Within Xu Yu's body, the sound of chanting was also heard, and the Taiyin and Sun Sutras that had not been used for a long time were circulating, making his whole body bloom with infinite divine light, like an immortal king coming to the dust.

Seven days later, Xu Yu finally felt the breath of the lunar sun and stopped at a certain place.

This place is very remote and desolate. As far as the eye can see, there are rocks, broken mountains and weeds growing everywhere.

"Open it for me!"

Xu Yuxin felt that this should be the restricted area of ​​life. His black hair was flying, his eyes were extremely bright, and he used the real magic, Yin and Yang.

The Kunpeng Method and the Taiyin and Sun Ancient Scriptures all contain the power of yin and yang. They started to operate, and then they actually aroused the resonance of heaven and earth. The lunar and sun filled the air, colliding with the chaotic energy, intertwined, and mysterious.

When he reached the extreme stage of evolving the Yin-Yang Avenue, there was a rumbling sound in the sky, and the Sun and Taiyin rivers reappeared, seemingly flowing from nothingness and eternal.

A big river, as black as ink, billowing with cloudy air, billowing with black mist.

The other river was so bright and golden that it almost turned people into ashes.

At the intersection of the two rivers, the chaotic energy surged and was very terrifying. The two crossed each other, forming a grand cross.

These are two completely different rivers, entangled by the runes of the avenue, containing extremely terrifying energy, making a tsunami-like sound, deafening.

"Taiyin and Sun, which one is weak and which one is strong!?" Liu Shen stood in the void and let out a sigh, with a strange look in her eyes. Her Taoist friend in the past was famous for his mastery of Yin and Yang Dao.

The evolution of yin and yang in the great road is opposite and unified, which is the five elements. They are all derived from the two qi of yin and yang. This is the root.

The Taiyin Sun Avenue River is the embodiment of the avenue between heaven and earth and a carrier of its order. Now it is concretely manifested.

And Xu Yu's activation of the Yin-Yang Avenue here is like the key to the door here.

But at this moment, Xu Yu's eyes were intertwined with divine light, and his understanding of the yin and yang avenue of heaven and earth suddenly deepened a lot.


Xu Yu scolded lightly, the Taiyin River and the Sun River flowed, changed their trajectory, and fell from the sky.

"Successful." A smile appeared on Xu Yu's lips.

He understood that in order to completely penetrate this world, he must master the Yin-Yang Avenue and resonate with the two rivers to open up this mysterious path.

"It's him, it's indeed him." Liu Shen's eyes suddenly shone brightly. At this moment, he seemed to see through the world, through the wilderness, and arrived before the endless years...

Just when Liu Shen finished speaking.


The chaotic energy rolled, the sky and the earth spun, and the surrounding scene changed. It seemed that the universe was changing, and the years were passing. Tens of millions of years passed in a sudden, and the world changed.

They were in a brand new world, and the surrounding scenery had completely changed. It was very empty here, this was a big wall, lacking in life, the whole world was silent, and the silence was terrifying.

However, at this moment, there was a faint fragrance that hit the nostrils and was fragrant.

In a place like this, it is a strange thing to have the aroma of medicine hitting your nose. Sometimes the aroma of medicine is strong, sometimes it is dull. The aroma is constantly changing, faint and lingering at the end of the nose, with a constant fragrance, which is very strange.

"The breath of the longevity medicine." Xu Yu's expression moved slightly, but the breath seemed a bit strange. It didn't look like a normal longevity medicine. It seemed to have a faint smell of decay, which was unusual.

The two speeded up and crossed the vast desert.

When they crossed a vast expanse of sand dunes, they saw part of the scene. In the desert was an ancient medicine garden, from where the scent of the elixir of life emitted.

Soon, a stone tablet stood in front of them. There were words on it, with silver hooks and iron paintings. It was extremely vigorous and had a faint fairy spirit. These were words belonging to the immortals.

"Sure enough, the forbidden area of ​​​​life is right here." Xu Yu's eyes suddenly brightened. They found the location. The legendary forbidden area of ​​​​life is right here.


In the restricted area, an astonishing change suddenly occurred. The medicine field glowed, and the fragrance became more and more fragrant at this moment. Many old medicines were frightened, and they seemed to be disturbed by two strangers, and ran away like rabbits.

At this moment, pillars of light rose up one after another around them, quickly piercing the sky and resisting the sky. The momentum was huge and astonishing.

