"The Age of Emperor's Fall..." Willow God was silent, and countless branches swayed gently, filled with green clouds, shining like a divine chain of order.

"I seem to have an impression, but unfortunately, I still have too much memory loss now." Liu Shen said with regret, a little lonely, and at the same time he was even more frightened. The origin of the person in front of him is absolutely unimaginable, and it is very likely that he will Subvert the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Xu Yu didn't say anything. Today, Liu Shen is in a state of nirvana, and there are still many memories that have not been recovered. She should not be hasty. However, with Xu Yu's intervention, she recovered relatively quickly in this life.

In fact, the origin of the small pagoda is indeed extraordinary, older than the Willow God. It is an era older than the Immortal Ancient, and can be traced back to the terrible days of the Emperor's Fall.


A month passed in a hurry.

Rumble down!
The forest trembled, the ground trembled, all the ancient trees were shaking, and the leaves were flying, as if a major earthquake had occurred.

An earth-walking dragon roared. Its body was as huge as a mountain. As it walked through the forest, such a ferocious beast was enough to knock down a short mountain.

The huge claw as thick as a mountain fell down, breaking ancient trees, turning boulders into powder, and directly trampling the mountainous ground. Although it looked clumsy, it was incredibly fast.


A blazing light burst out, as if a small figure like a shooting star appeared, more brilliant than the sun in the sky. It swooped past, clenched its five fingers, and its roots were like a heavenly sword. The sword light appeared, and the earth dragon was shot on the spot. It became a blood mist.

This is the grass-shaped sword technique, which was executed by Xiao Shi Hao.

"Yes, we have made great progress." Xu Yu sat cross-legged under the willow tree, with bright eyes. Seeing this scene, he smiled slightly. He started with the Ten Evil Techniques. This kind of foundation, even a descendant of the Immortal Realm, did not have such a foundation. Good treatment.

Nowadays, it is quite difficult for Xiaodian to achieve this step on the basis of Shidongtian. He is able to initially evolve the grass-character sword technique. He is extremely talented. If he is an ordinary person, he may only be able to understand it in this life and be unable to master it. Perform it to a profound level.

"What an incredible young man. If we were to face off against Shi Yi, it seems that we really don't know who will win."

Next to Xu Yu, Yun Yan, a girl with double pupils, also spoke. He had a beautiful face, his fair face was flowing with brilliance, and his eyes were sparkling, but at this moment, he showed a look of surprise.

She now naturally knows that due to the grudge between Shi Hao and Shi Yi, these two stunning young men will inevitably have a big collision in the future, and it will be an earth-shattering battle.

And this Shi Hao was worthy of being the young man who was favored by his brother. He had extraordinary potential. Even though she had confidence in the man with double eyes, she was a little unsure at the moment.

Another blink of an eye, two months passed.During this period of time, the naughty child was howling and squealing, constantly squeezing his physical potential in preparation for baptism.

"I want to surpass and reach the strongest!" Xiao Shihao continued to exercise to the extreme, and wanted to sublimate again in the cave heaven realm and reach the strongest.

Xu Yu showed a strange look. Today's Shi Hao's starting point is too high. The magical arts he started practicing were all at the level of the Ten Evils, but he has become more and more diligent, which is amazing.

"A person who is born to practice Taoism and to cope with the calamity is indeed extraordinary." Xu Yu nodded gently. Shi Hao not only had unparalleled talent in cultivation, but was also so diligent that it would be difficult not to rise.

In fact, what he didn't know was that Shi Hao was following him and Yun Yan as examples, even though he didn't know how strong they were, and Xu Yu and the double-eyed girl were also motivating him to take one step closer in order to Collide with the 'little brother' who took away his supreme bone.

While Shi Hao was sharpening himself, other people in the village were not idle either. They were all constantly consolidating their cultivation, even the girl with double pupils. His cultivation in this life had not been completely restored, so naturally he did not dare to slack off. .

The willow trees at the head of the village are always shining, and the mist is misty, exuding a peaceful atmosphere, making people practice spiritually almost twice the result with half the effort.

