The 'self' steps on the embankment and looks forward.

There seems to be endless mist there, with no horizon or end in sight, as if nothing can be captured.

In addition, there are ripples, which are endless rules of light, rippling layer by layer, extremely mysterious.

That 'self' is covered in fairy mist, with double pupils opening and closing, and his eyes are extremely deep, with blazing fairy light flowing, looking towards the sea of ​​​​boundaries.

In the ups and downs of the waves, it seems that there are broken ancient worlds rising and falling one after another, looming in the waves, some are broken, some have dried up, and some have become bubbles.

The 'self' was so radiant that it remained silent in the embankment world for a long time. He looked back and took a deep look at the world behind him, then took a step towards the depths of the boundary sea and never looked back.

The image spreads outward like ripples, and finally disappears.

Xu Yu remained silent after reading it. He didn't know whether this was something that would happen in the future or already existed.

Liu Shen also showed a look of surprise. She felt vaguely in her heart that Xu Yu was not simple. She didn't expect that this stunning man would have already reached the boundary sea so early and embarked on the road of no return.

Moreover, now he has survived well and returned against fate on the road of near death. What happened during this?
"In this life, I should really go there and find out what's going on." Liu Shen said, looking at Xu Yu's arrival, he spoke with emotion.

"With the current strength of fellow Taoist, I'm afraid it's a little too early." Dao Yin smiled, showing his white teeth, which were very sunny and bright.

Liu Shen nodded. She naturally knew her current situation and it was too early to enter that world again soon.

"However, with my fellow Taoist being so amazing, it won't be too far away to set foot in that world again. I'm looking forward to that day." Dao Yin smiled again, his expression becoming inexplicably complicated again.

The two people in front of them were both peerless powerhouses in the past. Although they have not yet reached their peak, they will eventually rise again. Strictly speaking, he is no longer a living creature. He is just a ray of obsession. It’s hard to go against the grain.

"The dam world is a lifetime of sorrow. This is where my obsession is hard to get rid of." Dao Yin shook his head and sighed, looking sad.

He has a handsome appearance and looks to be no more than 30 years old. Although he is a man, he has an indescribable charm, with deep eyes and an extraordinary temperament.

He stood in the world, like a phoenix coming over the world, overlooking the birds, he was otherworldly, but his expression at this moment was kind of sad.

"The past and the lost will eventually reappear and come back to the world one day." Xu Yu said with emotion in her heart.

"Well, Fellow Daoist Xu is probably in the same situation as the ancestors who sacrificed their souls. It's incredible to survive. It's normal to lose a period of time." Dao Yin said, seeming to quickly calm down his emotions.

Xu Yu was speechless, and then asked him for advice. He wanted to know more about his story in the ancient immortal era.

But the result made him frown slightly. According to Dao Yin, this Immortal King giant seemed to appear out of nowhere, and he only met him a few times, but he didn't actually know him that well.

Later, God Xu Yuliu and Dao Yin continued to talk, talking about many issues, and naturally they also mentioned the real dragon dormant in the lower world.

"Well, the real dragon who is the leader of the ten evils is also a very beautiful character. It is really rare that there is still a trace of mark left." Dao Yin, the master of the restricted area, sighed softly. Not only him, but also the ancestors and spirits of ten people were sacrificed. Characters like the Fierce Chief also came to the eight realms of the lower world.

In the Immortal Ancient Era, the True Dragon exerted great power and was invincible. He was almost invincible. Even he admired it very much. He studied hundreds of schools and knew many treasures, but he had no chance to obtain the True Dragon's treasure. It is conceivable that the real dragon How awesome the dragon is.

At the same time, he was a little dazed. The leader of the ten evil spirits also left a mark. Strictly speaking, he was no longer a living creature. However, it was somewhat similar to his state, which made him feel a little sympathetic.

The conversation between the several people was quite speculative, and they had many discussions ranging from anecdotes to spiritual practice.

