Chapter 364 The Fall of Demon King Pu

This man was tall and majestic, standing between heaven and earth. He was covered in armor, even on his head. A pair of cyan eyes shot out a sword-like beam of light, waking up from his slumber.

In addition, behind it, there is a tail, which is also covered with armor and shines with a cold metallic luster. This is an extremely terrifying creature.

This is a king-like man, standing tall with the sky and the earth, who knows how many tens of thousands of feet high, surrounded by the sun, moon and stars.

In an instant, the wind and clouds changed color, lightning intertwined in the sky, and thunder rumbled, almost tearing the heaven and earth apart and shaking the sky.

A great earthquake occurred in the foreign land, and all living beings trembled. An immortal king woke up from his slumber. The entire vast rivers and mountains were shaking, everything was wailing, and the whole body began to tremble uncontrollably. This was King of Bu
The ancient ancestor of the Red King has revived!"

People in the foreign land were shocked. They did not expect that the immortal king would revive. They were all shocked. Countless creatures bowed their heads in the direction of Chi's residence and worshiped him, with extremely fanatical expressions on their faces.

The Immortal King, who weighs more than Mount Tai and is the top of the pyramid in a foreign land, can overlook all the world and the world. Everyone in the universe respects him, and no one dares to disobey him.

This is an immortal king, wrapped in chaos, and the aura of the avenue covers the sky. He slowly stands up, and it seems that he can cover the heavens for all eternity, and cut across the past, present, and future.

A vast wave of fluctuations swept across the sky and the earth, reaching far and wide. The fluctuations were like the collapse of the starry sky.

At the end of the distant sky, a figure of a man appeared, blurry and dim. He looked at the endless sky with his head above his head, overlooking the eternity. He was extremely domineering, holding a golden spear and commanding the heaven and earth.

That figure stood there, as if the ancestor of all immortals had come to the world, with boundless power.

It’s the ancient ancestor An Lan!”

Many people in the foreign land shouted that after so many years, the immortal king appeared again. This was the existence that created the legend himself. With the red-edged spear and the immortal shield, he became famous.

So at the same time, the heaven and earth shook violently, and a majestic figure appeared, tearing the universe apart, and descended on the world. It was equally majestic and boundless, shaking the heaven and the earth.

Ancient ancestor Yu Tuo!"

In a foreign land, many people were shocked. Three immortal kings appeared in succession. This was a huge event that defied the heavens. It could be said that it had never happened before.

They are so powerful, they have unparalleled blood energy, and they are so strong that they can squeeze the stars all over the sky.

In just a moment, countless powerful beings in this world were alarmed. Many people were terrified and had chills running down their spines.

The figures of the three immortal kings from foreign lands seem to have transcended time and space, and are felt by all parties.

Countless people cast their gazes here, and all of them were frightened. The three immortal kings and their Dharma figures stood between heaven and earth. Their divine light was shining brightly, forming a terrifying coercion that swept across the vast universe. They looked solemnly and looked out. Jiutian direction.

The whole sky and the earth were shaken, and not long after, many people faintly saw a terrifying scene.

A demon tree towering into the sky, with fluff floating all over the sky, exploded in the void, and terrifying raging flames swept across the universe. That terrifying scene shook people's minds and caused a terrifying and boundless vision.

"Demon King Pu, why did he explode in the direction of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths?"

"What's going on? It's over. Demon King Pu has really fallen now!" The foreign land caused a big earthquake. Demon King Pu actually fell now. It was really a shocking storm. Countless creatures were frightened and were kneeling down to worship. This generation is immortal. The king died, which was a major event that shocked ancient history.

At the same time, at the Nine Heavens Imperial Pass, several terrifying figures stood on the city wall, and they were also shocked and confused. A person who had been dead for an eternity had been dormant in the Nine Heavens, and only now died completely. Many supreme beings were frightened and began to secretly rejoice. stand up.

"In the eight realms of the lower realm, who can kill Demon King Pu? Is there such a thing?" Many people in the Bianhuang Emperor Pass sighed with incomprehensible expressions.

Even though they are Supremes, they are deeply wary of this Immortal King who has been famous since ancient times. After all, there are not many people who dare to stand up to the True Dragon, the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation, and the Immortal King of Eternal Life.

Who actually killed Demon King Pu?"

