Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 362 The Mark of the True Dragon, Breaking the Mountain

"Today's cause will be tomorrow's result. Soon I will eradicate Demon King Pu for you." Xu Yu put away the dragon bone mirror and said solemnly.

"So, thank you very much." The real dragon shadow nodded.

"Just wait for some time. I have deduced a good opportunity. Entering with such a big fanfare may alert the snake. It would be bad if Demon King Pu escapes."

Xu Yu knew that this Pu Demon King was well hidden, and if he entered rashly, he would probably alert the snake.

As the former immortal king, he might have some special methods, which made Xu Yu have to be more vigilant.

However, he would not be too worried. This Demon King Pu was only in a state of survival. With his current strength, he could still win against the extremely incomplete Immortal King.

Today's Pu Demon King will never reach the combat power of a true immortal, otherwise with his character, he will never be willing to lie dormant in Baiduan Mountain.

He remembered that it seemed that it was almost time for Baiduan Mountain to be opened. At that time, young geniuses from all races would be sent in. Naturally, he could take this opportunity to enter.

The real dragon Xuying nodded and agreed, but he also made a request and wanted to accompany him, and Xu Yu agreed.

Later, Xu Yu proposed that when the dragon nest was moved to Shicun, because of the relationship between the ancestral sacrifice spirit and Xu Yu, the True Dragon Seal readily agreed.

"The dragon's nest here is the small world I created back then. These days, you can practice here, which will be of great benefit to the True Dragon Treasure Technique." True Dragon Shadow said.

Xu Yu nodded slightly, that was exactly what he meant.

Later, Xu Yu sat down cross-legged. The True Dragon's Nest was a sacred place, which was indeed very helpful for him to practice the True Dragon Treasure.

As Xu Yu practiced, the endless dragon energy boiled and turned into small dragons, one after another submerged into the white bones of Xu Yu's limbs.


The blood in his body was flowing, and his body actually emitted a roar like a tsunami, which was deafening and huge.

His back was vibrating, and then it made a sound like fried beans, and then one segment after another shone brightly, and a real dragon phantom charged directly upwards.

"This is……"

The real dragon mark was alarmed, and he looked at Xu Yu's back with an astonishing look in his eyes.

Although he was just a mark now, he could vaguely feel that the method practiced by this young man seemed to have some special feeling that he couldn't figure out.

At this moment, Xu Yu's whole body was surging with fairy light and surrounded by mist. His whole soul seemed to be transcended. He looked down at the mortal world and did not belong to this world. It seemed that there was a fairy gate that was slowly pushed open in front of him. A strange world manifested itself.

He suddenly remembered that there were records in ancient books that when a dragon leaps up and looks at the immortals in nine transformations, he will see strange scenes such as the immortal gate, and there are all kinds of mysterious and unpredictable things. Sometimes he can even ride on a dragon to travel outside Taixu. .

Just now, when Xu Yu was practicing in this dragon's nest, he came across such fragments of the law and glimpsed the true meaning of a certain great way, which made him feel uneasy and shocked.

His black hair was thick and disheveled, and strands of spiritual energy overflowed from his eyes, transforming into real dragons. They were so blazing that people dared not look at them directly. He was not angry and mighty, and his conduct took a step forward.

This is extremely astonishing. Xu Yu is already the Emperor of Heaven, and now Dao Xing actually goes one step further. If he talks about it, it will definitely shock the world.

A few months later, he opened his eyes and recovered from the meditative state. His eyes became deeper and deeper.

"It's time to head to Baiduan Mountain." Xu Yu whispered.

Xu Yu's whole body was glowing, and one after another strange runes were engraved on his body. Around his body, there seemed to be big stars rotating one after another, vast and boundless, entwined with chaotic energy.

His flesh and blood were actually pulsing, and his bones were singing rhythmically, like a war song, clanging loudly. The endless meridians and acupuncture points all over his body bloomed with a terrifying glow, dazzling the eyes. The True Dragon Treasure Technique went one step further, causing a terrifying transformation of the physical body.

