Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 378 Arriving at the Mountain of Blossoms

The Eight Realms are vast and vast. Some strong people who want to fly on their own will have difficulty reaching the end in several lifetimes, and it is difficult to cross the borders. The Realm Wall is very solid and cannot be penetrated by ordinary people.

The stars were shining brilliantly. Xu Yu led Shi Hao directly over the divine rainbow. With one step forward, the stars moved and the heaven and earth changed.

A blazing rainbow bridge crosses the sky, seemingly crossing all the heavens and all realms, leading directly to a mysterious ancient land. This divine rainbow is so bright that it is so dazzling that people can't open their eyes.

"What is that, a golden road, how can it be so long?"

"Oh my God, could it be that a true god is traveling?"

In several large areas, countless dormant strong men opened their eyes and looked at the avenue, their hearts shaking, but no one could see the true appearance of the person on the golden avenue.

Shi Hao was also frightened. He crossed a large area in an instant. This method was unparalleled and once again refreshed his understanding of Xu Yu's strength.

In Xuanyu, the land of Bulao Mountain is green and full of vitality. Some ancient vines are more than ten miles long and surround many peaks. There are even giant trees that are comparable to the great mountains and tower into the sky.

Xu Yu led Shi Hao forward. This place was full of strange trees and rare grasses, and was covered with all kinds of ancient exotic vegetation. Some of the elixirs had long been invisible elsewhere.

"Is this where my parents are?"

Shi Hao's eyes flickered and he couldn't help but clenched his fists. His heart was surging and he was a little excited. His expectations for more than ten years were about to come true!

The waves are majestic and the mountains are rolling. If a real dragon is lying down, it is very magnificent. The large purple mist rises, which is an auspicious call.

In the center, there is a large mountain with a very special shape, as if a palm has been pressed down there. It is very weird, exuding an inexplicable aura, giving people a feeling of immortality.

According to legend, that is the main body of Bulao Mountain, and the other peaks are auxiliary peaks guarding it.

Xu Yu's eyes shone brightly, spinning slowly there, unfathomable and mysterious. Occasionally, the sun, moon and stars could be seen appearing in the chaotic air, as if the world was created. He vaguely saw a skinny figure, suppressed in the Got there.

There are rumors in the world that this is the legendary Five Elements Peak, and there is an unparalleled figure beneath it. After so many years, it is difficult to truly refine him to death.

"Who is that person? Stop! You dare to break into the Immortal Mountain and seek death?" A group of people guarding the mountain gate were alarmed. They looked at the incoming person and immediately shouted!
The guards at Bulao Mountain were very arrogant, their voices were as loud as thunder, and they were extremely domineering. They didn't even take Xu Yu and Shi Hao seriously.

Xu Yu glanced at it and saw that the people in front of him exploded. The blood mist floated up, making the place look very scary. At a glance, all the creatures exploded.

He walked in with his energy naturally exposed, and some people in the distance all trembled. They all trembled under this aura and knelt on the ground involuntarily.

Xu Yu strolled, in the sunset, his body was dyed with golden brilliance, like an immortal king descending to the earth, walking like a dragon and a tiger, leading a handsome young man, as if entering an uninhabited land, the external formation of the Immortal Mountain , unable to trap them at all.

"Who are you... and why are you raising your swords and weapons to kill on my Eternal Mountain!"

An old man appeared, with white beard and hair. He was a respected and powerful man named Qin Fa. He was of great seniority. At this moment, his expression was extremely solemn, and there was a flash of coldness, and he spoke in a deep voice.

Although the strong man in front of him seemed to have bad intentions, he felt uneasy and was not sure of defeating him at that moment, so he asked this question.

He has been practicing Taoism for more than 200 years, and he has been a sage for seven or eight years. However, he is uneasy at this moment. Xu Yu's aura is dormant, and he cannot detect its depth at all, which makes him dare not act rashly.

"I'm here to see my parents." Shi Hao's eyes were bright and bright, and he spoke softly, with a blazing light emerging from his eyes.

