfeng and many clan elders were stunned, sweating for him. What an amazing place, where they could actually have a decisive battle with the descendants of Bifang Feiyi Pixiu.

It is even possible that the little one may meet Shi Yi, who has double pupils, which makes them extremely worried.

Of course, they have heard of the prestige of double pupils, and with the Supreme Bone, they don't know how far it will go against the sky, and the other party is two or three years older than Xiao Budian, if they really encounter it, it will probably be very painful. Danger.

"Children, you must be careful, your own safety is the most important thing!"

"What kind of trial is this? Is it to temper the young gods?" Everyone was worried.

"Since it is Liu Shen and Master Xu Yu who have made the decision, then you can go!" Everyone in Shicun agreed.

Afterwards, Xiao BuDian resolutely turned back under the willow tree.

"Okay, let's start the journey to reach the sky." Willow God spoke calmly, his voice soft and majestic, and a dozen gorgeous willow branches rushed towards the sky, opening a door of order.

"Buzz!" With a slight tremor, Shi Hao left the place directly, his spirit floated, and he entered the Virtual God Realm.

More than a dozen willow sticks pointed the way, and Xu Yu's spirit also appeared behind the little one. Of course, the little one had no way of noticing it.

Finally, Liu Shen stopped, but Xu Yu continued to walk over, hazy and dim, as if he did not belong to this world, and it was difficult for ordinary people to detect it.

Not long after, Xiao Shihao began to carry out his strange operation and began to dig up the precious bones on the bluestone road of the Virtual God Realm.

Xu Yu laughed. Today's Xiao Shi Hao is really a naughty child, and he always makes unexpected moves.

Not long after, the two old men reappeared.

"It's time to challenge the stone statue again." The two old men were grinning, with wretched looks on their faces, as if they were always out of shape.

Xu Yu's heart was slightly chilled. These two people, who were worthy of being the controllers of the Virtual God Realm, actually saw through him at a glance.

"No, I'm here this time to see this child." Xu Yu smiled faintly and pointed at Shi Hao.

"He's digging treasure bones? What's the relationship between this strange child and you?" Master Bird's eyes widened instantly, and he asked curiously.

"This junior is of extraordinary beauty. Please take care of me." Xu Yu smiled lightly, and then Xu Yu pointed out that you can just caress him once or twice without affecting his trajectory.

"You really are a top-notch little guy, who really wants to dig out the treasure bones." Uncle Jingbi was surprised.

After a while, many people in the original place were also surprised by Shi Hao's coquettish manipulation, and couldn't help laughing at his overreaching.

"This child..." Master Bird was speechless and pointed at his brain. He seemed to think there was something wrong with Shi Hao's brain and looked at Xu Yu with some doubts.

"People who are born extraordinary will naturally behave differently from ordinary people." Xu Yu smiled lightly, with a calm expression.

After a short time, Shi Hao borrowed a big hammer, and started to move it very easily, and quickly tossed the hammer to pieces. The hammer head actually flew out and broke off from the handle, but it didn't break the bluestone.

The uncle who lent him the hammer had a pained look on his face, but he couldn't do it easily, because he promised that he wouldn't be held accountable if it broke it.

However, after a moment, the little one seemed to notice something. He actually used the power of his physical body and abandoned the power of runes to shoot at the bluestone. It was like a real stormy wave crashing on the shore, and the violent aura shocked the world.

Under his extreme body, a large bluestone measuring one foot in the square was torn into pieces, and several crystal-clear precious bones appeared and fell to the ground.

He quickly put away the two precious bones, but the other few precious bones glowed and disappeared together with the big blue stone. Shi Hao screamed in anger.

"Is this really the power of moving blood?"

Master Bird and Master Jingbi were horrified and extremely shocked. The person chosen by this man with double eyes was indeed extraordinary and a freak.

"It actually set a record, and it's even more terrifying than pure-blooded ancient monsters!"

"This initial place is full of birth freaks!"

"Is this still a child of the human race? It must not be a descendant of Pixiu, the golden-winged roc." A group of people were dumbfounded.

"Mine, mine, it's all mine, why are they all running away!" the little boy Shi Hao yelled.

A group of people were envious and shocked, they all gathered around and looked at the precious bone, and their hearts were inexplicably shocked.

