You must know that the Monkey King is a powerful prince. His strength is monstrous and unparalleled in the world. There are few people who can compete with him.

In that small ancient world, he can almost be regarded as the top of the pyramid. A group of old kings are no match for him. You can imagine how terrifying he is. He is definitely the top figure below the venerable.

However, it was killed by a mysterious strong man with one blow and exploded into a ball of blood mist. This terrible achievement was enough to make people tremble and dare not imagine how powerful it was.

A person of this level is probably only capable of being suppressed by an exalted person, but having said that, in this small world, even an exalted person cannot enter, let alone kill him directly.

"Your Majesty, if you take action, will you kill this king like this?" An old man among the human race asked, looking at the people aside with a look of reverence on his face.

He has a high seniority, but he dare not show any disrespect to the people beside him.

The man he looked at was extremely tall, and he was actually wrapped in a ball of blazing light. He was very aloof, as if he was born to resonate with the avenue. He was the Fire Emperor, and he was also one of the top sages of the human race.

He has an unparalleled and amazing temperament, and every step he takes is consistent with the pulse of heaven and earth. He is not the unity of heaven and man in the ordinary sense, but a posture after transcendence, truly dominating the world.

I cannot enter this ancient small world. Although I can suppress the Monkey King from across the small world, it is not easy to kill him. "The Fire Emperor said calmly and shook his head.

Everyone was in an uproar after hearing this. After receiving such a definite answer from the Fire Emperor, they couldn't help but feel shocked. Even the Human Emperor who ruled the wilderness could not do this. It can be imagined how powerful the person who took action was. If the origin is carefully investigated. , will probably scare people to death.

"Is he a god who lights the fire?"

Suddenly someone spoke, causing many people to fall silent, thinking about it with horror.

Especially some geniuses who returned from Baiduan Mountain were even more shocked. They were arrogant and arrogant, but now they had to betray. Even if they practiced hard all their lives, they would still be unable to reach the level of the Human Emperor, let alone the gods who ignited the divine fire. That's like a real taboo.

"Perhaps, he is the strong man who can deal with the Pu Demon Tree!" Someone suddenly guessed, which made many people look solemn and shocked.
Not long ago, everyone inside and outside Baiduan Mountain saw a fleeting battle scene. The Demon Pu tree towering into the sky was in a duel with a mysterious strong man. At the end, the Demon Pu tree exploded. , alarmed Yu, and many people saw it.

There is no doubt that that kind of aura has surpassed that of the Venerable. Everyone speculated that many of them may be due to the duel between the two gods. Now the speculation seems to have been confirmed. If he takes action, it will probably not be difficult to kill the Monkey King with a snap of his fingers.

But the Fire Emperor fell silent. He had directly explored the world in that passage and was about to take action, but someone jumped in first and killed the Monkey King. However, even at that time, he did not see who took action. .

This is not in line with common sense. He has reached the extreme on the road of being a venerable person. Even if he is defeated by the strong man who lit the divine fire, he will not be able to catch any fluctuations and tracks.

In the Fire Emperor's heart, a more terrifying thought suddenly arose. The person who took action was likely to have transcended the divine fire realm!
How could they have imagined that a duel at that level would already involve immortals reaching a realm that they would never be able to look up to in their lifetimes?

The Pu Demon Tree is dead, so where is the god like this!
Everyone's hearts are swaying and their blood is surging. Nowadays, the Venerable is the top fighting force in the world, and no gods have been born for I don't know how many years. And in Baiduan Mountain, everyone speculates that there is a real god. How can he let it happen? People are not shocked.

But just now they were disappointed, there seemed to be no trace of the gods in the passage.

"Perhaps, the god has left and reached his level, and he can probably freely enter and exit Baiduan Mountain." Someone speculated.

Many people were immediately disappointed when they heard this. It seems that there is no chance to see the gods that existed only in legends. I have to say that this is a huge regret.
"Shi Yi has come out, he is really the reincarnation of an ancient god!" Suddenly, when everyone was in a low mood, someone exclaimed and headed towards the exit.