The scary thing is that so many gorgeous pillars of divine light did not make the surrounding area brighter. On the contrary, they made the surrounding area dim. It seemed to be forever in darkness. Only the area near the front had a faint light flowing, just like the night. A lone lamp hanging in the middle.

"This is... the Immortal Formation!" Xu Yu was also a little frightened at the moment, and a slight chill ran down his spine. Their arrival inadvertently touched the defensive formation here.

Xu Yu and Liu Shen were silent for a long time and did not take any immediate action. They stood there and waited quietly.

"Who comes to disturb the peace of my restricted area?" A cold voice sounded, and his tone revealed Aite's indifference and ruthlessness. He asked this question with a hint of murderous intent.

"I'm here to visit the Lord of the Forbidden Zone." Xu Yu spoke with a calm voice filled with the aura of the great avenue.

"Who...are you? We once set up a sacred monument here. If you dare to break into this place and disturb our sleepers - die! This is a rule and cannot be desecrated."

Deep in the restricted area, the voice was cold and calm, without any emotion, anger, sorrow or joy, and was extremely powerful, almost ruthless.

"Please step back and let your master come out to talk." Xu Yu said calmly, his tone was calm and calm.

He vaguely knew that this person was not the owner of the restricted area, but a Taoist boy, and the real owner had not yet spoken out.


Liu Shen spoke, his white clothes spread out, and he looked as if he were a real immortal. There was a green willow tree above Liu Shen's head, suspended above his head, with wisps of chaotic energy hanging down.

Her eyes were filled with brilliance, as if ancient divine pictures appeared one after another, mysterious and endless, reflecting many past events, making the whole world tremble slightly.

Xu Yu's mind moved. Is this the name of the lord of the restricted area? His name is Daoyin!
The sound is loud, the elephant is invisible, the Tao is nameless, and the husband only lends it well and achieves it. Is this one of the reasons why he named it after the owner of the restricted area?
"Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit, Fellow Daoist Xu, I never thought that we would meet in this era."

Suddenly, a clear voice rang out. It was a man's voice. It was a little magnetic and much gentler than the one who spoke just now.

Xu Yu's expression moved slightly. He immediately guessed that the person who spoke was the owner of the restricted area. Why did he seem to know him?He called out his name directly, but at this moment, he did not speak immediately. Once he went in, he would probably know the reason. "You... know them?"

The voice that spoke earlier sounded, very respectful, with a look of surprise. Unexpectedly, the owner of the restricted area seemed to know them, and even addressed them as Taoist friends. What kind of seniority did they have, and their background seemed a bit unnatural.
"Tong'er, you are too murderous and it affects your path to the great road. Besides, these two are old friends." The gentle voice sounded, making people feel like a spring breeze.

"Put away the magic circle and bring my two old friends over."

The owner of the restricted area said calmly, his tone seemed a little rough, indicating that he could not remain calm at this moment.


The man who looked like a book boy spoke, and in an instant, the sky-reaching light pillars around Xu Yu and Liu Shen disappeared and submerged under the soil.

When the light beam was restrained, the ground rumbled and trembled, and cracks appeared somewhere, such as where the light beam disappeared.

Xu Yu's eyes were blazing, and he discovered that there were real bones of immortality buried under the soil.

This is incomplete. You can imagine how shocking it was that people at the True Immortal level broke in here and were killed.

Xu Yu believed that the master of the restricted area was capable of reaching the heavens. These large formations could probably kill immortal figures, and if he insisted on taking action, he could even exert the power of the Immortal King for a short time.

Soon, a green wooden bridge appeared, spreading from the low mountains and hills in the distance.

Its shape is like a stone bridge, but it is made of wood. There are branches on the bridge, and there are crystal green leaves growing on it, like jasper, brilliant and brilliant.

Moreover, on this bridge, there are waves as strong as the sea, with powerful divine power waves, and the aura of immortality is permeated.

God wood!

Xu Yu's eyes were bright and he saw it directly. This was an ancient technique for becoming an immortal. He was killed and trained into a bridge.At the end of the arch bridge, there are lush hills, and the bridge spans the medicinal fields, making it smooth and unimpeded along the way.

After walking off the wooden bridge, among the hills, there are green grass and trees, flowers and trees, and fresh air, just like a paradise.

Not far away, on top of the dwarf, there are many palaces, some made of silver, gold, and bronze, all different.