Afterwards, Shi Hao opened his mouth and explained the reason for his visit. With Xu Yu here, he naturally had no scruples and no need to worry about anything. He told the story exactly as it was and expressed his thoughts directly.

"You are... that child!" Qin Fa was shocked. He never expected that after losing the Supreme Bone, the child survived unexpectedly. Now he was led by a mysterious strong man to find the immortal soul. Mountain.

His eyes flickered, but he quickly calmed down, did not move rashly, and started talking with Shi Hao.

"Are they okay?" Shi Hao asked anxiously. Although his words were calm, his heart was already excited.

"They are very good. The laws of that place are extremely complete. It is wrapped in the great road of heaven and earth, like an immortal Taoist furnace. When you practice, you can get twice the result with half the effort." Qin Fa responded, and at the same time took a deep look at Xu Yu, showing a serious expression of fear.

"By the way, you also have a younger brother who is very amazing and can be called the supreme young man." Qin Fa added.

"I have a younger brother..." Shi Hao was stunned. It took him a long time to digest the news, and then he was silent for a long time.

Soon, Qin Fa invited Xu Yu and Shi Hao in and said

I want to take Shi Hao to meet his parents.

Along the way, many people gave me advice and learned about the origin of this young man. His expression was incomprehensible. I didn't expect that this was actually a child with the blood of the Immortal Mountain.

And who is the strong man next to him?
Many people looked at the young man next to Shi Hao, with a hint of fear and hatred. After all, many of the clan members who were guarding the mountain gate died because of him.

Moreover, they were dissatisfied with Qin's laws. Some people provoked the majesty of Fu Laoshan, but they were not severely punished, but they were invited in as distinguished guests. What kind of logic is this?

The group of people walked along. Even though Shi Hao was in a desperate mood when he saw his parents, he was still surprised by the scenic beauty of Mount Bulao.

There are not many people in Bulao Mountain, but this is only for the Butian Sect, the Western Sect. In fact, there are many temples and buildings, and there are many monks in the clan.

On the road, there are many mountain peaks, all shrouded in fairy mist and covered with medicinal herbs. It can be called a holy land of cultivation in the lower world, the most advanced one.

These giant peaks all surround a strange mountain in the center. It looks like a human hand, and pressing there is the famous Five Elements Peak.

The valley is between the Five Elements peaks. You can see it from a long distance away. It is filled with steaming clouds and clouds, coiled spiritual vines, patches of medicinal herbs, and ancient trees like horned dragons. Their roots are intertwined and rooted in the mountain. At first glance, it is an immortal peak, which is amazing.

Qin Fa told the two that Shi Hao's parents were practicing in the valley ahead.

"Father, mother, I'm here." Shi Hao was so excited that his eyes were a little red.Qin Faxian was a man of character and had a kind smile, but inadvertently, his eyes flashed coldly when he looked at the two of them.

Xu Yu was at ease, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, with a curve, but he didn't say much. Everything was in his eyes, and he naturally caught the other person's expression.

The Five Elements Mountain Peak is grey-brown, with spiritual grass everywhere, and wisps of spiritual energy emerging from it.

The valley only occupies a small area and is guarded by a divine array. There are inscriptions on it by the God King and the Gods. They are densely packed on top of a huge stone.

This is the foundation. Many strong men have come here. Some have passed away, some have died in battle, and some have gone to the upper realm. After waiting for a long time, Qin Fa did not open the valley. According to him, Shi Hao's My parents practiced cultivation there.

"Why haven't you opened the valley yet?" Shi Hao asked in a deep voice, his eyes sharp.

"Hehe, haha, do you think Burao Mountain is so easy to get into?"

Qin Fa stared at Xu Yu and said: "You dare to slaughter my people, you can't leave today.

Qin Fa smiled solemnly, no longer in the spirit of immortality, but with a hint of sinister intent, his murderous intent was like a knife, and his eyes were like blades.

