Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 367: Out of the Holy Court, a girl with double pupils appears

"That's it." Xu Yu nodded lightly, and instantly realized that it was that place, where Shi Yi in the original work obtained the golden body liquid taught by the West and practiced the art of mending the sky.

Unexpectedly, the guys from Butian Pavilion actually sent the little one in. This really surprised him. The little one in the original book had never entered the ancient holy courtyard to study, but now he has entered the holy courtyard.

The Ancient Holy Court is a small world that has been passed down from ancient times to the present. It only appears every few hundred years. People can benefit a lot from the insights and imprints of saints.

Unlike Baiduan Mountain, the ancient holy courtyard is only open to one or a few people. It has been closed now, and it has been a while since it came.

"Why did senior come to pick him up this time?" Calabash Teng spoke again and asked.

"Take him back for baptism." Xu Yu smiled faintly. It was almost time for Xiao Shi Hao's baptism.

"It's a pity. There is no definite date on when and where the Ancient Holy Courtyard will be opened. Even if Butian Pavilion is really gone, the Ancient Holy Courtyard will not be affected. Only when the time comes, will it reappear in the world." Butian The Pavilion Sacrificial Spirit sighed slightly, seeming quite regretful.

"But that little guy also mentioned this to me before, saying that if you want to take him back, even the Holy Court can't stop you."

The mourning spirit of Butian Pavilion spoke again after being silent for a while.

"This little guy..." Xu Yu couldn't help but be speechless.

"Do you know the origin of this holy courtyard?" Xu Yu asked suddenly, looking at the spirit-sacrifice gourd vine.

"It's too long ago, far longer than the time when Butian Pavilion was established. There is no way to verify it." Calabash Teng responded truthfully.

Xu Yu nodded lightly, and instantly switched from the immortal phoenix incarnation to the original body. His eyes suddenly became blazing. The innate divine eye opened, and the laws of the sky were intertwined. It was extremely gorgeous. An ancient holy courtyard emerged on the sky. Somewhat... It was blurry and dim, but it still manifested.

"Ah this..." Calabash Teng was dumbfounded, and the divine fire all over his body was almost extinguished by fear. The ancient holy courtyard only manifested once in hundreds of years, but it actually appeared again under Xu Yu's methods, which made him speechless. Full of surprise.

The next moment, Xu Yu's eyes emitted a dazzling divine light, and the chaotic energy surged, bursting out endless runes, breaking through a passage, extremely holy, shining with immortal light.

In the distance, a magnificent holy courtyard appeared on the horizon, gradually condensing into shape. He took a step forward and disappeared completely.

The spirit-sacrifice old gourd vine was shocked to an incomparable degree. Even he could not open the passage of the ancient holy courtyard again when the ancient holy courtyard was closed. Let alone the divine fire, even the gods could not. Because it is said that it is the dojo where the ancient saints lived, and it is full of endless mysteries.

This senior is unpredictable and extremely powerful!

The ancient holy courtyard was a place of emptiness and endless mystery. Over the past hundreds of years, only a few people had set foot here.

The holy light flashed, and a golden avenue ran through the sky and the earth, and the sky was filled with light and rain. Standing on it was a young man with a handsome face and black hair hanging down his back, like a god descending into the world, overlooking the vast world of mortals.

The Holy Courtyard is very quiet, without any sound. There is a portal in front, entwined with endless divine brilliance. It is extremely gorgeous, as if it is made of gold, and is entangled with endless fairy mist.

The gate of the holy courtyard!

The fairy mist is filling the air, seeming to come from the depths of the starry sky. An ancient holy temple is looming in the fairy mist. The fairy light is bright and shines for hundreds of millions of miles. It has a charm that is superior to all living things.

"It's interesting. This ancient holy courtyard seems to be more than just an ancient saint's dojo."

