Chapter 369 Returning to Stone Village
Xu Yu smiled and nodded. At that time, he entered the Virtual God Realm first and raised his hand to kill some things that did not know whether to live or die, but at that time, it caused a big earthquake.

"Little guy, this is the first time we meet, so I'll give you a little gadget."

The girl with double pupils smiled and seemed to be in a good mood. Her pupils were filled with hazy mist, showing the power of the years and shining brightly.

There was a sound of gold and iron clashing, and a sword appeared in the hands of the girl with double pupils, Yun Yan. The whole body was greenish-gold, and it was about three feet and nine inches long. It was as warm as jade. There was a faint brilliance flowing on the sword body. .

I saw that above the sky, the sun was shining brightly on the sword body. The blazing sword light bloomed from the nine heavens, and in an instant it became the only thing in the world.

"This is... too precious. I can't have this sword." Xiao Shihao gave up. Although he could not judge the grade of this sword, he could still detect its preciousness.

"It doesn't matter, just take it." Xu Yu smiled faintly and spoke at the right time. The power of this sword was very extraordinary. For the current Shi Hao, it was indeed a great killing weapon.

"Thank you sister."

The little boy Shi Hao smiled and reached out to take the sword. His big eyes were bright and he rubbed it back and forth, quite unable to put it down.

"Let's go, little one, go back to Shicun, and I'll take you to baptism." Xu Yu said calmly.

"But... there are still many treasures here that I haven't fully understood yet."

The little boy Shi Hao was entangled, his two little hands were crossed together, his expression was a little tangled, his eyes were bright, showing that he couldn't let go of the insights of these sages and saints, and felt that it would be a pity if he missed it.

"You little guy, you are really a martial arts idiot." The girl with double pupils laughed.

"It doesn't matter, I will send you back after the baptism." Xu Yu replied. For him, the Holy Court can be opened at any time.

"Then... Okay." The little boy's big eyes suddenly brightened. In fact, he had been away from the village for more than two years, and he missed his uncles, a group of playmates, the patriarch and Liu Shen in the village very much.

"I'll go say hello to that little guy first," said the girl with double pupils.

Xu Yu nodded, naturally knowing who he was referring to, the one with double eyes - Shi Yi!
According to Chongtong Nu's previous introduction, he and Shi Yi also had a causal relationship. Before Shi Yi stepped into the Ancient Holy Courtyard, Yun Yan was in that sleeping state.

Both had double pupil, Shi Yi stepped into the holy courtyard and invisibly revived the sleeping girl with double pupil. Therefore, there was a big cause and effect between the two.

Xu Yu also understood why in the original work, Shi Yi and the girl with double pupil also stepped out of the ancient holy courtyard together. Later, after the battle between the two stones, the girl with double pupil resurrected Shi Yi, which could be regarded as a great cause and effect.

Not long after, the girl with double pupils returned and the matter was settled.


Xu Yu's eyes glowed, and he opened up a chaotic passage, recreating the chaotic world and shaping another world.

Xu Yu waved his big hand, and a blazing light enveloped the double-eyed girl and Shi Hao's bodies, disappeared into the passage, and appeared outside the Butian Pavilion.

"By the way, big brother, I'm going to say hello to the elders, and I'll also bring back Qingfeng, Maoqiu, Big Red Bird, and Erbaldy." The little boy scratched his head, and Xu Yu nodded.

Not long after, the little boy brought Qingfeng back, but his face became a little ugly, because Big Red Bird, Er Baldy, and Maoqiu were no longer in Butian Pavilion. According to Qingfeng, these people seemed to be ghosts.
Chongzhen seems to have gone all the way to the west.

"It just so happens that they are heading in the same direction as us. We should be able to find them along the way. We can take them there together when the time comes." Xu Yu nodded, and the little one grimaced. For now, it seems that this is all that can be done.

In a hurried moment, like the passage of time, Xu Yu took a light step, one step fell, and everyone was wrapped around him. The stars moved, the stars changed, and he left Butian Pavilion with lightning speed.

"They are here." Xu Yu suddenly stopped, opened his eyes, and led Shi Hao Qingfeng, Chongtong Nu, and several others to land on a territory. Soon they knew the name of this place - Luohuang ridge.

Luo Fengling covers an extremely large area and is densely covered with primeval old forests. It is an ideal place for planting elixirs. It is said that the ancient divine phoenix fell and its blood stained the place red. The soil has a special divinity.

