Chapter 374 There is a spirit in the sky
The runes of Kunpeng's Nest flashed, but they were penetrated with a popping sound in an instant. There was basically no resistance in front of the giant finger. He was already about to open it, and the rune restrictions on it were already loosened.

What's more, Xu Yu took action and used his astonishing cultivation. One after another divine chain of order reached the sky and the earth, and he could naturally tear a hole in Kunpeng's nest.

If outsiders knew about it, they would definitely be shocked. It is simply unimaginable that someone used force to tear open the entrance to Kunpeng's nest.

Xu Yu fell down in one step, and in a blink of an eye, he finally stepped into Kunpeng's nest.

This place is vast enough to be a world of its own, extremely empty, and accompanied by mist, it is completely different from the outside world.

Afterwards, Xu Yu continued to move forward. The suppression force here was very strong, and ordinary creatures would definitely be suppressed until they transformed into spirits.

A moment later, he saw a broken boulder left by Kunpeng. It was dull and unpretentious, and there was actually a line of words engraved on it: Swallow the sun and moon, melt chaos.

On top of the boulder, there is a picture of a Kunpeng. If the workplace were like this, it wouldn't matter if I didn't get into this lousy class!

Spreading its wings to soar into the clouds, covering the nine heavens, displaying supreme divine power.

Xu Yu's eyes flashed, and the fierce fighting spirit came out, and the feathers spread out, as if they were about to penetrate the world.

"Kunpeng's undying fighting spirit in the past." The runes intertwined in Xu Yukong's eyes, and astonishing ripples filled the air. His double pupils shone with divine light, silently comprehending the immortal traces.

For him, this kind of immortal battle scar is extremely precious, especially for someone who has embarked on the path of a war immortal.

After a while, Xu Yu burned those immortal symbols and continued moving forward.This stone carving is of little use to ordinary people, but it has a lot of reference for strong men of Xu Yu's level.

After putting away the stone carvings, he continued to move forward slowly, with bright eyes and intertwined runes, observing the world.

Although this is not the depth of Kunpeng's nest, it is also the place where Kunpeng used to live. The creation is astonishing and unimaginable.

Suddenly, he came to a huge stone door.

This stone gate blocks the way. There is an ancient road next to the stone gate. It is the ancient wood of Kunpeng Casting Nest. It is like a wall. It is separated in front, and the stone gate becomes the only path.

Xu Yu still used his magical power and traveled through the past in an instant. In an instant, a surge of auspicious clouds surged out, making people feel like they were showered with fairy rain, as if they were about to lift up the clouds and soar.

There are elixirs everywhere here, especially the spiritual energy steaming from the chasm wall, and the individual plants are exceptionally bright, flowing with rays of light, misty, like a garden of magical elixirs.

This is Kunpeng's dojo. After a long time, it has not decayed, but has become a treasure land that nourishes spiritual beauty.

"It's a pity that a dojo with ten evil spirits can nourish some such elixirs." Xu Yu shook his head, feeling a little regretful.

It was just a magical medicine, and it had no effect on him at all.

After all, the eight lower realms are still too barren. Even though some places are extraordinary, the overall environment is still too bad.

If it were the upper world of Kunpeng's Nest and nourished by the spiritual beauty of the upper world, most of those elixirs would most likely evolve into holy medicines or even magical medicines.

Xu Yu continued on the road. Kunpeng's nest was indeed very large, stretching as far as the eye could see. If a monk from the Spiritual Transformation Realm came to do a preliminary exploration, it would probably take several months.

Finally, he arrived inside and found some liquid. This was sea spirit liquid, not a divine liquid. It was as blue as chalcedony. It was condensed from the essence of the sea. It can be used as medicine and can also be used for weapon training. It is second only to the real liquid. of divine liquid.

Xu Yu glanced lightly and continued to move forward without stopping. Even in Kunpeng's nest, there were not many things that could tempt him.

He continued to move forward, directly entering the depths of the cave, and saw a golden sea. He knew that the main event had just begun...

"There is Kunpeng Cave under the sea." Xu Yu thought silently, without any hesitation, and jumped directly into the golden divine sea.

He reached the bottom of the sea and directly entered a more magnificent cave. The world here is very special and there is no sea water.


