Chapter 375 Kunpeng Treasure Art
Xu Yu was silent, this Immortal-breaking Curse was really overbearing, and all ten of them ended up like this in the end.

Not long after, there was a sudden sound in the wilderness.
Dao Shen Nian wants to follow him and leave. "Okay, I will kill the immortal with my own hands and end this cause and effect."

Xu Yu made a promise.


Xu Yu raised his hand, and the three broken pieces of Tianhuang fell into his hands. They were shining brightly, entangled with chaotic energy, and mysterious and unusual.

"Good weight."

Xu Yu was surprised. He didn't know what kind of immortal gold this Tianhuang was made of. Even he could sense a certain weight. Most people really couldn't pick it up.

In Tianhuang, he followed Kunpeng and fought for his whole life. Some people said that he was made from real dragons, while others said that he was made from Kunpeng's talisman bones. However, Xu Yu found out at once that these rumors were not enough.
Xin, this is made of a very special kind of fairy gold.

"It's time to get the Kunpeng magic."

Xu Yu glanced at the altar and saw three extraordinary weapons, so he collected them together. These were all treasured by Kunpeng, so they must be extraordinary.

Then, Xu Yu's eyes were bright and he saw a path and walked in. It was a black hole with the word "Devil" engraved on the entrance.

Kunpeng's Demon Transformation Cave is the place where Kunpeng captured heaven-level beasts and ancient gods in the past.

And Xu Yu also knew that this place was also the place where the real records of Kunpeng's magic were recorded.

This cave is extremely dark, and there are waves of terrifying screams coming from inside, which seem to span time and space and come from distant antiquity.

This hole is very deep, penetrating the bottom of the sea for an unknown number of miles. It is getting darker and darker, and there are bursts of whining sounds in the darkness, like the cries of wronged souls.

Various phantoms appeared, baring their teeth and claws. Some looked like real dragons, some looked like green curves, and some looked like raccoons and sky-swallowing sparrows. Unfortunately, they were all killed ruthlessly by Kunpeng, and now only the immortal obsession remains. this

Just wailing.

The Demon Transformation Cave is a cemetery. The enemies captured by Kunpeng were suppressed here, and many food and bones were also thrown here.

It didn't take long for Xu Yu to arrive at the end of the Demon Transformation Cave. There was a stone door here with flashing runes. Xu Yu gently pushed it open, and a glorious world appeared, with a sacred aura blowing in his face.

This is a huge stone chamber, with a blood pool in the middle, bright red and blazing like the blazing sun.

Occasionally, the blood pool is filled with golden clouds, and a black light spreads. That is... the Kunpeng rune!The real Kunpeng magic is hidden here!

Xu Yu just saw it and recognized it instantly. This was the legendary Kunpeng's unparalleled magic!


Many symbols rushed up from the blood pool, tearing the void apart. Half of the black lights were like black abyss, and they were actually arranged together, like the runes of the avenue, with a mysterious and unpredictable aura circulating.

After a moment, all the symbols took shape, clanging, as cold as metal, and finally combined together to form a Kunpeng, which spread its wings and hit the sky, soaring upward.

Xu Yu sat cross-legged, his eyes were deep, with glimmers of light, crystal clear, and a wisp of Kunpeng's mark flashed between his eyebrows, and he entered a mysterious state of enlightenment.

In his eyes, a supreme ancient bird composed of symbols appeared, as if it was alive. It was proud of the gods, suppressed the ancients, and was as majestic as a prison.


Those symbols were reorganized again and submerged into the brilliant blood pool, forming a big black fish. It was floating there, filled with chaos, and it was countless thousands of miles long. This was the transformation of Peng into Kun, and it was also the beginning of Kun Peng's magic.

Supreme truth.

In an instant, Xu Yu's pupils became deeper and deeper, with a brilliant light. He realized the various changes just now, and they were constantly evolving and reorganizing in his eyes. In a hurry, it seemed that a thousand years had passed in the blink of an eye.

