Chapter 361 True Dragon Nest

In the wilderness, ferocious beasts are rampant, exotic birds are flying across the sky, and the road is difficult.

Human settlements are like islands in the sea. The major tribes are dotted among the vast primitive mountains. The same is true for one giant city after another. They are separated from each other by vast wilderness and spanned by countless mountains.

Without a certain level of cultivation, it would be difficult to move forward in the wilderness.

The specific location of the true dragon's lair was nowhere to be found in a short period of time. He then directly used the true dragon's magic to sense the specific location of the true dragon's lair.

seven days later.

Xu Yu crossed the mountains all the way, and he didn't know how many millions of miles he passed, but he came to a chaotic zone. In the dark, he felt some kind of friendly atmosphere, and then he landed directly.

This place is deserted and inaccessible.After a while, a cave appeared, and many ancient caves appeared below, and the real dragon in his body

The treasure technique was vibrating on its own, and a dragon's roar was involuntarily coming from outside the body.

"The true dragon's nest is right here." Xu Yu descended from the sky and looked at the world with a strange expression.

This place is not simple, there is chaos and turbulence, and it is a small world of its own, which seems to be opened up from the chaos, which contains the most essential mystery of the world.

You must know that a strong person who can open up space in the chaos is amazing. It is absolutely a rare and terrifying existence. In the eight realms of the lower realm, it is almost unimaginable.

This is a small world. In many ancient caves under the entrance of the burrow, there are streams of dragon energy steaming around the cave entrances. There is even a terrifying dragon power permeating the cave. It seems that there are real dragons hovering one after another.

Ordinary people simply set foot in this place. If they don’t reach a certain level, they can’t find it at all.

Can't find it, even if I occasionally find the location, I can't enter.

"The dragon aura is strong, there is no doubt that it is the real dragon's nest. Let's go and investigate." Xu Yu's face was calm and he stepped forward. Not long after, he arrived in front of the cave.

The burrows are just to cover up. The ancient underground caves are like spider webs, very dense, turbulent dragon energy, hazy, covering one space after another, and ordinary people cannot explore.

Through the gap of chaos, Xu Yu opened his eyes and saw a lot of things. There was terrifying mist and mist, and the chaos was so dense that it would have been extremely difficult for others to detect it if he hadn't reached his level.

He walked along a passage to the end, saw chaos, and found a small world!

"So that's it. This place was once sealed, but now a very small gap has opened." Xu Yu whispered, and he suddenly thought that there was a real dragon mark in the real dragon's nest, and it was estimated that it would not survive for long.

"The place where the true dragon's nest is located!"

Xu Yu's eyes were slightly condensed, and there were endless runes intertwined in his eyes. They were brilliant, and one after another amazing light beams tore through the sky and sank into the depths.

Through the gaps in the chaos, Xu Yu gradually saw some things clearly. The mist was steaming and the chaos was thick. He saw a cliff and a nest on the cliff.

He saw clearly that there was a nest in the distance, like a bird's nest, not very big, built with divine wood, shining brightly, very extraordinary.

Afterwards, his pupils shrank slightly, and he saw three eggs, all of which were more than half a meter in diameter, densely covered with dragon patterns, very complicated, branded on the eggshells, with little brilliance flowing, extremely mysterious.

Indistinctly, dragon chant bursts out, whistling out, straight up to the sky.

The three dragon eggs have intertwined patterns, and the dragon-shaped imprint is too obvious. The most important thing is that the strong and insoluble dragon energy entangles them and nourishes them.

One of the eggs was glowing, flowing with endless and terrifying vitality, while the other two eggs were dull, lifeless, and had lost their vitality and vitality.

"Today, let's explore the legendary Dragon Pond and Tiger's Den!" Xu Yu's mind moved slightly. This place is the true dragon's lair. It was opened and built by the True Dragon Immortal King, the leader of the ten evils. Shining and extraordinary.

Afterwards, his pupils shrank slightly, and he saw three eggs, all of which were more than half a meter in diameter, densely covered with dragon patterns, very complicated, branded on the eggshells, with little brilliance flowing, extremely mysterious.

Indistinctly, dragon chant bursts out, whistling out, straight up to the sky.

The three dragon eggs have intertwined patterns, and the dragon-shaped imprint is too obvious. The most important thing is that the strong and insoluble dragon energy entangles them and nourishes them.

One of the eggs was glowing, flowing with endless and terrifying vitality, while the other two eggs were dull, lifeless, and had lost their vitality and vitality.

When he comes out, he will naturally not be careless.


The Tai Chi Diagram emerged, with chaotic energy surging and being very misty, shrouding him and protecting him completely.