Xu Yu spoke softly, his eyes shining brightly, revealing a strange color. This place is definitely extraordinary, not an ordinary place, and may contain some unknown mystery.

Immediately afterwards, the door twisted, and a black starry sky appeared in front of him, wrapped in the vicissitudes of ancient aura, as if it had been sleeping for a long time, emerging from the void to reality.

Billions of light rain are falling, like holy feathers falling. The two golden portals, engraved with tens of thousands of sacred runes, are now opening to both sides.

Xu Yu stepped in, and a magnificent world appeared in front of his eyes.

The mountains stand tall and large waterfalls cover the mountains completely, leaving a vast expanse of whiteness.

The endless plains are lush and green. In addition to towering ancient trees, there is a big river running across the land, criss-crossing it, like a black dragon dividing the earth.

"Amazing." Xu Yu nodded secretly. Although from the outside, this place is just a holy courtyard, it is actually a small world.

He continued walking, knowing that these were just peripheral scenes. As he continued walking, the scene became completely new again.

This space is a world of its own, very vast. With the overlapping words on the outside, there are more and more beautiful scenery ahead, and there are many things to see.

On the mountain peaks, in front of the waterfalls, you can see rainbows, pavilions, palaces and pavilions everywhere, which is so beautiful.

Ancient vines, old trees, exotic flowers and plants are everywhere, filled with fragrance and intoxicating.

Here, every mountain peak has a large number of palaces, which are well-proportioned.

At this moment, Xu Yu's consciousness spread, and he could see the little figure at a glance. At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged in a palace, immersed in comprehending the treasures and reading ancient books, which were left by the ancients. The posthumous chapter made this little guy feel like he had found a treasure.

There are so many world-class classics from ancient saints here that they can be used for a lifetime. No wonder the little one is so intoxicated that he almost forgets himself.

Not long after, Xu Yu also saw Shi Yi, meditating in the palace of another holy courtyard.

He is also sitting cross-legged on the futon, with a handsome appearance, a slender and strong body, giving people the feeling of a dragon among men.

The divine light all over the body is restrained and the Tao Yun is perfect. This is obviously a manifestation of extremely profound cultivation. Those with double pupils are born extraordinary.

"Forget it, let's explore it first." Xu Yu was going to explore the world first, because he always felt that there was something unusual about this world and it was not as simple as he imagined.

Suddenly, just when Xu Yu was about to take action, a graceful figure appeared and floated down, catching Xu Yu's attention.

This is a slender figure, dressed in black, with messy black hair, and skin as white as ivory. The temperature is very cold, as if it lacks the body temperature of a normal person.

The messy long hair covered the woman's face, and a gust of wind blew by, causing her hair to fly. When she saw it in a trance, the beautiful face was so beautiful that it was breathtaking.

This is a woman. Although she is wearing old gray clothes, her skin is as gentle as jade, and her whiteness is lustrous, making her look even more gorgeous.

When she saw Xu Yu, an expression of extreme astonishment appeared on her face.

At the same time, the pupils actually separated, as if the world was opening up, meteors fell one after another, and chaotic energy filled the air from the pupils.

Girl with double pupils!
Xu Yu was slightly frightened and her pupils turned slightly. Unexpectedly, the ancient girl with double pupils appeared!
He could easily detect at the first moment that this woman had double eyes, and she had definitely lived for a long time.

If this person's identity were to spread, it would definitely set off a storm, triggering a huge earthquake that would overturn the world.

He remembered that this woman appeared from the Ancient Holy Court in the original work, and seemed to have a causal relationship with Shi Yi, the man with double eyes.

Later, after the battle between the two stones, she entered the Demon Spirit Lake, brought Shi Yi out, rescued him, and met Shi Hao in Medicine City. It was not until the end that she was rescued by Shi Hao in the dark cage.