Especially on his back, a real dragon swung its tail, penetrated the Immortal Platform, moved the sky, and tore apart the sky. This secret realm went one step further.

"Here we go, kill the Demon King Pu."

Xu Yu whispered, and then stood up, as if a humanoid dragon suddenly came to life after sleeping for an eternity, and instantly exuded a powerful will, indestructible and far-reaching.

His eyes were sharp, like a fairy sword being drawn out of its sheath, its edge was exposed and extremely brilliant, drawing streaks of lightning in it and rushing towards all directions.

"Okay, let's go."

The real dragon horn vibrated, and the real dragon mark inside was also opening. The dragon pattern continued to glow, flowing with rays of light, and shimmering. It was amazing. He couldn't wait to see Pu Demon King slay him. If this hidden danger was not solved,

Except, Jiutian is in danger.


The corners of the dragon glowed, and the dragon's energy steamed. It changed its form and turned into a dragon-shaped ring, which was worn in Xu Yu's hand.

After Xu Yu came out of the True Dragon's Nest, he swung his five heads, clanging like a fairy sword, blooming with immortal aura, and grabbed the entire True Dragon's Nest, and then put it away.

Baiduan Mountain, counting the time, it should be almost time to open, and you should be able to enter.

In normal time, this small world will only open itself every time a period of time passes, and usually does not show mountains or dews.

Of course, it would be very easy to forcefully open the seal with his Heavenly Emperor method, but that would definitely disturb King Pu, so the safest solution would be to go in with those young geniuses.


Not long after, he arrived outside Baiduan Mountain, but it hadn't started yet, and it seemed there were still a few days.

"Well, it seems it will take a while before we start. Let's go to Butian Pavilion first." Xu Yu whispered, turned around and left.

Not long after, Xu Yu arrived in Butian Pavilion.

In Butian Pavilion, the mountains are undulating, entwined with mist, and the mountains are full of clouds and rosy clouds, which are beautiful and extraordinary, and there are various auspicious animals haunting them.

The lake is clear, and the spirit fish are swimming happily, with brilliant markings, and the surface of the lake is sparkling and flowing with rays of light.

"Why are we here?" The True Dragon Mark said.

"I came here to meet a junior." Xu Yu smiled when he heard this.

This area is very vast, there are hundreds of spiritual peaks only in the place where the disciples practice, and the elders and high-level people even occupy an ancient mountain.

Xu Yu approached quietly, his body covered with fairy light and mist, so no one knew about it.

His consciousness swept over and he soon found Xiao Shi Hao. The little guy was happily setting up a big pot, using his ancestral craftsmanship, and stewing a spiritual beast. He seemed to be feasting on it with a group of senior brothers and sisters. So unhappy.

Xu Yu understood that it was estimated that the little boy had been running around a lot these days and had made a lot of friends. With his own strength and playful smile, he had also made a lot of friends.

But not long after, the elder's angry roar came from there, because the spirit beast was raised by that elder privately, which immediately made the place into a mess, and the place was in chaos.

Xu Yu shook his head. This little Shi Hao was really a troublemaker. He could tell that this was obviously not the first time he had done this. He was obviously a 'habitual offender'.

"The body contains precious bones and the appearance is extraordinary." The true dragon mark spoke out. He was also observing Shi Hao and couldn't help but nodded. This young man is extraordinary and has a very good appearance.

After Xu Yu looked at it, he also showed a smile. This Butian Pavilion is not bad. Although the little one makes some drinks and a few spiritual beasts from time to time, the elders don't really do anything to them.

The younger brothers and sisters, as well as the elders, all treated him very well. No wonder, Butian Pavilion is another place for Shi Hao's soul after Shi Village, and it has carried too many happy memories.