The Red King frowned, and all his long red hair began to fly. Endless fragments of time were flying, drowning him. He became truly angry, and the immortal king died violently.
This is a naked slap in the face of a foreign land
The Red King's red hair was like fire, dancing there, emitting dazzling runes. His aura was overwhelming, and his whole body was surging, reaching an extremely terrifying height.

In an instant, his body exploded and towered into the universe. Stars surrounded him. He showed the most terrifying posture and began to deduce the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

In an instant, the stars around him were falling, and some big stars exploded into fireworks-like light, and finally turned into ashes.

A large crack in the darkness exploded. The power of black was unparalleled. The sky cracked open, holes appeared one after another, and the stars in the sky dimmed.

A long river of time appeared, rushing away endlessly, sweeping the heaven and earth, blooming with immeasurable divine light. The Red King used the forbidden secret technique to go back in time to find the creature who killed the Pu Demon King.

The next moment, a terrifying breath surged upstream, causing huge waves. The long river of time surged through the space, and from the sky, stars fell one after another.

This sight is so terrible and extremely shocking.

Even An Lan and Yu Tuo, who are both Immortal Kings, have solemn expressions on their faces. They are worthy of being giants among the Immortal Kings. The Red King is indeed extremely tyrannical, and his control over time and space can be said to be superb.


After a moment, the figure of the Red King burst out with the most terrifying light, like countless suns crowded together, and then exploded, turning into thousands of beams of light that seemed to merge into an ancient river, with a faint shadow emerging, The majestic and hazy aura submerged into the river, suddenly setting off a huge wave.

"Boom!" Astonishing divine light surged, boundless chaos surged, and the long river of time rushed past, bringing up waves one after another, just like one world after another being born and dying.

"How could this happen? The world is in chaos and cannot be deduced!"

Not long after, the Red King shouted, and the long river of time actually reversed, hitting his chest, and he flew out with a boom that shook the earth.

"Impossible!" He growled, blood bleeding from the corner of his mouth. Even if he was deducing the Immortal King, it would be impossible for him to receive such a terrible backlash.

An Lan and Yu Tuo's expressions changed suddenly, and they also saw a terrifying backlash, which was definitely the power to hurt the Immortal King.

Everyone was stunned and speechless. That was the Immortal King, as powerful as the Red King, but he was injured like this.
There are many majestic powers in this world. They run through endless time and space, like the long river of time, and are immortal and exist forever.middle,

Only those who are proficient in the law of time and have reached the very depths can have a glimpse of its appearance and borrow some great power. However, the Red King, with the help of this long river of time, has destroyed countless enemies, but now he has encountered the reverse. This is Unimaginably terrible!
The Red King's face was gloomy. He was best at the field of time and space, but now it failed. His whole body was trembling. He, an unparalleled powerhouse who studied time, unexpectedly died and was almost severely injured. Although it was not serious, he was also seriously injured. I have to say this is an irony!
An Lan and Yu Tuo were silent. They knew that the Red King was a beast of time, but they could not deduce the people of the Nine Heavens, but they were backlashed, which made their faces become solemn.

What does this mean? It goes without saying that the person who killed Demon King Pu must have an amazing origin.

"The weather has changed." The Red King slowly adjusted his injuries and spoke coldly, his eyes flashing with an astonishing cold light.

"Nine Heavens, be destroyed!" Ancient Ancestor An Lan spoke softly, his tone was cold, as if his voice was echoing under the sky.

"Wait a minute, if there wasn't that weird abyss, why would it be like this? However, the day when Jiutian will be destroyed is not far away," the Immortal King Yu Tuo said indifferently, his voice shaking the universe.

The three immortal kings were extremely indifferent, looking in the direction of the Imperial Pass. The astonishing light tore through the world, causing many people in the upper echelons of the Imperial Pass to tremble, thinking that the Immortal Kings were coming to knock the gate forcibly.

It wasn't until the three immortal kings left and looked away that many people in Diguan felt relieved and felt like their whole bodies were soaked in cold sweat.

Demon King Pu is completely dead!
Standing with his fist closed, Xu Yu still looked extremely calm.

The bones of his bones made a crisp sound, like thunder and thunder, like a rolling river and waves hitting the sky. The battle blood in his body gradually cooled down as the battle ended.