And Master Bird and Master Jingbi actually joined in.

"Child, can you show me?" Master Bird came up to him with a kind look on his face.

"Kid, I am willing to exchange Jingbi with you." Uncle Jingbi directly pulled Master Bird aside and said seriously.

"Don't change!" Xiao Shihao's eyes rolled, very smart.

"This unlucky boy is not innocent at all!" Master Niao and Master Jingbi were indignant, thinking that the little one is not easy to fool.

Then, a stone tablet appeared, wrapped in mist, and a line of words appeared on it. Each word gave off a dazzling light and made a clanging sound.

"Break the original channel and reward the original treasure bone."

"It's unreasonable. Breaking through the passage broke the record and announced it to the world." Everyone discussed and were shocked.

"Engrave the relevant information and complete the records here." Master Bird reminded with a smile, and went to get in touch with him again.

"Thank you Bird Master." The little boy's innocent words made Master Bird's face darken.

"You don't need to write real information, you can write some casually." Someone reminded.

"Yes!" The little boy's eyes suddenly lit up and he wrote a few words above: He loves animal milk the most!

The runes flickered on the stone tablet, and the traces written by the little boy Shi Hao immediately emitted light, imprinted on it, dazzling.

Everyone was petrified, and they suddenly fell silent.

"What's wrong." Xiao Budian couldn't help touching his head, feeling a little inexplicable, and didn't understand everyone's reaction.

Xu Yu was quite speechless in the distance, with a sluggish look on his face. He couldn't help but shake his head. Shi Hao, Emperor Huang Tian, ​​the biggest black spot in his life was born like this and cannot be erased.

In an instant, a group of people burst into laughter, and it was difficult to close their mouths. Some people even bent over laughing.

"This name...haha, it's simply against the sky!"

"This unlucky child, isn't it true that he hasn't been weaned yet?"

"I can't believe it, this is such a wonderful child, I am so happy!"

A group of onlookers couldn't stop laughing, and couldn't help but pound the ground.

Afterwards, the little boy Shi Hao's little face suddenly darkened, he was a little embarrassed, and felt a little bit embarrassing.

"You don't need to write down your real name here, you can use your favorite treasure or bird of prey instead." A kind person couldn't help but reminded.

"Can I change it on the spot?" The little boy Shi Hao suddenly made a sad face, feeling very helpless. "cannot!"

A group of people answered at the same time and laughed loudly, as if they were laughing at him.

Shi Hao's face became darker and darker. If he used this name in the future, he felt that it would too much damage his bright and martial image.

Afterwards, under the urging of everyone, Shi Hao carved the last line into it, completing everything.

In the end, not only the initial land, but also the deeper cave heaven and blessed land, there were stone tablets floating up, and the words "I love to eat animal milk" spread throughout the False God Realm, which shocked countless people.

My favorite animal milk!

"I love animal milk the most? Could it be a pervert? This kind of person can actually set a record?" Someone said indignantly, feeling that he had never been so speechless in his life.

But after all, he broke the record and caused a big earthquake. It is known that he got the extremely precious treasure bone in the False God Realm.

Not long after, a group of people came after hearing the news, wanting to draw Shi Hao's attention, seeing that he was actually a child, they suddenly had strange thoughts.

"Little brother, take a step here to talk!"

A man walked over, showing a mouthful of snow-white teeth, and beckoning to the little one Shi Hao with a handsome demeanor, behind him, there was actually a group of people.

"Don't agree, he must be trying to lie to you, Baogu." Master Niao reminded in a low voice, and for the sake of caring, he still spoke up.

The face of the man at the side changed slightly, and he glanced at Master Niao fearfully. He knew that this old guy was a master, and he was not easy to provoke. Feeling a little cloudy and uncertain.

Contrary to their expectations, Xiao Budian's eyes lit up after seeing this group of people, and what he promised was such a joy, he almost didn't stick to it.

"This child has strength, but unfortunately he is too naive." Uncle Jingbi shook his head.

"Yes, I originally wanted to take care of this unlucky child, but I didn't expect that he would be so disrespectful." Master Bird also hates that iron cannot be transformed into steel.
They all looked at Xu Yu in unison, wanting to know what his attitude was, but Xu Yu was always calm and calm, without any fluctuations, which made them swallow what they wanted to say alive.