In the depths of the cave, the runes are blazing, and there are long avenues and singing sounds, which frighten the world and permeate from a distance.

The runes in Xu Yu's eyes were flowing and burning to the extreme. As he explored the world and analyzed the runes of the avenue here, he became convinced.

He stepped into a stone door, and everything he saw was brilliant light, with traces of Kunpeng's past. There were jade pots and wine glasses on a stone table, and the flowing sunlight recorded the traces of Kunpeng's past.

In the distance, a lamp hangs. Even though it has burned for eternity, the wick flame has not been extinguished so far, and it will last forever.

This is a divine lamp, a famous magic weapon from the ancient times. The lamp oil is filled with the blood of gods. However, for experts of Xu Yu and Kun Peng's level, it is of no use. It is only used for lighting. Therefore, He wasn't paying attention.To be honest, this cave is extremely vast and filled with treasures. Everything Kunpeng uses every day is a sacred object, enough to make people from the outside fight for it, but there are really very few things that can really seduce Xu Yu.


Suddenly, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and a terrible sound came, as if the world was opening up, chaos filled the air, and the light of the beginning was extremely blazing, reaching far and wide.It was an ancient palace, indeed extremely grand. The misty stars and chaotic energy fell down, creating an astonishing scene.

Xu Yu used his supreme method and quickly broke in.

In the ancient palace, a Kunpeng appeared lifelike, with golden eyes like the sun, looking at Xu Yu.

Its shape is constantly changing. For a while, there are black stripes in the golden light all over its body. It looks like a big roc, traversing the galaxy with boundless sides. After a while, it sinks into the chaos and turns into a big jet-black fish, which is thousands of miles long.


There was a loud noise, and the vast void was shaking. The void rippled and turned into ripples.

Kunpeng looks down on the world, looks down on the world, is mighty and invincible, and you can vaguely see the peerless demeanor of that year.

Xu Yu's eyes were condensed, and the divine light in his double pupils flickered uncertainly. He could tell at once that this was not Kunpeng himself, but just a trace of the past.


Not long after, the huge Kunpeng disappeared. The hall was empty and lifeless, and there was no more aura like before.

"I wonder what state Kunpeng is in now. Is he completely dead?"

Xu Yu secretly guessed that he had previously guessed that Kunpeng might be like a real dragon, with an immortal mark remaining. Now it seems that it is probably not optimistic. Then he turned his eyes to look at another place.

"An altar!"

Xu Yu's eyes were bright, runes intertwined in his pupils, and an ancient altar deep in the void was reflected deep in his eyes.

He took a step forward and came to the front. The altar was as tall and majestic as a mountain. It was made of gray-brown boulders one after another. It looked extremely simple, without any sacred atmosphere, but it was closer to the Tao.

The avenue is as simple as it is, not a prosperous scene, but a kind of simplicity that blends with the heaven and the earth and unites with all things. It stands under the sky and becomes an altar, which seems to have supreme power.

On the grand altar, there is an elixir growing between the cracks in the stone, filled with aura, and there is a huge waterfall hanging down, the energy is rolling, like a galaxy falling down.

Xu Yu noticed that these were not planted intentionally, but were the result of the natural beauty of heaven and earth gathered here. The essence was too strong and grew naturally.

Xu Yu strolled along a stone path leading to the highest point of the altar. There were things he cared about.

A star hung down, and the beam split the sky and swept towards Xu Yu.

Xu Yu flicked her sleeves and knocked down the beam of light and continued to walk away.

He saw several weapons rising and falling on the highest point, entwined with divine light, such as an exquisite dragon tooth dagger, a golden fan, and a black ruler.

The weapon in the center is the most special. Surrounded by magic weapons, it is still flowing with misty chaos energy. It is extremely terrifying. If you look carefully, it turns out to be a broken weapon. It is a halberd, simple and unpretentious. Even the halberd blade was dull and dull, and it actually broke into three pieces, shrouded in rich chaos energy. "Heaven!" Xu Yu whispered, his eyes suddenly brightened.

Tianhuang followed Kunpeng to fight all her life, and was invincible. Any treasure in front of him could only be turned into powder.

