Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 372 Chapter 340 2 The Bald Man Shows His Power

"Senior, I won't bother you anymore, this is my Tianshen Mountain's business." Yun Canghai, the master of Tianshen Mountain, his eyes flickered slightly, glanced at the old man, and said in a direct voice.

In fact, he was also dissatisfied. Tianshen Mountain was indeed very powerful, but a god who lit the divine fire in their Tianshen Mountain passed away not long ago. Otherwise, where would it be the turn of the powerful divine fire man in front of him to dominate?
Moreover, there is also a great formation of gods on top of the Heavenly God Mountain. If it is opened, the gods of the Southern Meteor God Mountain will probably not be able to please it.

The air seemed to become stagnant in an instant, the atmosphere was horribly depressing, and the smile of the old man who lit the divine fire gradually disappeared.

At this moment, he felt like a towering mountain standing in front of him, giving him a suffocating sense of oppression.

He took a deep look at Yun Canghai. This look seemed to penetrate Yun Canghai's whole person and reveal all the truth and falsehood. Then he glanced past the two bald men and looked at Shi Hao. His eyes became bright again. .

"This is the human boy who opened up ten caves in your mouth." The old man who lit the divine fire relaxed his brows and showed a faint smile, but his eyes suddenly brightened, and he stared at the stone.

Hao's breasts.


Yun Canghai frowned and said, and at the same time his heart suddenly sank, and he had some bad premonition, what is this god going to do?
"Well, speaking of it, this young man has a causal connection with our Southern Meteor Mountain." The old man Shenhuo said calmly. He took a few steps forward and stared at Shi Hao with a burning gaze. The young prodigy who opened up ten caves is worth studying. !

"What do you mean!" The bald man subconsciously stood in front of Shi Hao, with his hands behind his back and a look of pride on his face.

Er Baldy is pretending to be a peerless master. Coupled with his extraordinary appearance, he really has an invincible demeanor. Under the pressure of the gods, he is still calm and calm.

"I, the Venerable Master of Nanyue Mountain, fell in Butian Pavilion. There must be an explanation." The eyes of the old man from Nanyue Mountain were intertwined with runes, and brilliant ripples burst out, shaking the whole world, and his tone became cold. .

"Furthermore, I originally came to discuss the ancient magic circle with the Lord of Tianshen Mountain, but I was interrupted by you." The old man from Nanyun Mountain said casually, but everyone could see that there was a flash in his eyes. The cold light that passed by stared at Shi Hao with a greedy expression without concealing it.

"Senior, this little guy is the key to going to Kunpeng's nest this time." Yun Canghai said, fearing that the other party would really capture Shi Hao. At this moment, Xu Yu, who was hiding in the void, flicked his fingers, and a stream of light stimulated him. It shot out and sank into Er Baldy's body, causing his aura to rise steadily.

Er Baldy was shocked all over, and could hardly help but roar. He knew that the big boss in the dark had taken action, and he actually raised his Dharma and Tao to a great level again.

"What are you barking at? The souls of Butian Pavilion are in Butian Pavilion. You dare not go there, but you show off your power to a younger disciple. Have you lived like a dog in your life?" The Erbald Man's whole body was blooming with treasures. Guang, shouted righteously.

Everyone was stunned and then speechless. Even Yun Canghai looked surprised. Is this peacock stupid? He dared to talk to a god like this.

Although he has returned to cultivation and regained the power of the Great Peacock, it is impossible for him to compete with the gods. Looking at the eight realms, the gods are undoubtedly the strongest.

In the distance, the boys and girls who were about to leave Kunpeng's nest also showed shocked expressions, especially some girls, whose eyes were flowing and brilliant, and they stared at the bald man, with ripples in their hearts.

It has to be said that Er Baldy's physical appearance is indeed eye-catching. He can be said to be handsome, as rich as jade, wearing five-color Taoist robes, and even his hair is flowing with divine light, and his roots are crystal clear, giving him a feeling of elegance and agility.