"You are looking for death!" Shi Hao was furious, his brows flashed with depression, his eyes were sharp, like a heavenly sword, astonishing.

He stepped forward, and a bright divine light suddenly appeared in the Tianling Cap, like a big dragon hovering, gazing majestically in all directions. Now he was already an inscription powerhouse, and he was quite powerful.

Shi Hao was furious. He didn't expect that they would be treated like this when they came to the Everlasting Mountain, which made him extremely angry.

"What a young man. He is very beautiful. Even in the upper world, he is rare. Don't worry. Although you are disrespectful to me, after all, you are half of my Eternal Mountain blood. I will not really kill you."

Qin Fa smiled faintly and looked at the heroic Shi Hao with a look of surprise. He did not expect that this young man had already made an inscription, but he still spoke with extreme arrogance and arrogance. "Back off." Xu Yu said calmly, without letting Shi Hao take action.


Qin Fa moved his hands, and one big flag after another flew out of the void. The dragon patterns were densely covered with pale golden luster, sealing the world.

In an instant, the void divine swords were densely covered. This was the divine magic circle. It was as bright as the blazing sun, and it quickly struck through.

Thousands of sword lights struck out, which was simply unimaginable.

At this moment, the mountains and rivers were pale, the sun and the moon had no light, and there were only thousands of sword lights in the sky, crisscrossing each other, as if the stars in the sky were falling down.

"Breaking into the Immortal Mountain and killing my fellow Immortal Mountain tribesmen, even if you are a god who comes here, you will only end up dead." Qin Fa smiled, wantonly and arrogantly.

"Oh, stupid, my Immortal Mountain is an immortal Taoism, is it so easy to break into?" Someone shouted at this time.

"Ancestor Qin Fa is invincible!"

Several Qin family disciples cheered. Now that the two people had entered the divine circle, even the gods would suffer heavy losses.


Xu Yu was neither hasty nor slow, still with a faint glance, endless sword light exploded, thousands of divine swords collapsed, turned into a stream of light, and dissipated in the air.

Qin Fa's smile froze, and then he couldn't laugh anymore. His body exploded, and even his soul was annihilated. It turned into a ball of blood mist, and dozens of banners were blown to pieces.

The bodies of several Qin family members who were taunting him also exploded. Along with the terrifying blood and bones, they were torn apart and disappeared completely.

"Fellow Taoist..." At this moment, Xiaota, who was entangled in Shi Hao's hair, spoke. This was also his first time communicating with Xu Yu!

"Any advice?" Xu Yu smiled faintly, also showing surprise. He knew that the tower had awakened, but this was the first time for the two of them to communicate.

"Fellow Taoist, please help me. There are many divine materials in this Everlasting Mountain. I need them very much."

"Of course, I will owe fellow Taoist a share of karma for this." Xiaota opened his mouth, spewing out chaotic energy and emitting a soft light.

"No problem, let me deal with some things." Xu Yu smiled, knowing that the little pagoda was in urgent need of some divine materials to restore its power to increase its Taoism. Then when it was known that Xu Yu was going to trouble Five Elements Mountain, the little pagoda Ta almost coughed and screamed excitedly, because he also had a grudge with the Five Elements Mountain. At this moment, he was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, and he wished that the damn Five Elements Mountain would be destroyed.

Then, he jumped directly from Shi Hao's hair and entangled it directly in Xu Yu's hair, leaving Shi Hao in a daze. He couldn't help but be stunned and said: "You traitor."

Xiaota looked sideways at him without saying a word.At this moment, the Qin people who were watching were almost stunned.

All of this was almost completed in an instant, from the collapse of the great array of gods to the explosion of a group of Qin people, it was so fast that many people were stunned and did not react at all.

Afterwards, all the Qin clan disciples who were watching the state were shocked. That was the divine magic circle, and a venerable one was actually killed like this, in the blink of an eye.

They couldn't even see how the mysterious man took action.

"Back quickly, this person is fierce!"