Big Red Bird and Er Baldy both like to sit cross-legged and practice not far from Willow God. Even the native chicken stays there and takes a nap under the roots of the willow tree all day long.

Needless to say, the Lihuo Bull Demon and the Demon Ape have long been accustomed to practicing next to the willow tree. When practicing here, there is an endless aura of the great road. Even as venerables, they have benefited a lot. I became more and more awed.

"Ready for baptism."

Finally, one day, after a brief silence, Liu Shen called the little boy outside to come back quickly and prepare for the baptism.

"Is it about to start?" Shi Hao, who was practicing in the outside world, dropped everything and rushed towards Shicun at high speed, feeling excited.

The people in the village were alarmed. This was a big event. Everyone was very nervous. Some people who had been in seclusion also recovered.

Even Big Red Bird, Er Baldy and others looked solemn, and Furball was scratching his head, wanting to find out.

Shi Hao looked solemn, adjusted his breathing, and sat cross-legged under the willow tree. He had a rare serious expression, but no longer had a playful smile on his face.

"Liu Shen, what kind of precious blood are you using for baptism?" Shi Hao said. He was a little confused. He didn't see the collected precious blood, so he couldn't help but speak. As we all know, if it is baptized, it is best to use the blood of ancient beast treasures. Of course, the higher the grade, the more precious it is.

"Just watch." Xu Yu showed a smile on his face and raised his hand to the sky. A magic circle was removed, revealing the original appearance of the sky.


Above the sky, the wind and cloud suddenly changed, chaos was raging, and a small world emerged, filled with blazing brilliance, making everyone's eyes brighten up almost subconsciously.

"This is……"

Through the chaotic gap, everyone saw some things, where the chaos was transpiring, and there was endless mist entanglement. In the faint, there were bursts of dragon chant, howling and shaking the sky, shaking the sky.

A blazing glow bloomed with immortal glory, and a big dragon soared into the sky, covering the sky, shaking the past and present and the future, and landed next to the willow tree in Shicun.

Especially the roar of the dragon made the sky tremble in all directions. It quickly transformed into a man, of medium height, not very majestic, but breathtaking and not angry or intimidating!
"It's time to begin, fellow Taoists." Zhenlong Xuying said lightly, showing a smile.

When he was brought to Shicun by Xu Yu, he has been dormant here and placed the Chaos Dragon's Nest above Shicun.


The palm of the real dragon's shadow turned over, and a stone egg emerged and was dragged in his palm. Today was not only the baptism of this young man, but also the official birth of his own son.

At the beginning, Xu Yu used great magic power to make up for the innate defects of the true dragon's young son, so that the restoration is now truly flawless.

Xu Yu had told him before that when the little true dragon was born, he would baptize the little one with some of the true dragon's original dragon energy, and now he was going to implement it...

The true dragon naturally agreed happily. It was just the original dragon energy. As a descendant of the true dragon, it was naturally indispensable. After a while, it could be restored. What's more, he owed Xu Yu such a big favor.

Later, Xu Yu introduced the real dragon and his heirs to everyone in Shicun, which immediately made everyone stunned, and then caused a cry of exclamation.

The people in Stone Village were all dumbfounded. They never expected that above their Stone Village, there would be a true dragon's lair, and this middle-aged man turned out to be the true dragon of the legendary true dragon. Today he would also witness the young true dragon. The birth of!
Even the girl with double eyes, Yun Yan, looked surprised. After the ancient battle, the world heard that the real dragon had died, but she did not expect it to appear in Shicun, which surprised her.

The big red bird and the two bald men were almost stunned. This village was actually dormant like a terrifying existence.

The Suanni, the Lihuo Bull Demon, and the Demon Ape were all trembling with fear. That kind of aura was absolutely overwhelming. The terrifying suppression from the high-level creatures almost made their breathing stagnant.

True dragon!

In the eyes of the world, dragons are almost equivalent to true immortals, and even more powerful. This legendary creature will appear in Shicun. How can people not be shocked?

"Is this a special baptism?" The little one was also in a daze. This was so unbelievable that a real dragon appeared, like a myth.