"Huh, a little venerable, I don't know what to say." The god of Nanyun Mountain said coldly.

He walked with a cane, but his steps were extremely heavy, as if a liger was taking steps in the mountains. Every step he took shook the dust, leaving footprints that were inch deep.


The old man with divine fire moved, stretched out a skinny palm, and wrapped it with divine fire. Although the old man's skin was wrinkled, he still had a shocking power, like a big mountain pressing down on the two bald men.

This is an astonishing power. When a palm print is pressed down, it is like the sky collapsing, and like a sacred mountain breaking. It has a world-shaking power that makes the air roar with a roar, unable to withstand such terrible pressure.

"Little Dao'er, a mere false god whose divine fire is almost extinguished dares to be so arrogant." Er Baldy said disdainfully...

not good!

The moment his palm fell, Er Baldy didn't dodge at all. An extremely rich and sticky force seemed to appear on Er Baldy's shoulder, sucking his entire palm. The gods of Nanyue Mountain wanted to unleash their power.
However, once the energy and blood stagnated, the divine power disappeared like a mud cow into the sea.

Before he could react, another powerful burst of force came from Er Baldy's body. The body of the spirit of Nanyue Mountain was numb all over, as if it had been struck by lightning, and like an arrow leaving the string, it was knocked back. It took a long time to stop.

There was silence in all directions, everyone's eyes widened and they were all turned to stone. This peacock actually knocked away the gods.

"This is not true..." The Fourth Master of Tianshen Mountain trembled and couldn't believe it. Isn't this evil peacock a Venerable? How could he have such profound cultivation.

"The two bald men are so powerful." Xiao Shihao muttered softly.

As for the purple-clothed girl Yun Xi, her pretty face turned a little dark. How could this infinite peacock be so tyrannical? Even the gods of Nanyue Mountain suffered a loss in his hands. Could it be that he was really going to be kidnapped later to do that? Is she the daughter-in-law of a boy with serious aesthetic issues? It’s scary to think about it!
"How could it be like this?" The god of Nanyue Mountain screamed, his face was gloomy, his eyes shot out a sharp cold light, he stared at Er Baldy, his face was full of disbelief, he actually fell into the trap of a venerable duel.

Wind, this... is unimaginable.

"If your skills stop here, then I might be too disappointed."

"I am the reincarnation of the Peacock King Ming. I am invulnerable to all attacks and cannot be harmed by human weapons. You are just a false god. If you don't retreat quickly, these are just trivial things!"

The bald man let out a sigh of relief from his chest. He looked sideways at everyone. He even raised his hand to pick a bouquet of buds from the flowers. He smiled while holding the flowers. However, he didn't look like a god or a Buddha. Instead, he looked rather wretched. Everyone who looked at him was very worried. Speechless, the face of the god opposite him was so gloomy that he almost shed tears.

Then the two bald man put his hands behind his back, and his five-color Taoist robe swayed in the wind, making a hunting sound, as if he would ride the wind away at any time. He was indescribably free and easy and indifferent. If you didn't look at his wretched face, you would really be able to calm yourself down.

Few people.

"You... surpassed the Venerable." Some people in Tianshen Mountain were restless, their pupils shrank, and they couldn't help but retreat. The peacock showed its power and calmed everyone.

"Yes, I am the true god." The bald man admitted with a very thick skin, without blushing at all.

"This evil peacock..." The expressions of many people in Tianshen Mountain changed. Although they knew he was talking nonsense, some haze still rose in their hearts. If he dared to bring that young man here, he would probably have some unforeseen tricks. I didn't expect it to be so amazing.

After Er Baldy responded, he actually started to walk towards the gods of Nanyue Mountain. He kept walking, neither fast nor slow, very calm and calm, as if nothing could block the way forward.