"This is a stronghold of the Rain Clan." Qingfeng informed, obviously he knew a lot about it, and at the same time, he showed a strange look. He didn't expect those guys to come here.

At this moment, many noisy sounds came from Luo Fengling.

"Quick, catch them, don't let them take away the spiritual objects."

"Damn you little thief, why did they let them patronize the elixir field!"

Screams came from Luohuang Ridge, and their tone was so urgent that it sounded like murder, and it actually caused a chaos.

The people of the Yu Clan went crazy, their elixirs were stolen, and rare creatures were snatched away, which made their hearts bleed. You can imagine how furious those people were.

Xu Yu realized everything almost instantly. The big red bird, Zhu Yan named Maoqiu and the two bald men joined forces to steal Luohuang Ridge and were now escaping. The big red bird was carrying
The hairball and the two bald guys were running all the way, escaping.

"Why are you here..." Several people
Lu fled desperately, and Er Baldy exclaimed. His eyes suddenly lit up. He also saw Xu Yu, Shi Hao Qingfeng and a strange woman.

The people from the Rain Clan couldn't catch up. The big red bird was too fast, and it seemed that it had practiced the Peng Clan's unparalleled magic.

"Let's go." Xu Yu was speechless when he saw these living treasures. He rolled up his sleeves and put away the big red bird, the two bald men, and the fur ball.

"It's safe now." The bald man looked like he was surviving a disaster.

Although he has lost his moral integrity, his vision is not low. When they first met, they knew that Xu Yu was a real boss.

"This is..." The big red bird, Maoqiu couldn't help but tremble. He was flying well. How could he become like this in an instant? He was almost stunned.

"Come and see your senior." Er Baldy scolded.

The Big Red Bird and Maoqiu also felt trembling. They immediately sensed that this young man was definitely a boss, and that woman was also unfathomable and awe-inspiring, almost making them lose their temper at all. The two hurriedly came in. present.

"Getting ready to go back to Shicun." Xu Yu said.

"A bunch of rats, if you have the guts, come to Tianshen Mountain to seek revenge on Grandpa and me."

After hearing this, Er Baldy became more confident and immediately shouted to Luohuang Ling...

Xu Yu was a little speechless. The peacock was indeed wilted. It was obvious that Tianshen Mountain had a grudge against it, and it was actually pushed out like this.

Everyone in the Rain Clan jumped up and down in anger, but they had already lost a group of people and could only stare at them.

"Push out of Tianshen Mountain, Er Baldy, you are so bad." Shi Hao was dumbfounded, scolding him. He didn't know the grudge between Er Baldy and Tian Shen Mountain.

"Why, I think there's nothing wrong with you. What's your problem?" The bald man looked at him sideways.

"It's such a fun thing, but you didn't call me. What did you miss?" Xiao Shihao showed his naughty nature again and yelled.

The Yu Clan was unlucky, and he was happy to see the outcome. He already knew that during the time he entered the Ancient Holy Academy, the Yu Clan had reached out to Butian Pavilion, and he also had a deep hatred for the Yu Clan, so naturally he would not feel sympathy.

"Next time, I will take you with me next time." The big red bird said hehey, extremely vulgar.Shi Hao hugged his head and shouted: "What good things did you get? Show me..."

Xu Yu's face was calm, but the girl with double pupils was stunned, her beautiful eyes widened. What kind of group of top-notch people are they? Sure enough, birds of a feather flock together.


Xu Yu gently stroked his sleeves, the mountains, rivers and stars turned upside down, chaos filled the air, and several people had arrived at Shicun.

"Boss, really a boss." The big red bird was dumbfounded and looked at Xu Yu in shock. The distance of hundreds of thousands of miles was just one step for him, making him feel like he was in a dream at this moment.

The bald man, on the other hand, had a dull expression and glanced at the big red bird with disdain.

Stone Village.

An ancient tree takes root in front of the village. The thick trunk is partially charred and blackened and has been struck by lightning. However, now more places have lost their old bark and seem to contain amazing vitality.

"I'm back!" Little Shi Hao shouted immediately and waved towards the head of the village.

At this moment, the bald man suddenly straightened his eyes and stared at the willow tree at the end of the village. He felt his legs trembling and almost fell down.

"Second brother, you have to be calm as a bird. Why are you trembling so hard? You are really embarrassing me." The big red bird slapped the second bald man.

"It's so scary. There seems to be a great being in front of me. I'm scared to death." The bald man was so frightened that he almost peed.

