"It doesn't matter, if it's over here, I'll go for a walk." Xu Yu nodded lightly and said, although he hasn't found out yet, but after all, in these eight realms of the lower world, there will always be a meeting, not to mention Liu Shen. Because of the relationship, it is not difficult to find the owner of the restricted area.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist." Liu Shen said, and then Liu Shen left. He came here for the ancient magic circle. Now that he got the answer, he naturally would not stay long and returned directly to Shicun.

In the back of Tianshen Mountain, in a hidden stone forest, there is a magical formation. Over the years, the ancient formation has almost been completely wiped out.

Er Baldy looked at it and thought silently for a long time. Compared with the incomplete formation diagram he had obtained earlier, he kept nodding and said: "This formation is indeed damaged, but the part recorded in the incomplete diagram I obtained can be compared with the incomplete formation diagram I obtained. Make up for it." Er Baldy said to everyone.

Everyone in Tianshen Mountain was overjoyed when they heard this. There is no better news than this. This damn evil peacock can finally play some role.

However, Er Baldy's next words made everyone in Tianshen Mountain extremely angry and wanted to give him a beating.

"I think this girl in purple will just marry my little brother, and then we will talk about this magic circle." The bald man said with a smile, and glanced sideways at Shi Hao and Yun Xi. "Ah..." Yun Xi was so frightened that her face turned pale.

"What you owed me back then must be repaid in this life, of course, and I helped you drive away the false gods." The two bald men grumbled, not giving Tianshenshan any face.

"I don't want to take the ferocious beast..." Shi Hao muttered quietly, which made a group of people's faces darken.

What kind of mess is this? They are heavenly beings, how come they have anything to do with ferocious beasts?

"Hehe...haha..." The bald man kept laughing, looking at the dark-faced people with great pleasure.

"This young man is not bad. If they are of the same mind, I will naturally not object." Yun Canghai said calmly, smiling calmly and speaking impeccably.

"You old fox, you are just like your father back then. In the end, you sent people to hunt me down, and you can't even say a happy word!" The two bald man stared, very angry, as if he was remembering the past.

Everyone in Tianshen Mountain was angry that this guy dared to speak to their Lord of Tianshen Mountain like this. If they weren't concerned about this guy's strength, many of them would have taken action long ago.

"The past is over. The most important thing now is to leave this world. Otherwise, you will face liquidation sooner or later. You should also be prepared." Yun Canghai shook his head and said.

After saying this, several venerables from Tianshen Mountain fell silent. The terrifying catastrophe was fatal to their venerables, so they could not help but be cautious.


The Erbaldy man rarely refuted, and his mood was also a little heavy. He knew that there would be a terrible disaster in the future, and of course it would only target living beings like them above the Venerable level. Now that he had restored everything, he was naturally included in the reckoning.

Afterwards, Er Baldy directly wrote down more than a dozen kinds of materials and handed them to Yun Canghai, which made him take a breath of cold air on the spot. This kind of consumption was too terrible. Even if he had the foundation of Tianshen Mountain, he could not produce these in a short time.

"There should still be time to borrow it and unite with other ancient sacred mountains, otherwise there will be no chance. There is also Kunpeng's Nest, and we are almost there." Yun Canghai made a decisive decision.

"Great, I heard that my Celestial Race also has an ancestral land in the upper world, which is extremely glorious and gorgeous." Someone showed a look of longing.

"It's ridiculous. Even if a mere venerable person reaches the upper realm, he is nothing more than cannon fodder." The two bald men sneered, causing the latter to glare.

"By the way, we have to take this girl away, what do you say?" The bald man brought up old things again, with a shameless look on his face that made people hate him.

Yun Xi blushed on the side and hated the peacock. At the same time, she looked at Shi Hao who was looking at her everywhere in the distance. She was so angry that she wanted to beat him up.

"call out!"

At this moment, a spiritual light shot into the sky, carrying a mist, and spread quickly, followed by a soft chant, like a phoenix singing for nine days.

"Menglan finally came out of seclusion." Yun Canghai looked at his sister with a strange expression.

This is a woman of supreme elegance. Her dress is fluttering as she walks across the Hongqiao. She looks at the bald man with a stern look. On her cheeks, tears fall silently. The person she once thought about and dreamed of appears again!
"Yes, I'm back." Kong Qiuji's voice was low, and his hair was shining. His handsome face had restored the heroic appearance of his heyday.

"I hate to see others shed tears. Aren't we supposed to be happy when we meet again? Why are you crying?" Xiao Shihao muttered, a little confused.

"What do you, a little brat, know? Just stay here. The bald man looked at him sideways and slapped Shi Hao on the head, looking extremely domineering.

Because he has confidence in his heart, his magic power is still there and will not disappear soon. He still has the power to suppress the gods...

