Chapter 366 All enemies fall
Xu Yu stood in the void, and the chaotic light surged, covering everything. His eyes were so deep that they seemed to jump through the long river of time and reverse the years.

The original Lao Teng died in the battle, and Butian Pavilion was destroyed and became history. Now, under his own interference, the sacrifice spirits of Butian Pavilion have returned to their peak state again, and Butian Pavilion will not make the same mistake again.

How could those venerables be the opponent of a powerful person who ignites the divine fire? Moreover, this old gourd vine is not generally tyrannical. It is also at the peak of the divine fire realm. It is not very far away from the true realm. Now its trajectory has changed. Xu Yu felt an inexplicable sense of expectation.

Deep in the Butian Pavilion, the atmosphere was tense, and the heartbeats of all the venerables were about to stop suddenly. Unexpectedly, the gourd vine ignited the divine fire again!
Calabash has really fully recovered. They know that in ancient times, Calabash Vine was definitely a god. Later, as the years passed, it gradually fell into the realm of the Supreme Being, and there was not much vitality left. Otherwise, it would be eaten. The gods are so brave that they don’t dare to invade the Butian Pavilion.

If there is a force with gods under its control, it must be respected by the whole world.
The ancient trees are towering and their leaves are green.The rays of light shone, filling the air with mist and dew, as if I had arrived before the creation of the world. Divine fire rippled, and the aura unique to the gods came out, making many venerables tremble with fear.

He fully demonstrated his true state, which was surprising. His whole body was filled with holy light and he towered into the sky, as if he was rooted in the beginning of the world. Chaos energy filled the air, and the leaves rustled, just like the sound of scriptures on the great road.

On the sky, runes were densely packed, as if there were chants from the gods.
The roots of the old vines glow and spread in all directions.At the same time, the cracked earth began to close, and the eight or nine spiritual mountains that fell into the abyss rose again.

Even the collapsed palace was restored to its original state after being erected. This scene was like a miracle, leaving people speechless and speechless.

Even though they were far apart, many of the forces that entered Butian Pavilion were still intimidated and could not help but tremble. They even had to come forward and kowtow to worship. They were so powerful that it was unimaginable and terrifying. They felt uneasy in their hearts.
"It's impossible to ignite the divine fire again!" The humanoid creature from Nanshen Mountain said coldly, with an indifferent tone and cold eyes, like two ice cellars.
"You will know after you try it." The Spirit-Sacrificing Gourd Vine said lightly, emitting golden light and tearing apart the sky. There was a terrifying and boundless power and a terrifying sense of oppression, sweeping across all directions. The entire Butian Pavilion felt a wave of The vast power of heaven.

"You have lived a really long time. You became a god in ancient times and became famous in one battle. You are still alive in the world. But your glory will eventually come to an end. You must have forcibly improved your peak combat power in the past. After the first battle, you will still die." On a golden avenue. One humanoid creature spoke after another. He did not believe that the old vine had recovered completely.

It's useless to talk more. Anyone who offends me at Butian Pavilion will die, and you can't leave!" The sacrificial spirit from Butian Pavilion spoke indifferently.

Do you want to trick us again, just like a hundred years ago, but unfortunately times have changed. Even if you are forcibly raised to the peak of power, how long can you last?One of the venerables spoke coldly and sneered.

"In the past, I showed weakness just to kill my opponent. You misjudged me then. Now, you still misjudge me, so you still want to die!" Calabash Teng said lightly.
Just as the spirit sacrificer finished speaking, he took action. The whole body of the spirit sacrificer glowed, and one after another divine chain of order stabilized the world, guarding Butian Pavilion to prevent it from being disturbed by the aftermath of the war. Otherwise, in a war of this level, Butian Pavilion would definitely be destroyed. The sky will fall and the earth will collapse.

All the blades made a "squeaking" sound, as if the blue waves were surging, like one after another of sword energy striking the sky, and like one after another twining stars, extremely bright.

Suddenly, the Venerable who had just opened his mouth screamed. He was so frightened that his whole body was trembling and almost convulsed. He was closest to the gourd and was in danger of being attacked.


At the same time, the Tongtian Sword Qi shook, and the venerable one bore the brunt of the blow, and was hit, penetrating through his chest, and then spreading to his head. The gourd vine ended the battle cleanly.