In the distance, a total of three people retreated. Two of them were old men in robes, guarding a young man who retreated. They were originally watching, but now they felt a terrible sense of crisis and subconsciously protected the young man.


The boy looked about ten years old, his whole body was shiny, and he was wearing a silver battle suit, with a heroic aura.

He is tall and slender, with star-like eyes, and has a special charm. In this lower realm, he can be regarded as an extremely young juvenile supreme. He is the young supreme of the Immortal Mountain, Qin Hao!

"Qin Fa..."

The young man's words seemed to have shattered Qin Fa, and he showed a sad look. The venerable man who taught him to read and write since he was a child was now killed by this mysterious man in front of him.

He looked at the mysterious man with a look of fear in his eyes. Although he had hatred in his heart, he was not afraid of it. He was definitely not someone he could resist.

But the familiarity between the brows of the young man next to the mysterious person made his heart tremble inexplicably, and he was faintly touched.

"Who are you?" Shi Hao asked in a deep voice, striding forward.

"Qin Hao." The boy hesitated for a moment, but still responded.

Xu Yu's eyes were light, she glanced at Qin Hao and stopped paying attention.

This young man should be Shi Hao's Qin brother. Although he has good talent, he is too immature now and is far behind Shi Hao. He can only be compared with Ning Chuan and others.

Moreover, if he develops according to the original trajectory, he will rely too much on the immortal bones. By the time Shi Hao reaches the quasi-immortal emperor realm, he will be just a supreme true immortal, lagging far behind. In terms of talent, character, and personality, he cannot compare with Shi Yi. The king of ten crowns, banished to immortality, and so on are far away.

In Perfect World F4, Shi Hao is the most amazing, and his achievements are limitless. The other three also achieved the Immortal King status in the later stage of the Immortal Realm War, and can kill the powerful Immortal King Eli at the same stage.

But this Qin Hao always seems to have a bad idea. In fact, it is not difficult to understand. Compared with others, he lacks experience and relies too much on external objects. He is equivalent to a flower growing in a greenhouse.

Shi Hao's face was calm, but his heart was pounding. The corners of the boy's eyes and brows were somewhat similar to the parents in his memory.

"Qin Hao..." Shi Hao said to himself, this surname made him silent all of a sudden, he was already smart, and he could perceive many things at once from the surname of this younger brother whom he had never met.

"Come on!"

The two pulled Qin Hao back, although the mysterious man didn't make another move, but the majestic aura made them shudder.

"How brave, this Everlasting Mountain doesn't allow you to show off your power!
At this moment, a huge sound came over, like a big yellow bell, and the long roar shook the entire valley.

Even Shi Hao's body swayed slightly, he was definitely not a venerable, his mana surged like a vast ocean, with an aura of looking down on the world, aloof.

Xu Yu relieved Shi Hao of the pressure with a gentle touch.

The five peaks of Bulao Mountain stand side by side, as if five fingers are pressing on the ground. One of the peaks has a bronze hall, which is extremely grand and covered with green copper embroidery.

A person in the bronze temple opened his eyes and stood up from the futon. His whole body was shrouded in silver divine light, as if the eternal holy fire was beating. He was Qin Wu, one of the few gods in the lower realm.

He pushed open the rusty temple door, stood on the mountain peak, and looked down at the valley of the gods. His eyes were full of disillusionment, and everything in his eyes was born and died, and the galaxy evolved, which was terrifying and boundless.

"Go and reunite with your parents." Xu Yu looked calm and waved his hand. Shi Hao was stunned, and then disappeared from the place and appeared in another space.

It is exquisite and beautiful, with a blue lake, an ancient building, and a bamboo forest full of aura, almost liquefied.

Shi Hao's heart trembled. This was exactly the same as the layout of Prince Wu's Mansion in his memory. There was a young couple in the distance. It was Shi Hao's father, Shi Ziling, and his mother, Qin Yining.

"Father, mother!" Shi Hao shouted.

Seeing Shi Hao, the two young couples were stunned at first, and then showed incredible expressions... (End of Chapter)

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