"It's almost time for you to go to sea." Er Baldy said, urging Shi Wu and others to set off for Kunpeng's Nest.

Yun Canghai and other Celestials were a little disgusted and a little dumbfounded. They just kicked off their little brother after meeting their old sweetheart. I really have you!

"Speaking of which, it's almost done. I guess many other forces have also set off." Yun Canghai nodded and left with Shi Wu and Yun Xi.

"Hahaha, explore well, and I will propose marriage to you when you come back." Er Baldy looked at Shi Wu in the distance and laughed.

Then he strode forward, took Menglan's hand, and walked away slowly.

The Great Peacock stirred up the chaos back then, but now he has returned to his peak again, accompanying the woman in front of him to the distance, which makes many people feel a little dazed.

In the end, the two bald men stayed in the Tianshen Mountain for the time being, while Shi Hao and the others set out on the road, stepping into a five-color passage, which was the road to the sky above the Shenshan.

Finally, the army left. There were divine servants, divine guards, and young people in the spirit transformation realm. The number was really not small, totaling 700 people.

And Xu Yu also set off. He knew that Kunpeng's nest was in Beihai, at the northern end of the wilderness, so he left without hesitation.

He walked as if he were walking on the Milky Way. There were dots of rays of light, and sometimes fragments of time were flying around him. It was astonishing. It didn't take long for him to reach the northernmost point of the wilderness.

The sea is undulating, the waves are magnificent, the waves are like thunder, the vast expanse of whiteness, the sea and the sky line, many people have gathered here, they are all here for the kunpeng nest, ready to cross the sea.

Xu Yu walked on the waves, and his whole body was blooming with hazy light, wrapping him up. He also gradually slowed down as he wanted to explore this world.

Even so, in the blink of an eye, it was already thousands of miles away.

During this process, many powerful boys and girls were sailing to distant seas accompanied by their elders.


Suddenly, a blazing blue light suddenly flew over, and there was endless blue light shining far away. Various symbols flashed, like a meteor shower falling, which was extremely shocking.

These are a group of creatures with fleshy wings, human bodies, and dragon tails. Their entire bodies are blue, and they look weird and extremely ferocious.

These creatures all rose from the ocean, spouting blue runes, and there were tens of thousands of them, as if a sea storm had been set off.

Xu Yu flicked his fingers, a stream of light burst out, the sword energy was like a rainbow, and the sound of popping was endless. More than 1 blue creatures exploded to pieces, blood splashed into the sky, and the blood stained the entire sea area red.

"Who... is he!" A horrified voice came from the depths of the ocean. This man was so terrifying. He actually raised his hand and killed tens of thousands of sea demons. This is such a heaven-defying existence. His Holiness also did this. No way, is it a god?
Xu Yu looked cold. Although he noticed it, he ignored it and walked straight into the depths.

And some powerful people on the ship behind couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay, a little horrified, why is there such a strong smell of blood in the distance?

Xu Yu continued to move forward, and now there was no one in front of him, which meant that he was at the forefront. "boom!"

The sea water erupted, and there was the sound of horseshoes, as if thousands of troops were galloping, and the swords smashed into the sky, and the air of killing shook the sea and sky.

In the distance, a big black horse galloped across the sea, as if it was not stepping on the sea, but on the vast expanse of land, rumbling and moving like a drum beating.

On its back, there is a headless humanoid creature, dressed in black armor, holding a golden sword, pointing at the sky, terrifying.

"Just a saint who died in battle."

Xu Yu's face was cold, and he directly saw the reality of this headless creature. This was a saint who died in this sea area in ancient times. He had an immortal murderous intention, but he was the Supreme Dao. To ordinary people, this thing was Disaster is nothing more than that to him.The headless saint came to kill, and the golden sword in his hand swept across. The winds in the sky and the earth were like thunder, the clouds exploded, and the angry sea roared into the sky.


Xu Yu's pupils opened and closed, and a ray of mysterious light shot out. Like a heavenly sword falling, the clanging sound was endless and penetrated his head. On the spot, the saint's body shattered inch by inch, turning into fragments and disappearing between heaven and earth.

After a while, Xu Yu went on the road, and soon the water mist curled up, the mist steamed, and it became a bit hazy.

The sun in the sky was almost invisible and became extremely dim.

In the distance, there are vaguely some ships sailing slowly, some are as big as mountains, some are only ten feet long, and the faint lights are shining.

This is a ghost ship left by the ancient times, and it is also caused by the phantom of the magic circle, which is closely related to the great war in the ancient times.

Xu Yu ignored it. At his current state, no monsters or monsters could become a problem in front of him.

He walked from one sea area to another, and finally he stepped into a small world.