The big red bird was suspicious. He looked at the willow tree and felt that something was wrong. Although the ancient tree looked extremely peaceful and full of soft light, it made him in awe.

"This is... the ancestor sacrifice spirit!" Chaos light filled the eyes of the girl with double pupils, which shocked her beyond measure.

"Not bad." Xu Yu nodded.

"I didn't expect that she would survive after that battle." Yun Yan, a girl with double eyes, spoke in a rather uneasy voice.


In the distance, Jun Ni, the Demon Ape, and the Lihuo Bull Demon ran quickly, shaking the ground so much that it rumbled and roared. Now the Demon Ape, the Lihuo Niu Demon, also followed Jun Ni and broke into the Venerable realm.

They were also extremely happy. After two years of separation, they finally met again. After getting along for a long time, they had a lot of emotional bonds with Shi Hao.

"It's outrageous. There are actually three venerables in one village." The bald man smacked his tongue.

"They are all big bosses, you can't afford to mess with them. I mean, second brother, let's keep a low profile," the big red bird shrank his neck and whispered, with deep fear in his words.

"Good boy, you've been away for two years. You missed us so much, and you're finally back!" At this time, a group of childhood friends appeared, swarmed up, and buried Shi Hao and Qingfeng.

"You brat, I've been in Butian Pavilion for so long without a single letter. If it hadn't been for you, we wouldn't have heard about you."

A group of people stacked up on top of each other, all rushed out and directly suppressed Shi Hao.

"It's over, it's over, my bones are about to be broken." Shi Wu yelled, exaggerating, causing a burst of laughter.

"Who are you kidding? When you were young, your physical strength was more terrifying than the ancient ferocious beasts of heaven level. Will you be crushed now?" A group of friends were laughing and joking there, not believing his lies at all.

"You two boys are finally back!" Shi Linhu, Shi Feijiao and others also appeared, and they were all very excited. Then they noticed the double-eyed girl Yun Yan next to Xu Yu.

"Sir, who is this?" the people in Shicun asked. They had never seen such a beautiful woman until now.

Xu Yu introduced Yun Yan to everyone in Shicun.

"Since he is your old friend, he is my most distinguished guest in Shicun." Everyone in Shicun was very enthusiastic.

Later, everyone asked Shi Wu and Qingfeng about their status within the sect.

"I miss you all very much. I am living a good life in the sect. The elders take good care of me." Shi Hao said with a smile.

"Uncle, I miss you too." Qingfeng also shed tears, showing her true feelings.

"Gua Wa Zi, why are you crying?" A group of old men didn't know how to comfort people, they just touched Qing Feng's head.

"I heard that Butian Pavilion suffered a big change, are you not injured?" An old man asked with concern.

"No, at that time, I was practicing in seclusion and didn't feel it." Shi Hao answered truthfully, and Qingfeng was also well protected, not a single hair was hurt.

Not long after, Shi Yunfeng appeared and rushed over.

"Grandpa Patriarch!" the little boy shouted,

"Okay, okay, just come back." Shi Yunfeng smiled and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. He had always regarded Shi Hao as his own, and now he was relieved to see that he was fine.

"These two kids came here as soon as they came. They were so out of touch. They even brought some prey with them and worked hard to lose all their fur. But it's okay, this bird is really fat."

A woman mentioned the bald bird and left. A group of aunties nodded, commented on the bird, and nodded with satisfaction.

The bald man almost pissed himself with fear. This woman was too tough and she would stew him when she came up.

"Help, it's a murder!" Er Baldy wailed.

"It's interesting. This fat bird can actually talk. It must be a rare treasure. It's worth slowly simmering it with precious medicine. It can help everyone replenish their health."

"Hehe, haha, my poor bald brother." The big red bird gloated, huddled behind Shi Hao, and couldn't help laughing.

"Well, this big red bird seems to be pretty good too." A group of ladies stared at the big red bird with bright feathers again.

"Actually, I am a crow. If you eat me, you will be contaminated with something unknown." The big red bird simply shrank its neck and said sarcastically.

A group of people laughed. At this time, the kind-hearted Xiao Qingfeng appeared and rescued the big red bird and the two bald men.

"Uncle, little uncle..." In the distance, a little kid came over staggeringly, looking like he was about one year old.

"Ah... this is it?" Qingfeng was surprised.

Shi Hao also scratched his head and looked at the little one who was smaller than him with great curiosity. He was just a child, but now he turned into a little uncle.