This is incredible. There are no weak creatures who can be imprisoned in the dark cage. They are all extremely defiant people. In her peak state, this woman is very likely to be a true immortal!
"Senior brother, it's really you..." This gray
The woman in clothes spoke with a trembling voice, which seemed extremely unbelievable, and her eyes showed disbelief.

Her voice is very beautiful, like the sound of immortality, making people feel that their soul is being baptized, and their whole body is comfortable.

"Do we know each other?"

Xu Yu frowned slightly and looked a little startled. Inexplicably, this ancient girl with double eyes actually called him brother.

There was some emotion in his heart, why did the other party call him that?

It was definitely the first time they had met. The other person's tone seemed to have known him for a long time, and the intimacy in his words didn't seem to be fake.

"How could this be so...don't you recognize Yun Yan anymore?"

The girl in gray clothes with heavy eyes was stunned when she heard this, her pretty face turned a little pale, she stared at Xu Yu and couldn't help but say, then she was in a daze, she didn't know what she was thinking, and she couldn't help but her eyes turned red.

Her black hair was loose, revealing a dreamlike face, as white as jade, almost dreamy. She was really beautiful. There were few such beautiful women in the world, but at this moment, she felt sad and wanted to cry.

If ordinary people were wearing gray clothes, most of them would be sullen, but she has an outstanding temperament, an ethereal Taoist charm, and is otherworldly. Even if she is stained with tears, she is still so graceful and unparalleled.

She looked at Xu Yu intently. Her eyes were tired and had a sense of vicissitudes of life, as if she had seen the ups and downs of the world. They were extremely complicated, and there seemed to be inexplicable emotions emerging.


He said the name softly, but his mind went blank. There seemed to be no relevant memory, but there was an inexplicable sense of familiarity that made him feel very familiar.

Hearing Xu Yu call out this name, Yun Yan's eyes suddenly brightened up again, exuding a blazing light and dispersing the boundless haze, as if her soul had sustenance. It seemed to be the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. People close to you generally.

Xu Yu's eyes were blazing, and there was an inexplicable brilliance. Although it was inexplicable, he seemed to have a hunch in his heart that this woman might really have something to do with him, but it seemed that his memory had been covered in dust. For the time being, nothing happened. Explorable.

Xu Yu guessed that he might have gone against the flow of time during a certain period of time, returned to Yun Yan's era, and created a legend.

"The battle in ancient times was too tiring and cost too much, but I am very happy to meet here again in this life." Yun Yan, a girl in gray clothes with double eyes, said, her gray clothes fluttering, accompanied by divine light.

Although the woman in gray clothes is tired, her body is full of vitality. Time cannot destroy her charm. She is the most beautiful in the world and can be said to be unparalleled in beauty.

Tears stained her cheeks. The years of torture in hell were not as good as the joy of reunion. No one knew how much she had gone through.

Xu Yu was silent, speechless, and an inexplicable emotion arose in her heart at this moment.

"Senior brother, after the ancient war, you disappeared completely. It seems that you have forgotten too much."

The girl in gray clothes with heavy eyes looked at Xu Yu who was in a daze, and couldn't help but whispered again, with boundless loneliness and thoughtfulness.

"Yes, it is quite difficult to survive such a catastrophe in the past. Your memory will always recover. When the time comes, you will naturally understand all the causes and consequences." The girl with double pupils said to herself, nodded.

If other people see it, they will definitely be very surprised. This pair of men and women are too outstanding, and they are not stained by the atmosphere of the world. They are like a couple of gods and gods, but what they say is enough to make the world tremble.

"Can you tell me something about the ancient times? Did I lose the ancient battle? How did I disappear?"

Xu Yu whispered, but even though he spoke like this, his expression was extremely dull and a little calm.

His deep pupils were shining, incomparably, at this moment it was like opening up the wilderness and condensing the heaven and earth.

"Brother is joking, how could you be defeated? No one in this world can stop you!" Feng Xi opened her red lips lightly, her voice was faint and moving, her eyes were like water, and her green hair was extremely bright. It seemed that her emotions began to fluctuate, thinking of of the glorious days of the past.