Xu Yu remembered that in the original work, after Shi Hao returned from Baiduan Mountain, great changes seemed to have taken place in Butian Pavilion very soon. The sacrificial spirits fell, a group of elders were killed, and were completely eliminated. This was also Xiao Shi Hao's sad voice.
The beginning of suffering.

"Forget it, just give Butian Pavilion a hand." Since he has the ability to change things, Xu Yu will naturally not sit idly by. If the trajectory is changed, he also wants to know where this road will go in the future.

He remembered that the destruction of Butian Pavilion was the beginning of the decline of the spirit-sacrificing gourd vine.

Butian Pavilion, in addition to many spiritual mountains, there are also many mysterious places, like a primitive wilderness, which does not allow disciples to approach, and is even more vast and boundless.

Xu Yu stepped towards the depths of Butian Pavilion, and not long after, he arrived in a garden.

This is a courtyard that occupies a very large area. There are various plants, small bridges, flowing water, pavilions and pavilions in it, but they are all very old, stained with the wind and frost of the years, and seem to collapse at any time.

This is the most mysterious part of Butian Pavilion. It is where the sacrificial spirits hibernate. It covers an area of ​​tens or hundreds of miles. It is a huge garden that no one dares to approach in normal times.

Of course, there is no need for guards here, because this gourd vine is the biggest foundation of Butian Pavilion, and he guards the entire pure land.

Here is a barren place, indeed a barren land, like the Great Gobi, only sand and stones, extremely quiet, as if you have come to a ghost land.

"Sure enough, that Shen Teng plant is really dying. It absorbs energy from all directions on its own, leaving the place desolate." Xu Yu said thoughtfully.

Not long after, Xu Yu came to an ancient garden, which looked like an ancient garden. This was also the place where the spirits were found.

His eyes flickered, and he saw where the Jiling was, and he took a step forward, appearing in the backyard here.

Endless light and rain poured down, making the silver glow here transpiring, making it peaceful and sacred. There was a plant there, which was the worship spirit of Butian Pavilion.

"Sure enough, this gourd vine won't last long." Xu Yu whispered.

This gourd vine was indeed as he imagined. Its vitality was passing away, its whole body was dim, a little yellow, and seemed to be a little sick.

It was crawling on a pile of rocks. It had no luster and no divine light. It was only withered and yellow, and it was not huge. It was as if the coming of autumn had made it lose its vitality.

A withered vine has only a little vitality, a shelf full of yellow leaves, and the light rain falling from the sky cannot save its vitality.The stars and moonlight were brilliant, pouring down slowly, making the entire backyard white and submerged in the vines, but he was still listless and seriously lacking in vitality.

This is the sacrifice spirit of Butian Pavilion, an ancient vine that has lived for countless years!
"Who are you...?"

The breeze blew, the yellow leaves swayed, and the whole gourd vine swayed slightly. He noticed Xu Yu's arrival and spoke.

Of course, when Xu Yu came here, he did not hide his aura, otherwise he would not be able to detect it even if he stood in front of the gourd vine.

Calabash Vine, he looked at the young man in front of him and was slightly surprised. The young man in front of him was too extraordinary.

Her hair was lightly fluttering, and she was dressed in a plain white robe. Her eyes were extremely clear, and there was a kind of compelling pressure. She looked like an emperor descending upon her.

Calabash Teng's heart palpitated, he couldn't see through this person's state.

"Could he be the strong man who lit the divine fire?"

This young man appeared so quietly that he didn't realize it until he was in front of him. He had not noticed it at all before.

This shows what?
This young man's realm is definitely far beyond him!
If he wanted to do harm to Butian Pavilion, he would definitely not be able to stop it, which immediately made him feel very vigilant.


Xu Yu's tone was calm, but when it fell into Gourd Teng's ears, it seemed to resound directly from the depths of his soul, with a deafening tone.

Calabash Teng spoke softly, and suddenly felt a little nervous. When did such a powerful person appear in these eight realms of the lower world.

Although I don’t know who is in front of me, but among those named emperor and emperor, which one is a common person?What's more, he couldn't see through this person at all.