It was a young man with a slender figure, strong and powerful, with loose black hair, double pupils in his eyes, and a heroic appearance. He was dragging a huge ancient beast, making the ground tremble.

It was an old dragon, huge in size, with many wounds on its body, and bones exposed in many places.

"The old man who fought with the Monkey King was unexpectedly killed by Shi Yi!" A pure-blooded creature showed a strange color.

Shi Yi moves like a dragon and a tiger, attracting the attention of many people. There is divine radiance flowing on its body surface, and even its hair is shining.

Everyone from Prince Wu's Mansion came over, surrounding Shi Yi in the center, taking great care of him, their eyes full of doting.

In the distance, a solitary figure named Wu Dianshi watched quietly, his big eyes pure and extremely bright, but he said nothing.

Xu Yu had already appeared, quietly looking at Shi Wu in the distance, sighing secretly, this scene was somewhat sad.

"My supreme bones have been gathered together. The patriarchs of Shicun, my uncles, my eldest brother and Liu Shen, if I am not under the protection of Prince Wu's Mansion, I will still be no worse than anyone else." Xiao Shiwu thought to himself, and raised his fists. , looking at the young man in the distance who was surrounded by everyone and looked like a proud son of the emperor.
The little boy turned around, left the area where Prince Wu's Mansion was, and walked toward the distant land. He had to walk his own path, and there was no need for so many fetters.

He had reached this point without the guards and elixir from Prince Wu's Mansion. He always believed that he was the strongest and would embark on a new path.

However, not long after he turned around, a warm palm rested on his shoulder, causing Shi Wu's body to tremble slightly and a wave of warmth to surge into his heart.

"Big brother"

Shi Wu's eyes widened and he was surprised, this person appeared so suddenly if he wasn't his eldest brother, and he didn't notice it at all.

Now that he saw someone so close to him, he couldn't help but blush. Although his heart was extremely tough, he was still a child after all, showing his true temperament.

"You did a great job on your trip to Baiduan Mountain."

Xu Yu spoke with a smile, affirmed Xiao Shi Hao's achievements, and encouraged him a few words, which made Xiao Shi Wu feel a little embarrassed.

"Big brother is so powerful. Could it be that the person who killed Pu Magic Number is you, big brother? You even saw through the transformation technique of Mao Qiu." Xiao Shi Wu suddenly widened his eyes and asked tentatively.

Xu Yu smiled, unable to comment, showing his unpredictability.

The little one was shocked. This big brother was too strong. He knew that even the Venerable could not enter Baiduan Mountain.
Some people with advanced cultivation can only seal their own cultivation and cannot show their perfect power, otherwise they will be killed by the rules of that small world. But this big brother actually used such terrifying power. Even the Pu Demon Tree, which was like a god in ancient times, was also killed.

Moreover, he just heard the words of the father of the fat girl Huo Ling'er, and he felt even more shocked. He felt that the origin of this big brother must be extremely terrifying.

Stop thinking nonsense. At present, it is more important to practice well. Xu Yu said with a faint smile, touched his little head and educated him.

"Go and find your sect. I will take you back to Shicun for baptism soon." Xu Yu said with a slight smile.

"Yeah!" The little Shi Wu nodded, his disappointment gone, he was still a child after all, and after seeing Xu Yu, he became happy again.

"By the way, big brother, I got a lot of good things in Baiduan Mountain this time. Would you like some monkey wine? It's delicious!"

Shi Hao happily opened the Qiankun bag, took out a strange bird without hair that was eating the elixir block, and sat him directly under his butt, causing the strange bird to let out a mournful cry.

"Bald man, you ate it secretly again. I will take these back to the village." Shi Hao said dissatisfied.

"Let me out, the bald guy was almost knocked to death. He finally recovered by rolling his eyes, and he almost died!"

"Well, you." The bald man wanted to pretend to be serious, but suddenly saw Xu Yu, his back began to feel cold, and his lips trembled.

"A peacock."

Xu Yu's eyes flashed, and he immediately saw the identity of this strange hairless bird, while the bald peacock was so frightened that he was speechless.

Then Xiao Bu Dian handed some monkey wine to Xu Yu. Xu Yu accepted it with a smile and did not refuse his kindness.