"How could it be possible? Senior brother fought against all the invincible opponents in the world in ancient times, and the last one embarked on a distant journey!" Xu Yu looked moved, and a divine light flashed through his heart, like a blazing lightning across the sky, illuminating his eyes. In his heart, he seemed to have been touched by some shocking truth at this moment.

"Boom!" At this moment, above the sky and above the Holy Court, the light of the beginning condensed, and a gap was torn open, filled with divine radiance, and it was swallowing the essence of all directions.

There, there were clouds of calamity, and thunder seemed to be gathering. A dull sound came, like a real dragon and a wild bull roaring, and the terrifying thunder seemed to fall down at any time.

This is a vast ocean of lightning, the lightning is surging down, the thunder is like a tide, shattering everything, it is extremely blazing, and the sky and the earth are purple.

"what happened!"

In Butian Pavilion, everyone from the elders to the disciples were shocked. They were stunned when they saw the extremely blazing thunder. If these thunders fell, I am afraid that the entire wilderness would be completely destroyed.

"The world is really going to be destroyed, or the catastrophe has come early!"

"Why are there no signs at all? They are as sacred as grass. Is this the situation!"

"The most terrifying catastrophe, it seems to surpass all previous catastrophes!"

Not long after, the blazing thunder swept through the eight wastelands, reaching far and wide, making the vast universe tremble, as if the world was coming to an end.

In the wilderness, many venerables were alarmed. The Human Emperor of the human race, the venerables of the Ancient Sacred Mountains, and the powerful men of Beihai all showed shocked expressions.

Even if the spirit was sacrificed at Butian Pavilion, it was almost petrified. Even if he immediately ascended to the True Realm, it would be difficult to look up to this vast power of heaven, which was beyond the ordinary and could not be resisted by the creatures in the lower world.

"Could this be caused by seniors?" The sacrificial spirit suddenly thought, because Xu Yu seemed to have entered the ancient holy courtyard in that direction...

At this moment, Shi Hao and Shi Yi, who were practicing in the holy courtyard, were also alarmed. They walked out of the palace and saw the divine thunder filling the sky above the sky, and their faces could not help but change color.


The sound of thunder almost pierces people's eardrums and crushes their souls. It connects the sky and the earth, and is vast and boundless. It is like the river pouring down from the Nine Heavens, and tens of millions of big stars crashing down.

The void was actually blasted, and there were no towers in ruins, but it would soon be wiped out, because the lightning was so blazing, and the dazzling thunder and lightning filled every inch of the sky.

The words of Yun Yan, a girl with double pupils, triggered a taboo and made the heavens angry. This was so outrageous.


The big thunder shocked the world, and the purple lightning surged like a tide. This was a world of thunder and lightning, which could destroy everything. People's hearts were frightened and their bones were spinning.snort!

Xu Yu took action, with a cold expression and flying black hair, which shocked the sky and the earth.

An index finger, magnified by the other one, was higher than the mountain, and then fell down, like a pillar holding up the sky, rumbling and moving, falling into the thunder.

With his finger across the sky, chaos energy surged, harboring supreme power, the thunder was shattering, and the order and rules of the sky were suddenly disrupted.

Xu Yu has a handsome face, a slender figure, a dragon and a tiger, thick black hair flying, and his innate divine eyes are filled with mist and chaos, looking down on the world.

Xu Yu's palm finger passed across the sky, and the light burst out like a flame. Five divine phoenix heads flew together, carrying the overwhelming divine flames, which penetrated the calamity cloud and completely numbed the sky. Traces of calamity.

The whole world was in an uproar, as if in a dream, the terrifying thunder was completely wiped out. Who was taking action? Could it be a god, or a saint who truly survived from ancient times?