Soon after, there was a buzzing sound, and symbols flew out one after another, switching between fish and roc. The breath of inexplicable laws emerged, and the way of nurturing yin and yang began.

The universe is ancient, the sky and the earth are dark and yellow. Throughout the ages, the heaven and the earth have divided the chaos, and then determined the way of yin and yang, which has carried the rivers, lakes and seas, gathered the essence of the sun and the moon, and given birth to all living things. This is also an initial avenue, which contains the creation of the heaven and the earth.

Above the stone chamber, the sound of Tao continued, as if the world was opening up, and then one star after another fell down, and one huge star after another appeared.

That scene was too shocking, like an immortal king standing in the universe. The four ends of the world and the universe revolved around him and were born because of him.

In Kunpeng's eyes, endless years are rising and falling. In one glance, the vicissitudes of the sea are changing, hundreds of lifetimes are rising and falling, and the long years are passing by in a blink of an eye.

Vaguely, there was a long river of time rushing forward. Time was like running water, and the ripples outlined circles of old growth rings.

Xu Yu sat cross-legged, and a Kunpeng phantom appeared behind him, hitting the nine heavens. The divine voice awakened the world, accompanied by the chaotic energy, as if he was recreating the scene of the opening of the sky in the chaos of the beginning.


Xu Yu opened his eyes, revealing a heart-stopping cold light.

The stone cave is bright, with yin and yang intertwined with Qi. The divine sound is like a heavenly drum, a trumpet, or a dragon's chant, and there is the sound of surging waves. It reveals a clear light, just like the beginning of existence.

Not long after, ten caves appeared on Xu Yu's body, and divine light boiled, as if ten volcanoes were suspended, and the rich essence of life was gushing out.

At the first entrance to the cave, there was actually a real dragon hovering, emitting incomparably, squeezing the heaven and earth with its dharma, and its body was dotted with brilliance and shimmering with divine brilliance.

At the second hole in the cave, a true phoenix struck across the nine heavens, and blazing flames burst out, burning up the nine heavens and ten lands.

At the third entrance of the cave, a purple unicorn stepped on the auspicious clouds. The clouds and smoke were entangled, the purple energy was boiling, and the divine horse was extremely powerful. Wherever it passed, the sky was cracked.

In the fourth hole of the cave, a silver nine-leaf sword grass rose and fell. As the leaves tumbled, the universe trembled and the big universe was thrown away!

Now, the fifth cave is open.Chaotic light filled the air, and blazing life burst out. The golden light was extremely bright and dazzling, and then black light appeared again, wisps of which appeared in the gold and turned into stripes.

A Kunpeng was gradually taking shape, majestic and boundless, soaring upwards, spreading its wings to hit the sky, rushing out of the territory, sinking into the vast universe, and striking across ninety thousand miles.

At the same time, runes also appeared outside Xu Yu's body, constantly changing, transitioning from blazing gold to black, which was the embodiment of Kunpeng's two forms.

His mind was concentrated, his mind was wandering, soaring for eternity, comprehending the supreme law. In the blink of an eye, seven days passed and he stood up again.

Kunpeng's method is infinitely mysterious, but he has other ten evil methods as a basis, and his appearance is heaven-defying, so this supreme method is not difficult for him.

"Explore some more." Xu Yu finally stood up and said softly, Kunpeng's nest has not been fully explored yet.

Soon after, Xu Yu opened a secret room. The interior was like a small world, very vast and deep, with chaos surging and an astonishing glow surging out.

Xu Yu showed a strange color. If you don't have advanced cultivation, you will never be able to find this place. It is too concealed.

He had just practiced the Kunpeng Treasure Technique and quickly developed a strong feeling here.

In the small world of this secret room, he saw several eggs, not placed in soft places, but on the hard and cold ground.

It was a golden egg, large and attractive, with black markings emerging on it, and a bit of mysterious aura flowing around it.