Tianhuang slays gods and immortals, is invincible, almost everything is invulnerable, and once left a great reputation in ancient history.

Now, although the weapon has been broken there, there is still a killing intent, extremely cold, like a flood, sweeping the world.

In the ancient times of Immortals, this weapon was stained with immortal blood, killing countless masters.In that era, all races trembled. When mentioning Tianhuang, many strong people would gasp and get goosebumps all over their bodies.

Even though Xu Yu is a mortal immortal and is very close to the realm of immortality, he still has to face the weapons refined by the Ten Evils.

At this moment, a slight chill can't help but feel on the skin. This weapon is absolutely terrifying, and it is indeed stained with the blood of too many powerful immortals.

"Maybe we can communicate." Xu Yu had a clear idea and thought about it. If he took this weapon away, it would definitely be a big help in the future.

In the original work, when Tianhuang was in chaos in the lower world, he was revived because he felt the aura of the Immortal Palace.

Xu Yu's eyes condensed, and he began to explore his spiritual consciousness, and began to communicate with Tianhuang above the altar.

After a long time, the three broken handles were silent and extremely cold. There seemed to be no reaction at all. Except for the murderous aura, no fluctuations emerged.

"Could it be that the gods of the wild world are also completely dead?"

Xu Yu frowned slightly. He suddenly remembered that in the original trajectory, Tianhuang and several weapons flew away, which meant that they had spirits and should not have died. Why couldn't they be awakened?
"Open it for me!"

Xu Yu was unwilling to give in. His eyes were bright and he shot two astonishing beams of light, tearing the world apart and sinking into the wilderness.

Several sections of the sky trembled slightly, and immortal brilliance flowed out. Xu Yu's eyes looked through the weapon, and saw a blur of light and shadow dormant there, hazy.

"There are spirits in the wild world. They have not been extinct, but they cannot communicate." Xu Yu frowned slightly. So far, there are still spirits in the wild world.

"By the way, there is one more thing." Xu Yu's mind suddenly moved and he suddenly became enlightened.


A bone mirror emerged, which was given to him by the True Dragon Seal. It was full of ancient meaning, as bright and clean as jade, with a blazing light rising up. It seemed to be able to reflect the heavens. The next moment it rose from Xu Yu's hand.

Xu Yu thought that maybe they could communicate better if they were the same ten evil people and carried tokens.

Immediately, the true dragon bone mirror hung in the air, shining brightly, emitting strong holy light, shining on the altar.

hold head high!
There was a thunderous dragon roar, and a huge dragon was circling, its whole body was like glass, and its appearance was astonishing.

For a moment, Xu Yu suddenly felt the faint murderous intention on the altar slowly dissipate.

"Zi Long Lu!"

The broken sky began to vibrate, as if it had been sleeping for a long time, with vicissitudes of energy overflowing, and shimmering light like rain fell on the altar, no longer dim, but extremely gorgeous and magnificent.

"True dragon..." Inside Tianhuang, the spiritual consciousness revived, a soft sigh came, and finally responded...

"It's working!
Xu Yu's eyes were bright, and his pupils turned into astonishing symbols, forming magical laws, and then ripples appeared, spreading out, staring at Tianhuang who had already responded.

The light burst out, and a big fish appeared, dived into the blue sea, swam in the current, and then turned into a big bird, transformed into feathers and hung from the sky, with ninety thousand winds, vibrating scales across the sea, and three thousand water hits.

A blazing color burst out, illuminating Jie Peng Cave, but the figure was illusory and seemed to be extremely unstable and might disperse at any time.

Kunpeng, straddling the ends of heaven and earth, is magnificent and boundless, reaching up to chaos, down to the town of Jiuyou, and its height does not know how many feet, it is shocking.

Xu Yu's white clothes were crystal clear and gorgeous, and even his black hair was contaminated by the holy light and turned into a faint glazed luster, making him look extremely powerful.

This was naturally not Kun, but the reappearance of a god from the past immortal weapon. He also sensed the aura of the Ten Evils and was awakened. However, his condition was not very good. He was a little blurry and dim, and seemed to disappear at any time.

Xu Yu understood that this was the real dragon bone mirror working.