You know, he once lit the divine fire. Although his realm has fallen, his vision is still there. This person is absolutely extraordinary. At the very least, he has ignited the divine fire!

"I wonder why the Emperor of Heaven came to Butian Pavilion?" Calabash Teng asked after being silent for a while.

"Send you a fortune." Xu Yu's eyes were slightly focused, looking a little distant, and he stepped forward.

This gourd vine is now on the verge of death. If there is no accident, there is really no way to save it.

According to the original plan, Butian Pavilion invested a large amount of spiritual springs, primitive treasure bones, elixirs, and even took out the Thunder Tribulation Liquid and the silt of the Fountain of Youth, but it was still unable to save the sacrifice and the decline of the spirit.
The decline of defeat.

"Good fortune?" Calabash Teng's heart trembled slightly.

Xu Yu stretched out a hand, and in the palm of his hand was a fairy phoenix mark rising and falling, as crystal clear as jade, and like the purest divine flame in the world. It was actually a little fiery red starlight lingering around, like countless tiny stars rotating around.

It was as if it had existed since the beginning of the world. The phoenix blood glowed and turned into a real phoenix in an instant. With a pop, it poured into the decayed gourd vine.

This is the drop of phoenix blood that Xu Yu urged to incarnate as an immortal phoenix. It flashed with five-color divine light, wrapped in divine clouds, and soaked into the gourd vine.

With a buzzing sound, the entire Gu Teng tree began to tremble, as if it had recovered from its state of decline. The withered yellow tree body glowed, and a fairy phoenix circled up the tree body, and the mysterious aura spread.

"Good fortune?" Calabash Teng's heart trembled slightly.

Xu Yu stretched out a hand, and in the palm of his hand was a fairy phoenix mark rising and falling, crystal clear like jade, and like the purest divine flame in the world. It was actually a little fiery red starlight lingering around, like countless tiny stars surrounding it.


It was as if it had been born at the beginning of the world. The phoenix blood glowed and turned into a real phoenix in an instant. With a pop, it poured into the decayed gourd vine.

This is the drop of phoenix blood that Xu Yu urged to incarnate as an immortal phoenix. It flashed with five-color divine light, wrapped in divine clouds, and soaked into the gourd vine.

With a buzzing sound, the entire Gu Teng tree began to tremble, as if it had recovered from its state of decline. The withered yellow tree body glowed, and a fairy phoenix circled up the tree body, and the mysterious aura spread.


The heaven and earth exploded, as if a real phoenix was roaring, turning into light rain and falling on the withered leaves.

At the same time, a green-skinned gourd emitted mist, hung on the vine and swayed gently, accompanied by the sacred sound of the avenue.

The sacrificial spirit is reviving, and the blood of the Immortal Phoenix has amazing magical effects.

A kind of extremely powerful wave swept across the world like a vast sea, spreading in all directions, unparalleled.

The heaven and earth shook, runes were densely covered, and the breath of Butian Pavilion was like a sea in an instant, shaking the whole world.

"The sacrificial spirit was on the verge of death. With the help of the phoenix, the blood was more effective and it completely revived." Xu Yu said thoughtfully as he looked at the gradually getting stronger sacrificial spirit.

If ordinary creatures take phoenix blood, there will never be such a heaven-defying effect. Today's sacrificial spirits are on the verge of death, but they forcefully maximize the effect of phoenix blood.

"What's going on?...What's going on."

"It seems... it's the direction of worshiping spirits!"

"It's such a rich life essence. Could it be that the sacrificial spirit has achieved nirvana!"

The senior officials of Butian Pavilion were alarmed. They opened their eyes and woke up from their meditative state.

"Thank you, senior. I never thought that I would have another day. If anything happens to senior in the future, please do whatever you want!"

Calabash Teng spoke, extremely grateful. He had saved his life, and his strength was far beyond that.