"Kunpeng eggs, it's a pity." Xu Yu shook his head, his eyes intertwined with bright beams, and after looking at them for a long time, he determined that these eggs were all dead and had no effect.Those eggs were either stabbed through or broken into pieces. Although they still looked like they were shining with divine light, they were lifeless. Otherwise, they would have been extremely valuable and extremely defying the heavens.

"The children of the Ten Evils really have a bad fate." Xu Yu shook his head. In order to eradicate the roots, some of the children of the true immortals were persecuted too seriously. The children of the True Dragon, the children of Kunpeng and the children of Tianjiao Ant were all in this way.

Kunpeng was the only one who survived the death of his posthumous son. However, he was killed before and was sealed in the chaos for millions of years. He was also born with a flaw and it would be difficult for him to reappear in this life.

A fierce demeanor.

His situation was similar to that of Gegu, the red dragon, but Gegu was luckier than him. He met Xu Yu before he was born, completely made up for his congenital defects, and became a perfect parent and son of the Ten Evils.

"Now that I have taken away Tianhuang and practiced the Kunpeng treasure technique, one day I will go to the Everlasting Mountain to release the immortal creatures." Xu Yu couldn't help but think silently.

After skipping this place, he continued to explore Kunpeng's nest, and unexpectedly discovered an amazing secret place again.

It was a stone cave, and there was actually a dense atmosphere of immortality inside, accompanied by a tragic aura, which was both very sacred and terrifying, and very strange.

Xu Yu walked into the cave and instantly felt that his energy and blood were no longer stagnant, and he couldn't help but frown slightly.


He felt a lot better when he switched back to the Emperor of Heaven. The light was wrapped around his body, blocking out those weird auras.

Inside the stone chamber, there were some broken bones, almost a dozen pieces, all of which were Kunpeng bones. There was a tragic aura on them, which seemed to be able to invade both the human body and soul.

"This should be the Immortal-breaking Curse." Xu Yu's eyes were bright, staring at the bones, most of which had lost their spirituality. These were the remaining bones of Kunpeng.

During the ancient war, Kunpeng almost fell. In this era, he was about to disintegrate, but was suppressed by life. In his later years, he suffered from an old injury and could not suppress the Immortal-breaking Curse, and was tortured by life.

Went out.

"The Immortal Breaking Curse is indeed terrifying." Xu Yu nodded lightly, feeling quite emotional.

He remembered that in the original trajectory, Shi Hao was also hit by the Immortal Breaking Curse. He was really tortured by that, and he finally got over it.

Finally, Xu Yu came out of Kunpeng's nest, but those outside had not yet arrived here.

Xu Yu stood outside Kunpeng's nest again, trying to find the light gate, but there was still no trace and had to give up.

Afterwards, Xu Yu looked around, pondered for a moment, and made a decision, preparing to go to the Cross Yin and Yang restricted area!

The eight realms of the lower realm are divided into eight realms of heaven and earth, xuanhuang, and the universe.

And Xu Yu knew that the location of the forbidden area of ​​​​life was in the Heavenly Domain, the largest domain among the eight domains in the lower world!

Xu Yu returned to Stone Village immediately.

Stone Village is located in the Cangmang Mountains. Now it doesn't look like a village, but it looks like a holy place for practice, with divine light and energy like a rainbow.

The Suan Ni, the Demon Ape, the Lihuo Bull Demon and the Big Red Bird sat cross-legged at the head of Shicun Village, where they breathed and practiced and made great progress.

Above the stone village, there is a true dragon's nest suspended in the air, with wisps of dragon energy steaming and nourishing the village below. However, he usually does not appear and hides in the void.

At this moment, in the True Dragon's Nest, the True Dragon is guiding Ge Gu's practice in his heart, and Feng Xi, a girl with double pupils, is sitting cross-legged in the True Dragon's Nest because of Xu Yu's relationship, looking forward to regaining his Taoism again and working with him. Xu Yu goes with him.