It should be the appearance of the True Dragon Bone Mirror that completely relieved Tianhuang. Tianhuang realized that he also belonged to the Jiutian camp, otherwise it would be impossible to get the True Dragon Bone Mirror's approval.

However, after a long time, no spiritual thoughts came from the Kunpeng that Tianhuang had transformed into. It seemed to be silent, and it seemed that it had just spoken, but it was just an illusion.

"Even the gods have become this weak." Xu Yu sighed softly, vaguely aware of the fundamental situation of Tianhuang, which was really not optimistic.

Xu Yu sighed inwardly. Kunpeng experienced such a tragic battle back then. Even the gods among the immortal soldiers were almost wiped out. It seemed that they were about to disappear completely. It is conceivable that those battles were so tragic. It was unimaginable.


At this moment, the real dragon bone mirror shook its face again, emitted a soft cry, and burst into brilliant light. The ancient mirror clanged and its brilliance shone for eternity.

A real dragon flew directly out of the bone mirror, standing side by side with Kunpeng, complementing each other in an extremely gorgeous way. The auras of the ten evils were intertwined and resonated with each other.

Not long after, the Kun transformed from the god of heaven and earth transformed again. A stream of light submerged into the incomplete weapon, and the real dragon also disappeared.

Obviously, this kind of manifestation is also a big expense for Tianhuang, otherwise it would not be like this.

At this moment, the broken sky and the scorching brilliance all over the body are constantly vibrating and exciting.There is also sadness. Just now, he has completely sensed the aura of another ten evil people. This is the aura of his former comrade, the real dragon who is the leader of the ten evils. So now, he has completely stopped feeling towards this young man holding a bone mirror. Killing intent.


Suddenly, the sky shook, and it emitted a curtain of light, which reflected the mist there. Bloody light flashed past, and pictures appeared in front of Xu Yu.

It was a magnificent woman with a beautiful face and black hair like a waterfall. She held a wild halberd in her hand and suppressed an era.

This is a peerless female fairy. Although she is a woman, she is extremely fierce. She is known as a blood-stained taboo and an immortal legend, just where Feng points.Invincible.

Kunpeng swung his halberd to fight, and it was a world-destroying celestial light one after another, which almost completely exploded the universe, shattered the eternal blue sky, and instantly shattered the myriad domains.

In the ancient times of Immortals, Kunpeng, armed with a wild halberd, beheaded the Void Beast Clan, exterminated the three-headed royal family and many other masters of the royal family, guarded the nine heavens and ten places, and sang praises to all spirits, everyone was in awe.

Later, Kunpeng returned to Jiutian, and was attacked by the true immortals of the Immortal Palace and three other true immortals. A shocking battle ensued. Kunpeng, who was already seriously injured, forced himself to take a breath of energy, and in his hands, the world shattered thousands of ways, with thousands of light blades. Zhong, even though the enemy was outnumbered and we were trapped in a tight siege, he still fought his way out and killed four true immortals. But unfortunately, she was hit by the Immortal-breaking Curse.

Although Jie Peng was brave enough to break out of the encirclement, the price was not small. The sky that accompanied him in his lifelong battle was broken and turned into three parts. The Immortal-breaking Curse has always been with him and he cannot get rid of it.
Finally, she was getting old and could not suppress herself at the beginning of the ancient era. She died and died in Jie Peng's nest.

"Is Kunpeng completely gone now?" Xu Yusu said, his eyes filled with blazing fairy light, looking at the sky.

He couldn't help but lament in his heart that such a powerful man did not die in a battle in a foreign land, but was ended by his own people. It must be said that this is a great irony.

He was wondering if Peng had some extraordinary means to survive and keep a trace of his mark forever. If that was the case, there would be hope for recovery in the future.

"Yes, I was hit by the Immortal Breaking Curse, and finally I couldn't suppress it anymore, and my body and soul were completely destroyed. The broken Tianhuang spoke, and his tone revealed sadness and loneliness.

It has been fighting with Kunpeng for its whole life, and the relationship between the two is naturally very deep. Now that he speaks, even though countless years have passed, he is still inexplicably sad and angry.
Kunpeng's life-long practice not only suppressed old wounds, but also suppressed the Immortal-breaking Curse. In his later years, he had no choice but to do so.

(End of this chapter)

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