In the sky, the rays of light are brilliant. The venerable man is burning, turning into the most original essence. The body gradually fades away, and even the bones are refined. Wisps of divine light sink into the vines, and the light is overflowing.
The same goes for the dripping blood, which is absorbed by the rhizome of the spirit sacrifice and becomes the source of nutrients for its gourd vines, causing the green leaves to sway.

In the air, dust fell, and the venerable man turned into ashes and disappeared completely.


Many venerables were shocked. They did not expect Calabash Vine to have such fighting power. It could kill another venerable person so easily. It could not even survive a single confrontation.

"I have truly returned to my peak, my god is intact!"

The remaining venerables were almost stunned with fright. Even the humanoid creatures in Nan Shen Mountain and Wei Mountain had their expressions change drastically, showing incredible expressions.

At this time, they finally came to their senses. The Calabash Vine in front of them had really returned to its peak state. It had pretended to be in a sick state before. It was obviously fishing, which made them hate it with all their teeth. Itching

At this time, several venerables looked angrily at the humanoid creature who said that Butian Pavilion was just a bluff. In one sentence, they were led into a trap.
"Poof, poof!"

The gourd vine strikes again, the sky trembles slightly, black abyss emerges, the earth rumbles, and collapses, a divine chain of order rises into the sky, filled with green clouds, once again pierces a venerable person, splashing terrifying blood flower,
"Forgive me."

It was a beast master, but now his face suddenly changed, his body was penetrated, and endless runes rushed up, almost wiping out his vitality. His eyes were horrified, and he quickly begged for mercy.

I said, anyone who offends Butian Pavilion today will die!" Hu Teng said calmly, his tone unquestionable and very cold.

He has lived from ancient times to the present, and has witnessed the vicissitudes of the sea, the ups and downs of eras, countless great religions have become history, and encountered opponents. But now, if he had not been reborn, Butian Pavilion would definitely be destroyed by these executioners, so kill these people, There was no wave in his heart.

"It's your turn."

The gourd vine opens, green clouds flicker, chaotic light fills the air, and the breath shakes the sky and the earth.

There were still three venerables left, who were so frightened that they were all scared to death. In the blink of an eye, all the great venerables died. This was too terrifying.

They used their magic power and moved very fast, walking along the avenues and walking away quickly, trying to escape from Butian Pavilion.

Entering my Butian Pavilion, life and death are not up to you. "The Calabash Vine Spirit whispered, his voice cold and cold, as if it could be frozen thousands of miles away.
The remaining three great sages were running away with little intention to resist. This god who had survived since ancient times was indeed terrifying to the extreme.

However, not long after, their expressions changed. The formation patterns of Butian Pavilion were revived, and the laws were intertwined, turning the place into a huge cage. They could not break out, and the forces attacking Butian Pavilion could not escape. Realizing that he was surrounded, he couldn't help but change his color.

"Senior, keep a line in everything so that we can meet again in the future." Another venerable man said. His figure was blurry and dim, exuding the unique human blood.

"Yes, although you are a god, you also know where I come from, and there are gods in my clan." The creature from Nanyue Mountain spoke with an extremely solemn expression. Now, he has to move out of the forces behind him.

Nanyue Mountain is an extremely terrifying place. It is said to be the golden-winged roc, the place where true holes live. It is extremely terrifying.

"Oh, so what about the Nanyun Mountain. From the moment you step into the Butian Pavilion, you are destined to live in a life-and-death situation." The sacrificial spirit shook his head, his voice was still very calm, neither happy nor sad, he seemed to have experienced too much. , his mood never fluctuates too much.

"Brother Teng, let me go today so that we can have a good relationship with Weishan."

The humanoid creature from Weishan couldn't help but speak. As it stepped on the golden avenue, its expression became extremely solemn and it spoke seriously.


Gourd Vine Sacrificial Spirit spoke, and the green-skinned gourd swung very powerfully, hitting the humanoid creature in Weishan with overwhelming force.

The face of the humanoid creature in Weishan changed suddenly, stretched out a big hand, and sent out a hundred thousand feet of thunder and lightning, with all kinds of runes surging, trying its best to resist.