He held the Tai Chi diagram above his head, stepped through the gap of chaos, and entered the small world directly.

Suddenly, a sharp sword light fell down, and with a clang, it collided with the Tai Chi diagram, making a buzzing sound, and brilliant sparks burst out.

Xu Yu looked up and found that it was a horn, but it was broken, dripping with blood, and dull and dull.

"True Dragon Horn!"

Xu Yu's eyes opened and closed, and a bright light shot out, staring at the real dragon horn.

This is a real dragon horn, he was bleeding, but the blood evaporated in the void and disappeared.

"The true dragon, the head of the ten evils, is indeed terrifying. Even if it falls, it is just a horn, but it is still so extraordinary."

Xu Yu has no doubt that a drop of adult true dragon blood can destroy many stars and cut off galaxies. It is extremely powerful, but at the moment it is just a severed dragon horn, which really cannot pose any threat to him.

And his Tai Chi diagram is also very extraordinary, and now it is almost completely evolved into an immortal weapon.

After the real dragon horn hit, it lay there, and then many terrifying scenes appeared. He saw some scenes of the real dragon fighting, flowing in the void, blooming with auspicious colors.

The dragon horn tore apart the universe, and its body trembled slightly, crossing the ancient and modern times, and it was in a decisive battle with the Immortal King!

"These people... are An Lan, Yu Tuo and Chi Wang."

Xu Yu's eyes were as sharp as a knife. He saw many figures, which seemed to belong to the immortal king of a foreign land. There were golden spears flying across the sky, and red divine furnaces that controlled the world. Their divine power was peerless!

A tall man with a golden spear in his hand stood proudly in the sky and on the ground, looking down on all directions, extremely arrogant.

He stood upright, exuding a domineering aura from all over his body, and the power of mental oppression was so strong that one could feel a kind of trembling from the depths of the soul.

"The Immortal King——" An Lan!
"There is also the Red King, Yu Tuo!"

The other two figures were also extremely terrifying. When they raised their hands, thousands of people wailed, and they were extremely tyrannical. If they shot together, the stars in the sky would be shattered.
"What a pity, real dragon." Xu Yu couldn't help but shook her head and sighed secretly.

The True Dragon, as one of the ten evils, a terrifying Immortal King giant, ranks almost first among the ten evils. Of course, the heresy of the Nine Nether Mastiff, the old man who destroys the world, must be eliminated...

In the Ancient Immortal Era, true dragons were almost invincible. Among the ten evil spirits, only a few could fully enter the Immortal King Realm.
, but unfortunately, he was besieged by a group of immortal kings. In the end, he was unable to defeat the four with two fists. In the end, he could only die with hatred, leaving only regrets.

But speaking of it, people from foreign lands often do this, regardless of martial ethics. A group of people often hunt the lone Immortal King in Jiutian, and they often succeed.

The true dragon is like this, the Nine-Leaf Sword Grass is like this, and it seems that the Thunder Emperor is like this too. They are all hunted by the Immortal King.


The broken horn made a sound, as if it was cracking at this moment, and seemed to be completely destroyed. At this moment, it fell, emitted some faint light, and flew towards Xu Yu.

Soon, next to Xu Yu, the shadow of a willow tree appeared. It seemed to be sensed by the dragon's horn, and it appeared automatically. The green clouds filled the air, and the branches emerged, shining brightly.

Seeing this scene, the broken horn actually left and let him walk over, no longer stopping Xu Yu.

"Sure enough, the ancestral sacrifice spirit is still a priority." Seeing this, Xu Yu showed a strange expression and smiled faintly. He knew that it was probably the real dragon horn. He had already sensed Liu Shen's aura and knew that this person belonged to his own camp. It didn't bother him for the time being.

He didn't hesitate, stepped forward, and quickly walked in.


In the void, a stone jade emerged, floating in the chaos, full of cracks, but some ancient immortal characters on it were very clear.

The general meaning of the above is that after the Immortal Ancient War, the descendants of the real dragon were plotted against each other. The dragon eggs are still there, but they are likely to become stillborn and cannot be hatched.

Xu Yu suddenly remembered that it seemed that the same thing happened to the Alicorn ants. The little Alicorn ant seemed to have been plotted. If it weren't for his father's magical power, he was rescued at a great price and sealed in the underground palace. .

Xu Yu lamented that the Ten Evils were too terrifying, and Foreign Land would never let their heirs grow up, and would use various means to kill them in the bud, preventing Jiutian from rising.

In fact, there are still some descendants of true immortals who have suffered destruction, and they have no choice but to seal their descendants in the Chaos Zone, hoping to be fully reborn after endless years.