The fierce battle with Demon King Pu gave him a rich harvest. Although Demon King Pu did not return to his former peak, he also reached the peak of the supreme realm. It was so terrifying that Xu Yu was also damaged a lot.

Is it finally over?

The expression of the real dragon phantom was extremely complicated, and it was difficult to understand the feeling in his heart. The most hated executioner in the past nine heavens and ten earths has now completely fallen like this.

"After all, he is not at his peak, and he is far from able to display his true strength." Xu Yu's expression was extremely dull. After all, the opponent had not yet returned to his peak state. He was still very calm and not at all arrogant.

"In any case, you have eliminated a formidable enemy for Jiutian. Even if this Demon King Pu falls to such a state, it is not something that ordinary supreme beings can deal with." True Dragon Shadow sighed.

Xu Yu nodded, his eyes showing a strange color

"Now, I guess Foreign Land will not let it go, the Immortal King will fall," the real dragon Xuying said suddenly worriedly, for Jiutian and the others would definitely make a comeback.Worry,
It's a pity that I still can't return to my peak condition and can't play.

The real dragon phantom couldn't help but shook his head.

It doesn't matter, who can say clearly what will happen in the future? Xu Yu shook his head and said with a smile.

"I hope so," the real dragon phantom nodded.

After a long time, the real dragon spoke again, his eyes seemed a little far away, and said: Just now, Demon King Pu said that you do not belong to this ancient history, and you have jumped out of the long river of time and space?" The real dragon's eyes were shining brightly.

Xu Yu's heart trembled, remembering that when he was perfecting against the current, he was going against the long river of time.

Immediately, he shook his head again, indicating that he was unclear. Now, he is just a humane supreme. He really doesn't know much about the long history of time. He thinks it may be related to the system, but he will not say it rashly.

Destiny lies on the long river of time and space. "The real dragon said again, "Perhaps in this life, you are the biggest variable in jumping out of the long river of time. "The real dragon suddenly opened the door.

"Maybe." Xu Yu smiled and couldn't deny it.

In the future, the enemies he will face are not only the Immortal King, but also the strange ethnic groups in foreign lands, seas, and heavens. They still have a long way to go.

Then Xu Yu sat down cross-legged and entered a state of trance. Bao Yuan Shou was covered with red clouds and began to repair his body.

In an instant, Xu Yu's cultivation aura rose again, and his whole body glowed, as bright as the sun. The surroundings evolved into a void field, and there were signs of distortion. Chaos filled the air and enveloped him.

"Sure enough, it is a variable. It is amazing. 5 True Dragon's eyes are solemn. After the battle, Xu Yuwai made another breakthrough. It is simply unbelievable. This kind of speed can put countless people to shame.

Supreme level cultivation is no better than ordinary cultivation and requires years of accumulation. However, the young man in front of him is already progressing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even though he was an Immortal King in the ancient immortal era, he couldn't help but feel a bit tongue-tied at this moment.

two months later.

Xu Yu's black hair moved without wind, and the chaotic energy surrounding his body gradually showed some signs of solidification. The void where he was located began to twist slightly, and several small spaces were opened up invisibly.

The light in Xu Yu's eyes was blazing. This was an amazing improvement. He felt that he had finally gone a step further. At his level, it was extremely rare.

"Congratulations." Zhenlong celebrated. Such a young seed player may really bring some different changes to Nine Heavens and Ten Earths in the future.

Xu Yu closed his head slightly, indicating that he was almost done practicing.
Then, the shadow of the real dragon dimmed directly, submerged into the real dragon's horns and transformed into a ring again, which was put on Xu Yu's hand.

"I don't know how these little guys are doing with their experience now." Xu Yu's mind moved slightly. Baiduan Mountain has now started some time.
"Forget it, let's go out and take a look." Xu Yu's mind moved and he stepped out from the depths of Baiduan Mountain and appeared in a brand new world.

In this small world, the harmonious sunshine shines, the flowers and trees are brilliant, the ancient trees are towering, and they are full of vitality.

Not long after, Xu Yu came to a land of steaming auspicious energy, where all kinds of vegetation were emitting light.

This is a garden of elixirs, shrouded in divine radiance, filled with brilliance and energy. Even ordinary medicines become crystal clear and the aura is extremely rich.After a moment, Xu Yu's figure appeared inside the Baicao Garden.