Er Xiuzi opened his five fingers and formed five splendid divine rainbows. They were five feathers, like five fairy swords. They clanged loudly. The sound of the swords pierced through the sound and cracked the stone. The chill was forced into the bones of people and shot out. .

The feathers are as huge as mountains, the sword intent is blazing, like five scorching suns approaching the world, and the divine energy is overwhelming the world.

The feathers are in the sky, like mountains, covering the sky and the sun. The bright red feathers are like blood jade, burning like flames. The sacred energy shatters the sky and clouds, illuminating the vast starry sky.

" not your power!"

The expression of the Shenhuo old man from the Southern Meteor Mountain suddenly changed. How could a venerable man exert such power? He raised the green wooden crutch to resist, blooming with green brilliance.

His green wood crutch is not just a crutch, it is also a magical weapon that he has been practicing all his life, and it is unparalleled in power.


The five feathers fell down, making a divine sound like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, and hit the Qingmu crutch, causing him to fly out on the spot. He was actually darkened on the spot.The next moment, the Erbald Man moved again, and he actually just jumped into the air. His body was radiating light, his fingers and palms were extremely solid, and he was descending towards the gods of Nanyun Mountain.


The gods of the Southern Meteor Mountain were wailing and could not be avoided at all. The whole sky was covered by the terrifying palm. In an instant, the breathing was stagnant. The muscles and bones of the body were hit, making a crackling sound, and the chest collapsed.

"Kill!" The spirit of Nanyun Mountain scolded, and he became angry.

Then, the spirit of Nanyue Mountain shone brightly, crystal clear, and a domineering momentum rose. He waved the green wooden staff again, and with a deafening sound, a destructive aura bloomed.


But it was not the sound of bone cracking, but the two bald man's fingers became crystal clear and sacred, with a faint golden aura lingering around them. In an instant, they were as strong as divine iron, and with one force, they broke the green crutch.

Er Baldy flicked his fingers again, like a divine bell being struck, and the two crutches made a pop sound, piercing through the shoulders of the gods of Nanyun Mountain like lightning. Even if he was a god, he could not block the edge of the gods' magic weapon at this moment. Coupled with the terrifying power contained in the bald man's fingertips, blood spattered on his shoulders on the spot, which was very tragic.

With a mouthful of blood spitting out, the spirit of Nanyue Mountain flew away for several miles in an instant, looking at Er Baldy with shock and fury.

"A master is lonely." Er Xiuzi's eyes were extremely deep, with his hands behind his back, his tone was calm and indifferent, and he looked like a master, which made countless people's eyes fall.

"I have recorded today's account." The old man from Nanyun Mountain said angrily, and then turned into a stream of light and flew away into the sky, no longer daring to stay for a long time.

Everyone's expression changed when they saw Er Baldy. This guy still had some sense of justice. He broke the magical weapon of the gods with his bare hands. Is this still the plagued peacock?

In the past, although the Great Peacock was in the limelight for a while, he was not so terrifying.

It wasn't until this moment that everyone understood Er Baldy's confidence. Whether it was borrowing the power of others or his own strength, Er Baldy was no longer what he used to be. He was no longer the good-for-nothing peacock hiding in Baidu Mountain. .

Later, although the people from Tianshen Mountain felt very unhappy, they did not dare to be careless. They took him and Shi Wu to another area, opened another magic circle, and even invited them into the core area.

"I say, don't be upset. If I hadn't come here, you wouldn't have been able to study that array. Haha, let alone understanding it thoroughly. If there is no corresponding array diagram, you are still far behind." Er Baldy said proudly.

"Also, my little brother is also the key to Kunpeng's nest this time. Without us two brothers, what can you accomplish?"

All the venerables frowned. Although this peacock was extraordinary and holy, its mouth was too mean.

"Hey, you want to leave, you want to escape this world, have you ever asked me? If I don't let you go, will you leave?" The two bald men looked at them sideways again.