Xu Yu stepped forward and came under the willow tree at the head of the village. The Bazhen Chicken, which was originally lying at the root of the willow tree, opened its eyes and saw Xu Yu's arrival. It showed an awe and fluttered its khaki wings.

With his arms flying to the side, he wisely flew to the side.

"Let's set off to meet this old friend of yours." Xu Yu said with a smile, looking at Liu Shen and saying, "Liu Shen is extremely impressive now. He has restored more than 100 branches. The green color is misty and swaying with the wind. Every time Each one is like a divine chain of order, astonishing.

Liu Shen was moved when she heard this. She didn't expect Xu Yu to find it so quickly, which really surprised her.

"I don't know what condition my old friend is in now."

Liu Shen opened his mouth and Zheng Zheng was lost in thought. He seemed to be remembering the ancient past again, and for a moment, he fell silent.

"You'll know once you find out." Xu Yu nodded.

Then, Liu Shen stepped out, otherworldly, looking at the distant sky. Clusters of light burned and danced around him, hanging in the surrounding space. Each cluster of divine fire was like a vast divine realm, containing all things. , worshiping him.

She and that person are close friends and have known each other for who knows how many years. If they meet again now, she doesn't know what it will be like.

A ball of dazzling light burst out from Xuanzhi's middle eye hole, and the light rain appeared all over the sky, appearing one after another, and the astonishing momentum tore apart the space.

There was a clanging sound of swords, and the stars in the universe changed. As the sun and moon turned around, a golden avenue appeared, directly at the feet of Liu Shen and Xu Yu.

Xu Yu and Liu Shen stepped forward, endless fragments of time were flying, the sun, moon and stars seemed to be faint, and time and space were far away. This was a speed that exceeded common sense.

The golden avenue took the two of them away from Shicun. Not long after, they broke through the domain wall and arrived at the legendary heaven, entering a brand new world.

The sky and the earth are vast and boundless, with majestic mountains towering into the sky, surging rivers that can leap hundreds of thousands of miles, and many sacred lands and spiritual energy soaring into the sky.

It is majestic and majestic, with mountains and rivers like stars, waterfalls like the Milky Way, steaming spiritual energy, abundant vegetation, and outstanding people. It is far superior to other large areas.

This is a magnificent world, majestic yet beautiful, majestic yet majestic, and touching.

"But a treasure land, no wonder the Cross Yin and Yang Land was established in this large area." Xu Yu said softly with his eyes flashing.

He sensed many extraordinary auras. There were clouds of strong men here, and there were many venerables. Although there was no true god, the overall strength seemed to surpass the wilderness.

The Heavenly Realm is ranked first among the eight realms in the lower realm, and it really has its own special features.

"In fact, both the first and last domains are very special. There are places that are difficult for ordinary people to understand. It is also the place where the glimmer of hope is located in the Taoism."

Liu Shen spoke calmly and said this. Looking at the vast mountains and rivers, her expression became more and more calm. She was aloof and seemed to be going to immortality at any time.

Xu Yu's expression flashed, and he came back to his senses in an instant.

If compared like this, it seems that the wilderness is even more extraordinary. In addition to the Willow God's Rooted Stone Village, there is also the Kunpeng's Nest and the True Dragon's Nest hidden here. Doesn't it seem even more extraordinary? So many immortal king-level beings have chosen this place.

"Did these strong men deduced something at the beginning and realized that the wilderness is a glimmer of hope?" Xu Yu's eyes were focused, thinking quietly without saying a word.

Later, Xu Yu began to explore this large area.

The center of his brows glowed, and his forehead bones were translucent, like a magic lamp. Wisps of light came out, reflected in the void, and condensed with many runes.

The two qi of yin and yang are wrapped around his body, hoping to resonate with the avenue of yin and yang cross area and better detect the location. The Kunpeng method just reflects the avenue of yin and yang, which is consistent with this.

At the same time, in his pupils, there was the rising and falling of the sun and the moon, the beginning of the heaven and the earth, and the annihilation of chaos, which was unparalleled.

(End of this chapter)

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