The mountains and forests are green and steaming, and the Herb Garden is peaceful and quiet, like a piece of pure land.

It's like a dream here, very unreal. Even the most ordinary plants and trees are extremely bright here, emitting rays of light.

"Well, there is an inexplicable field 95
As soon as Xu Yu came in, he felt a force that distorted the void. Of course, this kind of force is nothing to him, and it is not considered a weird stone at all!"

Suddenly, Xu Yu opened his eyes and made a sound, like a divine sword roaring. He raised his hand to pick up an immortal eye stone in the divine garden and held it in his hand.

"Holy shit, how did you find me?" The stone in Xu Yu's hand suddenly screamed
"A piece of broken stone can actually talk?"

Xu Yu spoke lightly, and his mind moved slightly. Perhaps because he had been with Shi Hao for a long time, he became a little childlike. He couldn't help but want to play with this stone, and he also recognized it in his heart. It was the God Stone. .

"Brother, don't kill me. I just lived in the divine garden. I was accidentally contaminated with the powder of the psychic divine flower, so I opened up my spiritual wisdom and became a talking stone." Little Stone suddenly screamed in horror.
Xu Yu smiled, this is one of the ten evils, it is really unbelievable to say that he has such virtue.

A grain of dust can fill up the sea, and this is the God-beating stone. This family can also be called the God-beating stone, a strange stone that can reproduce future generations. Its other names are: stubborn stone, lightning stone, and stone of destiny.

It is an extremely hard stone with a very high hit rate. It has divine consciousness and is extremely psychic. It can swallow other strange stones to enhance its strength or evolve. It is extremely rare. Only a few of this strange stone have appeared since ancient times. It is extremely rare. , known as the greatest treasure in the world.

The ancient saints and divine beings all wanted to make weapons, but it was rare to find them. The Imperial Butterfly Clan once almost ranked among the top ten evils, but because of the existence of the God-Smashing Stone Clan, they were not able to enter the top ten. Unfortunately, they were not selected.
Unexpectedly, there are descendants of this lineage of God-killing Stone still existing in the world.

The real dragon phantom also spoke, with a touch of emotion. The God-Smashing Stone was also one of the ten evils. He died in the battle at the end of the Immortal Ancient Period, and now he has met his descendants again. I have to say that the trajectory of fate is mysterious. Unparalleled.

This small eight realms of the lower realm can be described as hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Various great gods are dormant and people dare not underestimate them.

"How do you know!" Dashenshi was suddenly shocked and yelled, seemingly completely out of shape. He was actually recognized by these two people at a glance, and what kind of terrifying existence the other person was.

What are you calling? "Xu Yu held the God-killing Stone in his hand, and gently pressed it on the stone. It hurt. It almost crushed it. Don't be so violent. The God-killing Stone shouted, terrified.

This stone as big as a man's head was grinning, and he always felt that it would break at any time in the hands of this mysterious man. There seemed to be an extremely terrifying aura dormant in the man in front of him, making his whole body tremble.

"It's interesting. Xu Yu looked at the God-beating Stone

"Brother, my skinny body cannot withstand such a torment. You, the boss, are too big to deal with this little one." Da Shen Shi opened his mouth wide.

This stone really has a mouth and eyes, and it can move and make a clicking sound. At this moment, Xu Yu has a sad face, hoping that Xu Yu can let him go.

"No, if the rumored God-Striking Stone were to let you go, wouldn't it be a rare treasure?" Xu Yu said with a smile, his face looked a little mysterious, which made the God-Striking Stone a little frightened.

As for the ring that made the sound, its terrifying aura also made him panic. It was obviously another extremely terrifying existence.

Big brothers, I know there is a fountain of youth in the medicine field ahead. I will take you there, can you please let me go? "Zhaishen Shi looked for it eagerly,
The real dragon mark was speechless, and he didn't say a word. He couldn't imagine how the descendants of the ten fierce men who beat the sacred stone could have such virtues. This was too embarrassing for the ten fierce men.

"No need, let's go together." Xu Yu smiled lightly, grabbed the magic stone, took one step, and appeared in the depths of the elixir garden.