The arm of Weishan's humanoid creature exploded instantly, and blood flowed like a torrent. It was very terrifying. Broken bones and blood flew out, dyeing the earth red.

"Damn it, I really don't want to use this treasure!" The creature from Nanyun Mountain said with a trace of unwillingness.


Another vine whip was drawn, and the creatures in Weishan let out an unwilling roar and exploded into the void, turning into nothingness.

"Give it to me!" The creature from Nanyue Mountain gritted his teeth and offered a magic weapon. On the sky, an ancient tower rose and fell, flowing and shining, like chaos opening up.


This ancient tower erupted, and countless rays of light surged, like rays of light from the beginning, sweeping across the heaven and earth, shaking the universe, and falling violently.

"God's magic weapon!"

The human venerable was overjoyed, but he didn't expect that this man also brought a magical weapon from the gods.

Afterwards, the strong men from Nanyue Mountain who sacrificed the Ancient God Pagoda, as well as the human venerables, went straight up into the sky, taking advantage of this opportunity to break through the formations here and escape.

The creatures in Nanyue Mountain did not really want to suppress the sacrificial souls with divine magic weapons. After all, the other party was also a god, but as long as they could hold the other party back, they would buy time for themselves to escape.

In just an instant, the ancient tower seemed to be resurrected, containing the will of the gods, rumbling, and intertwined with the supreme laws, which was breathtaking.

"Xiao Dao'er, even if your god from Nanyue Mountain comes, it won't help!" The Spirit Sacrifice Gourd Teng said again, his voice was very cold.

The vines all over the sky appeared, all flowing with golden light, dancing with the wind, as if they were dragging up one sun after another, which was extremely dazzling.

Above the sky, endless vines stretched out, like thousands of sword rays, all hitting the tower. The light rained down like a waterfall, and the sound was deafening and clanging, like big stars exploding one after another.


The golden ancient pagoda glows as brilliantly as fireworks, releasing an immortal aura and constantly vibrating.

This ancient pagoda is also very unusual. It shines brightly, with endless golden light rain falling down like golden waterfalls. It carries the will of the gods.


Tenge bifurcated again, and green glow flowed one after another, wrapping around the ancient pagoda and binding him tightly, like a big rice dumpling.

The divine light shook violently, churning back and forth, and the sound of metaphorical vines could be heard endlessly. However, there was a clicking sound coming from the ancient tower, as if it was about to be broken into pieces.

"how so!"

The creatures in Nanyue Mountain can no longer remain calm. The ancient pagoda is so extraordinary that it is equivalent to a god taking action. It can't resist it so quickly.
"Buzz!" Calabash Vine strikes again. This majestic energy makes many forces in the distance who enter Butian Pavilion feel frightened. This is the terrifying power of the gods.


Countless tenges almost burst into flames and were extremely blazing, and the ancient pagoda, under this terrifying power, completely exploded, burned into a rain of light, and disappeared into the wasteland.

"Don't leave." The spirit-sacrifice gourd vine said calmly, causing the remaining three sages to feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave, trembling with fear, and the Ancient God Tower did not buy them much time.

Many people who entered the Butian Pavilion were dumbfounded. How could this damn dead sacrificial spirit be so brave? Even the ancient pagoda of gods was completely shattered. It was incredible.

"Are you really going to fight to the death with me, Nanyue Sacred Mountain?" the venerable master of Nanyue Sacred Mountain shouted angrily.
"Although you are strong, you are only one person after all. Aren't you afraid of the thunderous wrath of many forces?" The venerable human race said in shock and anger.

"Puff puff!"

The gourd vine was too lazy to talk nonsense. The three vines were like divine chains of order. Their endless sharp edges were flowing and breathtaking. The remaining two venerables also exploded and turned into ashes. The roots absorbed them all and turned them into nutrients.

"Lord Sacrifice the Spirit is invincible!"

Butian Pavilion was shaken, and many disciples cheered at this moment, extremely excited. Several great sages fell and died in the hands of the spirit sacrifice.

Their sacrifices to the spirits were like plowing through the courtyard and sweeping out caves. Even the magic weapons of the gods were completely wiped out. What an astonishing power this was.
Many disciples who are fighting are discussing at this moment. They are extremely excited. They feel that the Nirvana Police Queen has become more powerful. Who can compete with her in the wilderness in the future?
But the master of Butian Pavilion and all the elders of Butian Pavilion were moved to tears, unable to restrain themselves.