After learning that Xu Yu was about to return to the village, Shi Wu took out many of the elixirs he had collected and asked Xu Yu to take them back to the village. Xu Yu directly agreed.

"Go, the elders of your sect are still waiting for you." Xu Yu smiled and waved his sleeves, and the little one disappeared and appeared in Duankong City.

Xu Yu knew that the elder of Butian Pavilion who was originally waiting at the exit did not find the little one right away. He had returned to Duankong City and was waiting for the little one to arrive at the agreed place.

In an instant, Shi Wu was shocked. He found that he was already in the residence of Duankong City. He was originally planning to hide, but he didn't expect that he was teleported directly here.

The little one had a solemn look on his face, and once again he showed his elder brother that he really had advanced cultivation.

Understanding of Xu Yu’s strength.

Then, the little boy took a deep breath and looked at the man holding a yellow gourd not far away. That was Tao Ye, the elder of Butian Pavilion.

"Uncle, do you want to buy a sword?" Little Shi Wu walked up to Tao Zhi and asked with a smile.

"I only sell cursed swords, not other swords!" Tao Ye said with his heart skipping a beat when he saw a strong young man walking over.

"make a deal!"

The little one smiled and his big eyes blinked slightly.

"You kid, I didn't expect you to come so fast!" Tao Ye was pleasantly surprised and quickly pulled the little one to the garden and back to his residence.

Afterwards, they placed several extremely special talisman bones, took out a small altar, recited incantations, and made sacrifices.


A brilliant passage appeared in the void, leading to the distance. Tao Ye directly pulled them up and entered quickly. Then the glow flashed past and their figures disappeared.

Xu Yu looked around, took one step forward, and passed through the mountains in a blink of an eye.

"What a boss!" God-Smashing Stone was shocked in his heart. Seeing Dao take a step forward, almost exceeding the speed of time, he sighed in his heart, what an amazing power this is.

"Sure enough, I am wise enough to embrace such a thick thigh." Shi Mei, the god of heaven, had bubbling noses and was so happy that she felt like she was in heaven.

Xu Yu walked very fast, passing many mountains along the way. In the distance, a village appeared in front of him.
There are many people in the village, and the houses are still the same. They are all very familiar. After so long, there are no special changes.

An ancient tree took root in front of the village. Its thick trunk was scorched black and had been struck by lightning. Now it has shed some of its old bark in many places and is full of vitality.
And on top of the lightning-struck tree, there are now more than 30 green branches, exuding a soft brilliance, like the divine chain of order from the epoch-making era. They are hanging down naturally, and they are full of vitality. It seems that the Willow God has fallen into a deep sleep and has not yet woken up. .

At this moment, Dashenshi opened his mouth wide and stared at the willow tree at the end of the village. He felt like he was shaking all over, and he felt like he had fallen down early due to fright.

"Another big boss, is this really a village?" The whole stone was completely numb.
"Sir, you are back!"

At the gate of Shicun, a lion-like miraculous creature rushed over. It was covered in golden light, more brilliant than the sun, wrapped in clouds and smoke, and followed by two giant beasts.
"It's silly to hit the sacred stone. This village is actually protected by a venerable person."

This village, this is too outrageous.

Behind him is a tall demon ape with a pair of fleshy wings growing from its back, and its body is wrapped in black energy. Behind him is a sacred bull demon with four hooves stepping on fire, which is also extremely powerful.

Several ferocious beasts came up to greet them and showed respect. If it weren't for Xu Yu, they would never be here today. They didn't expect Xu Yu to come back so soon. This was an unexpected surprise.

The appearance of several ferocious beasts made Dashenshi's understanding of Shicun one step closer.

"Is this a small village? It's obviously the retreat of the supremely powerful clan!"

In Xu Yu's hair, the God-beating Stone murmured to himself.

"And that willow tree, it is definitely an existence beyond the gods!"

Xu Yu also knew that even if Liu Shen fell into a deep sleep, these few people would definitely be safe and sound in Shicun.

"My lord is back!"

At this moment, people in the village discovered Xu Yu, and many people showed joy on their faces.