This sacred garden is very large and full of brilliance. At first, you could only see some scattered precious medicines, but deep into the medicine field, it finally became different.
The rich fragrance is astounding, and the front is like an ocean of spiritual energy. The clouds are flying and the energy is surging. It is very gorgeous and eye-catching.
This is a real ancient medicine field. There are still spiritual things growing today. I don’t know how many years have passed. Many ancient medicines died of old age and turned into mud. Then the seeds sprouted again and grew again.
"Hey, there is another field." Xu Yu said lightly. The field here suddenly increased by more than ten times than before.

The man who hit the God Stone was dumbfounded. He knew how terrifying the scene here was, but this young man took one step over without being affected at all?
If an ordinary strong person comes to this place, it will definitely explode. The void here seems to be distorted, and there is an extremely mysterious secret power flowing.

Brother, if you bring me closer, I feel like I am about to burst. "The God-Smashing Stone screamed. Although he said so, the scene was terrifying, but there were no cracks all over his body and it was still very smooth.

Xu Yu's palm fingers glowed, and a soft light curtain emerged, covering the God-Smashing Stone, preventing him from being oppressed by the field here.

The God-Smashing Stone was shocked. This person is too scary. He can ignore the rules here. If he had known, in this depth, even if he wanted to hit the God-Stone, he would not be willing to set foot here easily.

Deep in the medicine field, there is endless golden light, like golden waves.

Like that, it rushed towards the sky, and wisps of auspicious colors enveloped it.

"Fountain of Youth!" God-beating Stone suddenly shouted.

There is a spring pool there, only one foot square, emitting golden waves, extremely bright and dazzling, blazing like water.

Xu Yu appeared by the spring pool. The place was vast, with golden ripples and golden symbols in the water, causing terrifying fluctuations.

There is no divine spring here, only golden sand is left, without any juice.

"Dash the God Stone shouted, what a good thing, his eyes were shining and he was trembling with excitement.

Xu Yu threw him out and let the stone fall to the sand.
Thank you, brother!" God-Smashing Stone was immediately happy and excited. These silts were priceless treasures to him.
He dove into the sand and swallowed without stopping.The mud and sand there are crystal clear and extremely moist, shimmering with golden light, possessing terrifying divine power.

"A golden little dragon." Suddenly, Xu Yu's eyes flashed.A small golden dragon appeared, only more than a foot long. Xu Yu could tell at a glance that it was the Fountain of Youth in its form.

Then, he reached out with one hand and grabbed the little golden dragon that had transformed from the Fountain of Youth.
It exudes golden brilliance and is extremely dazzling, like a small sun that has reached its peak, shining in all directions.
The Fountain of Youth is truly an amazing creation, but unfortunately, it is not made of stone.

The God-Smashing Stone puffed, glanced at the Fountain of Youth that turned into a little dragon, and swallowed a big mouthful of sand. As soon as he spoke, the sand fell from his mouth.

"So that's it, this is indeed a fairy spring eye. Xu Yu held the little dragon transformed from the Fountain of Youth and nodded, thoughtfully

He remembered that there were only a few immortal spring eyes between the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. With the end of the Immortal Ancient War, everything disappeared, and now he actually saw some of them.

Xu Yu's pupils flickered as she stared at the little dragon. Runes intertwined in her eyes, shooting out regular thin lines.

Unfortunately, it's of little use to me. "Xu Yu shook his head, but still put away the little dragon that had transformed from the Fountain of Youth...

If Xu Yu hadn't been here, it would have been difficult for ordinary people to discover that this essence actually transformed into the shape of a dragon, flew into the sky and escaped from the earth, going in and out of the sun, moon, water and fire, covering its own aura.
As for the God-killing Stone, he also showed an expression of extreme surprise. It was absolutely extraordinary to be able to subdue the boss of the Fountain of Youth.

Later, Xu Yu was about to leave, but the God-beating Stone jumped up with a mouth full of sand.
"Brother, take me with you, and my little brother will ride for you!"

He looked eagerly, with a look of expectation in his eyes. This was a big shot in front of him, and he didn't want to miss it. He had a vague feeling that if he followed the person in front of him, he would have an amazing opportunity.

"That's fine." Xu Yu smiled faintly. He was going back to Shicun anyway, and the meat would rot in the pot.
"Okay" hit the magic stone and had fun, Xu Yu caught it, put it away and left the magic medicine garden
In Baiduan Mountain, the training is still proceeding in an orderly manner. Although the suspected ancient magic tree exploded in Baiduan Mountain, causing a big stir, it eventually calmed down.