"finally reached……"

A dry cliff is located in the depths of the sea, even more magnificent than the ancient magic mountain. It is exposed to the sea. There is an ancient bird's nest on the cliff. It looks simple and unpretentious. , seems to be able to suppress the eternal heavens.

The ten evils of the ancient times - Kunpeng's lair is lying in front of it, and the thrilling scene is jaw-dropping.

A dry cliff stands on the sea, it looks extremely grand, and it has been hidden in the vast ocean since the remains of the ancient times.

In the depths of this sea area, it seems that a huge living body is breathing, ups and downs, layers of ripples spread in the void, and there is a terrifying power of Taoism pervading.

"This is the source of the suppressive power." Xu Yu was surprised, opening and closing his eyes, staring at the depths of the sea.

This kind of suppressive power is enough to suppress many terrifying strong men to the spirit transformation realm, but Xu Yu's cultivation is too strong and he is hardly affected.

Xu Yu slowly climbed up the dry cliff. This dry cliff was much larger than it looked, like an ancient continent. The runes here seemed to dominate the heaven and earth and form a universe of its own.

"Sure enough, among the ten evil spirits, there is no simple one." Xu Yu nodded.

Taking one step forward, Xu Yu climbed to the top of the stone cliff. It was astonishing. If an ordinary spiritual monk landed here, it would take at least a month.

The stone cliff is majestic, and Kunpeng's nest has disappeared at this moment. The top is bare, only the mist is lingering, the twilight is looming, and the mysterious fluctuations are spreading, which is extremely shocking.

In fact, this is a remnant array, not a real Kunpeng nest, but a springboard, just a teleportation array.

Xu Yu stepped forward and soon appeared on an island. Golden glow was shining everywhere, it was so dreamy, even the plants were golden.

In fact, there are not a few such islands, many of which are located in the center, all glowing, with different colors, and extremely dazzling.

The spiritual energy in this place is so strong that it can hardly be melted away, and the innate energy is everywhere. If ordinary people practice here, they will definitely benefit a lot.

"Kunpeng Nest!"

In the distance, a god's nest stands tall, built with one god tree after another, and it is filled with chaotic energy. The scene is very astonishing.

He is grand and majestic, located on the island reef, filled with chaos.

He is changing. At first, he is simple and dull, but if you look carefully, he gradually brightens, the whole body is bright, and turns into golden yellow.

"It seems that something is missing." Xu Yu's mind moved and doubts arose. He suddenly moved his eyes away from Kunpeng's nest and slowly turned to the other side...

Kunpeng's nest is vast, huge and boundless, with endless runes flashing, flowing immortal divine brilliance, and shining in the heavens.

"The gate of light is not manifesting here. Could it be that the trajectory has completely changed?"

Xu Yu whispered that he remembered that there should be a grand scene beside the island outside Kunpeng's Nest. It should be juxtaposed with Kunpeng's Nest. There was a light gate with a river flowing inside. Entering the inside, it was a solidified world.


However, it disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed.

According to the original trajectory, there should have been a portal next to Kunpeng's nest, with a river flowing out of it and pouring into the ocean.

The most important thing is that a black paper boat originally floated out of the portal, with the words of the ruthless emperor's future generations recorded on it. It should have drifted for eternity, but it disappeared.

Moreover, inside the light gate, there is a condensed world, and there are traces of the later Emperor Wu Shi's final battle, but now without that light gate, it seems that everything is impossible to explore.

He suddenly remembered that he had just been riding the waves and had seen the ancient ghost ship, but not the black paper ship of the ruthless emperor. It seemed that there was a warning.

"Forget it, let's explore Kunpeng's nest first." After pondering for a moment, Xu Yu's whole body was glowing, and wind was blowing under his feet. He took action again and rushed towards Kunpeng's nest.
The sea is crystal clear, there are no big waves, it is steaming, the innate essence is permeated, and the sacred air fills the void.

Kunpeng's nest is huge, with flashing runes. There are several ways to reach the entrance, but now there is a force to seal the town, and it seems that it is not yet time to fully open it.

"Didn't you open it completely?" Xu Yu's expression was solemn, his eyes were blazing, his black hair was dancing wildly, and his whole body exuded a strong and powerful aura, ready to use some kind of means.


Bang Long!
In an instant, behind Xu Yu, a willow tree reaching the sky floated, with green clouds surging, a terrifying power of blood and energy burst out, and the sharp energy and blood was poured into it, blessing his body.

Xu Yu took action, and a finger as clear as jade appeared, but its entire body was entangled with golden airflow. Wherever it passed, even the void was penetrated and turned into nothingness.

The golden air flow at the fingertips seemed to open an ancient portal. One after another emerged from the fingers, shining brightly, like golden divine clouds, and one after another like divine chains of order rushing out.

(End of this chapter)

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