Later, we talked about Kunpeng, this peerless female immortal who did not die in the battle, but was attacked by the true immortals of the Immortal Palace, and finally died miserably from the Immortal-breaking Curse.

"Many people in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are corrupt. This is one of the reasons why I established the Forbidden Land of Life and don't want to care about worldly affairs. It is indeed hateful to harm an unparalleled powerful man with the Immortal-breaking Curse!"

Daoyin spoke with a lonely expression. He had escaped from the world and established a restricted area, but even this did not prevent the restricted area from being completely destroyed and becoming a dead and silent place.

"By the way, was it you who caused the death of Demon King Pu?" the owner of the restricted area asked, looking at Xu Yu with burning eyes.

Now it seems that Xu Yu is also capable of doing this in this lower realm. As for the ancestor sacrifice spirit, it is still recovering and should not have that strength for the time being.

Xu Yu nodded, his heart slightly awe-inspiring. Unexpectedly, even the owner of the restricted area could sense it.

"There was a lot of commotion at the beginning. It is estimated that people in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and even in foreign lands, know that this is a ruthless character. Even among the giants of the Immortal Kings, he is also a famous existence."

"Now that he has been killed by you, it can be regarded as solving a major hidden danger in Jiutian." The owner of the restricted area said with emotion.

"But speaking of it, although there has been no big move in the foreign land, they will definitely not give up. The fall of a generation of immortal king giants is likely to trigger a series of major earthquakes."

"Yes." Xu Yu nodded, his expression unchanged. The death of a generation of immortal kings will definitely be noticed by foreign lands.

After a while, several people continued to talk about immortality, ancient and modern times, and the way to fight immortals.

"I came here this time, hoping that I could reflect with my fellow Taoists, penetrate the path of the War Immortal, and defy the heavens in this life." Xu Yu said softly.


The eyes of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone suddenly became blazing, and the sky was reflected in his pupils, and there was a scene of the universe being torn apart, and the stars all over the sky exploding, it was extremely terrifying.

At this moment, it seemed that the sky was cracking, many seas of stars were emerging, undulating, and some stars were shaking, even disintegrating, and destroying as his eyes flowed.

"With your Taoist disciple's natural appearance, he will return to his peak sooner or later. Why do you want to take such a path?" Dao Yin asked with burning eyes.

"If you follow the ordinary track, you are just following the method of your predecessor. How can you reach the top by walking on that old road?" Xu Yu said calmly, and his tone was very calm. Time waits for no one, and he is already on this road. We have traveled a long way.

"Well, fellow Taoist and I really have the same ideas. Although several of my former disciples were amazing, they did not step out of their own way. Otherwise, the ending would not be like this. It's just that the way of fighting immortals has never been the same. From ancient times to the present, no one has truly succeeded, it’s too difficult!” Daoyin sighed with emotion.

Xu Yu nodded. If he normally embarks on the path to immortality, it will take a long time to accumulate. However, the way of fighting immortals can theoretically shorten the time and greatly improve combat effectiveness.

"Why do fellow Taoists teach me?" Xu Yu asked with a slight movement in his expression.

"Teaching, I can't talk about it. In fact, I have considered this path in the past, but I couldn't realize it. Looking back over the long years, I can only grasp the slightest possibility. Maybe I have a chance to succeed." Daoyin responded.

"Fellow Taoist, please give me some advice." Xu Yu said solemnly, cupping his hands.

"The intersection of many cultivation systems has led to a great avenue of fighting immortals!" Dao Yin's face was solemn, his eyes were extremely deep, and he actually said such a sentence!

When Dao Yin, the master of the restricted area, said these words, there seemed to be a sound from the great avenue. He didn't know where it came from, but it filled his heart, clear to his ears, and even penetrated into his soul.

Daoyin, the master of the restricted area, has a profound and vicissitudes of vision, as if he can penetrate the warmth and coldness of human feelings and the vicissitudes of the sea, and he seems to condense the sky and the earth, encompassing the sea of ​​stars and floating dust.