The real dragon stone egg is mottled with dragon patterns, crystal clear, shimmering and extremely extraordinary.


Thousands of rays of light, auspicious colors soaring into the sky, a real dragon rushed out. The red clouds were dotted, and the army's body was bright red, as if it was born with the sunset!

This is a real dragon, the parent and son of the strongest of the Ten Evils!

The dragon energy filled the air, and the entire stone village was nourished by it. Everyone was shocked. The real dragon was born. It was an auspicious and auspicious call.

Sure enough, as soon as he was born, he brought a rare return of energy to Shicun, which benefited many people.

"Holy shit, my feathers are getting more and more brilliant." The big red bird was delighted, and he got unimaginable benefits.

"Er Baldy, you..." The big red bird originally wanted to take a look at this unlucky second brother, but found that a layer of fine feathers appeared on Er Baldy's body. Although it was very short, it was extremely bright.

"Am I... going to recover?" Erbaldie was surprised. Looking at his feathers, he couldn't help but want to roar.

The blazing dragon energy fills the air, and the most important thing is that a burst of original dragon energy rushes out!
The little red dragon soars into the sky and sinks into the sky. It is sensing its own changes. There is chaos everywhere, thousands of divine clouds, thousands of auspicious colors, and various visions.

"I've met my father and several seniors." Not long after, Chilong flew down and greeted Xu Yuliu Shen and others.

In particular, he especially thanked Xu Yu, because if it weren't for him, he would probably be a dragon with congenital defects, and he might become the laughing stock of the Ten Evils.

"Yes, he was born in the Void Realm. He is worthy of being the son of a real dragon." Xu Yu smiled, and the real dragon beside him also smiled and looked at his own son with satisfaction.

Afterwards, Gegu, the red dragon, stood next to the real dragon and quietly watched Shi Wu's baptism.

The misty dragon energy turned into patches of blazing glow, rising and falling like a vast ocean. This was brought about by the birth of the red dragon.

Dozens of willow sticks stretched out, collecting dragon energy one after another, turning into streams, and converging into waterfalls, pouring down from the sky and sprinkling on the little ones.

"hold head high!"

A high-pitched dragon roar came out, just like a real dragon in the fairy world raising its head. Dragon auras wrapped around Shi Hao's body, nourishing a young man in the mortal world, allowing his body to be tempered and blessed by the universe.

Shi Hao closed his eyes tightly, his skin was gleaming, and the dragon energy penetrated his body, rumbling. At this moment, his five internal organs were also
It glowed, and the flesh glowed, and the sound of roaring tigers and dragons could be faintly heard on the skin. It was so magical that it seemed to be lifted up by the clouds.Ripple after ripple spread out, Shi Hao's bones all over his body exploded, and all the flesh and blood in his body vibrated, as if a divine music of the great avenue was playing.

"With the True Dragon Origin Qi, I will take another step forward in the Cave Heaven Realm."

Shi Hao has a head full of black hair, his eyes are like lightning, and his whole body is entangled with real dragons. He is like a young emperor, with a breathtaking aura.


Around him, ten caves emerged, squeezing the void, swallowing the blazing dragon energy, and roaring continuously.

"It's against the heavens." Everyone sighed, the ten caves of Little Dot are almost complete.

The sound of the Tao is endless, and the ten caves in the sky are roaring, even more brilliant, as if the fairyland has emerged, the ten caves in the sky are connected into one, and the divine light is boiling there.

Willow God took action, and more than a dozen willow branches became crystal clear and vivid, and liquid dripped from the front end of each branch.

Divine light penetrates the sky, which is the divine essence of God Liu, like the ups and downs of the sea of ​​life.


Xu Yu also took action, his fingers opened directly, the light was hazy, and a drop of blood flashing with divine light emerged. This was the blood of the Emperor of Heaven, which also contained the power of creation.

In an instant, many seeds took root and sprouted in the grass and soil, rising up from the ground in an instant and growing rapidly. This was only caused by the aura leaked by the two powerful men.

This is a kind of miracle. When Xu Yu and Liu Shen took action, it was like creating a new world, ending the void, and the life breath of the ocean emerged.