The same is true for this true dragon. Although it was severely injured, it still saved one of its heirs and did not completely cut off the true dragon's inheritance.

Xu Yu suddenly thought that although this young dragon survived against the odds, its congenital defect was incomplete. In its original trajectory, it was a red dragon named Gegu. It did not inherit the treasures of the true dragon clan. Instead, it was a red dragon.
And went to practice the True Phoenix Art...

Xu Yu shook his head and chose to continue walking. He came to the stone cliff, broke through the chaos, climbed up, and stood in front of the real dragon's nest.


Suddenly, a grand cosmic scene emerged, the vacuum swayed, split the universe, and tore open an ancient world.

It was a real dragon fighting, fighting with more than one immortal king, blood splattered in the starry sky, shaking the past, present and future.

With a bang, An Lan was swept by the real dragon's tail and his arm was broken. Yu Tuo's weapon was torn apart by the dragon's claws and a large section was broken off.


The stars exploded and shattered into pieces, shining brightly into the past, present and future!

The true dragon's blood is being shed, and every drop seems to be able to reverse the course of time, with unparalleled divine power!
A real dragon is rising and falling. This is a reappearance of the past. It is an immortal mark that was manifested again when Xu Yu came here.

Then, the scene disappeared, turning into streams of dragon energy, wrapping around the nest on the stone cliff, flying up and down, and roaring.

"Bang bang bang!"

In the nest like a bird's nest, an egg was moving and ringing continuously, as if it was aware of someone coming and was quite nervous.

"Sure enough, it is a red dragon with some congenital deficiencies." Xu Yu couldn't help but shook his head. His eyes were bright and the runes were intertwined. He instantly understood a lot. There was something wrong with this young true dragon. "Forget it, let me help you."

As he spoke, his whole body shone with light, and ancient symbols emerged, resonating with the world, as if he was blessed by the Immortal King, and was blessed with a curtain of light.

Xu Yu smiled faintly, one of his eyes glowed, turning into silvery white, gushing like water, wrapping the real dragon egg, making him bright and clean, emitting divine light,
At the same time, an extremely terrifying life essence bloomed, as if it had come to the initial era of the beginning of the world, when everything was prosperous and was about to create all things.

The dragon egg bloomed with blazing brilliance and was densely covered with runes, fully absorbing the essence.

The dragon egg was trembling slightly, and the markings on it became clearer and clearer, and the runes were densely covered. It was obviously a great benefit. Xu Yu took action directly, using the method of the Emperor of Heaven to activate his heavy pupils, and gave the Red Dragon Xiantian It’s all made up.

"Thank you buddy."

At this moment, a sigh and an extremely weak sound sounded, which actually originated from the dragon horn.

"Real dragon?" Xu Yu's eyes moved slightly, casting an astonishing divine light.

"It's me, but I died in the battle. What I am now is just a mark."

Within the dragon horn, an extremely weak voice came, as if it would dissipate at any time.

Xu Yu nodded. The real dragon died in the decisive battle. This was indeed a mark. It was extremely weak. It is estimated that it will completely dissipate in a few decades.

"I really can't believe that there is a supreme being in this small eight realms of the lower world." The real dragon's voice sounded again, seemingly with endless emotion.


As his words fell, suddenly, at this moment, the brilliance flourished, and a piece of bone flew up, as white as jade, as crystal clear as a mirror, shining out the brilliance of eternity.

However, this bone mirror shone brightly, with chaotic light surging, as if it wanted to see through him, but it froze there for a moment, with no result.

"Is it a dragon bone mirror?" Xu Yu's eyes disappeared, the runes intertwined, and became deeper and deeper, staring there.

"How is it possible? Your whole person is nothingness, with no past or future!" After a moment of silence, the real dragon suddenly said in shock...

The real dragon is shocked. His Taoist bones are like a treasure mirror, similar to the relics of the ancient monks. It has a magical effect and can clearly illuminate a person's past without ever failing.

But when the light shone on a monk in the human realm, there was no reaction. This was obviously unreasonable and somewhat beyond his expectation.

The ancient mirror is deep, the surface of the mirror is hazy and chaotic, unable to reflect any scene at all. It is nothingness, and the depth is invisible.

"Doesn't belong to the past and present, how can there be such a person in the world." The mark of the true dragon spoke again, the horn made a chirping sound, and a wisp of the mark of the true dragon emerged, with mottled dragon patterns. Even though he was once an immortal king, at this moment I am also puzzled by the explanation.

"Could it be...that I am a time traveler and do not belong to the past and future?"