"The intersection of many cultivation systems."

In Xu Yu's pupils, there was a faint divine light flowing, and then the sun and the moon rotated, and a blazing divine light was erupting, endlessly.

In the sea of ​​​​his mind, there seemed to be a bright light rising slowly, shining thousands of miles away, making his thoughts clear.

Above the sky, as Xu Yu's pupils opened and closed, there were silver lightnings like dragons, dark cracks in the void winding, a piece of nothingness cracked, and the sacred breath was intertwined.

Xu Yu at this moment is like a majestic sacred mountain, and also like a hidden edge of a divine sword, which wants to penetrate the nine heavens and dominate the world.

He has realized something. The convergence of many cultivation systems must be amazing. Then he will be able to penetrate...the true immortal way!

Dao Yin was shocked. He didn't expect that this Taoist friend would have such an astonishing reaction after he casually mentioned it. He seemed to be vaguely aware of the true meaning of the Tao. Dao Yin took a deep look at Xu Yu.

"It's just that even the ancient immortal method and the current method are just two ways, and although the two ways are different, they also have many similarities. Even if they are added together, it seems that it is not enough..."

Dao Yin sighed slightly, his eyes condensed, he opened his mouth like this, and looked at the sky map, as if he had passed through layers of space and reached the other side of the boundary sea.

In his opinion, even if it penetrates the ancient immortal law and the current law, it is still far from enough. It has not been able to truly transcend and integrate. After all, the current world law can be regarded as a separated part of the ancient immortal law and cannot be truly transcended.
There is no essential difference.

To find another practice system is extremely difficult and almost an impossible task.

"It's a pity. Speaking of the ancient magic of immortals, it has been thoroughly understood by foreign lands. Otherwise, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths would not have been defeated in the past." Liu Shen sighed softly.

"It's best to go your own way. Even if it's a prototype, it will be extremely unfavorable." The owner of the restricted area added, his eyes twinkling.

He is a man with amazing talents. He once reached the level of the Immortal King Giant, but after all, he learned all the methods in the world, but did not step out on his own path. As a result, he once stopped at the Immortal King Giant and was unable to improve again.

Suddenly, Xu Yu smiled, his black hair swaying slightly, his eyes extremely bright, and he already had the prototype of a creative method in his heart.He has already come into contact with the method of covering the sky, and now he is learning the ancient method of chaos. The two mirror each other, and he has benefited a lot. There are other worlds, such as the Dou Qi method of fighting to break the sky. Although it is only a low-level plane, It also gave me a lot of inspiration.

He silently called up the plane of the door to the system world in his mind, but there was no new light flashing, indicating that he could not go to other worlds now, so for now, he needed to stay in the perfect world.

, take a new path.

"If we can visit the embankment world again, it may give some inspiration to our fellow Taoists." Liu Shen said peacefully, thoughtfully, and made such a judgment.

"The cultivation of the Supreme Humanity is still a bit dangerous for the dam world." Dao Yin, the master of the restricted area, shook his head and objected.

Xu Yu looked indifferent, but he had some concerns in his heart. If there was a chance, he might try it in advance and appreciate the scenery of the dam world.

There is also a treasure seal in his hand, which is the Seal of the Human Emperor. He has a vague feeling that if the power of the Seal of the Human Emperor is blessed, it can prevent him from falling into disaster. If he does not act rashly, he will not be easily hurt by the dam world.

After that, several people continued to discuss the law. The three of them talked about the great road and elaborated on the method of immortality. It can be said that they were very speculative. The plain words contained the supreme truth, and they felt like they were mutual confidants. As time went by, unexpectedly,

Two years have passed.

After Xu Yu finished speaking, he stood up and said goodbye to Dao Yin. He had to deal with some things temporarily, while Liu Shen stayed here temporarily.