They are all ancient, and any one of them seems to be able to traverse the Three Realms and Six Paths and suppress the heavens for eternity.Just in front, there are several thatched houses, located on the hilly and flat terrain. There are no palaces as magnificent as the waves of the sea. They carry powerful divine power fluctuations and are filled with the aura of immortality.

Not long after, they came to the hut.

In front of the hut, there is a coffee table, and in front of it, there are two tree seats. A middle-aged man is sitting on it, looking at Xu Yu and Liu Shen with a smile.

Next to him was the so-called boy, who looked very young, but was definitely extraordinary.It can be seen from those eyes that he has definitely lived for a long time, but his expression is a little unnatural at the moment, and he feels a little embarrassed.

In addition, there is a woman behind the man in white.The beauty comes out of the dust, like a fairy, standing quietly.

"Immortals have passed away. I didn't expect to see two Taoist friends in my lifetime."

The middle-aged man stood up from his seat. He was the master of the restricted area. He was very young and elegant. He was as rich as jade. He looked like he was no more than 30 years old.

"Ancestor Sacrifice Spirit, you are still alive, it is really a great joy in life." The middle-aged man smiled at Liu Shen and signaled.

"Fellow Dao Yin, long time no see." Liu Shen spoke softly with emotion. After countless years apart, she looked filled with emotion when she met an old friend again.

"Well, Fellow Daoist Xu, you really surprised me. Back then you crossed the dam boundary and then disappeared. I didn't expect you to come back alive..." The man in white said, looking from Liu Shen.

Moved away and looked at Xu Yu...

"My fellow Taoist is amazingly talented. Although we only met once, I admire you." The middle-aged man continued, his eyes flashed with astonishing brilliance, and he looked at Xu Yu.

At this moment, Dao Yin seemed to be standing in the vast void, with an ancient universe surrounding him, making him seem a little unfathomable.

It was Liu Shen who was around, and at this moment, she also showed a look of surprise, her eyes were flowing, she really didn't expect that Dao Yin actually had an old relationship with Xu Yu.

Xu Yufa was startled, his eyes moved slightly, and he felt more and more confused. Did he have any communication with the lord of the restricted area in the ancient immortal era?
From the words of chaotic ancient creatures in the Zhetian era, to the records of the Human Emperor's inheritance, and the words of the double-eyed girl Yun Yan, all combined, they immediately made him think about things and couldn't calm down. Everything was confusing and confusing for him to understand.

It does not belong to the past or the future. It seems to be transcended in every time and space. Or does it mean that there is a self in every time and space?

Is that a trace of the past, or a story about to be experienced?Or is it that all of this has disappeared but been wiped out by something, or will he experience all of this in the future and return to the ancient immortal era in person?

As a former giant of the Immortal King, the Lord of the Forbidden Zone naturally disdains lying, and he will not doubt that his words are false. Moreover, for the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, this is really necessary.

"Well, fellow Taoist, have you forgotten, or have you experienced nirvana?" The owner of the restricted area looked at Xu Yu, who was a little stunned, and added.

"It has been many years, endless time, and eternity has passed. For a long time, I felt that I was going to die, and then I saw two Taoist friends coming here."

Dao Yin, the master of the restricted area, continued to speak. The sound was like the sound of a sword, sonorous and deafening. It was about to split Cangyu, destroy the avenue, and change the world.In fact, the voice was very peaceful, but it had a

With some inexplicable emotion, he was obviously not calm, so he just offered sacrifices to ancestors. Unexpectedly, the invincible strong man who once stepped into the sea of ​​​​realm also returned in this life.

"Two seniors, you just activated the magic circle. It was me, Meng Lang."

At this time, the Taoist boy who looked very young came over and bowed, including the extremely beautiful woman, who also came with lotus steps to pay homage to Xu Yu and Liu Shen.

This was a being who called each other a Taoist friend to the master of their restricted area, but he was abrupt and looked a little unnatural at this moment.

"It's okay."

Xu Yu shook his head and waved his hand directly, indicating that he didn't care.

Their entry into the restricted area can be regarded as disturbing their hibernation. They originally did not want to contact the outside world. At that time, it was inevitable for them to take action, and those who did not know were not guilty.

"You two, please come inside." The owner of the restricted area smiled slightly and brought the two of them into a thatched hut, which was a real place for hospitality.