Various ancient relics and geniuses of the human race are gradually approaching the end of their experience in this world.

The Golden Crow sank in the west, and night came, but it was not completely dark. A Jade Rabbit appeared, emitting white light and falling on the earth.

On a piece of void animal skin, Shi Wu and a group of people were admiring the moon. There were human monks and strong aliens, such as a big fiery red bird and nine-headed lions, feasting at the same time.

There was actually a big black pot placed in front of several people. The fragrance was so fragrant that people couldn't help but salivate. There were also some elixirs stewed together, which were crystal clear and exuded divine brilliance.

Various animal meats were placed on the fire, roasted to a golden shine and exuding an alluring aroma.

This little guy can always come up with new tricks.The Mark of the True Dragon is also somewhat speechless.

Xu Yu was also speechless. Xiao Shi Wu was usually either fighting or eating, and there was really no one left.

"Ten caves are rare." Xu Yu's eyes suddenly brightened, and he had an insight into Shi Hao's reality. Now he has actually opened up ten caves, and it seems that he deliberately suppressed himself and did not break through, otherwise he would be able to break through at any time. All can enter the spirit transformation realm.

A few days later, Baiduan Mountain exploded. In the mountains, in the plains, the whole small world was filled with killings. The aborigines here broke out, hunting down the foreigners.

Many geniuses were killed because they were too young, not high enough and did not fully grow up, while the aborigines were not restricted and were all old monsters.

Not long after, a divine monkey king appeared here. Because he lost two small holy medicine plants, he wanted to take revenge, blocked the exit, and wanted to wash the place with blood.

The monkey king was injured. This was the injury he suffered from defeating the enemies in the duel not long ago. At the same time, he felt very uncomfortable because he lost the sacred tree and sacred wine.

Suddenly, there was a roar in Baiduan Mountain, and everyone was in danger, fearing that they would encounter the vicious hands of the monkey king in front of them.


Finally, when the sun rose again, this small world shook again. It was unstable and seemed to be cracked. Chaos was surging.

A huge portal opened, and the bottom of the passage to the outside penetrated

A big foot fell, and the Monkey King displayed the Law of Heaven and Earth, which was so tall that even the earth collapsed with the chop of the foot. The runes were intertwined, and many creatures turned into flesh.

Everyone gasped. This time, at least a hundred people were killed. It was so brutal.

He stood guard in front of the portal, not wanting to let many creatures pass through. Everyone was anxious that if the small world was closed, they would be completely trapped. Even if they could survive, it would be a hundred years before they wanted to go out again.

"I said, no one can leave, everyone will die here!" The monkey roared, blocking the entrance like a golden mountain.

"It's so cruel." God-Smashing Stone couldn't help but gasped.


Suddenly, a feather fell down, the light was bright, the misty aura circulated, and another red fire burned.

He was like a red fairy sword flying across the sky, slashing down with force. The body of the Monkey King was penetrated and split into two parts, and blood surged. Naturally, it was Xu Yu who took action and killed the Monkey King directly.

Standing at the end of the passage, there was an extremely majestic figure with a slight expression on his face. He was about to take action against the fierce Monkey King, but he stopped at this moment.

"Is it... him!" This is an unrivaled strong man, wearing a dragon, walking like a tiger and walking like a dragon. He is the Human Emperor of the Fire Kingdom, but at this moment, he has an extremely solemn look on his face.

The visitor is the Fire Emperor. As the Fire Emperor who controls hundreds of millions of miles of territory, he came to Baiduan Mountain this time just to take care of his daughter as soon as possible.

Oh my God, whoever is taking action can kill the Monkey King with just one blow!"

"The Monkey King is dead! Charge!"

Although many geniuses were surprised, they did not dare to delay. Bee Chrysalis stepped forward and quickly left this small world.

After fighting here for so long, everyone is very tired and want to leave immediately. They feel that staying for a while longer will be torture. The trial of Baiduan Mountain is over!
Many creatures came out and were welcomed by the elders of their sect clans. Many young and powerful people had greatly improved their strength, which made those who came to be welcomed by the sect family very happy.


Of course, there are also many sects whose disciples have died. Their faces are ugly and livid, and they cannot bear such losses.

(End of this chapter)

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