Another him came out of Xu Yu's body, that was his Tao self, sitting cross-legged on the futon. This was the incarnation of the immortal phoenix, replacing Xu Yu's true self, here to discuss the law and Tao.

"Well, it's amazing. Fellow Taoist actually has an extremely mysterious incarnation that has reached the supreme level. It's really rare." The owner of the restricted area spoke and glanced at Xu Yu's Taoist in slight surprise.

When Xu Yu stepped out of the restricted area again, the surrounding huts and vegetation had disappeared, and the medicinal fields in the distance had dried up.

Here, there is only silence, and a few dead bones, withering in the years, existing coldly in the silence, very desolate.

Xu Yu was a little stunned and a little sad. These experiences were like a dream, not like they were real. If his immortal phoenix incarnation was not still there to discuss the law with the Lord of the Forbidden Zone and Liu Shen, he almost thought everything was happening here. They are all illusions.


In the outside world, two years have passed in a blink of an eye, and the incident in the deserted Beihai finally came out and caused a stir.

The place became a boneyard, and even some venerables were alarmed, including Tianyu.

Kunpeng's nest cracked open and sank to the bottom of the sea, the altar collapsed, and everything began to disappear one day.

What puzzles many people is that many powerful people explored Kunpeng's nest. Although they gained a lot, they did not see Kunpeng's famous magic weapon 'Tianhuang'.

Moreover, the overseas stop had a far-reaching impact. More than one venerable fell, his true body was destroyed, causing a massacre.

That battle was very brutal. The venerables fought for nine days and reached outside the territory. It was indeed extremely terrifying. The North Sea almost turned into a sea of ​​blood.

The final outcome is also very sad. In addition to the death of the venerable, many forces in the ancient sacred mountains and overseas islands were also seriously injured. The most powerful ones who did not fall were also seriously injured.

Xu Yu appeared from the Heaven Realm, breaking through the boundary walls one after another, and soon arrived in the Desolate Realm again.

Xu Yu returned to Butian Pavilion. The mountains here were undulating, ancient trees were everywhere, mist was lingering, and peaks were covered with clouds and clouds. All kinds of auspicious beasts appeared. He did not hide his aura and walked straight towards the gourd vine.

Deep in the Pure Land of Butian Pavilion, a gourd vine glows with a mysterious aura.

Above the sky, the sun is shining brightly, the sunlight is shining down, and the rays of light, like a river of stars, converge into the gourd vines.

This old vine completely announced its revival in the battle a few years ago, and has become even more powerful in recent years. Butian Pavilion has become the top power in the wilderness, almost restoring the glory of the ancient times. Once he said it, the world was convinced.


Soon, Lao Teng in Butian Pavilion noticed Xu Yu's arrival...

Xu Yu strolled over, his movements were not fast, but he seemed to stir up the entire void. When he fell into Calabash Vine's eyes, he looked more like a god standing above the nine heavens.

Calabash Vine was slightly shaken. He had now entered the True Realm with one foot, but looking at the Emperor of Heaven, he seemed to be above all things. This was clearly transcendent.

The two chatted for a while, and then Calabash Teng cautiously asked a question: "Senior, I dare to ask, how will we deal with the situation soon after I look like a loser?"

Over the years, he has been practicing, figuring out the runes, observing the five elements of heaven and earth, and seeing how the rules change. He has repeatedly deduced that there will be a catastrophe in the future soon.

Calabash Teng guessed that in the future, the Venerable will be harvested in pieces, and the powerful divine fire will not be spared. Even the true god is probably in danger of the catastrophe. He has just recovered. If he dies in the catastrophe, Butian Pavilion will definitely be very vulnerable. It will plummet again soon!
Nowadays, there are countless disciples joining Butian Pavilion. Not only the major ancient countries, but also some disciples from the ancient sacred mountains also hope to join. After all, there is a living god stationed here.

It's awe-inspiring, but if the sacrifice spirit died, it would probably be a different story.

"It's as sacred as grass. It's ridiculous. They can't change the world without me." Xu Yu said lightly.