The face of Tianshen Mountain is gloomy, the catastrophe is coming soon, everything else is secondary, only leaving early, followed by starting Kunpeng's Nest, these two things are the main thing.

Yun Canghai sighed secretly. He had no intention of doing anything to Peacock, because his sister Menglan always cared about him. Now that Kong Qiuji had shown such terrifying methods, naturally he couldn't do anything to him. Already...

"Wonderful, really wonderful." Xu Yu smiled while stroking his hands in the void, taking in everything in sight, watching with relish, it was a perfect plot that was pretending to be a slap in the face.

Of course, these words could only be heard by Liu Shen, who was also walking in the void. Liu Shen was a little speechless. The mysterious double-eyed man in front of him must be quite old, but he still has such a "childlike" look. , leaving her quite speechless.

Then, God Liu began to take steps, walking on the ancient sacred mountain, looking at the nine heavens, and there was a kind of loneliness in the transcendence.

"This mountain, this water, this heaven and earth will eventually be disillusioned." She whispered to herself.

"I seem to have seen the footprints of an old friend from the past..." Liu Shen said softly.

"Oh, who is it?" Xu Yu was also beside Liu Shen.

"He is a genius who stands at the pinnacle of Shinto. He is supreme and is known as a taboo. Everyone thought he was dead, but they didn't expect that there are still traces of his past steps on this mountain." Liu Shen sighed softly, feeling blurred all over.
Dim, clusters of firelight danced, as if one god after another was worshiping him.

"Is it... that person?" Xu Yu said, her eyes seemed to pierce through the void, and suddenly became blazing...

Xu Yu suddenly remembered that the person who left the magic circle should be the master of the restricted area of ​​​​the Cross Yin and Yang Land.

This person was also a leader who helped Shi Hao a lot in the later period. He could be regarded as half of Shi Hao's master. He was extremely impressive. His cultivation skills were astonishing.

"you know?"

Liu Shen was stunned and couldn't help but look back at Xu Yu. His originally plain words actually added some waves invisibly.

She had a feeling, an extremely keen intuition. Through the footsteps, wisps of silver light appeared in Liu Shen's eyes. Along with the chaos, she seemed to have seen one scene after another.

"The ancient magic circle should be left by him, and he should still be in this world." Xu Yu said, his eyes turned, and the stars flickered, seeming to illuminate scenes beyond the world.

He was an unparalleled genius who had reached the realm of the Immortal King. His obsession persisted after his death, and he occupied a restricted area, and was known as the Lord of the restricted area.

Not only did the Lord of the Forbidden Zone have extremely high levels of cultivation, but he also taught many talented young people a long time ago, and each of them reached the realm of true immortals.

Those creatures are all young people, and they are heavenly figures from various eras, almost from the beginning of the Immortal Ancient Era to the end of the Immortal Ancient Era.

The Chaos Clan, the Golden Crow lineage, the Human Clan, and other extraordinary geniuses from various ethnic groups...

Even the splendid Qingyue Fairy from the last generation of the Immortal Ancient Dynasty was also his disciple. He once passed down the Dafa to him and practiced under his sect, and her brilliance shone for an era.

"Where is he?"

Liu Shen's tone was troubled again, it was an old friend of his from the past. I thought he was already in danger, but I didn't expect that he was still alive in the world.

"Cross yin and yang, but the condition is not likely to be that good." Xu Yu said softly.

"This place... I seem to have some impression of it, but unfortunately I can't remember it."

"That's right. With his abilities, he shouldn't just sit there without a name. Even if he is dead, his obsession should last forever."

Liu Shen sighed softly, her eyes moving, as if looking through the wilderness, she was looking for, wanting to see the person from the past.

She has gone through nirvana many times and has lost too much memory. Although she has some memories about the Yin and Yang of the Cross, she cannot recall them.

At the same time, he was also surprised. The person in front of him seemed to be omniscient and omnipotent. He even knew about that person's existence, which made her secretly surprised. (End of chapter)

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