"Mine, mine, all mine!" Not long after, something happened that stunned them. The Milkman actually robbed everyone with his backhand, showing off his power, like the cub of an ancient ferocious beast, extremely brave. , beating a group of people until they screamed, making many people instantly stunned.

"Sure enough, in the blood-moving realm, Xiao Shi Hao's trajectory was a little more fierce than the original plan." Xu Yu nodded secretly, quite satisfied.

If Shi Hao had a higher starting point, his rise would definitely be faster than before.

"This little baby is really fierce!"

The eyes of Master Bird, Master Jingbi, and Master Chui almost popped out of their eyes. This brat who was quarreling with them was so powerful. No wonder this man with double eyes was always calm and calm. It turned out that he had a chance to win.

In the end, a total of four people were defeated, all from the big clans. They were piled up into four human mountains by the little Shi Hao, and they were divided into separate areas. A group of spectators were dumbfounded.

"It's amazing, it's just a child, but he has taken care of four big clans!"

"Are freaks specially born in the beginning? After that mysterious double-eyed person raised his hand and destroyed everyone, such a terrifying child unexpectedly appeared!"

Everyone was discussing and couldn't help wiping cold sweat secretly. Fortunately, they didn't take the bone, otherwise the end would be miserable.

Although death in the False God Realm does not mean death, but in real life, one's vitality will also be seriously injured, and it may take a very long time to recover.

"The original land is too monstrous!" Suddenly someone sighed quietly, with great emotion.

Not to mention that mysterious innate divine eye, he was born out of thin air, killed a group of enemies with a snap of his fingers, and had blood-moving combat power that far exceeded that of the Void God Realm. His identity has not been discovered yet!
Moreover, there is an old man who often plays with birds, and there is also an old man who has a jade hanging on his lips. He seems to have such a vulgar temperament, and he is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Now, a little baby, not yet weaned, has swept away four huge ethnic groups. It can't help but make people doubt their life, and feel that their life's practice has been cultivated to the belly of a dog.

At the beginning, it was really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger!This became the consensus of many people almost instantly!
This place is too scary. During this period of time, so many terrifying and terrifying characters have been born!

"Careless, I was wrong, this little guy is really rotten." Uncle Jingbi couldn't help muttering, looking at the little Shi Hao who was clamoring for robbery, couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"That's right, this child is just a small disaster..." Master Bird also shook his head, his gray beard curled up, and Master Bird on his shoulder also opened his eyes wide, with a look of surprise on his face.

At this moment, they thought that even without their care, ordinary people would probably not be able to please this little guy.

At this time, Xiao Shi Hao was robbing in batches in an orderly manner, and he seemed to be quite skilled...

Master Bird and Master Jingbi couldn't help but cast their eyes on Xu Yu again, with a strong sense of exploration, as if they were asking why this little guy had such a good character.

"It's nature, do it as you please." Xu Yu shook his head and said, a little speechless in his heart. Shi Hao, who was simple and lovely in Stone Village, for some reason, seemed to completely liberate his nature once he left Stone Village...

"So, if you are self-taught, you are a great talent!" Mr. Bird's eyes lit up.

"Yes, this milk baby has great potential, I feel." Uncle Jingbi also sighed sincerely. At this moment, the two of them unexpectedly started to admire Shi Hao a little.

They originally thought that this milk baby was just a talented, straightforward milk baby, but now seeing his style, their evaluation of him has skyrocketed.

With such an unscrupulous and black character, if he doesn't break down, he will definitely become an extremely extraordinary figure in the future, destined to shock the heavens and the earth.

Xu Yu was a little speechless. Sure enough, they were not a family. If they didn't enter the same house, seeing Master Bird and Master Jingbi admiring Shi Hao so much, it could be said that they really had the same affinity...

It didn't take long for Xiaobudian to break the record of double-pupiled Shi Yi again, which caused an uproar. Many forces were shocked, and they all jumped on the wind, wanting to come and recruit this milk baby with great potential.

For example, Butian Pavilion, Zhuolu Academy, and some ancient families were all very eager, and they all rushed to the original place one after another, inquiring about Shi Hao's news, and eagerly wanted the little one to join them and make it into their pockets.