As for the coffee table outside, there are two small tree pillar seats. It is the place where the master of the forbidden area hides his disciples. Naturally, it is not used to entertain distinguished guests.

The owner of the restricted area invited the two people to enter, and the scene of the world in this hut suddenly changed. This hut was not a hut in the traditional sense. There was a small world inside, and there was another world.

This is actually a very small star, with magnificent mountains and rivers and pleasant scenery.

There are many fairy mountains, one of which is hanging in the air, filled with white mist. The palaces and towers, small bridges and flowing water here seem to have a kind of otherworldly tranquility.

On the mountain peak, under an old pine tree, several futons are arranged, and a stone table is spread out. Daoyin invites a few people to sit down.

Dao Yin waved his hand, and several cups of tea appeared on the stone table. The aroma was so fragrant that it almost made people feel ecstasy. Above their heads was a vast sky map, with the avenues that Dao Yin deduced every day. Traces, it is a vast sea area, with rolling waves, as if one world after another is coming and going, it is amazing.

"The poor reception made the two fellow Taoists laugh."

"You haven't changed much. Although you have opened up a restricted area and want to escape from the world, you still haven't changed your ambition." Liu Shen spoke with sadness, looking at the surrounding scene and the sky map, and sighed softly. , his eyes revealed a look of reminiscence.

"Yes, in the Immortal Ancient Era, it would be a lifelong regret not to be able to set foot on the other side of the boundary sea." Dao Yin, the master of the restricted area, said gently, not concealing that he had already deduced countless celestial maps above the sky.
Over and over, looking forward to knowing the truth on the other side of the boundary sea.

"It sounds ridiculous. From the early days of Immortal Ancient to the last years of Immortal Ancient, I never gave up my efforts. I taught a total of eight disciples, hoping that one day they would reach the top and be able to set foot on the other side of the Boundary Sea. Unfortunately, they all failed. "

Dao Yin turned his head and looked into the distance, as if he was reminiscing about something. There were nostalgia and memories, but there were a lot of regrets and a little sourness.

"If you don't reach the realm of the Immortal King, the road is almost incomprehensible and impossible to cross." Xu Yu sighed, not even the real immortals could see that place, and only the Immortal King was initially qualified to set foot there.

Several of Dao Yin's disciples are amazing enough and can be said to be the best among the true immortals, but they are still not enough to step into the other side.
Even though he was as powerful as the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, he still failed when he climbed to the Immortal King Giant. You can imagine how difficult that road was.

"Yes, I objected to their premature departure back then, but some people still set out early and died."

"They know that their cultivation in this life has reached its peak and they cannot break through, so they insist on going there even though they know that they will escape death."

"But I also know that they respect me as their master from the bottom of their hearts, so they want to fight for me." The voice of Dao Yin, the master of the restricted area, was a little low. It seemed that he had never spoken so many words in an era. Now I saw two old friends. , and suddenly he started to talk a lot.

"The past is over." Liu Shen opened his mouth and took a sip of tea with a sad look on his face. He couldn't help but recall that in the Immortal Ancient Era, too many people had been buried, and his thoughts became complicated.

"Speaking of which, fellow Taoist is already at the pinnacle of the human realm in this life. Can't you remember anything about the other side of the world sea?" Dao Yin asked, his eyes blazing.

Xu Yu shook his head and said nothing more.


Suddenly, Dao Yin touched it gently with his hand, the sky collapsed, ghosts cried and gods howled, the universe was torn apart, and then a quiet scene emerged.

"This is..." Xu Yu's eyes were bright.Daoyin brushed away the void, reappearing an astonishing scene.

A dike stretches across there, as if it has existed forever. There is a faint sound of waves rising and falling from behind the dike.

The sky was dark and foggy.That place is very mysterious and everything is unreal.

However, Xu Yu still saw a figure on the embankment, covered with blood and exuding the aura of immortality. It turned out to be a true immortal who fell there.

As his eyes moved, on the far side of the embankment, the corpses of immortal-level creatures were also hanging, where they died.

"This is the dam world..." Xu Yu's heart wavered slightly.

Suddenly, his eyes condensed, and a bright light burst out. In that scene, he saw a living being.

His white clothes are as white as snow, spotless, his face is handsome and calm, his black hair is loose, and every hair strand is emitting a soft light, standing proudly in the world!

He clearly saw that the man looked exactly like himself! (End of chapter)

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