Calabash Vine was slightly shaken, and was extremely shocked inside. It set off a stormy sea. Could it be that this senior can be on par with the leader of the upper world? This is incredible.

Xu Yu had a pretty good impression of this loyal gourd vine, and there was no need to worry, even if it was a catastrophe, he would still have the means.

Later, Xu Yu also got some information about Shi Hao's recent situation. After returning from Beihai, although Xiao Shi Hao was still naughty and mischievous, he practiced very hard and had reached the inscription realm. However, he was treated badly by Butian Pavilion.

Hiding, not announcing it, is equivalent to protecting it secretly.

Not long after, Xu Yu saw Shi Hao in an ancient fairy mountain. He was secretly setting up a big pot and cooking something secretly.

It was a big cauldron, with a fire burning underneath. The cauldron was round, fragrant and fragrant, and it was faintly cooking an ancient beast.

"Little guy, let me catch you. I'll tell you, Master." Suddenly, a gentle voice sounded. It was teasing, but it startled Shi Hao so much that he almost choked.

"No, I have something to say..." Shi Wu was startled. He didn't notice the person coming at all and almost dropped his chopsticks to the ground.

Suddenly, Shi Hao raised his eyebrows and looked at the mountain road in the distance. In the hazy white mist, a slender and tall figure was looming. It was Xu Yu who was walking towards him.

"Big brother." Shi Hao's eyes suddenly widened and turned red. He had not seen Xu Yu for two years. For a strong man like Xu Yu, two years was nothing, but for a 13-year-old For children, two years is not a short time.

Nowadays, Shi Hao has grown taller and is already over 13 years old. He has a delicate and handsome face and an ethereal air. If you don't look at the oily mouth, he can be regarded as having an extraordinary temperament.

"Inscription realm, not bad." Xu Yu nodded, closed his head slightly, opened his pupils, and wisps of divine light submerged into his body.

Moreover, Xu Yu observed that his body was full of vitality, his body was naturally beautiful, his skin was flawless and flowing with precious light. This was a manifestation of the Dzogchen who had practiced to the extreme in many stages.

A 13-year-old inscription strongman, in an ancient country, is a being who can split the earth and become a prince. If he passes through, it will definitely cause a sensation in the wilderness. Even in the upper world, it is extremely rare.

"Brother, come and have some." Xiao Shihao cut a piece of meat skillfully and put it in a jade bowl. It was golden in color and filled with aroma.

Xu Yu was not polite and began to enjoy it.

After a long time, Shi Hao told him that he had obtained the Kunpeng Art and wanted to give it to Xu Yu. However, Xu Yu told him that he had obtained the Kunpeng Art before him, which immediately left Shi Hao in a daze.
Say what to say.

"Big brother, the practice in the Holy Court is not over yet. Are you here to send me in?" Shi Hao asked, looking at Xu Yu eagerly. The practice in the ancient Holy Court is not over yet, and he still wants to go there.

"No rush, do you want to meet your parents? I will take you there and solve some things in an instant." Xu Yu smiled.

Shi Hao was stunned. He had no memories of their separation when he was young. He had never thought of the kind of family happiness he had with his parents. He was abandoned by the clan and had been living outside since he was a child.

Being kept in Shicun, he never had the chance to see his parents or experience the warmth around them. Sometimes he was alone, sometimes he was naughty, and sometimes he smiled brightly.

She took refuge in Shicun, grew up in Shicun, and has never seen her parents again. Some things have been forgotten, and there is no news. There is no time to meet again.

"Are they... okay?" Shi Hao asked softly.

Xu Yu sighed softly in her heart, seeing the sadness and ending on Shi Hao's face. Even though he seemed heartless, there was a soft place in his heart.

Although Shi Hao grew up happily, he was always missing something. That special feeling of admiration cannot be replaced by others.
Hurry, they set off from Butian Pavilion and embark on the journey. (End of chapter)

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