After all, they had already missed a mysterious innate divine eye before, and now they no longer wanted to miss this young man with great potential.

But the little one was very smart and declined all the invitations from the forces temporarily, saying that he wanted to think about it. No one was offended, and he handled things very appropriately.

Seeing that they could not take Xiao Shi Hao under their wing for the time being, many forces had no choice but to give up for the time being and return to reality from the Virtual God Realm.

In the end, the little Shi Hao had a big brain hole and broke the record tablet. Under everyone's eyes of astonishment, he was severely warned, and even expelled from the False God Realm, even banned for two years. Enter the False God Realm.

"I will come back..." The little boy tried his best to resist, but was still completely teleported out and disappeared from everyone's sight.

At first, many people were shocked. This was the first time they knew that the False God Realm would also expel people. This shows how much that naughty kid has done.
Even the Void God Realm can no longer tolerate him because of something that angers both humans and gods.

"This little bastard, he finally killed himself!" Master Niao and Master Jingbi were speechless, now it's all over, Naiwa won't be able to log in to the False God Realm for two years.

Xu Yu was also speechless. Is this equivalent to being banned?

Xu Yu shook his head, and now he did not go to fight the stone statue in the depths of the Virtual God Realm. He said goodbye to the two old men. Afterwards, Xu Yu walked through a desolate and lonely land, and returned to Stone Village from the Virtual God Realm, sitting cross-legged and pressing the willow tree. Under the branches.

At this moment, Xiaobudian also woke up, but his face seemed a little ugly.

A group of people from Shicun gathered around, and asked about their health. They were very worried about the former little boy's entry into the mysterious world. They finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw him recover.

"No, little one, why is your face so ugly?" Pi Hou asked sharply, extremely worried.

When the people of Stone Village heard the words, they immediately showed worry on their faces.

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired." Little Shi Wu felt a little feverish on his face at the moment, and forced a smile. He was too embarrassed to say that he was expelled from the Virtual God Realm, otherwise he would definitely become the laughing stock of all the friends in Shicun. .

"By the way, where is Furball?" The little one was afraid that they would continue to ask questions, so he quickly diverted his attention.

Xu Yu sat cross-legged under the willow tree and couldn't help but shake her head and laugh. The little one now is really quite interesting. Although she is not big, she already has a lot of self-esteem.

"Maoqiu, he follows that little red bird every day." Snotlout replied.

Not far away, the little red bird grabbed the fur ball in its hand, kneaded it vigorously, and kept changing various shapes in its wings, which was very funny.

Xu Yu was speechless, knowing that Little Red Bird and Mao Qiu had fought over Shan Bao, and he was always holding back his anger. Now that Mao Qiu was in this state, he would naturally take the opportunity to 'ravage' him.

If Zhu Yan recovers, he probably won't have such a good chance.

Xu Yu was a little speechless. This little red bird was so good, and now it seemed that it wanted to rely on Shi Cun and not leave.

"I'm almost done, I have to leave temporarily..." Chen Zhi thought to himself, he has not yet had a good trip to the eight realms of the lower world.

A month later.

Xu Yu recovered from the meditation state and stood up from under the willow tree. His eyes flickered and looked into the depths of the wilderness, shining brightly. An inexplicable aura rose up from his whole body, as if a sharp sword had been unsheathed. Bilu.

"It's time to go out and take a look!" Xu Yu whispered.

"Are you leaving?"

In Shicun, the willow tree itself glowed, casting endless divine brilliance. A dozen green branches swayed gently, making it extremely misty. She seemed to have noticed something, and she couldn't help but speak softly.

Xu Yu nodded lightly. There was nothing to hide. He had already told Liu Shen before that he would leave Shicun for a while.

"Be careful. Although this is the lower realm, it is quite extraordinary and there may be some terrible risks in some places." Liu Shen couldn't help but remind him.

"I understand." The corner of Xu Yu's mouth moved slightly, and he couldn't help but smile. There are probably few people in this world who know the eight realms of the lower world better than him. Naturally, he has a clear mind.

Afterwards, Xu Yu said goodbye to everyone in Shicun.

(End of this chapter)

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