Many people in the village feel comfortable all over, their old illnesses are gone, and their cultivation is improving.

What's even more miraculous is that the quasi-holy medicine silver peach tree has also undergone an astonishing change at this moment. It is fragrant and fragrant, and the spiritual energy is rolling. It is many times richer than before, and it has directly evolved into a holy medicine.


The aura was majestic, the ten caves roared, and expanded violently, almost able to contain the divine essence of the immortal Xu Yu and Liu Shen.

Shi Hao's body glowed, and his chest suddenly shone brightly. A crystal bone gave off a misty aura. There was actually a little man sitting cross-legged on top of it, chanting scriptures.
Wisps of excess divine essence were diverted from the cave sky and submerged into the supreme bone.

The Supreme Bone born from Nirvana was already extremely extraordinary, but now it has become even more terrifying after absorbing the Emperor's Blood and Willow Divine Liquid. It seems to be able to traverse the heavens for eternity and suppress the Three Realms and Six Paths.

"I seem to know what to do." Shi Hao whispered, his eyes sparkling and bright, like two unsheathed fairy swords, extremely sharp.

At this moment, the world seemed to have completely solidified, and everything returned to silence.

"It's amazing. A single thought can travel across the wasteland and build Xuanhuang." Xu Yu nodded. Shi Hao's understanding was indeed extraordinary.

"This little guy is extraordinary,..." Chilong Gegu's eyes widened, and he felt quite surprised that he actually commented in an old-fashioned way...

Chilong Gegu spoke in an old-fashioned way. In fact, he looked like a teenager now, with delicate features and an extraordinary temperament. He actually had a sense of detachment, which was surprising.

He now looks not much older than Shi Wu, but with his hands behind his back and a serious look on his face, people can't help but feel a little bit amused.

In fact, as the son of a true dragon, he was born at the pinnacle of the Void Dao Realm. This is a height that many people cannot reach in their lifetime, which naturally makes him, the son of a true dragon, quite proud.


In the end, Shi Hao was successfully baptized and became a monk in the Spiritual Transformation Realm. He reached the middle stage of the Spiritual Transformation Realm, and his cultivation speed reached an incredible level.

This sounds amazing, but if you think about it carefully, it's actually nothing. On the one hand, his accumulation is indeed profound enough.

At the current stage, the Supreme Bone is resurrected. Compared with the world stage in the original work, he started at a much higher level, and he has practiced the Ten Evil Techniques, so he will naturally become more defiant.

Moreover.Liu Shen's juice, True Dragon Origin Qi, and Xu Yu's Heavenly Emperor's blood, these are all things that defy the heavens, and to a frightening level, they are of great help to him.

And these were only used for his baptism.

If it is used to improve cultivation, the level of terror may scare people to death, and it may create a great master in an instant.

What's more, the divine substance provided by several people for baptism has been absorbed a lot by the Supreme Bone. Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that he has entered the middle stage of the spirit transformation realm.

However, the little one was still dissatisfied, and once again made an amazing move. In order to reopen the ten caves, he actually directly connected the ten caves together, and finally formed a bright divine ring, which shocked the four of them.

The divine ring is in the sky, dazzling and dazzling, covering Xiao Shihao. When it is soft, it is like a divine moon. There is an independent figure in it, with clear light falling, peaceful and sacred. When it is strong, the divine ring is like a blazing sun, and the central figure is extremely fascinating.

"This little stone is really not simple. There is such a heaven-defying existence among the human race." Red Dragon Gegu was also a little surprised.

The two bald men were dumbfounded. Now, under the feedback of dragon energy, he has grown a lot of peacock feathers.

"This... is simply a rhythm that would scare the ancient mighty masters to death! I guess the old guys from the ancient times would also be shocked." Erbaldie was stunned for a long time and highlighted this sentence.

The Willow God was also slightly surprised. Dozens of green willow branches were swinging in the wind, and there were actually dots of rays of light that filled the air, making this place almost a pure land for the gods.