There were a lot of speculations in the outside world, and many venerables breathed a sigh of relief. This kind of catastrophe disappeared, and they were undoubtedly much more relaxed.

The Holy Courtyard was silent and silent. The two of them stood calmly. It was not until a long time that Chonglong Girl spoke again.

"Sure enough, saying it rashly has triggered a taboo in the world." Yun Yan, a girl with severe disabilities, couldn't help but turn pale. If Xu Yu hadn't taken action for her, she might have encountered a big threat, because the more taboos were touched, the divine thunder It's directed at him.

"It's a pity that the past has been buried too much, and there are really not many people who remember it." The girl with double pupils said again.

"Some things have too big a cause and effect, and you need to explore it yourself, otherwise you may encounter the great antithesis of heaven and earth." The woman in gray showed a soft color in her words, and reminded softly.

This ray of softness is truly stunning, making the sky lose its color, and its beauty is peerless.

Xu Yu didn't know what to say. There seemed to be a thunder roaring in his heart. He nodded gently. The thunder just now explained everything. A piece of ancient history that destroyed Wang Mie and a piece of unknown terrible truth that was worth exploring.

Yun Yan, a girl with double pupils, just mentioned something casually, but she encountered such a big backlash. If she really said it outright, she couldn't imagine how terrible things would happen.

"There are various causes and effects, but these words are what you said to me when you were running the business, brother."

The double-eyed girl smiled, no longer looking sullen, but rather a little shy, with a gentle smile, like a young girl speaking in this world.

Chaos energy filled the air in Shi Shi's pupils, as if the world was being created and a real star was falling.

"If those people... know that you are back again, brother, those people may be shocked!" Chong Jingnu said slowly, with a look of anticipation inadvertently showing in her eyes.

"In this life, I will never let you carry the sky alone again. I will walk with you."

The girl with double eyes continued to speak, her tone was very soft, like a warm breeze blowing by, but with an extremely firm will.

Xu Yu looked like he was paying tribute, but didn't say much. Yun Yan was very powerful and had reached the level of a true immortal. Now she spoke like this, as if she felt regretful, and it still had a lot to do with herself.

He has been cultivating all the way, and now that he has practiced, there are too many mysteries surrounding him, and he feels like he is still confused after being cut.

"You don't need to think too much, the answers to some things will surface sooner or later." Yun Yan smiled slightly, as if she could see Xu Yu's thoughts.

"It is still necessary to ascend to the realm of immortality as soon as possible." Xu Yu said silently, with a rare feeling of urgency in his heart.

"Why did you enter this ancient holy courtyard.

Xu Yu thought for a long time but didn't get an answer. Suddenly, her mind moved and she asked the girl with double pupils.

"In the ancient war, since you disappeared, brother, although I was lucky enough to speak, I was seriously injured. Soon after I recovered, I could only come here to recuperate." Yun Yan said softly.

"There seems to be something different here. It's not just the Holy Court." Xu Yu said softly and unhurriedly.

"Brother, have you discovered it so quickly?" Yun Yan, a girl with double pupils, said with a gleam in her eyes, extremely surprised.

She also discovered this after spending a long time in this holy courtyard, this holy courtyard.It seems not as simple as it seems.

"The Holy Court just shows what the world sees. There should be something deeper here." Xu Yu nodded, his eyes shining brightly.

"Brother, have you discovered anything now?" Yun Yan asked, bright light flowing, flashing the magic card.

Xu Yu could not speak, and began to move his hands, developing supreme supernatural powers. He pursued the source of his saliva and wanted to find out what happened to this ancient holy end.

Xu Yu's hands turned into pale gold, and thunder rumbled, as if countless ghosts and gods were nearby, tearing apart the void and helping him explore the past and present.

Yun Yan changed her color, knowing that Xu Yu had used his true power and used taboo methods to create such a strange phenomenon.