A group of young people gathered around, and there were also many clan elders, women and children who came out. Their faces were filled with joy. I didn’t expect Xu Yu to come back so soon.

"Sir, do you know how the little one is doing now? Not long after, the clan leader came over. After greetings for a while, he was full of worry.

The little one was raised by him and has been taken care of by him since he was a child. He has long regarded him as his biological grandson, so he naturally cares about him very much.

"It doesn't matter. He is practicing in Butian Pavilion. It is going well and there is no danger. And he will be back soon to be baptized." Xu Yu said.

"Okay, okay, that's good." Shi Yunfeng wiped his tears. He almost became ten years younger when he heard the news. With his little one out of the way, everything was fine. This was his biggest comfort, and he finally felt relieved.

"Butian, that is a great sect in the wilderness. It is his creation to practice there." The village chief lamented.

And all the people in Shicun were less worried. Since the little one was fine, they had nothing to worry about.

Later, Xu Yu took out many elixirs, and various precious lights flashed, making everyone in Shicun almost breathless and couldn't believe their eyes.

Here, there are more than [-] or [-] elixir plants alone, which are full of brilliance and fragrant aroma.

"Sir, this is it!" All the people in Shicun couldn't take their eyes away.

"I didn't give this to you, but the little one asked me to bring it to you." Xu Yu said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, this kid is so honest. He always remembers us for all the good things he does."

A clan elder said with emotion, Xu Yu was a little speechless. That boy was loyal and honest in Shicun, but he was just a naughty kid in the outside world, and he didn't know how many troubles he caused.

After an unknown amount of time, everyone in the village gradually dispersed. "Uh-huh!"

The ancient tree at the head of the village swayed, its branches became translucent and shining, swaying in the wind, and words came out. Apparently, he felt Xu Yu's breath and came back again.

"I didn't expect you to come back so soon."

"Sure enough, it's you, ancestor sacrifice spirit." At this time, the shadow of the real dragon appeared.

The shadow of the real dragon appeared, and he suddenly opened his eyes. Two dazzling mixed lights, accompanied by endless vicissitudes of life, broke into nothingness, seeming to have illuminated the past, present and future.

After the ancient battle, the distance was too far away, and now I saw the ancestor sacrificial spirit who was famous in Jiutian again.

He was very emotional. He did not expect that the majestic Immortal Ancient Ancestor Sacrificial Spirit was dormant in this small village. If word spread out and spread to those really big forces, it would definitely set off a huge storm.

The moonlight is soft, hazy and bright, and dozens of wicker branches are green, like divine chains of order, dancing with the wind, carrying a misty atmosphere.

"True Dragon..."

Willow God opened his mouth, emitting fluctuations of spiritual thoughts. The green willow branches were extremely soft, emitting a peaceful light, and said softly.

"I never thought we would meet again."

Liu Shen was also extremely emotional, with a rare fluctuation in his tone. All the past had been buried, and the world had withered. He had not seen a real dragon since the ancient times. He originally thought that all real dragons would be completely defeated. After death, there will be no reappearance in the world.

Liu Shen also saw that the true dragon now had only a trace of mark left, and was in very poor condition. It seemed to be very weak, a little blurry and dim, and it only maintained a little bit of the true spirit.

"Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit, you are indeed defiant and survived. It seems that you have recovered a lot. If it is another day, you may not have a chance to reach the top again."

The real dragon mark opened his mouth and sighed. In the past, his ancestors sacrificed their souls and participated in creation. His fighting power shocked the past and the present. He once went to the other side of the world alone, entered and exited nine times, and killed even the immortal kings of foreign lands with fear. Even so, , the ancestor sacrificial spirit still survived.

It is a pity that the number of Nine Heavens and Ten Lands was out of balance with that of the foreign lands. In the crucial battle of the Immortal Ancient Era, the Immortal King Wushu and the Samsara Immortal King were consumed by the foreign lands. No one could take over. Nine Heavens and Ten Lands were all going to fall. Liu Shen was Rising out of despair, he fought in a foreign land in an environment where everyone was the enemy, and fought the last battle of his life. After the brilliance, there was eternal darkness, and it ended in mourning. People in foreign lands are still afraid and dare not imagine what it is like. The proud and peerless style.