Later, they learned that this was actually a strong child. "The big ones already have children, and it's time for you to get married too, little one." A group of aunties scolded them, and after saying that they would find a wife for Shi Hao, his face immediately turned red.

The children in Dahuang all get married early. Logically speaking, the little ones are already old enough to start a family.

"Sir, what do you think? Do you want to find a wife for the little one?" Suddenly, someone asked.

The little boy was immediately embarrassed and crossed his little hands together. He felt that he was still young and immature, and had really not thought about getting married. He was brought up rashly, which caught him off guard and was at a loss.

"The child is older and has his own opinions. Let him go and don't rush."

Xu Yu said with a smile. With Shi Hao's natural appearance, he would not stay in Shicun for a long time. Sooner or later, he would enter a wider world. He remembered clearly that although this guy always looked harmless to humans and animals in Shicun, but In the outside world, there is always a clamor to carry the "fat woman" back to the village.

"This... what the adults said makes sense." Everyone in Shicun sighed. This kind of thing is really hard to do. The child has grown up and finally has his own ideas.

It's just that this little guy is really out of touch and restless, which gives them a headache.

"I think that girl from Tianshen Mountain is pretty good. You can consider it." At this time, the bald man spoke slowly, with a smirk on his face.

"Okay, Er Baldy, you have learned how to pimp." The big red bird shouted, and slapped Er Baldy unceremoniously. The one who hit him staggered and almost fell to the ground.

The Erbaldy Man was itching with hatred. This big red bird was nothing. His majestic Peacock Master had actually fallen into this situation.

"What, does the little one have a girl he likes?"

A group of adults came over, especially a group of aunts. Their ears pricked up and they were extremely interested in the news. The little one scratched his head and looked very embarrassed.

In the end, he could only say: "Elders, don't worry, I will bring them back sooner or later."

"Yes, yes, we must inherit the fine traditions of our village."

"You are a teachable boy, so hurry up!" A group of adults were extremely satisfied and patted Shi Hao's shoulders meaningfully.

The second bald man, the big red bird, winked and smiled evilly at Shi Hao.

Yun Yan, a girl with double pupils, was startled and a little stunned. Is it so wild to resist my wife's return to the village?It is indeed a very special village.

"Well... I brought good things for everyone!" The little boy changed the subject and quickly opened his own Qiankun bag, and all kinds of elixirs suddenly appeared.

The precious medicine shone brightly, and everyone in Shicun Village was stunned. They didn't expect that he would bring so many good things.

"The little one is really thoughtful. I asked the adults to bring a lot of good things before, and now I have brought so many more things." The adults praised him one after another, and they were full of praise.

"You're so awesome, little one." A group of children also laughed and gathered around, looking at the elixir brought by Shi Hao with expressions of surprise and admiration.

The little boy smiled happily. The people in the village were all very simple. He had grown up here and everyone was his relative. He was willing to share good things with everyone.

Seeing the happiness and joy of his tribe, Shi Hao was also full of smiles and felt extremely relaxed.

"You're so careless. Why did you just take it from us? Go and pay homage to the Willow God." Many clan elders urged the little one to pay homage to the Willow God.

"Willow God, I'm back." The little boy turned around and faced the vibrant willow tree with a serious and pious expression. He had always had a special feeling for this willow tree.

The breeze blew, and dozens of willow branches swayed gently. They were shining brightly there, but the atmosphere was chaotic and misty. The scene was amazing. He said, "Yes, I have grown to this point now. I am gratified." Willow God responded.

The little one was so happy that snot bubbles were almost coming out of his nose, and he said: "Liu Shen, have you used the fountain of youth I brought you before?"

"Yeah, but I've left some for you." Liu Shen nodded and smiled softly, like a warm wind blowing by, touching the heart.


Several animal skin bags flew out and landed in front of Shi Hao. They were brilliant and filled with blazing brilliance, like a golden ocean undulating.

In fact, the sand from the Fountain of Youth was of little use to him, but he did not brush off the boy's kindness.

"This is... there is so much sand from the Fountain of Youth, Liu Shen, didn't you use it?" Shi Hao asked, a little puzzled.

"Baidian Mountain, the Divine Spring of Agelessness and the True Water of Taiyi indeed contain immortal divinity, but the mud and sand are of little use to me."

Liu Shenping spoke. In fact, she only used a drop of the Divine Fountain of Youth, and it was just to analyze the divine power of the Fountain of Youth.

"Brother, don't you need it too?"

Shi Hao asked, looking at Xu Yu.