When Xu Yu heard the voice of the real dragon, he couldn't help but have doubts. He guessed that he did not seem to belong to every time and space, did not exist in the past, and did not belong to the future. Being illuminated by the real dragon bone mirror, he could not manifest, nor could he. The cause and effect can be explained.

Then, he came back to his senses, looked at the real dragon horn with bright eyes, and said with an inexplicable expression: "You don't need to worry about my origin."

Xu Yu smiled, knowing the worry about the True Dragon Mark, fearing that he was from a foreign land, which would be a catastrophic disaster.

Xu Yu opened his palms, and a blade of sword grass emerged, taking root in the void. The silver light was extremely bright, and the sword energy was vast and rolling. It seemed that it could cut the universe into pieces. It was terrifying!
Then, he flipped his palms slightly, and the Nine-leaf Sword Grass disappeared. Purple air filled the air, and a purple unicorn emerged. It suddenly rushed out, roaring to the heaven and earth, making the entire dragon nest faintly tremble.

Finally, he held it in his palm, and his arms turned into a real dragon, shining with golden light, looking extremely powerful, circling and leaping, squeezing the whole world.

"So many of the Ten Evil Treasures...even my clan's treasures are under my control."

The real dragon mark sighed, glowing, and the dragon pattern on the real dragon horn became more and more brilliant, seeming quite surprised.

"By the way, when you first came here, I seemed to sense the breath of the ancestral sacrificial spirit on your body." The true dragon mark said doubtfully, and suddenly said,

"Yes, I have an old relationship with the ancestor sacrifice spirit." Xu Yu nodded, raised his hand and pointed lightly in the air, and a light group appeared with many pictures on it.

Liu Shen took root in the stone village, and bit by bit fragments appeared, and the real dragon instantly understood the cause and effect.

"As expected, the spirit of ancestor sacrifice has not passed away yet, and it has survived in this world, defying heaven and earth." The true dragon mark couldn't help but sigh softly at this moment, seeming to be very emotional.

He finally felt relieved. With the relationship between ancestors and spirits, Xu Yu's camp was very clear.

What's more, people from a foreign land simply cannot control so many of the ten evil techniques. The inheritance of each of the ten evil techniques is very strict.

It takes almost nine days for a person to be the inheritor.

Even if people from foreign lands can occasionally obtain certain kinds of Ten Evil Techniques, they will never be able to control so many types of Ten Evil Techniques.

"Is this world going to change? There is such a brilliant person who can be recognized by so many inheritances." The True Dragon Mark was silent for a moment, and couldn't help but sigh softly, as if he thought of something.

"My child, please." The true dragon mark asked him to take care of his only surviving young son, the little true dragon.

"I was guarding against a big enemy. I thought he had returned, but he never showed up. It seems he is dead." The True Dragon Mark said with emotion, a little sad.

"Are you talking about Demon King Pu?" Xu Yu's eyes flashed when he heard this, and he couldn't help but speak.

"Yes, it's really him. How did you know about it? Could it be that the ancestral sacrificial spirit told you?" The light from the real dragon's horn was flowing, and the dragon's energy was steaming.

Xu Yu shook his head, feeling quite speechless. Almost these big guys subconsciously thought of Zu Cha Ling. It seemed that Zu Cha Ling could explain everything.

"I deduced that Demon King Pu is in Baiduan Mountain and is still alive..."

"What... are you deducing?" True Dragon Seal was a little surprised. This young man actually knew such past events. How could a supreme human being have such magical powers?
Suddenly the real dragon's horns glowed, and a big dragon soared into the sky, covering the sky, shaking the past, present and future. It emerged from the dragon's horns.

His pupils were as deep as the sea, and then he suddenly shot out two beams of purple electricity, which seemed to be able to pierce the universe and shake the heavens forever!
"As expected of the top ten evils, a trace of mark has such power!" Xu Yu suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He knew that this true dragon was absolutely terrifying to the extreme in the past, and it was also the most terrifying existence in the Immortal King Realm.

"Yes, he should be dormant in Baiduan Mountain now, but his condition should not be very good." Xu Yu replied.

The former Demon King Pu was extremely powerful, much stronger than the Red King from a foreign land. He even fought against a real dragon. In the Ancient Immortal Era, he was so famous that it made the nine heavens and ten places change their expressions!
He is known as the flat-headed brother of the foreign land. In the battle of Immortal Ancient, he killed countless masters in the Nine Heavens. He first fought against the real dragon, then had a tough battle with the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation. Finally, he encountered the Immortal King of Endlessness.
After a lot of hard work, everyone in the world finally thought that he had fallen. If they didn't know that he still had a trace of his true spirit that escaped, hibernated down, and escaped into Baiduan Mountain to rest and recuperate.