"Even if my brother hasn't completely ascended to the immortal path now, he's not far away." Feng Xi, a girl with double eyes, said in her heart, and couldn't help but think of her brother's supreme grace in the ancient immortal era.

The world seemed to be overturned, and then countless figures appeared in this ancient holy courtyard. Their immortal light was dim and mysterious.

The grand sacrificial sound sounded, deafening and deafening, making people seem to want to understand, and they actually wanted to kneel down and kowtow to the gods.

A vast fairy palace appeared in the sky, towering and solemn, magnificent and majestic.

The towering heavenly palace and the magnificent fairy palace are located on the white clouds, where the clouds are steaming and the clouds are bright, and the magnificent rooms are amazing.

The temple towers were dyed very holy with golden and red brilliance at night, and the tiles were flowing and glowing, which was astonishing.

There was a loud noise, and a huge white jade staircase descended from the palace grounds and spread out in front of the two of them.

"Could this be where the real Holy Court is?" Xu Yu whispered with an incomprehensible expression...

The real holy temple!
As soon as these words were spoken, the palace in the Holy Courtyard began to roar, emitting immeasurable divine sounds, making this place even more solemn and solemn.

"This should be the original appearance of the ancient holy courtyard." Xu Yu spoke softly, his eyes blazing to the extreme.

He had a vague hunch that if he went to investigate, he might touch the eternal secret here and subvert his knowledge.

"Perhaps, this is not called the Holy Courtyard, but should be called the Immortal Courtyard." The girl with double eyes said, with a little sparkle flowing in her beautiful eyes, and she could no longer remain calm at this moment.

Unexpectedly, she actually found the real Holy Court. Even she felt that it was a bit unexpected.

The vast heavenly palace is too vast. There is no one there, and it is deserted. Only an invisible solemnity and coercion are exuding. It exists forever, and it seems that it has been standing here since the beginning of the world.


The gate of the Zhongtian Palace in the Holy Courtyard opened. I don't know when, but there was a hazy figure standing there, as if it had existed since ancient times.

He was ethereal, but there was an invisible majesty released, which actually shook the heaven and the earth, shaking the vast universe, reaching all directions. That kind of aura is definitely not something that ordinary creatures from the eight realms can possess. Even Xu Yu and Chen His face is solemn, this person is terrifying!
"The Holy Courtyard is open, inheritors please come in." After standing there for a long time, the hazy figure finally spoke slowly, like a scripture, echoing in the ears of Xu Yu and Feng Xi for a long time.

The two of them were surprised, feeling an invisible edge. It was like a piece of heavenly order that had taken shape and stood there as a person, which was puzzling.

Xu Yushen eyes opened and closed, staring at this figure carefully, with a moved expression. This was a man made of fairy gold, in five colors, and there was a faint fairy spirit permeating the surface of his body, which was extraordinary.

"What inheritance?"

Xu Yu was slightly startled, silently scanning the world, and subconsciously blurted out, the real ancient holy courtyard is actually a place of inheritance?
"Inheritance of the Emperor!"

The figure spoke again, his tone was extremely calm, and there seemed to be no emotional fluctuations. He seemed to be executing some kind of mechanical order, dull and indifferent.

Almost instantly, Xu Yu judged that this was not a real living creature, but a puppet, an immortal gold puppet, and it was very likely that it had touched the immortal way.

"The Ancient Holy Courtyard, the Human Emperor, maybe this place should be called... the Human Emperor Palace."

The girl with double eyes opened her mouth, her hair flying, her pretty face was full of solemnity, her eyes were dotted with glow, bursting with blazing brilliance. She couldn't help but look at Xu Yu, her expression was incomprehensible, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"The original ancient holy courtyard is also where the human emperor's palace is located, and here are the eight realms of the lower world." Yun Yan, a girl with double eyes, sighed. Obviously she knew a lot. At this moment, her expression was solemn and filled with emotion, while Xu Yu was also quiet. Listen quietly. (End of chapter)

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