They once again saw this sacrificial spirit that had guarded Butian Pavilion for endless years. Not only did it survive against the odds, but it also once again showed its unparalleled splendor in ancient times.

The many forces that besieged Butian Pavilion were already trembling with fear, their faces turned pale, and they were filled with regret.

"Please spare my life, Lord Sacrificial Spirit. I have been infected by the poison."

"That's right, no offense intended. Please, Lord God, please be accommodating."

Many forces and families have no intention of resisting. A god, what an amazing existence it is, makes them unable to resist at all, and they can only resign themselves to fate.

"Anyone who offends our Butian Pavilion will be killed without mercy!" Gourd vines reach into the sky, towering into the clouds and snow, and the divine light of chaos flickers.

The Teng Man branched, and one after another the sky-reaching sword energy was slashed out, heads rolled, blood flowed into rivers, and all the forces that attacked Butian Pavilion were turned into blood and bones.

Whether it was the Tuoba Ancient Family, which had an old grudge with Butian Pavilion, or the people from Xiling Beast Mountain, they were all killed, and no one was left.

Inside Butian Pavilion, heads were lying everywhere and blood was flowing in the pool.

"It's almost time to watch the excitement, it's time to pick up the little one." Xu Yu smiled lightly.

Immediately, he turned his eyes slightly and looked slightly stunned, but he didn't see Xiao Shi Hao's figure.
Xiao Shihao has disappeared!
In the Butian Pavilion, Xu Yu couldn't find any information about the little one for a while, and the spread of his spiritual consciousness didn't help, which made him a little surprised.

Although what he has dispatched now is only the incarnation of the Immortal Phoenix, he is also a top-notch existence among the eight realms of the lower world, but he can't find out the whereabouts of Shi Hao? This is obviously unreasonable.

However, he was not overly worried. After all, he had given orders to Calabash Vine. As a peak divine fire level expert, he should have no problem guarding Xiao Shi Hao. You must know that in today's world, divine fire is almost the top combat power. .

Deep in the Butian Pavilion, the blazing sacred fire of the gourd vine is burning, and the old vine has evolved endlessly, and continues to dance and clang in the wind, with a murderous aura.

Those vines were like war spears one after another, extremely sharp, roaring to the heaven and earth, tearing apart the universe, shaking the sky, and crucified a venerable person dormant in the void.

He had crucified the powerful men of many forces before, and the blood was flowing in the groove, and the faint blood was wrapped around him. At this moment, the vines glowed, collecting all the blood and energy of the many powerful men in Butian Pavilion, turning them into his own nourishment, nourishing his already strong men. body.

It was not until a long time later that the storm in Butian Pavilion gradually subsided. The people who came to attack had the strength to attack Butian Pavilion. No one survived. They were all destroyed.

"We, Butian Pavilion, will finally achieve the glory of the ancient times again!" An elder couldn't help but roar up to the sky again, with tears in his eyes, containing sincere feelings.

Many Butian Pavilions reacted quickly and were all surprised. Butian Pavilion, is this really going to recreate the glory of the ancient times?
If it had been in the past, as soon as their orders came out, no one would dare to disobey them and sacrifice their souls, the situation today would be completely different. Unexpectedly, Butian Pavilion would survive from a desperate situation, make a comeback, and embark on the journey again. The road to the top.

Butian Pavilion's cheers almost never stopped, and everyone was excited after the previous depression was wiped away.

Finally, everything calmed down, and the divine fire of the Calabash Vine subsided, but the Calabash Vine was still wrapped with the divine chain of order, terrifying to the heavens. This was the terrifying power of the ancient gods in the past.

And at this moment, the sacrifice spirit took action, Teng Ge caressed it, the universe was loosened, the formation was removed by the gourd vine, and Butian Pavilion returned to its original state again.

"You bunch of beasts, are you trying to bully me into repairing the sky in Butian Pavilion? The Fire Rhinoceros Tribe is here to help!" A loud roar came from the distance, and a group of strong men appeared, their runes flashing, they were all masters, and they came to support. From Butian Pavilion.