"These things are useless to me." Xu Yu smiled faintly.

"Okay." Shi Hao nodded, feeling extremely surprised. This elder brother seemed to be really different from some Liushen. The acquaintance was at the peak of his acquaintance, and it was impossible to guess his depth.

"Boss, if you don't want it, can you give it to me? I'd be very grateful." The stone that had been lying on Xu Yuqi's head suddenly made a sound, and he begged pitifully.

On Xu Yu's body, a stone was wailing. He jumped down and looked at the crowd eagerly. The stone's eyes and mouth unexpectedly appeared, and it looked extremely funny.

The faces of the important girl Yun Yan and Liu Shen were extremely calm, but Shi Shi and all the people in Shicun were stunned and dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

"This is really the first time I've seen a talking stone." Everyone was surprised.

"Monster, can a stone become a spirit?"

Everyone was talking a lot and looking at the God-beating Stone with great curiosity.

"You can eat if you want." The little one muttered, looking at the stone that was jumping up and down with a curious look in his eyes. This was the first time he saw a talking stone.

"Great, this young man, you have great potential. I will protect you from now on!" God-beating Stone shouted, looking at Shi Hao with satisfaction, and then at Xu Yuliu, Shen Chongtongnu and the others in awe.He gnawed the sand crazily, filling his mouth to the brim in an instant.

Hitting the God Stone was very pleasantly surprised. When he chose to leave with Xu Yu, there was actually a lot of sand that had not been swallowed up. He did not expect that he would be brought back by this child, and the big willow tree would take advantage of him again without using it.

"If you take this time to prepare, it's almost time to start the baptism." Liu Shen said.

"Okay." Shi Hao nodded. He remembered that the second baptism should be between ten and twelve years old for the best effect.

"That will be a special baptism. You must be well prepared." Xu Yu smiled lightly.

"Special baptism?" Shi Wu felt a little dazed.

"Yes, during this period, you should polish your body to the extreme." Liu Shen added that this baptism is very crucial, as it will lead to Shi Hao's foundation-building journey, as well as the true dragon's descendant, the head of the ten evils. out

"What kind of baptism is that?" Shi Hao's eyes were shining with expectation.

"You'll know then." Xu Yu smiled and touched his head.

"Okay, big brother, Liu Shen, don't worry. I will definitely work hard during this period to solidify my foundation."

Afterwards, the little one left, expecting to bring some elixirs and planted them in the stone village.

Shicun is surrounded by auspicious energy, and each elixir is swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon, blooming with precious light, reflecting Shicun like a sacred land.

In the distance, a silver peach tree shines. This is a quasi-holy medicine that Xiao Bu Dian asked Xu Yu to bring back to Shicun.It has been planted for a long time, and now it is very extraordinary.

Although it is no more than the thickness of a wrist and only half a person tall, it is very vigorous, like a coiled dragon. The leaves and branches are all silver, like silver flames burning.

There are two silver peaches on the tree, which are stained with a touch of gold and look extremely bright.

Not far away, the big red bird almost drooled when he saw the two peaches. He knew that the silver peach tree was a quasi-holy medicine, and might even evolve into a real holy medicine in the future.

"Don't pay attention to that silver peach tree. Shi Hao was very alert and warned the big red bird. Hearing the words, the big red bird laughed and couldn't help shrinking its neck. What could this cruel child do here?

"By the way, Erbaldy, let that native chicken out quickly." Shi Wu urged.

"That's mine..." Er Baldy muttered reluctantly.

"Come on, stop talking nonsense." The big red bird slapped Er Baldy. Er Baldy's face turned black again and he almost burst away, but he still released an animal, which seemed to be a chicken.

This native chicken is half a meter tall, fat and round, with earthy-yellow feathers. It is estimated that no one will notice it if it is thrown into the garbage.

This native chicken is not very timid, and is quite nervous under the crowd. Its small eyes move in circles, feeling a little nervous.

Especially when he saw Xu Yu and the girl with double pupils, a humanized look of awe appeared in his small eyes.

"Isn't it just a chicken? Da Hong and Er Baldy, you guys can't be mistaken." Shi Hao looked puzzled and scratched his head. He felt that this chicken looked ordinary.

"What do you know? This is the Eight Ancient Treasures. Even the gods will drool when they see it." Erbaldie responded.

Bazhen Chicken is known as a divine delicacy, and its delicious meat is rare in the world. In ancient times, it was a divine dish, and the most important thing is that every once in a while, it will lay an egg, which is comparable to a magical medicine.