The creator of the legend, the blood-stained taboo existence!
"It's rare for a fellow Taoist to survive."

Liu Shen said again, no matter what, this old friend, although he is not in good condition now, has survived, which makes her feel quite uneasy.

"Thanks to Fellow Daoist Xu, otherwise I wouldn't be able to keep this mark." Zhenlong said, with a touch of Luo Du in his tone, and his eyes became a little dim.

The ancestral sacrificial spirit can continue to advance, and with this imprint of his soul, he is lucky to be alive.

"Brother Taoist, don't worry, you have retained the mark of your true spirit, and there may be no chance of recovery in the future."

Xu Yu said.

"I hope so." The real dragon Xuying said with a bitter smile. He knew in his heart that even the real giant of the Immortal King might not be able to do anything about his situation.

Suddenly, Zhenlong's mind moved. The young man in front of him did not belong to this ancient history, and his background must be extremely shocking. There might be a way to revive him again in the future, and even reach the top.

"Fellow Daoist Xu is right. In my memory, your situation does not seem to be unsolvable. Unfortunately, I have gone to nirvana too many times and have forgotten too much." Liu Shendao, with chaotic energy surging, carried Regretfully spoke.

The eyes of Zhenlong Xuying brightened slightly, and in an instant, he emitted a divine light. He knew the character of the ancestor sacrifice spirit, and he would never talk too much. I think she might really have a way in the future, plus Xu Yu's words , suddenly made him feel that his future was bright again.

Afterwards, Liu Shen and Zhenlong began to talk again. One was the ancestral sacrificial spirit of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths in the past, and the other was also the former leader of the Ten Evils. When they reunited after countless years, they naturally had countless words. In a certain sense In general, they are of the same generation and appear to be more friendly.

In fact, it is understandable that strong men who have reached their level can confirm each other and naturally talk more to each other. Liu Shen would not speak easily, except for talking more to Xu Yu. She seemed very silent most of the time.

Later, Liu Shen learned that the true dragon's son was born with defects and had been plotted by a strong man from a foreign land.

"Foreign lands are despicable. Sooner or later, I will go there again to seek an explanation for many Taoist friends from the past."

The soft twigs are like silk ribbons, carrying the sacred aura. The Willow God whispers, and the green clouds are falling, making people feel peaceful.

She is mysterious and hazy, surrounded by clusters of light groups. On each light group, there seems to be a god sitting cross-legged, worshiping her.
Invisibly, there is a vast and far-reaching secret of the great road coming towards you, and there are also bursts of sacrificial sounds, which are extremely mysterious.

Although he was very peaceful, both Xu Yu and Zhenlong felt an awe-inspiring killing intent sweeping the world.

"I believe that one day there will come a time when the true dragon shadow nods and the ancestral sacrificial spirit is so unparalleled that it can enter and exit nine times back then. How can it be ordinary in this life.

Time passed by, and several months passed.

Wilderness, Butian Pavilion
There was a click, the ground shook, and Butian Pavilion seemed to have experienced a major earthquake, which shocked everyone.

"Everyone was surprised by what happened."

A sudden change occurred in Butian Pavilion, and black cracks spread out one after another on the ground. It was extremely terrifying and spread to everywhere.

"How could this happen?" Many people in Butian Pavilion were uneasy and felt that something was going to change.


Big cracks are spreading, as if the ground is cracking, and the entire Butian Pavilion is almost falling apart.
Looking down from a high altitude, you can see black cracks in the ground, spreading one after another, intersecting like a spider web, and some areas are even darker.

Their spirit sacrifices were no longer working, and the resurrection of their spirits was just an illusion.

There is a lot of discussion from the outside world. Although the previously worshiped spirits of Butian Pavilion have revived, some people still don't believe it, especially some big forces.

They firmly believe that the gourd vine has lived long enough and must be holding on. It will definitely not be able to revive again. Unless a fairy medicine is given or an immortal takes action, how can it return to its peak state?

Above the sky, there is a huge creature approaching, with white wings covering the sky. It is a humanoid creature.