"It's a pity that my mark is about to dissipate, and there is still such a formidable enemy. If he fully recovers, Jiutian will be in danger."

Although the figure manifested by the true dragon mark is still as majestic as a prison, his brows are slightly furrowed and he looks a little worried. When he was entrusted with the task before, his shadow never appeared, but now that he heard the news about Pu Demon King, he immediately It manifested.

Being able to make real dragons dignified, one can imagine how strong Demon King Pu is. Demon King Pu's combat power is as terrifying as a rare existence among the heroes from foreign lands. An Lan and Yu Tuo have absolutely no way to compare with it.

Xu Yu nodded. He was worthy of being the leader of the ten evil spirits in Jiutian. He had a heart for the common people. This kind of magnanimity was indeed admirable.

"It doesn't matter, I will take action, his life is over." Xu Yu's eyes flickered slightly, his divine light flowed, and he said calmly.

"Moreover, your Excellency may not have a chance to recover again."

Xu Yu suddenly said, his mind suddenly moved slightly, and he had some ideas.

The future is scary. If the real dragon can be revived in the future, it will be an extremely powerful boost and may even change some of the future patterns.

He has already begun to plan for the big changes in the future!
"Resuscitation..." The shadow of the real dragon was slightly stunned, and he didn't react for a while. He hadn't thought that one day he would be revived. Now he is just a mark, and it may even disappear at any time.



Xu Yu stretched out his palm, and between his palms, there was chaos energy, which was astonishing.

Then, there was glowing light flowing on the fingertips, and a drop of essence and blood was forced out. The divine glow was entangled with endless essence, and with a flick of the finger, it sank directly into the true dragon's horn.

The real dragon horn is light and flowing, with a touch of vitality filling the air. It is being repaired, and the patterns on the real dragon horn are gradually becoming clearer.

At this moment, the shadow of the real dragon standing in the dragon's nest gradually solidified, becoming a little more vibrant and no longer so dim.

"Such a strong vitality." The real dragon phantom said in surprise. He felt that his mark had been preserved and would not dissipate.

He was quite uneasy in his heart. He was just a supreme being in the realm of humanity, but his blood was so effective on him now that he could preserve his imprint.

"I've probably had a glimpse of the immortal way." The real dragon suddenly felt slightly. If he were a supreme person in the human realm, he would probably be able to maintain his mark for a few more years.

But Xu Yu's blood held back his last hope. If nothing unexpected happened, his mark would not easily disintegrate.

Xu Yu nodded. This drop of the Emperor's blood was indeed effective, but it contained amazing divine power, which could make the mark's condition much better.

This is much better than the effect of the blood of the Immortal Phoenix. The blood of the Emperor of Heaven cannot be endured by ordinary people. Only the brand of True Dragon can completely absorb it and turn it into one's own vitality. If it is an ordinary If a monk absorbs it rashly, he will definitely not be able to withstand the pressure, and his body and soul will be destroyed in an instant!
As time goes by, at this moment, the true dragon horns make a sonorous sound and bloom with the most dazzling light. The dragon energy in the entire true dragon nest is boiling. As the state of the true dragon mark improves, this chaotic world becomes more and more... It's so mysterious.Xu Yu knew that if the true dragon mark dissipated, this world would probably not survive for too long. The current situation was reversed almost instantly.

"Thank you, fellow daoist."

The real dragon virtual shadow spoke, with a faint smile on his majestic face, and solemnly thanked Xu Yu for his kindness.

His eyes fell on the real dragon egg, and a hint of softness flashed through it.

If he could survive, he would naturally not want to disappear. His biological son was still being conceived. Even if he did not have the chance to be completely resurrected, it would be a great blessing if he could see his children grow and his bloodline continue. .

He originally thought that his mark would disappear completely in ten or twenty years, but he didn't expect that it could last forever again.

"Fellow Taoist, I can't repay you. Take this dragon bone mirror and express your feelings to me." The real dragon phantom opened his mouth and wanted to give away the dragon bone.


The brilliance of this place was great, and the true dragon's bones flew up, like a precious mirror, and landed in front of Xu Yu, floating quietly.

"Thank you."

Xu Yu's eyes moved slightly, and he put away the dragon bone mirror. He knew that this was definitely a treasure that defied the heavens. It was given by a true dragon, so how could it be a mortal thing.

Even if it is not an Immortal King's weapon, it is very likely that it has reached the level of a true immortal, which is absolutely rare.

(End of this chapter)

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