In the Butian Pavilion, the spirit sacrifices were in a vibrant state. The originally dim leaves quickly turned green, and then became clear, emitting a hazy precious light.

The gourds on the vines rumbled, chaotic energy appeared, and a terrifying sound of the great avenue filled the sky.

He regained his peak state and ignited the divine fire. What surprised him even more was that his aura was still rising steadily, and it seemed that he was not far away from the legendary True Realm.

Calabash Teng is very grateful. If he is really destroyed, Butian Pavilion will definitely face a disaster soon.

"It's a trivial matter." Xu Yu stopped and said with a smile.

Then, with a tap of his finger, a hazy light group appeared, and the appearance of the little one emerged.

"He is cultivating in your Butian Pavilion, so you can take care of him a little bit. Of course, you don't need to take too much care of him. He also has his own way."

Xu Yu smiled faintly and pointed at Xiao Shi Hao, the tiger-headed figure in the picture.

"It turns out it's... this little guy." Calabash Teng was speechless.

He immediately recognized that this little guy was the cheeky little guy who had been sitting cross-legged under him before.

"Senior, don't worry." Calabash Teng solemnly promised. In fact, he also felt that the little boy had extraordinary appearance and might achieve great achievements in the future, and he also wanted to support him.

Xu Yu nodded, his figure gradually blurred and dimmed, and disappeared. At this moment, the senior officials of Butian Pavilion rushed over.

"Master Ji Ling, are you really okay?" An elder spoke with a trembling voice.

"It has returned to its peak state." Calabash Vine responded.

"Hahaha, God bless me Butian Pavilion!"

Everyone was pleasantly surprised. The people from Butian Pavilion arrived. A group of old men were so happy that they cried. The spirits were revived and went further. There was no better news than this.

The Pavilion Master of Butian Pavilion also appeared. Looking at the resurrected sacrificial spirit, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

The powerful fluctuations of the spirit sacrifice are spreading, and vitality is flowing, just like the resurrection of the gods. In the sky, there are divine rainbows and auspicious colors, surrounding the gourd vines.

When all the visions calmed down, the gourd vine became mysterious and inexplicable, entangled with the divine chain of order, majestic and inviolable, like a real god.

Later, the spirit of the sacrifice sent a message, and he also learned the news that the spirit of the sacrifice was saved by a senior, and that senior was closely related to the naughty kid who joined the Butian Pavilion.

Later, this news was passed to the few elders in the Pavilion by the Pavilion Master of Butian Pavilion, which made everyone feel happy. Not only did their sacrificial spirits revive, but also Shi Hao, a peerless genius, felt that , the future becomes more promising.

Of course, only a few people know about all this, and most people don't understand the auspiciousness involved.

Over the years, the decline of the sacrificial spirit and its imminent death have long been spread to the outside world, causing Butian Pavilion's prestige to plummet and become far less than it once was.

If in the past, no one would dare to disobey their orders, but now many powerful forces dare to fight against them. All this is caused by the death of the sacrificial spirit.
In the past few years, Butian Pavilion had lost its magic of suppressing the religion, and if the souls were sacrificed, Butian Pavilion would probably be in danger. Now all these worries are gone.

At this moment, everyone in the Butian Pavilion cheered. The rise and fall of the sect had a lot to do with them. With the revival of the spirit sacrifice, their status in relation to other sects would also rise accordingly.

The little boy was also in a daze. This gourd vine was completely different from what he had seen before. It was like a jade carving, emitting light and auspicious air, completely transformed.

Then, something surprised Xiao Doan Shi Wu. The master of the pavilion actually privately announced that the Sutra Pavilion would be permanently open to Xiao Doan from now on, and he would be allowed to go to the spiritual body to practice at any time.

The little one scratched his head, a little confused.

But Xu Yu did not leave, and no one noticed him. He sat cross-legged in the depths of Butian Pavilion, waiting quietly.

Finally, after a few days, the news came out that the time has come and the Baiduan Mountains will be opened... (End of this chapter)

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