"What an incredible young man." Zhenlong's face was moved. He was as majestic as a prison and his figure was majestic. At this moment, he couldn't help but sigh softly.

But then, his eyes fell on the red dragon Gegu, and his pale golden eyes exuded a majestic aura, which made Gegu almost wince, and his body seemed to feel something bad.

As for everyone in Shicun, they were already stunned. How could Dongtian still play like this?They were all stunned. Xiao Shi Wu's temperament changed drastically at this moment. He was like a young god, with an amazing aura, like

The sky is full of sun, and there is an invincible and amazing aura.

Shi Hao has embarked on a path that belongs to him, is different, and has evolved to such a heaven-defying step, everyone will be surprised, even these big shots can't keep calm.

"Finally, I know why my brother values ​​him more." Yun Yan, a girl with double pupils, sighed. This is really a god-like young man who will always make unparalleled pioneering actions that will amaze people.

The light group in Shi Wu's body is blazing, like a small sun. Ten caves are connected to the sky, and they release their spiritual energy to each other, forming a terrifying and monstrous light group.

"Okay, your baptism is over." Liu Shen said.

The mist dissipated, a dozen green branches receded, the glow restrained, and the place returned to normal, no longer shrouded in divine glory.

"Liu Shen, I want to go to the Virtual God Realm." Not long after, Shi Wu spoke, his eyes sparkling.

Hearing this, Xu Yu was speechless. Counting time, this little scourge has indeed been unsealed. It is estimated that it will cause havoc in the Void God Realm again, and it is likely to set off an astonishing storm.

"Okay!" Liu Shen responded.Dozens of green branches exploded, penetrated the sky, and then penetrated it. Runes were densely covered, and a portal appeared there.

Shi Hao showed his naughty nature again and shouted on the spot, very excited.In the chaotic mist, Shi Wu ran forward quickly and quickly broke into the False God Realm.

Afterwards, everyone dispersed, leaving only Xu Yu, Zhenlong, Double-eyed Girl Yunyan and Red Dragon Gegu under the willow tree.

"Child, come here." The real dragon suddenly spoke.

"What's wrong, father." Chilong Gegu was a little suspicious, and his heart trembled inexplicably, but he still walked over.

The real dragon's eyes were calm, and he suddenly stretched out his right hand. His inexplicable aura circulated, and endless runes appeared on his arm. The strands of them actually carried a strong suppressive aura.


There is a mist of dragon energy, the real dragon's body is motionless, and the palms of his fingers have the power to support the sky, caressing the back of the red dragon Gegu, the dragon energy is steaming, and it is extremely magical.

In an instant, his palms stretched out like a roc, or like a wild dragon probing its claws. In a short time, sparks flew everywhere. With a pop, his five fingers vibrated like a divine sword, and an invisible ripple spread across the air.


The aura of Red Dragon Gegu gradually declined at this moment.

Virtual Dao Realm!
God Realm!
What a place!

The aura of Red Dragon Gegu actually dropped off a cliff, all the way to the blood-moving realm.

"Father, why..." Chilong Gegu's face was a bit ugly. Just a moment ago, he was a strong man in the Void Dao Realm who could overlook the world. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a little minion in the Blood Moving Realm, which was hard for him to accept. .

"Rebuild it, one step at a time, maybe you can go further in the future." The real dragon's light golden eyes were a little deep, and he sighed softly and said this.

"Besides, I didn't really cut off your Taoism, I just sealed it. If you have to, you can still use it." The real dragon continued to speak.

He felt deeply that a young boy from the human race could actually perform the Cave Heaven Realm to such a profound level. He could see that Shi Wu's footsteps were very solid, and the foundation of each step was laid very solidly.

Therefore, he also had this idea about Chilong, which allowed him to build the most solid Tao foundation from the first secret realm practice.

Hearing this, Red Dragon Gegu's face softened slightly, but he still asked: "Does our race need this?"

"Those who learn from me live, and it seems that I will die." The real dragon shook his head, put his hands behind his back, and looked beyond the sky. His eyes were extremely deep, as if he had merged with all the heavens and the universe, and jumped out of the world. (End of chapter)

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