He was dozens of feet long, covered with pure white divine light. He had the body of a human, with a pair of huge wings on his back. There was a vertical eye between his eyebrows, and when he opened and closed it, electric light flickered, deafening.

"The corrupt forces, even though the ancient times were extremely glorious, must come to an end. Today, Shen Teng will completely fall, and Butian Pavilion will no longer exist!"

The voice spoke with a cold voice, and at this moment, Xu Yu also stepped forward and arrived at Butian Pavilion...

Xu Yu came to Butian Pavilion to pick up the little boy, and happened to encounter this scene.

"It's interesting. Sure enough, those people still don't believe that the sacrificial spirit has really revived." Xu Yu couldn't help but chuckle.

He knew that this gourd vine had lived from ancient times to the present and was getting old. Many people would not believe that he was really still alive.

He remembered that in the original work, many sages came to attack, and many forces took advantage of the situation to obtain the divine seeds left behind by the Butian Pavilion to sacrifice the spirits. But Butian Pavilion was completely destroyed after that battle.

But now, the Butian Pavilion Spirit Sacrifice has already returned to its peak, and they only come here to deliver food.

"There are quite a few people here." The person who spoke just now was a Venerable. There were still several Venerables dormant in the darkness of Butian Pavilion, and they did not make any immediate move.

The venerable one who spoke just now seemed to be the first one who couldn't hold it any longer. He wanted to kill the sacrificial spirit and seize the gourd vine, with a burning look in his eyes.


The gourd vine moved, and the vine instantly grew bigger. Its roots turned into trees and reached into the sky. Its leaves were huge and clattering.

Then, his rays of light flowed, and the vines branched. One of the vines, like a war spear, was so murderous that it penetrated the humanoid creature with a single sound.
The humanoid creature struggled fiercely again, its dragon horns were brilliant, its purple light was steaming, as if it was on fire, and it let out a dragon roar, trying to fight with all its strength.

But it was still useless. The war root was indestructible. When stirred hard, it emitted light like a magic gun, almost burning, constantly destroying his vitality, and finally the creature exploded completely.
However, after he killed the venerable gourd vine, its entire body dimmed and many of its green leaves turned yellow, as if it had exhausted a lot of its life force.

Xu Yu was speechless. As expected, this old man had become a spirit with his old age, and he actually wanted to harm those powerful enemies like this.

He could naturally see that Calabash Vine was not in a sluggish state now. He was at the peak of the Divine Fire Realm. How could a Venerable shake him? Deliberately making himself dim was just a way to lure the enemy.

Xu Yu guessed that this old vine wanted to make a big move, otherwise the powerful lords would be scared away.

He remembered that it seemed that this old gourd vine had pretended to be ill a hundred years ago and deceived the most respected sages. Now it was playing the role again, and it seemed a bit familiar. Obviously, it was going to deceive another wave of resentment...

But the senior officials of Butian Pavilion were still sitting upright. They looked calm and not worried about the sacrifices at all. It was obvious that they already knew everything.

Outside Butian Pavilion, there were several terrifying figures, staring here with ferocity. Seeing the state of Calabash Vine, they were a little moved.

It should be almost done, so he said that he was about to die, but he didn't expect that another powerful man would be tricked to death by him. "A distinguished man said in a cold voice.

"Kill, I don't believe that he can really live that long." A humanoid creature on a golden avenue said in a cold voice. He comes from the Southern Meteor Mountain. He has a respected status and roams the wilderness. He has almost nothing. Scruples, Feiyang was used to being domineering, and when faced with such a gourd vine, he couldn't say he was in awe.

"Yes, I will definitely win the divine seed this time!" Next to him, there was also a humanoid creature.

He sat cross-legged in the void, with a divine ring growing behind his head, and his whole body was filled with holy light, making him look majestic.
The humanoid creature from the Southern Meteor Mountain nodded, his eyes showing fear. He knew that the person in front of him was absolutely terrifying, and he also knew his origins.

This creature came from the Suspicious Mountain in the Ancient Sacred Mountain. He was once the sacrifice spirit of Xiao Xitian, and his strength was terrifying.