"If you bully me too much at Butian Pavilion, I will definitely repay you with blood!" Another roar came, the sound pierced through the rocks. This was a terrifying figure, leading many strong men to come to help with great momentum.

The leader was a prince who once practiced in Butian Pavilion and was a peerless genius in the world. Now he has become a prince. Now he is rushing over.

"The Red Sun Tribe is here to help!"

"Ling Tianhou is here!"

"The War King of the Stone Kingdom has come to fight the evildoers!
There were roars and roars in all directions. Many of them had practiced in Butian Pavilion. Now that they heard that Butian Pavilion was in danger, they all rushed over from everywhere to support Butian Pavilion and protect this place with their own lives.

Whether he is a famous strong man or an ordinary master, he always has a fearless temperament in the Pure Land, otherwise he would not come to support him.

However, when they arrived, they were all dumbfounded. The Battle of Butian Pavilion had stopped and was completely over. They were quite surprised that they had not caught up.

Xu Yu nodded lightly. This sect is quite good. It has trained many talents. Many people care about Qingyi. At this time, they rushed over to support, which is commendable.

However, it seems a little late, but you can't blame them. In fact, their speed is really not slow, but the Calabash Vine is too strong. It is easy for the strong men at the peak of Divine Fire to disintegrate these attacks, and there is no way for them to take action. opportunity.

Everyone in Butian Pavilion was extremely excited, with tears rolling down their eyes. Although they did not catch up and all their enemies were dead, they would not forget this deep affection.

"Brother, this is..."

A tall figure walked towards the depths of the Pure Land, and finally saw the master of Butian Pavilion. He was the War King of the Stone Kingdom. His whole body was like a sun, extremely blazing. When he heard that Butian Pavilion was in trouble, he rushed over as soon as possible.

He once practiced in Butian Pavilion, and later rose up and became invincible. He even competed with the current Stone Emperor for the human throne. At this moment, he showed an extremely surprised expression and seriously asked about the situation of the master of Butian Pavilion.

"Everything is fine, the sacrificial spirit has fully recovered, and the problem in Butian Pavilion has been solved."

The master of Butian Pavilion smiled, couldn't help but feel excited, and patted King War on the shoulder. King War had only been practicing in Butian Pavilion for ten years, but he valued love and justice so much, which moved him inexplicably.

"What? All the venerables have fallen, and all the forces that besieged Butian Pavilion have been killed." The War King showed an expression of extreme surprise and said in disbelief.

This was obviously beyond his imagination. He originally came with the intention of dying, but he didn't expect that now there is a bright future in the village.

"Yes, on the occasion of this great victory, why not stay in Butian Pavilion for a few days? I won't come back until I'm drunk." The master of Butian Pavilion laughed and said. Obviously, he was extremely happy at this moment. The glory of Butian Pavilion , will be continued!
"Then you're bothering senior brother!"

The War King laughed, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart, completely relaxing.

The people who came to the rescue also showed joy. Now that the danger of Butian Pavilion has been resolved, they were naturally very excited and excited. They felt that the future was full of hope.

Later, Butian Pavilion held a banquet all night to entertain the many strong men who came to the rescue regardless of risk to express their gratitude.

"You did a good job, and now Butian Pavilion is worry-free.

Xu Yu's figure was blurry and dim. He spoke softly and appeared directly in front of Calabash Vine. His fairy aura was hazy and difficult to see through.


Calabash Teng's mind moved, and he couldn't help but feel a slight shock in his heart. After so long, he didn't notice Xu Yu's arrival at all.

Even though he should have stepped into the True Realm immediately, he still felt that Xu Yu was a bit enigmatic and impossible to grasp. It was really mysterious to the extreme, and he couldn't help but feel more awe in his heart.

"Thanks to the Emperor of Heaven, otherwise I would not have been able to survive this catastrophe of Butian Pavilion." Then Huteng spoke solemnly, very grateful. If it weren't for this Emperor of Heaven, he might really have died.

"If you don't say that, just do it casually. Where is that little guy now?" Xu Yu smiled slightly and said slowly.

"Heading to the Ancient Holy Courtyard." Calabash Teng responded, and at the same time his heart was shocked. This senior Heavenly Emperor seemed to really pay great attention to that little guy...

(End of this chapter)

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