"That's great!" Shi Hao and the people in Shicun were stunned for a moment, and then they were pleasantly surprised. This way, they would all have the opportunity to enjoy the elixir from time to time.

Bazhenji's eyes widened, and he seemed to realize that he was not in danger. He started to walk in the stone village. He unexpectedly glanced sideways at Shi Hao, showed a human expression, walked slowly, and finally lay down under the roots of a willow tree. , with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"This chicken... is really different." Even Xu Yu was speechless.

The moonlight was bright, and before long, Shicun followed international practice and directly entered the dinner party.

Various ancient relics were roasted golden and shiny. These were Shi Hao's trophies. Together with the monkey wine, the aroma of the meat mixed with the aroma of the divine wine was almost intoxicating, and the pores were completely opened.

Xu Yu drank by himself, with a faint smile on his face. He also liked this atmosphere very much. He was far away from the battle and could escape in his heart. This was what Shi Hao longed for - a perfect world.

He had long been accustomed to this kind of atmosphere. Unexpectedly,
Unexpectedly, the girl with double pupils quickly blended in, holding a glass of wine and eating happily with a relaxed expression.

"Brother, I like this atmosphere very much. It's exactly the same as the perfect world you once described."

The girl with double eyes smiled slightly. Although she was feasting at the moment, she still had an extraordinary temperament and looked otherworldly. She was too tired from the ancient battle. Now that he was back beside his brother, he felt relaxed and comfortable again, which made him think of The past events of the ancient Immortal Era.

"The road to a perfect world is long and difficult." Xu Yu said softly.

Shi Cun laughed happily. Soon, after eating the meat of the ancient relics and drinking the monkey wine, many people in Shi Cun actually broke through. They quickly sat aside, meditated and adjusted their breath, refining the essence. After a while, Shi Hao laughed again. Hehe carefully divided out the many trophies and weapons and handed them to everyone in Shicun, causing bursts of exclamations.

After the dead of night, wait until everyone retreats.

Shi Hao appeared again and found Xu Yu and Liu Shen, wrapping their heads around their heads.

He took out the small tower wrapped around his hair and asked Xu Yu and Liu Shen about its origin.

The small tower is only one inch high, extremely transparent and shining, shimmering and shining, it is extraordinary at first glance.

"This pagoda appeared again..." Liu Shen stared at the small pagoda for a long time, and then slowly said such a sentence.

Xu Yu's eyes were focused, staring at this small tower, and his heart was filled with ripples. This small tower was very unusual.

He can even be traced back to the Emperor Luo era at the earliest. Together with a quasi-immortal emperor who left a faint footprint in the sea, he fought against the three quasi-immortal emperors and finally collapsed, and finally scattered all over the place.

Xu Yu knew that the current small pagoda was the remnant of the small pagoda, with only four floors. In addition, there were two floors in the hands of the Yin Yang Taoist in the upper realm, and two floors in the immortal realm. in hand.

"Liu Shen, does he have a great background?" Shi Wu asked.

"During the ancient times, even in the ancient times, it had manifested before, possessing unrivaled divine power. Now its state is so wrong that I can barely recognize it." Liu Shen said solemnly, directly frankly.

Shi Hao was surprised when he heard this, and his mouth almost opened into an 'O' shape. He didn't expect that this ordinary little tower had such an origin.

"What do you think, fellow Taoist?" Liu Shen was silent for a moment, and asked with dozens of green branches swinging.

"Big brother, do you know who this ancient pagoda belongs to and what's its past." Shi Hao also spoke, wanting to know more, he was extremely curious about this small pagoda.

"The years are too long to be traced back. It is not something you can imagine at your level. Maybe one day you will be strong enough and understand everything." Xu Yu touched his head, which was meaningful. Today's Shi Hao is not suitable for contact. Things at this level would otherwise be detrimental to his growth.

"Oh..." Shi Hao scratched his head. Although he was still very confused and felt uncomfortable asking, considering that Liu Shen and the others were so solemn, this was probably a great killing weapon and worthy of his serious consideration in the future.

"It's missing parts, and the body of the tower is much smaller than before." Liu Shen spoke again and added.

"That's it." Xiao Bu nodded, and then left the place.

"What do you think about this pagoda, Fellow Daoist..." Liu Shen asked again with a solemn expression.

"The Era of the Emperor's Fall..." Xu Yu was sitting cross-legged under the willow tree and slowly said...

(End of this chapter)

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