You must know that Xiao Xitian is absolutely powerful, teaching and country, and is a terrifying and terrifying force. Their sacrifice to the spirit is also an extremely terrifying existence.

"Well, it's a little strange. Why doesn't it seem that there are no disciples from Butian Pavilion? You are so relieved that all of Butian Pavilion can stay, and Calabash Vine is so confident?" A distinguished person said in surprise.

After hearing the words, many venerables nodded, and also noticed some inexplicable auras. If it were such a disaster, ordinary sects would definitely send out seed players to preserve the future fire for the sect, but Butian Pavilion did not. Why do you do this?
I understand, he is probably just bluffing. This old reed can be said to be a treacherous old man. A hundred years ago, didn’t he trick a venerable man to death? Now he is doing this deliberately to make us retreat. "The Venerable Master of Nan Shen Mountain spoke.


"This is so true, fellow Taoist!"

Suddenly, several venerables agreed, nodded, and thought it was reasonable. They all thought that the old gourd vine was really a bluff.
Several venerables quickly moved closer and entered the depths of Butian Pavilion. Even though they said they despised Lao Gourd Vine, they still did not dare to be careless, fearing that the sacrifice spirit would counterattack before death, which would not be worth the gain.
At this moment, the outside world was also turbulent, and many forces were surrounding Butian Pavilion.

"Butian Pavilion is dead. Today is the day when it will be completely destroyed!" A white tiger appeared, Geng metal energy penetrated the snowy man, it was extremely terrifying, and the tiger's roar made the mountains and the earth shake.

This is a person from Xiling Beast Mountain.

Inside and outside Butian Pavilion, the shouts of killing were loud, and all the creatures were attacking, hoping to carve up Butian Pavilion and gain this great opportunity of ancient purity.

"Leave no one behind!" The monks from the Tuoba Ancient Family also arrived and issued a cold order.

Overwhelming everyone, all major races and countless creatures are trying to carve up the divine treasure of Butian Pavilion.

There are also old enemies, such as the Tuoba family, which has been opposed to Butian Pavilion in ancient times, and Xiling Beast Mountain, which are even more vicious and ruthless.

Although many of the powerful disciples who joined Butian Pavilion did not defect, their motives were not pure. They all wanted to die in the battle so that they could bathe in the "rain of the gods".

A long time ago, many big forces suspected that the Butian Pavilion's sacrificial souls were going to be incarnated. There were many lives, and all the tribes were planning to plot a great opportunity.

At this moment, the Pavilion Master of Butian Pavilion also came out with a group of elders, fighting from all sides, with astonishing power.


Many forces attacked, one after another astonishing streams of light came forward, and several more venerables came one after another, terrifying to the sky, they all entered the interior of Butian Pavilion and landed in front of the spirit sacrifice.

"Very good, we are finally here." Calabash Vine spoke softly, the atmosphere of the avenue was hazy, the leaves all over his body were withered and yellow, and he was very sick, but his tone was clear.

"Hmph, you are trying to be mysterious. Do you think this is still the time in ancient times? Hand over the divine seed." A venerable man suddenly frowned and said in a cold voice.


The gourd vine glowed, and the green-skinned gourd sent out wisps, as if it was opening up the world. Chaos surged, turning into a sword energy, piercing through the venerable man, causing blood to splash high, and killed him directly.

"How is that possible!" The faces of the remaining venerables suddenly changed. This old...Teng's aura is so weird. They can't understand why he still has such terrifying combat power now!
"Today, anyone who offends Butian will die!" Lao Teng said softly.The heaven and earth shook, the runes were like an ocean, and the powerful vitality blazed through the heaven and earth.

In the sky, not only the essence of the sun turned into golden divine rivers, but also the galaxies outside the territory were swept away. There were also beams of light falling down, shining brilliantly, forming a terrifying vision.

His originally dull leaves turned green, and then became clear, emitting precious light. The gourds on the vines rumbled, and the scriptures resounded in the sky.

"The breath of the gods!" The faces of many venerables changed and their whole bodies began to tremble.

"The original trajectory is about to change again." Xu Yu whispered. (End of chapter)

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